O regon H erald BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1890, -No. 6. $2.30 a Year. KJ Blackfeet Indians are holding a BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. little white girl in Canada, they having captured her in this coun­ 11 EI> EVE FROM AM, PARTS OF THEWORM1 try. -Reward of $1,360 offer'd for DOMÎ.STIC AND FOREIGN. The Brother of the Sultan and murderers of young Cain. 1. ¿IT. GRACE, Political, Eoci.tl, It b,rioni, and I'll- several courtriers were executed for |nE38 and P roprietors . -Oregon seut 100 Christ mas trees ucationai ISventw. In Herald Building, Room adjoining, the Office. conspiracy, says a dispatch from to San Francisco. Open Every Day except Hundav, from 9 a m to I p m. E very Lady tud Gentleman a welcome Visitor to the Reading Room during the hours uamed. Murders, Suicides, Thefts, Accidents, Tangier, Dec. 14. [NEW-PAPER LAWS. -The old pioneer, J. M. Taylor, Losses ay Lire, v’i d. Itali, knus’er Is require I tu give notice by Cyd. -ne, an.l Blixzaid. Dec. 14, Rufus Smith and Jim hiiu* the paper d. es nut a- swer the at Bridge creek, Crook county, died p hi seriher th on not take his paper McClung, two of the Rube Burrow’s Dec. 13th. R • e. utul ibe reat. n fur i's nut butn^ i Fiu , ” t to do k 'tikes lhe p. Bl- I i gang of outlaws, were captured at Insibioto the pui di.aer fur paviaent I ¡>e s n urtleis I; h paper dnfeoii -S. B. Huston of Hillsboro, is re­ BURNS CIRCULATING t ■ IBRARY Armory, Miss., and are lodged in h> s. pit all arrearages. >-r the Pub r uiinuc to sen I i; until pnmen. is Congress adjourned for the lio'i ported as a democratic suggestion AND ..et t ibe whole amount whether it jail. he oiheu a- ti.,' There run he days to Jan. 6th. for congressional honors. i ¡nuance till pa inent is made. BOOK EXCHANGE Jos. Pulitzer, <>f the New York u ,. ho take» a paper from the IN THE HERALD BUILDING. Areata, Cal., had a bridegroom -Dec. 22 engineer and fireman 1 er din !c ' >•< li.s name «,r an- an order with MRS. GRACE, ------ L ibrarían . World, h . i r no bus subscribed or not. is of 85 and bride of 56 this month. badly injured by a smash-up, near ‘ uepay. it Paris with a ' Bartholdi t- nr orders bls paper stopped object of opening this business in connection with the Free Reading Room is to obtain the tie l’u isher uuntinu« f. Feb. 3, the New York Japanese . ! l.:i •. ■; Baker City, from spreading rails. statue of F uik . s fur purchasing books fur a Public Library for Burns—The lot foi the building is bought. L i b ‘ er is bound i.« pay fur it if . , . p. H’ufti' •■. This proceu s musdercr, Schchick Jugigo, will < <• Ifttu. -Hon-. R. A. Irvine and^Jov. Pen- TERMS: Membership Fee $12 a year. Reading Fee 10c. Deposit of 25c, or Retail price of Peri­ , Lit t a man must pay fur what lie legally killed bv electricity. lover are mentioned as democratic odical or Book, made with the Librarian, in every instance. bend for Catalogue. ur Im. e deci led that refusing tc < 1. ,vi t. of t whaler ¿/-The Librarian is a ru.it for an 1 will take Subscriptions at the Lowest Rates! for any Perl r iii peri«)dicals from the p. si al, and order any Book, published in the l ulled States or Canada. Also, Sheet Music and Dec. 17, great honors were done ‘■'Py> ’ jU!-< a' *Vilt fri,,>* a live- enndidates for governor of Oregon. I Idit , ig them nncafled tor, withov Pictures, Works of Art, House-Building Designs, Etc. Absolutely it •ti is prdau fut ia evidence oi Stanley and the Zanzi >aris at Zo yen ’ Stay in Alaska waters, reports i uud. -F. C. Baker, of Salem, is a re­ I Thi < v.’di zibar. pu i y, eii hit! -ito undiscovered lai d . ortli f publican favorite for Secretary of ecoiiOGiicu LA K EVIE W A D V E RTISE M ENT. State, and J. F. Holman, of Astoria I ’ (» 1 . . V ca ■«> be ni Kilrain was convicted of assault Alaska. ’nor i nd :o ow for public printer. and battery on the person of John • r S< • L: ¡ ha e lltli inst.. Kettle Jack’s band of vane Wall si., |\»w t. ’ Ko\ :u ’ aRi -A humbug under the name of L. Sullivan, and sentenced to pay eleven rutlians wi n- hung by the Nut Ynl THE HOPKINS HOUSE. LI > Harvey A. Boyse, is soliciting and a light fine. settlers of Big Horn valley, Wv. J.T . ’ r Arbuckle churches were tl.r -wn for murder, stealing, and develtry obtaining subscriptions to write up M. I). HOPKINS, P roprietor . 