B abyhood contains importanti THE HERALD. popular articles on infants’ diseaess; departments of “Nursery Problems” THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, HW ; in which numerous questions of sub- i scribers are answered; “Nursery A JOL KNEY ROUND THE V.ORI.D Helps and Novelties,” comprising descriptions of recent inventions In Less than HO Days by Two Pretty and convenient nursery furnishings; Newopaper Girls sent ont to Heat a “Mothers, Parliament,”containing j intel« sting letters from readers, etc. ; The Record uf.JuleH Veuie’M Hero in the etc. The Congregationalist recent- Novel “K g und the World in 80 Days.’* I ly said: “Every issue of B abyhood j confirms us in the opinion which T he IlEi-.At.D will keep its read­ we have often expressed, viz.: that ers informed of ail particulars of it is peerless in its way. It is full | this novel race to beat a novelists’ of material of the most practical imaginery record. Jules Verne says value to all mothers, and it must be it cannot be imide in less than 79 j read tube appreciated. It is doing days, and Mr, Walker of the Cos­ missionary work of a high order.” mopolitan claims a possibility of it By spe< ial arrangements with the being accomplished in 70 days. publishers, we are enabled this The following is the substance I year to make an unusual oil r: of despatches as we find them in iThe regular price of B abyh od is the Daily Examiner the Weekly i •'pl.50 a year. W’e will furnish th New York World, and Cosmopoli­ T he II ekald in com: ¡¡¡at ion with tan Magazine: B abyh < d for 12.50per ye .ir. Thl- THE STAItT EASTWARD. is a ‘‘bargaiu” that needs no com- Nov. 10—The New York World t inent. Make a careful 1 ¡ote 01 a gave Nellie Bly, aged 23 years, the «•nt this out, <>r. what is . it • means to mak • a trip around the i send us in the amount at 0. f t:. world in 75 days, to beat the record I you wish to first s a < < «ri« of 80days made in Jul--s Vernes' nov­ magazine, address a p el ‘‘Around th - World in 80 Days.” “1 A1ATI0. D, New Yol k,’ 1 •• k 1 :g 0. by Phirieaa Fogg, the hero. Tib- one. and a back uuiu» following program was laid out for sent, free. her, with liberty to charter steam­ ers and railways: Nov. 14—Nellie Bly, in traveling dress end small band value, boarded the steamer “Augusta Vic­ toria” for Southhampton, 9:30 a m. Nov. 21—Nellie Bly lunched in London, 8 days after leaving New York. ?vov. 22—Met Jules Verne wife at Amiens, France. Nov. 23.—On tin- India d. Regu- exprc D train, bound for Brindisi. **w su Nov. 25.—Writes a note from t. on y 1 1 Brindisi, Italy C'hri-tei Dec. 11—Nellie Bly, forced by uid'or. seen circumstances, delayed her departure from Colombo, Cey­ lon, for Penang five days. es • 4 Dentil n'ili ili». - ST A KTING W ET SWA RI>. Nov. 14—The New York Cosmo­ politan Magazine gave Elizabeth Bisland, aged 24 years, means for making the trip around the world in 70 days, so as to beat Nellie Bly’s record: The program for the trip is not stated as to the time, but she says she is to go from New York to San Francisco direct to Yokohama, ¡.hence to Hong Kong, Penang, Col­ ombo, Aden, Port Said, Brindisi. Nov. 14, 4:(?) p ;n.—Miss Bis­ land, in traveling dress, with shawl­ strap, hand valise, and small travel ing trunk, left New York City on the fast overland mail for San Fran­ cisco. Nov. 19.