THE J. DURE HEIMER à CO’S. LOCAL-PA q E ADVERSTIEMENT. LOWEST PRICES, ONLY inTHar°nne'yy County With Their THAT CAN SUPPLY THE AND SI TO OOK. FALL &, WINTER SUPPLIES Our Prices are the SAME as added J. DURKHEIMER & CO, THE WRECKERS OF HIGH PRICES IN HARNEY VALLEY. How young soever you may be, Lots cheap in Burns. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. —$10 reward. With failing Teeth you’re grim and bold, And losing your mouth’s purity: Your features seem both dull and cold— —Old papers 50c for 100. —For Land Office news, read Then, man, or maid, warned of your fate, Announcements under above classification, veil Seek Dr. Horton e’er it’s too late! \TI0N. at following rates, payment invariably in ad I T he H erald . — Milo Cushing is hauling wood vance: State candidacy. also,the County Judge, —To keep posted and Sheriff, >10 each; Assessor,and Com at $6 a cord. Couabj C<-urt of the State of Oregon, for Clerk, missioner. each; Treasurer, School Supt. Sur B urns circulating l JBRARY thefcouT’-ty of Hurney. —Read T he H erald . —Tokeep posted, read T he H er veyor, anil Coroner, also, Precinct Justices and tobe Matter otthe Eslateof/ fn-tlnn Constables, each. No insertions on requests — A load of lumber came in 24th, AND ions. RODMAK. l>eeen»e.l. I by mail unless accompanied by the price of —J. G. Woodruff and J. M. Dal ald . from Sayers saw-mill. Rod Hi hit , M. S. Rodman, Minnie D. publication. BOOK EXCHANGE iSlMP <’• Tibbitn, Viola Townsend, ton were in town Monday. —If you want something to read IN Till HERALD BUILDING. I^Kora Hardman, and all others, —Miss Mina Bnnck is stopping heir» of 8. A. Rodman, deceased, gyoit COUNTY CLERK: —M. R. Biggs had his left eye this week, go to the Burns Library. UTFIT name of the State of Oregon, you are I hereby announce myself as a candidate with Mrs. Parker since last Friday. badly bruised by a snowball Sun LIBRARIAS. MRS. GRACE, required to^ appear in the —County Clerk Grace returned | a grooi cited anti of the state of Oregon, for the for the office of County C’lerK subject to the — Charges reasonable for livery day. ty of Harne the courtroom Thereof, action of the Democratic County Conven Object of opening this business in connection with the Free Reading Room is to obtain the iCuuntvof Harney, on Monday, tion of Harney county, Oregon. service at the Red Front Livery s® ...______________ _________ —Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Wil to the temporary county-seat on 3d Funds for purchasing books for a Public Library for Burns—The lot for the building is bought Tuarv, 188.1. af 10 o’clock in the W. E. GRACE. inst. TERMS: Membership Fee |12 a year. Reading Fee 10c. Deposit of 25c, or Retail price of Perl I day, then and there to show hie. and Feed stable. - liams of Ilarney came in town on odical or Book, made with the Librarian, in every instance. Send for Catalogue. [y. woii hiivv, why the peHtion petition of if any.'j QTi lmve, ■^AdtniniBiraior <-f said i-Bltite, I —For best of Feed stable accom- J3^»The Librarian is agent for ami will take Subscriptions at the Lowest Rates for any Peri —Morris Fitzgerald accompanied ‘3d inst. HKrd« t of the court be granted to poil SHERIFF. idical/and order any Book, published in the Uuited States or Canada. Also, Sheet Mui? eu<l ,g described real property of —Lee Caldwell was in the house modation go to the Sayers 4 Sill Pictures, Works of Art, House-Building Designs, Etc. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for John S. Devine in town early on it: S’.j> of NE'.j of Sec. 11, and See. 12, all in Tp.S of It. 2.3 E. the office of Sheriff of Ilnrney County, Oregon, several days from an attack of ton- man Livery 4 Feed Stable. - In Marfow < cunty, Oregon, should not subject to the action of the Democratic County Monday morning. J petition was duly veritied a:id sillitis, or la grippe. I .... . ,. , ;>d dav of December, 1889, and Convention. — Attention is called to the ad A. A. COWING. —W hat object have men that ^fl^Kfroin that there are just ( inir. fi )OLLA d egfate remaining unpaid after hav- vertisement of Messrs. Grout and —Mrs. Sarah Haskell bought a. own nO property in Burns, in sow- proceed« of all the peiBona! !