11.ir towns for the Chicago Inter-Ocean. open to shelter animal victims in general. from the severities of the late storm EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. “On the grounds that voters were Complete returns from the Johns­ 1 ru lier vu nunc . pustag in California. allowed to congregate within less town theater death-trap of Dec. 10, r . •! liti ih«’ au, • \ e wur ks can b« ex A JOURNAL FOR ADVERTISERS. .b ire in un- Rea rag H Loom. The Blythe trial has reached the show ten lives were trampled out than 100 feet of the polling place,” This Hotel is new (House, Rooms, and Furniture, and offers courteous service W ¿very Is l:su«d on tbs £rst sat fifteenth days ci each I- -isU: -.-! .i-lea’s testimony on the behalf of the Gip­ dm mg the panic caused i y the there .s prospect fur contesting a ., ; ■ .iii •. I 1J Dii.; '■}( «.£, a ncath, and lo tbs represeatxtiee jauraxl—the trad, •■file, a late town elections. sy claimant to the deceased mil­ false alarm of fire. journal of Aasrlcan tdvsrtlsers. It Indicates to tbs ? i • every lialf- volume IVei isi'i.ielll. Inexperienced »drertlcor bow, whci, and where bo IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. lionaire’s fortune. The Brazilians have adopted a -In Spokane some time since a should advertise; how to write an advertisement; bo* u « « TisIM! RATJ The influenza that started i i Rus­ new 11.;g. which is, from illustration, corpse was attached and in Pendle­ to display one; what newspapers to use; bow much 1 .vr. 1—1 6 mo k sia this winter and swept over Ger­ ano long cloth with the moon i ton the sheriff attached a $75 Bible . 1------- I--------- 1 1 mcney to expend — in fact, discourses on every point I General Blacksmith & Wagon-maker that admits of pro£taoio discussion. Advertising is I. many, is now reported as having tne center crossed oy a motto - ar, belonging to C. C. Hurt, as part an art practised by many hut understood by tew. The > • i L akeview , O rioom . II. R. SCHLÄGEL payment for the capture and trial nearly prostrated 100,000 people ( and surrounded by stars. conductor: of FfilETSSfi’ I1IZ understand it, and ’ , • 1 ' l;».00 ! of T F. Garner. il , .u! A-s.w I Paris. Wm. Baily, aged 25, eloped with, their advice is taaod on an experience cf more than J ¡ 1 » U ■ 1 1 (»0.00 1 I twenty-ire years in placinj advertising contracts for Dec. 16, a girl life-taker, Louise and was married at Deliver, Tenn., -Dec. 14, purses aggregating Prcptoared d.fa'.l KlnJa >f Work In tho B'a ksulth liua. HoriojSbooinz at |!.W p,r hraC t . Ill : :N ADV’,:RTISEKS. many of the largest and most successful advertisers. Epperson, shot and killed Julius ’ to Sallie Wallace, a nine-yoar old $4,900 was voted at a meeting of t tfui' ■ ? i. i iit4: j< nr patrouatf'* ■ ,k . :: tva iers p-‘ .’e»i R8 to the j A year’s subscription costs hut Ono Collar : sample Iloper, near Bakersville, Mo., for girl, of Waterford, Miss., Dec., 12, the Portland Speed Association or ,-B U G G I E 8, WAGONS, E T C.,-> •’rtmi io deal with, cor ‘ nr n: ; i »: i lit co;lei Tra,. Alltel« referring tu the 1 fc Will 1: ii- sav ■.