EASTERN ADVtlt'risgu, RlHPMJllTrnï PUBLICATIONS. B aiiyhood contains important popular articles on infants' discaess; departments of "Nursery Problems” Tlll'KSPAV. JANL’AXV 5. IW. in which numerous questions of sub- iscribers nrc answered; ' Nursery Helps and Novelties," comprising I descriptions of recent inventions In !«• .-•< than NO IM)- »’.* Tuo Preti j and convenient nursery furnishings; \< wM»>apcr •« '*• Her© f,‘ the < tc. 'Die Congregationalist recent­ Novel “Itolind the XV urlìi Hi HO IH»J «•** ly said: “Every issue of B abyhood confirms us in tlie opinion which T iib H erald will keep iti read­ ! we liave often expressed, viz.: that ers informed of ail particulars of it is peerless in its way. It is full of material of the m >»t practical | this novel race to beat a novelists’ I value to all mothers, and it must be i ma ginery record Juhs Verne says | read to be appreciated. It is doing it cannot be made in less than 79 ¡missionary work of a high order.” days, and Mr. Walker of the Cos­ By special arrangements with the mopolitan claims a possibility of it 'publishers, we ar« enabled this |year to make an unusual offer: being accomplished in 70 days. , Th« regular ptice of B abyhood is The following is th« substance , $ 1.50 a year. We will furnish the i of despatches as we find them in 'I’m-: IL kai . ii in combination with the Daily Examiner the Weekly ' B abyhood for $2.50per year. This 1 New York World, and Cosmopoli­ - is a "bargain” that needs no eom- inent. Make a careful note of a tan Magazine: ¡cut this out, or, whit is bitter THE HERALD. THE HTAHT EASTWARD. ¡send us in the amount at once. If Nov. 10-^l he New York Worbl von wish to first see a copy of the gave Nellie Bly, aged 23 years, the ' magazine, address a postal card t > means to make a trip around tho ¡"B abyhood , New York,” asking for 'one, and a back number will be world in 75 days, to beat the record 1 sent, free. of SO days made in .Jules Vernes nov- B i »> h unii Giris 11 ‘‘Around the World in SO Davs,’ Don’t fail to send twenty cents to by l’liineas Fogg, the hero. The following program was laid out for | Boys ami Girls, Springfield, Ohio, her, with liberty to charter steam- ’ for the Grand Christmas and New . Year’s numbers of that beautiful il­ er» and railways: Nov. 14—Nellie Bly, in traveling lustrated magazine. Each number ■ ! contains tales of adventure, scien-1 dress and small hand valise, : tific and historical articles, puzzles. ’ boarded the steamer “Augusta Vic­ j fun, games and other interesting j toria” for Southhampton, 9:30 a m. matter. A year’s subscription ! Nov 21—Nellie Bly lunched in ’ would make a splendid Christmas [ London, 8 days after leaving New present for a young friend. Regli-1 ¡ar price, one dollar. New subscri- i York. bers, until December 31st, only fifty j anti 22 — Met Jules Verne Nov. : cents. This will include Christmas I wife at Amiens, Franco. ami New Year’s numbers. Do not | Nov. 23.—On the India mail delay; send immediately. express train, bound for Brindisi Nov. 25.—Writes a note from i Denman '1 h impsun's Ohl Homestead. Brindisi, Italy | A story of clouds and eunshino Dec. 11—Nellie Bly, forced by | alternating over a venerated home; unforeseen circumstances, delayed of a grand old man, honest and her departure from Colombo, Cey­ blunt, who loves his honor as he lon, for Penang five days. Dee. 18.