THE J. DURKHEIMER & CO’S. LOCAL-PAGE ADVERTISEMENT. XJOWEST PRICES H ath WE ARE THAT CAN SUPPLY THE inTHear°nneyy County STOCK. With Their Our Prices are the FALL & WINTER SUPPLIE SAME as At tlxo zretiloetcl "witlx fx-oiglxt added «»Tl’ADE. J. DURKHEIMER <& CO, *• - f. THE WRECKERS OF HIGH PRICES IN HARNEY VALLEY. J HP ■ • PE8T- me „I lk| '•••li. l»Un. • >s / .’J •«¡••i p ■ T —C. M. Caldwell is slowly con­ —R. J. Baker, uf Silver creek, was A'Circulating Library is in town, Monday, in search of a valescing. ----- . ' r to be opened in T he H erald build­ —J. C. Garrett has not yet re­ first-class teacher for his district. I TIMBER CULTURE. ing, in the room adjoining the print­ turned from California. '' .OOF. —Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Morrison ing office, Nov. 25 th, for the pur­ U nited S tates L and O ffice , l —For a neat turnout, go to the subscribed for a copy of T he H er ­ pose of lending books and current Burns, Oregon, Sept 19, 1889 | h«»R»,U»iT*D STATta L and O fhcic , | COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED at Red Front Livery stable. Burna. Oregon, Octabar 12, iw.t ald , to be sent one year to a rela­ periodicals—the tie files! literature this office by Samuel Bailey against George 11 ! i HEIIKBY GIVEN that th. f..l!.. a —School books can be changed in tive. ___ ______ __ by daily ___, mail, to d Battler ha* Sled notice of her in- Rolf for comply with law as to Timber that reaches us Culture Entry Np. 890. dated May 4th, 188.8, up- I tnvn*k«i llual »root In aupuori ■ ' < , on the NW i 4 of Sec. L3, Tp. 27 8, R. 31 E. W M. Harney county until Dec. 1st. —The finishing work is being ]>ut\!l^ desire Jo ^make :i an arrange­ heir* of tne ca'ate of J. I.. i:«tnl Harney county, Oregon, with a view to can­ —Mrs. Haskell is remaining with TTiv.dthttaald proof will be ma-le le i iu on the Huntington building, this ment by ‘ which ' their ..... . winter • sup 1 l1-’1 itar and Receiver, U. 8. lAn.l ..Hire, cellation of Fuid entry ; eontes’ant alleging that friends in town during this week. the «aid George Rolf did not break, or cause ply of reading matter will l e al­ in. ... dx ut thcentale of J. L Baird. De moned to appear at this office on the 26th day of in the Island school house last Sun­ neatest dwellings in town. ttette No for Lon ] A .. g,.,. H nn,j December, 1889, at 10 o’clock, a in, to respond ’> «<-t and Lota SM Sec. 15, T. 22, s. It. 30, and furnish testimony concerning said alleged day. —Miss Gunther having made ar­ “Tcxe#” Bai*. i™«! e vanjea thofbllawli>gfv1ti,i ff . f to failure. —Meals at the Parker House, rangement with the Gage Sisters, j .rimi .tlnuoua realdenreopon, bi : ,nt:i Nov. 14-51 J. B. HUNTINGTON, Register. Tune—“Oh, Happy be We J’ rr id land, via: John Martin, just across the street from the Land has opened a dress-making busi- j k lea Koley,aud William Skim • m nil office. ¡ ness in connection with the millin­ To Texes I will go, yes, I will go, QONTEST NOTICE. ruey county, Oregon. Whenekr I want to’knuw, I want to know, LKM.V j B HUNTINGTON, Regiater — Prayer meeting last Thursday ery establishment—cutting and fit­ What there’s in Burns io drink, U nited S tates L and O ffice . | ^tnutuM In th’ glasses cheeriul ’clink, evening, at the Poison creek school ­ Burns, Oregon, September 19, 1889.1 TT7 ting a specialty. - At Texes Bar. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED nt house. th'fi office bv <>. I’. Bolcotr against D. A. on» when I want to si toke, I want to smoke, —Miss Teresa Young is teach­ —Mrs. Grace received, this week, And Dets, for abandoning ids Homestead Entry No. 807, dated June K’th, 1887, upon the E’., ofSE qr, ing remainder of her term of school a beautiful assortment of house­ Anti hear a good old joke, a good old joke, At th’ Texes there will be tciTR? S tatzs L and O ffice , i See. 29: NE qr of NE qr. Sec. 32; NW qr of NW plants, from the Bloomington Nur­ Cigars for you and me eview, Oregon, October 7, 1889. t qr. Sec. :!3. Tp. 28, S. R. 31. E. W. M . in Harney on the Island. At Texes Ear. county, Oregon, with a view to cancellation of HEREBY GIVEN that the follow —Charges reasonable for livery sery, consisting of several each of For Whisky, Wine, and Beer, Fun without