THE J. DURKHEIMER & CO’S. LOCAL-i’AGE ADVER8TIEMENT. LARGEST STOCK X j OWEST ARE With Their inTHear°nnelyy c’íu’íty A. TXT IS F« A. H M Eî H S FALL PRICES, THAT CAN SUPPLY THE S T O o K. WINTER SUPPLIES Our Prices are the SAME as eidcled OLICIT YOUR TRADE. J. DURKHEIMER &, CO, THE WRECKERS OF HIGH PRICES IN HARNEY VALLEY. HOTEL AKIHVALS. —Dec. 24: Band Boys Dance The Herald’s —Dec. 24: Christmas Tree in FRENCH HOTEL. H arney , 16-12-89. Burns. QITATION. H. B. Jarvois, Diamond, Christmas & New Year’s IIA8 LARGEST CIRCULATION OE ANY t CULTURE. Sloan, and wife, Winnemucca, E ds . H erald : The emblem of pu —Dee. 24: Ball in the Harney J. «ames NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. Boyd, Tn the County Court of the State of Oregon, for U nited S tates L and O fficb / 8. ( awlfield, Harney. Court house. rity still remains with us “the beauti the County of Harney. Burns, Or., November 1, 1889. G. W. Zumwalt, “ Matter of the Estate of / ruf.»rrttl AIN’T HAVING BEEN ENTERED at In 8. the —Dec. 24: Christmas Tree and W. A. Foster, Warm Springs, ful snow” envelops all the surround A. RODMAN, Deceased. | tilation- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 18S9. iew Land Office, Oregon, by Anton E. A. Stauffer, Crane Creek, Grand Ball on 3ilver Creek. To Wm. Rodman, M. 8. Rodman, Minnie I). eler against Frederick Viederneli K. J. Williams, Riley, ings of Harney in one vast sheet of i Tibbits, Viola Townsend, T. M. Reed, Beulah, b to comply with law as to Tiinber-Cul- Farrens, Minnie white, a something unusual, so say i No. 730,’ dated June 8th, 1887, upon Clara Humson, Cora Hardman, and all others, —W. E. Grace came over from T. F. Matney, Walla Walla. Ever up with the time«, THE HERALD has unknown heirs of 8. A. Rodman, deceased, , and EU8W’4,Sec 7, Tp.l9,S. R. 32, E. 8. Berncthea, Red-S. Official County Paper. Harney, Tuesday. an arrangement with a large New “ Harney (formerly (.rant) county, Ore Greeting: ------------------------------- x ye old settler” of ancient lore, for! completed In the name of the State of Oregon, you are Yors Publishing House, which enables us 1 a view to the cancellation of said en- offer our Readers a better ohance to build up • —A full, fine fresh lot of Christ stant alleging that the said Frederick hereby cited ami required to appear in the this time of year, but then we are Home Libraiy of elegantly bound I xjokb ths. — Mis» Lena Harkey is teaching 11 failed and neglected to break five County Court of the State of Oregon, for the Local News. mas goods at W. E. Grace’s. ground in said tra( t, and that he has County of Harney, at the court room thereof, cron for next I beat ever before. Do you want book« by the world', \the Blitzen school '1 quite success- assured of a Rood ° 1 author«? Handaomely bound book«? en any number of acres whatever— at Hurney, in the County of Harney, on Monday, year. To each ca«h subscriber: Prior to Feb. 1, 1890, <1 complaint has been duly transferred the 3d day of February, 188!», at 10 «’cluck in the —The well on the Kelly lot, is fully. J I at 12.50. you can have T he H erald one year id Land office at Burns, Ore.