*&id es ulc towards the satis acti.m lot west of Main street last week, ing discord among citizens whose Manley for lost horses. refit.” id that it is necessary and for the THE HERALD -said estate and of all persons and intends building in the spring. all is invested here? I a LTY. therein, that said order should be —Among the sick of the past ler ordered that this citation be pub- —Elder Taylor of the Christian Jtt week for six Eaccceslve v.e-'ks in HAS largest circulation of any week were Mrs. Parker, I*. T. Finke —Farmers coming into town with ast O kegon H erald , a weekly newspa church, as we learn, will hold di NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, PUTTY, 4 c. Geo. W. Grace, C. W. McClain, and ’general circulation, published and print- I eggs, chickens and butter can find Burns, Harney county, Oregon, aud here- Chas W. and Brus. Byrd. The vine services in Burns, so soon a ready sale at highest market price signuted as the paper most likely to give THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, liflO. i to the partii s herein cited. as the weather moderates. grippe claims their attention. irns, utsstheHon T. J. S hields , Judge of the at the French Hotel. jrns, ty Court of the state of Oregon, for the the Stenger band o7 , ~Mrs' Sten«er has not loBt t more BURNS, OREGON W. E. GRACE, P roprietor , ty of Harney, with the seal of sai l court — The loss in 1 « — -1 ■! i »j »this 8d dav of herein her, A. D. 1889. —M. M. Brierly, we understand i than four calves out of her band of Aites:: W. E. GRACE. Clerk. .'500 sheep now feeding near Warm J at . H udson , Attorney for Administrator. is spoken of favorably by our Re- i A Large Assortment of springs south of town, has not been cattle; only two horses among those publican citizens as a candidate for Local News. being fed, and three on the range, over 200 head: thin ewes and late their party for the office of assessor : EK CULTI RE. so far as known. lambs mostly. FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS,LEetc Ï1AKNEY COUNTY ITEMS. U kit . r S tate » L and O ffice . j p<'-pu!ir«y|(| —C. B. Baker contraator of the —When coming into Burns with Burns Oregon, Dec. 2$», 1889 i I. H.jopttAi — Miss Gunther having made ar HAVING BEEN ENTERED at celsr.iatal Prineville-Burns stage line failed to horses, be sure to call at the New Has just been Received. Burns’ Weather Record. ■ «per XV. Hays against Philip rangement with the Gage Sisters, Hi» e to comply with law as to Tim drive in this week, because of hav Livery 4 Feed Stable, .where you try No. -119. dated Sept. 28, 1W>. rsingfa has opened a dress-making busi f See. 8, Tp. 28 S, K. 31 E. W M. Jnn. 20 to Feb 5, 1800. ing taken unto himself a wife, or so will find all necessary accommod PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED I eh old. ty, Oregon, with a view to ( an- ness in connection with the millin 8 uf itreNU Jd entry; contestant allegiugthat said the new driver. ations. - Wed: 8 a m-36 ° above-cold; plûtes aud ■Groesser aid nut break, or cause Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best quality. ery establishment—cutting and fit Fvc acres of said tract of land, the es “ 12 ni — sunny; cold, eavi n braciai ti _M|did he comply with the law the — Judge Shields came in from ting a specialty. - — E ast O regon H erald and The ; t l'.ereaticr, i r in any way meet .o' the law, that he hf.s aban- dripping. Silver creek on Monday, to attend Public Domain only $3 a year. !g these, & —Mrs. Cawlfield, and Mrs. Pierce county court. Being seized by la “TOMImoucd to appear at this office on “ 6 p m—cold; wind-storm; Settlers, this is your chance, if you ( 1 varietjÎJ ■MOf Fvbruar.. IS'-u, nt 1U o’clock, a in, furnish testimony concerning rain; snow; sleet, following it rap called in Saturday, and we learn the grippe, he was unable to proceed on ' want to know all about public land i lure. little daughter of the latter has his way till Tuesday. J. B. HUNTINGTON. Register. id succession. questions. nartially recovered from an attack Thurs: 8 a m-24°-cold; snow of la grippe, while Miss Carrie Cawl —Chas. W. Byrd, T he H erald ’ s —T. J. Morrison bought a lot in FOR A SQUARE MEAL « 12 m-46-cold; cliinook. field is no better. : al moor. gentlemanly compositor, became a Burns, Friday. It will pay all the ll 6 p m—cold; victim of la grippe Wednesday eve people in the vicinity of Burns to U nited S tates L and O ffice , | GO TO PARKER’S. ns, Oregon, January 21. 