UAFTKHN ADVERTI «ÏM ej ,. I h ABPEB BB o THEB»’ PVBI.ICATIO.NS. stock rbands . WAS H ER present our readers with The Best 1890 i Statement of the Publie I’usineHs Plant Trees rramuicted at the Burns Land <)f- F, will the-LOVILL" WiKnK * “ .^ “ J > in,r in» 13 lics from Septemler 2 to December 1W0. Magazine. THURSDAY. JAM’ HD u4 do II .»»ler «nd In I m . Um. ,on’i «»th lt’ _ the wvrld. W.rr.nled flv. ye*rs, «nd It It «on < 81,188»: clothe. without n ¡AM, “'•'2',’;’. u”ty.Ar. rca—Cloth ■ ■ Clra. ie»n wit-out , een <•«” l"'““f -'.•7 Declaratory Statement«, em­ I L L U S T R A TED. _ To keep ported, read T he H ek - > • ^^T acents wanted Adorn your Horns«, your To»B • bracing 8407.14 acres. ul .«eni. .rom.kte, tiomS’o <- Y« nr Illtufh'F. Yt i»kO'.T,>lo»K»dnriD«tl.ewlaUr. *-'''i?*1/,-, , ■ v . ,.. .,o . a I 1>. ILLUSTRATED tewlll»« Ihl. Watbrr. price, only l’ia<«8. with treeB and Mltrubberjil, -00 Homestead Entries, 3284.10 Kd Shakespeare—the Shaktsi eare of__ — For Lam! Office news, read Bd">lrin( an S3. Also the , w. invite lb, win A. Abbey — will be presented In H aji I'EK' h WBINSE1W M manuUclcroV lowest prk.s. ' , , .„j for Suited l«thr (limale of E cr . acres. Magazine for lv«», with « «»mmen'H by Andrew strictest Invmlgatl in. Send your tuldre» on - P05“1 T he H er o.o. ouly 1 atm. II akder '.« Magnzliie has ulao made spe­ further particular». -8Ori"inal Desert Entries, 1500 ; cial arrangements with Alphonse Daudet, the —Wednesday was th'- stormiest LOVELL WASHER CO., Erie, Pa. greattst of living French n«>velis's, for lhe ex responsible Hoff TH acres. elusive publication in »erial form, of a humor day < f the week. ous Btorv, tu uv entitled “The Colonisiw of Tar -2 Final Desert Entries, 105.10. uficoti; tb'-liiBt Adveiiturcs of the E mihgun Tar- —Ed. Martin, who has been acres. Wid herd tarin.” The F'orv will I m ? frans'ated by Henry Jum«F, ami il!ustrate«l by R. F»i and Myrl u< h. you what you PUBL1 quite sick, is improving. W. I». Howel!« will (otUrlbuie a U«»vc!uttc in - i'.iTimber-Cultur • Entries, 2131- pay th’ money f.,r: three parts, mi l I ufmdio Hearn a novedette in two par.», entitled “Youma,” hands«,tnely illus­ —No mails in Wednesday even­ . ! ur BlcricB and novelet« are from Rome of the «.« s’ n. pular anti « ; f . «nd stifle: i HARPER’S PERIODICAL” TiiutiUe $201. —All the sick and generally in­ arc admirti- I to Le the best p ib ished. Fur I ■ • -. su. h write s as Mis. ..u . ii. Hooper. Alice Bow • ’ Per Tear: -33 Final H'd. Entries, $100.31. maif, Frank Lee iencdi t. Alice .Maud Ewell, Higtii s.n: Howard •»•«•¡e-.. ar.«l oth«-:»» •« i 1 I disposed are, up to date, rej»ortid Il.\i:r"l:s MAGAZINE i «•:,!ribute t «m<* of their i rB? pruductiun». Eight nuvele.B and i«eai 1.-. m;e hundred »bort b »ri« fi Range— Gnint county, uregon. h \i;ri:i: s \\ i : i :\ i . y improving. -06 Original li d. Entrie s, $1053- will bt- given during the jeur. article» «.n health, curb .gtheai The voluntes of the ?