O regon >•» U 1 J. Ill.-No. 4. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1889. E HERALD LSlIED EVERY THURSDAY BY L. a N. GRACE, ■U shers and P roprietors . LEAVENING POWER Of the various Bailing Powders illu*. trated from actual tests. ROYAL GRANTS • (Alum). NEWSPAPER LAWS. ■tin aster is required to give notice by ¡¡ruing the paper does not ai swer the d a subscriber doe» not take his paper [oilice. and the reusoii for its not being nv neglect to do t>.> makes the pt si- n>unsible to the publisher for payment i peis.'U < rdeis h s paper diseon nius pay all arrearages, or the Pub ■ i oininue to Bend it until payment's cullet i the whole amount whether it pm the office or not. There can be ^continuance till payment is made. person who takes a paper from the | u he b- r diret ted to his uatne or an- heiher he has subscribed or not. is f for ¡he pay . Jul .•scriber orders hit* paper slopped In time, and the Publisher cuntiniKS ¡c s i .Rt-riber is bound to pay for it if I • ill ..i Die pi sioflli e. This proceeds id id that u man mus. pay for what he I, !i . uris have decided that refusing t< p .priB and periodic a s from the p< si aviug them uncalled for, witnou (he same, is prliria facia evidence oi fraud. H erald TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. FROM AM, PARTSOF THE WORLD DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN. Political, Social, lleligiouH, anti Ed­ ucational Events. KSEntaMBMUBM RUMFORD’S • Cresh). HANFORD’S (»ben fresh) Murder», Suicide», Tln-rt». Accident», Loaftca i»y Fire, FltM.d, Unii, Cycluue, aud Blizzard. LATEST BY STAGE. DAVIS'* and 0. K.* CLEVELAND’S................................ PIONEER (San Francisco)............ ■■■■■■■■■■■ CZAR ................................................. ■■BMBMMHi DR. PRICE’S........................................... SNOW FLAKE (Grofir*!»)........................ CONGRESS.................................................. HECKER’S....................................................... ■■nBBHBB GILLET’S ........................................................... QMBBHHBi HANFORD'S (None Such), when not frosh. .■■■KB PEARL (Andrews ft Co.)................................. ■■■■■■ Stanley arrived at Zanzibar, Dec. 6th. Shell Lake, a Wisconsin town had a $40,000 tire 4th inst. General Boulanger will lecture in the United States this winter. The St. Louis Silver Convention favors a unit of silver currency for the three Americas. $2.SO a Year. Judge Laidlaw, of Oakland, fined BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. himself, Dec. 7th, $50 dollars for drunkenness. urns circulating t ibrary Recent heavy rainfalls in Cali­ -The Dalles gets corn and oats AND cheaper from Nebraska, $1.18 per fornia threaten the safety of levees hundred, than from the Willamette, BOOK EXCHANGE of the Sacramento. IN THE HERALD BUILDING. $1.29. MRS- GRACE. ------ L ibrarian . An English syndicate with cap­ Object ot opening thia builne»» in counci tlon with the Free Reading Room la no obtain thw -The Portland and the Salem huud» ital of $100,000,000 formed, Dec. for purchasing book, for a l’ubli. I.lbrnrj for Burnt—The lot tor the building ia bought. Boards of Trade are aiding Chica ­ TERMS: Membcrahlp Fee »12 a ■ ear. Reading l ie 10c. Depoait of 25c, or Retail price of I’erl- 6th, to become owners of American I odua: or Book, made with the t.P -anan, in every li etanco. send tor catalogue. railways under the insurance and go to secure the World’s Fair for ,, X^TheLibrarian i. agent for and will take rub», riptlona at the laiweat Rate» for any Pari Idlcal, and order any Book, pubh.hed iu the I uc.ed stutea or Canada. Alto, Sheet Muale and 1892. > I Picture», Work, oi Art, House-Building Designs, Site. mortgage scheme. -A Portland syndicate purchased Three of the live Apache Indians the Homestake group of mines, on tnat murdered Wm. Diehl and LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENT Burnt river, the first week in De­ Satn’l Jones on the Don Pedro, N. cember. M. quietly strangled themselves to death, Dec. 5th, the night before -The two steamboats “Wm. M. THE HOPKINS1HOUSE. the