s. E ast O regon H erald . BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1890. -No. 8. $2.50 a Year. -Jan. 1, at a shooting match BURNS ADVERTIS E M E NTS. near Oakville, in Benton county,' I Otto Stone, aged 17 years, shot at EVERY THURSDAY -Chinese pheasant law expires H“-’ target, and without the knowl- BY ie I in November, 1891. c,lge of Geo. Tharp, who was to fol by. I & N. GRACE, low him, went behind the wagon on Judl I -Lane Co. Farmers Institute met which the target was placed, to ex p and P roprietors . -uj lu Herald Building, Room adjoining the Office. in Eugene, Jan. 2. Open Every Day except Sunday, from 9 a m to 4 p in. amine his shot, when young Tharp t<bl Every Lady aud Gentleman a welcome Visitor to the Reading Room duriug the Lotus boim A, I spapkr LAWS. -Russian influenza is reported at fired, the ball hit Stone in the L is required to give notice by Die paper does not answer the breast killing him almost instantly. Pendleton and Albany. k. fiber due» nut take his paper ian a in i the reas.iu for it8 not being le otti bet to do «.» mukt s the t* Kt - -Enough snow between Portland Tharp, who is relative of the de Any ; LATEST BY STAGE. te to the publisher for payment ceased, is nearly crazed over the j Lit urders les paper dweou URNS CIRCULATING L JBRARY ’ and Salem last week to delay the Lav all arrearages, or the Pub Nineteen is the nnmber of min affair. hie to send it utuil payment is AND trains. [ the whole amouut whether it ers buried in the Angels mine. i [office or not. There can he BOOK EXCHANGE Fall Announce |u a nee till payment is made. The ground has sunk around the -Sis. M. Greenwood, nee Mat Worthington Co's IN THE nERALD BUILDING. [ \vho tukt s a paper from the liient. lr direute i to his name or on eave-in, so it is not possible to re tock, died at Enterprise, Or., Dec. MRS. GRACE, ------ LlBBAKlAM. I ho has subscribed or nut. is First on our list stands the Il e pay cover the bodies. 23d, aged 35years. t..f . ini Bier orders his paper stopped lustrated Edition of Henri Taine’« Object of opening thia business in connection with the Free Reading Room Ta ’to obtain tba and the Publisher continues Fun us for purchasing bovks fur a Public Library for Burn«—The lot fur the bulldtng 1« bought. The influenza has prostrated iri .»er is bound t«» pay for it if -Citizens of Eugene have to strike classic, [the pustoflit e. This proceeds i TERMS: Membership Fee |12 a year. Reading Fee 10c. Deposited 2f»c, or Retail price ot Pert* 1 thousands in all the principle cities ki a man must pay for what he matches to enable them to read the the 1IIBT0HY OF ENGLISH I.ITEBA- otiical or Book, made with the Librariai., in every instance. Send fur ( audogue. rnuud t of the world. In the United .-States numbers on their boxes. ¿♦F* The Librarian is agent for and will take Subscriptions at the Lowest Rates for any Pari have decided that refusing tc ' TURK, idical, aud order any Book, publislieu iu the lulled States or Canada. Also, Sheet Music and hnd periodicals from the p».sl it’s course is from ocean to ocean, Picture«. Wurks.of Art, Huusc-Building Designs, Etc. It hum uih ailed fur, withuu ' Absolutely Pure. translated bv II. Van Laun. This Le, is prima facia evidence ui -Riley Koontze, aged 74, an north of St. Louis. ’•wl frttl[_ This powder never varies. A marvel of Oregon pioneer of 1850, died at revised work is brought out in the -omeness. More puiity, strung streng It, h, anti ami whole whole-omenes*. flHL I PT ION BAT ES A barber, Frank Bruck, of Brook Walla Walla, 30th ult. same large, bold type that made ical iniin Kinds, . and economical than the ordinary < LA K EV 1E W A D V E RT- ISEN ENT. • • • • emnot be sold iti com. e.iou with the mul lyn, N. Y., went