E ast O regon H erald . THE HERALD. Da BLI8IIEI) EVERY THURSDAY BY D. L.&N. GRACE, L'BLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. $2.80 a Year. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1889. III.—No. 3. Ur leavening powee ¡TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Of th* various Baking Powden illu*> FROM AM. PARTOOFTHEWOHLD DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN. trated from actual tecta. Political, Social, Religious, aud Ed ucational Events. VEWSPAPEB LAWS. A pottmuter M required to give notice by [(returning the paper doea not answer the when asulwcriber doe« not take his paper | th« office« and the reason for its not being L Any neglect to do so makes the post er responsible to the publisher for payment If any person orders his paper dincon d, he must pay all arrearages, or the Pub Fmav continue to send it until payment is L aud collect the whole amount whether it ¡en from the office or not. There can be ial discontinuance till payment is made. ¡Any person who takes a paper from the fflee, whether directed to his name or an- Lor whether h« has subscribed or not. is Risible for the pay. If a Subscriber orders hie paper stopped ertain time, and the Publisher continues id, the subscriber is bound to pay for it if toe« it out of the post office. This proceed« e ground that a man must pay for what he Marders, Suicide«, Thefts, Accidents, L omcs by Fire, Flood, Rail, Cyclone, and Blizzard. LATEST BY STAGE. Congress convened, Monday, Dec. 2d. $25,000 hotel fire at St. Paul, Dec. 1, two lives lost. California is to have the Sulli- van-Jackson fight—purse $20,000. The courts have decided that refusing tc newspapers and periodicals from the poet , or leaving them uncalled for, witnou* Ig for ths sain«, is priina facia evideuce ol Honal fraud. $50,000 fire at Llanidloes, Wales, Dec 1st, a flannel factory destroyed. Nov. 26 brings news that 500 armed men have revolted in Hay ti, against Hyppolite. Leechburg, with population of 3,500 had a fire, from natural gas. Nov. 26; loss $150,000. The Lynn fire threw 8000 em ployees out of work; destroyed 196 buildings. Lots $5,000,000. The Idaho insane asylum at Blackfoot, was burned; 52 inmates saved; 13 perished; loss$100,000. Robert Bonner bought the Cali fornia stallion, Ansel, for $10,000, and claims Sunol as a 2:05 trotter. Nov. 28th, 14 laborers were killed and four wounded, by an explosion in the petrolum pita fit Batouma Russia. A jute-bag factory is wanted at the Walla Walla penitentiary, and the legislature is prayed to appro priate $100,000. STATE NEWS. -Cain’s murderers upto Dec. 2, still unknown. -5000 farmers are organized for mutual benefit, in Oregon. -$1600 fire in Portland, 26th ult. by partial destruction of a laundry. -Pendleton Indian school started into the work of education, Nov. 29th. Tmcs: Know thy self. If you can’t get the requisite information, run for office. -Portland’s opera house, illustra ted in West Shore, will have seat ing capacity of 1600. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS T1URNS OSCULATING T . JBRARY AND BOOK EXCHANGE IN THE HERALD BUILDING. MRS. GRACE, ------ L ibrarian . Object of opening this business in connection with the Free Reading Room is to obtain the Funds for purchasing books for a Public Library for Burns—The lot for the building is bought. TERMS: Membership Fee |12 a year. Reading Fee 10c. Deposit of 25c, or Retail price of Peri odica] or Book, made with the Librarian, in every instance. Send for Catalogue. fH^The Librarian is agent for and will take Subscriptions at the lowest Rates for any Peri odical, aud order any Book, published in the Uuited States or Canada. Also, Sheet Malic and Pictures, Works of Art, House-Building Designs, Etc. LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENT THE HOPKINS HOUSE M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . -A young man named Lester EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. Weather in New Mexico, Dec. 1, Matthews, on trial in Pendleton for SUBSCRIPTION RATES: terribly cold, lives lost from expos stealing a horse from Mrs. Hill, >3.00 Year ...................................... This Hotel is new (House, Rooms, and Furniture) and offers courteoas service to every 0 s Mt. ......... 