day of their execution for the Hoag” and “Modoc” collided on M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . the Willamette river, Dec. 3d, with­ crime. out serious injury to either. Mrs. Seneca Smith and Mrs. EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. Roach, while driving a one-horse -Dr. A. W. Burg, convicted of STATE NEWS. » buggy in Portland, Dec. Gth, were blackmailing in Umatilla county, j -o St. Paul is to build an ice tower both pitched out on their heads, left the penitentiary 2dinst., having Thia Hotel is new (House, RocunA, and Furniture) and o.Tera courteous service to every Vaaet. J 250 ft. high, instead of the ice pal­ K.« ; “ The Royal Baking Powder is composed of the former instantly killed and the ! served out his two years time. .1.50 1 . .70 pure and wholesome ingredients. It does not ace of the past three winters. latter dangerously injured, by the 2.50 -Work on permanent survey for contain cither alum or phosphates, or other in­ h0,000 bu. of corn lost, Dec. 4th, IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. horse taking fright, running away building the O. it W. R. R. to Un­ jurious substances.-ED ward G. L ove , Ph.D.” LAL!) (I.LB LIST I erald id Harper’> Miigazine.......... 5.00 “The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly by the schooner, “Iron Queen,” get­ and colliding with a log. ion is commenced, the subsidy of the purest and most reliable baking powdei ting f nil the above works ran bu ex cisco that their stars do not clothe der of which I have knowledge. at Umatilla, was arrested at Pendle­ ill the Bending Room. " SS'.; ¿¡sure 1 “ W m . M c M urtrie , Ph. D." Dee. 6th, in New York, from pneu­ them with the authority of Dis­ ton, for shooting a coal-heaver, Ed. * All Alum baking powders, no matter how trict Attorney, Jury, Judge, Su­ Arundel, in the course of a drunk­ Prepared to de »11 Kind. otWciklv the BUck.mllh Hue. ;Hor.. SbMlar at W.M p»r kHl. high their strength, are to be avoided as dan­ monia. gerous. Phosphate powders liberate their gas too freely, or under climatic changes suffer de­ Emin Pasha, who: foil terioration. window in Bagamoyo, and frn ac- utioner,” and details a number of -Dec. 3d, a fireman and brakeman MADE TO ORDER WITH NEATNESS, AND OF GOOD QUALITY. gft tured his skull, is reported Dec. jeopardies to life and limb of citi­ were scalded, and engineer killed A L I. W O R K WARRANTED. SE: zens through the ignorance of these ¡1 2 wk Imo 3 mo I 6 mo 7th no better. on the S. P. R. R. by a freight train hr 00 ! |11.<>' $• Y- Oe facts by the police aforesaid. io : J2..TÜ 1 > 1 fiO 12 U > i IH.UP Master Workman Powderly says running onto a rock and landslide DREWSEY ADVERTISEMENT. 5. DO 8.00 10.00 • L4 iXJ if tí. 00 10.00 J).'¡0 : L2. a ) the K.ofL. and Farmers Alliance to­ I 4 State News continued. near Delta. 48.(0 1 78 O ’ j IT 00 •J 0> 6 •B.tk 1 so.on I hi.00 gether will command about 3,0v0,- -A severe winter is generally pre­ -Two Siletz Indians, who are :.0.t;0 I0.0-.1 • O.oo 1 : 20 000 votes dicted for the Northwest. ' charged with a brutal crime against! NOTWHC CO F.H! IGN ADVEUT'SERH. Chicago has 67 friends in Con­ -Price of timber claims in Clat­ one of their own tribe, were to have While -TCBi :•< I fill' ■ 1 Ilcitlug y<»ur pal rouage we dctirc id keep oil r reatieifi p. b . vi ns to tin- gress, to woik for that city as the sop county is $1000. their trial Dec. 7th. The crime is I si gooi B ami re:in de firms io reír» i in, tI d P ropri « tors . site fo- the World's Fair, New punishable with death. tio» ing “ s U ¡ ten ' '• '''r' ” h -Portland postoflice averages re ­ a u tills fun I Udjoillitl.; (V,unih f. York -IS, and St. Louis 22. Irai reduction to a • yearly p .’