out, 25th ult, bought the English edition so much ad- Is. L50 titude or low tes.s. her weight, alum, or -States Rights Democrat savs ! mired, and is printed on excellent ... h » hs • •*'» phospha:e pow<;< t -. Sold only in cans. a pistol and shot his dying mother, ■ . ,'SM^Kfavnnee) .2.60 . ----------------------- Royal Baaing Powder Co., 103 Wall st., an old lady, aged 62 years, then “For low, contemptible, mean po white laid paper. A special claim THE HOPKINS HOUSE. New York. ¡T -.yi;ll.n I Ll ll l.lsT litical tricks commend us to the to this issue is the introduction, or blew out his own brains. nr v l.nd llaKH rMagaziiiu 5.00 l .dHur i ’ W< «... . 5.jo preface, liy the beloved American M. D. IIOI’KINS, I’ kopriktoh . New York business men proph I Oregonian.” BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. C R yK> j ilafi-er’ Bazar 5.20 poet and critic, R. II. Stoddard, r cd d Bal er' Young ¡’<<>1 le 3.75 ecy a prosperous business year for -Marcil Bernier, the first white tf öbiKii, \ldWt; Mnuif.-i'i < yelopedia, 2.90 HE Vobiiuc afier Vul. 1, 55 cents; EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. 1890. Doubtless there will be mil child born in Oregon territory, now who, known the world over a« a is ux'.ra fier vo.ume. p. »tu^e. master of prose as well as poetry, lions less to feed if La grippe con Walla Walla, Wash., died Dec. ----- o • . pitaof ad theabove w».rk» cau be ex- t . a . M c K innon , has excelled himself here, and haa a .vMurain the Reading Ruum. tinues as it has begun. 1 27, aged 69 years. Any and all kinds of surveying done on shot Thia Hotel ia new (House, Room«, and Furniture) and offers courteous servlet It tvtry Uw«t enriched American literature with notice and reasonable terms, Æ'AÉF“ Pettier Tlio young Chinese Sunday 'u.»;igheis >f pello-lit a s are solicited wishing to bt located. • an have plats furnishe -The well-known Jesuit priest, p .a > heir work for a most delightful as well as critical ». a • « free of charge. TV Fine Bar, m—v\ efiie, litui bind the school teacher, Cha Fong, who ob Father Burchard, who has labored ha. I Volume, pud w’ fJ essay. Another pleasing feature to IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. vit.. tained $50,000 from Chinese mer the past 28 years for his cause on SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP this Copyrighted History of Eng chants and elop d with one of his the coast, died, Dec. 26th. lish Literature, is the addition of a j LA 1 E«: J. C. WELCOME - P roprietor . pupils, was captured last week. mu j ' mu 1 yr. 1 IIJ m number of excellent portraits in j General Blacksmith & Waeon-maker HI ltNîS, OREGON. -Jan. 2, Fred Trumpey, while <• ' J 11. IX) 11.» w Statistics show that 226 Senators steel engravings or photogravures. ZS.DO i. • is oe riding one horse and leading an IL R. SCHLÄGEL L akeview , O xmow . i. .' , .1.00 4'1 00 CHAS. SAMPSON - - B urns , O r and Representatives in the U. S. Of esjiecial merit among them are .It . 2.(10 50 00 other, near Albany, was jerked off J ‘■■■U . .!• I IS.'-U ; »4 UO Congress, were born in the States the portraits of Mr. H. Taine, of W- A-T-C-H-M-A-K-E-R i ■ 1 - .GO 1.0 00 and had his ankle broken. 0 ! ;i • ‘ÄI 14': U0 -ANI — they represent, while 184 were born Chaucer, Spencer, Shakespeare, Ba-' i in other States, or in foreign count- -Willie Miller aged 11, was eon, Scott, Burns, Dickens, Thack-1 Preptoared do all Kinds of Work in th Blacksmith line. Hone Shoeing at ft. SI pea head. Jeweler. tCE T’) F >1C E : > N ADV :»iT¡8KRn. specifu.L iiittg » ur pat munge tries. turned adrift to shift for himself in ery, etc. It ia issued in two styles,1 -BUGGIES, WAGONS, E T C.,-> vf.i',c u keep ' tu reaùeisp» s cu as to the BLACKSMITH. 'tuai 8 reiiai ><* c ('.