—Arrived in Singapore, loves his life, yet suffers the agony and is expected to reach Hongi0’ the condemned in learning of Kong four days ahead of schedule | the deplorable conduct of a way­ time. She has completed halt th« ; ward son; a story of country life, journey around the world in 3-1: ,()ve and j(,alol|(iy with()Ut an jni. "Dec 23,-Nellie Bly at II()hg.! P'‘r-1 t'^'ght, and with the healthy 1890 Plant Trees Haroer’s Magazine. illustrated . illustrated . “THE WHOLESOME EDIJC VTOR OF MILLIONS. A new fh»kwe entitled "The < .don.st.« of Tar- M<’<>u the I «st Adventures of »he Famous lar- isrin ” Th tu< rv will be trars sited by Henry James, and illus rate I by R. fbi amt .Myri a- h. W n Howells will rontribu’e a novelette tn three parts, an t I afcadio Ileatn a novelette in two parts. entiileJ "Youma,” handsomely illus­ trated. In llln,m!» , nrrent IlilerMi. »nd In I'nshort rones, en » and tiinrlv artirles. lhe .MAOxslNCuiil mal.i Iain it« « ell known «landard. THE LEADING WRITERS. SUBSCRIBERS (♦) If you uro not convenient to a news / Bend two dollars to the uddre«« below e» ' the L®difcr will bo sent to you FKER ’~t/ tho flrnt of January, 1300, an. ' :v n ‘ . continued for a whole ycutiwo that date. ARTISTS A YEAR ^S ixteen P aces ^7 % EVERY WEEK IIARPER’S TERIODICALS: I’er Year: $1.00 tlAItrEK’S MAGAZIXK 4 no HARl’EH'S WEEKLY 4.(Ml HARl'ER'd BAZAS .............. 2 00 II '.KI’ER'S YOUNO PEOPLE in the Po-ttupe Free to all Sub-t-ribers United Slate», Ciinada, or Mexico. FF 'I Herbert Ward, Stanley’s Companion. Herbert Ward, th© companion of Stanley in his explorations in Africa, is tho only white man connected with Si wdey’s African explorations who ho3 ever retimed aiivo from the “Dark Continent’’ Mr. Ward’s articles running through aight numbers of tho “Ledger” aro of the most intensely interesting description, and cover fivo years of his adventures in Africa, and they will bo illustrated bysket-liei mad a by Mr. Ward, aud by tho reproduction of photographs taken by him in Air'.ex Thcso picture will throw much ligLt une» tho m;nmcrsauc’ extern.; of the hitborto unknown cannibal tribes of Africa. Tho story of □ Forsaken tnn, ' • -I h y ) /?y Anna Katharine Green. Lifo in British Amorica, Ker. i:. it. Young. reing the adventures an l experioneei cf r.cv. T. It Young, the celebrat'd r h’ionary, and his wifo during their residence in ” t . ar region twelve hundred milei rnrf’. o: St. P tui, in wxcb Dr. Young narrates how he tamed and taught tho nativo wi-d »cf t »Northwest; how 19 equipped Hirns':.f fcr t. ‘ hew b” i.odjluj ¡.erduij sledging and hazardous cxioo t ips v > t-.ig aJ. tiio Indian settlezneaU w-.’-àJ Lv . Lunar ji miles cl his home. Honorable Henry W. Grady Contributes a series of six articles on tho “ VZonl rfnl Development of tho Industrial Pursuits of tho Kew Eouih.” ' American Cookery, (A r-.-.ir - i . e ) r.y Mix» l'arloa. Oizg tho reasons why it b imperfect, and ways Ly whi:h ii iay bo improved. Nihilism la Uusoia, jy Leo Jlartmann, NihUht. '-—»—1, a fugitive from P.ussian authorities, has been Gjnnccfrd with the moiit daring feats of thoBussian I7ib£kt:. vo how the intelligent )>u'*pio cf Rasâi.a r.re becoming hiihihsts in consequence of the despotism of the fo.;a participant in p’.ot3 to hill tho t ar. rueh as ths blnw^-—~>oi tho Winter Palace, he is able to givo true .0 how this aud o'.hor grou ...1 ¡ cks wctj accomplished. ïho situation in Russia is sufficient to i-icrtazo the o /American for our form cf c ;vcirui:nt. 