Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1889)
THE J. DURKHEIMER & CO’S. LOCAL-PAGE ADVERTISEMENT. T-iARCEST stock X ARE FARMER With Their lnTHear°nne? C^’nty AMD THAT CAN SUPPLY THE STOCK. FALL & WINTER SUPPLIES IE Our Prices are the SAME as riet • SOLICIT YOUR TRADE J. DURKHEIMER CO, THE WRECKERS OF HIGH PRICES IN HARNEY VALLEY. LE ¡GAL ADVERTISEMENTS. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW TO-DAY. ■■ PROOF. U nited S tates L and O ffice . I QITATION. Burns, Oregon, Oct. 31, 1889. | IH HEREBY GIVEN that the fol In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Harney. med zettler has filed uotieeof hiainten ke final proof in support of his claim, In the Matter of the Estate of/ lid proof will be made before the 8. A. RODMAN, Deceased. | CHallOD- nd Receiver, U. 8. Land Office at To Wm. Rodman, M. 8. Rodman, Minnie D. ou Friday, December 13th, 1889, viz: Farrens, Minaie C. Tibbits, Viola Townsend, Charles F. Craft, Clara Humson, Cora Hardman, and all others, H. No. 2723, for the E>a of NE»<, SW'4 unknown heirs of 8. A. Rodman, deceased, nd NEJ4 of NE'4, Sec. 20, Tp. 22, Greeting: . W. M. He names the following In the name of the State of Oregon, you are to prove his continuous residence hereby cited and required to appear in the Ba cultivation of said land, viz: J. W. County Court of the State of Oregon, for the Caraon, Warren Curtis, and Smith County of Harney, at the courtroom thereof, , all of Harney, Oregon. at Harney, in the County of Harney, on Monday, the 3d day of February, 1819, at 10 o’clock in the , v 7-50 J B. HUNTINGTON. Register. forenoon of that day, then and thereto show cause, if any you have, why the petition of Geo. McGowan, Administrator of said estate, praying that an order of tho court be granted to 'IMBER CULTURE. sell the following described real property of - estate, to-wit: 8U of NEU of Sec. 11, and U nited S tates L and O ffice / said SVa of N W'4 of Bee. 12, all in Tp. 5, 8 of R. 25 E. Burns, Or., November 1, 1889. . the W. M. in Morrow county, Oregon, should not BINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED at be granted: said petition was duly verified and Mew Land Office, Oregon, by Anton presented on the 3d day of December, 1889, and ncier against Frederick Viedernell it appears therefrom that there are lust claims b to comply with law as to Timber-Cul- against said estate remaining unpaid after hav r No. 730. dated June Mth, 1887, upon ing applied the proceeds of all the personal and E>28W'4,8ec 7, Tp.19.rf. R. 32, E. property of said estate towards the satisfaction ■ Harney (formerly Grant) county. Ore* thereof, ami that it is necessary aud for the a view to the cancellation of said en- best interests of said estate and of all persons alant alleging that the said Frederick interested therein, that said order should be 611 failed and neglected to break five granted. Of ; ground in suid tract, anti that he has it is further ordered that this citation be pub pn any number of acres whatever— lished once a week for six successive weeks iu d complaint has been duly transferred the E ast O regon H erald , a weekly ucuspa id Land OiV.< e at Burns. Ore.— the said per of general circulation, published and print e hereby su nmoned to appear at this ed in Burns, Harney county, Oregon, and here the 11th <la\ of December, 1889. at 10 by designated as the paper most likely to give m, to respond and furnish testimony notice to the parties herein cited. g said alleged failure. Witness the Hou. T. J. S hields , Judge of the J. B HUNTINGTON, Register. County Court of the State of Oregon, forth« County of Harney, with the seal of said court affixed, this 3d day of December, A. 1). 1889. Attest: W. E. GRACE, Clerk. J. N at . H udson , Attorney for Administrator. R CULTURE. Dec 12-3-9 U nited S tates L and O ffk e , I t»uri.s, Oregon, Sept 19, 1888 | priNAL PROOF. LAIN! HAVING BEEN ENTERED at e by Samuel Dailey against George U nited S tates L and O ffice , / failure Jo comply w ith iaw as to Timber Burns, Oregon, December 11. 