-. m -:- ceipts per month, are $10,900. -The Ainsworth National Bank, Lou. J. Bosenberg, Mixologist. its Cali I at Otil e, or wii'eto ru'.iishvr. I i ini. i extra, a-. < < • . ■ spat • Every male Indian over 21 years, -A rogue’s’ gallery is now estab­ Portland, is said to have drawn k»t:il id He ailmir :c n'. ib p<»r Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when •h. uet j . early, or _U iranaieru, allotment of land in severalty. t receive -The Vale school board arc in Lottery drawing. The only lucky you call on “Uncle Dick,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. v ¡a* p« siti, n I extra • hfuuv per m This is estimated to give an addi­ need of a “boy-paralyzor” to teach one probably out of 15,000 tickets : . oi p. 8itii-U tt S GH’iilU It’tl Ci i..n. ; hi i» a i. euch week is lun in wiih !lln^ »«' j bought by Oregonians. tional vote, 20,000 strong. <1 ti««, :er tree. for them. »<• k : ereott pe till our tt iver' isemen‘8 or is: four publit uiiui s. ÿi etc h. than»«' -The N. I’. R. II. Co. that carries _ The Rothschild assure the new _ _ PATENTS. -Albany Democrat says Hon. R. Bing in lui al cui niiB. i < a line. ri.TL!*, tirili, nidi death H.H.oir.ee- the U. 8. fast mails pays a forfeit of C. A. SNOW & CO. - - - WASHINGTON7 d 7 c 7 Brazilian repul lie their financial A. Irvine will not accept official posi ­ iteu us ne»s. •nt» lr|.. stii li i «’” p. l’n ents obtained, and all parent business attended to promptly^and for moderat« fa«. ¡burnì rn'ts • Bered tu religious, sueial, $500 for every time it fails to deliv ­ support if good order is maintained tion of any kind. Iona! botl.es. Our Office is opposite the U. 8. Patent Office, and we can obtain in less time thm those and the establishment of the re­ -Portland promises to become er the mails in Portland 30 min-j remote from Washington Send Model or Drawing. Wc advise as to patentability free II UAI.II'.VEI of charge; and wc make no charge unless patent is secured. public ratified by a constituent as­ the outlet for the business of the utes past contract time, no matter We refer here to the Postmaster, the Superintendent of Money Order’ Division, and to what caused the detention. sembly. officials of the U. 8. Patent office. For circular, advice, terms, and references *to aotwal Canadian Pacific. clients in your own State or county, write to above address. ROCK PRICES. I L. Lum Smith, the fraud discover­ -Morton, who killed Dick Ed­ -J. W. I’ennett, of Coos bay, be­ Is our motto. Good Fuggy Teams, and Nice er, we learn from Printer’s Ink, was wards, was sentenced to five years fore starting to visit Ireland, took Buddle Horst s Furnished at Reasonable charges with him a specimen of an Oregon a .<’Purtii-uia. Aitenlion paid to tlie Bourding worsted by the New York Society, in the penitentiary. and Groom in of Transient S'.uck. Hay «¡rain mammoth potato, with which to on hands. for Superssion of Vice on a libel -Chas. Boy who shot himself verify the statements he made on a suit, Smith being sentenced to six D. 8. HOPKINS, A uchitect . while out hunting, died in Baker former trip to that country. DIRECTORY BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. months imprisonment. City, from effects of the shot. Grand Rapid*. Mich. national : W ill furn'sh Designs of Houses, Cottages, and Mansions costing from $300 on up to auy -In reply to Baker City’s effort Benjamin Harrison figure wanted, if y<>u mean lo build,send $1 to my Address, aud I will mail you a portfo­ The dissolute Grand Duke Alex­ -Benton county claims to have a i.evi 1’. Morion ee-Prei ■put. lio any ordinary carpenter or builder will have no trouble in going ?re’.arylöiTrvaBurv P. II. R., the latter agreed to send .kJinW. Noble Fof Interior ahead and completing 'ho work. And if you do not find just what yon want, write ma Russia ’ s most eminent medical man ATTO R N E Y - A T - L A W. weight 190tbs and in good health. Redfield Proctor ?r«t*i lof War what changes you dvsire made, and I will accommodate you. Or leave Orders with Tss an engineer over the sugested route Benjamin F. l ia< ey •retai lof Navy H erald . You will it ns ' heap to erect a handsome house as to waste material on an ua says is the forerunner of a cholera Jeremiah XI. Busk ?rel«i of Agriculture. sightly building. Wilj aid you iu re constructing your present bcilding. 