fear, ¿tiler han filed notice of his in:v;i- mid entry; the said parties arc hereby sum­ tinal proof in uupport of his claiiu, moned to appear at this office on the 26th day service at the Red Front Livery tea, china and noisette roses; lilies; There’s naught to beat it here, to beat it here. * -"41 will, be made be fore the l)e< ember, 1889. at 10 o’clock, a in, to respond Laijij-a tulips; caronations; and fuchsias; For Liquors’, Mixed or Straight, . .Xeceivsr at Lakeview,, and furtiisn testimony concerning said alleged and Feed stable. abandonment. ■ l!dh, 1889, via: besides clematis laurel,’ and roses They’re always made first-rate At Texes Bar. divine — Rev. Embree will hold IDE« Bartoa Conrad, Nov 14-51 J. B. HUNTINGTON, Register for the yard. D. L. Grace, also, service at Enterprise school house, , for the 8W qr of NW qr. Sec 26; added choice fruit and shrubbery to Del Node Items. ,• andSE qr of ne NEqr, Sec27. Tp qr, ftr.7. T> -.5, - y 1M BE R C ULT U RE. next Sabbath, 24th. e size dtuKie I; names the following witnesses > his collection. continuous u “l»lM||I g residence upon, ana — R. R Sitz is building an addi- T he H erald and Free Press, the U nited S tates L and O ffice . < I Jalil laud, viz: Henry Kgli. An Burns, Oregon, Sept. 19, 1889. ( —Dr. Etnbree is boarding his tion to his dwelling. best local and family papers, both st.. Ntt Silver J-ake P O.. Lake co., or.. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED at ... l 8» of Riley, Harney co., Or , ard —Considerable fall grain has three euuurvu children ¡n at oir. Mr. iwrev«, Pierce’s, 1 so .1 uiree this office by -fames Wadinan against Wni. for Only $2.65 a year. the ® 1 >11, Pahyey, Lake co,, Oregon. Henrkk for failure to comply with law ns to —J. C. Wooley and A. Hembree »as to enable them to attend the E En­ been sown here this fall. WARREN TRUITT, Beglatcr. Timber-Culture Entrv No. 418. dared September ! r ear after th“ ¿ate of filing . walk in front of the house neatly parental duties, that of arming and left, yesterday, for Crook county. arran Sr^raa L*>n> opr,ca, ( ?d find) rvlaw, Oregon, October IS, l-s? 1 and that he has not upto the presuur date brok- I equipping his children with a good —Chas. Morrison is expected en, or caused to l: hrokeu, five « res of the, laid in gravel, last week. pleat! •; . HEREBY ÜIVEN ttiatth. f I said tract, the said jarties atu hereby sum-I —Cal. Geer is arranging flues for education, with which, to success­ home daily with freight for Burns. ettler has filed notice of his inten- mured to appear at this ofth e 'he 26th day iute and make final proof in sup of December, 1889, at lUo’cloc k, a in, to respond the residents of Burns, in good fully encounter the inevitable strug­ —Chas. Stone has proved up on lairn. aud that said pn>of will l e and iumiBh testimony concerning said alleged I gle ior gie for existe existence. May they rise his land and moved to California. shape and at reasonable prices. the Register or Receiver at l ake failure. n, un December 16th, 1IW!>, viz Nov 11-51 J. B. HUNTINGTON, Register. —Newt. Hoover is building a —Thornton Williams expects to , lip and call hi im blessed in the years Themas If. I mith, vO come. nice residence on his Island ranch. to move his family to Burns and io 7, for the 8H«f NEor.and N1,, of flNAI. PROOF. ______ Tp HoU, 8 R b2K4, E. lie n ai a es t h e winter here, so we are informed. —As will be seen by the new ad­ —Several parties from here are nesees to prove nia continua* s resi- U nited S tates L and O ffice , i and cultivation of said Im 1. viz: —C. A. Sweek rented the Stenger vertisement on our local page, C. on the road for freight and bud - Burns, Oregon, November 11, 1889.1 _____ nan, Alexander Muntijo. ( barbs NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­ house and expects to move his fam­ Geer, who recently bought out the plies. ”* Augustus Collins, all of Diamond ing-named settler has filed notice of his inten­ . cuuut.v, Oregon, —Guy and Roy Dickinson are tion to make final proof in support of his claim, ily to Burns, so soon as it is vacted. McGowan hardware store and busi­ WARREN TRUITT, Register. and that said proof will be made before the constructing a good watering place —Jasper Davie was expected to i ness. is ready to enter into business Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Burns, Oregon, on Friday Decern. 