1889.J Ei’ir No. 890. dared May 4th, 18.88, up- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow W‘4 U Sec. 33, Tp. 27 S, R. hl E. W. M. ing named settler has filed notice of his inten county, Oregon, with a view to can to make final proof in support of his claim, ’t auideutry; routes, ant alleging that tion and that said proof will be before the 1 George Roff did not break, or cause Register and Receiver, (J. 8. made office, al rc-k-n, five acres of said tract, or any Burns, Or., on Monday, January Land 10th, 1890, viz: reel. the said parties are hereby sum- Steuetvall J. Mothershead, o appear a> this office oil the 26th day of er, a.. 10 o’clock, a tn, to respond Pre. D. S. No. 2746, for the NW'4, of Sec. 17, Tp. nah testimony concerning aaiu alleged 24. 8. R. 31 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence J. B. HUNTINGTON. Register. upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Jas. M. Dalton, John Craven, Joseph Garred, and M. N. Fegtly, all of Burns, Oregon. Dee 11-8 J. B. HUNTINGTON, Register. Î8T noth e . gTOCK INSPECTOR’S NOTICE. U nited S tates L and O ffice . | Burns, Oregon, .September 19, 1889. | Notice is hereby given that T have appointed LA1NT HAVING BEEN ENTERED at ce by O. I'. Bolcoff against D. A. ihe following Deputies: a -andoning hia Homestead Entry No. David Miller, Drewsey, Oregon. <i June loth, 1887, upon the E'/^ofSE qr, O. V. Motley ...Harney, “ NE qr of NE qr, Sec. 32; NW qr of NW J. H. Seaward ...Diamond “ 33, Tp. 28. H. R. 31. E. W. M . in Harney C. M. Fields, (Catlow) ..Winnemucca Nev. Oregon, with a view to cancellation of Thus. G. Dodson .Burns. Oregon. try; the said parlies are hereby sum- W m . MEEKER. Stock Inspector to appear at this Office on the 26th day Harney, Harney co., Or., 29-Jan. 1, 89. r, 1389. at 10 o’clock, a m, to respond nish testimony concerning said alleged nmeut. J. B. HUNTINGTON, Register THE HERALD ER CULTURE. U nited S tates L and O ffice . { Burns, Oregon, Sept. 19, 1889.1 PLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED at ce by .James Wadman against Wm. k for failure to comply with law as to -Culture Entry No. 418. dated September upon the SE qr, Sec. 32, Tp. 27, 8., R. 81 I., iu Harney county, OrsguD, with a the cancellation of said entry; contestant g that the said Wm. Henrick failed to r cause to be broken, five acres of the ct. within a year after the date of filing t he has not up to the present date brok- caused to be broken, five acres of the ct, the said parties are hereby surn- to appear at this Office on the 2bth day mber, 18»9, at lOe’cloek, a m, to respond rnish testimony concerning said alleged HAS LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1889. Official County Paper. Local News. HARXEY COUNTY ITEMS. J. B HUNTINGTON. Register Barns* Weather Record. L PROOF. U nited S tates L and O ffice , / Burns, Oregon, November 11, 1889.1 ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow med settler has filed notice of his inten- inake Anal proof in support of his claim, hat said proof will be made before the r and Receiver, U. 8. Land Office, at Oregon, on Friday Dacem. 27, 1889, viz: J. K. Dees, S. No. 2737, for the S’i NW qr, NE qr NW NE qrSW qr. Sec. 33, Tp. 28, 8. R31 E. W. names the following witiiebaes to prove tinuous residence upon and cultivation land, viz: George Miller, W. M. Haye«, 8. Reider, and Joe McLaughlin, allot , Harney couuty, Oregon. J. B. HUNTINGTON. Register. AL PROOF. U nited S tates L and O ffice , | Burns. Oregon, November 23, 1889,1 ICE It4 HEREBY GIVEN that the follow ined settler has filed notice of hia inten- tuake final proof in support of his claim at said proof will be made before the er and Receiver, U. 8. Land office, at Oregon, on 1 riday. January Sd, 1890, viz: JKDS slity John J. Massie, ET" fl. No. 9581, for NEL of Sec. 25. Tp. 18. fl. ft . W. M He names tne following witness rove his continuous residence ui»on. and •lion of sai<i ¡and. yiz: George W. Hank «Band Hankins of Blanton P. O, Or , and schaedlith, Anton W intermeier of Burns Oregon. J. B. HUNTINGTON. Register AL PROOF. U hitxd htxtx .L axb Orrtcx.j Rurn«, Oregon. December*. 