—the said forenoon of that day, then and there to show HAUSEY COUNTY ITEMS. now down over 13 ft. into solid . c i , | and your selection of any one of the following e hereby summoned to appear at this cause, if any you have, why the petition of —AS tar R8 KI10WI1 ample pro- I , named —An interesting communication uamt book», which are hound in Black and the 11th day of December, 1889. at 10 Geo. McGowan, Administrator of said estate, rock. Gold, printed in large, clear type, on good pa- m, to respond and furnish testimony praying that un order of the court begrauted to vision I vih bppn madp «ill nvnr delayed this week on account of Vision lias been mauc an over me | , i Gold, per nh.gtrated and handsomely bound; sell the following described real property of per, , illustrates Burns* Weather Record. bound: g said alleged failure. — PierBon, the photographer is 1 Robinson Crusoe 30 Evening at Hume. said estate, to-wit: 8U of NE' 4 of See. 11, and valley for the stock, there being no not getting in before Wednesday. J. B HUNTINGTON, Register. the S‘aof \ W'4of Rec. 12, all in Tp. 5, Hof R. 25 E. 2 Arabian Nights, 31 _______________ John Halifax, , Dec. 11 to Dec IS. erecting a gallery adjoining the scarcity of hay, although through 3 Swiss Family Robin-32 Craig’s Pronouncing W. M. in Morrow county, Oregon, should not be granted; said petition was duly verified and son, by Kainpe. Dictionary. — Married at I’ayette, Idaho, the criminal negligence of vandal Welcome saddle and harness shop. Wed: 6 p m-30 ® -cool; presented on the 3d day of December, 1889, and 4 Pilgrim's Progress, £3 Daniel Boone, Sunday, Dec. 15, 1889, by W. E. CULTURE. it appears therefrom that there are just claims “ 12 m—cool. 5 Alice ’ s Adventures iu 34 Tour of the World in inclined campers and hunters, fires —Mr. and Mrs. R. A Hendricks against said estate remaining unpaid alter hav Wonderland. Eighty 1>HVB. Redington, J. P., Mr. Geo. R. Grego j were let out in the vicinity of both 6 Jane “ 6 p in—cool. ing applied the proceeds of all the personal Eyre 35 Lucille (Meredith’s) U nited S tates L and O ffice , | paid a very pleasant visit to T he property of said estate towards the satisiacii.m Mrs. Jennie L. Amis, of Burns, i Harney and Malheur lakes that de- 7 East Lvnne, 36 Andersen’sFairyTales Burns, Oregon, Sept 19, 1889 | Thurs: 6 a m—cold; H erald office, Tuesday afternoon. and ami that it is necessary and for the Leaguea 1.1“: Un-37 Cooper’s Last of the AINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED at thereof, u Oregon. Sincere wishes for a hap i stroyed herbag and tules that 8 20,000 best interests of said estate and of all persons dt«r the ™. Sea. Mohicans, 12 m — cold; by Samuel Bailey against George interested therein, that said order should be Weeks 1 in i a 38 KingSolomon’sMinea “ivc V.'vCis li allude to comply with law as to Timber granted. —G. W. Wilshire, of Blitzen, got py future, is tendered the young would have offered ample sustain- 9 Five 6 p m—cold; Balloon. 89 She, ntry No. 890. dated May '4th, 1888, up- It is further ordered that this citation be pub 40 J< in Tuesday evening. Went to Har people by T he H erald . Wl4 of See. 38, Tp. 27 S, R. 31 F. W M. lished once a week for stx successive weeks in ance for countless herds of cattle 11 ¡0 Ivauhoe, Fri: 6 a ni-22 ® -cold; 41 Witch's Head, Rob Roy, y county, Oregon, with a view to can- the E ast O hegon H erald , a weekly newspa u Reilley, 42 Allan Quartermaln, of suideutry; contestant alleging that per of general circulation, published and print ney on school business, Wednes —T he H erald acknowledges and horses. It is passing strange 13 12 Willy 12 m—cold. Benjamin Franklin 43 Hoyle’s Games, George Rolf did not break, or t ause ed in Hurns, Harney county, Oregon, and here it 14 Adam Bede, 44 Grimm’s Fairy Tales, 6 p m—quite cold; the courteous attention of Messrs. that a little forethought could not 15 ket\, five acres of said tract, or any by designated as the paper most likely to give day. 45 Harry I.orrequvr, Gulliver, of; the said parties are hereby sum- notice to the parties herein cited. 