THE J. DURKIIEIMR & CO’S. LOCAL-PAGE ADVER8TIEMENT. LOOK. ! ! Listen 2 X j ARCEST stock . F.OWEST jrrices , ONLY FIRST CLASS OrOODS ARE inTHar°n"eyy Uointy io With Their THAT CAN SUPPLY THE F S» T O G K. FALL a WINTER SUPPLIES Our Prices are the SAME as tlxe raiload •witlx froig-lxt added. J. DURKHEIMER & CO, THE WRECKERS OF HIGH PRICES IN HARNEY VALLEY. AL ADVERTISEMENTS. More snow Sunday morning, before day-break. Announcements under above classification, —Miss Mary Geer is on the sick ut foHowing rale«, pay in eat invariably in nd vancT: state candidacy, also,the County Judge, list from the “prevalent cold.” clerk, and Sheriff, $10 each; AMesaor, and Com­ missioner. each; Treasurer,school Snpt. Sur­ —V. J. Miller and E. II. King, of veyor, and Coroner, also, Precinct Justices and Constablrt, each. No inaertions on reques a Harney, were in town. Monday. by mail unkfeis accompanied by the price of publication. —J Nat Hudson has rented the front room of the late Land Office. poll COUNTY (LF.IlKi —Chas. Martin came in Sunday I hereby announce myself AS a candidat4- for the office of County Clerx subject to the and bought a lot of reading matter. action of the Democratic County Conven­ tion of Harney county, Oregon. —A decided moderation of weath­ W. E. taRACE. er between Sunday noon and Mon­ day noon. THE HERALD —l)r. Howard was called in Mon­ day, to attend the children of Ja­ son Bennett. HAS LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. —Mrs. Vaughn was taken sud­ denly quite sick on Sunday, and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Young moved THURSDAY, JANUARY W IS90. into the rooms adjoining hers. —- When coming into Burns with horses, be sure to call at the New i Livery & Feed Stable, where you Local News. will find all necessary accommod­ ations. - —E ast O regon H erald and The Public Domain only if3 a year. T he H erald , and Free Press for Settlers, this is your chance, if you four months, if you order in this or want to know all about public land next month, for only 90 cents. questions. —Miss Gunther having made ar­ Burns’ Weather Record. rangement with the Gage Sisters, has opened a dress-making busi­ ness in connection with the millin­ Wed: 6 a m-G® below 0-cold; ery establishment—cutting anil fit­ “ 12 m—sun; cold. ting a specialty. - G p m—cold. — A literary society was organ ­ Thurs 0 0-quite cold ; u : 12 - G - a m m-6 ized last Wednesday evening at the —cold; It Island school house. The question 6 p m—quite cold; for debate this week is, Resolved: Fri: 6 a m-2 ® Delow-quite cold; “That Art is more attractive to the 12 ni—cold; eye of Man than Nature.” li Gpm—quite cold; ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR OFFICE. IIow young soever you may be, With failing Teeth you’re grim and bold, And losing your mouth’s purity; Your features Beem both dull and cold— Thon, man, or maid, warned of your fate, Seek Dr. Horton e’er it's too late! Sickness in Burns and Viciilitj I ju nd Office on Fire. —Latest reports from Diamond Last Friday morning, January If the disease that has nearly run bear conclusive evidence that ,its 10, a volume of black smoke was riNAiBK'ioF. its course during the past four inhabitants will vote unanimous­ discovered pouring out of the roof U nited S t \ tf :< I and offh k J of the Laud Office building. In less weeks in Burns and vicinity, is a ly for Burns as county-seat. Bv'.'S. Oregon. lift cm ber II. iSb'.i. | this ¡J than fifteen minutes a bucket brig­ —Charges reasonable for livery touch of Russian influenza, as it is NOTICI JIS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow- — Mr. Emerson, regardless of the j t naiTtW m-°\- filed notice of b.B inten- service at the Red Front Livery generally believed by those who severe weather, persists in keeping ade was Ni tOBIAki* rtittii pr«x>f in support of his claim, ,, in charge, books, » y * papers, • j ri.i.J will be made before? iht and Feed stable. — have been suffering from it, and up his farm cultivation, which thel^ tc ,a removed, roof cut away, - "... -JffiS Kveciver, U. S. I and office, at irne, Or;«>n Monday, Januury -Otb, 18‘JO, viz: who remember its actions in 1877 majority practice only during the ! f under contro1, the safety of the To keep posted ' Stone « a!J J. Moth«4! -shead, -78 during the prevalence of the longest and most amiable days of t'Uildmg and town insured by the Read T he H erald . e. D. F. No. 271‘i, for the N W’i, of Sec 17. Tp. snow-covered roofs, no wind, and i “epizoo epidemic,” among horses suinhier S. R.81 It. W. M. He naineK the following summer. tncMC'H to prove his continuous n sidenee —©Id papers 50c for 100. orderly actions of the citizens. and men, the people of Harney on and iti iti ration of said land, viz: Jus —Mr. George, though constantly There was not only no loss of Land Dalton, Hohn ( raven. Joseph Garred, and county need have no fear from it ns Two communications lie over for N. Eegtly, eil of Burna, Oregon, I a fatal disease in