THE J DURKHEIMER A CO’S . LOCAL-PAGE ADVERTIbEML.X 1 I_iOWEST PRICES ONLY FIRST WE ARE ¡JI«? County With Their FALL & WINTER SUPPLIES CLASS CrOODS THAT CAN SUPPLY THE Our Prices are the SAME as JVt tlx© raiload xvitti froig-lxt added WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE. DURKHEIMER , upoll the BE qr, Sec. 32, Tp. 27, S., R. 31 aid that said proof will be made before the by those who have seen it, to be Object of opening this businiEB in connection with lhe Free Reading Room is to obtain the Register and Receiver at Lakeview. Oregou, E. W. M., in Harney county, Oregon, with a sion of a Polk county correspond­ —Prayer meeting at the Poison the most elegant residence in the Funds for purchasing books fur a Public Library for Burns—The lot fur the building is bought. view t<» the cancellation of said entry; contestant •a December 12th, 1889, viz: alleging ihai the said Wm. Henrick failed to ent endorsed by position in its edit­ creek school house every Wednes­ TERMS: Membership Fee |12 » . ar. Reading Fee 10c. Deposit;of 25c, or Retail price of Peri­ Rarti n Conrad» county. < odical or Book, made with the Librarian, in every instance. Send for Catalogue. break or cause t«> be broken, five acres of the D. 8. No. 2899, for the SW qr of NW qr. Sec 26; said tract, within a year after the date of filing orial columns, being a marked ex­ day evening. f^^Th.* Librarian is agent for anti will take Subscriptions at the Lowest Rates for any Peri­ —One of those “most substantial , odical, NL of SE qr, andSE qr of NE qr. See -7, Tp io, and that he has not upto rhe present date brok­ and order any Book, published in the Uuited States or Canada. Also, Sheet Music and a, K 23. E. He names the following witnesses en, or caused to be broken, five acres of the ample. Pictures, Works of Art, House-Building Designs, Etc. If the space devoted by citizens, ” alleged to have lately em ­ — Charges reasonable for livery w prove his continuous residence upon, and said tract, the said parties are hereby sum­ cultivation of said land, viz: Henry Egli, An­ moned to appear at this Office on the 26th day the new editors(?) to the silly and service at the Red Front Livery barked in the newspaper business ton Egli, of Sliver Lake P O., Lake co., Or., of December, 1889, at luo’clock, a in, to respond in our town, told us, the other day, - John Ammons, of Riley, Harney co., Or., and and furnish testimony concerning said alleged coarse inuendo of that article, had and Feed stable. Almon Randall, Paisley, Lake co., Oregon. failure. that T iie H erald would get no Re­ Nov J. D. HUNTINGTON. Register. been given to the promulgation of' Oct 24-44 WARREN TRUITT, Register. T he H erald , and Free Press for publican patronage whatever, now what they believe to be the found I four months, if you order in this or that they had a Republican organ. E-INAL PROOF. Career's JEJEardware Store doctrines of a good political party, next month, for only 90 cents. All of which may turn out to be so, IN AL PROOF, U nited S tates I and O ffice , / Burns, Oregon, November 11, 1889.1 there would be some tangible proof —Cal. Johnson, of Prairie City I as who knows the fruits of the fu- CAL. GEER U niter S tates L and O ffice , ( NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­ P roprietor . But one thing wo do know, Lakeview, Oregon, October 15, 1S8<;.1 ing named pettier lias filed noticeof his inten­ that a change beneficial to Harney came to Burns last week with a load and that is a Republican citizen OTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the follow- tion to make final proof in support of h:s claim, of Hour for the Durkl ’ “ -named settler has filed noticeof his inicn- and that said proof will be made betöre the county in general and Burns in par­ «rive his money’s worth of n to ct.mmure ami make final proof in tup- Regis’er nnd Receiver, U S. Land Office, at rt of his claim, and tiiat sai l proof will be Buri > , • > e »on, on Friday De em. 27, 1889, viz: ticular, had taken place in that pa­ —The sloppiest, muddiest c ling as well as any other de before the Register or Receiver at Luke- J. 1'1. De.