THE J. DURKHEIMER & CO’S. LOCAL-PAGE ADVERSTIEMENT. T X j ARCEST ! Listen ! ! STOCK. X j OWEST WE ARE 3RRICES, ONLY FIRST OLASS The Only House in Harney County ERS THAT CAN SUPPLY THE e t With Their FALL & WINTER SUPPLIES GrOODS. o o k . nAISE Our Prices are the SAME as At tlie raiload -witlo. freigflxt added. WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE. J. DURKHEIMER & CO, THE WRECKERS OF HIGH PRICES IN HARNEY VALLET. irsi LKGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. BERNS INAI. PROOF. s. THE ADVERTISEMENT!. T. V. B. EMBREE, M. D. U nited S tates L and O ffice , / Office at his r»-«ii’er1 J. B. HUNTINGTON, Register PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. Office at W. E. Grave’« Drug Store. 1-ly E. P. HOWARD, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. BURNS, OREGON. HERALD. HAS LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1890. Official County Paper. Local News. HARNEY' COUNTY’ ITEMS. —The Poison creek Bible school met at No. 3 school house, on Christ­ mas day, where they enjoyed a —Old papers 50c for 100. pleasant and profitable season in —Ray Thompson’s baby is a singing the sweet songs of Zion, and reciting from memory 300 verses of boy. the Sacred Writ, of which number —Riley vs. Mahon contest suit, Austin W. Culp and Johnnie H. Friday. Culp were master of 150. —Notice of Silver creek and ball next week. “Texeu” Bar. —E. H King, of Harney, in town Tune- “0h, Happy be We.” Thursday. To Texes I will go. yes, I will go, —J. S. Devine was in Harney, Whene’er i want to know, 1 want to know, What •here’.'« in Burns to drin k , New Year Day. ‘ In th’ glasses cheerful dink, To keep posted Read T he H erald . FROM IIARNEY. H arney ,-25-12-89. —Continuous storms prevailing cause rapid reduction in the wood piles. —The toboggan comes with light- ening-like «peed down the glide from the abrupt raise in the rear of our city. —No broken limbs as yet, but the doctors of our town look at the slide with an expression of satisfac­ tion and a malicious grin, as they say “ah! fine slide;” well knowing they will have plenty to do in the immediate future in trie way of re­ pairing broken oones. —Our people rejoice at the arri­ val of numerous freight teams for the holidays. —Rev. McCart preached a very able sermon on Sunday night, such interest was maifested that it was decided to hold a series of meetings in the near future, assisted by El- der Taylor, of Harney, and Dr Embree of Boat Ford. —Harney can be proud of her citizens for the liberal manner in which they contributed for the Christmas tree, and the thanks of the management is sineeerly ten­ dered every one for their generosi­ ty, through which every child was remembered. —The singing was excellent, the declamations good. —The two balls passed off har­ moniously—the Court House af­ forded lots of room and the arrange­ ments were complete; the lloor in splendid condition. H arney . The Herald’s Unequalled Holiday. Good for Two Months Only. Ever up with the tim«s, THE HERALD has completed an arrangement with a large New York Publishing House, which enables us to offer our Readers a better ohanc« to build ap a Home Libraiy of elegantly bound booxs thaw ever before. Do you want books by the world’« best authors? Handsomely bound books? To each cash subscriber: Prior to Feb. 1, 1890, al |2.50, you can have T he H erald one year and your selection of any one of the following named books, which ar« bound in Black and Gold, printed in large, clear tvpe, on good pa­ per, illiiBtra'ed and haudsomely bound: 1 Robinson Crusoe 30 Evening at. Hom«. 2 Arabian Nights, 31 John Halifax, 3 Swiss Family Robin-32 Craig s Pronouaelnff ■oil, by Kftinpe. Dictionary. 4 Pilgrim 1 ’« Progress, 33 Dauiel Boone, 5 j Alice’s Adventure« in 34 Tour of the World in Wonderland. Eighty Day». 6 Jane . Eyre 35 Lucille (Meredith’«) 7 East 1 Lynne, 36 Andersen’«FairyTalc« 8: 20,000 League« Un-37 Cooper’» l ast of the der the Sea. Mohican«, 9 Five 1 Wee«« in 1 i a 38 KingSolomon’sMlaee 39 8h«, Balloon. 