O regon E asi H erald BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1890- I +■ HERALD. ILISHED EVERY TIIL’lWDAY by las®» lor Inn Idilli, B ni h BL GRACE, and P roprietors . Is PA PER LAWS. r is required to give notice by he paper doe« not answer the briber does not take his pap r lid the reas-iU for it« not belli;’ ut to d > ho make« the post e to the publisher for payment ill orders his paper diseoti ,av all arrearages, or the Pub uu to send if until i a incut i« the whole amount whether it office or not. There can be uaucc till payment in made. who take« a paper from the ,r directed t«i ii:« name or au- ht> huB «ui scribed or not. is e pay b r orders hi« paper «' opped and the Publisher continues fiber is bound to pa» for ii if inc p< siotfiee. Thia p’<»< ev’t t a man mnet pay for what lie THE AMERICAN I’EOI’I.E’S I.AXHS. w lie//? •SOlUTILV pv* Many Important Bills Introduco;? A I’e.v will bo Cot «dried and Stiil lw I’nssrd. tiENElllI. CON«.... .IOS '1. KOT1.K. Farmers want a census taken ot farm mortgages; a tax on sales of ‘ promises for the future delivery of farm products;” for the prohibi tion of speculation in farm preduets; for the irrigation of arid lands; lor an appropriation to import para sites for scale insects. ’ Petition for location of the World’s Fair at Chicago. tell of our stage lines. Passengers on the Spokane branch train were blockaded four days at Pendleton, There were 45 miles of drift be tween R.iparia am] Spokane m il the rotary snow plow i.roki n twice. Trains, like our stages, gel on i s they can? B U R N S A1) V E RT IS E M E N TS. In herald building, Room a ' ,1 ii p the< ff<e. open Every Day except Sunday, from 9 a m to 4 p in. Every i.ad> tiud Goin ieman n wet . aie \ isitur tu the Reading Room during the hours named. A 1 il w is introdu -ed: East Oregonian: McKinley ex To • relief of settlers on tl.e pub pects to havi the t iiff bill ready For reduction of letter postage lic lands. J3URNS ^JiHCULATlNG T ,IBRARY by February 1st. The people are to 1 cent an ounce. To relieve certain purchasers of waiting for it, and'ii it does not AND Jan. 7—Reports of committees come up to tla ir expectations, woe swamp lands, etc. BOOK EXCHANGE IN THE LILI A .1) BLTLD.N’G. unto McKinley and his party. To acquire titles to land for pur considered. AIKS. GRACE, ------ librarian . poses of public defense. Jan. 8—Resolution offered call The producers of the country are > of u[»eniug thiH busi cFb in connection with the Free Reading Room is to obtain the For raising revenue from the use ing for information froi . the Land awakening. They aie beginning 1 object I uu n fur p.i.v husmg oo. KB u I ubne L.onuy for Bums-— The lui tor the building is bought. of public lands for stock raising. Oilict, relative to Al!.geu land to see that they produce wealth in i’i-.R.'. •; t iiip. •, a car. Reading !’< <» b e. Deposit of _ c, or Retail price of Perl ; abundance, yet they enjov barely odiial or hook, muue t>iu> nc i.io.m.an, in u\cry tnatauce. &enu for c atalogue. To open to homestead settlement frauds in Florida. hive decide i that refusing ti The i.ibiai iau is agent h i aut. w ill lake Sul hi lipiiut s ul the Low hi Rates for any Peri the necessaries of life, while the L’he eou eirtain portions of the Indian Ter uu i periodic a’s from the p. si ai.o «.it.er any ».< « k, pinoibheu in the c ui.cd s . u . ih or ctu.auu. Amu, sheet Music and e wfipap Resolution adopted calling for non-produeers, the politicians, the iuicai, ¡them uncalled for, willioii Pictures, Woikb oi Ui, 11 vusu-builuiug Designs, Etc. Absolutely Pure. ritory. me, is prinia l'aciu evidence ol copies of correspondence with Chi speculate s, the railroad w c'cers, Tlii powder never varie«. A marvel To shorten the period required purity, >;rcng h, 1 . ’ . anti who e-omencss. More in homesteading public lauds, to | na, relative to the exclusion of Chi and an army of like ilk are living It’TION KATES: Kinds, mul economical ’ ** than the __ ordinarv . . LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENT. nese from this country. ia.00 extravagantly, and counting their cannot be sold in compe i.ui wi.h ihe mul three years. , . .1.00 titude of low te-as. short weigh;, alum, or wealth filched from the producing • Month« phosphate powders, fold only in cans. To prohibit aliens from acquir .M Year 4n|l' Avance) ! SENATE BILLS PASSED. Koval Baking l’owder Co.,lO> Wall st., classes by millions. ing title or owning lands within the THE HOPKINS HOUSE. New Yori-:- HERA 1.1» Cl.I II LIST: Bill passed to increase pay of It is queer that those who per United States. h>< r '• .Magazine .. 5JX) G E ST "cr - Weekly . 5.E0 form the least labor are blessed M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . LIAEL K u ,'i Udi Ppi r' • Lazar To allow the State of California census supervisors. .>.20 v ‘ ’ b l “ “ J a* with prosperity, while those who! > k IB ii. u ’ r«6- per'' Young iTopic 3.75 to make certain grants to educa Total Disability Bill passed, -The Herald’s i ’ s Manifold i';.chipedla, 2.9t) tional institutions. I volume after Vol. 1, ...» cell’s; EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. wherein all persons rendered total perform the greatest productive R THE«'»1 iir»tu fr vo.time, pi siuac ’. work are complaining of “hard Granting to South Dakota 5 per ly helpless from injuries received, ■—. opiefl »>1 (til the uitove work« call be ex cent of the net proceeds of the sales or disease contracted while in mil times” and scarcity of the necessa ■1 ui . ¡Bure u the Reading Room Good for Two Months Only. This Hotel is new (House, Rooms, and Furniture) and offers courteous service to every Gawt. of public lands in that State. itary or naval service of the Gov ries of life. (0^** Publiai ns of periodii a’s are b .dicited • i club dur hu s. ¡i cop of their work for The slaves are fast finding out Fixing the price of all govern ernment shall receive $72 a month. - \\ V '. Il'.'i bind till* Ever up with the t ¡nit«, TH E 11 ER A ED has •ee Be ad iu Fine Bar < i completed an arraiv/enieiil ‘ i:li n large New ment lands subject to homestead or ( . «•■ d e\ • rv half volume, ’•»»t I the tricks of the masters, and when York PiitdiL.ing ¡1« ti«e, which ci a'de« ub to incut. i>v a a ci IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. . Her our Readers a boiler chant e buiid up a pre-emption entry at $1.25 per acre. the glorious light is plainly seen, HOUSE. Hoiiie l.ibraiy of eleganil\ b.-und ' dooek tlmu ever Lefure. boivU Aaut books b\ Hie world’s <; ii.vj men will be free, and peace and best autluu«. ’ liani.iioinely bound b.-oki;. ’ To enforce compulsory attend Jan. 6, 7, and 8.—Time taken up 1 yr. nn.. 3 mo J 0 mo 1 To ent h t; : r ! i fill' s< ii' er: Prior to Feb. 1, 1X90, L2 'll — plenty will be the share of the work ance of witnesses upon registers a1 if. .->0. y uu < an liuve T he H erald one year with District of Columbia affairs, o& 00 V . ’h) $11.(M $15.0ii ail ! your Ftdei tio!i of any one «1 the following Cenerei Blacksmith & Waeon-maker. il 11.00 1- ers of the land. 1Z b' 1 13.00 28.00 named Im. ku, a lii.-h are bound in Black and and receivers of the General Land <».u0, 4 ■ and discussion of a code of rules 8. GJ lo.oO i 24 00 40 00 Gold, pi iulcii in large, «dear t\pe, on good pu : Office. ; -A . i ?8- The laborer is worthy of his hire ! II. R. SCHLÄGEL 21). HO ! 32.00 50.00 per, illustrated and li:iii<.r..in.c:y I 4.53 L akeview , O recom . . '¡i.i :\ I" b< un<i: fur government of the proceedings 1 >.00 28.0 J 48.00 54.00 1 Rubil ■ i »n i'iuF- ■ 1. < .00 0 ' e : : ....... o livening ti; Home. land instead of receiving a small! 12.M) MU' 28.00 •J.3.00 80.00 120.00 To provide for the reclamation of ; l J.dm Hiuifax, Arabian Nigh:s, ; 4U.0-J t»O.LO 110.