*, of the fall of 1889, was Monday, per. Still, we, having our entire mal w, Oregon, on December ¡6th, 1889, viz: n, and, so, wo l.avc Crockery, Qneen*ware, Glassware, Shelf Goods of Every Description, Pre. D. s. No. 17. 7, for the BL. NW qr, NE qr NW j Th .i»r*R If. Smith, qr and N E <)r 8W qr, Hee. ¡ Tp. 28, S R 31 E. \V. | i financial worth centered in Burns, week, when the snow melted off. our "subscription list inflilV if not This Establi-ihmerlfcarrie lull and carefully selected'Stock equal to demand in ”t arries . a u full in'tlie FE. No. 1’87. for the S’* of NE qr, and N\: cf M. He names the following witnetsee to prove Hardware line—Cnee» of new goods nrv. now being opej all the representative Republicans oll'ered. K qr, Sec 28, Tp : S R F. lie names hie his continuous residence upon and c tilth atiun i as have some of the alleged new reasonable price, only, is placed on the god — Thos. J. Dodson returned from of paid land, viz: George Miller. W. M. Haves, Dowiug witnesses to prove his continuon« reel- of the county, and never obtained den« e upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank H. Beider, and Joe McLaughlin, ali of editors, cherish the hope for it beyond Heppner, where he deliv­ £SF“\Vc are Agent for the D. M. Osbor one of them by truckling to their James Vfadman, A.exander Montijo, ( harms Bliiztu, Harney county, Oregon. Fletcher, and Augustus Collii.s, nil of Diamond Nov 14-51 Implements. Jg J. B. HUNTINGTON. Register. living up to its declarations of Nov. ered a band of 1,700 mutton sheep. prejudices, or “bending the fawn­ P. O., Harney countv, Oregon, 6th, in the future, thereby showing ing knee. ” As Leonidas said at Oct 31-49 WARREN TRUITT. Register. ! —It If you want your horses neat- NEW TO-DAY. the reformation is more than from 1 ly groomed, put up at the Red Front the pass of Thermopylae, “Nothing the lips outward, and shall believe Livery stable, when you come to is worth having that is won at the (I P"1NAL PROOr. price of virtue.” - P"INAI. PROOF. new men have it in charge, and treat Burns. U nited S tates L and O ffice , ) Burns, Oregon, November 23, 1889,1 their journalistic venture with the U nited S tates L and O ffdk , | —The Red Front Livery and , —It gratifies ust> hear the name Lakeview, Oregou, October 15, lw89. I NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the follow- Feed stable is the place to put up of our friend, N. Comcgys, of the NOTICE B HEREBY GIVEN that tin-follow­ Ing-named Beltler has filed notice of biR inten­ I friendly consideration T he H erald ing liitmcd icttler has filed notice of his inten­ tion to make final proof in support of his claim your team; horses fed. watered and Blitzen, favorably commented upon On Main atreet, Burn«, Harn«y county, Oregon. tion to moke final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the 1 has ever shown its co-laborer in a groomed. - , in connection with the otiice of and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver, U. 8. Lan J office, at turns, Oregon, on Friday, January 3d, 18:0, viz: cause of common interest. county judge, when talking of “ can ­ Kegfeder or Receiver, at Lakeview-, Oregon, on W. C. BYRD, P roprietor . December 16th, 1889, viz: —Tex. Sillman put a good gravel didates, next June election, etc.” John J. Massie» If the present course is persisted crossing Charles Fletchet, Pre. D. 8. No. 9581, for NE'i of Sec. 25, Tp. 18. S. over the street fronting his While a public notice like this, of D. 8. N©. 