» K3.’ T es : 3i. ' > ■ hi L-N o . a ‘¿ERA IJ) BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1890. 11. $2 50 a Yoar. ■ “Rather peart, but the gad’ll cure and a half miles south of the city BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. her,” grinned the husband, as he of Mattoon, Ill. The drill had pen­ -- ... drew the switch through his fingers. etrated but 100 feet. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Do you hear that cruel slander. His triumph was short-lived. A dispatch from Salinas, Cal., rkst uv Envious tongues with malice frame, ue In sixty seconds Mary re-ap­ says: “While boring for artesian Has been put in circulation D. L. à ÏL GRACE, Just to tarnish your good name? peared. water, recently, on a lot near the P ubib ^ iiers axd P roprietors . J imi . Never mind, don’t be tlishearlene 1, She had the mountaineer’s heavy court house, a vein of natural gas In Herald Building, Room adjoining the Office. Overcome it—live it down; ~iibc Open Every Day except Sunday, from 9 a m to 4 p m. Though it clouds )<.ursky with sorrow, rifle in her hand, and aS she came was struck at a depth of 84 feet. Every Lady aud Gentleman a welcome Visitor to the Reading Room during the hours dum I I. NEWSPAPER LAWS. Just be faithful—live it down. at lhe J out she raised it on a line with the At the application of a lighted |i 11 • ft u who take« a paper from ihe of the village, work upon which was , Do you feel the stones aud arrows, J whether direc t' d t > li . u.i ••• or au Jim knew that sound and ex­ begun July 1G, had reached a few other, or ■hether hu has Butburibed or not. it By outrageous villRinr, cast— _le tor the pa. Do you see them hurled with vengeance, . ■m^lK-.ilau'i'ib'-i- <>r l''!H bis paper s'- pp' d claimed: EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. days ago a depth of 2010 feet, with­ To e m bi ter all your pa si? *'P'IL lit a eertfiu t ime, and the Publisher continuer, “MaryJ What ye gwine to do?” out any great amount of gas having to yerul, U: 5 bUia= riber is b-.und to pay fur il if Still be calm, do good for evil; I -O- }ietafic«|r out ..f the postuffice. This pro« eu. « .Stand undaunted—live it do vn! “Kill ye like a wolf in y’ur tracks been found. A 5j inch drill is on the gljuiid that a man must pay for whui he Silence gives the sweeti st ph usures; uses. Th.’s Hotel is new (House, Rooms, and Furniture) and offers courteous service to every Guost. cf ye don’t walk away!” 5. The (ourfs have le i ’.-l ! h.'d rcttudicz t< Ever faithful—live it down’ used. At the start rock was found take ue\j»pi;; < ib un«l période a Is from the p <. “Whar to?” >' ÎJÇ‘ Office, oi®caviug them uncalled for, witliou ata depth of 17 feet. Then the Bar Absolutely Pure. Are you grieving, weary-hcartod, ituV, paj ing Ar the Baine, is j.rin.a facia evidence ol “Nobody keers. Go somewhurs; drill passed through 2(50 feet of li me- Do the dogs your doorway throng, joteiittona aud. IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. This powder never varies. A. marvel o And your steps on they pursuing, Keep a-goin—don’t ye never come stone and Go feet of slate and shale purity, strength, and wholesomene^s. More Snarling bitter all along? KMw id- •'* ;; •> i - economical than the ordinary Kind'*, and back! Hurry up! I’m a-goin down i mixed. Then came about 35 feet Do not go around bewailing; |3.G0 one Y* uiinnot be sold in eompetiou with the mul­ .1.53 ths. . . Six Moat: Let them growl—just live it down ' titude of low tc ;ts. short