'XTRA SO’JVENER SUPPLEMENTS. t j "autuully illustrated four-pago rouvenlrs, which wlri L-”’ sent freo to every subscriber, will bo a poem by John Qroenlo- f Whittier, ’-I “ Ledjer” Mr. r --..... - ' ! ly Howard rylc. ~rr.r. Ar.'.thcr sourer .-r?l bo a beautifully illustrated poets writtea by Honorable James s?i;sseii Lowell. 'VTvlIl contain the b. t S*f»r2al and >>toriew, Historical and KooR-rsip’*- '.Travels) Wit iiitti llantor» ^tird ct cry ¿-ill Hjp interesting to tite BI oukoc I k Id» Other Cent ¡butors fcr I860 are i-)"-'’«'I’ion ¡¡urr.c'.t. eland. ..owe Halt. o Vinton Dahf^rcn. i-escott Spcf.ird. o Brcwn, ■ s* I. Tourgee. r oberi Louis Steven, on. M. W. Haroltino. Anna Sheilns. Thomas Dunn English. Josophin^ Pel! r.I Coorgo F. Parsons. Am/ Randa!; i. Col. Thomas W. Knox. rr.ink II. t... ..i jrcc. Rev. Dr. John R. Faxton. C, l , H gi J vì . Rev. Dr. James McCosh Dr. Fc...< t . OsvvaJu. Prof. S. M. Stevons. H ov . tir.eiy l ayncs. Prof. J. H. Comstock. ■Juliun huWhern James Parton. Prof. VV. C. ¡-'.iteti Rev. Dr. H. M. Field. t:.bori Ci..r.i Harold Frederic. G¿1 re ?• 1 nr. y Or i r C'aec’ . >r Draft, or an Express Money Order. r.»i ¡Ut. C^londar Announcement. > The volumes of the Mngnzinc begin with i the Nunib.Ti for June and peeember of j eu-hienr. When no timers s[e -itie.l. «uh ; scripiions will begin with the dumber eur- ‘ rent at time of receipt of order. Bound voiumes or Harper’s Magazine, for i i three years bacK, in neat cloth binding, wid ■ be sent by mail, post-naid, on receipt of ?’• ; per volume. Cloth Cate-», for binding, 60 1 cents each—by mail, post-paid. Index to liarper’s Magazine, Alphabet- ; cal, Analytical, and Classified, for Volume-* j 1 to 70, inclusive, from June. LS50 to June, 1S<>, one vol. H vo. Cloth, $1.00 i Remittances should be made bv Postoflice i Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, New I York. 1889 Harner’s Weekly- Adorn y» nr Hutuas, your Ti,»| Your P.anrl -a, Yc,ur Farrng I'lacva, with trc*11 IS THE LAUGEST, ..d iDjr-c MOST RELIABLE ....... I s llur, N 1RS E R yl "f Hari i.lPiW I\i............... 1|‘!r , II. »lÙttfl FOR THE 1“ u . ii iur.al i« vxira ve ■ .pitttof a a .ebure 1 I L L T S T R A TED. H arper ’ s W eekly has a well cs’ahlished plucens the leading illustrated newspaper in America. The fairness of i s editorial com meuts on current politii s h»s earned for it re spect a id confidence of ail impartial readeis and Uie variety and excellent e of its literary | ! t onten’s. which include serial ami short stories bv the best and most popular writers, fit it for ihe perusal of people of widest range of tastes aixl pursuits. The Weekly supplements are cf remarkable varietv, interest, and valus. No expense is spared to bring the highest order of artistic ability to bear upon the illustration of the changeful phases of home and foreign his torv. A Mexican romance, from the pen of T homas A. J anvier , will appear in the W eek LY in l«y0 lati fi [ih p i i'UUjlsl BUY OF THIS HOUSE APRICOTS PER YEAR: HARPER WEEKLY EARPER’S MAGAZINE IIARI’ER’S BAZAR. HARPER’S YOl’NG PEOPLE 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 P..utage Free to all aubacrlberB in th« United States. Canada, or .Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly will begin with • prypn /'i-i\in’ •he first Number for Januarv of ra< h year I I .\ 1S>, (. IJi?Arv>............... When no time is mentioned, «ubteriptions will begin with the Number current at time of re ................................................................ ceipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper’« Weeklv for three vents bark, in neat cloth binding, will be sent TKEES S II R UBS,. b. mail Postage paid, cr bv express, free of ex- i pense 'provided the freight does not exceed ................................................................... per volume) for |7 00 a vo time. Cloth < ase? for each ’olume. suitable for binding will be sent by mail post-paid, on re \PPLES PLANTS iuts to I .•ptcifi » a. t u kt s »mi re .1 U' »vili Mr 6 aiem 111 ¡4 ufi'l it i .rai « a.. Ml a u s < htj ut uìttUl 1 m verilsei« W! ptke, Kong. Sails for San Francisco on (ll,iv,,r ,l'11 hel(1B 1,1 cv,!l7 chapter. k‘ -J Ì.X VJ, ;.riilisX Street, I7cw York City. Oceanic Saturday; expects to arrive | It i” founded on Denman Thomp- there January 21; was delayed at son’s great drama of “Tho Old Colombo because^ yiHoria arrived I Homestead.” Street it Smith, 31 one day earlier anil Oriental sailed Rose Street, New York, arc the STOCK BRANDS. one day later than advertised. Sho publishers of this life-like story, is two days ahead of time nt Hong- neterson’s’i? a gazine Mi/ntïÔn Kong. The World expresses the it is No. 23 of their Select Series. e«» matt < pinion that she will accomplish the Remittances should be made by Post Oflii’e . • • ------ BEST AND CHEAPEST Monev Order or l.'raft, to avoid chance of less. Th© Nrw York Weekly rest. ngitti »»te trip around the world within seven­ Add rent HARPER A BROTHERS. Naw York ' Ail» «MS R ime of tit« i,i .'arhuthc est S torie ««—• mr storks n Thoroughly earnest work is be­ •l T • he P lite - ■■larrtM I ty-five days. ctE as M ib . l.u ’>>p» r, Alice Iiow- >■ ■ IM M.ii ■ . (r«e. --U rius.in; Ho \ a rd «‘i - . ii”i ¡.i lie is •• iil • Frank eu I'eneui'i. All-e ’li'i t -Ut.erst ing done in behalf of tariff reform t imiti. e undueaii uue Uuiidit J rht.ri 0 <_ i .' ri: n e h >’ne of I heir bcm | ro'in< , i<•; BTAtlTtNO WET«WARD. lu. ..Uh will I e given ■ ur.nz the ; car. 1890. Nov. I I—The New York Cosmo­ by the New York Weekly Post, T he H r * t H ousehol ’ HErtitT PEACHES, FLOWERS,. politan Magazine gave Elizabeth which holds that the time to dis- dr« .. a k i ■ lin- gara u k< c Bisland, aged 24 years, means for cuss this economical question is Harper’s Bazar. making the trip around the world ! now , rather than in the heat of*a j • : in 11 ILLUSTRATED. 7?,”a.Vii’ 80 38 *° I’eat I1'1'!!*''j Presidential campaign. Everyis- Di K.-, ’he fl ;iy liiUgûZ. < H arter ' s B azar is a journal for the home. «t srecou. , . . . stieof the paper contains articles Giving the leadinginformaiion Avith regard to Fashions, i*s numerous illustrations, fashion- h of inter»st and variety f. r the eaine 1 ho program for tlie trip is not , , .... plates. and pattern sheet supplements ar« in­ (dated astothetime, but she «„v^^anngiiponsomephaseof thesub- moi.e J r prii u ¡8 v. it 1:1 I lie rca> h ..I dispensable alike to the home dress maker and EVERGREENS, TERMS: :>:;.