• 'ietti wiih, with, vor cor Salem; the little fellow was trying the one in four 8vo. vols. at $7.50; MADE TO ORDER WITH NEATNESS, AND OF GOOD QUALITY. 500 Georgia negroes migrated to reierriug • i u' will ;<• »mt.. ruierritig to the bi • » i pou lb s ate men s t . ». ».Be. p.,u uur wur < in ina uia- ADOLPH TUPKER - - P rop ’ r Arkansas last week—“westward the to do so in »San Francisco, Dec. the other four vola. in two vols., ALL WORK WARRANTED. li. Il , , • i till iute aU>i a. Join.u it ks its I -vral f»un- i.•>: •• u - early adver- 8vo. at $3.75. —GENERAL REPAIRING— course of Sambo takes his way”— 27th. fci.mOft! r ! 1 u RuD.isher. u S < harg< • . u. a oramg Bpaee; “when Nergro meets Chinee on ut ...stei K m * a givi . -E ast O regon H erald and The A TREASl'RY OF ENGLISH SONNET«. DREWSEY ADVERTISEMENT. ■Aùi«>rai «• 1 u • price. the coast, then comes the tug of Public Domain only $3 a year. It is edited from the original .iverUoeiiieu t» u be bun cui . ib per ♦St price,Keu.. . r < « truu«iuut, war,” in the labor market. Ci V ( ci, Settlers, this is your chance, if you sources, with notes, by David M. penal pugitii-u ♦- ex ru . barge per in- Main, and illustrated with steel en <4.'itaieaUBui p. situ>u a siatuiiug reader Promptly executed. The building has been on The 8. F. Call prints the import want to know all about public land MllUtloU^h a< . ew h ' a coki« mu in with larged and improved and is nreparud to turn gravings. 1 vol., royal 8vo, ll$x uw> mactor free. out all kinds of blacksmithing on short notice ant events of 1889, showing losses questions. .veaiOeot • pu all our a-lwriisemenls and in the best style. Terms: Cosh. 1-ly 7jx2; 470 pages. $7.50. This re j Dgaa afterpHt four public«: iui «. th eat h. by blizzards, cyclones, earthquakes, -Sensible republican farmer« are nowned and now acknowledged to •AUkertishi : i" i»>‘ al culmini». a line. • Marriajfe, >>rth. mxl death annuuuce- DICKSON & SULLIVAN fires, floods, disaster» by storms, asking which will benefit them: free. .'Uclt ileu s solicited un news. HARNEY ADVERTISEMENTS. be the choicest and standard selec “Lit-erai r<.' 8 ..fiereu to religion», social, riot«, wars and death — Interesting taking internal revenue off tobacco tions of English sonnets has been lu< adùMB bud.es. Lou. J. Bosenberg, Mixologist. j. sir. l'an A. WISHIRE. reading for morbid minds. and whisky, or removing the tariff out of print Borne time. But the . Harney, Or. Lakeview, Or. ¡S, JÔB WORK The Pope demands the restora from sugar? 5TV deaerici ion exe< u e»l with neatneea publishers being repeatedly request Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandi««, WILSHIRE A- HUDSON. »patch, at rva«»;nubLc raies Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when tion of his temporal power, not for j -At Brownsville, Sheriff Long shot ed to issue an exceptional hand Pamphlets U«, ; Foste I a, you call on “Uncle Dick,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. l.e’ter Heads, pu», bili Ilea's, human, but divine reasons. Says E. J. Montgomery, who with others some edition equal to the English Attorneys-at-Law, enta. Note H uh -.a. Car«.a. Tic Ke s, Dodger», Etc. anda. Invitarhma. it :« his r ght. If intermeddling in were trying to prevent him taking large paper copies, which have sold LAKEVIEW AND HARNEY, OK. lOBALD ia kept regularly on fi’e for re This firm practices in the courts of the Stat e Italian politics is the Pope’s divine David Long to jail. The shot hare- for $30.00 each, they decided to do in itet Gue. 1*. R*well Newspaper Ad- and before the U. S. Land Office. Any land □PATENTS. Horeaa, 1< Kpruc« at.. New York. Office or other business entrusted to them w ill right, no human power could pre-1 missed the jugular vein. so, have now succeeded in produc C. A. SNOW & CO. - - _ WASHINGTON, D. C receive prompt attention. vent him. ing a volume superior to the work of UPLAND CASES SOLICITED. Patent« obtained, and all patent busine«« attended to’promptly’ and for 'moderate .f««a. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY -The Albany Democrat says on Our Office 1« opposite the U. 8. Patent Office, and we can obtain in le«« time than tboaa The influenza in Paris shows a account of the miserable mail ser any of the famous English printers. remote from Washington. Send Model or Drawing. We advise an to patentability free OJS' at C'N al : It is a superb book, printed from ELITE SALOON. higher death rate than cholera, of charge; and we muke no charge unices patent 1« secured. Benjamin Ilarriaon vice in Oregon, the Salem Journal mt '■ ■ Levi I*. Morton eslAevt. We refer here to the Postmaster »h,« Superintendent of Money' Order Division, n«d to large type on paper of the beat 1,055 deaths in three days; 318' JauiteG Blaine ry uf mate is more irregular in its arrival« at HARNEY,------------- OREGON officia’s of the U. 8. Patent Office. For circular, advice, term«, and reference« tu{actwl William Windom ry ofTreaoury deaths on Wednesday; 393 on that office, than the Daily New | quality, cloth bound, with leaves clients in your own State or county, write to above address. JuhnW. Noble COATSWORTII A TREGASKIS, ry of Interior Rea field Proctor .iy of War PROPRIETORS. uncut, with fine steel portraits. It Thursday, and 344 on Friday. Benjamin F. Tracey ry ot Navy Yoik World. I Jeremiah M. Ruak ry ot Agrian II urr makes a holiday gift of transcendent This is the worst record made by Wm II. H. Miller «F«««iÄ»l ■»1 John Wanamaker -Albany had a cutting affray merit. LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. the disease. ■STE— OREGON: . I J. N. Dolph 3d inst., in which Bud Cole was se A book that has been the solace 1 I J. H. Mitchell ♦ 1007.66 of Grant monument verely stabbed by Simonds, a young ' R. Binger Hermann Wachmaker & J ewele r and delight of millions of readers D. 8. HOPKINS, A rchitect . D.8ylvt8ter Hannover money collected by the New York man Cole had frequently tried to Geo. W. McBride J. W. BONEBRAKE. is G. W. Webb Grand Rapid«, Mich. i Daily Star, was never turned over keep from crossing ¿his farm. Si Lakeview, Oregon. J. B. McElroy Will furtdah Designs of llouici, Cottages, and Mansion« coating from |300 en up to auj I'llILIP JAMES bailey ’ s FEBTl'H. Frank Bakei figure wanted. If you meau lo build, »end |l to my address, and I will mall you a portfo ’ to the committee. This is the pa monds decamped. R 8. Strahan lio of :’3 design« of dwelling«, like the one on file in E amt O kkoon H erald office, with ELDED ? wm. e. tetra Wm. 1». ¡..ord full plan of each, full aize detail«, complete apecjficatton«, and bill of materials, al' very The publishers have issued what per owned by the railroad gold-bugs, P. H. MURPHY. ________ > W. W. Thayer full and complete sonny ordinary carpenter or builder will have no trouble in going SIXTW JI KICIAL DISTRICT : -New Years day, Ed. Smith in they call a jubilee edition in com ahead and completing the work. And if vou do not find juat what yon want, write me ' C. I*. Huntington, and his employee what change« you daa.'re made, and 1 will accommodate you. Or leave Order« with T mb - - - - OREGON ludxe ... -It L B Inox LAKEVIEW High valley, Union county, killed memoration of its first publication, H erald . Y ou will It ns « heap to erect a handaome house mb to wade material on an un A. K. Vanderventer. H !.. K ami sightly building. Wilj aid you in reconstructing your preseut building. 