«f. iigiizine l eghi with —Jap. and Ellis McKinnon are 1136LO2 acres, il 12H1.5L ; und |H;pu!ur (ltsigns pruduced at home ar. .e /.’nuiber- for June i and Deevmlx r of hauling hay through town to tin ir :;:e : -pcciiicd, sub­ | T he B e .- t nteel -E ngravins —‘‘PetcrauL” is ôtlwr, or t icii \< .«T. Wfieit no limcj' -Land Sales. Timber, :;6. res vo naib ii ■ the Number cur- all engravings. st* tipi ions will begin will» ranch every day. T he C heape .- t - ‘ b do other magazine givo s- -Des« rt Land Sales. origmal.L’lOO nniiicy. i’f order. M. J. O ’ C onn I . Ag. auiefrtfti Iarp« r Magazine, for —This section of country is for­ Bound volume o: noRBF* branded on ‘loth binding, will TERMS: ¿2.00 A YEA lie take» 1 e ye..r - B uck , in near c -1) si rt Land Sale», final, $243- tunate in having no malignant firm l.elt stifle: Horlsoa'al on the gro ciit by mail, po*■•»•«id .on re.’i‘||d of $ 5 nf disease, such as diptheria and EL1GANT PREMIUMS F«>: volonté. ('Itch t’a^es 8, for biiiding, 50 The D« uble-II , .-¡«aid. typhoid fever, which arc severely : < each - by ma -Fees for Taking Testimony, Ilirptr’« Mng.i/inc AlpLabi i ulex to felt in Montana, Idaho, and along ♦401.85. ...... 8G0 ACRES,0» . ?» til \ Italy tiu «.and (’la­ '■ttvintr.or itiO’Di to ro, ìnehi-iie, fr tu? the Coast. -Total Cash Kect ipts. 17.07" vo. ( ’.o; C attle I randtduii —A letter from West Fall, Mal­ dioid.F* Larger Chi’, s, stil. or Brail li« ur county, of Jan. 15th, say.-: <^ne Y< U SInUr li» «•' Sliar.icll” I ■ Hix Mot "snow is 2 J feet on a level, and up­ ¡1 i Three ! One Yc on lhe hill.' from 3 to 4 f i t; 20 - The Harnev Press saysTit below 0 has I een the coldest weath­ alii has .shown "the u u' f at l.< i rilE OLDEST, er to date. There __ : is no 1 hay >» in the in the "rule or ruin” policy now in a IS THE LARGEST, Herald M country that me can get at. practice by it and our tow n cotem- N I lit rai l —Prineville Review, Jan. IS: porary. Now, Bro. Press, if you I • lost on desire a decent controversy as to Mail carrier Baker got . W eia Combs Flat, as lie came in from lhe merits of Burns and demerits B. TODHl ' ' Burns Inst Saturday night, and war of Hartley, just sail in; but, like nfflTl LOUISVILLE, KY. forced to hang up under juniper the white girl that married the The Leading Agricultural Journal of the South and West. darkey, w l.en the minister told her until it got light enough for him Made by Farmers for Farmors. to salute tlie groom with a kiss, to S to sea his way out. our Fr As a record of successful agriculture. H ome replied "I love him, Lut you make Im ter ö and F arm has no equal. Every topic relating ( —Political campaign op« n in Har­ me so shamed!” cpym H to agriculture is openlv discussed in its columns IT Y OS ÏI1-. ’ ’ - OVÍ by the farmers themselves. No expense is « pareu ney county. It is sincerely hoped in securing a full account of every notable suc­ that all competent, worthy, and de cess on the farm. It is distinctively the The ' « tv York ♦ kiy. stack j FARMERS’ OWN PAPER, nomi- ­ serving Democrats will Le nomi The publi.'licr« of that .