1.50 rfonths. ure. Nov. 26th. .......... 75 e Months " The Royal Baking Powder ii composed of ......... 2.50 Year (in advance) Jefferson Davis reported, Dec. 1, pure and wholesome ingredients. It does not Equador issued a proclamation, -Dr. W. E. Morad Portland on JV. Fine Bctir, contain either alum or phosphates, or other in sinking. James G. Blaine’s health so says telegram of Nov. 27, prohib HERALD CLUB LIST trial, Nov. 27th, on charge of man IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. jurious substance, .-E dw aid G. L ove , Ph.D.” >5.60 1 and The Century, one year improving. iting the immigration of Chinese slaughter, result of criminal prac 4.60 1 and St. Nicholas, “ “ The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly 1 and Demorest Magazine, one vear . 3.60 English syndicate bought out six into that country. tice in the medical profession. '• 3.60 the purest and most reliable baking powder 1 and Peterson Magazine “ . 3.60 offered to the public. 1 and Godey'» Lady'« Book New Orleans breweries, Nov. 30th, “ 4.00 General Blacksmith & Wagon-maker. 1 and West Shore A Nov. 27th despatch states, the Nov. 21st, the new republic, Uni- •• H enry A. M ott , M. D., Ph. D.” d and Leslie's illustrated Newspaper 5.75 d and Leslie's Popular Monthly 4.75 "The Royal Baking Powder is purest in qual for $2,925,000. H. R. SCHLÄGEL ______ L akkvikw , O immt . sugar trust has bought 8,000 tons ted States of Brazil, was duly and d and Leslie s Sunday Magazine 3.75 d and Belford’s Magazine ................... 3.75 ity and highest in strength of any baking pow The New York city is the Jewish of sugar, or all the domestic sugar regularly recognized by the United der of which I have knowledge. d and Weekly Call ............................ 3 00 ------------O------------ d aud Daily Call ......................... 6.00 metropolis of the globe. 200,000 in the United States. •• W m . M c M urtrie , Ph. D." 1 States as one of the nations of the d aud Weekly Examiner 3 00 Prepared to do all Kinds of Work in ¡the Blacksmith line. Horse Shoeing at per head. •All Alum baking powders, no matter how is the estimate. d and Daily Examiner ... 6.00 Dorsey’s 15,000 head of cattle ad-! earth. d and Weekly New York World 3 00 high their strength, are to be avoided as dan d and Detroit Free Press ........ 3.00 gerous. Phosphate powders liberate their gas The new Republic has issued a vertised for sale, Dec. 2d, at Clay-1 The Detroit Free Press of Nov. Id and Harper’s Magazine.............. 5.00 too freely, or under climatic change, suffer de -BUGGIES, WAGONS, ET C.,-> Id and Harper’s Weekly ........... 5.20 terioration. proclamation granting universal ton, N. M., is to satisfy a promis- 28th, warns all persons from giving ■ ADR TO ORDER WITH MRAT.RIS, AND OF GOOD QUALITY. Id and Harper’s Bazar .................. 5.20 Id and Harper’s Young People... 3.75 suffrage. sory note for $54, 000. ALLWORK WARRANTED. subscriptions to a man named W. rl and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia,. .2.90 h additional volume after Vol. I, 55 cents; T. V. B. EMBREE, M. D. Nov. 22d, a 13-year-old boy, John Bob Holland, a fraud operating in trusts in The charters of 1000 sntg extra »er volume, pcstage. Office at his re*k’er< <_ ah (be east ide o 1 81 Missouri will be forfeited under Winnie, near Carson, Cal., died ? New York state. ^Copies of all the above works can be ex vieSjKiver. ten rrl below Burns. DREWSEY ADVERTISEMENT. id at leisure in the Reading Room. the late anti-trust law of that State. from effects of eating 31bs. of figs -“Old Cultus Jim,” who was tak- M^Publiahetp of periodicals are solicited | en eick in the John Day nloun. The West Shore of Nov. 30th, and smoking * cigarette. id clubbing raicw, a copy of their work for I S B. McPHEETERS, M. D. fee Reading Room—We file, and bind the 1 says the actual value of property The new republic up to Nov. 26, tains a few days ago, is since re- at close of every half-volume, end »«v Ci PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. to by advertisement. | in Multnomah county is $200,000,- is not recognized officially and dip- ported dead, and gone where all Office at W. E. Grace’« Drug Store. 