necessary), to see to it that the Democratic party will not be behind in any of them. We are the party THURSDAY. JANUARY JI, IWO. ¡of the people, and they cannot get that away from us. Let ub then keep in mind the benefits of the I». I. GUACE................................... NELLIE UHttE. - - Literary Editor. people, their advantages, and their interests, and wherever we see them p-oK county - seat or HARNEY county : let us follow those, and we shall surely be right. THE HERALD communications by our beaders . A corrtial Invltsllon la e«teu to rontrlbule to thia dejtarlinenl of the |«fer, on »nr aubjerl of general interest. We claim the right to ac­ cept or reject any part or the whole, but not to change the idea« presented. We prefer articles over the writer’» own Bignature, but noin de plume» are admissible. We do not hold our- •elves responsible for the opinions advanced by writers underthe above caption. Grippe's Work lu the Stale. Union has it. McMinnville owns up. Long Creek, Jan. 17, claims it. _ The girls of this section all I look sleepy and tired after Christ­ mas and New Year dances. —Plenty of lively young people in this country D. J. H. January 6, 1890 BURNS advertisements . FOR BARGAIN --------- GO TO--------- Brown, HXT. Pendleton was one of the first to Bullil L'p Your County, and that will Build t p Your Town. catch on. Leading Merchant of Harney Coun East Oregonian: Pendleton peo­ -------- DEALER IN-------- CorvalliB has the influenza; Ga­ ple believe I he Det il and the Lawyer«. that taue progress means DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BURNS. zette printers down. The devil came up to the earth one day, the up-building of all without det- BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE And Into a court house wended hit way, I j riment to any. Some men whose Portland hospitals are crowded Ilepubl ir- omy, not of patriotic sentiment. a spirited manner by sending com- Miss Upton (tonewly arrived ru ­ f^l’IUVATE DW ELL1NGH AND FARM PROPEKTV A 81‘EUI a LTY If the principle is correct it will place of certainly can be ral relstive. on Jersey C’ty ferrv)— | niimieations to the county newspa- tant right, and adding it to the federal power. The Democrats in apply to a small community as well rendered extinct by the removal of “Why, aunty: what’s the matter?” ' per nearly every week. This The farmers’ Company dow of its breeding quarters on American Congress, aided by a few conserva­ as a large one. il E shows enterprise and the desire to Rural Auntv (wildly pointing to OF SALE.V, OREGON. soil. The saloons has caused the tive Republicans, are laboring to Why not hurry it to logical con­ big float full of freight ears)-“ Look! build up. while other points are ÍS ñnnn.íM prevent tho passage of the Senator clusion and have a Chinese wall erection of the alms houses that dot Look ! A piece of the railroad has only talking of wr’ting up and J. C, PARKER, Agent, nearly every county in the United , Sherman ( who by-the-way is a around each State and stimulate advertising their neiidiborhoods. i broke loose, and I ain’t been off of ♦3,000,000 millionaire ) Federal it to build its industries, increase States. The saloon has produced What has become of Saddle Butte? bird ’ s I'* ® ve ni ’ n,| f es - ’ — New York Week- Election Bill, which briefly sum­ its wealth, and give better employ­ the rags that clothe the drunl____ _ Where is our Blitzen correspond­ marized, takes the control of the ment, and higher wages to its own child. The saloon has placed the ! ent? Is Boat Ford completely elections of congressmen away from people within each township, trade lines of care that arc worn upon i i wiped out of existence? Has COUNTY the people of the States, and turns among themselves, and bring the the face of every drunkard’s bro-! ADDITIONAL I HARNEY OMI'i TEM A Springer no wide-awake writer? 