j BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. Is the picture of a Vice-President I communications by our readers . typud pursuit of happiness,” as a HARPER BROTHERS’ PUBLICATIONS. of the United States taking out a A cordial invitation is extended each and citften uf the United States, whether Header of 111« H erald to contribute she ever finds any necessity for cast­ Sfiloon license in Washington City everv 1889 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2Ä, lift. to tbia department of the paper, on any subject of general interest. We claim the right tu ac­ ing a vote or not. to-day. any more revolting to a cept or reject any part orthe whole, but not to Mrs. Woodhull’s definition of the change the Metta presented. We prefer articles . L. GRACK. I Editors I sense of national decency than that Harper’s Magazine. over the writer s own signature, bnt num de NELLIE GRACE. I of a Presidentof the United States, plumes are admiaaible, We do not hold our­ term “Woman’s-Rights,” refers to selves responsible for the opinions advanced ILLUSTRATED. securing to woman the power of se in days past, in a maudlin state of by writers under the above caption. pOR COUNTY-SEAT OF HARNEY COUNTY: lectinga father for each of her chil­ intoxication in the White House? on Sophrooiu's dren, for such as regard the mar­ BURNS. It would so appear from the com- Effect of th«* Election ILLUSTRATED. <>l«i Man. riage tie simply as a civil contract; I A new Shakespeare—tlie Shakespeare of Ed­ inents of the press regarding Mr A. Abbey—will be presented in H akfkk ’ s “I kalkelate thar is sumthin’ anil for the believer in marriage as a win Magazine for 1*90, with comment* by Andrew T he H erald and Free Press, the I Morton. Merchant Harney Coun Lanjc. H arper ' s Mags line has also made spe­ Leading radikally rung with our ole party— sacrament, the right of controlling cial arrangements with Alphonse Daudet, the best local and family papers, both -------- DEALER IN-------- greatest of living French novelists, for the ex ­ T he E ast O regonian enters up­ thar’s Brody Jonsing, he seems to the number of her offspring. clusive publication in serial form, of a humor­ for only $2.65 a year. DRY SOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, ous story, to De entitled “The Colonist* of Tar­ on t|ie fifteenth year of its existence be a leetle flurried, oltho he’s a man This advocate of a phgse of the ascon; the l ust Adventures of the Famous Tar­ BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, ’’ The story will be translated by Henry to-day, having been first "started” of very equable temper; and Jon free-love doctrine, was at one time tarin. Jamis, and illustrated by I’.ussi and Myrbach. STOVES. TINWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE H on . H enry B lackman , of Hepp­ November 12th, 1875. Its highest Say-hers, lie’s sum what oxcited; W. I). Howells will contribute a novelette in PAINTS, OlH. GLASS, PUTTY, THE CELEBRATE! used effectively by bringing woman­ three parts, and l.afcadio Hearn a novelette in aim is to serve faithfully the multi ­ ner, we learn, is strongly urged by parts, entitled “Youma,” handsomely illus­ SULTANA RAZiRS, ANI) “I X L” CUTLERY, WINES tude of people who arc its patrons. but Hunting-ton, my stars an’ gar­ suffrage into a comparative disre­ two trated. those acquainted with him as an —E. O. CIGARS—AID A THOUSAND OTHER ARTICLES ters, ain’t he got the figits!—skru pute in order to protect the Anti- In illustrated papers touchings subjects of current interest, and in its short storits. poems, TOi] TEDIOUS TO MENTION. intelligent, able man, to become luse sumwhurs — ” The only fault we have to find and timely articles, the M agaiinb will main­ Woman-Suffragist’s assertion that tain its well known standard. candidate for State Senator, with the enterprising East Orego­ Thusly I wuz so-lily-squeezing, “the great majority of women do Cheapest louse in Eastern Oregon for Cash. HARPER’S PERIODICALS: nian, is, we are rarely ever able to when Sophronia, she’s my ’t other not want the ballot thrust upon Per Year: C ome in and see a copy of the sell it for “old paper” after it goes haf, being in the room, heard me.— them,” by restraining thousands of fl.CO RS MAGAZINE fine 42 column agricultural paper into the waste basket from the scis­ Now Sophronia has always bin, good women from openly sympa­ HARPE HARPER'S WEEKLY ............. 