-¡«■.ling A record of their daily life, pre ented in a form 1 inch i nated to fill nil th" county ollicis. and language which make it p aia tu all. prll.HJ they will all be sure "to get there. home journal, the New York \V« k d put mu ITS LIST OF CONTRiBUTORO ly, are thin nearoii making an oil'«- ninrkab'1 Contains the names of the most nvogrc.ssive farri­ Eli.” ers of the South and West. '1 hey do not treat , that exceetls in liberality any w of theoretical fanning, but of the actual condi­ — XU It 10 is with the tions which confront us to .r f va’ing u a ' v ¿f the «•’ iu « k < iu.uiln. 21st, 1390, from chronic tonsilliti- for one dollar, and ynu will pc pre­ “ ute regularly. uinc-s «>f lhe kly will with (....................................................... lie above brand or bvL*i»”ii.g thereto. . ThcV«............ FAITII LATIMER f. r Wet Janunrv of be-in ca< h year. after an illness of six week- sented, free of ail expanse, with a ' the fit st Number Is in charge of our Children’s Department, and no t.ii.e is ; ’ .•i.t : o: e l. an! k < rip i.-ns v. i ] , When ibit.h.e is i-tcutio-' aged 2 years, 2 months ami 17 du;. she has the peculiar faculty of being both in­ copy ofany <>iv « f.-tri. t and Smith’s i h the the Nu.nier r, » « r» r« »-«rv begin y. i'li NLt. < ur¡etit at lime of re- •rwi-'T- i REES, « SURI PS,. . teresting and instructive. Dear little "Midget” Lrigli'. Hat re < eipt of order. Select Series of popular American THE MYSTERY GF THE RATION three Bound Volumes of !Lir» « •r r ’s r Week »»w« ’' • f«»r ............... Al.MEDA A. STENGER. our oftiee with her sweet baby . copyright novels, Tlie S< cut Set vice ’ . eurfi bit'k. in neut < I. h h binding, will be co t 14 a thrilling story appearing in K omb and dv mull 1’« t age paid. < r bv txprcsB. free ««f ex- < ailing F arm , by John R. Musi. k, nnd is exciting wide nearly every Week the past suinno i Series of Detective Stories, or tin I k. 0 V C - - pet.» • (provided lhe freight dot b nut exceed $1 attention. Short stories by distinguished writers APPLES. PLANTS...... locai’, ne We extend our sincere sympathy t . Sea and Shore Seri s. Th ■■ looks s r°5 per *. •■’11 lie) for $7 DO ti vo.lline. appear from to time. C attle branded • loth < (F’F for ent h Volume, suitable for allchan ingredient BILL ASP’S LETTERS the bereaved parents. Burial i: ire neatly I ound in e’.eg • litho­ ldnding w ill be sent by mail p. st paid*, on re Appear in each ijsue, and this humorous philoso­ vn Lef. aide: circle- r pl or*'I;u Burns cemetery 23d inst, at 11 am graph paper covers, cotitnin from , « ci KemirianceK pt of 11. pher was never more int. resting than at this f I iou 1 . «! be made by p. »• ’ office' m-ini. t D*o akd C. I "Beautiful child, God’»: gift of IwVe. Monev i irder «>r lira ft, to av« i«l chatti e of 1« ff . BERRIES,QUINCES, »• 300 to 50U pages, ami r tail for 25 naYu IN ITS Li 1T0IIHL DEPARTMENT A Ltuiir H ARPER di BROTHER.