weight, alum, or on the stage!” .. .75 Three M smiths of what is known as the Tonawan-I ’ Tis the truth that cuts the sharpest phosphate powders. Sold only in e an; r ; ust be calm still he hesitated. of white slate the first sand was ihmmhthe storn. comes in its fury, A L L W O R K \V A R R A N T^E D. E . < - up with the timer, THE HERALD ha« Silence yields the 1 ’.chest balm. “Mary! Drap that rifle!” he found, and there was about 75 feet completed an arrangement v.ith a large New VorK Publishing House, which enabk'H us to Should the hot breath of slander hoarsely whispered. ol . . u ■ i . j etter chan< e to I nlld np a of it. Then came about 550 feet Burn like fagots—live it down! I’ome Ltbraiv of cleriiiitly bound boons than Think of Christ, our blessed Savior, “Jim! You git! cf y’ur here gin more of white slate, beneath which ft. r before. Do you want books by the werlü’ß V ERTISI NH RATE • • aiu i’.oii« Hands >m< I.-,und I j . h So much slandered—live it down! I) HEWS E Y AD VERT IS E M E NT. 1 yr. • ' i'oe:!( mo I fi rno 1 H1Ó «1 \CK j ■ vk 2 w I’m done counting twenty, I’ll kill a bed of rock was struck, about 30 b carb subscriber: Prior to Fei». 1, P.u, a' i;i, vou eau have T he H erald one year Think of those down through the nges, .<2.50 1 tJl.Oo ye sure ’ s God ’ s in the sky! One — " and voiir bv'cclion of eny one of the following feet in thickness. Next came a 50 i Irt i fb ^8.00 j 1.00 Who likewise the dame withstood; books, which arc la.und in Pluck anti 1 21.00 4 ) 0'J ! Gained printed Jim began backing off. in large,clear tvpe, on pood pa They by parsing through the furnace, foot vein of silician rock, about the . ;.2 jxj ’*.oo 5-Lb) : par, i: net rated ami kandr. -tneo hound: Grew more powerful f ir good; When he had gone several feet he ' Koi«;-f.i.i) ( rim. e :.U Event¡'lg a Home. 1 same as razor hones are made of. 83.1 »3 r.u.-.tv Therefore, do not grope in anguish, ArahhiTi .\irh.8, 31 John Hu ifax, 1 113.DO 143.0) turn'd and walked. sw is Family Robin-::2 Craig’« Pronouncing But be faithful—live it down! j From this the drill went into a sort m, bv Kampe. Dlctlouar . . One day in the coming future, I \\ hen he had gone a hundred, he 0£ shale, for about 28 feet. 4 l’i«g ¡riui’f. Proj;r< £8, : 3 Daniel Boone. NOTlfci: i > FOREIGN . DYE ERTI8ERS. You ’ ll be glad you lived it down. e’s Adventure« in 31 Tour of the World in While rt'H •! lu’.ly r.tlid :rj yuur | tUro’.ifi•••• b A.'if halted, wheeled about, and afterl W on-lerlaud. Eighty J'a 8. — W. II,. Burns, Or. pa we (Icfrtre > ku . ur teatlets p .h d as !•- lie P ropri EK)«». Jan« e Eyre ... DICKSON & SULLIVAN .‘5 Lucille (Meredith’s) best gu-> ;6 in ; iviuDle O hur to deal with. « < i a seeming long time he muttered: | E h «1 l.y nr.c, AndeiFen's-a ryTa t s re«rwU'ieu .¡¡J be sa • “ i by referring to the kO.'k-O Leaguea _____ Ün-t7 Cuc-perla Last of th.e following u . •.! ics i‘t;s' d iip.ai our vir tiia- “Well, by gosh! Mary! Let’s' A Discouraged Farmer Speaks. ocr the Sea. Mohicans, yun It ¡.is UH : uGj.H ... it'let.: Lou. J. Bosenberg, Mixologist. Five Weeks Ill a :'K King Bulonioii's Mines . •li.nt r > all year’y ndver- “¿Id DIDN’T KNOW MAIIY.” make up!” Balloon. ;-.9 she. liaer« ‘ a'su I': ■ Willy IteiHe’ 42 Allan Quartormain, ! tist, whom the Fates in sportive ■< ina ■ at n > p:Ice. Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when [Published by American Prêts Association.) voiced reply, as she kept him cov­ i Fcnjainin Fri Iln -V» Hoyle ’ « <-ame t ', ?.'i©UAdfe • '- J.in i • • .i's pur Belo, di Grimm’s Fuirv Tales, mood, sets astride of the tripod: itiuli, uuj L ... j cents, transient, 11 i • Gulliver, you call on “Uncle Dick,” at Drcwsey, Harney county, Or. ered with the rifle. 45 Hurry Lorri- juer, not receive 1 1 ’uring our trip through the Sun­ .Fa. r, 4-1 Handy Andy, . ! :• ' .*• . era charge per i:; In five minutes he was out of *' A correspondent from ‘ the rural ' I’oi. ’i, Tab-R, 47 < hinese Gordon, sirtion. I p. s i..u a «landing <•;< . <• ny .-outli, we wire one day winding 4 . t Tehrnson, Poe’s Poems ___ _____ < ailing a;'. a i. each wcvk ¡s run i a with i j districts’ of Umatilla county ad- i l ocgoo’o1.»’S I’oemsl1.) Cnndinui Sin. ioca', news down one of the mountain roads in sight up the road. i Whinier’s Poems 50 Huddle and Sabre, The woman placed the gun with dr-sses the good people of his Bryant s I’ve ms 51 Penalty of Fme. ! Mona's Choice, 52 As in a Lookin'i-GlnFS Tennessee in a jersey drawn by a the bundle in our jersey, walked in- section of country through the col- PATENTS. : Waverly, : k Luck y Young vVoman ioiom ‘.i: k hnmoii, ■! MerrvMcnami Other couple of little mules. C. A. SNOW A CO. - - _ W ASHINGTON,’D. C to the cabin to be gone about two' ’linns of the East Oregonian as fol- >■> Ta'cp. The land was barren, the cabins Patent« obtained, and all patent bupine«« attended to promptly and fot moderate fee«. EliJC.h■ Hr i.. 8 • Vitaref Waneficld, ' Guy Munheiiug. 7 ■ ii’l Israel I’u.num. no better than hovels, and it was a minutes, and when she came back lows: Our Office 1» opposite the U. 8. Patent Office, and we can obtain in les« time than gtho«« : « < < 'apt. John So. ii fi, 1 l.any of the 1 eke. Farmers and Workingmen arc remote from Washington Semi Model or Drawing. We advise as to patentability free and took a seat by me, flames were Paul and Virginia’ J Snndford and Merton. query how people made a bare liv ­ of charge: and we make no charge unless patent is secured. :’.O Buys' and <:ir p’ (0 Through lhe Louking- creeping through a hundred crev­ led when they should be leader*.. Book of tori'. h and GU fs : and What Alice ing, or were content to stay. We refer here to the PoBtmoater, the Superintendent of Money Order.' Division, aud to Vet si r.. Found There. and de Our numbers entitle us to a good I officials of the U. 8. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, aud references,’to^actaal ices between the dry logs. We h tve s -nt for ihe above named book», of Ily-and-by we came to a turn ip Circular» clients in your own State or countv. write to above tuidre««. P..VH.S i ml will boud have tlieni <»n hand to turn she climbed Envelop« Without aw cord — when ----------------- — big voice in the government of this I over Io ex er’ Neu < u«h bv.< r< riber at .50. and the road where there wana trough Statemeu. to every Lei: ujiient i?ur scriber that pa\s ♦; .0 ! . e during lhe COUI'try, and with a few more such Memorati Look opt f.-r» nr G :ut Offer to Getters up of to water horses and mules, and a in, slic spoke only once Clutii next neck. T he H flve-mile ride, and that was, when, leaders as Powderly and the Farm­ ca! in of a settler. fcrence, i ers’ Alliances of the country, the | erlising The cabin was the poorest of any at a bend in the road, she looked noke and 'b'X’s no^ tar distant when we will back at a pyramid of sm™~ ---- I'.UH.VS advertisements . we had yet seen, and nothing about call a halt and ask our self-consti­ flame wrought by her own hands, — it indicated