—Miss Bisland arrived in San Francisco, 5 days after leav­ ing New York. A story of ci«.. an- sunshi'« alternating ovci a v< ner t holm of a grand old man, honest a blunt, who loves his honor as he loves his life, yet stiller t.i »gon of the condemned in learning oi the deplorable conduct of a way­ ward son; a story of country life, love and jealousy without an im­ pure thought, and with the hea flavor of the fields in every chapter It is founded on Denman Thomp­ son’s great drama of “The Old Homestead.” Street & Smith, 31 Rose Street, New York, are the publishers of this life-like story, t is No. 23 of their Select Serie . The New York Weekly Post. ¡TOLEDO BLADE-1890 ■ - Only One Dollars Year. The most popular \Vockly News-1 i paper in the I nited States, the - largest circulation, and the only 1 j strictly Weekly Newspaper that [ jover succeeded in obtaining and ! holding year after year a circula­ « OF MILLIONS THE WHOLESOME EDUCATO. THE LEADING WRITERS TO NEW UBSCRIBS&S A YEAR CELEBRATED If yon are not convenient to b news stand, r ud two dollars to tbo address b«.low and the Led .’< r will bo sent to you FREE tillyj tlio first o£ January, 18W, and then continued for a wholo ytu frcin /. »•x that date. ^S ixteen P aces EVERY WEEK Stanley’s Companion Herbert VJ , -e-. • i p-o comp.iaioa of BL'inW ia his c-r-’-'it' rs ' i ! ' I-ii thi only whits man connected with Stanley' • rations who has «7« zetam llivenom tl ‘‘I rk C : . lr. Ward's articles rtmtiing throut,’.-. «. • ;. ■ • ar. t . t? ■> . werfiy* yon of Lis adveutures in Afn<-.. rated by ird, I J t t of photographs taken by him in Africa. . ti will threw muon Dji. - rat ... jc ! i.i, . L-aknownca-.uiibaltriI.es of Africa. T wtory of n Forst i'-n, (V 'l .- V) ’ Antir-I Katharine llrecn. Liro In A. J.Vr. U. 7?. ro««^ m ? theaSwnteresan4«nor'sn i os fl! oi.R.Totm? ' . .•’ary, c-.:’hiiwifoduringtheirrcridenceyi ........... d . ^:.r.--;!,ij ..c .¿;r. Yo.n:t u-. rao-. how hs tamed and taught the nativswi.I ■t; Low 1 . -. . • «..:•■ 1 f.r ;v’. hJ ? : lirdous hedging and hazardous canoo trips j r ; - j - I .Z- --i s.?rt R-qo.. -.7...: 11-. , :—..I:.. ..-c. . ^;zio. 9 Ehsnry V7. Crady [i-* .res a series of six arfo’.oa m . ■ ’ '. '• 1 . cf tbo Ltlustrial Pursuit.-! of the New South.” American - - ' z>'/i.s-.-i Ci”:r - the ronsons why it ii impc.-. 9} s by r. .ri-.a r-’t.^ ■ c ii.x.uved. Rihlllsm In Russia, iy i.eo K -. tr.mnn, N!>,;iht. - e-rlttve from llu- uz...-r:t'.'-,Lr.i' m connected-.-.I tbo most daring foa’i of the Russian lii'.aiii*:. : 0 i-ite.i' . c. J.-:.-D e.'-J becoming KihiLets in consequoncoot tho despotisLi of tho forri . ,._it i.io.;t? .. . Oar, rzeh as tbo ciewizig t.p cf ths Winter Palace, he is ab'.o to g-vo t: o his aado-'itv : : ’■ a-ecxjiicheL 'xho rituaticnin Russia is suineieut to ...cz.-z ? iriesn for our forui < f jev.;amc-_t. vi-lth will Lo scut freo to every subscriber, will bo a poem I7 3 f, .! ly Howard Pyle. ether couvezir will bo a beautifully illustrated poem written ly ohn Qre tiger” b7 Mr. WL R ugcc ;! Lowell. ■rle«, Biixtorical and Kioxrap’-- ' . : î:;i nn«l fiïzor IriuioL-, uiaU ever, . jij ;; i:i!ez-i-»8ing to tile Jiouxt-h.« Id. i'r vrSU. cosà * ' * •iivvis, V-Z Other Lributors for 1C90 are T short Let»!3 Stev' Anna 8hGlic.'~. P.-.Ln rd. — --a Hodfson Burr, eland. e l‘.o-.'.o Hall. -io Vinton Dab t F'roscott ion. M. W. Hazoltlne, Thomas Dunn English. Qoorco F. Parsons. Col. Thomas W. Knox. Rev. Dr. John R. Paxton Rev. Dr. James McCoeh Prof. 3. M. Stevori3. Prof. J. II. Comstock. James Parton. Rov. Dr. H. W!. Field. Alleo Urcjvr ne 3. Tour ? nza. can be sent at our r Six Cents Kild res ■> : Harold Fredorio. Draft, or an r :;•■ ;s Money Or ' idar Aanounce.ront. -, «A -. I. k J ‘J AStor« of th« AVi V, ■ st r.i ! Fir. -.idr < h-.ts, by H-«i. 1 «..I;. Thoroughly earnest work is be­ The Gre ii.eHt Sensation of the Ag-c. ing done in behalf of tariff reform “The Crime of the century.”