1-ly 000. lomatically by the monarchies of good Indians go. ADVERTISING RATES: P bopbirtms . DICKSON & SULLIVAN 1 wk 12 wk 1 mo 3 mo 6 mo 1 yr. PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. Hayti’s new President Hyppolite the Old World. This was to be ex -Grand jury indicted L. Lawrence, fl .5o|> 2 50 >5 00 »s no 111 00 >15.00 3 00 | 4 4M 6 50 12 03 13.00 28 00 objects to receiving a Negro minis- pected. Lou. J. Bosenberg, Mixologist. T. A. McKINNON, of8e*atle, Nov. 25th, in Portland, 3 :>o ; ¿.oo 8 oo 15.00 24.00 40 00 A brother of the late Judge Ter Any and all kinds of surveying done on Rhor ter as representative of the U. S. 4 50 6 00 10 00 20 00 32.00 50 00 « on charge of making and passing Settler 6 CO 1 9 00 15.00 23 00 4M 00 54 0(7 notice and reasonable terms. Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brand i*a, ry was on his way, Nov. 28th, to 12 VO 16 on 23 00 43 00 30.00 120.00 wishing to be located, can have plats furnishe and Fred. Douglas is liable to be counterfeit money having paused a 20 00 J 30 00 40 00 60 00 110.00 140 00 free of charge. Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when Washington “ to lay his side of the returned home. $10 bill on Mrs. Palmer. .you call on “Uncle Dick,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. recent shooting before the depart TICE TO FOREIGJf ADVERTISERS, Denver and Rio Grande Ry’s. ment of justice.” le respectfully soliciting your patrouage Henry George, author of “ Pro SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP degire to keep our readers posted as to the machinery for work on their 2500ft. jo is au<i reliable firms to deal with, cor idetti e will be saved by referring to the J. C. WELCOME - P roprietor . The Brazilian flag is the old na gress and Poverty,” has gained the tunnel on the ground, Nov. 30th. iug s atcnieuts based upou our circula JPATENTS. BURN’S. OREGON'. legacy of $10,000 left by a New Jer- this and adjoining counties. Tunnel is through a mountain at tional colors with 21 stars to repre- •Lioeral reduction to all yeurly adver- C. A. SNOW 4 CO. - - - WASHINGTON,«-«, sent the number of States in the 8eVan f°r the purpose of extending Call at office, or write to Publisher. r» .-»t.HbtAlnod, bu.lDFMAtURdAd to promptly »nd for ■ od,r»t• .fom. an elevation of 10,000 feet. Cuts charged extra, according to space; Our Office »oppoalte the U. I. Patent O«eo, an« wo e»n «Main ulew Umo than thorn new Republic. The motto is “Or- ^hc doctrine taught in that book, but metal base admitted. FEED AND LIVERY STABLE. Immoral medicinal ads. at no price. remote from Waablnrton. Bend MoJe! or Prawlny. We «dvlfo ,«» to patentability :traa Poison instead of medicine given der and Progress.” j -The Wasco Sun corrects the Or- Advertisements at less than 10 cents per H. CALDWELL, - - - - P bopbiktor . of Chart«; and we make no charge unleaa patent la «ecured. net price, yearly, or 20 cents, transient, to patients in a Mexico hospital, We refer here to the Poatmaater, the Superintendent of Money Order Dlvlaion, and to ceived. Scathing attacks are being made e8°nian 8 statement that hay was A CASH BUSINESS AT BED Nov. 28th, killed four, and endan Special position |2 extra charge per in- official« of the U. 8. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terma, and referencea to aetnal Insteadof position a standing reader client« in your own State or county, write to above addreaa. gattention to ad. each week is run iu with gered the lives of several others. on Seattle’s city officials for at- be.ng shipped to The Dalles from ROCK PRICES. ewa matter free. tempting to keep the people in igno- Nebraska at $19 a ton. The Sun t"“Aa we stereotype all our advertisements Is our motto. Good Buggy Teams, and Nice I Nurse and steward in custody. angeaafter 1st fonr publications, |1 each. rance of the doings of the city coun says corn is being chipped there | Adve.rttoing in local columns, 10c a line. saddle Horses Furnished at Reasonable Charges j Tïouses and Cottages and Particular Attention paid ro the Boarding I Marriage, birth, and death announce- Prof. Zeokaner, a leading Rus from Nebraska at $25 a ton. and Gruomin of Transient Stock. Hay&Grainl cil. Put the rascals out. cee. Such items solicited as news. Liberal rates ofTered to religious, social, on hands. sian medical man says, Dec. 1st, • luca iona'1 bodies. The Rotteveil company of Ger-, -L. G. English, while tempora the influenza prevailing in St. Pet D. S. HOPKINS, A rchitect . . __ I BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. many, having the manufacture of rily insane, obtained money from I ersburg is a forerunner cholera; JOB WORK Grand Kapida, Mich. Wilt ;urni«h Dealana of Houac«, Cottage», and Mamlona coitlng from »300 sa np ta auy rv description executed with neatness similar signs preceded the list five smokeless powder, will manufacture Portland business men by means of figure wanted. If you meau lo build, send |1 to my address, and I will mail you a portfo patch, at reasonable rates this new powder in the United drafts drawn on fictitious firms, was lio of 33 design« of dwellings, like the one on file in E ast O regon H erald with Poeterà, Pamphlets cholera epidemic. full plan of each, full size details, complete specifications, and bill of materials, all very W. W. Cardwell, hill Heads. Letter Heads, arrested, but the indictments were States for use by the U. S. navy. full and complete so any ordinary carpenter or builder will have notrouble in going Note Heads, Cards, Tickets. ahead and completing the work. And if you do not find just what yon want, write me Harper’s Weekly of Nov. 30th, ■<:*. Invitations, Dodgers, Etc. dismissed, Nov. 26th, on above ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. what changes vou desire made, and I will accommodate you. Or leave Orders with T h « Six bronze cannons and coffers H rkald . You will it as cheap to erect a handsome house as to waste material on Rih**; gives a portrait of the successor to plea. H krald is kept regularly on file for re- sightly building. Wilj aid you iu re-constructing your present hollaing. 41-w B urns , O r . containing 30,000 gold and silver , in the Geo. P. Rewell Newspaper Ad- Rubinstein ’ s prospective successor, K Bureau, l<i Spruce at.. New York. -J. F. Cain, track-walker near Rid Practice« in all the courts of the State, Eugene Francis Charles D’Albert, Spanish coins of 1666, were recov Also, before the U. 8. Land Office. ered from the bottom of the sea, dle, Or., was murdered the night OFFICIAI. DIRECTORY. born in Glasco, 1864, as promising L and M atters a S pecialty . - m The Odell F) fair to become th« pianist of the near the Island of Andros, Nov. of Nov. 27, while outside his door national : 27th, report says. MHgent Benjamin Harrison by unknown parties, dragged into P E W R I T Eli age. ■ ^^■’reaident . Levi P. Morton eefttary of State James G. Blaine It is feared that Worth, the Paris the house, trunk and room robbed ' IfÄary ofTreasury William Windom CHAS. SAMPSON - - B urns , O r . Romantic young man, Peter IW>ry of Interior JohnW. Noble TYP* WRlTF.il. WARRANTED TO.DO A* QiK man milliner, v»ill never become of a watch, revolver, and a small' 3) I «— WILL BUY THE ODELL W-A-T-C-H-M-A-K-E-R kVMary of War Redfield Proctor Cameron, in Victoria, B. C. swal as any One-Hundred Dollar Machine. .