(»0 ¡4 ) 00 20. ÜU kO Swiws Faiiiilv Robin-: •32 Craig’s Pronouncing arid lands of the United States, and | of the House. i part of it, he should have it all.: Dictionary. «on, by Kmnpe. Pilgrim’« Progress : 1 :: Daniel Boone, | their settlement under the horne Horse Shoeing ut |2.50 per bead. Preptoared do all Kind« of Work in th Blacksmith line. JTXC'E TO FOREIGN ADVERTISER*. Alii c ' b Adventures in i E l Tour of tiic World in Speaker Reed believes Congress I There is no reason for him to share --------- o---------- !e reBpectfully H<>!iei:iux y<>ur patronage stead laws. Wonderland. .. Righty Da\B. ! it with those who do not assist him desire to Jee p 'nr readeis p. s.ea ns to the Ey re : 5 Lucille (Meredith's) can adjourn bv the 1st of July. oous and rnlia Ie firms to deal with, cor 7 Jane B U G G I E 8, W AGON 8, E T C.,-> East Lynne, í Andersen’aFairyTiuea 89 To prevent fraudulent entries on ■ in producing wealth. Tieti< e will be saved by referring t«> the X kO.biO ___ l.iHguea ' * I ’ ” i~ Cooper'« I así of the MADE TO ORDER WITH NEATNESS, AND OF GOOD QUALITY. lug s ateintMi i based upon our uiriu.a Hon. Rotier (J. Mills is an inde- ' the public domain, and to preserve dur the Seo. Molli' Ui H, <k. The number of non producers are i this and adj pining couti.ii«: 9 Five _ WecKB ... in a 38 Kiiig.Soloii:or.’«Mines A I. T. W O R K W A R RANT E I). r’Uueral red, [uctiou to nil yearly adver- ; the same for the actual settler in fatigable worker for Tariff Reform. increasing, through the effect of re : • >he. Balloon. ( all at Oil: < e, or write to Publisher. I.v.0, ¡0 Ivanhoe, 40 Jut'S. I g. od faith. r*CutB charg- id extra, a<o rding to «pace; 11 Rob Rov, 41 Witch's Head, Speech made on a bill to provide strictive laws, monopoly, trusts, us but ini'!ill hr- I bc udmitted. Willy Reilley, 42 Allan (..'uartermain. .Immoral me ii< inal s. at u > price. I enjainiii Franklin 43 Hoyle’s ' uiins, i To amend an act entitled: “An for the emigration of Negroes from ury. combines, etc., which increase .Adveriiseliun s at less than 1» cents per DE EWHEY ADVERTISEMENT. A<hini Bede, 41 G rim ms Fairy Tule«, liet price* yearly, or ;;i < ent«, tran«ieut, S. 45 Harr’, l.orreqiier, I act to restrict the ownership of real the South. (ulli ver, the burden on the shoulders of the 5 eiveU. 4 i Handy Andy, Al« < p , .Special pdhiiion $2 extra charge per in estate in the Territories to American Poe’s Tales, 47 ( hint sc Gordon, ti. Instead • t i.ioii a Btauiling reader Igoe's Poen.s 4X Tchm ____ _ s-'i', , A I ill was introduced for the producers, for the simple reason citizens. u attentioti to ad. each week i« run in with Longfellow'S Poem«¡9 (hmdinal Sin. that the wealth produced by the news matter free. Whittier'« Poeros Sadiile und Sabre, TS. F^A b we Sier« .»type all our advertisements Pry ant s Poem« 50 To secure fur the actual settlers loan of public money to farmers at producers, has to be shared by the 7:1 Penalty of Fate. angeaufter 1st four publications, $1 each. 52 A h in a Lo» kin uGhiss M oiui f Choice, two p< r cent interest, secured by /“•Advertising in local t olumns, li’c a line. Wu\eriy, 53A Lu( ... ky Young . Woman ___ ___ the pill lie lands adapted to agri ^Marriage, birth, and death announcc- non-prodtiers in proportion to their Baron Munchausen,54 Merrc Men and Other culture, to protect forests on the pub j farm mortgage. s free. BB» h iteir.« «ollclti I ns news. ■ 25 New Arabian Night«55 Ta’i-e. P ropri stori . power. Therefore, it is plain in the ■ DICKSON A SULLIVAN ices ,. |P“Liberairai <•« offered to religious, social, 2B Emerson’« J ««ays 5H Vu nrof WnKefleld, lic domain, etc. edueatio^U bodies. Turner, of Kansas, lias a bill in ratio as the non-producers become ! 27 Guy Mam.ering. 57 '¡t.ji'1 Israel Pun.am. 18 ('apt. J. Im Smith. 5s I adv of the Luke. For the relief of settlers, whose troduced for furnishing all old sol- Lou. J. Be lenberg, Mixologist. 29 Paul ami Virgiuia' Sandford rind Merton. wicns I KTOB WORK 30 Boys’ and Girl«’ <0 Through lite l.ooking- lands and improvements have [ <liers that lost an eye or eves, ar more powerful the producers are liook of stories ami Glims: ::nd What Alice executed with neatncis driven into slavey. Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandies, been taken for the use of Indians, VeiBis. Found There. patch,! 1 * lei'.Boiiable v ' rate«. ~ tificial substitutes. We have sent for Hie ah >ve l amed books of in Southern California. For example: If there were five Pamphlets DBters, Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when Poems ati'l will soon have i heir. <>n hand to turn Letter Heads, ill 1 leads, over to everv New (huh sill scriber at and I Garns, Tic Keif. men, and through special laws, kite Hem’«, Senator Plumb’s pension you call on “Uncle Dick,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. To provide for the distribution of to every Delinquent Mibst riker .hut pays •$- .OJ. Dodge is, Etc hvita'.iikUB, combines, trusts, and evils of the ! Look out for cur Great Gtfer to Getters up of the proceeds of the soles of public passed, would increase the E is kept regular;V on tile for re Clubs next week. land among the States and Territo diture of the Government day, three of the men were enabled i ML c . i . 1’. R*wall Newspaper Ad logprucest., sew York. ries for educational purposes. to live without performing their1 i 60,000,000 a year. PATENTS. BURNS A DVERTI3EM ENTS. - - - WASHINGTON, D. C share of productive work, it would J C. A. SNOW & CO. To repeal all laws providing for . OFFICIAL D!RE(T(H; y obtained, and all patent business attended to promptly and for moderate feu«. — the pre emption of the public lands, Parties in Harney county desir devolve uoon the other two to la-i Parents Our Office is opposite the U. s. Patent office, and we can obtain in less time than ¡.those national : the law allowing entries for timber I ing to address a personal letter to bor lonjjer than formerly, produce remote from Washington Send Model or Drawing. We advise as to patentability free . .Benjamin IIarri«on j PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. culture, ami amending other land Hons. Mitchell. Dolph and Hermann more wealth, and receive as their! of charge; and we make no charge unless patent is secured. ........... Levi P. Morton 1 .. Janies G. Blaine tary of State We refer here to the 1’» stmasier, the Superintendent of Money Order Division, aud to laws. William Windom 1 .nry ofTreas'iry t . a . M c K innon , share of the entire wealth produced j officials <.f the U. H. Patent office. For circular, advice, terms, and references to actual will do well to direct .as follows: tary of Interi.>r JohnW. Noble: A dv ami all kinds of «urveyiug done on shot Redfield Proctor ' rary of War For the relief of purchasers and Hon. J. II. Mitchell, No. 1714 by themselves just what the other; clients In your own Slate or countv. write to above address. . Benjamin F. Tracey notice and reasonable terms. ¿4?'' Settler tary of Naw . Jeremiah M. Rufek wishing to bt located, < an have plats furti ishe other grantees of the United States tary of Agriculture Conn. Ave., N. W. Washington, three, having the power, would dole , free of charge. Win II. H. Miller ney Generai of certain swamp and overflowed John Wanamaker las er Generul out to them. D. C. '• . [gjr; B; \TE— OREGON; lands, and to reimburse and idem- XTouses and Cottages i J. N. Dolph Senators. R Hon. J. N. Dolph, No.8, Lafayette This is the situation at the pre-' i .1. H. Mitchell SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP nify certain States. Binder Hermann present time The non-producing i .D.Sylv<6ter Pennoyer By Binger Herrmann: To reim Square, Washington, D. C. J. C. WELCOME - P roprietor . » CYPR1 ary oietat- R (' " McBride ............. Geo. W. D. 8. HOPKINS, A rchitect . classes, including the army of the I Hon. Binger Hermann, No. 721. G. W. Webb burse settler and purchasers, on BURNS. OREGON. Public Injitruction R J. H. McElroy Grand Rapids, Mich. even-numbered sections of public 11 th st., N. W. Washington, D. C. unemployed, are absorbing the! Frank Bnkei Printer Will fiirn ah Design« of HoUF' f , Cottages, mid Maushma coating from f300 on up to auy ) R. S. Strahan D lands within the limits of Congres If the writer wish ocular evidence wealth of the producers and leaving figure wanted. It < hi mean I»» • •nlld,send |i to iii \ addriB«. and 1 will mail you a portfo [ Win. 1’. I.ord CHAS. SAMPSON - - B urns , O r R '( E. I menidp' lio of ;.3 deaigii*’ of dwellings, like the uii” on file in E ast O rkgon H erald office, with ) W. w. Thayer D sional grants in cases of forfeiture that the gentlemen receive the com them barely a living. full plan of i a h, full size dcuiila, complete «pecificati.Hia. and bill of material«, al' very ............ S BrXTH Jt-DICIAL DISTRICT: \V_ A-T-C-II-M-A-K-E-R full and «rmpletc «.»any ordinary carpenter or builder will have no trouble in going of odd-numbered sections. — ahead and conndeting the work. And if \ou do not find jimt what yon want, write me ... L. B. I ron ft Judge munications, let them register the D -AND- et Attvrnu » Advei’tise Your Neighborhoods. what < •hmige«"avou di Hire made, and I will accommodate \<>u. or leave Order» with THE J.. L. R and .11 To amend an act entitled: “An, letter, if of sufficient importance. H krald . Yoii will it iih < heap to erect a handsome house an to wa to material on an tin Jeweler. <. CHES1 nightly building. Wilj aid you in re-c«m«trutting your pre«eut building. 41-tf c< fcNTy—JIAKNEY : act for the relief of certain settlers! Del Norte is one of the brightest, I- ........... (R) •«en tati ve G. W. G îlham on public lands, and to provide for liveliest little towns in Harney val-| ty Judge L. . . (D) J. T. SHIELD« .W. E. G ra < E K.............. (in the repayment of certain fees, pur The snow blockade in the Sierra ley, and gets along socially better BLACKSMITH. T. H. R obert « .................. (D) chase money, and commissioi: paid Nevada mountains is the heaviest W. R. G RADON .............. (R) than the majority of small places. . A. A. < GA IN« ADOLPH TUPKER - P kop ’ r on void entries of public lands,” ever known. ................ (D) rp The Odell I) - • •(<’)• W. E. A lberhon It keeps its progress ami the doings »1 SuperMrtendcut (D) ... L. B. B aker approved June 16, 1880. --------------- "inn JY P E W R I T EQ — GENERAL REPAIRING — W.M. M eeker Great Britain was visited early of its citizens before the public in IA DE 7'lpi i'ii r AND H oward <1» I L ytle By Binger Hermann: A resolu in this month by a highly destruc a spirited manner by sending com nltaloners 'L B. J AMEX '» J WILL Bi YHIE OIIEf.I. TYPE WKITEIt. W ARRANTED TO DO AS C tion of t he legislature of Oregon, me- tive gale of wind. uh any One Hundred Dollar Machine. 91^^ munications to the county newspa ojF 1 :! KifSaAmv P. 8. LAND office : moraiizing Congress for the forfei An American syndicate invested per nearly every week. This It combine* - implii rrvwith durability — speed , ease of operation L I!- IIVNTINGTOOf ture of the land grant of the North ivar ..H akrimix K elley Promptly executed. The 1 mlding hr« I con en wears longer without cost of repairs than any other machine, ha» larged ami improved an in urepared to turn ern Pacific Railroad Company be in the Jamaica system of railroads shows enterprise and the desire to out all kim!« < f blat kBrnli .iDg on «hurt notice no inkribb. n to bother the operation. It neat, substantial, nick- tween Walla Walla, Washington, build up, while other points arc, and in the beet style. Terms: ( ash. 1-ly some time this month. EST Of ifl (DTI DIRECTORY. e]-plate<l—perfect ami adapted to all kinds of typewritin.g and Portland, in Oregon. The pension payments for the only talking of writing up and Liken Printing I’r- it produces wlitirp, florin, legible nuinmcript. Two to ten copies NS METH< By Binger Hermann: Restoring past six months, show an increase advertising their neighborhoods. HARNEY AOVE RTISEM ENTS. can be inui'.i ;•! one vriiings. E'lilorx, lawyer-, mini- • rs. bankers men bants, A. M. M< C a RT Pdftor. Wlmf 8-1« >u>rni>io nf Rn.klla Ui.Ho? I iiii<riufiiH-ir< . I.ii-iiii-- m> n. eh-., mnnot make u^K-m r iuv.