()() A YEAR IN ADVANCE. the professional n.odist. No exj «use isspared she is to go from New York to San j(,<1L together with Questions Ly In making i s artistic attractiy - n-*»« of the highest oruer. Its clever short stories, parlor El EGANT PREMIUMS FOR GETTING UP CLUBS: Francisco direct to Yokohama, doubting readers, with answers by pavs, an 1 thoughtful eMMya satisfx al tas e»* 1 ( With n hnnf ’ s. me enizravitik • ‘ The Two Readerr, ” or n I ( ’ . pi. 8 ihtiiicc to Hong Kong. Penang. Col­ theeditor, all tending to facilitate and its last page is famous as a budget of wi . !, uud books as premium 3 ( < pb s ombo, Alien, Port Said, Brindisi. 4 » 'opies .$ . I l ) Witli an extra copy < f lhe magazine fur one \ tar lu H orses branded HARPER'S PERIODICALS and simplify the discussion. The 6 t’.ipies . !•.’ii *: he ge.ter up t»f the < lu’>. Nov. 11, ■!:(?) p m.—Miss His- Post lias been adopted by a num­ ÔCupiOH. ¡PAP i \\ i'!> an extra ng trunk, left New York City on the and its discussions are conducted Postage Free to all sul scribers in lhe United ryof 1 ’ETERSON’S MAGAZINE, Stares, Canada, or Mexico. fast overland mail for San Fran­ in a spirit of fairncs», which entitle ly Oo Range—Grant county, Ureguti I NUTH, FRUITS. 306 Clicbtnut st., I’liikuleljjhia, Pn. I cisco. The volumes of the Bazar begin with the first it to respect of opponents, as well P. 0.—Burna. Grant county, Oregon. number for January of each war. When no Tin: H erald and Peter, on one year 43.60, 252 Nov. 19.—Miss Bisland arrived as its advocates of the revision of a is time is men'iuned, subs, ription will in-jin with the Number curreut at the time of receipt in San Francisco, 5 days after leav­ war tariff to adapt it to times of of order. Bouud volumes of Harper’s Bazar for three ORNAMENTAL CYPRESS ing New York. RILEY A JI AR LIN. year in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail peace. The Post is compiling a di­ p»-stage paid’ or by express, free of expense, Address ISAAC FOSTER. (provided the freight does not exceed one dol The GrratrM Si'imiilj-n of the A;;o. rectory of active tariff reform organ­ lai per volume; for |7 a volume. '■ The B ob * Cloth i ases for each volume, suitable for bind BIRCH, SPRUCE. ELDER! ‘ The Crime of the century.”—•. izations in the United States, and big will be sent by mail pespaid on receipt of ' f....... title has already publish* I one install- Thi;i is the very appropriate Be tanrfI should be made by Post Offi. e H orsed branded cn of a hook that is being written bv incut of the li»t. The Weekly Post Mono ‘»ruer ur Draft, to avoid chance of !. u Adress HtKPEKA liROTlIL’t- ; M We will -vannteh (he “LOVELL" WARHEB t -Io bctterwork Left stifie: Horizontal one of tin-ablest journalists of the is a 12-pagc pop' r. and contains all \VAan^ • aril in l *s . time th:vi < - machine i i present time. It is the only com-[ the features requisite for a first k the world. Warranted E.■» year?., r.n<‘. i: it ■ ’t wa.sh t!>> dean without rubhfpq, vewill refund tl.emor ev. plot© and nuthcyfic history that il ss gener. 1 f^^ilvjournal. Price £#ri890jS(J agents waited ...n\u::!pr^ TUI IPS, WEEPING WILL) vill or can be written of the assas­ $1 p t year, ^^^•ml.ination with (hat agents are waking from S?-1» to? «.’».