-, New York Lent but a day to uh lu i w; cents each. A sample copy of the H ome and F arm speaks b-.i.iiy n!;d fear’.csslj’ in Angels enllcd, she p».»F d »1 •• ft ” Fioin a world of trouble and w.,v." belu ’f of " Farmers’ Ki. : • It favor ?. re­ New York Weekly and a complete vision of the tariff in behi.if of the- farmer ; better road- for the farm r; Free Delivery to the description of the books will Le -ait PEACHES, FLOWERS,. Of eve: Range—Harne»• and Grant < , .a Ortguii farmer ; Co-operation among the farmcis, and its I'l’oin Sunlluwer l»anch, (»rant ('onn( . •< rvl dCM .uri e ilarnc/county, > r. free to any adtlress, upon applica- aim is to " Bust Trusts.” Its motto is i treílla Fair Trade aal Farmers’ Rights. Ens. E ast O heuon H hu . ah : Will tion to the publishers, Messrs, Inveì« i t-t atom« send you a fer items from this sec­ Street it Smith, 25 t > 31 1!« sc St , Harper’s Bazar NECTARINES, New York city tion of country. Mention T h :: II erai . i , in which —The snow is just two feet 18. t.»l i THE HERALD. Ì L 11 l . ■ - KLY CA rile Detecti vv ’ f ' 'tvs . b,. ”< »Id i*ui< h.” Mn lu f “ Why. Audi.', yon nccdn’C cryabctit I'.-rn an«! JeiT», b\ i'- ux Ft F or. R! I only r.iid rira. . Hen vas u very well- ilrunt A- ii'i’s, by "(-Id Sirinh.” informed u n.m, cud 1 ls-cd jvd WCJ.d follow Five «.tin f ti) lit«’ Fame binieui autlu>r. The l’"H' ol’iUi«* D«*te«*li\v. <■«*• W. (¡ibnie. L< r example*.'’ Mi:« I. ‘‘Tes. r.:.d ì v."”ek y^ti eald you I'e i Hained. an (>rixi.ia: r >;n i ice, by b,. Ivanus • —Del. Otlicer jus-t returned from i U«>bh, v. i lud I could luni * «■ to I ok r.s stylhh as Mr». Jr. l he K iiil ' f T.ilib I»* S'l\anus < ebb. Jr. ' Allen.- and .-he i.'.a'x * 'll Lc? W.HC« l U1C3. Dut Burris. •ne has what 1 hav< n’t.’’ r . I. “\V. - i- baî?” RemenP < r thi.< ia only a partial M M’. h L ee . *■ V» ell, the gt t3 a’1 of I:cr infornui- often <1. All of tlies" book» are lion f’ -in t Ma~az n ■ t eytrk-*. I admit that knows ail tùat is gidr. , ca. »nd is br lit and copyrighted, and e.innot le pr>- »he cntcrtalnin ; i:i conversa:!* a Lut I con d do as veil ns r . • am x if I had the ‘•.mo source of eured from any other publi.-lier brnrof bar I A free copy of the \'erry Alma­ tcaaitif. nbon; vrrious t o i. l ru tnri and tho nac in Kent with each »ample copy topics óf th * dry, t .rn ! v •; «i p ck r.p in» Ly my cc».i.- .orni chu; ; v. th .*r tit. * It plied for. It eontaitiK sonn* of the Cot . rsu. ry t?p‘c of l’.’.tcr t, f m the nows of —Plenty of lively young wittiest sketches of the day, and the day • • I > t -c d t iDs o house ccpirg; r nd <*•.’ rj : ng i i to b . ... a ti ■>. 1'. in this country also the o|M'iiing chapters of sever­ livery t...r* Man; c goes over t > ti c r.i cne’ tho coined bar’; end rca*'3 aw to|.l yon to take Jiliiliary 6, IS'H) al of the looks mentioned above. 