10 > Ivanhoe, 40 Jess, 41 Witch’« Head. u i Rob Koy, 42 Allan Quartermai«, 12 : Willy Reilley, __________________ 13 1 Benjamin Franklin 43 lloyle*« Game«, 44 Grimm’« LLL, Fairy Tai«», 14 I Adam Bede, 15 • Gulliver, 45 " Harry ”------’ Lorrequer, ------------ 46 Handy Andy, II • JEsop, 47 Chinese Gordo«, 17 Poe’« Tale«, 18 I Poe « Poem« 4« ... Tetravson, ____ ,___ , 19 i Longfellow’S Poem«49 Caudinal Sin/ 20 • Whittier*» Poem« 50 Saddle and Sabre, "* Penalty * ’** of ----- 21 Bryant’« Poem« 51 Fate. 52 A b in a Luuking-Glai* 21 : Mu dub Chuice, 23 i Waveriv, 53 A Lucky _____ Young _________ „ Woman _____ _j Baron Munchausen,54 Merry Meu and Other 24 25 New Arabian Nights 55 Tales. 26 Emeraon’« E««ay« 56 Vicar of WaKefleld, 27 Guy Mannering, 57 Gen’l larael Putnam. 2» ( apt. John Smith, 5» Lady of the Lake. 29 Paul and Virginia’ 59 Sandford and Merton. 30 Buys* and Girls’ 60 Through the Locking- Book of Stories and Gluss: and What Alice Ver«««. Found There. We have sent for the above named book« of Putin» and will soon have them on hand to turn over to every New Cash Subscriber at 92.50, and to every Delinquent Htitscriber thr.t pays >3.00. Look out for our Great Offer to Getter» «p of Club« next week. T he H erald , and Free Press for At Texes Bar. —Miss Dollie Taylor spent the four months, if you order in this or Notary Public. And when I want to smoke, I want to smoko, U nited S tates L and O ffice ./ holidays in Burns. next month, for only 90 cents. And hear a good old juke, a good old joke, Buri'«, Oregon, December 2, 1889.1 At th’ Texes there will l>e D. L. GRACE, tOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the foliow- noon, is — C. M. Caldwell, Jan. 2 , Cigars fur you and nie named settler ha« filed notice of his inten- BURNS, OR. At Texes Bar. i to make final proof in support of his claim, reported improving. — Butter 50c per ft. that said proof will be made before the : For WhisKv, Wine, and Beer, Fun without fear, lister and Receiver U. S. Land office, at —Egg« 50c a dozen. •J. NAT. HUDSON, ’s naught to bear it here, to beat it here. —Lots of railling going on in There us, Oregon, January 9th, 1890, viz: Fur Liquors, Mixed .-r straight, —Cause why? Harney count}’ Burns, the past week. A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W. Frank W. McClintock, ' They’re aiwa\s made first-rate At Texes Bar. Mffilnrnev count.v, Or.. Pre. D. 8. No, 1331, fot the has the beet cake makers in the Oilice: BURNS, OR. ■bE 4 v a bull, and was barely ki »lay of February, 188 j , at 10 u’cioc k in (he modation go to the Sayers A Sill ­ Office: HARNEY and IJURN3. Parker House, Saturday, and says j Now Where 1« Mr«. Dambaclier? boon of that day, then and there to »how duce important improvements into able to make his way to the house, ie, if any you have, why the petition of man Livery & Feed Stable. - her two little ones have the preva­ The Baker City Democrat w in receipt of the Ledger, and to add many new I .McGowan, Adminis raior of said e.s’ste. where his words and actions showed HA ’ . A. COGSWELL. M __________ letter from Mhn8arab Ilernnan of Bea- lent cough. ling that an order of the court begranto-J to Lakovierv —Jno. E. Roberts and Miss An­ confusion of mind. Dr. Embree ver l ull-, Deaver co., i’tnn., MBblf l’<»r in­ and costly features. The new num­ the following dc«<-jibed real pr< pertv of [estate, to-wi’.: S'jof NE’4 of .w. 11, and nie Alberson, of Harney, attended — Water is reported standing was in attendance, and, although formation of the whereabouts of Mrs. Mary ber of the Ledger (November IGth) th« r J of N W' 4 of Sec. r.. all in Tp. \ S of R. 25 E. Dunibauber, who lelt »here in Heurch of her COGSWELL & COGSWELL. leads ofT with the opening chapters w. u in Morrow < uuuty. Oregon, should nui the Burns Band Bov’s Ball on the within 4 ft. of the top of the 150 everything that skill and good truant hu band sometime ast »Sept., failing, ranted; said petition wcr duly v/rified aria LAKEVIEW AND LINKVILLE, Or. 25th. ft. bore for water in the Sayers & nursing could do, was done for him, in her search, on a homeward bound Ira n, of an extraordinary story from the fentea on the Ld day