— by the New York Weekly Post, This is the very appropriate title which holds that the time to dis­ of n book that is being written by cuss this economical question is one of the ablest journalists of the now , rather than in the heat of a present time. It. is the only com­ plete and authentic history that Presidential campaign. Ev ry is­ will or can be written of the assas­ sue of the paper contains articles sination of Dr. Patrick Henry Cro­ hearing upon some phase of the sub­ nin and the chain of events that led ject, together with Questions by to that strange crime. The book is doubting readers, with answers by profusely illustrated with original I nnd skillfully executed engravings , the editor, all tending to facilitate of the principal actors and scenes and simplify the discussion. The of the Tragedy from the formation, Post has been adopted by a num- of the plot to the close of the cele- [ I her of clubs and other organizations brated trial , it also contains a rclia- i and its discussions are conducted ble biographical sketch of the patri­ otic victim. This Pictorial Histo­ in a spirit of fairness, which entitle ry of the greatest of Modern Crimes, it to respect of opponents, as well isnot a book of romance but of hard, as its advocates of the revision of a solid facts and is a marvelous exein-1 war tariff to adapt it to times of plitiention of detective skill, of the | | peace. The Post is compiling a di- lar-rcaching power of the law and < f those charged with its execution, I i rectory of active tariff-reform organ­ Those who secure an agency for it izations in the United States, and will be extremely fortunate. For has already published one install­ terms and agencies, address The .1, ment of the list. The Weekly Post Dewing Company, 813 Market St.. is a 12-page paper, and contains all San Francisco. the features requisite for a first class general family journal. Price •fl per year. In combination with A Moment T he H euai . d , f3 pi r year.” Sam- Of vour time, render, may per­ I pie copies free on request. haps l e profitably devoted to tly following:— The Dctectiv Story Fa | r. Those who take an agency for a The publishers of that sterling reliable, enterprising house, learn home journal, the New York Wet k- their business and stick to it, “get iy, are this season making an olfer on" in the world. People who have ¡that exceeds any wo have seen. any idea of engaging in nnyeavass- I The ordinary price of the paper is ing business will do wi ll to write $3.Ci> per ¡’.nnum, and it is well George Stinson .V Co.. Portland worth it, but to introduce the We ek­ Main—the great art nt.d general ly to homes where it is nt pr< sent a publishers. They oiler the m. t ex­ strong r, we arc ii-.itho: Led to ati- ceptional ad van I:-. « > to those who ; nounee that iibscriptions for fimr ure sufficiently ct.tcrpri; ing to be month« will be reeeiv. d for on<-dol­ willing to make a push in < -der to lar. and you will l e pit lted f ee etter theirconditmu. It cus:snoth­ of all expense with n copy of ly ing to try. Women make fuccc - s |one of the Strict A Flinth Select fui canvassers, ns r. < 11 nc men. jSeri-«of popular American c< pv- Full [kirtieubirs will le sent to right novel '1 he Secret Service those v ho addr. -s the firm; their I S riea of Detective Stories, or the full address is given above. -'ea and Shore Sori. s. Those Looks ■ arc neatly bound in elegant litho­ •Th ;t Pcerlrag Mngnglne.