■■ary of Navy Benjamin F. Tracey sum of money. -AND- a millionaire, as he presented his WMary of Agricultor« Jeremiah M. Rusk lowed contents of a bottle of lauda It combines siMPi.iciTYwith durability — speed , ease of operation -■Bey General Wm H. II. Miller Jeweler. ■Master General John Wanamaker wears longer without cost of repairs than any other machine, has num, Dec. 1, clasped photo of a 600 employees $10 apiece and a -Geo. H. Pendleton, minister to STATE—OREGON: no inkribbon to bother the operation. It neat, substantial, nick- ( J. N. Dolph young widow, who had broken off half a holiday to attend the last Germany, aged 65 years, in 1864 ',1s. Senators K I J. H. Mitchell el-plated—perfect and adapted to all kinds of typewritin.g day of the great exhibition. Democratic nominee for Vice-Pres kssmau . R.. Binger Hermann her engagement with him, to heart BLACKSMITH. [nor . D.Sylvester Pennoyer Like a Printing Press it produces sharp, clean, legible manuscript. Two to ten copies lary of State R Geo. W. McBride and died on her doorstep. Chris. Kleintz, a 14-year old ha ident of the United States, and ar can be made at one writings. Editors, lawyers, ministers, bankers, merchants, lurer _ D G. W. Webb ADOLPH TUPKER - - P rop ’ r dent advocate of Civil Service re manufacturers, business men, etc., cannot inAke a lietter luvestment/or >15. Public Instruction R J. B. McElroy The most ably edited papers, bitual cigarette smoker of Philadel Au Intelligent person in a week can become a Good operator, or a rapidon« in 2 moilM. Printer D . . Frank Bakei D ) R 8. Strahan —GENERAL REPAIRING— weekly, in the United States is the phia, had the habit stop prespira- form, and in honor of whom Pen __ Judges R > Wm. P. Ix>rd $1,000 offered any operator who can do better work with a Type- dleton, Or., was named, died in AND D 7 W. W. Thayer National Democrat at Washington. tion, 22d ult., his body swelled Writer than that produced by the Odell, Reliable Agent* SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: Brussels, Nov. 24th. enormously, and all hope of life ct Judge .................I) ...........L. B. I son and Salesmen wanted. Special inducements to Dealers. It will contain all the department ct Attorney .R .J.. L. R and For Pamphlets, giving endorsements, <fcc., address the -A Portland school teacher, Miss news, as well as proceedings of Con dependant on starting theprespira- COUNTY—II ARNEY: tion out on the body. Promptly executed. The building has been en gress. Bertha Moore, inflicted a slight 45 ODELL TYPE WRITER CO., T he R ookery , C hicaqo , III. We recommend our readers O. W. G ilham larged and improved and is »repared to turn Mntativ« (R) ;y Judge J. T. S hields out all kinds of blacksmithing on short notice to subscribe for it. (D) whipping on a son of attorneys. W It and T he Nov. 25th, Harmon Baxter, an G rack and in the beat style. Terms: Cash. 1-ly <w T, W. H. E. R oberts [irer .... (I>> H erald one year for $3. invalid who lived in a cabin with Rice, and on complaint of “viola yor ...... W. R. G radon (H) . A. A. Co A INO ■ ..........(P) ting a rule in chastising a pupil,” T E. A lberbom I ■or................ ........ .(DÍ. W. HARNEY ADVERTISEMENTS. The new American navy is repre his son, near Spokane Falls, acci- i n e Stage A Superintendent. ent (D) .. L. B. B aker the Park school board called a spe dentally killed the boy, who had 'Inspector W m . M eeker sented by the Squadron of Evolution I ----------------------- stepped outside the door, when the cial meeting to investigate the (D) I L ytle H oward ' tois«ioners J. MAT. HUDSON that sailed for Europe on the 18th, W. A. WIBHIRE, T. B. J ames charge, Nov. 25. rifle the father was placing in the Harney, Or. Lakeview, Or. FROM PRINEVILLE TO BURNS. comDosed of the cruiser “Chicago,” ■ABNIT V. a. LAND orfica: -Rule Sawyer, while driving a “Atlanta,” “Boston,” and “York rack went off, struck through the WILSHIRE <Jr HUDSON. •r.............................. J. B. H untington i C. B. BAKER, Sub-Contractor. town,” and is the pride of the nation I wall into the boy’s head, The fa- milk wagon in Portland was ar •r ............ H arrison K elley Prineville Monday, Il I • ■. Arrive, at Burn, Wedneeday« U l p a. ther is in jail. Attomeys-at-Law, rested, Nov. 25th, by a U. 8. Mar Î7LÎÎ BnJnî Tbnr, lä". at « • ». Arrive, at Prineville Batarday. at « , - at present. It stops at Boston, Lon LAKEVIEW AND HARNEY, OR. An old crippled watchman in shal, he having passed a «10 coun don, to the leading Mediterranean CHURCH DIRECTORY. This firm practices in the courts of the State ports, Brest, chief French, German, New York, was brutally murdered, terfeit bill off on G. Caicob in Lu Pasungtr ratal from Prineville to Burns 17.50; Round trip 114—with SO days delay. and before the U. 8. Land Office. Any land 8 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Office or other business entrusted to them will and British ports, thence back to Nov. 27th, by Joseph Kinney, late cas co., Ohio, Aug. 10, 1886, for receive prompt attention. A. M. M c C sbt Pastor. MW-LA ND CANES SOLICITED. ly discharged by him for neglecting which Sawyer was arrested, released the United States. e will be preaching by the pastor In each B R E W E R Y . ss follows, until further notice* his work; so soon as Kinney got on $1000 bond, which he forfeited | sbt»ett>—Burns—at 11 a m. and 7:30 pm, Nov. 23d the Zealandia brought, ibbath—Island School House— at 11 a m. • —Harney—at 7:30 p in. the particulars of the loss of the i his wages, he bought a pistol, and by decainping and was unheard of PAUL LOCHER - -- -- -- - PROPRIETOR. ELITE SALOON. ibbath—Burna—st 11 a m, and 7:30 p m. abbath—llaruey—at 11 a m, and 7:80p m. well-known young a>ronant, Van poured shot after shot in the old for nearly three years till some BURNS, OREGON HARNEY, ------------- OREGON Tassels, who left San Francisco a man’s back until he fell mortally J time in October. Th« Burns B««r is a Fin« Quality, aud mar b« had by th« G Is Battiti, or in Quaatity. COATSWORTH A TREGASKIS, | injured. The manslayer is in jail, j few days ago for Honolula. On the -The Deputy Sheriff that arrested SOCIETIES. FROPRirroM. 19 ult., he ascended from the center The French prelate, Lacerda, be Gibbs, the mulatto murderer, iRNEY LODGE. NO. 77. I. O. O. F. CANYON CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. of the town in presence of an im lieves the United States had much claimed the $1300 reward, received a at Odd Fellows Hall, ever* Saturday n, J, B. M c KINN o N, N. G. mense crowd, and those on board to do with the Brazil revolution $1170, the rich Pullman Company) B rown . Sect’y. the vessel report that his parachute from monarchical to the republican refusing to pay the $100, as their! C. A. RWF.EK, ASSETS OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS. U. S. MAILS. left the balloon as it rose to about form of government; and the Pope offer was verbal, and the millionaire ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. “The Ix.'*<iing Company of the Pacific Northwest.” 1000 ft and was drifting seaward. has ordered Catholic bishops and mayor of Portland charged him $30 CANYON CITY, OREGON. •UKMS— TALK* f^»p«tlVATE DWELLINGS AND FARM PROPERTY A SPECIALTY. A small vessel, a boat, and two clergymen in Brazil not to meddle for collecting the reward. Gibbs' I and departs daily, Sundays excepted. boats, form the Zealandia, rushed with politics, but to demand of the daddy by the way is said to be a •VP ms — cawtow city : The Farmers’ Company. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. < a m. Attorney-at-Law. sad ays. Ihursda.’. s A Saturdays 10 top in. to the spot, only a mile distant new government to be allowed to judge in Arkansas, worth $60,000, OF SALEM, OREGON. from the latter, but nothing was perform, as hitherto, their religious and will spend money to release • VBM*— PBIMBViLbC; M DUSTIN Burns, Ore. i Thursdays at 6 a m J. C, PARKER, Agent, Office: Harnea City and Burns seen but four monster white sharks. duties in liberty. his son. TkV'M*'> si < a m Il T he drewsey S aloon . 1 y J ob work . STATE INSURANCE COMPANY.