of December, atul she was taxon sicx and had to stopover in pen of Anna Katharine Green, (au­ bpears therefrom that there are jus: clain s Sillman barn. his life was not saved. list «aid estate remaining impair; after hav- this city. Mrs. Dambacher’s rela.ives are — Mrs. Thornton Williams was Attorneys-at-Law lapp.ivd the proteeds of i’ll the perBuual very uneasy concerning her absence, and it thor of the “Leavenworth Case”) en­ fcrty <*( said estate tow a rug the satiBiac i >n awarded the prize as handsomest — When coming into Burns with seems strange that she lias neglected to in­ titled “The Forsaken Inn.” 1 lv L i and that it is necewary and for the i I ■ — ^J ra w —w— Died. form them of her whereabouts, as «lie left a dressed lady attending the mas­ horses, be sure to call at the New lintereBt« of said estate and of all personB This remarkable story was writ­ large family of children lhat need a mother's leated therein, that s&id order s’aouid be llurns* Weather Record. querade ball in Harnev, Christmas Livery & Feed Stable, where you In St. Vincent hospital, Port­ '«are. If thia item should come to her notice ten in a white heat—dashed off nl- if there is anyone that knows anything con­ ■ further ordered that this ci’.ation be pub Eve. will find all necessary accommod­ land, Or., Dec. 19, 1889, at 11 p m, or cerning her the Democrat desire« to be in­ I most without rest from commence­ Id uru e a week for six buc < easive weeks in formed. nee. 20 to Jon. 1, 1890. ations. - of cancer of the stomach, Fidele the ■ a .-r O regon H erald , a weekly ueaspa- ment to end. It has been the hab­ —Miss E< rtha Wintermeier went ■ ral < lrculation, published and print- Gibblin, of Burns, aged about 51 This is the extent of T he H er ­ it of Anna Katharine Green to de­ ■ Burns. Harney county, Oregon, r.nd here Wed: 6 a m—cold; to Wright’s Point, 26th inst. to vis­ —The Burns Band Boys are tc tcigiialed as the paper m< »: likely to give “ 12 m—sun; cold; re to the parties herein cited. it Mrs. Shewmaker during the be congratulated upon the result of years. Burial 21st inst., in Long ald ’ s knowledge concerning that liberate for a long time before tak­ It loss .he Hun. T. J. S hields , Judge of tl.e ing pen in hand to begin a new G p m—cold. school holiday vacation. the successfully conducted balls on Fir cemetery, East Portland. erratic lsdy and her husband: fcty Court of the State of Oregon, fur the work, and then to devote nt least ity of Harney, with the seal ut said court Thurs: Gam—very cold; A letter from Sister M. Theresa, Christmas Eve. Christmas Night, In Augpst last, a writer from a year to its completion, but “The k I, this Id da;, of Det umber, A. D. 1889. * —Dr. Embree, wife and children and New Year Eve. Atlc«t: W. 1'. GR a < Clcik. 12 m—very cold; of St. Vincent hospital, dated Dec. Saddle Butte, a city on paper as Forsaken Inn” presented itself to |< at . H udson , Atioraev for Administrator. 44 were honored guests at the home of G p m—very cold; 20th, was received by Mrs. Annie County Treasurer Roberts and fam­ —Miss Gunther having made ar­ Gibblin, Dec. 30fh, announcing the yet, reported a man named Dam- I her in a way so forcible and vivid Fri C a m—quite cold; ily, Christinas Eve and Day. rangement with the Gage Sisters, death of her husband. When the bachcr as intending to put up a that all her former methods were (AL PROOF 12 m—cold; discarded, and she wrote the story U nited S tates I. a nd O ffice ,/ i 0 p m—quite cold; snowing; —Over GO tickets sold at the Me-1 has opened a dress-making busi­ deceased started away last Novem­ store in that place. ness in connection with the millin­ ber for Portland. he had small hopes under the spur of overpowering in­ Burr.