Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1889)
t * M ' j ‘A y 1 ' I r I E ast O regon H erald BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGQN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER > ■ X ol. Ill—No. 2. 3, 1889.* €’ $2.30 a Year. à BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS i Boulanger’s election not recog- ; nized by a vote of 13 to 12, Nov. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY 21st. ! E urns circulating t ■ .IB RAR Y BY -Nov. 22d, Prineville had FHOM ALL I ’ AHTHOF THE WORLD AND The Patti season ojfcned iu Chi D. L.O. GRACE, i> Of the various Baking Powder* illua* OOMLSTIC AND FOREIGN. trated from actual test*. cago, Nov. 21st, the auction eale of snow. BOOK EXCHANGE P ublishers and P roprietors . IN THE HERALD BUILDING. ROYAL (Purejj -Baker City’s new $60,000 1, Social, IleliRlous, an«l Ed of boxes realizing $50,000. MRS. GRACE, ------ L ibrarian . ucational Events. ■ Object of opening this business in connection with the Free Rending Room is to obtain the is nearing completion. CRABTS-(Alum).... Two freight train« on the N. P. NEWSPAPER LAWS. Funds for purchasing books for a Public Library for Burns—The lot for the building is bought. 1. A postmaster Is required to give notice by RUMFORD’S* (rmllMpi TERMS: Membership Fee «12 a year. Reading Fee 10c. Deposit of 25c, or Retail price of Peri , Suicide», Thefts, Accidents, were wrecked, near Missoula, thro' -Corvallis Times carries a large odical lstter (returning the paper does n«»t answer the or Book, made with the Librarian, in every instance« Send for Catalogue. ipHHCN by Pirc. Flood, Rail, law), when a subscriber does not take his paper HARFORD’S («han l^t«h> ° carelessness of the section hands. two-column adv. of Corvallis. Xg^The Librarian is agent for and will take Subscriptions at the Lowest Rates for anv P®rt* ► Cyclone, and Blizzard. out of the office, ami the reason f«»r its not being j odical, and order any Book, published in the Uuited States or Canada. Also, Sheet Mmlc ana taken. Anv neglect to do so makes the post CHARM • (Alum Powder). master responsible to the publisher for payment 44 cases and nine deaths from ' -Lane county is feeding a band ! Pictures, Works of Art, House-Building Designs, Etc. 2. If anv per». hi orders h's paper 'lisron LATEST BY STAGE. DAVIS” and 0. K.‘(Alum tinned, he must pay all arrearages, or ‘he Bub diptheria, in epidemic, form in a ' of 2300 sheep form East Oregon. Usher inav continue to sen I it until pa\ ment is $100,000,000 will be the pension CLIVELAKD’S..............,.......... »nude, and collect the whole amount whether ii ‘ county in Minnesota, Nov.20th. LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENT. it taken from 1 he office or not. There can be -Dr. Stout, of Mitchell, is attend PIONEER (San Fmncisco).... roll for 1890. legal discontinuance till payment is made. I Chippewas threaten to massacre ' 3. Anv person who takes a paper from 1 he ing the medical college in Nash CZAR............. Plymouth church installed Dr. the white squatters thlft have set post office, whether directed to his name or an other, or whether he has subscribed or not. is ville, Tennessee. DR. PRICE'S Lyman Abbot as pastor, Nov. 22d. responsible for the pay HOPKINS HOUSE. tled on the best of tficir reserva- 4. If a Subscriber orders his paper stopped SNOW FLAKE (Groff*«). -Grant’s ex-County Clerk, J. T. I at a certain time, and the I iblisher continues Despatches from Ravanna of to scud, the subscriber is h And to pay for it if j tions. . CONGRESS Mael’shouse and contentB'destroyed M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . he takes it out of the p«A p* c This proceeds Nov. 22,deny revolution in Cuba. J .■ on the ground that a ms buat pay for what he HECK«’« i The first p*i ^1" -j from the by fire, wck before last. \ . 5. The courts have d?c’' wd that refusing tc C. P. R. R bridge at Winnftnuc- East to San Francisco, by which a G1LLET9 ... EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. take newspapers and perrndica's from the pest office, or leaving them uncalled for, withon ca, Nev., destroyed by fire, Nov. gain of 24 hour’s time is secured, • -A Ix.