Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1890)
BU RN8 Latest New* from llarney. A DVE RTI8 E M E NTS. Hurns Lyceum. HAIINEY COUNTY was only to true; that tho search ADDITIONAL ITEM ’» E ds . E ast O regon H erai . d : The I The attendance last Friday even ing party after untiring efforts for snow is rapidly disappearing under T here is not an issue of T he ing was not so good as that of many days succeeded in finding the THURSDAY, FEBRUARY G 1IW. I the jtersuading intluenceof the gen the preceding week, and a lively H erai . d that does not contribute --------- GO TO--------- ’ body in the mountains near the tle chinook. !» I. (1KACR................................ Ixlllor. head of Clark’s creek buried deep from $50 to $1*X) to the Burns interest taken in the exercises: S.EI.LIR UK UK. - - l.lttrary Editor. —Ali Harney was prostrate with House called to order. in a snow slide. The first clue was ’ County-Seat Fund, yet there are Minutes of last meeting read and la grippe last week. Nobody seri ' the finding of the young man’s bat, * citizens here that insist upon the Leading Merchant of Harney Coud p*oa locnty - seatof h . uixey county -------- DEALER IN-------- ™l ously :11, but all “very miserable, then his snowshoe pole. The rescu ' paper paying cash into that fund, approved. Committee on Question reported thank you;” all improving, or well ers with shovels and hard work as well as labor. Friends, you BUHÖS. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAP» came across the remains. The 'ought to understand that it is not for the fifth meeting of the Lyce now. BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE E ast O regon H erald and The body was conveyed to his home at customary to rank the printing- um, the following question: Re STOVES, TINWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSW arf I —Three of J. H. Loggan’s daugh PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, THE CELEBRIS Public Domain only $3 a year. the residence of P. 8. Colt, on Upper office with thfi law-offices, stores, solved, “That the Government of ters, and our fair young postmis SULTANA RAZORS, AND “I X L” CUTLERY, WI\ f < Pettier«, this is your chance, if you i Burnt river, and last Sunday was shops, and other business houses, ' the United States is a Failure, tress, '(iss Annie Brierly, have CIGARS—AND A THOUSAND OTHER ARTICO. in the work of town-building, as A tax of 10c voted on member I buried in that vicinity. want to know all about public land been suffering from ear affection. TOO TEDIOUS TO MENTION. there can be no comparison between ship to defray expenses. questions. —Miss Bertha Wintermeier, at- Russell, the murderer of Canty, i the results obtained from it and Routine business thus promptly was convicted at Walla AValla of them. Dallas paid her local news- disposed of, program of entertain ending school here this winter, is T he sum of 175 was appropriated seriously ill, so I am told; Dr. Em- murder in the second degree and . p3per $500 cash to issue extra edi- ment for the evening, was given: to defray the expenses of the asses was sentenced for twenty years. I tions for county-seat work, strength Question for debate, "Resolved, bree was called in. sor of Grant county, to attend the ened it in its labors, instead of weak That Water is more Destructive —Born, Jan. 31, 1090, to Mr. Edward Shinn received a letter Greer’s BEardware Sit ore. convention of the assessors of this ening it by drains for this object than Fire, ” was after wise and other last Sunday from Hon. Binger Her and Mrs. Wilbur Martin, a son. State in accordance .with the call of said convention by Gov. I’cn- mann notifying him of his rei.istal- and the other. Dallas secured the wise discusston, decided in favor —“Brother-in-law”Down3 is quite CAL. GEER - Pnonij mer.t as mail clerk on the Hunting county seat; go thou, and do like of the negative. noyer.