8 offh'f ken-hearted wife. The saloons it over to canvassing and electoral home market home. Blanton ought to be heard from. Culm __ n Isiards, appointed by the President. This policy means that man rises created the bombs that gave Hay­ mlhe The Red-8 has bright writers if they — To keep posted, read T he H er ­ market Square a place in history, This new. fine, and commodious Barn and Stable is i not to liei'i'JHM to highest happiness when he ex- would send in a few items each ald . ’ -, Mid' in any part of Harney county for accommodations. I pends the largest amount of labor and its subsequent honors upon the ■ week. Is our lively Harney corres­ HAYA GRAIN ON HAND. L akeview Examiner exclaims ■ — For T.and Office news, read scaffold. Not content with its con- I land gets the least amount of pro­ pondent froze up? Poverty Cen­ SADDLE HORSES, GOOD TEAMS, Xu in the lust issue for December, “Oh, quests, the saloon sighs for more I UE H ebald . ted tht duct. When followed to its last ter is almost forgotten. So is Cat- isn’t it delightful to live 400 miles SINGLE A DOUBLE HARNESS OUTFITI^B —Wednesday was the stormiest analysis it is perpetual work and i worlds to conquer, and turns its low. Silver Creek speaks now and For the Road on demand. Special attention given to the groowtflSB from nowhere, with millions of eye upon the national capitol. day of the week. no product. then. Silvies valley ought to keep care of Boarding and Transient stock. snow intervening.” This was the 2-fl Shall the thinking men submit to —Ed. Martin, who has been pace with other points. Upper and I outcry of annoyance from one of The Ix'st home market is the one dishonor, that the criine-abettin quite sick, is improving. •W Open Oct. 26th, 1889. ¿Jf Charges reasonable. Lower Island has many writers to j the most enterprising, industrious into which is admited the largest saloon be saved?” C. W. II. —Sam Amis was in town seeing advertise them. A word now and ! importation because tho largest im- sheets in the State, after the labor after means for feeding his sheep. then from Wright’s Point would of trying to fill up 14 hungry col­ imitations mean the largest expor­ (Continued from first page.] tation, and that means an active de ­ —All the sick and generally in- 1 lie read with pleasure. Also, from umns with fresh newsy matter, Fellow soldiers, look upon that disposed are, up to date, rejiortcd i Anderson valley, where we have in- P roprietor M rs . LOUIS RACINE. with no incoming stages, citizens mand for the articles exported, and ■ telligent subscribers. Send us a This handsomely appointed hotel is open to accommodate th» hut up in their houses for warmth, that means increased prices and that picture! There is nothing fanciful! onproving. lie with the best rooms, table, and service the town aflbrdi a d country people snow-bound. means increased wealth distributed about it. It is an actual occur-1 —T. A. Allison brought his eat- line from Diamond, friends, as you j The widow of the soldier,I Vc town. "n<‘ *8 Ceding them used. Drewsey is one of the best T he H erald had a like experience I among the consumers, and that will rence. Terms Reasonable. . , ,, from timetables. with to-day’s issue: the outside 1 in turn, create an activo demand and the orphan, as well as the sur-1 —Jap. and Ellis McKinnon are ! points in the county, and readers , Ttr ■ A BAR made up from papers two weeks i for home products, which supply 90 viving veterans, are barred from the hauling hay through town to their would enjoy a couple of paragraphs Attached, where B Kept all Sorts ot Liquors. from “Lou’s” gifted pen every week old. We feared at one time we |x-r cent of the home consumption. possibility of employment because ranch every day. the law which provides for their An active demand for home pro ­ would have to resort to our ency­ —This seetiou of country is for­ telling of daily life in Drewsey. clopedias for general information ducts creates a demand for raw ma­ preferment, is ignored and violated tunate in having no malignant form Joaquin Milller, or more prop-1 items, such as patent insides and terial and labor, and that raises the, by a republican administration. of disease, such aw diptheria and price of both and gives constant Let us repeal that civil service law. typhoid fever, xVliich are severely erlv speaking. “Cincinnatus Heine I outsides fill up with. employment to all classes of Inbor- Let our votes be recorded against felt in Montana/ Idaho, and along Miller,” says the Times Mountain­ , U ' ;■ it. Or else, let us demand an ad-1 * the k“ Coast. f ers — R. Q. Mills. eer, “formerly lived in Canyon D1WOCHK1 • BURN8, ORI —A letter front. West Fall, Mal­ City, and was elected county judge W. E. ('.RACE, P roprietor , , ditional law shall be passed, mak- The patriotic addresses of ex I ing it uneeessarv for veterans, their heur county, of Jan. 