that the owner made national : tuted masters to explain things a she said as to herself: any attempt to cultivate the soil. Benjamin Harr'son President D. 8. HOPKINS, A rchitect . PRACTICAL :TRVEYOR. Little. Levi 1’. Morton V lee-Pre«. “ Jim, he didn't know Mary — Jim But on the other side the cabin­ .lanisti. Blaine Recretary We are getting poorer each year; Grand Rapids, Mich. irv Wiiliaui Windom Secretary t . a . M c K innon , door morning-glories grew with a didn’t!” WilFfurn’sh Design« of H oubcb , f 'ottages, and Matialona coating from |::u0 on upjo au, .ór .lohriW. Noble Fee rotary f it our masters are becoming richer, Any and all kinds of surveying dt ne on shor figure wanted. If you menu Io build,send |1 to my addreaa, and i will mail you a portfo­ Bed field Proctor Aeeretary Continued. Seitier luxuriance that a flowering-bean lio of :t3 deaigna of dwelling«, like t io one on file In E ast O regon H erald other, with Benjamin i'. Trace.v nofit' nn be, located, can have plats furnishe Secretary had died in an attempt to emulate. full and complete so any ordinary carpenter or builder will have no trouble in going W ¡.ï li. H. Mii:« r free <>f ( barge. Attorney the wealth of a glib tongue, no flour ahead and completing the work. And if you do not find just what yon want, write me al John WimaiiiiLker PcStmaeii TRIP ROIND THF WOULD. We reached the place just in what change« you deaire made, and I will accommodate you. Or leave Order« with T he except the of flower rhetoric, no lab­ H erald . Y ou will it a« cheap to erect a handsome house hk to wa«te material on an un I J. N. Dolph sightly building. VVilj uid you in re-constructing your present bcilding. 4I-M Miss Nellie Bly, is expected to ar­ or except to forge chains, so to speak, J .1. II. Mitchell SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP time to witness a tableau. .Binger Hermann A woman poorly dressed, and rive in San Francisco from China to bind the common people. When lyhifter l'-cmiu« er J. C. WELCOME - P roprietor . Geo. W. .’.if Bride her face bearing the look of one who next Tuesday. She will be met Vanderbilt said a few years ago, “the G. W. \\ -bb BURN'S. OREGON. J. B. McElroy had seen much worry and suffer­ hereby two representatives of the people be damned,” he simply ex­ Frank Baket R. 8. Strahan ing, stood near the trough, and a World, who are to have everything pressed the sentiments of all his V. ni. 1’. Lord $ V»'. V». Thayer T The Odell I) little bundle, evidently filled with arranged for her and take her back i class. an t : i'latrictbudee . L B. TsoX 1Y P E W R I T Ell clothing, was set on the ground as fast as steam can do it. Miss .J.. L. R and Unless Farmers and Working­ DlBtrictfcA Uu. .1 . ?I!EäTJ^^_ beside her. Bly sailed from Hong Kong in the men continue to organise for sclf- WILL BUY THE ODKLL TYPE WRITER. WARRANTED TO DO AN (£4 f* Five feet away rtood a burly steamer Oceanic, December 28, and prctection the day is not far oil' «-J? I us any One-Hundred Dollur Machine. «0 I G. W. GlLIIAM Reprcsen ii'ive CountyBudffe . J. T. S hields tough-faced mountaineer, and he was expected to reach Yokohama when we will be comparatively, It combines BiMPLiciTYwith durability — speed , ease oe operation .W. E. «. p . a < E Clerk BLACKSMITH. Treasun T. H. R oberts ; will ! Surveyor wears longer without cost of repairs than any other machine, ha* had a switch in his hand. January 7. The Oceanic is expect­ slaves. .Should we, in this county, \V. E. GlLUiON • A. A. < O