41-tf HAY & GRAIN Charles Conarty, while slinging his fifty years ago. This poem, which ’—HARNEY : A farmer, John Clark, aged 70 pistol around him, as a reckless, laird Lytton considered, “a most re G. W. GII.HAM (R) I years, living near Kokomo, Ind., (D). J. T. S hields 1 BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. drunken man frequently will; the markable poem of great beauty,” ¡8 .W. E. G rai f . (D) ! while taking hot baths for paraly- T. H. R oberts (D) W. R.G radon ball struck Conarty in the forehead brought out in one volume octavo, T The Odell (K) ' sis, was put in the bath, Dec. 28th, A. A. Co A ING i .(D) T. V. B. EMBREE, M. D. .(D). W. E. A lberson printed with extremely beautiful and killed him instantly. lY.P E W R I T Snprrlnlri' L. B. B aker (!•) Office at hit re«l<’cr« c o.i the east ide of Sil [ forgotten by the attendant till next W m . M eeker vius Riter, ter. nzilet Ldow Burn». laapwtor tyjieon extra fine paper, and is il million - -The present senatorial morning, when he was found with <i>) » L ytle H oward lustrated ^¡th choice steel engrav ■alonara |. WILL B uy THE ODELL'TVI’E writer . WARRANTED TO DO AS f- 1. B. 'l>! ( the flesh boiled off his bones, the aire, John Sherman, was a very 9IU aa any One-Hundred Dollar Machine. 910 ings by II. Billings, engraved by 8 B. McPHEETERS, M. I). gas still burning under the bath poor man when1 he first entere <1 It combines HIMPLTCITYwith DURABILITY—»PEED, EASE OF OPERATION ■a»«t V. a. land urne«: PHYSICIAN ,t SURGEON, Congress as a Republican states C. E. Wagstaff and J. Andrews. tub. wean longer without cost of repair« than any other machine, haa J. B. H vmtinotos office at W. E. Grace'» lira* Store. 1-ly The cover in ornamented with an ..H arrison K elley man. It pays, and no wonder no inkribbon to bother the ojieration. It neat, aubatantial, nick- The Russian Nihilists managed ! - "" ----------- appropriate emblematic design, and el-plated—perfect and adapted to all kinds of typewritin g E. P. HOWARD, Mitchell, Dolph and Hermann want I CHURCH DIRECTORY. to ]>oison some of the food on the altogether it is a very select vol PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Like a Printing Press it produces sharp, dean, legible manuscript. Two to ten copies •‘to stay there” so me more. dinner table, so a cablegram of Dec. can be made at one wri iiigs. Editor«, lawyer-, ministers, bankers, merchants, ume, and no doubt will be deserved BURNS, OREGON. «METHODIST EPISCOPAL I IH IUH. fuanufac'.'irer-«, buxine**« men, etc., cannot make »^better investment ¿for lift. -Roseburg Plaindealer,one of the ly popular. 1 vol., 8vo, cloth, gilt Au intelligent persun in 30th, states, and Alexander III, a week can become a <»« hm I o|»eruior, or a rapid one in 2 month«. Paator. ac hing by the pastor in each Czar of Russia, just convalescing leading republican organs of the ‘ edges, ♦5.00; or, without gilt edges, ♦ 1,000 offered any operator who can do better work with a Type- intil further notit e Notary Public li«—st 11 a m. aud 7:90 pm, from the influenza, barely escaped State, says of the late batch of nom ♦3.00. Writer than that produced by the Odell. Reliable Agent« d School Hoiiae— at 11 a in. I). L. GRACE, inations for federal positions: ley—at 7:30 p m. death, through the skill of his phy and Baleamen wanted. Special inducement« to Dealer«. BURNS, UR A BET OF BOOKS >—it 11 a in. and 7:90 p m. uo, and For Pamphlet«, giving endorsement«, <kc., addret»« the noy—at 11am, and 7:;4)p ui. sicians, after eating the poisoned “Some are known more for leech that is bound to give untold delight me for food. The life of a New York news like propensities than for any valu to toys of all ages is the new edi-, 45 ODELL TYPE WRITER CO., T iie R ookekv , C hicago , III. J. NAT. HUDSON, MIETIES. ; to plant! boy is a happy one compared with able services to the party. Nor lion of the works of Captain Mayne' t is alwr^^^_ ATTO* N B v - A T L A \v iE. NO. 77. 