1889.1 ICE Ifl HEREBY GIVEN that the follow med settlei has files! ntrtke of hi« liiten- makr fi..a. pr.n»f in support of bis claim, ■hat «aid jaruof Miil be made before the “rr and Receiver 1 and office, at b, Oregon. January 9th, I’*;!», viz. Frank W. McCIIr.toek. fcney county. Or.. Fre. D fl. No. 1231, fpt the r 4 .fc N ;a SE»4 Nee 8. Tp R 31 F W. M Kara the following witueaaeato prove hi« ■iu« u« residence upon and cultivation of ■«nd. viz «»liter Farrab. Milo < usking, *au. a:> l H. Inion, all of Burt-a. Of Ei' >1* If J. It nrvnXCTOX. Refiner Dec 4 to Dec. 11. Wed: 6 a m-37 ° -cool; << 12 m—cool. 6 p m—cool. Thur«: C a m-32 ° -cool. H 12 ni—cool; tc 6 p m—cold; Fri: 6 a ni-33 ° -cool; it 12 m—cool. l< 6 p in—cold; Sat. 6 a m-32 ® -cool; it 12 ni—cool; « 6 p in—cool; Sun: 6 a m-32 9 -cool; “12 in—cool; “ 6 p in—cool. Mon: 6 a m-21 ®-cold; snow. “ 12 m—cold,rain, snow, sleet, and wind between 2 and 4 p ni. “ 6 p m—cold. Tues: 6 a m-34°-cool; heavi est snowfall to date on the ground, steady snowing till after 8 a in. ♦ 4 12 “ m—cool; C4 6 p m—cool, thawing. Wed: 6 p m—30 * -cool; 12 m—cool. u 6 p m—cool. To keep posted Read T he H erald . -Old pnpers 50c for 100. —Sabbath school every Sunday in Burna. —E. II. King, the Harney lum- her man, waa in town, Tuesday. —The junior partner in the firm ofSwortz A Miller was in Burns, Monday. —Prayer meeting at the Poison creek school house every Wednes day evening. —G. M. Stanclift, of Diamond, is moved on his ranch near Burns, for the winter. —Mrs. C. M. Caldwell subscribed $3.60 for T he H erald and Peter- son’s Magazine for 1890. —Miss Teresa Young visited Burns and Harney from Silver creek, Saturday and Sunday. —Mrs. Burnison moved from the Neal house, Monday, into her own buildingjust completed. —Mrs. G. W. Pierce subscribed $3.20 for T he H erald for 1890 and a complete set of Dickens Works. —The Red Front Livery and Feed stable is the place to put up your team; horses fed. watered and groomed. - —Mr. and Miss Roberts spent the day in Burns, Monday, attending to their land claims, and shopping for Christmas. —J. B Huntington and family took posession of the handsomely finished rooms of their new resi dence, on Monday. —V. S. Curtis and O. Wyatt, of —T. A. Morison is ill from quinsy. —Lots are all sold on Main street ?a.rney>. ,eft th[ee weeks ago for Baker City to haul in flour for in Burns. —But how about the Alaska ap Messrs. Brown and Durkheimer A j Co. They were only 5| days going, pointment? but on account of falling weather —See citation notice in this issue and heavy roads, were obliged to of our paper. ’ leave 3150 lbs. of freight at Mal —W. E. Alberson, assessor, was heur City. It was snowing on town, Tuesday. ; Dooley mountain between Bridge —D. Scott, of Burns, is prostrate port and Baker City as they came with pneumonia. . over, and John Mahon, who came —The deepest snow of the season after them, reported the snow-fall on the mountain 2^ ft. fell Monday evening. —The “skeleton,” aforesaid, will HOTEL ARBIVALS. keep till next May. FRENCH HOTEL —Charges reasonable for livery A. J. Brown, Rattlesnake Canyon, Miller, Anderson Valley, service at the Red Front Livery Glenn R. T. Hewitt, Blitzen, Eli Johnson. Sod House, and Feed stable. - Jno. E. Roberts, Harney. ’l Mickles, Harney, —Win. Harvey took possession Bam Miss I.uella McDonald, Harney, of his late purchase, the Neal house, T. M. Reed, Beulah. PARKER ROUSE. last Tuesday. Mrs. W. H. Culp, Poison CreeK. T he H erald , and Free Pres« for Je«. Garred, Lower Island. Wm. Smith, Silvies River, four months, if you order in this or Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Porter, Upper Island, Miss Pford, next month, for only 90 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waters “ and Mrs. T. V, B. Embree, Boat Ford. —The Parker House is making I)r. Miss Ida Roberts, Harney, Nat. Hudson, “ a number of inside alterations; J. T. M. Reed, Geo. Wilson, and T. Manly, each an improvement on the build L. Huston, Pine Creek. ing. Go toTupker's. —Are you going to dress a Christ Horse shoes, nails, and all kinds inas Tree for your family? Go to J. Durkheimer A Co’s, store for the of wrought iron worked into shape to suit the public. Horseshoeing goods. —Capt. Kelly is building on the and other blacksmithing done on hill above town. This is about the quick time at Tupker’s. finest location for residences in A Protracted Meeting. Burns. i Divine services were held at the —If you want your horses neat Island school house at 11 a m, by ly groomed, put up at the Red Front Rev. McCart, last Sunday, followed Livery stable, when you come to by Dr. Embree at 7 p m. Religi ous services every day and evening Burns. - since. A cordial invitation is ex —The only inmate, John Parker, tended to everybody to be present. of.the jail at Harney is reported hoplessly insane and is awaiting “Texes" Bar. commitment to the asylum. Tune—"Ob, Happy be We.” county C ourt proceedings . “The Crime of the century.”