8.515, for the SW qr of NE qr, NW qr of R.31, K. W.M. He names the folk* wing witness­ in, however, and we are driven into saloon to bridge a pond of water im what the masses instead of what SE qr,and NW qrof NE qr.Sco 10,T:p30S, RL3F. es io prove his continuous residence upon, and He names the following wituof will be made before the terepted in making the Items a Harney, Harney co., Or., 29- J an. 1, 89. Regier elver, U. 8. Land office, at Tune-“O!i, Happy be We.” I Burnt nday, December 9th, 1889, viz: clean sheet, if permitted the man­ —Go to the Livery and Feed Sta­ To Texes I will go, yes, I will go, arles Zeigler, agement, will give no cause for com­ ble of Reed & Cavin at the old I Whene’er I want to know. I want to know, THE HERALD. the W»of &W' L SE? i of 8W' ic. 84, tp. 22, H. R. 31 E. W. M. there’s in Burns to drinK, Pioneer stand in Burns, when you I j What plaint. in- — [lowing witnesses to prove his In th’ glasses cheerful clink, -- .Ji? Ç nee upon and cultivation of want to obtain good livery accom ­ At Texes Bar. ittici la « S i<- Dixon, Henry Cheatham, T. HAS LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY modations. ' 39- I And when I want to smoke, I want to smoke, | and Peter Clemens, ali of Burns. — Look at T iie H erald ’ s sub ­ HENRY CALDWELL NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. £ P roprietor . I And hear u good old juke, a good old joke, scription rates in the first column —The new Library at Burns I At th’ Texes there will he 1 J. H. HUNTINGTON, RcRiatcr. on the first page, and 6ee if any starts out with over 50 volumes of Cigara for you and me Third st., South of H erald Building. At Texes Bar. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER:», 188». newspaper in the State cart offer its choice reading matter, and expects For WhisKy, Wine, and Beer, Fun without fear, proof readers better terms than Burns is to use every cent earned during the j ! There ’s naught to beat it here, to beat it here. able to afford. For Liquors, Mixed or Straight, jted S tates L and O ffice . | This new, fine, and commodious Barn and Stable is not to be equalled incoming year in the purchase of They Official County Paper. ’re always made first-rate Burns, Oregon, Oct. 31. 1889.1 in any part of Harney county for accommodations. At Texes Bar. additional volumes. IEREBY GIVEN that the fol —The Burns Brass Band has ttlcr haa filed noticeof his inten HAY A- GRAIN ON HAND. added another feature to its pro ­ il proof in support of his claim, Local News. Go to Tiipker’H. —Miss Gunther having made ar­ roof will be made before the SADDLE HORSES, GOOD TEAMS, gram of amusements for the holi­ .eeeiver, U. s. Land Office at rangement with the Gage Sisters, Horse shoes, nails, and all kinds _____ jiday, December 13th, 1889, viz: days, a minstrel show. We be­ SINGLE A- DOUBLE HARNESS OUTFITS has opened a dress-making busi­ of wrought iron worked into shape HARNEY COUNTY ITEMS. F. Craft, speak a large attendance, as receipts For the Road on demand. Special attention given to the grooming and I. No. 27JJ, for the F?a of NE?,', SW\ ness in connection with the millin­ to suit the public. Horseshoeing are for the benefit of the Band. and NEC, of NE'4, Sec. 20, Tp. 22, care of Boarding and Transient stock. ery establishment — cutting and fit ­ E. W. M. He names the follow!tig and other blacksmithing done on Burns’ Weather Record. s to prove his continuous residence quick time at Tupker’s. —The Texas Siftings offer $100 ting a specialty. I cultivation of said land, viz: J. W. g^FOpen Oct. 26th, 1889. gMFCharges reasonable. Nov. 20 to Nev. 28. 