-8sings’ furniture store, un HANFORD'S (None Such), when not fresh., paying for the same, is priina facia evidence oi insured, in Lakeview, Nov. 14, was —o---------- inientionsl fraud. PEARL (Andrews & Co.)................................. I 22d. arrived Nov. 19th. ! totally destroyed by fire. I 1 Thia Hotel It new (House, Roome. sn<l Furniture) aad offers courteous servies te srery •««•». RUMFORD'S* (Phosphate), when not fresh... SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Every vot r in the new r public A wind storm, 18th ult., swept -The Odd Fellows of McMinnville On« Year «3.00 Reports of Government Chemists. of Brazil, must be able to read and over Washington, Nevada and Cal ¡six Muni ha. l-r»9 have established a reading room Three M out ha • .75 " The Royal Baking Powder is composed of write. One Year (in advance).. 2.50 ifornia, doing serious damage to ves pure and wholesoma ingredients. It does not i and library in their town. contain cither alum or phosphates, or other in The rainfall for the season to sels, houses and stock. HERALD CLUB LIST jurious substances.- E dward G. L ove , Ph.D.” -Junction City Pilot says work Herald and The UeiHury, one year <5.^0 Nov. 22d, at San Francisco is 9.92 Stanley and his expedition were Herald and St. Nicholas, “ 4.60 ** The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly on the O. P. R. R. is being pushed Herald and Demoreat Magazine, one ' ear 3X0 General Blacksmith Waeon-maker. i at Mpwapwa, Npvcmber 10th, and the purest and most reliable baking powdei inches. Herald and Peterson Magazine " 8.60 along as fast as men can do it. Herald and Gode.v’s Lady’s Bo ;k “ 3.69 offered to the public. ! expected to arrive at the Zanzibari H. R. SCHLÄGEL ------ L axkvixw , O inm . The overthrow of the Empire of lieraid and West Shore “ 4.00 “ H enry A. M ott , M. D., Ph. D.” Herald and Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper 5.75 -Mrs. Mary Dambach, Boise City [ coast last Sunday, 1st inst. Brazil was a surprise to the politi •'The Royal Baking Powder is purest in qual Herald and Leslie's Popular Monthly 4.75 ----------- O----------- Herald and Leslie’s Sunday Magaziue 3.75 ity and highest in strength of any baking pow cal world. Herald and Belford's Magazine 3.75 The Governor of Tennessee will Idaho, is offering a reward for her der of which I have knowledge. Herald and WeeKly Call 3.00 Prepared to do all Kind« et Work in the Blackimlth line. Hor«, Ihoatag at *.H P« husband, Christian Dambach. Herald an i Bail v Call 6.00 " W m . M c M urtrie , Ph. D.” The massacre of the African ex commute the sentences of the five Herald ami WeeKly Examiner 8.00 * All Alum baking powders, no matter how Herald and Daily Examiuer 6.00 brothers for the murder of Henry -Nov. 22, a Portland school build -BUGGIES, WAGONS, E T C.,-^ high their strength, are to be avoided as dan plorer Dr. Peters between the 12th Herald and WeeKly New York World 3 00 Herald and Detroit Free Press ... 3.00 gerous. Phosphate powders liberate their gas and 20th inst., is now in doubt. ■ Sutton in Hancock co., last Janua- ing and contents valued at $10,000 MADK TO ORDER WITH NEATNESS, AND OF GOOD QUALITY. Herald and Harper’?- Magazine......... 5.00 too freely, or under climatic changes suffer de Herald and Harper's Weekly...............5.20 terioration. was totally destroyed by fire. ALL WORK WARRANTED. ry. I The two women supposed to be Herald and Harper's Bazar .... 5.20 Herald and Harper’s Young People 3.75 Binger Hermann's own county , old Mrs. Bender and Kate Bender, -A Free Reading Room and Li-' Herald and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia, .2.90 Each additional volume after Vol. 1, 55 cents; the Kansas murderers, after exam- is kicking against him because of brary have been established in T. V. B. EMBREE, M. D. 10 cents extra ver volume, p« stage. DREWSEY ADVERTISEMENT. Office bis n-h’f, . t ,i. (he east ide of Si ¡nation were held without bail. the division of spoils—Let East Or Burns, Or., by private enterprise. jW-Coi, »>•» .»