1890. | —Pierson, the Burns photograph ning, and has been unable to re Fri: 7 a m-14 °-eold; EREBY GIVEN that the follow- TICE IS I buy lots in a town where real estate amad se$l........ •r has __........ filed ........ notice ........................ of his inten- .. ll er, has taken possession of his new turn to the office since, the 6th inst 12 m—cold; o make finn - proof in support of his claim, will double the investment within I be ’made before the hat sah! hr -. of will .......................... ... - •- ll gallery, adjoining the Welcome Mr. B. resumed “stick and rule.” 6 p m-37 c -cold; íagazw iter and Ke c uiver, IT. 8. Land office, at the course of a year. Saturday, March 8th, 1890, viz: saddlery, and next summer will ¡ladelpM —The heartless liay-burner is hiriin C. Shnrrctt, Sat: G a m-34 ® -cold; chinook. get up fine views of Burns as it L forthoSW’i NE’i, NW^SE'4 It abroad in the valley, and it is earn —Loyd Culp reports the Guntli- j 12 m-48-cold; IR. :-2’2E. W. M. He names the will look after securing the county less» s to pro\e his continuous ll estly hoped that every man that has er well down to about 53 feet and : till 5 6 p m — cold ; thaw land < ultivation of said land, viz: seat. Ivin, Peter Thompson, of Burns, hay will guard it as vigilantly as lie no water yet, though two veins of m. Snow wet and heavy. W. H. Morris >n, of Harney, Or. P does his pocket-book, for the sake gravel were passed in the descent. I J. IL HUNTINGTON, Register. — Frank W. True, one of the Sun: 8 a in-495-cold: chinook. P roprietor M rs . LOUIS RACINE. most favorably mentioned young of the helpless dumb brutes that Water when obtained in this well snow soft; roads slushy. This handsomely appointed hotel is open to accommodate the pub men in the country, came in with must look to their owners for food, will, doubtless, be of fine quality, S’-10 Reward. “12 in-59-cold; lic with the best rooms, table, and service the town affords. the Lakeview stage, about 5 p. m. or perish. I DING with White Face. Has “ 6 p m-42-cold; raining. Terms Reasonable. • —The remains of the child of Mr. with Bar above, on the Right Saturday. No mail matter in, but — I he protracted meeting in pro- ... z„ ,, ,. , and two Left-Oblique Bars on , r . „ ,, . , . and Mrs. Chas. Martin were brought Mon: 6 a m-46°-cold; cloudy; took out that which has accumu A BAR cress in Harney under Rev. McCart . , _ , , . , OKI DING. Branded 7 with rained off and on all night. , r, ( . i in from Trout creek Tuesday night, lated the past two weeks. Attu< iii’il. where is Kept nil Sort« of Liquor». e, points up, above, andw and Rev. Enibree, prevented the' . , .... cross by horizontal bar'^'-' e . . ■ for interrment in the Burns ceme- “ 12 m—cold; Br-Circle-J, on Left Shoulder, holding divine service in , —D. M. Ferry 4 Co’s Seed Annu former ,, , . . , terv, the little one having died on escribed horses to L.C. GROUT “ G p m—cold. appointment;; • , , ” Y. Harney, Or. al for 1890, reached our desk on Burns , as per . regular • t .i Monday, aged one year and four i Tues: 8 a m-50 = -cold; pleas Monday, from Detroit, Mich., and the pastor sent word , in time, but by mont]jg ant ns a spring morning; cloudy; ADVERTISEMENTS. is even more attractively gotten up an oversight T he H erald did not roads full of water. 1 —T he H erald will send for one than the one for 1889. As we have : hear of it till Monday. < pnrpcfci ll 12 m—cold; — Messrs. M. R. Biggs, Harry <<f the Ixiuisville Singers next not had time to more than hastily ll 6 p m—cold. glance over it, we will note advance Adler, Plumas Young, and Lee M. 8PrinS- as 8oon as freighting is re T. Y. B EMBREE, M. D. o <St Ms»’ - eri e o.. lhe cn»C ide oi 811- Wed: 6 a m-37 ° -cold; rained ' made, later, but in ample time for Brown attended the Harney ball, sumed, and will make an order at 7 “*]***» 27 •!ct Bums. from 3 a m till 6, when snow and he readers to send for seeds, etc. Saturday evening, and were enter- j the same lime for any of our sub On Main street, Burna, Harney rvunty, Oregon. rain fell together. tained with dance and supper, free scribers who will send for illustrat —Somewhere about 500 head ed catalogues and make a selection 12 m—cold, snowing. MiTHEETERS, M. D. of cost. And claim having been W. C. BYRD, P roprietor . : An oM | of calves are corralled on the Island G p m—cold. of any styles worth $10 to $30; BICI AN 4 SURGEON. treaied in the most gentlemanly le .Tinnii and being fed by the Devine ranch, CeatW.E. G ruce’s Drug Store. 