• nerraoatb. Firmer» r year. Sam sination of Dr. Patrick Henry Cro­ 'fin-. lliiiAl', ■ •'- 1900 to 9600 during the winter. 1 .... Pcs9 AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. scuinjt thh V.’isL -r. Retail price, only J?5. Sa».to thnfrj nin and the chain of events that led ' pie copies free on request. ( ATTLE branded on » c .-»n .'.Kerry St!. Ah-o the C.’L: --ted EASTON« WRi.MfF'.lS it mannfactur«. rp' lowt .-t pric.?. Vie invite the to that strange crime. The l ook is RED-BUD, SHADE TREK^y*! left Hie V. fn strictest i’:vrst;gatio.:. Send your addrc;a an .• postal card for Th« .1 IK profusely illustrated with original farther particular?. The Eleventh Volume of Harper'■ Your.» Peo­ dcr-bit in Right ear. and skillfully executed engravings The publishers of that sterling ple, whi h begii’i with the Number for Novem LOVELL WASHER CO., Erie, Pa. close up. Left ear ber 5, 1*9, preient« an attractive program It of the principal ac tors nt <1 scenes home journal, the New York Week will offer to i.s reader» «t lea«t four teriali of J UNI.;>E il <. r : (ODO DEN DM the usual length, and others in two or three of the Tragedy from the formation y. are this season making an offer Smooth cr.ip. nartg. vis ” The Red Mustang,” bv William D •............................................................... of the plot to the close of the cele­ that exceeds any we havu seem. 1 raut, ( i’ .'k. and l ake countivs. rtoddard; “Phil and »lie Baby," by I ucy C. I li­ rant county, Oregon. ne: “Prince Tommy,” by juhn kuaaell Cor;ell; brated trial; it also contains a relia­ 1 The ordinary price of the paper is »■M “Mo-her'i Way” bv Marxaret E. Sangstar EACH THE BEST OF ITÍ» ble biographical sketch of the patri-1 $3.00 per annum, and it *i is well two abort serin’s by Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen i wo series of Fairy Tab s will attra« t th« atten otic victim. This Pictorial llisto ■ worth “ '• ‘ ---- ' • ' *■ it, but tointroduce the Week- non of overs of the wonder world, viz- th« I». TOI)II INTER. nr a x e w ■ T aint ta'es told bv Howard Pyle, and a. admir ry of the greatest of Modern Crimes.1 ly to lionu-s where it is at present a SittE « <.» MwiM Be ".’I?’ illustrated by him, and another ser.'es in a ' «'I I- B s sir Worth SiOU. is not a book of roni nice but of hard, i stranger, ive are authorized to an­ different vein bv Edward M. Bicknell There w»trh in th« world. I’rrfect branded wi'l ba short s-oriea by W i> Howelitt. Thornaa tii>i«fc»ep*r. W«n anted he*ry, solid facts and is n marvelous exotn nounce that subscriptions for fair Wn ih hr Selaon Page. Mary K Wjlklus, Nora Perrv, Har 'Olin oom huntias «h la.ti. » and rant a sites, ulilication of detective skill, < f lb" ¡months will be received foree.eelol with moi ka and ri>*i of Hntte-.». r-h >ophie dwelt, Rki.ard Ma.c.HQ arks- Cl'FO ■ ip entire 1 <• rf i*enty vatuari’« lual ralur. ONK r«KsONin far-reachi.ig power of the law and lar. ami you will le pres nteil !'-e< Johug'vn, ere. li’eh: car: Ru »R m dnn' i.'r.i'i.l an.l .‘.ewcnD, ___ __J Ixlow, to every sub- :h locality can secure one 'frrr, torrther with , ur largr m*riber t<» »1 s paper :or theeoeuing year, who leni.ta of those charged with it- < xecution of all expense with n copy of any ii valuable Im»of 11 on«'-hold turnt 1 r-.it.f ,n ao-D.tion to the regular eub^eription Send for a Catalogue, and A ,n'ripti.