£ asi r 1 1 -No. 81. H erald . O regon ‘ BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1889. •* $2.50 a Year. ..............1 . ...................... . 1 -............ .............. . . .... In winter the weather is cold but afterward, and died years ago at Steen mountain. The Malheur pleasant, the usual effects of alti­ I ED »VERY THURSDAY tude being cheeked by the gentle chief Egan was also in command of LEAVENING POWER chinook, or west wind. The snow­ the turbulent reds The defunct Of th* virion* Baking Powder* illua- THE HOPKINS HOUSE ITS IlESt llllTUlN', HISTORY, AMI fall is sufficient to preserve wheat town south of Burn* was named in L & ______ N. GBACE, to h,_______ IT TI KE PKOSPEITH. tinted from actual testa honor of his memory. and supply moisture that is not and P roprietors . M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . furnished by rains. In summer ROYAL to »..; ========== RSflf the* reader is a friend to there is a pleasant breeze constant­ The grave of a soldier known as •Reddy, ” is in front of the remains CRAHTS* (Alum).. the early settlement of the Harney ly blowing, which tends to keep of Camp Wright, who was shot by , [J NEWSPAPER LAWK EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. 1 tmsster la required to give r<>’i e country, let him send a copy of agreeable weather, no matter how Indians, while in eafup on the Blit- RUMFORD’S* (.Yoh). .UHRMMRMMMItemimi ruing the paper does not n ► HARFORD'S («he. M) SHRRmHI^MmtemHM « a subscriber doca not take hi» j.r-j.-r this issue of T he H erald to rela­ hot the sun’s rays, and the nights zen, as he mounted guard one dark 581|| Jpffice. and the reason for Its n.»t being tives, friends and acquaintances in CHARM* (Alum ru.dn) teteBMMRMBIteteB cool enough to make covering de­ night in February, 1866. i‘y neglect to do so makes the |..c This Hotel is new (House, Rooms, and Furniture) and offers courteous service te every Guast. ->.>onBibleto the publisher for put ment the East. sirable—in fact one can sleep un­ DAVIS* * uni 0. K.* (Alum)«pMmMmHteR*HM BLOt‘ V per»**» order« his paper d.acun The winter of 67-68 the Indians r.DBe must pay all arrearages, or the Pub der cover comfortably the year ,r”kSh\ continue to send it until payment iu A. F’irxe Bar, surrendered to Gen. Crook on the CUVILARDT..............................IMMMMRHM9 H pai , collect the whole amount whether it round. Harney Valley is a beautifully sit-1 IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. the office or not: There t un be FIORII* (Su Fiucaco) site of the old Malheur agency. uated valley in Harney county in j There is no timber except along i , »continuance till paymeu - CZAR................................... East Oregon, between 118 and 120 water courses, where there is a light The attention of small »tock-rais- OR. PRicr*....................... 11 het her he ha« subscribed • < u > degrees Wes tLongitude from Green­ growth of birch and unusally large, j ubscrtber for the pay. order« his »«per stopped wich, and between 43 and 44 heavy growth of willows. But the ers was turned to thu.*ection about 1R0W nAKI(GroTi)... itime, and the Publishei degrees North Latitude; is between adjacent mountains arc timbered this time, and tamp Harney was C0RCREU......................... Censral Blacksmith Waeon-maker» ■■■■ 1 pay for it if 3,500 to 3,800 feet above the level of with fir, pine, juniper, mountain­ established as a military post, a HICKIRt ......................... S ai | Hpii proceeds H. R. SCHLÄGEL ------ L akeview , O rb « oh . Hz,Kr i for what he the sea; embraces an area of 2,400 mahogany, etc. Saw-mills are lo­ man named Walker x-irrying the Jrcfusing t< Square miles, or 1,536,000 square cated in the pineries, and the lum­ mail on horseback between the GILUTS........................... __ ■ran the post Post and Canyon City. The fol­ HSIFORD’i (N«a« Such), whaa .ot foh. MBM -------- o--------- javing them fifor, withou I acres, bounded on every side by ber of the best quality, sells much lowing is a short sketch of the ear­ PURL (Aodrewa a C*.)