4.00 . 2.00 HARPER ’ S BAZAR “Home and Farm” we arc offering sors editor’s desk. East Oregon what I coll, a little tanted with thizing with the movement, lest HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE 4.00 deni-ok-ra-see. all new subscribers to '1' iie H erald has reason to be proud of sustaining they be understood as endorsing Postage Free to all Subscribers in the “Oh!” says she, “ole man,cornin’ the coarse interpretation of Wo­ Uni.etl Stutes, Canada, or Mexico. for 1890, for price of T he H erald so good a paper. to yer senses at last, arc you?” I The volumes of the Magazine begin with alone. the Numbers for June and December of felt miself blush clear down to mi man’s Rights as expounded through each EDITORIAL COMMENTS ON ELEC­ year. When no time is specified, sub­ i TION RETURN'S. waste-band. Says I, “Sophronia, the Woodhull lectures. A set ipiions will begin with the Number cur­ T he H erald challenges any Thii shameless tool of political rent at time of receipt of order. dog-drat it, what du you no about Ashland Record: Fire Alarm For­ Bound Volumes al ilu?per’s Magazine, for newspaper, or person to deny the our grate Reppblick-an party, IJen- three years L uck , in neat doth binding, will aker congratulates Campbell. He Ijiinine llairry-son, Jimmie Blanc, deinagtigues will find, should sheof- be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3 absolute correctness of the contents ought to congratulate the state of or nnv ov the rest ov the I’resi- fer to return as per above announce­ per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 F. E. B each . Prl’sidtt, | W m . M c F all , Treasurer, of the Harney Valley Fair adver­ cents each—by mail, post-paid. ment, that a radical change has E. H ughes , Vice-Predent, ; W. F. B rownton , Secretan ident's cabinet furniture, that helps Ohio. Index to Harper’s Magazine. Alphabeti­ tisement column of 1888, or the as­ Analytical, and Cla «siiied, dor Volumes him run this glorius injipendant come about among the men and cal, Corvallis Gazette (R ): There is 1 to 70, inclusive, from June, li<50 to June, sertion that the spring and summer women of this country, and that she, 1*35, free and hi-tc-riff Government?” one vol. Cloth, $1.00 of 1889, showed a larger influx of no cause for much rejoicing on the Sophronia is no greeny, a fac I even tho’ she be backed by the pres­ Remittances should be made bv Fo-itoiliee part of the Democrats, and the Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chance of havjr.own for these many years; tige of h> r English marriage, (and iWList of Direct« and Stockholders at the office of the Ag# immigration outfits than ever be- Grand Old Republican Party is all she ’ s somewhat ov a literrary worn- Address HARPER A BROTHERS, New fore entered this lal'ev. J. D. Shaw, right for 1892. man, tho she don’t ware blu stock­ English toadyism is at its best now) York. T he H erald and Magazine, $5.00. can have no greater influence up­ 2-30tf [Continued in our next.] BURNS. OREGON ins, nor green gogles, but she ’ s got The use of roosters in a newspa­ Miss F rances E W illard was per after an election indicates a a long nose and red hair, which ere on the strength of the women’s de­ ADDITIONAL HAIlNEY CO. ITEMS. almost unanimously re-elected pres- lack of editorial ability, and a de­ significant indicashuns ov literrary mand for political recognition —W. F. Howard, of Drewsey, talent; she saw mi ire wuz kinder ident of the national W. C. T. U. sire to fill up with something trashy risin’ and wanted to pore ile on the i than has Dr. Mary Walker’s dis­ was in town, Friday. against 9 votes for Mrs. J. Ellen and cheap. We have a contempt troubled waters. Says she, "but­ gusting caricature of the Woman’s —Prayer meeting every Thurs­ Foster. T he H erald congratu­ for such foolishness.-Harney Items. tons, I’ve always thot you was a Dress Reform movement, and, yet, day night in Burns. BAER, CITY, OREGON. —A. W. Waters arrived in Burns lates the ladies on their evident de­ Colonel Shepard remarked in mail ov sense, tho you've tin a the writer saw the time (and it was termination to keep destructive ele­ his Mail Express: “The appeal of long time a tindiu’ out how tu put when the V. uodhull-Col.