41-tf B urns , O r . -Emma Thorn Guest, author of to make estimates of costs of chang­ Wm H. II. Miller [General season in that country; statistics John Wanamaker br General “The Duchess,” “Dora Thorn,” so ing the route in favor of that wide­ Practices in all the courts of the State, bfAi’l OREGON! show that the roue, and drunkard ( J. N. Dolph Also, before rhe IJ. S. Land Office. widely read by H erald readers the awake city. S. Seniu. i f R j J. II. MIK hell are cholera’s surest victims. L and M atters a S pecialty . ogress nan R. Binger Hermann past year, is to visit Pendleton, on rp The Odell n -The Warm Spring Indians, who l>.i J L ( • e; t*| iilioi er renter :r.te .R. Ge,. w . M< Bride During the progress of a suit for a visit to relatives. 1YLP E W R I TiiElt were on Bull creek, near Prineville, 1) - G. W. Webb ,l. B. M< Eiruj •s', ruction R possession of children, between Kel­ “Silver Dick,” of Missouri, has on a hunting expedition, SDentDe- Frank Bakei CHAS. SAMPSON - - B urns , O r . , K 8. btrahan lar and his wife, in Marshal, Ts., put his foot down on Windom’s sil­ cember 4th, 5th, and Gth hunting \y_ A-T-C-H-M-A-K-E-R C WILL B uy THE ODEM m TYI’E writer , warranted to DO A8 4ft 4 f— ' Wm. I’, lord as auy One Hundred Dollar Machiue. 91 v Dec. Sth, one lawyer, A. II. Pope, ver scheme, because, while a good for a boy, aged 3 years, that had WI -AND- 1XTII was killed and two others. AV. II. thing for the mine owners, “it will strayed from camp while there was It combines siMpr.iciTYwith durability — speed , ease of operation Jeweler. Higo irlct Hurney wears longer without cost of repairs than any other machine, has i Pope and Janies Wetherby, wound­ not benefit the people.” six inches of snow on the ground. no inkribbon to both. r the operation. It neat, substantial, nick- ed, by shooting done by AV. T. 8. el-plated—perfect and adapted to all kinds of typewritin.g C ove , Union county, will allow -Binger Hermann voted for Reed BLACKSMITH. Kellar and C. R. AVetherby in a J.ike a Printing Pre.--it produce.» »harp, clean, legible manuscript. Two to ten copi»» no saloons there, and downs the of Maine for speaker of the House, can be made at one writings. Editors, lawyers, ministers, bankers, merchants, ADOLPH TUPKER-----P i ’. op ’ r court room crowded with spectators. man that tries for a license with a in the Republican caucus. Reed i manufacturer •, i iminen men, etc., cannot make a better investment Jfor >15. The boy, Charley Lane, that was remonstrance, that is irresistible as is a goldbug, and not sound on iin- ' Au intelligent person in a wc-k can become a Good operator, or a rapidone in 2 month«. —(JENERAL REI’AIRING— ivui wupcri : ’eiideut so horribly mutilated by the train to numbers. provements of rivers and harborr;’ $1,000 offered any operator who can do better work with a Type­ writer than that produced by the Odell. <^T*Reliable Agents ID) * on which he was stealing a ride ¡oners '“ i -A 12-year old boy, Fritz John­ lie is no man for Oregon’s interests, j and Salesmen wanted. Special inducements to Dealers. from Winnemucca to California, over which Mr. II. is supposed to For Pamphlets, giving endorsements, &c., address the son, Dec. 7th, while gathering up ARN j .Y I . 8. LAN > l FH( I Promptly executed. The building hts been on that he died, Nov. 25th, was run- .!. B. H untington larged aud improved ami is prepared to turn saw-dust in the Astoria Packing preside in the House. 45 ODELL"; TYPE WRITER CO., T he R ookery , C hicago , III. ..H arrison K ellky out all kinds of blacksmithing on whort notice ! ning away from home with another Company’s Cannery, crawled un­ —James M. Arnold, an insane! and in the I < si style. Terms: Cash. 1-ly hoy a year younger than himself, der a work table in his quest, when man, cap.tured an O. R. A N. train | h H- R< li IHREt TORY Dave Jackson, and were both rid­ an edger saw caught him by the one day last week, anil was not ar­ IIA UN EY A D V ERTI8EMENTS. ing between the cars on the coup­ Stage i n e head as he thoughtlessly raised it rested until reaching Pendleton,' lings. when Charley is supposed to and sawed oil'tl.e whole upper half where he was in jail, Dee. ©th, he j ---------------- J. > AT. H nHOR have let go his hold and dropped w. A. WISIIIRE, I akeview, Or Harney, Or. having a pistol that he enforced! i . . nil 1 -Malheur county is up and doing FROM PRINEVILLE TO BURNS. to the track. 