—Grant County News. as numerous as ever. ton-Green river route. We are pleas wise. Declamations and select readings —Tie revival, conducted by ed to hear this, as our young friend followed: —If you want your horses neat AV e would like the people who Revs. MeCart and Embree will con gives every promise of being one of ly groomed, put up at the Red Front Miss Laura Stanclft “Make the live in the country, and arc friends tinue all next week, as I learn. the most efficient clerks cn the line Livery stable, when you come to Best of it.” Crockery, Qucensware. Glassware. Shelf Goods of Every Dcwrin of the two towns now contending - Madgie Byrd “The Nervous Much interest is being manifested. This Establishment carries a full and carefully selected Stock eipial to liem» Ilepnner Gazette: Diphtheria is Burns. Hardware line— Cases of new go.sis are now being opened. Bird cages and for the location of the county-seat, A class of seven members was or ottered. T he H erai . d , and Free Press for Girl.” A reasonable price, only, is placed on tin* goons. prevalent among the children of up to know, beyond question, that four months, if you order in this or We are Agent for the I). M. Osborne Company’s Agri Perle Geer -'The Sad Old Wom ganized, to-day, consisting of Mr. per Butter creek. next month, for only 9(1 cents. every resident citizen of Burns and Mrs. T. H. Roberts, Miss Rob Implements an, ” —Pierson, the photographer, will and Harney ¡3 directly and open Winnie McCarty “The Woman erts, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Perkins, -On Monday afternoon word was ™ |x, . r ..¿y ,H]V in 10 days to take pic ly opposed to inciting, upholding, Mrs. L. II. Ilarlowe, and Mrs. Jes Craze.” received here that the dead body of tures. or harboring any man or men that se B. Tudor. j AtëD ]F*EED OTAB Sadie Orser, “The S* n Board.” Charles Linde had been found at —It is believed the Amis band of will wantonly destroy the property — The usual Saturday night Mollie Howell, “Polly Rose.” his residence two miles below this sheep, in toward Malheur, is suffer HENRY CALDWELL _ _ _ - _ P h . of another. , Report of critics on debate, de dance given by the Dancing Club, place. Coroner ShoLc immediately ing a heavy loss. n« was well attended last night, and — The river at Boat Ford is as Third st., South of H erai . d Building. ATION. clamation, and reading. summoned a jury and proceeded A Harney Valley paper says:“For thither. The body of the unfortu high now as at its ‘lushest any time Question before young people for was much enjoyed by all. e CouiHl years the toiling settler [of Harney nate man was found lying on the last year. tomorrow night is the old one: “Re —Elder Taylor contenwlates op This new, fine, and commodious Barn and Stable is not — Dr. Embree and his son Clyde, valley] has been deprived of largo floor beside the table which was set in any part of Harney county for nccomuiodationa. ’ bodma solved, "That the Creation of the ening a three-weeks revival in your tracts of valuable lands because it for dinner, the feet drawn up and weri* the only members of that fam Earth, as recorded in the First Chap town next Thursday, Feb. 6th. He IIAYA GRAIN ON HAND. ily th 1 i '*:iped influenza. was claimed by great corporations the right arm lying across the SADDLE HORSES, GOOD TEAMS. —Ti ‘ chinook that set in last ter of Genesis, is a Fable and Un- is i follower of Campbell, and will |Miller, Devine, ct. al.] too strong breast. A tablespoon was lying on Sundae in a 39-hour blow took off worthy of Belief.” SINGLE * DOUBLE HARNESS OUTFBf probably form an organization of to fight in the courts.” his body, and his mouth was full of a i6-inch depth of snow, at Boat that faith in Burns. He is a fluent For the Road on demand. Special attention given to the grooi.& ‘¿'“urt care of Boarding and Transient stock. Now T he H iiekdd wants to ask bread. A chair stood by the ta‘.I< Ford, 1 avir.gthe ground bare. From Del Norte. and intelligent speaker, and a very —Rev. MeCart having fallen a the writer of that very ungrammat half turned, indicating that he 1 —Travelers are severely com- square man. £W-0pcn Oct. 26th, 1889. f ^"Charges reasonable. ¡«"Wr . 