48tf Is. Carson, Warren Curtis, and Smith Wed: 6 a m—cold; ground cov­ cash to any one who gets up the *’’^d, all of llarney, Oregon. — Last year a farmer on the Blit ­ f Cal! anil Settle. largest number of subscribers be­ J B. HUNTINGTON, Register. ered with a half-inch snow. zen put dressed hogs on the mar­ litri« tween now and the 1st of April persons knowing themselves “12 m—cool; thawing. until they ran down to 3jc, in< All Wljl CULTURE. 1890, to that paper at $4 a year, ket ’cl,;..d the Bloomington (Phoe­ 6 p m—cold. and lie toot up Ic.- f il.;» season, or the Siftings and H erald at $8 U mited stater L and O ffice ) Thus: 6 a m-32 ° -cold, and finds it down to 5|c. This is nix) Nursery, for nursery stock, are nt Bun.«. Or., November 1, 1889. ( a year. /AIN’T HAVING BEEN ENTERED at down to 32 ® -cold; snowing. certainly not encouraging to a man hereby notified to call at the office r/8 of J. C. Parker, and settle for same H * ~ e LakAxiew A,I Land Office, Oregon, by Anton ' P roprietor M rs . LOUIS RACINE. 12 m — cold; —Next June the voice of the peo­ who offers fine, fat, tender meat. iP1r Jf; rr”c,**r Frederick Viedernell before the 12th day of December U r „ ure ,o comply with law hr to Timber-Gul- 6 p m — cold; snowing. ple will locate the permanent coun­ t ry *s‘°’ 7;0, ? » IT' June 8th, 1887, upon I —Rev. Irwin is charged with be­ 1889; on and after that date all »uch t»l 4 2, an.l K',8W'4.Se<’ 7, Tj..!»,». K.32. E. Fri: 6 a m-32?-cool; sloppy; ty-seat, when a certain “city of the This handsomely appointed hotel is open to accommodate the pub­ M., i i Harney (formerly Grant) county, ()re- ing unfaithful as a fiduciary in the accounts will be placed in the hand» Sleet and snow, n- wi» h a view to the cancellation of sài«! en- muddy ■. plain»” will be left, .and ye lively of proper officers for collection. lic with the best rooms, table, and service the town affords. *•> •; co» testant alleging that the Rabi Frederick i Chemawa Indian school, where he 12 ni—cold. editor of the Press, be turned into eden; eil failed and neglected to break five M. J. O’CoxNon, il ordered pupils not to obey the pre- res q * ground —•• in said •• tract, .................... Terms Reasonable. and that he has I 6 p m—cold; ground frozen a pillar of salt in that day. Selah. \ I» T' » len v«a. any aV number .,«,*>• -rVB W* of <*' acres • V D whatever It 11OIV I VI -- — j sent corps of teachers employed Agent Bloomington (Phoenix) Nur­ ich f nd complaint h«R been duly transferred Sat: 6 a m-26 ® -cold; snowing. A BAR ihis i aid Land Office at Durii^urc. Burns, Ore. — —thesaid —Our neighbor, Paul Ixichrr, there, bo as to enable him to ob­ sery. ■ a.*ina cm > rfiea >re hereby summoned to appear at thin B urns , N ov . 23d. 1889. 12 m—sun; cold. Attached, where ia Kept all Horta of Liquors. tain a new corps. has been building extensively the ce « i the 11th day of December, 1H*9. at ¡0 i ll uck. 6 p rn—cold. m, to re« pond and furnish testimony past year, until he has created mero ng said alleged failure. —That Baking Powder puzzle, Sun: 6 a m-14 ®-very cold; still; quite a little town, and next June J. B HUNTINGTON. Regia'cr. ice in the house; uncovered house­ we will have the county-seat nt that caused no little waste of lead, Christmas "3?ree plants frozen. Murcury rising. Loeherville, where all can get a last week, is only another form of URE. AND the very old one: Take the digits, glass of beer: a luxury that Har­ “ 12 m—cool; d S tates L and O ffice , ) from 1 to 9, inclusive, and by add­ ney can’t afford. “ 6 p m—cold. iri.a, Oregon, Sept 19. 