46 Handy Andy, McKinney and Sparrow in ten be used by people who are cogni- 16 Asop, Sat: 6 a ui-10® -very cold; appear at this office on the 26th day of — The youngest child, a beauti Witness the Hon. T. J. S hields , Judge of the 17 47 Chinese Gordon, Poe ’ s Tales, ! zant of the great interest at stake, r, 1389, nt 10 o’clock, a m, to respond County Court of the State of Oregon, for the dering the press of Harney county, 12 m—cool; 18 Poe's Poems 48 __ T£liiH8on, _________ _ sh testimony concerning said alleged Coilnty of Harney, with the seal of said court ful babe, of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mor and the principal industry of the u Longiellow ’ J Poems48 Candinal Sin. 19 tickets to the grand Christmas ball, Bl 6 p rn—very cold; at 9p of December. A. D. 1889. Saddle and Sabre, 20 Whittier’s ’ Poems ......................... * J. B. HUNTINGTON. Register. affixed, this 3d day Attest: W. E. GRACE, Clerk. 13® above 0; geraniums, lilies and rison, was reported very sick from given in the Harney Court House county dependant as it is upon J. N at . H udson , Attorney f*»r Administrator. grazing grounds for the wellfare of Go toTupker'a. the evening of Dec. 24, 1889. In a severe cough. canna frozen. Dee 12-3-9 this matter alone these gentlemen the stock; stringent measures should IT NOTICE. Horse shoes, and all kindt Sun: 6 a m-14 ® -very cold; —L. M. Brown entered the 80 or are ahead of other management of be used for the preservation of the of wrought iron nails, STOCK INSPECTOR’S NOTICE. worked into shape “ 12 m—cold; U nited S tate « L and O ffice , ) grass, and the penalties for setting 160 acres of land back, or west of public entertainments. Burns, Oregon, September IS, 1889.1 suit the public. HorBeshoeinj “ 6 p m—very cool. Notice is hereby given that I have appointed out fires should be duly enforced, i | to .AINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED st 'he following Deputies: Burns, and has his house nearly and other blacksmithing done < i •e by <>. 1*. Bolcutr against D. A. Mon: 6 a m-11 ®-col(l; snow. — The officers of the U. S. Land and when an example or two is David Miller, . Drewsey, Oregon. r abandoning his Homestead Entry No O. V. Motley .Harney, completed for occupancy. “ 12 m—cold, chinook. office are strenuously endeavoring made, poeple will be careful for the ; quick time at Tupker’s. d June 16th, 1887, upon the EJ^ofSE qr, J. H. Seaward ...Diamond ** ' ' ii * ' NE qr of NE qr, Sec. 32; NW qr of NW “ 6 p m—cold. C. M. Fields, (Catlow) ...Winnemucca Nev. “Teicn” Bar. 33, Tp. 28. 8. R. 31. E. W. M , in Harney —All who intend to appear in to bring up the business which has interest of others as well as their . .Burns. Oregon. fhos. G. Dodson UK Oregon, with a view to cancellation of thus far been only conditional. In own. Tues: 6 a m-26°-cold; Bnow. W m . MEEKER. Stock-Inspector. Tune- “0h, Happy be We.” 1 Ktry; the said parties are hereby sum- character at the Masquerade Ball, consequence of this duplicated work U Harney, Harney co., Or., 29-Jan. 1, 89. 12 in—cold; mKto appear at this Office on the 2uth day T<> Texes I will go, yes, I will go, |Mber, IMP, at 10 o'clock, a in, to respond h will find a supply of those hand — The Rev. E. K. Taylor, of the correspondents with the office need 6 p m—quite cold. Whene’er I want to know, I want to knot 1 &9hish tes imony concerning said alleged NEW TO-DAY. some masks at W. E. Grace’s. ^m^uent. i not expect immediate answers to Christain church, preached Sunday What there’s in Burn?