( all the above works ran be ex vies River, ten i:i .t below Buri s. a mined at leisure in the Reading Room. Palace hotel in San Francisco egon get in and kid hard enough -The Oregon City Woolen mills Publishers of periodica's are s ilicited I during the month of November to secure the congressional nomina resumed the former wages and the to send clubbing a ropy of their work for S B. McPIIEETERS, M. D. eur Free Reading Room—We file, and bind the ! changed its full outfit of servants tion for a man from that section, is .40 strikers returned to their work. I latter at close of every half volume, P'ul < i PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. the Portland World’s suggestion. copies by advertisement. from colored to white persons. Office at W. E. Grace’s Drug Store. 1-ly P rofrirtm ». -Deputy U. S. Marshal Harper, I DR’KtovN « SULT J VAN If the spirit of Christmas is best Nov. 22d, Sonoma county Cal., AI)VKKTI«IN<¡ KATES : arrested a man at Long Creek on 1 yr. STACK 1 wk 2 wk J 1 luo j «» mo 6 mo PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. had her first cyclone, which swept symbolized by the act of giving, Lou. J. Bosenberg, MixoiogiqK ; charge of mail robbery, but released *X) 111.00 115.06 1 Inch II..w $_..)U 1 ?•> OU j over and devastated a strip of land Harper’s Magazine for December is 4.00 1 o;»«) 1 12 O> 28 00 18 ÜC 3.OU 2 “ t . a . M c K innon , him. an ideal Christmas number. It 10 00 5.U(*| 8.00 j 15.00 21 00 Z “ 3.50 Everything in ou/ tine of the Beet. Liquor*—Whiekh^y Brandies, Any and all kind« of surveying done on shot 500 ft. wide and several miles long. h 10. iK! 1 J) 00 .'»0 00 :,2.oo 4 5'1 4 “ Sei tier ! presents to its readers splendid 48.00 54 00 notice and reasonable terms. y.üo m : 28.00 6.00 1: coi. Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand wbsa -Gibbs, the Portland man slayer, KJ. 00 L0 00 wishing to be located, can have plats furnishe 1 .* oo I UO« 12. VO 16 Stanley himself is directly heard gifts of story, essays, and illustra 20.00 1.0.00 1 $0 (X) 1 ’.O.OO 110.00 140.00 free of charge. 1 “ you call on “Uncle Dick,” at Drewsey, Harney county* OJ was indicted for murder in the from, Nov. 22d, having written a tion; and it has selected these NOTICE TO FOREb;”l AD\E ITJSCRS. first degree. Trial set for Decem letter to the British consul announc treasures of its bounty with rare While respectfully solu itiug ymir palrounge SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP as we desire to keep our readv;g }»< g’eu as to the ing his and Emin’s arrival at Mp appreciation of what people in their ber 10th. b?st goods and reliable firms to deal with, cor PATENTS. rt spondenee will be saved by referring to the J. C. WELCOME - P koi kietor . wapwa. -Hay shipped from Nebraska to holiday humor want to receive. C. A. SNOW & CO. - - - WASHINGTON, D. C. following 8‘atemeuts i i.setl upou our circula- BURNS. OREGON. yon n this am' adjoining cvumiti*: Pfcuts obtained, and all patent business attended to promptly and for 'moderatotfoss.. The Dalles at $19 a ton—Heaven The S. F. Call says the democrat fOJ^Liberal redticti«Hi to ui. \cnrly adver- In New York, Nov. 22d, a con Our Office is opposite the U. 8. Patent Office, and we can obtain in less time than those liters Call at Olih e, or v:iie to Pubiiaher. ic ticket for 1892 will be for Cleve sumptive, James Smith, letter-car help “'the cattle on a thousand hills” Og^f’uts » barged exG a, a* * onling to spat e; remote from Washington. Send Model or Drawing. We advise as to patentability free FEED AND LIVERY STABLE. none but metal base a. iiü’ie*.. of charge; and we make no charge unless patent is secured. land, President; Campbell, Vice- rier, whom the doctors had told in East Oregon if that report be ^«Jt-lnimorúl mcui< ijmi ■ s a m. price. We refer here to the Postmaster, the Superintendent of Money Order Division, and to Ad vert ¡semen s a: iefeK 1 :;u < cuts per 1 ;I. CALDWELL, - - - - P bofbikto *. President; Calvin S. Brice, Payne’s could not live later than next spring, true! inri), net price, yearly, < ¡ -0 • euts, transient, officials of the U. 8. Patent Office. For circular, ad vice, terms, and references to aotaai not received. clients in your own State or county, write to above atldress. <®^.Hpecia,l’ion - ;tra charge pej in L A CASH BUSINESS AT BED successor. became desperate at tho desertion -The Baker City Railway Com sertion. Ins cad of pt.