1>* .n »rest-Family Ma’S’ r « th itoiies aro goo I. Etc th ■ boys watch for i ivory month, R< member this is sent free to all to : •* a place Is found fort un al-o in its pages; and Iliiihi l I» V« hi I- < oiih ; y . .-inti ( hat Mr Allen ..o r* by it lr h r nlly onderful on request, to Buihi I p \ our TnU ii. how it suits vwry month r of ih fi mily 1’’ S i ki : i r A S mith , Mi: I.E” •’Ü i’ll perh.-t «111 d b* tu r «end for a East Oregonian: Feuilleton p • Specimen Copy : tir. if it h:.n)th;i nil ■ what you 25 to 31 Rose st.. »;*.v it Is. it wi.lamu«--? and in-rino thewhole< f us.” pie believe that tane progress menus New York City. Mis l.’S I elhitW .’tnmmr> lhmorest, the pu’ : * - n I : • î’i !* tr»' t > -. w York, is ili<* up-l uihling of nil nithoiit »ny «ellì«lnn sh i. upp i iiii .-I. I « li« V/ in r.,tti rn she m *v chou n. I ;a any fìzc - which nl : c maki « « h \ «tut and 1 just tearing «town others in order to rear want a i nk : pi < ra I ’ Vr-. .'lien’s. The themselvea tip. Tbit« is the rpiiit pub Tiptb n p Ì o is c:dy • .’.Q ft }« r: and I nvi«t I ay I c>. ft >< • I. w th. y <*.-n i.ublhU to of th«- brut«- < r< ati.m. ov« r which elegant à Ma_a. inc f r .. little iuoi.cjr. ' ... I .. icr. vi. min»«n . IDNLÏS, LÎÏER ANB BOWEL? -AS» T > — Cleanse us System Effectually, — ,□ T.XT — »upn r.iooo. lESMING SLEEP, EALTH and 8TRENCTH f. e 1 Vtrr ana h n-irc it •!«l < hte.l wnh n. A*L v-ai • .-Vil I’CMIGf. M . RNIA FIG SYRUP CO. I b ■ I’rlcc, ch ».O.> ;>» t ¥var. a .’ pre :tn M Fca oioeo.c •rvr RAN FIlANCIBCO WEEKLY CAM *i bund • i.; i ig .t ; ag • ; ,tp( r. ltisi- su every T.urrala: . and cm.tains nil < ( 11.. lir.por..iHt nova of the v.’eck. glcuned fr m every (¡’.latter of the globe, ( .-mp’c.c up t > da'. ? < f publication. It conUiiu li. tcror. i;i;r special vorre ■] oudencc E in nil o; lhe princlpft! citie « i .he world Sod st v:;. t nmuuut < f lhe le . -eA-cPd -id migi.iid h nond ll;e t -e It T ieh I£ m i th t and mo t rebab o fl ;a .< l.-.l uev-j and : ket qr. '.a. on , : :»1 givci ipici .i alt > i i» u . i ' ;: . .. d i i ,i. U J U W is in every ¡e ;j cct a lin.t-ciu s faux.. j u appciulu,; :■> iLm inu-rex <»i •swry ’ .«..i of the kou’cheld. ( he '. x -; ts ; t: i a v . kcxi I« a live iuotrc’g»!: an <«ui ?‘. It ’• i i i.c ; ' i / be!;. , • ciE.'.ltt.' LLWb. \l I «I« t P«c!£c LilîMT «i Le abov ja; tre wl.i n . nd j o-t; »:!&>&] r..-i;un celpi c i i. < f úmwiug av.buc ip:i-u r L- tàe ccmb.aatioa; 9 t X.tL JVX ADTOtTlSttS. . ■ir... n ’. Í3 UNICUSOUArXi!' t.u _ Ljarnrec! = ■ «■ •1 ■. 'X . In c.-lsn. T . n .d *H «X Sinn.-<*■ ' . ubh'tM-O t. S.-'icty Itam- i tW«4 i Tan»t tnodH' • *.«■ r n«. H it wretga« tiri I. <•-.* ».««v in»;«tra f.-rno;L 'ABa.i.Baau »?■<»- u au -•> t 11«.»«. ((«rwh.’Hr and r «••’-»rj i <*,-.?.w. Kr« I l.JT «hrp »•«’. I . t BucMtur it* ru miar »r1 T I MB »nd «»anfer«.