-Blood-Ten- to-day, from Portland. Have the Largest Eablithment in Eastern Oregon stocked —J. C. Garrett returned from it tu good use.” nie-C.-Clalilin clique was in full California last week. ments out of the first offices in the the republicans of Mississippi to the “All rite,” says I,“tell me, you’r Hast) when Dr. Mary was able to Union. —No paper mail was brought in nation is singularly pathetic.” a wom-man, and wim-men think force herself and her masculine at­ from Ontario, Thursday. tha no every thing. ” Says she, Yes, but it was not half as pathetic —O ur Washington Letter failed T he H erald ’ s choice for location as the howls of the republicans of talkin’ on as if she did’nt heor me, tire into any woman’s convention, "Virginity has gone back on Mahon- and make herself heard, as she can­ to get to us this week. of the World’s Fair, Chicago, offers Ohio as they unwillingly drew the isnt, the people ov ole Virginity —Lee Caldwell returned home e\ not do to-day. better inducements than St. Louis, hole in after them.—Altq. (D). hav at last cum to tin r senses, and from his trip to Portland, Friday. W hite R ibbon W oman . BUGGIES a ¿ISBOARDS AND A PA Washington, or New York, viz: 1st, —Meals ¡it the Parker House, Roseburg Plainbealer: (R.) Again sent that ole niilk-sop-reb-el radi- i just across the street from the Land SPORTING GODS, & Cutlery, VY ALU A guaranty fund of $ 10,000,000 in we venture the opinion that when eal-re-pub-lick an pig i aek tu his office. ease the fair fails to meet expenses. the tutal vote is counted, it will styTwhar lie properly belongs: tliar let him squeel and grunt out the —Chas. Newbill got in, 22d inst., 2d, To have the management of the show a light vote, which will indi­ balance of his po-liti-kal career with freight for the Grace drug Tinware, Glass, Hits and Oils.gWAll Kinds of Mo fair under supervision of a national cate that like most “off years” twixt the slats ov his pen at the Through the eourtesey of Mrs. store. Deering Binder, <&c.ftf Ctimmunications answered. 1W-P1. W. C. Byrd T he H erald is enabled committee to be elected by the sev­ the republicans do not ail turn out skule-boys, as tha meander along, —W. E. Grace was in town Fri­ Orders with this Iuse if you want to buy what you. nee eral government departments, and to the polls as local matters do not and I hope the boys will occashan- to give the portion of Presiding El­ day evening, and returned to Har- der Wakefield’s report of last year’s I nev, Monday. allv thro him a sowr apple tu help Smithonian Institute. 3d, The elicit as much interest as when work, to the Idaho Conference in dijistshun.” —Prof. Baker, our efficient coun­ President to appoint the chairman great and vital national questions "Lordee! aint the o’c lady hard its Gth session, 1889, from La ty school superintendent was in of the board, and the latter select are at stake. on brother Mahoon-ee? But he de­ Grande district. From it we ex- Burns, 25th inst. its own treasure. —The Parker House is making Mr. Cleveland, we think you are serves every kick rite whar the ribs ! tract the following, of interest to this section: ere the shortest, and kick after kick its lodging rooms snug and warm a prouder and happier man to-day until he is compelled tu disgorge TOILET A R Î CL(E S, G L A S 8, PUTTY, L ong C reek .—This charge has for the coming winter. .»•■■■ • » 1 __ R eports are coming in from than if you had been elected I’resi- ¡ill the develish radikalism. thievan- three ^pre^ching places and one —Geo. Kirchberger, of Diamond, Southwest Kansas that show two ’lent—-thanUie sjnaJLftdluwwJ+O-f# • itHH-find—a]! fhemther Rffcn isms, church. Brother Win. Bartholo­ was in Burns, last Thursday, shak­ W. E. GRACE, P roprietor BURNS, OREfi things- ’"t, The truth of die asser­ President. Your ideas are sweep­ then thar will be nuthill left but mew was appointed to this charge. ing hands with friends —Divine service at Evergreen his boots.” The first four months were days of A La Assortment of tion that farmers are not good busi­ ing on to a glorious victory, and the “Benjimine, he thinks our defeat apparent success—18 being secured school house, 5th Sunday in De­ Nation thanks the man that raised ness men; 2d, The terrible evil of in Virginny, Iowa and Ohio wuz on probation—when for financial cember, 29th prox., by the Burns the issue, and that started the cauzed by “Apathy;” I guess he reasons the brother became dissat­ pastor. FINE CUTERY, NOTIONS, the mortgage-loan banks. —Henry Caldwell killed the These farmers in order to irrigate “campaign of education.”