............................ MMMMHM Pr«p«r«d to da all Kiste «f Work in th« Blackzmlth liba. Hon« sho«ia( at |>te>«r h«a*. the same, is prime facia evideuev ui mountain ranges and lofty eleva- cheaper than in the East. » fraud. : tions, and is an almost entirely level Garden vegetables are large, fine-; ly settlement of Harney valley, as RUMKMUF* • (Phozphzte), »E m aot fmh.. .Mate ' INSCRIPTION RATE' plain, plentifully watered by the ly flavored, abundant and easily we have been able to learn it: ^-BUGGIES, WAGONS, ET C.,-> F..oo Report* of Government Chemist*. Silvies and Blitzen rivers and their raised. We will on application give ; 1872— Stille Riddle, John Boone, .1.50 MIDI T« O1DII WITH NEATNESS, AND OF GOOD QUALITY. “ The Royal Baking Powder is composed of . .75 tributaries. the addresses of several gardeners the Smyth family, and JohnChap- pure and wholesome ingredients. It does not 2.50 advance) A L L W O R K WARRANTED. The Harney country which em­ here, who will answer in detail all: man, came in with stock. contain either alum or phosphates, or other in* ERALD CLUB LIST 1873— J. S. Miller, J. Cooksey, T. jurioussubstances.-EDWAKDG. Love, Ph.D." braces the valley of that name and inquiries on that subject; the white, The Century, one year the contiguous rallies of Happy, Dia or Irish potato is grown with little Prather and the Venators brought " The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly DREWSEY ADVERTISEMENT. St Nichol««, •• I mond, Silvies, Silver creek, Catlow, cultivation, and is superior to that in cattle and horses. Jas. Sheppard, the purest and most reliable baking powdex Demoreat Magazine, ene > car . Petemon Magazine offered to the public. Ac., was named in honor of U. S. grown in Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, and the Curry* brought in stock. f Godoy*« Lady a Book M West Shore •• H kmbt A. M ott , M. D., Ph. D.” General Harney, of Missouri, in Tennesse, or Kansas, we personally 1874— P. F. Stenger, and Tho*. t Lealie’a Hluatrated New*|.u|»-; "The Royal Baking Powder is purest in qual­ I.ealle'« Popular Monthly know as regards size, “mealiness,” Whiting brought stock in from 1853, who while eseortingemigrant* I a .11«', Sunday Magazine ity and highest in strength of any baking pow­ through this valley had a brush and flavor. Belford', Magazine . Douglas county, Oregon. P. F. der of which I have knowledge. • I Weeaiy Call.............. I with the Indians, and the valley Small fruits, such as strawberries, ■ Stenger establishing hi* camp at Dally Call.................. •• W k . M c M urtkie , Ph. D.” i. Weegly Examiner ; was named in his honor—by whom currants, blackberries, gooseberries, what is known as the Sod House on •All Alum baking powders, no matter how «Uy Examiner .... their strength, are to be avoided as dan­ 1 we have not yet learned. grapes, etc., will from what evidence ; the Blitzen, afterward removing to high .’eealy New York World gerous. Phosphate powders liberate their gas Detroit Free PaeM we have been able to gather the . the present Peter Clemens ranch, too freely, or under climatic changes suffer de* Hnnte.’n Magazine The Silvies river has its source DICKSON A SULLIVAN P ropri bt « r *. Harper’» Weekly past two years, be a success, as na­ : where Riddle A Boone had camped terioration. in the sours of the Blue mountains, III Harixr's Bazar tive plants are hardy and good : two years before, and Whiting at south of the John Day river, flows Harper's Young Peo| h- Alden’s Manifold Cyclo|»"lin. Lou. J. Bosenberg, Mixologist, a general southerly course, passing bearers. Fruit trees and ornament- i Rocky Point the present site of tional volume after Vol. I, • T. V. B. EMBREE, M. D. tra uer volume, pvalaite. down the center of the valley, and al shrubs were planted freely by: Burns. Mail route from Canyon Office'at his re«lder< t the east aide ot 81 Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandies, farmers in the spring; the fall set- City via Camp Harney to Fort Ma­ vie« River, ter. iri «» below Burna. tea of all the above work, ran I « ex empties into Lakes Harney and Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on liand when e>eure In the Beading Kooiu tings survived the severest winter Dermit, Nevada, was established. Malheur. It is a rapidly flowing (1888) that East Oregon has ever you call on “Uncle Dick,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. 1879—The Smyths, father and iblisher■ of periodical« are solicited stream, about 80 miles long, and Large orders . have been i son, jbini rale», a copy of their work for contains every kind of fish, includ­ known. S B. McPHEETERS, M. D. son, killed by the Indian*, at the , .. 7;, x- Kineu oy me muians, ui me ading Room—We file, anti bind the [ close of the trouble with the Piutes *ae of every half volume, P”d » i. • ing the salmon trout, and other va- PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. .dvertiaement. j rieties of game fish. It derives its for fall planting in 1889; the result I I and Bannocs. The Bannoc warfare Office at W. E. Grace's Drug Store. 1-ly is in the future. ! name from a Candian trapper 'ceased. The first merchandise “GjgJlDVERTISING RATES: PATENTS. As an agricultural region it will! store and saloon put up _ by ....... .... ! named Silvies, who was killed in a man 1 2 wk 1 mo 3 ino 61.0 1 yr. PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. C. A. SNOW & CO. - - - WASHINGTON, D. C. be readily seen that its inducements name(j Josephson, and kept where an early day. Patents obtained, and all patent business attended to promptly and for moderate feee. K.ao «5 00 «» 'M >11 00 315.00 are rarely excelled. the Burns hotel now stands. 18.00 28 00 The Dunder-and-Blitzen river, or 6 50 12 bì t . a . M c K innon , 4.UÜ Our Office is opposite the U. 8. Patent Office, and we can obtain in les» time than those 40 (K) 24 00 ! 5 .00 8.00 15.00 As to stock raising it cannot be Any and all kinds of surveying done on shot remote from Washington. Send Model or Drawing. We advise as to patentability free 1878— Win. Curry bought and notice 59 00 1 “Blitzen,” as it is shortened by com- 6.00 10.00 20 (B. 32 00 and reasonable term». Settler .54 00 ■' mon usage, is of charge; and we make no charge unless parent is secured. 48 IO 1 9 00 15.00 28.00 about 50 miles i n surpassed, since its water, grass, and moved the Josephson stock to where wishing to be located, can have plats furnishc 80.(0 1U) 00 1 16.(W UI.00 « 00 We refer here to the Postmaster, the Superintendent of Money Order Division, and frek of charge. ;ooo 40 00 00 00 no ou 140.00 1 length, flows in a northerly direc­ salubrious climate take horses, cat­ the Levcns Bros, ranch is located. officials of the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, aud references to uotuai tion and empties into the lakes, and tle, sheep and hogs throughout the Daniel Wheeler, the first Justice of clients in your own Stats or couuty, write to abo\e address. i TO FOREIGN ADVERTISEK- ' obtained its unique name in mem­ year (from January 1 to December the Peace. __ fully Solicit lag your patronage SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP. 31) without grain, or any other than ‘/ito keep our readeispoBicil an tot he ory of an exclamation of a Dutch 1879- 80—The military Post at 1 U&JTi*nd reliable firms to deal with, cor A’ will be saved by referi in-to • 1« soldier, in Gen. Crook’s command, wild grass feeding, and when the Camp Harney abandoned. Large J. C. WELCOME - P roprietor . l^>.-dta^emeuts based upou our < ir< u.