<1 MADE TO ORDER WITH NEATNESS, AND OF GOOD QUALITY. persisting in teasing her about her and was under arrest, Dec. 18th. a four days meeting next June, • bed up.iH our tin uia- , naeu 8 ! >if CEO. P. ROWELL & CO., ■hl -ill i UK ■: count i b A LL W O RK W A R R A N T E D. admirers. K r ! red”! ¡.'t ioti • . uii > early adver- The syndicate in New York that classes of the trotting event to range ■ al O:ii. ■e. or 5 wriiu to i’unlisher. Newspaper Advertising Bureau, I • hr.rgc< i c'ctri . a. < ord mg tu space; : Dom Pedro refused all tempta- [ sent the Buffalo Bill show to the from 2:22 to 4:50. al ;.B‘f ad in litted. io Spruce St., New York. Ir.il ir.c »Ji-.inal I a fi. at no price. tions to engage in a contest for the j Paris exposition believes that Mr. »REWBEY ADVERTISEMENT. -Telephone-R< gister, Dec. 19, re h sumeu t. îi' h ’> er 1 han i ' uei/fi per p!icv, : V■a: Jy. i.r u cents, transient, recovery of his throne, but says if Cody lias i een swindled by some of ports an accident that may result ni p. t Li on $2 : extra charro pur in­ the people of Brazil want him to re­ his clever associâtes in the busi- in death. Charles Star was return­ lb ea>I ui Bi.l ion a standing reader ai ion to ,in:, eiu a it v.uuk is i :m in with ness. turn, he will do so. ing from duck shooting, and as he multer free. ■ <• s'ere pe al! our advertisements Among the deaths in December, was getting out of his cart to open Harry Thies, while the ground au.eT lc:’ Mir publications. $1 each. are those put up by r isitii. i1 i<,( al < uliiinns. I «■ a line, was dry, planted 100 bu. of grain a 1889, are: Robert Browning, En- a gate, his gun exploded, tearing r rih, an i death aunounce- D. Who M. are FERRY & CO. DICKSON & SULLIVAN P roprivtoks . •U< ll lll-n 8 solicited US lirug. the Largest year ago, near Lovelock, Nev., and lish poet, aged 77; the heroine of the muscle from the elbow to the a: :.\8 »'lured to religious, «uuial. Seedsmen in the world. i.mul bodies. D. M. F brry &C o ’ s now the soil is wet, believes he will •‘Mary had a Little Lamb,1 ” Mary shoulder, exposing artery and Beautifully Illustrated, Descriptive Lou. J. Bosenberg, Mixologist. realize 45 bushels to the acre next F. Tyler, aged 83; Thomas Potter, nerves for two inches, The artery JOB WORK Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandi*«, ¡i exeiu’.ed with neatness one of the grateful Americans that is liable to epen and death ensue season. ’h, al reatuuab.c rates applicants, and to last season's cus­ Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when did honor to Lafayette in 1824, by when suppuration takes place. i’.-si» rs, Pamphlets tomers. It is better than ever. Ev­ The monied men of St. Louis I . ucs's. ) ulte :• ! its; iß, ery person using Garden, Flower you call on “Uncle Dick,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. helping to draw his carriage into ( nr-’F. Tic >.v e, S e Hv«i s. or Field SEED8 should send for it* headed by Father Phelan, are stand­ -Some time since W. T. Casey i. Jnv. a n ns. Dodge: s, D. M. FERRY A CO. Washington, aged 83. DETROIT. MICH. ing by Chambers, the murderer of appealed from the decision of An interesting account is given the U. S. land oilice at The Frank Bowman, with money and PATENTS. influence. Dec. 16, he wan released in Tuesday’s (17th) Daily Exam­ Dalles, in rejecting his filings on C. A. SNOW * CO. - - - WASHINGTON, D. C, iner, of Miss Lilly Vanarsdale’s a piece of land at Powell Buttes, on a bond of $50,000. Patents obtained, and all patent business attended to promptly and for moderate fees. evhns advei Our Office is opp«.site the U. 8. Patent office, and we can obtain in lees time than those diseased leg being lengthened and listed to the W. V. & C. M. Co., lai .: remote from Washington. Send Model or Drawing. We advise as to patentability free Lawrence Barrett’s theatrical en­ cured by the osseous grafting of Benjamin Ilarr’Bon I though the land was just out of the of charge; and we make no charge unless patent is secured. Lui. . ... l.cvi Murton gagements have all been canceled; FRAC TIC AL SURVEYOR. W’e refer here to the Postmaster, the Superintendent of Money Order Division, a>d tu i siate JaintsG. BJaliie | the bone of Harvey Easton’s leg. six-mile limit. The commissioner WlDiikin Win< « . iTi'caBury officials of the U. 8. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and references to factual some lymphatic glands were re­ The father bought the young man’s if Interior Job nW. Noble ’ t . a . M c K innon , of the general land oilice has just clients in your own State or county, write to above address. Redfield lJru< tor [ I War Any and all kind« <>f surveying done on ghor moved from his throat, Dec. 16; so leg with half his fortune, and he is . BenjHniin 1 . Tracey f f Navy rendered a decision in Mr. Casey’s Settler f Agriculture, Jeremiah M. Rusk norite and reasonable terms. soon as convalescent he will go to a no longer hostler forthat gentleman, Wm li. H. Miller | wishing to bt located, can have plats furnishe pneral favor, allowing his filing. It is a General John Wiu.amnkcr « free of charge. watering-place for rest. □ETouses and Cottages STATE—OREGON : I but a student in college, and when valuable tract of land, and is well ( J. N. Dolph DIB It ■ i J. 1 ■. Mitch« 1 SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP he graduates will be owner of a worth contesting for. Dec. 15, Mrs. Gen. Booth died at |in R. Binger iiermmin .. D.Sylv e:er Ftiunuver London. Whatever may be thought snug fortune. D. S. HOPKINS, A rchitect . State . R. Gcu. W. McBride J. C. WELCOME - P roprietor . D G. W. Webb of the methods of the Salvation BURNS. OREGON. Grund Rapids, Midi. Belford’s Magazine, one of the : 11.s'.ruction R . J. B. McElroy At an auction in St. Louis, Dec. Will furnish Designs of Houses, Cottages, and Mansions costing from $300on up to auy tr ..................... D Frank bukei Army, and its leaders, there can most fearlessly out-spoken pub­ 18, 4 inches of the rope that hung figure wanted. If you mean Io build,send $1 to niv address, and I will mail you a portfo­ i R. s. Ntrahftn | 1) lio of: 3 designs of dwellings, like the one on file in E ast O regon H erald uffico, with / Wm. B. Lord CHAS. SAMPSON - - B urns , O r Klgvs R be no doubt that the religion of lications in the country, will pub­ “Gen.” Rafferty, Sept. 1881 brought full plan of each, full size details, complete specifications, ami bill of materials, al’ very D ) W. h . rhayei full and complete so any ordinary carpenter or builder will have notronblc in going XTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: W-A-T-C-II-M-A-K-E-R i Christ has lost a noble-hearted lish the late Jefferson Davis’ $15; the shovel with which McGar­ ahead and completing the work. And If you do not find just what yon want, write mo Ige .................... D L. B I son -AND- what changes you desire made, and I will accommodate you. or leave Orders with T he worker in the death of this lady. prncy .R .J.. L. R anu articles on “Andersonville Prison,” ry killed sheriff Nash, about $10; H erald . Y ou will it us ( heap to erect a handsome house as to wade mateiial on an un­ I Jeweler. sightly building. Wilj aid you in re conwtrutting your present b< ilding. 41-tf col­ TY—HARNEY : which was prepared for the North Bald Knobber Wiley Matthews’ I. In Williamsburg, New Y’ork, tive . (R) G. W. GlLHAM ige J. T. S hields ' U>) ■ Dec. 16. Walter Elliott, while in American Review, but finally re­ pistol, a good sum; knife Bill . W. E. ( i it A1 E tl>) BLACKSMITH. ... Ill) T. H. R oberts I the hands of the undertaker and jected by it on account of somepor- Knight killed P. J. Harvey with, W. R.G halon (li) rp The Odell n me necessary tions ofit b«"g more truthful than a fair price; the knife that cheated - Puor’ii ms A. A. IO VING ADOLPH TUPKER - ............ (0) his assistants maxing making the W . E. LLEP. -ON . ............ (D P E W R I T Ell Irinto; ent .(D) .. 1.. J?. L aker —GENERAL REPAIRING— preparations for burial, suddenly acceptable to its editorial inanage- the gallows of Jerry Pagels by cut­ ICtwf W m . M eeker inent—the Belford is not afraid of ting his throat, $37; handcuffs, opened his eyes and asked (D; > L ytle H o vari » iris ■u \ rz WILL B THE ODELL TYPE WHITER. WARRANTED TO DO AH ^4 ET truth from whatever pen it mav spurious, counterfeit moneys, etc., ‘1. B. J a meh ; | they were doing with him. *¿7 5 ns any One-Hundred Doliar Machine. MM I .. O. come. were sold to the morbid persons It combines simplici rvwith dvu ibility — speed , ease of operation believed he will recover. NEY I. . M. LAMP office : present at good rates. ..J. B. H untington wears longer without cost of repairs than any other machine, has ..H arrison K elley Promptly executed. The building has been en A wife 28 years old, in Provi­ Chas S. Ostrom, book-keeper and large-i and improved end is ©repared to turn no inkribbon to bother the operation. It neat, substantial, nick- cashier of the Minneapolis depart ­ out all kincs of hlarkL . ii hing on short notice d nee, R. I , spanked her 19 year ol*rator, or a rapidOllC in . I be preaching by the pastor in each capable of doing with a husband believed to have started the fire in lights in crime, with no care for n.ius. until further nvtic $1,000 offered any op»rator wh > c.tn do better work with a Ty. •- A. WISHT.RK, h—buri s—at li a in. and 7:30 p m, when she is older and stronger than the Tribune building to hide his consequences, nor his own life, was I—Island School House—at 11 u m. Lakeview, Or. Writer than that produced by the Odel™ g(g*R<»liRbl" Agents [—Harney—i;t 7:30 p in. and Salesmen wanted. Special indttWTncnts to Dealers. he is. Divorce was granted with guilt by destroying the books. The on his way to answer to the charge k-Unrns--it ll a m, and 7:30 pm. WILSHIRE A- HUDSON. h — Harney— at 11 a m. and 7:iiup ni. first charge is serious, and was of assault on an aged man with a For Pamphlets, giving endorsements, n ling debts, but the second is a ter­ eral witnesses against him in a' LAKEVIEW AND HARNEY. OR. r LODGE NO. Ï7, 1. O. O. F. West End scandal are said to be too rible crime, as seven lives were lost crowd, he began firing at them, This fi-m proct!« es tn the courts nf the Rtate di Fe!lyv “ Hall, ever a unlay and before tie V. S. I.ami Off. e. Any land vile for publication; the Earl of bv the fire. J. E. Mt KINN o . n . N. S—VAL». raising his l odv appealed to th A [departs uaily, Sund«: s excepted. a grand jury found a true bill the snow. In company with sever­ crowd to avenge his death, which so FROM PRINEVII.IE TU BURNS. ELITE SALOON. WURMS—CANYON ( ÏTY against an editor so lost to a sense 1 al other men he left home, 13th B:i a. W»dr.es la; s. Friùax s, f, a m. infuriated the men in hearing, they inst.. on snow shoes to look after OREGON of what is due Lis “betters.” B.'TÎ. u f b 7 m -F & >aTUFa â) s iü .4J p fñ. HARNEY. C. B BAKER, SuM.’.in»ractor. COATsWOKTH & TREGASKIS, hordes snowed in up in the moun­ were with difficulty restrained from i ! PUNN8-rniNF.VILLE: trave, Prlnevilla Mondai, at « a in. Arrtye, at Knrn, Wedneada,, al « p m, PKOrBIKTOK». tb lays au a ni. Leavea Burn» Thnradava at » a in. A- b M at .•.liievllla Saiarday, at 6 p m A more coarse, therefore, disgust­ tains. All returned in the evening, lescuing the prisoner from the C f a e ai 6 a m. ing picture than the wealthy Amer­ except Mr. Arthur, who they though sheriff and hastily summoned dep­ I LAKEVIEW APVELTISEMENTS. CA1.I1 OXIXI k. ican heiress, Miss Caldwell deliber­ would return later on; when morn­ uties. and lynching him on thes|M>t. Paraenger rat*« from Prine»!!!* -o Burna,* -J: H *a 1 tr!?«!!—will« RO day* 'V *1