*' , graph paper covers, contain from A mag -, i iedev. tcd to the care i of :;<<> to 5(10 pages, and retai 1 for > infants was extnblisl d in i New cents each. / A sample copy i.f the York a few years ago. Its > plan N< iv \ <>rk V> t-vklv and .... .1 a . miplct.' was to procure the best writing description of the books will be Hut money could buy fro., in physi­ sent free to any address, ‘M, upon np eiane, trained nurses, and ol e . ■ me plication tothe publisher . Messers, • Ise who tu b competent to advipe Street A Smith, 2."» tool I ase St., in the perpk-xitits that confront New York ( ity. Mention T he II kraldhi which conscientious parent» who aim ai Bucctxsful training i.ftheir children. you see this offer. An ex|Hrienced physician was pbyed in charge as medical editor. Tit:: H er u nauti Weekly Call $3 1 his magazine, H ahviumid by or etir paper and the Daily Call $i. t.ame, has met with remarkable fuc - —t'er R< publican subscriber« can­ —’t I e Red F .ml Livery and ccfs the world over, its foreign subaenption list was sufficiently not say tie do not get cheap rates Fot ti stable is the place to put up large for it to establish i _ a _ London for them. also. In this com* ¡na­ your team: horses fed watered and ollive last year and 'egiti the lì»i Vii* tion there is economy and literary groomed. . of it foreign edition. merit. I *■ SUPPLEMENTS. <3 . rtifully illmtr-.t Bufi'al 1. t N p li on of American >Scoi:tjan : Im ian Fi, lit­ ers. He is on i f rhe greatest and most versatile characters dedu« -I. He has won b limit h ccc»s and his u di taki gs renown in lie is not only ! ■• greatest Aincri- can frontiersman, but he is al. o a:i educated man. e sf miliar with the entire history of our country, and has mad'- i special study of the lives and grand aehicveniciits of the great i >ncers, whosde Is of daring have won the admiration and applause of the whole world. He is better qualified than anv other manto write the gnat stand ard history of American 1 ioneer Life, for he helped to make that his­ tory, and liis own adventures con­ stitute the most brilliant and thrill­ ing portion of it. His peculiar ness for the work that hehasso c- cessfullv accomplished was justly recognized by the Prince of Wales, lion. Wm. E. Gladstone. Hon. John Bright, and other didingnis «i Englishmen, when they carne th requested him to write the “Story of th«-Wild West.” In this request they were joined by nearly every celebrated General in th.- Ameri; an Army, who, knowing Buffalo Bill intimately, knew that he w s the man to write this Grand History. It is a book every American can feel proud of llenotcnly tells of his own marvelous nchievements but also these of his comrades •.nd other great frontiersmen, ineludi T Ï »•»• s are trot r.of ihe meat popular hull’on; and • : Fori? si i ••.jit ■ b <45 'Ire. Livy If. Hooper, Alice How- ore admi to i to be th i t.' \lu - . ii L..<-.l, . '• J: « >'i: Howard *ee!ey, and othvii» will man, Frank Lee I’e ...... e. ; ... s u nearly one hundred short M urks co nt ri»u'e cum e ,fTi, will be given during he ... . year. T he ?• T r HOUSEH Hou-I'.Ht i L i. > 1» i ■ iPATTMFNT. i ‘ n r.b;a i ■ b : i eft < n heallh. nursing the Bic k, home« —Elfl d I'vt-Biniiking, t iie gar-t i.: ci-eii, - I buf • .. liable to the household. ricu ki chen, m and il other T h " i ; f ;T F KBHi'iN : — r-, • it —Giving 1 .i.i, ihc '•! , t a- d lb'iotfl stvks of drees for outdoor a: I hmii w-ar. ■ r . ■ ¡¡a. . t n < '.re l inchiuii-plates and numerous Lus - rated wood-eugrawii.'