« to drinic, Saturday noon was the warmest In th’ glasses cheerful clink, J. B. HUNTINGTON, Register night to a crowded room, there not I their letters of inquiries, as the of fTINAL PROOF At Tcxen Bar. period of the week. —W. A. Orser, from Lakeview, fice is overtaxed with the impor being sitting room for all. Mr. T. U nited S tates L and O ffice ,/ And when I want to smoke, I want to smoke but late of Blitzen, has bought is a fluent and eloquent speaker, ER CULTURE. Wed: 6 a in-16 ®-very cold; Burns, OregvU, Dec ember 16, 1889.) tant matter alluded to. hear a good old Jolie, a good old joke, and holds his audience still, bound And NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow At th’ Texes there will be “ 12 m—cold; slight »now. two lots and is building in Burns. U mítxd S tatzs L and O ffici . { ing named settler has tiled nolice of her inten Cigars for you and me with the force of his logic, the gran Burns, Oregon, Sept. 19, 1889.) 6 p ni—cold. tion to make final proof in support of her claim At Texes Bar. Mr. O. called on and subscribed Come One! Come All!! LAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED at and that said proof will be made before the deur of theme and the portrayal of e by James Wadman against Win. Register and Receiver, U. S. Land office, at For Whisxy, Wine, and Beer, without f» for T he H erald this week. I hereby take the pleasure to an the sufferings of the earlier chris There’s naught to beat it here, Fun for failure to comply with law ns to Burns,Oregon, on January 15, 18*.»0, viz: to beat it her« To keep posted .'ultnre Entry No. 418, dated September For Liquors, Mixed or .Straight, Sarah Haskell, upon the SE qr. sec. 32, Tp. 27, »., R. 31 —Sunday, Dec. 15, Zella D., the nounce to the public that Elder E. tain» are rarely equaled by itinerents They’re alwaxs made first-rate ., in Harney county, Oregon, with a Widow of Thomas Haskell,deceased, II. E. No. At Texes Bar. Read T he H erald . 15 day-old babe of Mr. and Mrs. K. Taylor, of Harney City, former of the present day. Your people will i he cancellation of said entry; contestant 4u4, for the E’2 of BW qr, NW qr of SW qr, ly from I’alo, Pinto county, Texas, have the pleasure of hearing the that the said Wm. Ilenrick failed to and Lots 1 A 2, Sec. 8, Tp. 23, S K. 31 E. W. M. -Old papers 50c for 100. cauce to be broken, five acres of the She names the following witnesses to prove her John Morrell, died from the effects will address the disciples of Christ Rev. Taylor, next Sunday. ChriMtmas! Christ dim !! ^■ct. wilbiR a tear after the date of filing her continuous residence upon, and cultivation he has uot up to the present date bruk- of. said land, viz: P. F. Stenger, Oliver Farra, .of the late coughing epidemic that and others upon the important Comes but once a year, but —Hay sells at $10 a ton, dtl’.v auend to be broken, five acres of the Milo Cushing, and Geo. McGowan, all of Burns, t. the said parties are hereby sum- Harney county, Oregon. has visited the Burns children the ' of religion according to apos —Great preparations are being brings loads of holiday good» to ti' ered. made by the managers of the two i appear at thia Office on the 26th day Dec 19-4 J. B. HUNTINGTON, Register. tolic teaching and simplicity. j J-Durkheiuier «k Co’», »tore wh' iber, 1889, at luo’clock, a ni, to respond past three or four weeks. !sh testimony coDcernlng said alleged —Snow in Burns 6 inches last Subject, “The Church of Christ, balls, given on Christmas eve; con it does come. . —Ixxjk on fourth page for T he or the Gospel of Christ in promise, siderable friendly strife is mani Everything in the holiday lii 51 J. B. HUNTING?JN. Register week. fested on both sides for the comfort E. P. HOWARD, Prices to suit the time». Attenti H erald ’ s new adv. of “Twenty in prophecy, and in fact, as prom and convenience of the guests. —Snow at Coal-pit spring, 14 service by courteous clerks. T PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. . PROOF. Books Almost Given Away,” to ised by God, foretold by the proph inches. ets, and preached by the Holy Spir —J. B. Tudor, one of our best display good» is a holiday treat in U nited S tates L and O ffice , / every delinquent subscriber of 1889, it.”