-siiioii a st unding reader « ailing attention to a*i. Cat h '>euk is run in with ROCK PRICES. I In the New Jersey legislature of his wife, two weeks ago, and shot mit* 'c received an encouraging letter ¡acai news mailer free. ItAir^As we s ereot * pv a'.l our advertisements Is our metto. Good Buggy Teams, there are 11 Republicans, 10 Dem- his two baby girls, aged 11 months the from O. P. R. R. Co... regarding all changes after 1st four publica.ions, each, ! . saddle Hoi ses F,urniahedadJAi iy^D'.^blL ’ ■S , a .)<>„ «túiill « l.k «>«,111 U» I1A1 m«l M liuaa ‘ctjjniH, >and and change of rumRi in favJfr of their N- i ocratsj 10 Democrats inithe sqnate. and tWc vSare.j TAM,ectj^tfV5 «a«« uk Trai sient 8idMr menta tree. Mu L Rein« solicited As news. on hands. J u*y i 11 j <0^ Libe nil raves offered to re’’ social, muiSvrir anuust ci* ana citv. nnujvrr " incfcsi, ei> l«f l /dea<l; « ' 23 R^ rtrrr, ’ ' 5t *** <y ’ a1tvl and educational bodies. . i-LtiJ^Asscinbly. youngesfydying. and the unhappy D. S. HOPKINS, A rchitect . BURNS ADVERTISEMENT -Umatilla county gives a human JOB WORK IJarper’s Baz'ft», Dec. 7th, says: father wounded, thd bullet having curiosity in shape of a Nes Perces Grand Rapids, Mich. Of every description exccT ?ed with neatness i »nd despatch, at reasonable rates Will furnish Designs of Houses, Cottages, and Mansions costing from «300 on np la any Lorillard Speucer is building a “cot been defected by a button. Indian with one eye in the center figure wanted. If you meau lo build,send «1 to my address, and I will mall you a portfo Circulars, Pamphlets lio of .'3 designs of dwellings, like the one on file in E ast O regon H erald office, with tage” 128 by 92 ft. built at New A wealthy widow, Hannah South of its forehead; sight reported all Envelopes, W. W, Cardwell, Letter Heads, full plan of each, full size details, complete specifications, and bill of materials, all very Statements, car-'u Ti< Rets, full and complete so any ordinary carpenter or builder will have no trouble in going port, the summer home of Ameii worth, nee Martin, put five shots right. demoran la. Dodgei s, Etc. ahead and completing the work. And if you do not find just what yon want, write me A T T O R N E Y- A T- L A W. what changes you desire made, and I will accommodate you. Or leave Orders with T hs can millionaires. into and killed Stephens T. Pettus, T he II erild is kept regu’arly on ii’e for re H erald . Y ou will it as cheap to erect a handsome house as to waste material on an.aa- ference, in the Geo. P. Kewell Newspaper Ad- B urns , O r . -Two men where killed, 20th ult., sightiy building. Wilj aid you iu re constructing your present building. 41-ttf a wealthy married man, while in ertisloji Bureau. 10 Spruce st., New York. The delegation from the Lick ob-' Practices in all the courts o State, sane with brooding over, what her at Oswego, by a brake on a freight servatory, California, to view the Also, before the U. 8. Land Offi OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. family asserts they can prove was ear refusing to work, causing the L and M atters a S pecialty . total eclipse of the sun, Nov. 22d,1 national : a foul wrong done her threo years: car to run into a hand car on the I go to French Guiana to make i — — — President Benjamin Harrison , The Odell ago by him and female accomplices, track. Vice-President Levi P. Morton their observations. lecretary of State James G. Blaine P E W R I Ti who drugged her; unable to reduce -The Franciscan Sisters, of Ba lecretary ofTreasury William Windom CHAS. SAMPSON - - B urns , O r . le<retary of Interior John W. Noble | News reached New Haven, Conn., her to submission, he resorted to lee ret ary of War W-A-T-C-H-M-A-K-E-R Redfield Proctor ; ker City, have 35 boarders and as lecretary of Navy Benjamin F. Tracey ll type writer , warranted to . do . a * -AND- Nov. 22d, that the steamer “Man- coercion by insinuation, which lead ¡many day pupils attending their WlU WILL B o Y TI[E 0D* ecretary of Agriculture Jeremiah M. Rusk as any One-Hundred Dollar Machine. 