-s- ti s--, a ,uv f ize circrs pal ern niuull.-y. T h ;; L est an - • . .>c..y ii d. ;.i printed in colors, embracing the newest (i: ¡<1 must popular ctfcu.,' f produced at liotne aim abr« u oilier I'tfippz’r ■■ pi v'S po much of interest and variety for the same money. 1 Is price if. •. iihi i ilw reut.h of every body. BERRIES, QUINCES,.............. PEACHES, FLOWERS,............... I NECTARINES, EVERGREENS,.............................. TERMS !2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ELEGANT II IMIUMS FDR GETTING UP CLUBS: t\ With a ].lii’t••>-me engraving “The Two R.?n.t!ert<’' or a i •) i' h.nt euf one of curs'andaril bound book« at>premium . ■ t Will, tt’i cxt.':i ■. py T. «Pc X ' • --\ A the world. am* ttl if it it ---- don 7 ’t t. v,; . .1 h - 7t the n ithout- rnbbini v o --- will r-fun-I f t A u ’ e ------ no cr. •• 7. Wo v AGENTS WANTED5 proof •■’i.•,s-,'x?.¡ that affnnts ar? making inmi -v * r> * o $1 ud per month, Farmers SUCCIS3 m '.hi* ? j «'O to |. r 4>0 during th»* v.iuter. LnKp^h-r- e gre: .•■ .*:■ ___ Reta.l ____ 1 r-rice. price, only $5. Kamj-; «ampu? I readable tyt e on good paper, and many of them ii ui Isomeijr illustrated. They entn rrise some of the finest works ever wr.tten by gome of be greatest and most popular writers, both of Ameri­ ca and Europe. Each one is complete in itself: y K'. 'Ire, Candle*« < nrtnln I.pof :irt»e. By Dor mis J rhroi . i ». Very old and verv funny. The yonmror as well as older generation «honld rend them. No. -H. Adventure« of n Bachelor. Rr th?an- th rot' •• F th Beanpole's Adventure* in New York.” A great humorous book by a popular author. Xn. 21''. tiovv to Make and Snv<* Money on t’»e 1 .»era, V v .i <• cotnpila'. i ,.f r.-eful facts, Lnts in I suggestions for farmers and gardeners. N . 2.7 I'rwtn the Eat th to the Moon. A S.-.vv’ Ry !.■ s Vrnxi N 2; The Little OM Man <*f tbo R:i|lE5S n > y* I he l.'nden Fmia Bride. A Novel. B . M I ■ ;*i:tr Bl OI'XT B •* M *r! ' ,>vl’r, nirtehbird 11111. A Nove! By E sthsb S i y K kx v - th N > • >< T*<- «luarrilan'a Pint, * Xn„l. n, Dr J II R ' N 2.1 The Orajr Fnlron. A X>r,l. Br M T C ■ '-.boa. V >*\ The «■»■raw of a Secret. A X >rrt. Be 4. at Vx ii. H at Xo - Percy and Ike Pmrhet. A X ot ,1 v fi < ■ I I X- No »7 The *t»»ry of a Wedding Rin*. A >vel. By the author «£•• bora Thorne " “ - , °!. .7*“!.’»" ’V,.ee-. Tra.l.ll.a, A •r.l r Mr. X- > T W.ron s r« A M.rlern Cinderella. A 'i»d n, lb, ,11’lwr of " Dor, Tn.'*nr ■’ 1 X > XX The l.laad H .m*. A So,.; By M T Cel m ,'Vrot' The r“ '* ®I« t «> AX ota L B t C lau 2/ emaM^aad «•JI 2.re'f,C"Ai^^PP'3«EmER’S C-.DE,U4fr>| friWMlyì'.-,(fatticijt-stpA ¡WO«»! t I cattll !rar’'I * with “.--4 Wrench ' uh Loft Hip. Far tr.nr’. ?• ( L'an < r. fl’the Light vi . : l d » d i■ R'ope in tbo ! Left ear. houses are branded with "S-wreut h” on the Leit thigh. Send for a Catalogue, and mak< selections i-« time-for th<-B-- delivery, if you want to plant n<* but the Best, and that is alwr.- stb» ( heapest. Last spring, alone, nw“| than a Call at this Olliee and order,••* be n ithor of tlie **B»iy TrnTetcr.** aerlia; his new story w ill te a revelation to je-«ipk » ail « ': sr.s on both eMta of the temp»«5” qu- » ion. Scrd y atai card to "The ronhift* <1-:dn< chapter» rend nani«» of »JI* frieiK'a. a'»o. See adv. in auof h. r eoin:»». T ux nahvLnar.d Blade, one «car «.»«»■’