. Services to be held at the BURNS, OREGON. —Call and enjoy the sight of ti Burns. Oregon, November 11, 1889.1 —Cattle on the range are reported that pays three *3.00 between now Poison creek school house as fol citizens, is lying very low with in : self E IS HEREBY GIVBN that the follow termittent fever, and suffering from largest and finest invoice of holid cd settler has filed notit e of his inten- in very poor condition. February 1, 1890. lows: Saturday, December 21st, at a relapse, occasioned by exposure, goods ever offered the Harney V ii nake final proof in support of his claim, GEO. W. BARNES, M. R. RIGGS. it said proof will be made before the 7 Prineville, Or. Burns, Ur. _____________ - • and Receiver, U. 8. Land Office, at —Sabbath school in Burr s dis —Miss Gunther having made ar p m, also, on the Lord’s Day fol a consultation of physicians was i ley. Jregon, on Friday Decem. 27, 1889, viz: lowing, at 11 a m. Coincone, come held yesterday, Dr. Embree lieing BARNES <fc BIGGS, The BuriiN Christ mas Tree. continued until more favorable rangement with the Gage listers, i all, let us hear what this man of J. K. Dees, sent for, and they express grave «. No. 27. 7, for theSL; NW qr, NE qr NW There will be a Christmas Tn weather. has opened a drcss-making busi God may have to say to us concern doubts for his recovery. IE qr 8W qr. See. :-3, Tp. 28. 8 R 31 E. W. Attorneys at Law, ' at the Burns M. E. church, Dec. 2 names the lollowing witnesses to prove ing our eternal and Lest interests. inuons residence upon and cultivation Will practice in all of the courts of the State. —Mrs. II. F. Dodson’s hotel at ness in connection —The justice court presided over The people of Burns and vicinil X with the millin- Eland, viz: George Miller, W. M. Hayes, ▲ II business placed in care of this firm will be Respectfully, k Beider, and Joe McLaughlin, ail of Prairie City is a good place to stop ery establishment—cutting and fit by J. B. Loggan, has consumed a are invited to come and put wh' W. II. C ulp . Harney county, Oregon. ting a specialty. - part of the oast week, in prelimina present» they wish to give the in that burg. I J. B. HUNTINGTON. Register. r. *. coanwri.l. hah . *. rouiwtl.l. ry examination of State vs. Smith, friends. This is not a hundn I.Ink.111... Lakeview —Mr. and Mrs. John Morrell lost —Look out fora good Christmas —From Canyon City News we regarding the ownership of a horse; I school tree, but gotten up by t their 15-days-old babe, Sunday, No. of T he H erald , bend in full learn C. W. McClain was in Drew- case is still before his honor, ab 1 people of Burns. COGSWELL A COGSWELL. L PROOF. Committee on Arrangements.—Mesdau . sence of material witnesses caus Gray, 15th, in Burn». reports of all merry-makings in the sey last week. Cardwell. Welcome, Kelley, Fegtley.Pr» LAKEVIEW AND LINKVII.LE, Or. J U mitio S tith , I.*Nr> OrncH, > ing delay. Committee on Decoration.