« while standing guard over the pack winter is milderthan common, stock BURNS. OREGON. stockmen began buying out the jSr’AJand adjoining counties: . , tral reduction to «11 yearly ad ver mules during a vivid thunder storm, looks better in early spring than in JI i smaller dealers. Houses and.'Oottages at office, or write to Fublisl.er. Eastern localities where they are : •into s charged extra, according to »pace; in 1865-68. 1881— P. M. Curry, now of Lake- FEED AND LIVERY STABLE. grain-fed during the winter; and 1 . I.FCRnetnl base admitted. These rivers and their numerous •ml medicinal ads. at no price, , Or., came here, for whom H. CALDWELL, - - - - P bofbibtob . 'tiaementa at 1 cm than 10 cents per tributaries have their water sheds the texture and flavor of the meats > view, D. S. HOI’KINS, A rchitect . [ i Curry precinct is named. >rice, yearly, or 20 cent», transient, compare favorably with the best in within the county, and the lakes A CASH BUSINESS AT BED­ Grand Rapids. Mich. 1882 — Geo. McGowan, the Mar- ' the m-rket. There is no room for 1"~ .zr-_.position 12 extra charge t ut in having no outlet, serve to furnish Will furnish Designs of House», Cottages, and Mansions costing from. $300 on np te a«y stead of posltiou a standing n-ader : large stock-raisers, as b the territory , tins and A. O. Bedell located. Egan figure wanted. If you ineau lo build,send |1 to my address, and 1 will mail you a portfo­ ation toad, each week is run in v rh i subterranean ~ irrigation to the whole ROCK PRICES. lio of 33 designs of dwellings, like the one on file in E ast O regon H erald office, with matter free. is fully taken up by three or four Postoffice was established. full plan of each, full-size detail», complete specifications, and til'd of material», all very reotype all oar advert ^emeir* valley. ' motto. Good Buggy Teams, and Nice full and complete so any ordinary carpenter or builder will have no trouble in going firms that hold all available ranges, 1832—McGowan xt Martin opened Is our Horses 1st four publications i1 » H h, < Furnished at Reasonable Charges ahead and completing the work. And if you do not find just what yon want, write mo ng in local column», igc a :iuc. Lakes Harney and Malheur, cov­ but the stock such as is commonly general merchandizing store in saddle and Particular Attention paid to the Boarding what changes you desire made, and I will accommodate you. Or leave Order» with T he birth, and death Kim. nti() and Greomiu of Transient .Stock. Hay <1 Grain H erald . Y ou will It as cheap to erect a hands I or of Robert. Burns. Scotland’s fa- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Robert Burns, ¡lakes have not such picturesque Some time.in the sixties we learn on file for ro- i scenery as Crater Lake to recom­ WspHper Ad- that Abner Robbins, now of Drew­ I mous bard. B urns , O h . York. mend them to tourists, but their sey, used to ride on pack-horses, 1885—The first newspaper, (&4K WILL B uy TIIK ODKLL TYPF.;wniTF.R WARRANTED TO DO AS 04R ... a G- as any One-Hundred Dollar Machine. _9IO j value to farmers is inestimable. among the Indians before any white ' ^.°^in]‘nl’ Patent-outside, was estab­ Practice« in all the courts o‘.be Stat e t 4>IV Also, before the U. 8. l*and Office. i fished by Horace Dillard. It combines HiMPi.iciTvwith dura bility — speed , ease of operation ' ' ' ' ' " ' Right here, however, permit us men resided here. L and M atters a S pecialty . wears longer without cost of repairs than any other machine, has 1887— T he E ast O reoon II er - ü : r- Next is in August, 1865, when to mention a natural attraction .Sanjamin Harrison no inkribbon to bother the operation. It neat, substantial, nick- — , a 7 -column, patent-inside, ........ Levi P. Morton possessed by lands adjacent to these Point Wright was named in honor AI-D> It. el-plated—perfect and adapted to all kinds of typewritin.g ... JFtan«'» '> P.iaine lakes that will draw hundreds of Gen. Wright, who went down in the newspaper plant was established by I .. .William Windom D. L. Grace. CHAS. SAMPSON - - B urns , O r . LmJohnW. Noble excursionist from the East in the “Brother Jonathan” the preceding Like a Printing Press it produces sharp, dean, legible manuscript. Two to ten copies field Proctor 1888—In May T he H erald was W-A-T-C-H-M-A-K-E-R in F. Tracey near futurre: Standing in the door­ spring, and establishment of Camp I can be nuule at one writings. Editors, lawyers, ministers, bankers, merchants, iah M. Rusk way of farm houses about sunrise, Wright in Septeml>er of that year, enlarged to an “all-at-home-print,” manufacturers, business men, etc., cannot m.tke a better investment for $15. -AMD- II. H. Miller Au intelligent person in'a.weekcan become a Good operator, or a rapidone in 2 months. Wanamaker distant objects, towns, farms, moun­ by Capt. L. L. Williams of Co. “H,” • making it the first and only news­ Jeweler. paper ever printed complete in the 1st Oregon Infantry, in command tain ptaks, and bands of cattle and i 11 ,000 offered any operator who can do bettor work with a Type- N. Dolph Mitchell horses grazing on the ranges, are of parts of three companies sta- . : Harney country. Only $2.50 a year. Writer than that produced by the Odell. gWReliable Agents "C;:....... <« e H. r r Hermann Pen nover pictured on the atmosphere and tioned on the ground near the pres- t ; N. Brown began the erection of the and Salesmen wanted. Special inducements to Dealers BLACKSMITH. W McBride For Pamphlets, giving endorsements, Ac., address the /EEliS;;;; Geo. X.G. W Webb rise up from the ground like magic; ent site of J. S. Devine’s residence. I first Grist and Merchantile Mill in .J. B. McElroy and these white representations are ADOLPH TUPKER - - P kop ’ r 45 ODELL TYPE WRITER CO., T he R ookery , C hicago , III. In Sept. 1865, there was a fight the valley. ,. Frank Bakci R 8. Strahan so truly drawn, that a member of a 1889—The creation of Harney —GENERAL REPAIRING— I Wm. P. Lord family living several miles away between the Indians (Harney Val­ 5 I. W. W. Thayer ley Piutes), and a part of the force County was obtained with follow­ AND IH-'XTH JÜDICtZl. DtffitKT from home, can distinguish the per­ under Capt. Williams, between' ing officials: Judge, T. J. Shields;! B I fon sons of the family as they walk Camp Wright and Harney lake, i ■ Clerk, W. E. Grace; Treasurer, T. [ L. R and i about the yard: brother from fa­ wounding a soldier named Smith II. Roberts; Commissioners, Lytle ( I Ul'I COCRTT- marrrt : rther, or mother from sister. in the foot, and another named j Howard; T. B. James; Surveyor, I Promptly executed. The building has been en I n e (R) . G. W G ilham mfe-SÌ (D) J. T. nhh I ” - larged and improved and ie prepared to turn who in after years died , ; W. R. Gradon; Sheriff, A. A. Cow- out The Lake of Harney was proba- Griffin, 1 L.W. E. G rack kinds of blacksmithing on short notice the effects of the injury. That : ing; Assessor, W. E. Alberson; and all bly so called because it was in the from : iu the beat style. Terms: Cash. 1-ly • ÎB _ t W. H. B. R G oberts ra I on ' School Superintendent, L. B. Ba ­ same evening the Indian* set fire Harney country, and Malheur after i ........... .< di . .A. A. COAINO ....................... (D). ,W. E. A lrerson one of the tribes of Indians that 11 to the tall grass [a man named ker. HARNEY ADVERTISEMENT!. rintentent. (D) .L. B. B aker |.«.W m . M eeker hunted annually in its vicinity. Keiger describes the grass of the I P. F. Stenger obtained the first ( FROM PRINEVILLE TO BURNS. L ytle H oward Severe drouth (luring 1889, these valley “high enough for me to tie | daily mail, and erected the first ..... W I V T. B. J ake * my head as I ride through it costly and elegant family residence w. A. ril'-Ht»«, these lakes are lower than ever be- over ' J. mat . urnsow Harney, Or. Lakeview, Or. fore known by white settlers. 