11 u ical sentence, why is he soliciting fallen from it. There were no marks victim to the miseries of la grippe, plaining of snow-drifts, which ob and i r. I.mi rev's professional ser- —School is prospering finely; the poor settlers to give him money or bruises on the body and it is vices needed, was compelled to struct the roads and detain the Miss Roberts kite of the Enterpise Io take their cases into the courts, supposed that he died from heart discontinue the meeting for the mails. district, is ihe able assistant, and if he knows the great corporations disease. present 91/1 Hi 1110U1 i/ilMjL UUl'l I/111 1. —Mr. Allen has been financilly the attendance good despite the tiled oj are too strong to be fought success —Died, Jim. 3, loliO, injured in losing a large and valu bad weather. This school reports ASSETS OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION D0UA1SSH — Long Creek Eagle. Jan. 24: daughter of Charles and fully in the courts” able herd of sheep. Mr. A. is am over ninety pupils enrolled. The land attorney that will in Judge*Clifford will assist in holding Martin, ,1 Trout creek, Harney co , “The Leading Company of the Pacific Northwest.” Or., aged 16 months, after an ill bitious and by close apdication —A crazy-looking old shop has duce a poor settler to take up a a portion of the January term of IWI ’BIVATE DWELLINGS AND FARM FRO l’ERTY A SPECIALTY. ness of only 4 days, characterized will soon replenish his finance. been hauled up and placed “hind piece of land that he knows cannot circuit court of Umatilla county. by severe headache and nausea. further c once u i —Through carelessness or the side foremost” along side of the The Farmers’ Company. I ART be recovered in the courts, is de ORE< —The Harney Press in its ex -The county seat question of Har ' general i thoughtlessness of owners, four cx- court house. The contrast makes frauding the settle: of his money OF SALEM, OREGON. Burns, 1 ney county is the leading question citement over our citizens’ court cellent horses have fallen into un- the average man gnash his teeth ■ignited just as surely as the great corpora house* donation to the county, last .a to the p with the “pen shovel s” of the sheets week, showed us his sore toe. He covered wells, and before being the ex- and wonder why this is thus, and J. C, PARKER, Agent, Burns, ty utss Court tions, against whom he says thereis of that section, and from indica didn’t aim to, but we knew all tricated were exhausted. ty of Mar who is responsible therefor. l.o remedy in the courts, are de •d,thia M tions it promises to be a lively con along where the shoe pinches that frauding the settler of the lands —J. Nat. Hudson, attorney-at- —Mr. Stanton lias received a .' at . Hun journal; the citizens of his town test. IMP» alii g s he fraudulently obtained. peterson’s^|agazinepor| por | S9O. have neither enough money nor en complete set of blacksmith tools, law, has had a very sick child the -There are a number of bands of terprise to back their ambition. past week, I am informed. lie comes recommended as a com sheep feeding in Fox this winter. ------ BEST AND CHEAPEST------ —Miss Helen Gunther gave a petent workman. His shop will —Sheriff Cowing's two children A i . ot of Republican aft* r read T he B est S tories —-Our storied and novelets are from some of the jner.f popular c/« Among them are Messrs. Jonas whist party to her young friends be a great benefit. are suffering with whooping-cough, are admitted to De the beat published. For ls'.h?, su> h Avriteis »¡6 .'•ira. f.uev H. ii.xipef..U ing Brick Poinroy’s paper during a on Tuesday evening, at the resi man, Frank Lee Benedict, Alice Maud Ewell, Elia Hi ii.eoii: iiowurd >eelv'.i.i;d and are the only cases in town. eonlribule some < f their best productions. Eight novelets and nearly one huudraMrf campaign, wrote him they were con Macks and Ed. Mumford who drove dence* of her brother, Charles Gun —The youngsters have buckled will be given during the year. his in from the Hole-in-the-Ground. More anon. W. W. verted and would thercaftet work as ther, west of town. All report a i on the amor of activity and organ- T he B est H ousehold D epartment .—Embracing arth <■* *>n health. nu:KJ*r*w\] Reports are that sheep are being delightful time and speak highly dressmaking, the garden kitchen, and other ¡hut’uable lo the huusvhora. Democrats. He replied they “were | ized a dancing club. T he B est F ashion D epartment —Giving the lutes a* <i • st vies of dreali lost, one party having lost 400. of the young lady as a hostess and house wear, fully <!