—East thot thar wasn’t nough slush money isfied. He wrote me, asking leave throde round by the bosses. HM ist been Received. | to go to Burns once a month, bc- fatted pig, Monday, which is about their lands, thought it q decidedly Oregonian. (D.) “ Buttons, ” says mi wife, Mrs. [ lieving it would supplement his sal- the only way to secure spare-ribs New York World: The gentle­ good business scheme, to borrow Sophronia Buttons, “you’ve bin j ary. 1 replied I would be glad for and back-bone, in this section. from the loan company from $300 man in the White House named votin’ ni onto twenty-odd years, I him to do so, provided he could —John J. Massie, of Silvies val­ PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIRONS CAREFULLY COMPO LIND h Jlity Everything guartnfi (pure arid of the very Lest quality Harrison, during the short period to $1,500, and give a mortgage on an’ just now cumin’ to your senses, spar« the requisite time. Without ley was in town, Saturday, to ob­ JW of his incumbency, has done great beginnin to see, ere you, that the tain final proof publication notice. the lands they had hard contests other correspondence, he went and —John Anderson, of Blitzen. who to obtain. A single year's crops service to the Democracy. He may poor man pays all this hi-teriff, and I moved his family, and was so the revinew derived from it, all ■ pleased with his new location, that has some very fine, fat beef for have felt this as the returns ticked would have yielded sufficient to flops into the pockets of the l osses, i lie asked to be relieved from Long butchering, was in town, Thursday. have kept the interest paid up in into the White House last night. who hav bin runnin’ the inashin- Creek. Accompaning this request, —W. L. and Walter Cross, of full, but three years drouth, with A second term may have looked ex­ ery of the republiekan party, j was a petition from the good people Trout creek, were in town and made imperfect irrigation and myriads of ceedingly dreamy, quite lost to Thank the Lord, I hope after this of Burns, to the same effect. This final proof on their ranches, Satur­ SAYER A DORE P ropri etc you’ll vote like a sensible man.” petition and request, for various day. insects have left them this fall with­ view in the distance. She wuz very much fretted, indeed reasons, I granted. Thus Long — Two of Burns ’ most accom ­ out homes, for it is a stipulation in National Democrat: Mr. Harri­ I acshally saw a tear on her left Creek was left without a pastor. plished young ladies, Miss Phebc moat mortgages from these loan son and his friends try to keep up cheek.” The membership is small, and scat­ Kelly and Miss Jessie McGowan, companies that failure to keep in­ a bpave front, and assert that the “Mr. Editor, I am a goin to follow tered over a rugged and mountain­ are attending the teachers’ exami­ nation. terest coupons paid up entails fore­ Democratic victories last week were Sophronia’s advice—but tell her? ous country. —J. Switzer slipped on the ice closure. due to local causes. But they are No sir, she’d hold her lied so hi the nex three weeks, she couldn’t see , B urns .—This is a prospective humbugging as usual. They know anything but the Methodist preach­ I charge. Brother Bartholomew was in the street, Saturday, and injured J appointed to this place and at the his back so as to disable him from lx reply to the Grant County that they and all their plans and er ami the church steeple. Tell time and for the reasons aforesaid. work a day or two. —Burns school was dismissed News' attack on T he H erald ’ s purposes have received a staggering her! Not by a jug full. The result has not been all that S ophronia ’ s H usband , B uttons . could be desired, and yet, perhaps, for this week on account of illness standing advertisement of the Har­ back-set. Mr. Harrison’s message And all kinds ofrfrfacc lumber tli.xhly aennoned for buildin; — ItEDl i’E’KICE. i all that could be expected. This is from colds among the pupils, so ney country, we will quote the lan­ to Congress in December will read A Tlirt*atcncu f t iui. than is therein asserted as accurate I feat in the late elections by nay inr . -Il ’in] ¡.»n- wotu.m’s right-. dr —J. C. W.ivky, one of-run pium- Mis?. Nellie Bly ea-ira.TiliRr ¡t You truth—of course every reader kn >w i that is an ‘off ” year. Well, truly cnlr i u» ticir^.t the invitation. A nother of these nice blotters of nent county men, with his family, Jules Vern s' hero, Phineas g's E ast O regon H e around the world in 80’s, ................. family paper The Djttoit that all advertisements are true: | this is an off year for them. A ti­ One would infer from the peru­ which we have already made men­ left on this morning’s stage for Ca- . trip - . • doing the journey in 75>- Pressf c, ycar ’ ea(,b an(] , , o-s. p reMI, oac sal of the above, an 1 similar threats tion shows a winged cherub carry­ ltisa county, California, where they by doingthe “In answer to almost daily in­ dal wave has struck tho country --— covers, of the of another Woodhull siige. that po­ ing a Dictionary Holder under one will winter. We wish Mr. and The Cosmopolitan Magazine11'’ umns. -- ..... > > i- n paper juries from every State in the Un­ very much like the one that struck sent Miss Elizabeth Bisland Pt­ English novelist's works, Char Mrs. W. a pleasant journey and an litical demagogues are becoming arm and saying: “I am making a ward to beat the record of Bo Dickens, by calling al, Or sen Ii ion, we shall undertake to give ti in 1874, followed by the election of (early return in the spring. alarmed at the rapid progress the flying trip in the interest of educa­ true and accurate description of Tilden to the presidency in 1876, —J. T. Sillman's name has 1 een Bly five days. Money is no heavy growth of yellow pine, fir 1884. It is noticeable, though they! it is too soon to learn from Mr. 8., Victoria Woodhull was used by the this word up). A book held edge we are unable to say whether he rail for San Francisx). and tamarack is found on the nioun-1 | call it an "off year,"our republican ' T he H erald will keep its r Anti-Woman’s Rights to the seri­ up gets fiiil of dust, soiled and would ace. pt the nomination or not, tains, making the timber resources I frienda are deeply chagrined at the j era informed of ail particular»’: l-ly ous detriment of the cause. but it will be conceJed by all that sjioiled unless hugged together with unlimited and boundless. Her results. Without being inspired by this novel race to bat a novel ' To comprehend how this was strong springs. Only the Holders know him he has friends enough to imaginary record < h.,«, runuuir months, a good quality of All readers knowing themselves tan Magntne for age, so soon Uoodhull, the companion of the in return this series of blotters. indebted to T he H erald for sub­ the mails can bringhem. grain and some of the finest vege­ A I’ worst element of society, and a will , scription for the year 1888, can se­ —Ben Brown will cmain in I’ovA/r-, i tables ever Seen were grown the bring land. Or , this winti, under trei v ac‘Un2ii 0F&J-O’.V’lgr ing tool of their enemies. cure the advantage we are offering —Dr. Embrce remained the great­ present year. Thia extensive South­ j re- RONFnm-v The Woman-Suffrngiit’s, defini­ er part of Inst week in attendance on all new cash subscribers, by paying ment of the eminentphyeician, 1 ern Grant county, in time, will be Amon Sonnenfeld. Wo was brougl 't-.J'DALLRA^E. up the $3 now due, and re-entering I akrview, O repue tion of the term "Woman'a-llights.” Mrs. Dibble, of Silver creek, who detached from Grant county, and their nanus for 1890, T he H erald from Europe to attetl Col. Fleiscl refers to securing for women freedom was again prostrate from the in- and the Home and Farm will be ner. on the completion of the proposed from "Tyranny of Taxation with­ firmitieg of old age. sent them regularly. —Chicken pox along the chi Oregon Pacific railroad, will be- out Representation”—the right to All delinquents for 1889. can se- dren at Vale. c -rue sufficiently developed to rank Tin H edald , the Free Press and —Judge Ison in .ow in Ito “*n:i the wealthy countie. of out use the ballot for the preteetion of * complete set of Dicken’s works |cure the 42 columns of additional reading matter for 1890 on same City and his conditk not impio her “inalienable right to Efe, liber- twelve volumes, for only ♦ .”.50. terms as above. at latest date. Nov. > *’ THE HERALD TV. Brown of S3OO,OC reiiehle, I gricultup A lements . Etc. X I\Tew Miotiinery j Attorney-at-Law s