their sec ion of employed, cannot meet the demand office property, but little loss of C 11-A 2 J. B. HEN riNfiTGN, Register. next issue. ’ country, as it is only necessary to- for doors and windows, which he 1 time, as the officers, Messrs. Hunt- —Snow in Happy valley about guard themselves from pneumonia, manufactures from firm, dry lum-: ington and Kelly, at once rented ~ Gibblin ~..................... building, which is p - ITATION there being attendant symptoms of her, scarcely more plentiful else- the F. 12 inches. isolated from other houses, as warm that trouble throughout, instead of where than in Harney county. I 1 the Cointy '"oui't of the State of Oregon, for —Inspector Tyner left Burns on the symptoms of typhoid, which is and as snugly put upas any large County of Harney„ —A closely contested spelling lhe Canyon City stage yesterday. the Matter of the Fatate <»f{ making the disease of malignant na­ match occurred last Friday; the house in town, and moved into A Decease«!, j te jfoàinar:, M. S. Rodman, Minnie D. —The young people of Burns will ture on the Coast and in moist entire school presented an incar­ it before dark. LMiuuio U. Tibbita, Viola Townsend, The building vacated will soon meet tomorrow evening, 17th, at climates; even citizens here, who nation of self-forgetting enthusiasm; . Corn Hardman, and all other«, are affected by chronic bronchitis, the nervons energy of the urchins be put in repair for law offices. asurr known hei.s of s. a . Rodman. deceased. the school house to organize and , etlng: A defective Hue, the stove-pipe and weak lungs, have escaped with being stirred to the highest tension. .^eC.-. Jn the name of the State of Oregon, you arc form a Lyceum. eby ci ed and required to appear in the running straight up through the comparatively little danger. “□ inty Court of the state of Oregon, for the —Go to the Livery and Feed Sta­ ’nty Harney, at the court room thereof, —Mr. Morrison is supplying his roof, was the cause of the fire. WIIOOPING-UOUGH. ’larney, in the County of Hurney, on Monday, ble of Reed & Cavin at the old neighbors with Hour; he has hosts 8IK jraawiA^hereiu. that said order should be during a bluzo at any one point. ing-cough, except in a few cases will resume his carpenter work. above named postoffices. ill furMbr ordered that tills citation be pub LTV "W in Burnii, Hurney county, Oregon, and here around town about purchasing and whooping attending the cough. displayed considerable pluck in question, the formation and quar­ Munteli ns the paper nu st likely to give running a ♦3.000 newspaper that is That the “prevalent cough” among capturing alive, a fierce and hun­ terly drill of a Bucket Brigade, IlMMKttBe parties herein cited. 4 fttntftgthe H oii . T. J. S hields . Judge of lhe not for sale (and wouldn’t lie to bis tlie children, was an epidemic no gry lynx. John’s eyebrows were composed of all the able-bodied *dty tittrt of the State of Oregon, forth« oflBarney, with the seal of said court sort at any figure), is equalled only one denied, that it was whooping- made additionally expressive by the men and boys of Burns, divided into and, tfMId dav of December, A. D. 1889. by the donkey that bragged tn all cough, seven out of ten declared wrinkles that surrounded them. Attest: W. E. GRACE. Clerk. three or four sections, all at work N at . H cd •. Rusk, L. M. Caldwell, and sheep here to winter, thus escaping or fall, when every vestige of lum­ !a of SW nr, NW qr of SW qr, to be tr­ Mon: 6 a m-2 ’ -quite cold; sun. with her knowledge of the organ. pable of making for the credit of several in the country, all more or a heavy fatality. Stock generally ber will be as dry as tinder, and in 2. Sec. 8, Tp. 23, 8 R. 31 E. W. M. ions. e following witnesses to prove her “ 12 m—quite cold; snow. A music teacher is an acquisition the party that claims his allegi­ less affected, escaped, cr are now are suffering from the inclement time of a wind-storm a single fire 8residence upon, and cultivation convalescent. being liable to reduce every house “ 6 p m—cold. weather. viz: P. F. Stenger, Olher Parra, ance. in Burns. and Geo. McGowan, all of Burns, to an ash-heap. SINCE OCTOBER 1. 6 a m-8® 0-quite cold; Tues: y, Oregon. — The Indians are becoming an ll —The Harney Press’ attempt to —Mrs. Parker, of the Parker J. B. HUNTINGTON. Register. We understand some of our cit­ 12 m—quite cold; sunny; C. M Caldwell with general de­ obnoxious nuisance. Are the peo- UTFITSl“-* tl ' House, hail a fine turkey in the pen draw T he H erald into its and the bility, is daily improving; Thus. izens are paying a night watchman 6 p m—quite cold. ule powerless to resist the unbearable e several weeks, fattening for Christ­ Items’ droll method of working for MBKR C! I Wed: 6 a m-2°-cold; a south mas dinner for her guests; the Harney and Burns, respectively, is Haskell died in San Francisco, affliction? While their entreaties to perambulate the streets with a lantern, nil night to notify th