♦ s ribed, ilius‘iated by ham s one colored iushion-plutei&iiJ converts only because they tlioght “Texes” Bar. wood-engravings; also, a full-size dress patient month. .. —The intimate and influential About 200 head of cattle owned by Those present were: Misses Bee T he B est F ancy -W ork P attern ?--Man a of thei.t pii cd in colors, embracingti the name Democrat was more rc- Tune — “ Ob, Happy be We. ” Gage, Laura Stanelift, Ida G er and meat popular designs produt e<i at home and a!-r< tn:. ■ friends of Air. Gilliam have pledged Gilmore & Swick were driven in speotable.” T he B est S teel E ngravins —‘T<* cie hi " is d .\. ! h *. r.gazine iviiig these, :li Jessie McGowan, Dot. Bowen, and hemselves to obtain the position of’ W ht'iit»er i AV:int R°* B °' last Friday for feed. all engravings. vvini to know, Whene’er I want to know. I want AVe.had occasion during the cam Mrs. AV. R. Grudon, also, Messrs. T he C heapest — A s do other magazine gives so mtit li of interest and variety assistant accountant for him. What there’s in Burns to di inK, money, its price is within the reach ot exerybou.v. paign of two years ago, to warn this In th’ glasses cheerful clink, -Wo hear of the storm of last W. R. Gradon, Harry Adler Hen At Texes Bar. TERMS: 1-2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. —Otir citizens have petitioned part of what was then Grant county, week doing considerable damage to ry Chambers, Perle Geer, L. M. Brown, M. R. Biggs, and Lovd the county commissioners for a And when I want to smoke, I want to, ELEGANT PREMIUMS FOR GETTIN * U? CLUB: against a certain officious individu the sheepmen of this section. And hear a good old joke, a good old joke, Culp. 2 Copies ,50 I With a hands' ice ei’Kt h »ii*.g TheTwoKtd At th’ Texes there will he voting precinct, and at the coming ! CiguiB al claiming to be a Democrat so as Many lost from 75 to 100. which 8 Copies *1.50 »ch. it e.if one of >ur stan >ar<l bouud hookiM lor YvU and mo 4 Copies | .-io j With an extra <-p of the magazineivrJ were s oothered by being bunched, At Texes Bar. convention will resist bribery sup- i A Bravo Man is Never Afraid to get in more effective work as a C Copies ................................................ u.OO/the getter up of the clui». all of which could not be avoided 5 Copies Is.o-i | With an extra t ».px one . t ar, and lhee»i^ For Wh’RK»', wine, and Beer. Fun without fear, disorganizer. We again call atten owing to the intense force of the 7 Cepn.8 .. .10.- 0 /hook, as a premium to Hit getter-up of tL«u To go into a fight, so here is an porting their candidate regardless There’* • aught I«» Lea 1 h»*rc. Io beat it he.e. For 1 iquurs, Mixed or Straight, other announcement subject to the of politicians. tion to him and his work, ami warn wind. For Larger Clubs, still finer premiums. Thev’re always made iiiB.-ro e At Send for a raniple copy with full particulara. Addri ta •xts Ear. action of the Democratic Conven voters that “he is only a new con — Great uneasiness was mani- Front Grant County NeAtt: tion, that of A. A. Cowing, who PETERSON’S MAGAZ1W vert.” As we have given his pict none will deny, has made a good ! fested at the non-appearance of 306 Chestnut st., Philadelpk "’O'” Latent Nows frum Blitzen. -Down the river the hills are be ure to those who well recognize him sheriff, unless it be some of his en Mer Pinto, foreman of Sworts it T he H erald and Peterson one year $3.60, when he approaches them, we will coming sufficiently bare to permit emies; a small irresponsible local | Miller, who was dispatched to estab —We have got through to bare stock to graze quite comfortably. ■ paper has said Mr. A. is a John De ground here once more. give his name to others when the -At Prairie City there has been vine appointee—well, if John is so lish -supply depots between here proper time arrives. a gradual thaw during the past good a judge as to select such men and AVest Fall. —Snow having disappeared, tho week, melting the snow, slow but as Sheriff Cowing, it would be econ —The startling intelligence is sheep have about stopped dying, sure. omy for him to lie retained by Har circulât* d that Mr James Gilbert and the people are gay. F rom Baker City Daily Demo -On the Baker road near Dixie ney county as a nominating conven crat, Jan. 27: has announced his attention of do —The