910 attorney General Wm H. II. Miller Jeweler. | hattan,” had collied with the “Agnes | to the shooting. The beginning of admirably well conducted convent It combines siMPi.iciTYwith durability — speed , ease or operation 'ostmaster General John Wanamaker STATE—OREGOB : Manning,” and sunk; loss of life, ■ the evil lay in a widow permit i school. wears longer without cost of repairs than any other machine, has », / I J. J. N. N. Dolph Dolph J. 8. Senators K I I J. J. II. II. Mitchell Mitchell 19 and 14 rescued from a life-raft. ting the addresses of a married no inkribbon to bother the operation. It neat, substantial, nick- 'ongressman R. Binger Hermann lovcrnor BLACKSMITH. D.Hylvtslur Pcnnover -Contractor Nelson Bennett’s el-plated—perfect and adapted to all kindi.of typewritin.g man. ecretary of State . K. Geo Geo. W. McBride “ No Man ’ s Land ” is declared un ! 'reasurer D O. W. Welil» suit for damages against the O. P. Like a Printing Press it produces sharp, clean, legible manuscript. Two to ten coplea upt. Public Instruction. R J. H. McElroy ADOLPH TUPKER - - P roi -’ r Nov. 22d reported the freight car derjurisdiction of the eastern dis can be made at one writings. Editor*, lawyer*, ministers, bankers, merchants, late Printer D Frank Bakei R. It. Co., wa* withdrawn and the manufacturers, business men, etc., cannot make a better investment ¡for |15. D H. Straiian —GENERAL REPAIRING— trict of Texas, through the decision famine in St. Louis as becoming ? K. Wm. 1’. Lord npreme Judges R Au person in a week can become a Good operator, or a rapidone in 2 months. [of Judge Foster in the case of the disastrous: A shortage on western oase dismissed, each party paying ) W. W. Thayer D SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: its costs. $1,000 offered any operator who can do better work with a Type Stevens county murderers, Nov. railroads of from 3,500 to 4,000 cars, ¡strict Judge . D LB. I son ¡ writer than that produced by the Odell, i&"" Reliable Agent* ^strict Attorney .R J.. L. R and , the corn crop moving in bulk, every 20th. -“Medusa’s Head,” by F. D. Mil and Salesmen wanted. Special inducements to Dealer*. COUNTY—HARNEY : available freight car in service, let—Two illustrations drawn by H For Pamphlets, giving endorsements, &c., address the Promptly executed. The building has been en Representative (R) G. W. G ilham larged and improved and is prepared to turn The S. F. Blythe-Will case has j every shop turning out new and re 'ounty Judge J. T. S hield « out all kinds of blacksmithing on short notice W. McVickar. The tale of a peril 45 ODELL TYPE WRITER CO., T he R ookery , C hicago , III. (ID lerk .W. E. G rack and in the best style. Terms: Cash. progressed, Nov. 22d, to the meas pairing old cars, and no chance to (1») 1-ly reasurer T. If. R oberte ous situation, in Harper’s Magazine ■ (I>) urveyor W. R. G radon (10 urement, by the lawyers, of a white i prevent a freight blockade of the herift . A. A. COW INO i for December. ■(!>) issefsor ................. ............. (D). W. E. A lberson haired old lady, claimant of rela largest proportions ever known HARNEY ADVERTISEMENTS. chool Superintendent .(D) I.. B. B aker tuck inspector Stage W m . M eeker -P. H. Murphy i* rebuilding his tionship, sister, to the deceased mil Farmers in the corn belt have sold i n e. (D) J I. ytlb H oward barn, at Lakeview, lately destroyed lionaire. oinm issiouers 'D? { 1. MAT. BVMOlt T. B. J ames | anil cannot deliver. Dealers have Harney. Or. by fire. It is said to be the largest 1 contracted 1,500,000 2,(XX),000 bu. Secretary Rnsk is negotiating to FROM PRINEVILLE TO BURNS. HARNEY V. «. LAND OFFICI: in the county, 85 by 100 ft. and will WILSHIRE A HUDSON. purchase a pair of 2:35 blooded I for December delivery, and cannot hold 200 tons of hay. Register J. B. H untington leu elver H arrison K elley horses, at Government expense, to I control a carload. C. B. BAKER, Sub-Contractor. Attorneys-at-Law, -A Mormon missionary from (.