8« h - — í obedience with, to his many ridicu­ T .. U P 111. -------- o-------- politically, and reports her candi ­ WILSHIRE it- HUDSON. 11 ii n nt. and The Indian Governor of the Na- dates early enough to allow the lous freaks. —at il a in. and C. B. BAKER, Sub-Contractor. I vajoes on the reservation of that people a chance to pick the men Attorneys-at-Law, leave« Prineville Honda;« at 6 a m. Arrives at Burn« Wednesdays at 6 p ■ -A Wasco woman is the author S »» ¡KTIES lra'«s Burn« Thursdays at 6 a in. Arrives at Prineville Saturdays at • p ■» name in New Mexico, declared in that off t their services in the name of the biggest snake tale yet imag-4 LAKEVIEW AND HARNEY. OK. ) «.H«!.E. No. 77. 1. u. <>. F. This firm practices in the courts of lhe State September lust, that his people of one or the other party. That is ined. She describes a baby born' Passenger rates from Prineville to Hurns $7.50; Round trip |14—with 00 days delay. and before the I’, s. Ijind office. Any land r e ., das H»;. . e\< *rv >a.urday Offir e or o.h'T business entrusted to them will should not be educated, and defied J. E. the best way to do: Give the voters this month, that was more rattle­ receive prompt attention. M. Sect’v. the special agent to interfere. His a show to vote for “the man” and snake than child; it lived ten hours i LAND CAHES SOLICITED. office, nn elective one, was taken the supremacy of his “party princi­ the child-part of the nionstrocity ' BREWERY. from him, and a younger Indian ples” at one and the same time. BUIO a — V I dying five hours before the snake­ par.« aii> un» F r excepted. ELITE SALOON. appointed to the vacancy. PAUL LOCHER - - - _____ PROPRIETOR. -East Oregonian: George Mol- part. A brass button would fail to . N.H—(; A N > ' • N c 1 ft ♦> »*( :u( s- 8. B U R N 8, O R E G O N C. E. Silcott, cashier for the office enkopf owns a small ranch near rettle accounts with that women’s i all.F la h e -ai if The Eurr s Beer is a Fine Quality, and may be had by the Ola Battled, or in Quantity. imaginative faculty. of the sergeant-at-arms of the House Pendleton. Oregon. In digging a RN-<— rniN . ili rives TL i.s a r a a m. of Representatives, made a little W'dl recently unearthed the skele­ -Nov. 29th, J. Reed, of Portland.. atts a s n a :n. CANYON CITY ADVERTISEMENT?. visit to New York, Nov. 30th; fail­ ton of a fossil mastodon that ex­ lost a t IM) gold watch, and had Mrs.' ure to return on plea of unexpected ceed« in size the Asiatic elephant. Lizzie Webber,dressmaker airested detention satisfactory; continued The joint from the knee to the thigh as purloiner. Judge Tanner nc- ; C. A. SWEF.H. quited her so soon as he heard her ASSETS OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS. delay aroused suspicion which re­ is thirty-one inches long, while the case, but she had to stay in the ci­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. sulted in an investigation, reveal­ swivel joints are seven inches in ty jail 30 hours. Her arre«t and “The Leadibg Company of the Pacific Northwest." < AN YOM CITY. ORFJiON ing a shortage of $91,859, which diameter. The lx nee are in good incarceration being published, her f - /t—i.’Wri r ito- ixni »R •< r •'•'■. i ' i v -i i ni.TY -ws-Wl was taken away by Silcott. Lee- state of preservation, and when patrons withdrew thiir custom, »o ■37he F’armers’ C ompany. the lady has begun a damage suit 'A Altorney-at-Law. 4M don, the sergeant-at-arms, is able complete, Mr. Mollenkopf will pre-' for 15,(JOO against the false accuser, OF SALEM OP.EGON to replace the sum, and is exonora­ sent them to the State Agricultur- on the plea of damage done h»r . _ M DUSTIN .__ _ burns, Ore. good name in burinces. 'J. HARKER, Ageill, >:Fie; Harney City and Burns ted from ail blame in the matter. i al College at Salem. RUMFORD’S * (Phosphate), when not fresh.. .■■23 UBSCItlI’TION RATES: Ona Ye k Six N< h > I.B. Three M >11 ÌI8 Oue Yes r .in advance).. Reports of Government Chemists. J ob work . I STATE INSURANCE COMPANY.