Blitzen country has the mountain, snow is said to lay tion. SAYER A DORE The train with Nellie Illy on about six feet in the nating eighty acres for the main-< best climate of any part of Harney I timber where The J ’ ojson CrevL Il . ’ bie Class. board arrived in New York nt 3:50 | it does not drift. tainance of : n Indian school, the country, and at no distant day fine Keeps constantly on hp. The Poison creek Bible school, only stipulation being that he be ranches will be in cnltivntinn Jan. 25th; cannon were fired in Bat -E. Stewart and Harvey Fields cultivation, and tery park and Fort Greene park in are the heaviest losers of sheep in which found its existence now chosen permanent trustee. ! everything common to this country ’ onor of tho event. At 4:15 the! j the lower valley, but we have been almost one year ago, is still alive, —The unanimous and satisfac- I *'e raised. notwithstanding the numerous at ' unable to learn their exact loss so carriages of Miss Bly ami party ar tempts Satin has to crush it tory vote for creating a eomnioili-1 —N. Comegys has built a stanch far' . J rived nt Tho World office. There -The railroad company succeed down, is moving steadily onward ous school house succeeded, for a i ¿ ani across the Blitzen and will H-TLTStiOe oo... were fully 1O.(M) people in Park ed in raising the snow blockade, ami upward in the scale of moral division of district creates an ex try what he can do in the garden a’l k In,Is efiurfarelninbrr thoroughly reasoned lor building pwrycMR Row cheering and waving handkor- but that was immediately succeed ’ and ehristain culture. God grant citement. Give us a rest, you old ! and grain business next season. REDUCED PRICE. < hiefs ami stopping tho immense ed by several more between Port that the faithful few, those who 1 have borne the burden and heat of croakers that lie awake nights and ---------- o---------- land and Baker City. trnfic of that thoroughfare. She.' — Harney valley has a great fu the day. may r ot get weary in well . fret because the girls are not taught -Monday, the third dav of March consumed 72 days, 6 hours and 11 ture, and men arc riding over lands doing, for in duo season we shall River. N. B. A Good rood all the wav. was set as the day for hearing ob reap if we faint not. Then our to run c spinning wheel and hand minutes in circling the earth. to-day, and are leaving ranches, jections to the final account of Jas motto is press toward the mark for ' loom. The name she uses is a nom de per Davis, administrator of th** es they cannot come back in five or Swamp Land Contests. the prize of the high calling of ( » od —The lakes are frozen solid, af- ten years and buy for $20 an acre. plume. She camo to New York tate of J. M. Bright, deceased. East Oregonian: An in Christ Jesus. ! fording great amusement for the from Pittsburg, when* she was The first of a series of contests named “Forty-nine Jinirr. -Mr. Blanton, who arrived from Only a fow more y car.’, — The iron-horse is coming with only a few more tars ; skaters. The atmosphere is cool, known as Elizabeth Cochran. Bear valley, Tuesday, says that Only a ft w more turiles and tears; t ' strong lungs to emit a sharp whistle to determine the character of lands recently, at Robinsonville r; Duly a fe.v m. re prayerr. bracing and invigorating. Do not Her fair opponent Miss Elizabeth settlers over there, with af ew ex claimed by the State of Oregon had lived for twenty-fivs] — that will aronse the people to re Only a few more wron.-s. be opposed to this harmless recre Bisland, is now on tho Atlantic on ceptions, have fil'd sufficient for sold by said State to citizens < f only a few more sip! s. newed energy, and in twenty years their stock until the middle of ot.l) a lew mure tariluj sone», ation and remind us of advise, the steamer Bothnia, whieli is rapid March. PHY California and Oregon, ns swamp <>uh a few good hyta. there will be one of the largest A Small Library S3* ‘ go hang your clothes on a hicko ly nearing New York. land under the Swamp Land Law, 1 hen an eternal stay. -Snow on the Harney end of the towns in this valley that is in East Then an eternal throng. ry limb, but don’t go near the wa- You can get the local1 was commenced in the Burns Land ’southern mail route, prevented 1 hen an eternal glvrions day. ! Oregon. E ast oiltliON O regon H erald , "WM Then au eternal sol g 1 ter. ” i-.