11 on horse-back”] and Capt. Wil-' in the county. C. B. BAKER, Sub-Contractor. Soil and climate are an exact liams and his men had to take ref The United States Land Office WILSHIRE A HUDSON. Leave« Prinavills Mondays at • a m. Arrives at Burna Wednesday« at 6 pm. on a grease wood knoll—some­ LaavM Burns Thursdavs at lam Arrives at Prineville Saturdays at S p as counterpart of that of Umatilla co., uge ¡ for Harney District was established where about the Buccaroo house of Ore., the best wheat-raising county in Burns with J. B. Huntington, Attomeys-at-Law, in the State. Very little has been the Divine ranch of to-day—en register, and Harrison Kelley, re- LAKEVIEW AND HARNEY, OR. P**Mn*er rates from Prineville to Burn« >7.50; Round trip,14-with 00 days delay. two olden time shot guns! done towards wheat-raising here, passant, j i ' ceiver. This firm practice« in the courts of tho State were found in the willows in that but those have been sucessful that and before the U. 8. Lend Office. Any land Office or other businesa entrusted to theta will have tried it. Umatilla on account vicinity, a couple of years since. receive prompt attention. CALIFORNIA. At about the same time Lieut. of the drouth of 1889, averaged DOLAND CA8KH SOLICITED. BREWERY. from 10 to 20 bushels per acre Applegate of Co. “H”, in command , "Know ye tle the land whirefhe cypreae and myr­ Are emblems of deed« that are don« la their on many grain ranches. The same i of a part of Capt. Williams’ force. clime’" returning from Camp Curry.1 Who doe« not w«nt to know all about the can be said of this sectien. T he was ’ PAUL LOCHER PROPRIETOR. ELITE SALOON. I the Mì Golden state. I’i ntatcblevr climate. It* marvel ' E ast O regon H erald has in its to i Camp Wright, was that evening on. (rowth. and he ho.indle«« treaaure«; the office fine specimens ofgrain from attacked by the Indians at fortifi­ land where col. ...I fortune« are made In • d«y HARNEY,------------- OREGON BURNS, OREGON , i:rt ),«t In a night* The san Franclaco Evening COATSWORTH A TREGASKIS, all over the countv, for the years cations thrown up on what is now or Bulletin, which zti e«tabll»hed In 1*56. atanda PROPRIETORS. in the forefront of California Joornallam. «nd The Bara« Beer is a Fine Quality, and may be had by the Gls Bottled, or In Quantity. the McGee ranch and called for It« mammoth weekly edition form* a complete 1888 and 1889. k I ' ", ' 1Cc(<«*T I-OMiK, MO. Tt, I. o <> r of the «oriel, material, and pot ft leal | Wheat finds a ready home mar ___ fun after one of the company, Fort epitome _ni.»l «Fallow« Rati, mrv Hatnrdav hlatory of the state sedd u* la for Taa IIaa■ . CANYOJf CITY ADVERTÎ8EMKXTB. het at 5 cents a pound—»3 per bu­ Drellenger. And again, the next *Lb «nd Weekly Valletta for oa« year. morning, about eight miles south shel. Oats and barley grow equal­ ly well, and bring 3 and 4] cents of the present town of Burns, the' C. A. «WEEK, per pound. Alfalfa and red clover Indians shooting from the point of. I f you want something fine m a THS HERALD READING ROOM. ATTORN E Y-AT-LA W. the rimrock west of the cove. grow luxuriantly; timothy and red- literary treat. Bend to Harper A canyon city , orkoon . top thrive finely. Pasturage is ex­ The Piutes were under command Brother», New York, for last year's • excepte*. - - - BURNS, OREGON. I IN HERALD OFFICE, cellent: natural grass grows abun­ of a Chief Wahweveh, brother of Christmas number, 1888,” or Har­ I dava,« « m. Open every day except Sunday, from 9 a m to 5 p in. dant. and is cut for hay that sells old Chief Paulina, whom Howard per* Franklin Square Library,only ■ iO <5 p m Attorney-at-Law. —----- o-------- at $12 at.d $15 per ton in the Maupin, an old Mexican soldier, 25c. We acknowledge receipt of a Kvery and Lady Gentlemen a welcome Visitor to this Free Read- winter time. All cereal crops killed on Crooked river in 1867; handsome Extra, thia week, full of M. DUSTIN. thrive without irrigation. ing Rowm. lie burned Camp Wright »omeiime Yule-tide alone* and pi chi re® Hsmev Cilv and Bnrw . E HERALD. H arney V alley . K T he drewsey S aloon . JOB WORK. t •