—Misses Kel’ Burns. Oregon, November US, 1889,1 —For a handsome portrait look on county just as soon as they are over, -Miss Byram is teaching the I and M. Geer, C. and J. McPheeters, Hark CE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the follow —We have news directly from Reed, Goodman, Tuple er, and Mesdames Ca page four of T he H erald and read so everybody can know wiiat every Drewsey school. Attorney-at-Law ned settler I ihr filed notice of his ititen- , well, and G. Moore. Messrs. C. Byrd, Welcon make final proof in support of his claim > body else has been doing. T he ' -A ball is to be given in John Walla Walla, of a goodly number McPheeters. what follows. at said will be made before the j i-iy 1 of people who intend coming to our ommitteeon Finance.—Mand Jamison, Min: r and Receiver, U. 8. Lan.! office, at ■ H erald has no favoritex. Day, Christmas, for benefit of the | valley in the early spring, with the Reed, Laura Good man, Mrs. J. E. McKiunon. Oregon, on Friday, January 3d, 1890, viz: | —Charges reasonable for livery Coinmittceon Music —M. N. Fegtley. John J. Mansle, Committee on Distribution of Presents.—M' , intention of settling. service at the Red Front Livery —'1 h widely noratfcd “unerring school. 1* S. No. 95G. for NE’ a of Sec. 25, Tp. IS, 8. ses Jninison, M. and D. Giauini. Masters Notary Public. . W. M. He name« the following witness Kee l, J. K Welcome. and Feed stable. - Ci- winchester ” was ifradd ’ ii : blow-gun -Hay is delivered in I ’ rairie — V. J. Miller, formerly of this ove hia continuous residence upon, and D. L. GRACE, Committe on arrangements wil ion of said land, viz: George W. Hank | place, has returned after a rather T he H erald , and Free Press for of last week to squirt #hisky into ty at 110 per ton. land Hankins of Blanton P. O, Or., and BURNS, OR meet at Mrs. Cardwell’s. Saturday prolonged tour seeking a better lo- •haedlit h, Anton Wintermeler of Burns | Land Flings. Conteit Blanks, Applications for four months, if you order in this or the eyes of poor little Harney city, regon. ; cation elsewhere, came to the sage Dec. 14th, at 1 o’clock p mak' Publication Notices, correctly and promptly J R, HUNTINGTON, Register i ' attended which Beared it so, that instead ot to. Deeds. Notes, and Hurt gages next month, for onlv 90 cents. that Harney valley held arrangements. By order of ' legibly drawn up. ( barges reasonable. 11-50 Tree conclusion s putting on the "ascension robes,” Ohristmas C ommittees . out superior inducement», and in- —Sleighs, sled» and »kates have which always follow a blast from t i tends to hang out hi» shingle in I. PROOF. AND A hmall Library for *3 BO. gladdened the hearts of the lovers the county-seat, wherever it is per- U nitcu st » t « j Lilin OrricK. j Wach maker & Jeweler of winter pleasures, during the past that old gun, said the brave old You can get the local newspaper Bun g, Oregon, December2, 1889.| I j Gl-RAND BALL ' manently located. hero had the jim-jams. ( F. IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow E ast O regon H erald , the best week. J. W. BONEBRAKE. cd settler has file«! notice of his inten- —From reported condition of the family paper, The Detroit Free makr fina> proof in support of his claim, Lakeview. Oregon. —Mr. and Mr». T. D. Baker, of ; roads from the R. R , I fear that we Press, one year each, and 12 vol- t said i«rtM»f will lie made before the — If you want your horses neat r and Receiver U. S. Land office, at Silver creek, are retried the glad Silver Creek School House 1 will be short on cranberries and Oregon. January 9th. 1890, vis; ly groomed, put up at the Red Front umns, in paper covers, of the best land other luxuries for Christmas. English novelist’s works, Charle» Frank W. McClintock, parents of a baby, last week. Not i Livery stable, when you come to ev conntv. Or.. Pre. D. 8. No, 1F31, fot the P. II. MURPHY. one of our itemizer» from that sec DECEMBER 24, 1889 —It is rumored there are several Dickens, bv calling at, or sending A N E' f sE' 4 8. Tp 2». M R 