‘K TK- . »rri ft t id » »rp’ . rP*i t1 s larr I« •: I I.MW* r ml d 1 • - . .:•■«. nnfreft twr^cv la*«M »r n U»'t’««r «Mr*. ». I if « «r .h»H-r«««D»dy /■•«. »«onP i w ’■ a-i- ; a <•*»« ✓ •• zcfttalugw* nml »tip.-»» apr’ ’ -«a. 6*511 Til C. VP*-e»’.. t; rloft^cl.L uZftftB Idra J £ ì M l .1 • WEI W J r - / ! Report n'..i!: i.-3 IÌ.-U lic-dac l.T. »1: : U- tjwÄ« aa >1 .? : 'it; J secret HARPER - PERiODlCALsS ?« r Year tlvRi’FR - BAZAR 4 HI . • a 4 HARIM.ii- WE 1Y - O .t XKI'Eil'- V H N ■ ri: tl’I.E P. R’nuv Free >«> ui; cutritei» in the Unite i - a-« b , Canada. ,.r Mexico. The v. lume» lie Bazar begin with the f:iF tr i’.vrf.-i .•»' ll :r. <»i e:i b. . avunl ( haut e->f I. fb . Adress: HARPER THERs. Nl TS. FRI’ITS. OBN’AMENTA L CYPRES t*U] KS ASH. LINDEN. CliEST« Clerk ' Pr5r u 4.» La;jd ? 7i.:r.............. "’"s, cr.d p. C. /-y ^tt’er^cS^^^P’SiETTLER S GUIDE« 124pp.j pricecr/y 25:. (portais :îanp* 20 BO WIVES m We »ill ‘•’.11 th? e-vire I st of Twenty Valued« Book« enumerated and described l»el«»w, to every t«ul»- gertber to thi* paper tor the cneumg year, who icm.u fre- ty r - i ’ i in addition to toe regular aubeeription price. Thoee b«x>!i-«. each one of which e -ntaina a com pletefirvt -:1a.«-* novel or oth--r work by a well known an 1 popular .kuthor, a-e pit' »h- I in : • pamphlet form, printed from good r.-adabl- typo on po.^l paper, •a I many of tn«ni '• (t I«- -nrly Illa«(r»ted They mm- S tko aotne of the rin «t no. k « ever wriuen by aome of lie greatest aad m popular writer«. Loth of Ameri­ ca aa«l Kurope Ea,-.i ono is <-omplete in itself: V 2b> Mr«, raiidlr'« ' nri.iln I rrlnre*. Ry D ocgla S J»:'S > ’ ' <*ry <■ ! I very fnnny. Th» younger a< well a’ ol-l-’r cen«ra:ic'n «h old read them. No .’•» Idvent-trM .»f :• Eno hr lor. ?’r the au­ thor of ■ B. ai B' i 1 • Adv- ’i:rev tn New York.’’ A grea’ in •? iv • k by a popular ant h«r. N lloiv Io M:ikr nnd ‘mr Mnnrr on lhe Emin. ■■ ••mrxtmn -f n«.-f-.ii facta, bin-« vn I « i rx •«tinn* or fa- rner« and gardener». n !■'••• n lhe l' c i tu lh? Moon. A JC.V. P. J «' ; y - n It« Luf-e O1 I ATnn wf «hv Ilntlg- \ A I> i -- e;on« Xk A Xovil. By 3 « txv £ \ The f.-rdec Farm Pi "de. A Xorel. r. v • % • t hi .«-.n Derrick’« D.iuafcter. A Novel. By M T • ' ■ lhe Baron*« Wil. A Novel. F syl - 'N«» ; VA*r< « <’■ i n. J• Th-- Pcrtl of Rtrhard Pardon. A Wo ; S T«1 I. By B I. F vmjk »v. w«». ; T,‘ lllaekblrd Hi!’. A 'or«i. Dv L-TDil S 3 K KkX' tw. «•warvi!»«*» Plat. % Novel. By \ Dr J II R S’.. " The ’ • 2»k The *"rrs»w »f a Srcret. A XoveL llav. Br «'SV Ov 1 No X ’ Prrtv and the Prophet. A Xovai B« W > TV * ft wf n XTe, so la.', ive .< ! n j:r:u ••-. ".;h if.e médicinal virtuel « i' plaie, t e.l lis be n* ? C le if’ '.I 1.' I • t- ■■ ni sv.iem. formini; th.ON LY riiR- fil T kF.MEDY ta »et gentljr je: yrnmpt’y on tvi t.. : HOF a • t f «-rv ispv 8!ihl<. .1 ¡k'1 '• the h. le.e do bf •,ak« • ■ I r. fl »* mu ; :F . Nvexjn^.G. ifBptl - aking is ar ia :<• tu iu< < ts • ulna or < r. I f < a . i . • r t ; t pn . . f . un i thou,.i> u itFT ► Fai t u i tins . F iREt pa’w'C B ÌUI g OUF < b a ili;.; I Aft^r • rr Year. I — Peter Delore, of 11arnev valley. « ih here tn spend the holidays. the principles ami 1: men n.