\>l liLKAJP, Two gentleman just arrived from John W n-ii from connecting with Office, Monday 3d inst. J. G. I am no prophet, but am able to Lesson of Bi: le school of Poison Mel ’ » an. last Friday, consequently family paper. The Upper Burnt River tells of the dis —The inhuman treatment given see sonic things when they come Woodruff vs. State of Oregon and __ __ Crei k. for February “th. is recorded Press, one year each, ami I appearance of a young man. Isaac lie at . ived hen\ Sunday with no in 5th chapt. of St. Matthews, be to an overburdened horse, Wednes Pacific Live Stock Company. square I efore me. through mail. umns, in paper covers, of 4 Colt, son Samuel C >lt, who it is be Mr. Woodruff, witnesses, attor ginning with th.* ."Mil and ending day, was appalling. When will The watchword used to be “West -Jack Newcomc, who -eturned with the -ISth verse, subicct. Suf tiered perished in the mountains man comprehend that through ward the course of empire takes its ney and friends of the M. 11. P. A. English novelist's worki | f:* in the desert last Thursday, re- fer Wrong. Dickens, by calling at. <1 by being buried in a snow slide. were promptly on time. p<*rt> tin* 1< .- of stock around \Vag- We, also, hereby take the liberty kindness a horse will respond more "ay”—we have taken our wav to He La i s,i out from Mormon ontire something enormous. He to this office, $3.50. J. S. Devine, witnesses and atto:- to s.iy that in view of the scarcity readily to his masters wishes. All the Pacific ocean, and have turned Basin on snow rhoea on Friday thinks th;*.: vicinity, the desert and of fuel and other reasons which we agricultural institutes inculcate back, and are beginning to do go<xl ney, representing the interest of the. morning, Jan. 17th, inti tiding to go Ibirmy m.d tin* ?'la!l.eur country shall not herewith state. We by kindness. “A merciful man is work by l uilding up the country in P. L. S. A., were also present at the ns far ns Bridgeport on his ‘'shoes." will experieme an average stock mutual consent have eon. luded to merciful to the beasts.” Attorney-at-M the places we passed over as worth hour, 10 o’clock a m, named. [¡OSS cf 75 I er cent. omit the weekly prayer-meeting nt but since which time nothing lias M. DUSTIN Delay asked in behalf of defend less. -AV AV. B w:i, of AVagontirr, the ehool house, and meet at our —When it thaws let all plant a been heard of him and relatives and TfT’ie: Harney City and» Harney county, « nt of a band ol own private dwelling houses, until few ornamental and fruit Settlers, do not be discouraged, ants granted. friends arc fearful the worst has S.Ol'O head of sh* cp had I. st «eek a! such a time when t’-e weather hut with a strong resolve and a overtaken him. Searching parti* :i « l< st 2.'*>> <■; them, «owe have lien «>11 allow wo «1 to be hauled from The hardier fruits at.J vegetables firm tread y* u can ross the Rubi G > toTiipkct*««. W. W. CardN^ have been sent out but no tr;. .* can informed bv a man just over from tl.e mountains. TLere/ore prayer grow prolific here. One d>>es not con at the June election by settle Horse shoes, nails, and all kinds there. I'esiib s that, stock < f nil meeting was appointed .it Mr. need much to begin, be«id s the ment cf the county-seat contest; be found. A T T O R N E Y - A T-l kinds we.e a id dying At AVngo;*.- The driver of the Malheur stage tire ho " 'men ar- picking out their Culp’s home for WidmsJay. Fib. occupation is fkeinating and ab- t::*n we will 1 vil-l a town, put up cf wrought iron worked into shape B crn ?, O». J 5th. W. H. C li p . ¡e : buildings, arc! go ahero. to suit the public. Ilorscrhocing m r! ing to a lover of horticulture arriving last evening, brings news best animal*, ami hr. *dng the I*;.’.* r.ttctl-e» in conr Supt. and other blacksmithing done on AL«», before lhe atl V. the N om ie P lvxk . pumiits. Vxo. 8. Land that the reported loss of Isaac* Coil ance cut to die. I'anicl Wilson Assls'nt. Supt. 1 Blitzen. 1-31-80. quick time at Tupkcr's. L and M atters a S?»1 THE HERALD. BARGrxVW IV. BroNz-vn, Cheapest House in EasternlOregon for Cash. X IVERY saw-ÂÆill □XT