— Dec 2.—In the matter of the Thia is the very appropriate title estate of H W. Jones, deceased: of a book that is being written by Order to administrator to sell per one of the ablest journalists of the sonal property. present time. It is the only com COMMISSIONERS COURT. plete and authentic history that Dec. 4.—License to C. M. Cald- will or can be written of the assas well and L. M. Caldwell, to retai) liquors in Burns precinct for six sination of Dr. Patrick Henry Cro months: Granted. nin and the chain of events that led Dec. 5.—First, reading of variou to that strange crime. The book ia road reports. profusely illustrated with original Dec. 6.—Road from Joe Sturte aid skillfully executed engravings vant’s to M. F Howard’s place: of the principal actors and acenea Reported favorbly, and ordered of the Tragedy from the formation of the plot to the close of the cele opened. brated trial; it also contains a relia Dec. 6.—Road commencing at ble biographical sketch of the patri N. W. cor. Tp. 25 S.. R. 32J E„ W. otic victim. ThiB Pictorial Histo M.. and ending at the Happy Val ry of the greatest of Modern Crimes, ley and Harney road at intersection isnot a book of romance butof hard, of section line between secs. 8 and 17, solid facts and is a marvelous exem in Tp. 25 S. R. 33 E. W. M.: Re plification of detective skill, of the ported favorbly, and ordered opened. far-reaching power of the law and Dec. 6.—Road beginning at the of those charged with its execution. quarter «ec. corner on the north Those who secure an agency for it line of sec. 29 in Tp. 24 S. R. 32 E. will be extremely fortunate. For W. M, and ending at the county terms and agencies, addresE The J. road leading from Canyon City to Dewing Company, 813 Market St., Harney, at a point one half-mile San Francisco. easterly from what is ktio vn as the “Trout creek mountains:” Reported favorbly, and ordered opened. Christmas ZDance. Dec. 7.—In the matter of the re BY BURNS BRASS BAND BOYS ports of Viewers and Surveyor, on I n B urns N ew H^ ll . roads known as the Embree road, Burns, Drewsey road, and Saddle December 26, 1889. Butte road: Bills laid over until The Band Boys form Committed 1 next terin. on Arrangements, Floor, and Tnvi-'*’’ Dec. 7.—In the matter of the tation. Strangers introduced. All funds now in the hands of the cordially welcomed. County Treasurer not applied to Supper at Reed’s Restaurant. any specified fund: Ordered placed to the account of county general fund. Dec. 7.—Tn the matter of county Christmas Tree warrants: Clerk ordered to draw AND warrants on County Treasurer in payment of bills amounting to $7,- SALL 804.82 and $16,000.64 in payment of debt to Grant county: Total Silver Creek School House amount issued, $19,805.46. DECEM BE 23, 1889. Dec. 7—Court adjourned until Monday, Dec. 23d, 1889, at 10 COMMITTEES: To Get the Tree. o clock, a m, to consider petition of Jimei Adame, Carey Thornburg, II. R. McClure for liquor license. To Dress the Tree. —I. McElmurray of Burns, who left here early in last month, on a business trip to Polk county, re turned home, Nov. 28th. —Subscriptions for all newspa pers and magazines published in the United States, will be received at the new Burns Library. —J. H. Neal, surveyor, of whom Mr. Harvey bought the lot adjoin —M. M. Brierly, postmaster at To Texes I will go, yes, I will go, ing our office lot, was registered at Whene’er I want to know, I wunt to know, Harney, has gone to the railroad Wliat there's in Burns to drinx, the Parker House, Saturday. for the necessary paraphenelia for In lb' glasses cheerful clink, At Texes Bar. —V. J. Miller returned this week, the G. A. R. Po3t lately organized And when I want to «moke, I want to «moke. after an absence at his new home in Burns. And hear a good old Joke, a good old Joke, in Union county of several months, th’ l’exe« there will be —Go to the Livery and Feed Sta < At Igar« for you aud ma and was in Burn« the 3d. ble of Reed A Cavin at the old At Texea Bar. Pioneer stand in Burns, when you —Mrs. N. G. Parker subscribed For Whi«xy, Wine, and Beer, Fun without fear, naught to beat It here, to beat It here. $3.60 for T he II erai . d and Peter want to obtain good livery accom There'« For I.lquor«, Mixed or Straight, modations. 