>n to It«aria’g Y'r.a rtoeti «nmplra. Thoae oamples. as well prie®. Thesn bo. 'lts, each one of whim cootaina a com Those who secure an agency for it i r.e < f the' Etn el A t mith Select * watch, ar. free. All the work you ,• ;uy«uf> in ,,v. ialle I, Piet«» 3rpy- nMs fbr } «art when one* star’ed, ..•in •»»»t -. tn ■. . 1 i .i-• ran I > ami in civ • terms and ngencic s. address The J. right novels. The’ Secret Service and TERMS: Fosta?« Prepaid, T.OO a year, thus we ai« repaid. W» no» all esprx*sa. fVeiaht, etc. Aft*» prt«rt «..Hue th* f ■!■'«( works ever w rirten by .«Una ot ••• know all. If you would ilk* te |to to w. rh for us. »on caa but the 1 md that is ahu. t nl. XI begir.8 Novembers, 1#>. th« ____ cr*ai __ ‘ t ».v, : >t p ’ pillar wnters, both of Atuerl Dewing Company, 813 Market St., Sei ii s of Detective Stories, or the *am ’run» 920 te 900 p*r w. *k and ap«cards A J Ireaa, c-* and Fm e. L •< . one i< complete in itMlf: p«c!m«u Copv sen ’ on receipt of ^-c<- stamp horres are branded Ch . p -t. Last spring, alone.j IBu « tt I tt, Port I mm .I, Maine. ’ in>: r Numbe ■ Fi.( en*© each tian Francisco. S. a and Shor. Series These books Sliaien .tt N U’- r<. C h 't «honUI read them. Murex Order vr Draft, u a», id thaucttuf Uss. No .H kdventur-*« ofti ltiaehrlor. rvtheau­ addrvs« •'th st r«-«-r’rea 'l.-gaaliie.*’ •Call at this Office and ordi graph piper covers, contain from thor H < i it. i * ».iventnr»« in New York.’’ A great > ,i- » . a popular author. HARPER A BROTHERS, | address the following named I No ’ How tn Mnkeiind Snve Uanev nn A niftg.-uinc dovi t nl to the care of ."IHI t i "»Ot» pages, and reta !f< r ■¡5 thr Farm, k va i v 'e ■•■»nipi at>on of useful facta, New York. A sample copy of the hints *n l - i : ’«sttrns for farmer* ami gardener*. infants was entablislicil in Nt u cents each No F> om tl»»« lharth to lhe Moon. A V*-'«•■»apar.-a a-. r,,i io crr, an, oa., or.r New York Weekly m.d a complete Nave1 Ry ’ ' ■* V»:>txa. York n few years ago. Its plan N .*»' The Isll lie Ohl Afno of (he lln|lg- all.if tb. ab.it, aJv,i.:«-m«i;ia wl’h»ut th, GEORGE W CRANE n »llo*. A N By J>t » GiRORIACT. was to procure the Left writing description of the lss>ks will I, aaprtaa ord.r uf HAlirrit & IsROTHKIH No . 1 l)i'i»eron« U oinnn, A Novel. By M v x rrrl< k*s Daughter. A Novel. »hcarn r and r».ntk tk.n uf any |.;.r- By M r Cai d Ajvlr. to M,-tl,rra. •■lac who w. a <‘<>mpe;i nl to advise Str.-ct A Smith, 25 t > 31 Ruse St , • t*. ki i; « or ■ ealing ar v ,‘»f the No !*.’ Tl»» Baron'« Wi'l. A N vel By STL- »oi-s Cm», ' a‘*7ŸC brand vr bt*lon?in~ thereto. in the pirph-xities that confront New York City. . Si*,- W1 F ,: 2 W * *rn>). f..r «hIMrcn \ » Th- Peril nf iPrhnrd Tardon. A cthlnx. ,arhe prr,. rlp’lnn of on. Mention T iik H kuai . di : i which N Bs Sure to Get Tt J íl W. I conscientious p in iits who aim at frmal. mirai-a and |>b,ai< lu. In n,. rn( N ’ -• ’ ■ Binrkhlr«i Mill. A Novel. ByKsrsn A pervertii temperance st..ry eerM| fl S Hl K KltSX’ TH -la If. a-d haalvrn irae.l f. r fc.rt, K-ih successful training of their children. yor. see thia offer. No.’ll Th Du.trtila«** riot. A Novel By ALMEDA A. STENGER. n«.«r ’nlilr.gauccn by mtlll.n a..f m.jh..., . , bring written by Col. 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