«are« rrinartlla Monday« at * a m. Arrima at Burn« W«dnr«da,( at • * aa, draw him to and from his oflice. in List February. Geo. Knowlton, LAKEVIEW AND BARNEY, OR. Leavta Burna Thuradara at «am. Arrive« at l-rlnavlll« Satarday« M « * at. CHf RUH DIRECTORY. New Mexico has been circulating stead of the sedate Government car of Minneapolis, left with $12,500 This firm practices in the courts of the State and before the U. 8. Land Office. Any land riage horse?. for La Suer to buy stock. Not a ; freely among immigrants as they' Paaxeiigar ratea from Prineville to Burn« *7.50; Round trip >14—«¡th 00 day» delay. CRN» METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. office or other business entrusted to them will receive prompt attention. arrive in Portland, endeavoring to A. M. M c C art Pastor. Robert Bonner, founder of the J trace of him could lie obtained by i pursuade them to go with him. fW*LAND CASEti SOLICITED. There will be preaching by the pastor in each ».»nth as follows, until further notice New Yotk Ledger, owner of “Maud his wife and friends, excopt an over st Sabbath—Bun s—at 11 a m. and 7:30 p id , BREWERY. I 2d Sabbath—Island School House— at 11 a m. -Spurious gold pieces, $5, $10 S.,” has arrived in San Francisco, | coat, left in hotel in La Suer, rail- “ —Harney—at 7:30 p m. ELITE SALOON. Cd Sabbath—Burn*—it 11 n in. and 7:30 pm. to look at his latest purchase, the i road depots were examined and the and $20, are reported in circulation ' 4th Sabbath—Harney—at 11 a m, and 7:tOp m. PÂUL LOCHER - - - ----- PROPRIETOR. HARNEY,------------- OREGON California mare with a 2:1U| record., river dragged. The wife went to and likely to appear in Willamette ! BURNS, OREGON COATSWORTII A TREGASKIS, he paid $50,000 and a fine brood ■ work in a I k > x factory, and last cities shortly. They have the1 SOCIETIES. PROPRIETOR*». The Bura« Baer I« a fine Quality, and may ba had by tba «la *a«Uad, ar la QaaaMty month married a young mechanic. right ring but are of light weight. mare. Nov. 21st Knowlton arrived in HARNEY LODGE. SO. 77, I. O. O. F. CANYON CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, everv Ha'urdar “Maud S.” “Jay Eye See,” *nd A Chinese domestic was accused town looking like the ghost of his p m. J. E. McKINNoN, N. G. B km B kow 5. Scct’y. of stealing articles of jewery from a former self, and says he will not' “Sunol” are bred and related to trouble his wife. Of his absence he farmer named. McL.-Uen. near Red- gives proof that lie knew nothing' each other through the great “Lex C. A. HWEEK. U. S. MAILS. j wood City: he was taken to*» barn after leaving the hotel in La Suer' ington” and “Hambletonian.” ASSETS OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS. ATTO R N E Y-AT-LA W. CASVON CITY. OREGON. . and hung till u(.conscious to make, in February till April when he “The Ix-ading Company of the Pacific Northwest." The law of Dakota is, that any | him confers He made his way to found himself on a German farm,! person shall be allowed a credit of 15 fSP-PRIVATE IIWF.I.L14GM AND FARM I'ROPFRTY A BFF.< lil.TV -Wa-^S !*an Francisco and preferred a near Manakrtto. where he has re-' mained an invalid till able to re-* on hie road tax, that »hall provide Attorney-at-Law. The Farmers’ Oompany. charge cf a*i*’’lt to commit ingr-'. j turn, his b .-t having written his; a watering trough beside the road*, LLZ OF SALEM, OREGON. M. LUSTIN der api. -t the fam.or, who was .’wife and the letters Evidently mis- extra ’h’e’w bucket «nd cup > are i "buie: Harney City and Burns •acquit!O',' carried. i ,. . Burns, Ore J, C, PARKER, Agent, • 1 t • 1 added. THE HERALD. tEAVENING POWER STATE NEWS. THE i I J (I THE DREWSEY’SALOON. i — J ob work . - -----< » > STATE INSURANCE COMPANY. M