27, IftW, viz: I get in from the railroad with sup- relations with the purchasers in ! on the former’s ranch. J. !<:. I>eea, —A road has been viewed out : plies for his store in Harney this Harney county. They will find black liejW' Pre. D. S. No. 27: 7, for the SU NW qr, NE qr NW and opened up from Calison’s to Mr. G. an obliging, agreeable gen­ qr anil NE qr SW qr. Sec. : 3, Tp. 28, S It 31 E. W week. M. He names the following witnesses to prove the Ilappy valley road, via. Del — Chas. Morrison and Carl Riley tleman to deal with, according to honor^lf»IT»n 8TAT1I« l.lHD Orrl' K, j his continuous residence upon and cultivation ' lew, Oregon. Oclcber 15, i.w. > of said land, viz: George Miller, W. M. Haves, < got in with their eight-horse teams, the opinion we formed of him dur­ Norte. - — HEREBY GIVEN that tbA Frank S. Reidcr, and Joe McLaughlin, all of — Little Geo. Stovall came near jttler has filed notice of his inten- Blitzen, Harney county, Oregon. | Monday, with merchandise for ing his visit the past summer, and final proof iu support of his (1a .m. Nov 14-51 loosing his life, yesterday, by a J. B. HUNTINGTON, Register. Burns. since he went into Lu ¡Less. Call d proof will be made before rim receiver, at Laktvlew, Oregon, < n —Lee Caldwell did not return and make his acquaintance when fractious animal getting him down V with A. A. Cowing, but remained in town even if you are not intend­ and trampling him severely. THE HERALD. —J. P Dickison returned from in Portland for treatment by an ing to purchase. _________________________________________________ Prineville, last Saturday, with seed aurist. Chari’»* Flatehar. —Patrick Sullivan, who killed grain, supplies, etc., and says the — The Red Front Livery and Il A8 LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY , for the 8W qrof NE qr, NW qr o Feed stable is the place to put lip John Bronkee in his cabin on Pine grass and fall grain looks fine ow­ Vqrof NE qr.Sec 10.Tp:;o I: I NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. : following wltuuMAB to hi. your team; horses fed. watered and creek, Grant county, the 1st of last ing to the rains they have had there. ¿¿•jnc* npon, and mltir ..f —J. A. Manly will wield the rod M. MfFl- I: Alexander Monlijo. Au-u. ns April, was hung November 15th, groomed. - and T. H. Sn,it>,. ml THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1SS9. in the school here this winter, com­ after the usual unchecked course ■. F. B|< .5 Wadman. —Rev. McC'artc made a call on O., Harney counpr. On .. , WARREN TktJlTT, Regia . r the citizens to raise a subscription to of trial. Thus Grant lias hung her mencing 18th inst. As wc have no the church against fire; a second taker of human .life within school house yet, he will teach in Official County Paper. insure UlttraD S tats * Lutoornc r.j seven months. The ' News, with the house vacated by R. A. Hend­ good move, decidedly. , Burba,Ur*vi>a,Oatol>er 2-. I-- - > C. i at the < H ereby * - BU the - follow* —W111. Minot, of the Red Front creditable enterprise, enme out with ricks and family. dtlerha- t hie inten- Local News. an extra with a full statement of Barber ehop, notifies our readers |of his claim, J. D Go toTiipker’H. before the that he is ready at all times to do particulars, freed, however, from the office, at Ilorsc shoes, nails, and all kinds B'L.fcSL HARNEY COUNTY ITEMS. first class work. Give him a ghoulish gloating over the triumph h, 1889, viz : Charlaa Eal*lar. of justice, etc., that characterized of wrought iron worked into shape call. — ---------- for tha W% of SWU. SF-',.. f - « , —Mrs. T. J. Morrison complains its course in the McGinnis affair. ! to suit the public. Horseshoeing Hurns' Weather Record. . —.«ft. See. M, Tp. 22, 8. k Ml:« M and other blacksmithing done on rf’jlK following wltneaaca to | of rarely receiving her copy of T he Nov. 13 to Nov. 20. .aidence upon and cultl vnt. —One of the south windows of H erald , which we never fail to put T he H erald office liaSthfren a thing I quick time at Tupker’s. •: H. Dixon, UaaryChenttim i Wed: G p ni-30 ® -cold; i, and retar Cteanaaa, hl) of I'.n.