39- They ’ re alwat a made fl rat rate son’s Magazine for 1890. This is Per dicm and mileage of Jurors 11,560.70 At Texea Bar. WitncMca before Grand Jury. . 472.70 Mrs. Parker’s third year. —Miss Gunther having made ar “ Shirk Murder Case . 1,501.60 “ King Seduction ease 698.60 The Burns Christmas Tree. —Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McKinnon rangement with the Gage Sisters, “ Winter« Fence-Cutting 75.20 has opened a dress-making busi “ Wm. Black, et. al. 108.20 are occupying their neat residence There will be a Christmas Tree 56.80 " W. II. Caldwell Aaaault . again, having moved from the ho ness in connection with the millin at the Burns M. E. church, Dec. 24. ery establishment — cutting and fit tel the first part of the week. The people of Burns and vicinity ting a specialty. - —Lakeview stage failed te get in are invited to come and put what —Henry Canaday ia digging the — Look at T he H erald ’ s sub presents they wish to give their Wednesday. well for Capt. Kelly, on one of the —Ontario stages came in after 9 hill lots in Burns, and was down scription rates in the first column I friends. This is not a Sunday on the first page, and see if any school tree, but gotten up by the p m, two night« this week. live feet, Monday. newspaper in the State can offer its people of Burns. —Judge Downs, of Harney, was —M. S Hellman, of Canyofi City, readers better terms than Burns is Committee on Arrangements.—Mr sdsmes Gray, Cardwell. Welcome, Kelley, Fegtley,Pratt. in Burns, Saturday. failed to get the notice of appoint able to afford. on Decoration.—Misses Kelley, ment to the National Silver conven —The French hotel, a neatly fur I. Committee and M. Geer, C. and J. McPheeters, Harkey, —Mrs. P. F. Stenger paid for Reed, Goodman, and Mesdames Card- tion at St. Louis, in time to attend. nished and agreeably served house, well, and G. Moore. Tupker, Messrs. C. Byrd, Welcome, T he H erald and subscribed for Peterson’s popular Magazine this —Is your neighborhood going to under the immediate supervision McPheeters. Committee on Finance.—J. C. Welcome, J. T. week. give the children a treat at the of Mrs. Racine, whois a superior Hillman, C. Geer. Committee on Music —M. N. Fegtley. school house Christmas Eve? J. caterer to the pleasuros.-of the pal Committee on Distribution of Presents.—Mis Portland World: Ben Brown, of Jamison, M. and D. Gianini. Masters E. Durkheimer A Co. is the firm to ate, keeping the table at all times sea Burns, Harney co., is in the city. Reed, J. K Welcome. sell you the goods. supplied with the best.-, that can be Committe on arrangements will Mr. Brown reports Harney county meet at Mrs. Cardwell’s Saturday, all right for democratic majority in —The latest bridal couple, Mr. obtained in this market. and Mrs. B. II. Fine of Diamond, —Julian Byrd entered T he H er Dec. 14th, at 1 o’clock p m,,to make June. accompanied by Mis« Frankie ald office last Thursday, to learn arrangements. By order of —The finest display of Christmas C ommittees . Barnes, were in Burns Monday, the printing busings, to which his good«, Dolls, Albums, Vaces, Toy«, shopping for housekeeping. Mr. F. elder brother, Chariot has devoted Ac. Ac., that has ever been brought ChrlHtmaa! Christmas” called in and subscribed for one the past eight or ten months, mak to the county i« to lie teen at the year to T he H erald . J. Durkheimer & “ Co. A Comes but once a year, but it store of ................................ ing an unusually good record for a —Watch T he H erai . d during first year’s apprenticeship. We brings loads of holiday goods to the visit will convince you. the next three months for bargains wish the brothers that success J. Durkheimer A Co’s, store when in the best of reading matter for the which always attends ability, so- it does come. A hmall Library for S3.30. coming winter. T he H erald has briety. application and industry,^ Everything in the holiday line. Prices to suit the times. Attentive You can get the Iocs! newspaper special rates from every publication —We take the pleasure thin week in the United States. Last month in announcing the return to Burns, service by courteous clerks. The E ast O regon H erald , the best in two issues T be H erald and of J. Nat. Hudson, on Tuesday last, display goods is a holiday treat in it family paper, The Detroit Free Free Press were offered for 12.50 who come to re-open his law office self—Cail and enjoy the sight of the Press, one year each, and 12 vol- the price for T he H erald alone; here, bo soon as his library is largest and finest invoice of holiday umns, in paper covers, of the best only five pcsons took advantage of brought in. Mr. Hudson, wc have goods ever offered the Harney Vai-! English novelist’s works, Charles Dickens, by calling at, or sending _____________ - the offer in time to secure it. found, as a lawyer, studious, cor ley- to this office, $3.50. Married. rect and punctual; as a citizen, en — A paragraph in last week's Dec. 5, 1889, by Rev. T. V. B. batch of “State News” T he H erald ergetic. progressive, and public-spir mentioned the death of two men i ited; as a subsribcr and advertiser Embree, at the residence of the by the collision of a box car and with T he H erald , honest and up- bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. E. P. HOWARD, Barnes, Harney county, Or., Bald hand car at Oswego, Nov. 20th, but right in all his dealingt. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON win II. Fine and Miss Ellen Barnes, none of the exchanges referring tol —“Starving for a Race” is what the accident were able to say on was said of several sports who came all of Harney county. BURNS, OREGON. The bride was one of the most, which car the victims were. One into Burns Friday, and after work of our subscribers, I. McElmurray,. ing hard to get up a race for a beautifully dressed young ladies who was on the box car at the time chestnut sorel from Prairie City, the new county has ever witnessed W BARNES, M R. RIGG«, states the brake of that car was tied was accommodated by Billy Wood's at the bridal alter. The guests GEO. Fnnvville, Or. Barns, or. up with a rope; the three men on “Jim Mac” in a hundred-yard trial were the relatives and immediate BARNES A BIGGS, friends of the groom and family the hand car ahead were shouted to for speed, that, of course was easily and one responded by jumping off won by “Jim Mae,” and ye gay 1 among whom were the latest bridal Attorneys at Law in time to save his life, while the S[>ort« went out of town broke— couple, Mr. and Mrs. Gass T he Wil' pra« » a in a l of th» or« of th»* s • H erai . d extends wishes for a hap other two were aent flying off the Moral: Boys, dou’t monkey with Any busi..tes placed io car* ui .uls Û. .b« py married life rack with the hand car and killed. the band wagon. i The Greatest Sensation of the Age. CrRAND Mrs. Simon Lewis, Miss Ruth McConnell, Miss Addie Hogan, Miss Lizzie Garrett, To Call Off the Presents. T. J. Shields, Wrti. Hogan, Chas. Gilchrist, To Deliver Presents. Miss Ella Raker, Miss Stella Garrett, Miss Lizzie Winter. COMMITTEE ON SUPPER. Mrs. J. C. Garrett, Mia. Ge«. William«, Mrs. Chas. Adams, Mrs. Fred. Okerinanu, FLOOR MANAGERS: J. C. Garrett, Thoa. Allen, Pleas. Cheney. COMMITTEE ON MUSIC: E. D. Baker, Edward Kurtz, O. Rusk. Everybody cordially invited to come, and bring well-filled baskets along with them, and those that have no baskets, come anyway. HAI. A. COGBWKLL, r. A. rOASWBLL Liakvilla.« Lakeview COGSWELL A COGSWELL. LAKEVIEW AND LINKVILLK. Or. Attorney-at-Law l-ly Notary Public. D. L. GRACE, BURNS, OR Land Flln.a. Contest Blank«. Application« for Publication Nolle««, correeUy aud promptly attended to. Deed«. Note«, and Ir.lbly drawn up. Charge« reaaooable. 11-40 Wachmaker & Jeweler J. W. BONEBRAKE. Lakeview, Oregoa. P. H. MURPHY. LAKEVIEW - - - - 01NW HAY A GRAIN Always os baad, an 4 prompt altaaMea straw •vdovs owtf Maaaa ao4 vokloUo I