1-ly ' manner. That ia as it should and $17.50 to $30. sonville._____ ... and, it is said, the number that STAGES. All the Hotels, Restaurants, and Boarding Houses are on this street. tv-five —Lovers of good literature have have perished while thus cared for, would be, in both towns, if the -Wednesday—No Lakeview. No hoodlum element could be re enjoyed the benefit of a Circulating Personal J____ ■; E. P. HOWARD, attention given to Stu>k placed in < arc of this Stable, where I testifies to the severity of the late Prineville. No Ontario. the best of Accommodation is given, and Charges reasonable. strained from rushing to the front Library in the town the past two PHYSICIAN 4 SURGEON. (we say “late” because the gentle •ran S3-| BURN.-, OREGON. -Thursday—Canyon stage in at 3 chinook is getting the better of the and exhibiting a lack of courtesy werks, during the total stoppage of that would put a Piute to blush. ! local i*| p. ni. snow as we set this item), spell of Young gentlemen of Harney come all paper mail. Several new sub ERALD, "" scribers’ names are added to Mrs. . -Fridnv—Canyon went out 8:30 bad weather. to Burns’ next ball, where a good ’he Detti Notary Public. Grace’s Library List; and the num a. m. Lakeview in; no mail; Prine —F. J. Finke was pleased to meet ■ time awaits you. ich, awl d .I l . grace , ber of transient readers increased ville in. 0. F. Zilkey, Friday, having re-1 —C. M. Caldwell was up Satur vers, oí oft. -Saturday—Stage in from Har mained a snow-bound prisoner in' day nearly all day, walking about five-fold since the delay. Every st Blanks. Apparatior.s for i work* correctly aud promptly cent of money realized by the Cir Notes. and .Mort g axis ney. Burns the past four weeks, awaiting1 and looking out of the windows of igat, « rgea reasonable. culating Library is used to pur news of his arrival reaching his un parlor and dining-room, feeling and -Sunday—No stage in. chase new volumes for the Burns cle. Mr Z , who lives on Silvies looking well, even the dropsical Public Library, the lut for which ( -Munday—Canyon stage in. Mail river near the mouth of Emigrant swelling in the lower limbs showing /. NA HUDSON, building was bought a year ago. in from Harney. creek, not being a subscriber to signs of being under control. That W m M c F all , Treasurer, -at-u»TTORK ey -AT-LA W. F. E. B each . President. -Tuesday—Stage in from Harney T he H erald , which announced night he awoke with sore throat, —Last Sunday before daybreak '■ E. II l ' ghm , Vice-President. W. F. B rowxton , Secretary. STIX.J Office BURNS. OR. 250 tons of hay, lately bought of his guest, when he came in, did not ity pains in the side, and chest, and -Wednesday—Vale-Burns went out with intention of pushing thro’ know his r.cphew had come from some fever. All day Sunday he Smith A Young, and paid for by if Tom Howard ean make it, and Minnesota till told so Wednesday, was too feeble to move off the bed _ J. 8. Devine, for feed for over 500 ’arrfl# w R ARiri W. R. /d i * or. if he cannot, no other driver in East 22d, when lie came through, 20 and the above symptoms of la grippe head of calves in corral on the Isl Oregon will be able to overcome miles, Friday, and returned Satur increased accompanied by fever, and, were totally destroyed by fire, iAT- S DARSI' 4 F.IGGS. fWList uf Directors and -f khidilers at the office of the Agent: the obstacles between Burns and day. Mr. Ziikcy has been in this and labored action of the heart. evidently incendiary, as the damp weather, and tracks in the softened section of country 13 yean and be the railroad by way of Ontario, ac Wednesday the patient was on J. D. Shaw, 's at Lav.”, BURNS. OREGON. Land m m-ti-r more, and feeling snow precludes any theory uf ac Pl o* the cours of the State. cording to the record he made here lieves this the severest winter on hj» feet once 2-» if s a aQnr .- c - j S ! in ear.* uf •.his firm will be the hard winter of 1883. stock ia that time- letter. cident. IDVERTISEMESTS. ANNOUNCEMENIS FOR OFFICE. Í. r. Official County Paper. French Hotel. 'RED FRONT" FEED & LIVERY STABLE THE PACIFIC FIRE INSURANCE CO. __ r Attrita