-nr in the Burns P. O. every Thursday, of beauty and a joy oi/thc summer, ;EG05 “12 m—cool. —Go to the Livery and Feed Sta­ J. B. HUNTINGTON. R. n : | P ni- the past season, enibewerc-d as it ble of Reed ri< <« 12 ni—cool. I Receiver, U. B. Uind ->tt > h - it up on the lot opposite Ed. Mc ­ bird cage was suspended. On the a Friday, December nth. 1^ -. \ ¡z AND H Kinnon’s dwelling, and is repairing three shelves before the window G p m—cold. CharUa V. Craft. I it for the winter. m», for tha EUof NE',. -« , Sat: 6 a ni-29 ® -cloudy; cool. were pots of Egyptian and spotted AM a . N»4 of NEU,iac. 20. iP —M. J. O’Connor and J. C. Par- calla lilies; a tall silver-etjged can- « 12m—sun; cool. M. He naaaea the tlery V. prove hla eoatitiaouF r. ► i • • 1 ker receieved, this week, over $2000 Silver Creek School House, G iltlratioa of aaM land, vu 1. w 6 p in—cool; rain falls du worth of stock from the Blooming- na, sweet-scented double and single geraniums; a fuchsia; tea roses; | DECEMBER 23, 1889. stthssss ring the night. i ton Nursery, and are busily en- mignonette; oxalis; and fragrant pe­ 1 fc. HBNTINUTON Rrg, Sun: G a m—36 3 -cloudy. | gaged in its delivery. tunia. After the first two months COMMITTEES: “12 in—cool; —J. D. Shaw took fire insurance (April and May) of careful nurs­ To Get the Tree. to bn.' (TLITRE. arey Thornburg, “ 6 p m—cool; raining off A on the new livery stable building, ing, these plants have demanded James Adstns, To Dress ( the Tree. Ujrrrao NTana L*an Grrtcx > 1 last week. This is the way to not so much attention as the same Mrs. Simon Lewis, Miss Ruth McConnell, on all through the night Barna. Or.. Nuramher 1, :v9. Miss Addie Hogan, Mirs Lizzie Garrett, .T HAVING BEEX EMEi r : . make everything safe, as fire is the selection required in the Mississippi ' Land Mon: G a m-32 s-cold; muddy. only , by Anton To (’all Off the Presents. thing that can retard the valley, as the earth in the |x>ts re­ T. J. Shields, Wm. Hogan, ar agalnat 'Y lederne’I comfUy with law aa JTimber-Cul “ 12 m—cold. ( lias, iiilchris , growth of Burns. v tain the water much longer than in o. W* dated » 1>87. upon To Deliver Presents. “ G p m—cold. Raining off —Smith it Young will put the’ the moist climate referred to; the Mias Ella Baker, ,i*. R. 32, E .Miss Stella Garrett, rounty. <»re- Miss Lizzie Winter. carpenters to work on their fine, flowering, however, is not so pro­ of said en- and on all day. iOMNITTKK ON SUPPER: d Frederick J. Garrett, Mrs. Geo. Williams. large, new town hall, next week, fuse—there is now no reason for any Mr». “ 6 p m—cold; break five Mrg. ( iii.R. Adatra, Mis. Fred, okern.ann, that he has floor uana G krs : Tues: Ga m-32 s-cold, ground so as to have it ready for the holi­ lady fond of house-plants longer whatever- ••ya Th. s. Allen, Pleas. Cheney. The Band Boys complaining of l*-ing deprived of J. c. Garrett, COMMTTTF.E transferred ; frozen; fine sunrise; clouded Ix-fore 8. day festivities. ISS. ON MUSIC: 8.—the said will give the opening dance. E. D. Baker, Edward Kurtz, O. Rusk the luxury of flowers because of re- ----- . r>car at this “ 12 m—cold. e nth Ir. 1M*9. at lo — Mr. and Mrs. Cal. Geer have ' siding in Burns. There is but one Everybody cordially invited to tw Dcspoud MMl MÜteh tes* i rn..n s “ 6 p m—-quite cold. About started to housekeeping in the house aM ai&ord future. 4, a sudden fierce sleet and snow opposite the Geer Hardware Store. pest to fight, and that is the aphis come, and bring well-filled bankets j. i. mmwroN. r . k > . r in the rose bushes, while back East alonR with them, and thone that 1 storm came up. T he H erald congratulates Burns there are legions of them. The red have no bankets, come anyway. Wed: 6 a ni—cold; ground cov-1 on adding another agreeable fami­ spider came with a tea rose in the «’S NOTICE. ered with a half-inch snow. ly to her list of resident citizens. mail, but was readily exterminated GEO. W. BARNES. M. R HIGOS, Pune, il le, or. Ruma, or. “ 12 m—cool; thawing. —John Hyde, David McGill, and by keeping the plant stripped of its John Bunton, genial gentlemen leaves, and it is as full of foliage BARNES «r thoroughly acaaoa«! for building parpeaaa and At REDUCED PRICE. N. B. A Good road all the way. 1-1T