«, Oregon, December 16, lbMV.I I after 3 o ’ clock. Kinney A Sparrow bail at Harnev,1 ery establishment—cutting ami fit In ScDtcmbcr during the races, spiration. The result was the pro­ fICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fulluw- of returning. He leaves a wife and Emco settler ha« filed notice of heriuten- Dec. 24th; good music, fine order, ting a specialty. Sat: G a m-14 ® -very cold; - | ¿ lake final proof in support of her claim 44 one chill; liis property and busi­ a man most remarkable on account duction of an exceptionally brilliant and a delightful time the result. ILa. said proof wil be made before the 12 m—cold; of a long white linen duster worn and glowing literary gem. I i- and Receiver. U. S. 1 and office, at 6pm—quite cold; —Band Boy’s New Year dance ness in Burns are left to them; his instead of a coat, was said to be a, Oregon, on January .5, 18:0, viz: In addition to Anna Katharine — R. J. Ivors gr>t in with a load gold watch, the Sister writes, was Sarah Ilaftl'.ell, Sun: 6 z iu-8®-very cold; of freight for the Dui kheimerA Co. was not given T he H erald for an­ bequeathed to his little son as a to­ Dambaclier, who was to put up a Green’s great storY the Ledger of hv of Thoma« Haskell, cerv.-.sed. IT. E. No. “12 m—cold; November IGth contains the follow­ Lr the h‘3 of »W qr. NV, qr of >W qr. store, Friday, after a long, tedious nouncement until all but the Burns ken of remembrance; the watch store at Saddle Butte. L. ’« 1 A 2, ec. 8, l p. 23, 8 K M E. W. .4. “ G p m — very cool. ing brilliant articles: drive on account of inclement and Harney papers were printed; and balance of money taken with knts the folluwiug wiinesr-vs '•> prove her our reason for not informing our lutinunu» rcf/nteui e upon, and < uhhatiun In October, an elderly lady Nihilism in Russia by Leo Hart­ Mon: Ga m-20°-cold; snowing I weather. will be forwarded to the widow, io drunk to attend business-like gentleman, of B^iie improving in health, although the hokum nve at-r: • ■»r »aid trs r ef land, 1’ »• chr: tains of every denomination The above extract is our latest in­ iginal Temptation, (illustrated) by Ki-, nor did he c. mp’.y with the law l.c to bi* duties. The «peaker, in an-1 City. Idalio, and special agent of « hooping-cough has gone very hard specially invited to come—lavin.j Marquise Clara Lanza; Paying the «year, or th ■ usf. r, < r in anv wav ircct formation, and. as it is more than Penalty, the 7th installment—, ill­ hi r'-ments ,.f the inw. that he has au.m- nouncing I'.i« <1 cisions, U3ed su. b i the General Land office, is visiting with the bright little I abv. I a prej i vy, s i , fiie said trart uf land: the- said parties •xprearion« as “The ay< s got. ‘ ti: *’— re.' ' Burns in the interest of the Harney ’ ukely that Dambacher himself will ustrated—, by Maj Alfred Calhoun; ■by samniuncu t.. appear at this office on —The senior of T he H erald re­ “and the Bin which doth c-u tan i I day of Felmary. ivo. at 1«’ o’rh* k a m, "Tally one for the nocs.” Thia v. n.“ Land District. ■un i and fnrnui:* tes.iraony concc:niug ceived a beautifully lettered initial beset us,” and let us come in the re; 1 this item, we suggest that he Correspondence, Science, Wit nn'2.50 —Mrs Port, late of Harney, lias for the next session. This is al rr.emhranc?. ¡"his is aChri-tnia« will! e no arguing, debating, or re You can get the ioeal newsp «5 per brought suit for £250 damages move in the right direction to Le of gift we cm tslie most delight in. as dition, on the part of any one, 1 ut lie will. T he H erald wBl boom his have gone, the price of the Ledger E a « t O regon H erald , the I est -t Sheriff CowiBg. for publicly icixlit to ti.e pupils; if a district tiiera is c >’ j ible ' pleasure in knowing that we will endeavor to keep the . start, if he will let us know in time; is only two dollars a year. Consid­ amily piper. The Detroit Free selling her prop rty to liquidate a secures the services of a go«'<] teacher, 1 or.r little g:.' .•'-.’•ier.d do>»a not forget un ty of the faith ar.d knowledge : he needn’t l«e restrained by fe-ir, a? ering its extraordinary excellence, i*re»,!onr* year each, and 12 vol­ debt of her son ir- .i v, v: j. mû - it will, beyond the shadow of a ’ us wliiio n-.vay, and i« advancing of God, exhibiting from our liv-.e 1 she looked v hile here more like a the New Nork Ledger, at two dol­ i -------- in paper covers, of the best ler. Hudson. Williams, and Wa­ doul t. r