15th, says: of Grant in 1864. Although prac­ A country editor in Nebraska has I widows and orphans, to undergo the "snow is 2$ feet on a level, and up- A Large Assortment of President Cleveland to the various the hills from 3 to 4 feet; 20 ® ticing law. his mind always took a democratic organizations, are quot­ just been robbed of ♦200 and sym­ i ordeal of a sham examination. |On ■ below 0 has been the coldest weath­ literary turn, and he contributed a FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS, EetcJ? pathy for his loss is swallowed up ed in every |>a|x*r, and often wins in curiosity to know how he got so Let the law merely require evidence er to «late. There is no hay in the series of articles to the Mountaineer lias just been Received. the admiration of the better class of much money. | of service at the front. L»t there country that cne can get at.” i in 1865, entitled “Canyon City republican reviewers. The follow­ The above is the favorite para­ lx? something done, to relieve the From Sunflower Knnch, Grant County. Pickles,” which for broad wit has PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUJ ing is an extract from a brief ad­ graph the country newspaper man needy from this stumbling block, E du . E. ast O regon II eri . ad : Will rarely been surpassed. In 1869 he Everything guaranteed pure ard of the very 1 ert q«» dress to an asemblageof Drmocrats is palming off on the simplest of his and enable the worthy to receive re- semi y<>u a ter iten.s from this see- edited a small semi-occasional I tion o| country. < nlv. the Bay State Club in Boston, readers as an original witticism. I cognition. B utler . publication called the Canyon City and is a fair sample: —The.Snow is just two feet deep, Journal. It was printed on a nov­ ------- ---------------- 1 and stock of all kinds very poor; "1 want to MV one word to you "A little nonsense now and then. elty press, and R. 11. C. Cotner, a some few cattle dying already. Membership of the Plymouth as I«cmocrats alamt the questions Is very gixxl tor the best of men.*' former employee of the Mountaineer, i < f reform which are now agitating church is 1,804. —fitoi kmcn of this section arc I Mrs. Poortable—It is raining was publisher. It was the pioneer the public mind, ami I don't propose SAYER A DORE beginning to look very blue and Pr.or Eight States have adopted the fearfully outside, Hadn't you bet­ to make a speech. 1 beg of you as discouraged. Should this stay on newspaper of the interior of East­ ter stay and take supper with us. another month there will be a ern Oregon, and every issue was iMmoeratx ru.1 to be accused of lag­ Australian ballot system. K«<—• constantly on hand a Tarrr atoa •( ging in the rear on anvof those top­ There are 312 convicts in the Mr. Smith? heavy loss of stock. scanned with the greatest anxiety ics. Th« tariff reform, of course, is Smith—O, no, Mrs. Poortabla: —Hay cannot be bought for for news from the mines. The racy ours, and we don't propose to be State penitentiary to date. the weather can’t be as bad as that. money and there is no pasture to writings of Judge Miller were eager­ robbed of it under any pretence General Master Workman Pow­ —Texas liftings. h' got. whatever. All things gixxl come to derly is prostrate from La grippe. ly read, and very many of them those who wait, and we are willing I —Peter Delore, of Harney valley, found their way into the press of Goose to Turkv — Do vou know- A convention of adjutant-gener­ to wait L< t me tell you. gentleman, was here to spend the holidays. the State. that otlwr reforms are as important, als wa« held in Chicago, Jan. 14th. why you resemble a busted -cort- k Ind. ofsnr'.eelnmlwr fhoronsbly *ea»on«d f<>r i xildln« purl- —IM. Otlicer just returned from I bine? and let me tell you they should lie ItKDVCED I'KK.'E. Burna. Dr. Talmage was expected to ____ ttk kept abreast, and let me l*eg of you. Turkey—No; why? C. A. RWKKK. so far as in you lies (although I sail from Liverpool homeward, Jan. Goose—Because you can’t gobble —David Migle is feeding 600 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. don’t I elieve the admonition is ‘2d. head of stock cattle. . . any more.—Alabama Journal. OK« HARNEY >st> BURNS. t N. B A Good road all the way. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. TINWARE, M COMPANY. - French. Hotel. JNTe'W Machinerí^i