1889 J ing any three of them make 100. CrRAND ball IAVING BEEN ENTERED at Mon: 6 a m-32 °-cool; snowing. tnuel Bailey agaiuet Geurge | —Miss Teresa Young was taken , The Baking Powder puzzle, after > comply with lav» kb to Timber j “12 m—cool; sloppy. by- Mr. Roberts back to the Terrell casting out all concrete numbers, Silver Creek School House . 890. uated Mav 4th, 18MN, up- i 3, Tp. ’.7 3, R. M F W M l 6 p m—cold. ASSETS OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS. school, where she renewed her except 9, viz: 1. 3, 5, 7, 9, says to DECEMBER 28, 1 889. , Oregon, with a view to enn- , •utry; route«.ant allegfnglhat 1 Tues: 6n rn-33 ®-cold, ground school duties, but becoming too add six figures so as to give the “The Leading Company of the Pacific Northwest.” R »if did not break, or «.an«e COMMITTEES: sick to continue, Dr. Embree was sum of 27. ip »i r b of said iract, or any frozen; clouded at sunrise. To Get the Tree. Bai«i parti« s are hereby sum- i gar-l'RIVATE DWELLINGS AND FARM PROPERTY A SPECI»LTY."^*^n called in, and she resigned her con­ “12 m—cold. James Adama, Carey Thornburg, at this um ' k e on tiie 2blh day uf —Dr. Embree, wife and little r 10 .»’dork, a in. to rr«pond tract, so that another teacher could To Drera the Tree. “ 6 p in—quite cold. The IF’armers’ Company. nonv rotirernlng cafd alleged ’ Mrs. Simon Lewis, Miss Ruth MrConur’.l, be employed. A. F. Ritterbusch Lily, were in Burns, Thursday; the M imi Addie Hogan. Mias Lizzie Garrett, Wed: 6pm—cool; cloudy. B. HUNTINGTON, RegiBter. I doctor is as kind a man as there is ic now in charge. To Call Off the Presents. Wm. Hogan, “12 m—cool. in the country, as may be judged T. J. Shield», Cha«. Gflchrlat, OF SALEM, OREGON. CE. . —Vale Atlas says if the Ontario- by his actions that day: lie was ob­ “ 6 p m—cool To Deliver Preaenta. Vale stage time is not changed to J. C, PARKER, Agent, Mlaa Ella Baker, M > . Stella Garrett, Burns, Ore. served to have something under S tates L and O ffice . | Mire Lizzie Winter. rvgon. September 19,1W9 ( meet the present new schedule of his arm partly concealed from COMMITTED ON Ml PPEH: -Old paper» 50c for 100. AV ING BEEN ENTERED at Geo. Williams. the east and west hound trains, our view, which closer observation dis­ Mrs. J. c. Garrett, Mia. I* B lr -ff nt I). A. Mia. Fred. Okvrmann, -Thanksgiving dinners. Ing his Homes ra*i Entry No. mail from the East will be a day covered to be a veritable ‘‘chicken Mrs. t lias. Adarr.s. ___ »a MA FW> __ < í GERR >*7. upon »he El^ofHE qr. a. A Pen, Pless. Cheney. -The G. A. R. Meeting. Th. s. old before it leaves Ontario, as the rooster,” which he would not open­ J. C. Garrett, COMMITTEE qr, Pec.NW q-•»< N* MUMC: MUMc: fl. Sil. E. W. M . in Harney mail from the East passes Ontario ly “tote” I ecause of the "mortiticR- E. D. Baker, Edward ON Kurts, O. Ruak a view to rape eliadon of — Sabbath school every Sunday parti»a are hereby mm at 1 pm. and from the West, nbout tion ” it would give the* • of our Re Everybody cordially invited to ft th • Office the 2tth «Jay in Burns. EGT» ( 12 midnight: up to Thursday. 28th. M • J-rf k. R IB, t»» rrsp n I publican neighbors, that can’t • omo, and bring well-filkd basket« _ k»ny coiK-ermng sai l allrgftl —Far a neat turnout, go to the the latest date of newspapers re-! abide the sight of a rooefcr since along with them, and those that Red Front Livery ct«He. reived was 21st. <>r seven days old. the late election return* 1 I’ III NTTNGTON. rr have r.o busketfl. cotno anyway. LEGAI. ADVKRTISSMENT8 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. B ■ AGBiGULTURALlMPLEMEim, TINWARE, CUTLERY RED FRONT" FEED & LIVERY STABLEI iu ii vmihi