31 E. W M Burn». - es the following witnesses to prove his LAKEVIEW - - — - OREGON ■ young gallunts of Harney, who will to this oilice, $3.50. COMMITTEES: tion wrote us of the happy event of! ous residence up‘‘<( ciiltivatior. of t id. vis: Oliver Farrau Milo < nshinp. —The Red Front Livery and a young proipiitive voter in that ilesort the ranks of bachelorhood, HAY A GRAIN To Get the Tree. Gowan, and II. Dixon, a'l of Burns, Or- arcy Thornburg, Prineville Review: A. Robbins Always on hand, and prompt attention land take unto themwlves better- Feed »table is the place to put up precinct. Babies may as well not Janna Adams, To Dress ( the Tree. 1. B. HUNTIMGTOX, ReitUter 1 «rderaootf ’earns and vehicles. of Drewsey, is visiting Prineville. halvcn to assist in winding up their Miss Ruth Mc< or.nell. Mrs. Simon Lewis, your team; horses fed. watered and Hogan, Mirs Lizzie Garrett, be born, if the newspapers do not Miss Addie ............... I short existence in this vale of tears groomed. - Judge Jumner accompanied Bi. To ('all off the Presents. hear of it till the little fellow» are T. J. Hhivldt, Wm Hogan, —j°y 8" w*>th them. Wigle on bis last trip to Hardin, pr I. PROOF. ( has. Gilchrist. —Subscriptions for ail ncwapH- are able to write the local them Christmas ^^ance. —Jesse B. Tudor died at 11:15 sumably t.> look at the country, b To Deliver Presents. UxiTin S tatzs L amp OFFictJ Mias Hiella Garrett. Miss Ella Raker. < o'clock tc- lay. Mr. Tudor was a one who night to know declares t' Burrs. Oregon, De«ember 11. BY BURNS BRASS BAND BOYS per» and magazine» published in selves. Help, friends of Ilarney Mfrs Lizzie Winter. i F. IS HEREBY GIVES tbit th« follow- ON Ht PPKR . native of Mississippi. ug< d .”>6 years judge's uly mission was to attei ' the United State», will be received county, to make T he H erald a Mrs. J. ‘ roMMlTTKK Mrs. Geo. Williams, nrd s’ttle-hrs filed notice of his inten- Garrett. I n B urns N ew H all . ' and leaves a widow and six cliil- the at Hinton’s last night. inske final proof in support of hi« claim, Mis. Fred. Okertnaon, Mrs. t has. Adams, at the new Burns Library. live local pajier by »ending us t said j-oof will be made »«fore the FLOOR wama G krs 'dren. H arnky . December 25, 1889, r and Kercher, U. S. I a nd office, at Allen. Pleas. Cheney. J. C. Garrett, Thu«. R H. Britt who has been locati items of births, marriages, dcatl », Or., on Monday, January JOtb, 1890, viz: < OMMITTKR OM Mt SIC — Go to the Livery and Feed Sta \\ V. A U. M land« in the Casca< St.-nrv.-all J. Mwthorahead, Edward Kurtz. O. E. D. Baker, The Band Boy» form Committee ble of Reed A Cavin at the old parties, school reports, etc., at once. S. No. 27 M, for the N W»4 of bee 17. Tp • Everybody cordially invited to to; pPC. jj —Neljie Bly. forced by nasdri.rn out of the mountains 31 E. W M. He name« the following on Arrangements, Floor, and Invi We do lot» of local advertising in s to prove his continuons residence tation. Strangers introduced. All Pioneer stand in Burns, when you return to 86 to aid in trebling the i come, and bring well-filled basket» junfo e e o circumstance», d-layed • now last week. On ariiving at A nd (uftiiation of said land, vis Jas. want to obtain good livery accom along with them, and those that ; hnr departure frvm Colomlo. Cey- banv. ho reported a foot of snow . tot. John < raven. J. septi t.aricd, and cordially welcomed. •gtly, all of burnt, Oregon value of your land. McKir.r.c:.’*, ou the Santiam. have no basket.«, come anyway. modations. 39- lou, fur Peoaug five day» Supper at Reed's Restaurant. J. B. HUNTINGTON. Register fcEOAL ADVERTISEMENTS. LEGAL THE ADVERTISEMENTS. I HERALD.