-n> control. Whc.t i< trim < f Umatilla l « xery town. Har: v i: eh:«!««l. . the« utity; in tlie <>p< nil g • very grain r.wc ranch: in the . ta n of evi rv tew l.uoine«« in th«' I nihlit .-in« v I < .miitrv of cv< ry lion« . or >;.« each a«l«l.« that mne’.i luon ii»i|M rl.mcv <'l‘ l’n.' centra) ti I’oint. the town of Ihi r «ar i to tie- loe. h Mt. W ich i - a i molli« : i to nil i-omity. tile peo; timekeeper. Wanauted heavy, ' SOLID gold huntiug cases. Both ladies and rent » sixes, with works nnd cases ef equal value. OXK PKKSOWin eh locality can secure one fr«***, together with our large and valuable iuieof Household These Mini.'«,as well S'the wat h. are free. All the w rk you need Jo la t . »how what we »end you to ,ho** fro nd» and n.ighhor»and thow about you—thatalway• remit» in v.laabb- trade fiwu«. which hold, for ya« *h;"on« and thu. ua are repaid. W. P,y all expreaa. freight..etc vou know all, if you would like to go to work fur «»■ yo« can earn tr , M>2<* to ¡•84,4» per week and upward« A-idre»», • I • i' i. < —Stockmen of this section are .Syl ri •* tt'.Iu. i" ' . " Mr . < a •'»■/ e io A’iii i I Jiiin:i < •' n r. beginning to look very blue mid I < Will iruiin’s I ri. 1 *, I . I .• . Rniiditl discouraged. Should this stav on «— | The.-*! i.i.t.,-- l r. . . b >: ' I another month there will be a At 1 er. hi;*« mar, ■< . n.i c< i ien >;irdou'~ pre i d:ii’’na. —Hay eannot be bougld for The l. " K Giiiih ui‘ l.yon , b, i’joi. Win. money mid there is no pasture to Hvnr\ I’ vck . Ait Irish Mont o«'risto: by John bherman. be got. * \ Wall sti’e«*; Hai 1, by Nl< k < urn-!, AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. Harar’s Young Peonls- The Eleventh Vohin.eof lí.'-p *r’r, Y «Hing l’eo- p’.e. v. hi h ’.evil b with the Ntna- vr f,-r N«>\<-in h-r è, is.'-’b. pi’t-Fcnia an a tip. ti’. «• pr.;«.ram. 1’ will «.ftr n> i F rende s tu lei f ’ ñ tir PCI i*'r «>■’ •l.«? usuai lengih. and «»’ber» in t'v » - ril it- par F. viz: ” Che R».*«l Mus ang.’’ ov William (’. ■ «•toiuift-il; “Fhi! «ibi he I :i... hy ! u< v < . I.U He ••pró.vo sh-Tt s ”*¡ k s bv Hjahnnr Hj..r;h i'«>yeFeu. Two serbo of Fairy Taira w ili nttrn' t thè ati» »•.- «ini «>i i.i'rr» <:i iì:c w. H-.wtl p Th-.mRB Ne >• n Pa.; *. Mar / F. Wilk’t ». ?«. ra r«”TV, litr li. t l’ie» -’t Fp. ff. r I, David Ker, Hiz*kiah I ir . r h . i h e .*•*.. vit. Ri l a. 1 Ma.«« m J. !«• »•. n. etc. I K* t ». : 1 aeiv.i fc. Kun »ent JUNIPER; RHOIXLEJJ Send fra Cntab ,;ue your selections in timl delivery, if you want :oP; but the Bert,and that is»! Cheapest. Last spring,! than a Call at this Office asi add res'? the following s arre w-rs^c^ ras r childrei «»f the In ihe Inlet < wts w iih ■ -..- h»r» t. r tn* h i a t