«tiii‘mt;(<>r »15. to the United States, certain lands n nat na. oe< >m ol . a I lie l.lltt |.< r..m in u w< < I; mn l>n nine u <loo«l operinur, or u rnpidone in i month,. •re will be t reat hing by the pMtor in each of over ten million dollars. J. NAT. HÜPSOX. granted to the Northern Pacific W. A. VTTCHIRE, Where is our Blitzen correspond Lakeview, Or. Harney , Or. air: s—ut 11 a i t. au i 7 : n p m. $ 1 ,<HM» offer, d any operator who can do better work with a Typc- Railway Company to aid in the “’/‘’'■’“'■MK". The deaths for the week ending p- • • I 'I. - ■' ’ll! i ; i Writ. i th.: n that produced by the Odell. friF*Reliable Agents * in tiinfi - — h M'tiuy—u; 7:L0 p til. construction of a railroad from lake Jan. 2, in New York, from the ent? Is Boat Ford completely WILSHIRE A HUDSON. Jp*tta - it 1J 8 m, and 7*J0 p wiped out of existence? Has and Salesmen wanted. Special inducements to Dealers. Superior to Puget Sound, and to re ■ u ' . u " For Pamphlets, giving endorsements, Ac., address the store the same to settlement, from grippe, was 1,202; 362 policemen Springer no wide-awake writer9 thatii^^^^M Attorneys-at-Law, ■pr'.rg. -fl IS.H li'TIES. Wallula to Portland, and to pro were all down at the same time. Blanton ought to be heard from. 15 > ODELL TYPE WRITER CO., T he R ookery , C hicago , I i . l . LAKEVIEW AM) HARNEY. OR. tect rights of settlers. The Red-Shas bright writers if they ARNEY M .iE, NO. 77. J. O. O. F. This Ann practice®!« the courts of the State 0*17 ■■ s -Sickness and death in Pendle would send in a few items each and before the U. s. Land Office. Any land »us Hail, everv Saturila office or other business entrusted to them will J. I . McKINNoN, N. • After its holiday recess, Congress ton, the physicians barely able to week. Is our lively Harney corres receive prompt attention. Rowing- £^LAN1) CASES SOLICITED. re-asseml led, Jan. Gth, and consid snatch a few hours sleep now and pondent froze up? Poverty Cen JS t age J i n e w ered the following wants of the then. ter is almost forgotten. So is Cat- -------------------' o >. ELITE SALOON. -Farmersarc- the most unjustly low. Silver Creek speaks now and People of the United States: Ì. B!oon FKO.M PRINEVILLE TO BURNS. taxed people in the country. They’ then. Silvies valley ought to keep SENATE. HARNEY.-------------OREGON — ——o——»— IATBWORTII <k TREGASKIS. Iowa and Nebra.-ka ask for Ret are compelled to bear the bulk of pace with other points. Upper ami t’. B BAKER. Sub-Contractor. the oppressive taxes now iinpoecd Lower Island has many writers to tlement of boundary lines between -r ' » Arrive, nt Burn, W.‘<lnv,<t,«« at r. p m. I upi.n the people.—Ex. advertise them. A word now ami u ■: a >u Arrive, at I'riiM-vllte Satarda,, nt 6 p to their two States. I e.ires ADVERTIRE* F.NTR. then from Wright's Point would -State tax vy for the year 1890, Friends of the soldiers ask for Ji OHM ». be read with pl< astir'-. Also, from I’ 1 : iZ . T '.o . ■ B7.r4>; Round tri?911 with flh day« delay. >rcr® and myr- Wachmaker & Jeweler increase in the number of annv as mail- by State Executive Board for general expenses is 5 2.5-35 Andi rson valley, where we have in- chaplains. J. \V. BOX’EBRAKE. ns n mills; State University tax 1-7 telligent subscrib<rs. Printers in the Government print line from Diamond, fri> nds, ns you n ir»« i iiti mill; military tax 1-5 mill—total in Ñitindlo BREWERY. ing e.fi'.ceask for higher wages. used. Drewsey IS one of the Lest f.»rtnnm ai of 6 mills. . •? i.» n nMÉK points in the county, and n-aders P. II. MURPHY. Large nuniG n ofb ills were in- 1 ( sil i r ; » -The Ea«t Or. gonian tells of would enjoy a < ■ nph- of paragraphs PA ",LO< HE' - - ----- PROPRIETOR frr-lKi.»n L traduced. wor->e times along the railroad lines from “Lou's” gifted pen every week I b L ma’erîi r H R N S, O R E G O N t^edd ua 1- ■ u . ati f r oi than we cf the inland country can telling of daily life in Drewe<-y. • y «rd ai ay hr had by the Git Bottled, or H Qu tini Iky, T B i POWDER ï : JOB WORK. ‘"f