1. O. O. F. that of th'? head of the imperial are they remarkable for superior Reid. This renowned author,' I Office: BURNS, OR. g, ows Hall, evrrv * nt urda < abilities, except to grab up the per-, whose books have sold by the hun- J. E. McKl.xNtiN, X. G. family of Russia. Uy. simmons when others shake the i i dreds of thousands, has achieved and on M R. BIGGS, GEO. W. BARNES. 8 t age J i n e The Great British Scandal has 1 such an overwhelming sucre«», for Burea, or. Prises ille, Ur. ». MAIL». '-named the reaaon that the tendency of all found another untitled person, a M. trees.” ------- <»>■ BARNES A BIGGS, -Citizens of Eugene had a church his books is to the formation of an |S>-111. a Broadley, known for years by the s aailj, Sundays exceptca. honorable and manly character. I FROM PRINEVILLE TO BURNS. CRANE- aristocracy to be a man of disre , sensation two weeks ago, that end This the boys appreciate, for they [ Attorneys at Law, < VMTOM CITV: ed in the recorder ’ « court, and the ednesdays. Fridays.Cam. putable character, vet not too low Will practice in all of the courts court« of the stato. Mat«. i. .’nit4 on, have taken him to their hearts; days A .«aturda X s iOt- pm. Ail business laced in ear of thia Urn will b c. B. BAKER, Sub-Contractor. down in the social scale to dine preacher having to pay a fine and and of all the writer« he stands first Arrive« at Burna Wednesdays at «pm. loavea Prlne.llle Monde), at « a tn. PRIMKVILLR: Arrive« at Prineville Ratardaya at « p m tbam. the noble Lord Mayor and other costs of ^41. Rev. Weber was con in their affection. No writer that Leave» Bun.» ThuradavaM a a m ar « s m. W. W. Cardwell, men "made great” by position, a ducting a revival in the M. E. we can recall holds the reader's at tention, whose stories are of such IF'>I»NI I. ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W. few weeks since, has had to flee the church, with large congregation«. breathless interest, and di«tin- i Paasangar raïca from PriMvUI«!« Burna»7 SO; Round trip»I*- with 00 day. dalay. Where the egpreaa and mvr- In thecourscof revival work he ad country—in fact from appearances, B vf . ss , O r . guished by originality of design, a that are done In their rracti-*» in »II the court»o< the Mute. every effort i«-hei ng made to dis dressed E. Babb, whose reply artistic neatnesa of construction, Al?», before the V. 8. Land Office. Rt to know all «bout the tract public attention from vile caused him to take Babb by the and perfect style. This new and rb1**m ciimau . is marvel L and M atters a S pecialty . BREWERY. bound)« »s treaauree: the truths about the titled principals, arm and eject him from church greatly improved edition of hi« unea are made in a day i works is printed on heavy, beauti-j bu san Francia»«,» Fvrntnr by discovering and disclosing ev< ry Babb preferred a charge of assault1 i ful paper, with numerous aitistici tablshrd fn IMft. s*ands Attorncy-at-Law. PAUL LOCHER - - - ----- PROPRIETOR. li for nia journaliarn. ami minute particular regarding the against him and made th« charge , drawings. Altog' therit is a ( harm-1 lit ion forma a complete M DUSTIN BURNS, OREGON material, end politic al untitled accessories connected with stick. Much feeling is expressed ing edition, and a model of wbat| a« ». n for t »» U». e: Harney Citv «nd Burns T»e Ititi Dear I»« Fla. Tuait”, »aS war S» kad Sr ffie • F-med ar fa MnaWW ïvv or.e year. i • • boys ’ books ebould be. ' pro end com the Cavandish-street affair. i HO STATE NEWS HERALD THE BURNS READING ROOM. POWDER JOB WORK. T he D rewsey S aloon .