A ING ADOLPH TUPKER 8herifr - P rop ’ k no inkribbon to bother the operation. It neat, substantial, nick- Neither minded us as we drove ed to arrive here Tuesday. Miss \V. E. A li ’. erson AOBMRor have another failure of crops as we el-plated—perfect and adapted to all kinds of typewritin.g .... B. B aker Be bool fcperir.te: c. —G EN ERA I. REPAI R ING— up, and it was full a minute after, lily’s itinerary is by the Central did last year, we will in a great )E TRE 8to< k I bf ; Like a Printing Pre— it produces sharp, clean, legible manuscript. Two to ten copies before the husband said: Pacific, but that road is in a very bad many cases, be at the mercy of can be made at one writings. Editors, lawyers, ministers, bankers, merchants, Gent ... loner« ,1,.. i manufacturer*, busines.M men, etc., cannot make ajbetter investment Jfor |15. “Mary, I’ll wallup you!” condition, ns is the Southern, and the C< rbin Banking Co., the Scotch Au intelligent O': person in a week can become a Good operator, or »¿rapidonv in 2 months. “Jim. you dassn’t!” BAUNT.Y r. S. LAND Ci I ICE! even if Miss Bly should beat the re­ Loan Co., Balfour, Gunthrie & Co., $1,000 offered any operator who can do better work with a Type- ..J. B. H untington Register “Mary, you cain’t leave me, no­ cord across the Pacific ocean it would ..H arbison K elley Promptly executed. The I uilding he« been en Writer than that produced by the Odell. fWR'Iiable Agent* and other money-loaning compa­ large I and iinprovpd and !« nrepared to turn how.” appear she is almost certain to 1 <• all ki: • w < ! blacksmithim; on short notice and Salesmen wanted. Special inducements to Dealers. and in the I t-ft style. Ter:, r: Cash. 1-ly “Jim, I’m gwine ter do bit; I’ve delayed in crossing the continent. nies. This is plain talk, but it is < Ht'Rcii directory . For Pamphlets, giving endorsements, Ac., address the time, and many farmers in this starved an’ suffered till I’m clean Had she crossed from Yokohama to ODELL TYPE WRITER CO., T he R ookery , C hicago . In.. 45 country know it to be so. HARNEY ADVERTISEMENTS. give out, an’ I’m a going home.” Vancouver and then reached the Let us organize into Granges, or ‘ .Mary, cf you don't take up that Northern Pacific at Seattle, it is be­ w. a . wisHinr, Lakev iew, Or. there bun’Ie and march back into lieved she would, under the circum­ a Farmers Alliance clubs for our own the bouse, I’ll wallup ye, stout an’ stances, have sooner reached New protection, and when the proper WILSHIRE “Tain't rulable for strangers to Arrives at Prineville Saturday« at » p in Leaven Burn« Thur«.lava a’ 6 a ui. with any party that will represent HARNEY.------------ OREGON mix in, ma’am. Jim’s got a knife a- 6. rriGft’« Something AI m u ’ Natural Git«. the common people an- ■' S D., at a depth of fi" feet. The rraMbp1* make the fur fly—take that!” o< HONEBRAKE. Oli With a swish he brought the pressure is strong enough to throw clude what we want and demand BREWERY WW•> (’ m * ■ »• rar- 1. H * 4 switch down acr >ss her shoulders, sand ar.d gravel 30 feet in the air. it. We are tired of asking, we b-«* «CH it has been tested and burns excel­ mti"! learr. to trust each other, and and raised it again. ■ PAUL LOCHER -------- PROPRIETOR a h -»■ * , distrust only politicians. Let us P. IL MURPHY. lently. ■8 »; t ****^BB She stood stock still for a minute B U R N 8, O R E O O N A strong flow of natural gas was demand nothing oriy what is right OR EC and looked hinc square in the eye. e..J • I aBrna he l«T,