BURNS ADVFllii-i Senward, and, also, three like in­ 1-llOM EAST III BXS EIHTION ington, and the Vale papers brought junction suits against Win. ligei, Lakeview Examiner: At Lake­ THE HERALD information of the marriage U hav­ A. Setward, and Harrison Seaward oct. »*. view, Oct. 11th, to the wife of C. A. ing taken place at Drewsey. Last with Williams and Parrish for Plff. Cogswell, a son. The judge savs the week we found the following in the —J. Nat. Hudson was in Burns THURSDAY, Û4 TUBER f-J. I«*'.». ------ GO TO GO TO_____ — -------- ** Hudson and Barnes for Dft. An­ Tuesday evening. young democrat yelled for Cleve­ Malheur Gazette: “ Miss May Lvnn left Hedrick ». L. C.líAIF. I swer filed in each case. Editor*. land. first thing. —Jas G. Wygal, of Silver creek TV. Broxvtj NKLL.I1: GRACE. 1 about a month ago and the under­ Rat Smith, from Indian valley, standing among her friends was that was in town, Sunday. -Jas. Wallers vs. John Jenkins, The Leading Merchant of Cram T he H erald , the Free Press and passed through town yesterday, she was going to Nebraska on a.vis­ —One of the most orderly ^busi­ Appeal from Curry Precinct was with several wagons and some fine it, but here comes the news from dismissed on motion of Jenkins, ----- dealer in __ . ness places in town is the a complete set of Dicken’s works, far away Oregon that she has taken Land oilice. horses, on his way to Harney valley with judgment for him for costs. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, R at « , twelve volumes, for only $3.50. a life partner, and will make her BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES u,’»^ 3 Kelley, Cardwell, and Swcek for to locate. in at- — L. M. Brown has been home on the Pacific coast. Although STOVES, TINWARE, CROCKERY I It seems pretty certain that Fort she deceived us in this important ' tendance on circuit court as juror, I’lfl'., Hudson for Dft. P et e r son s ’ M ag a zin e for Th anks- PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY TIIP I Klamath is to be abandoned, after matter, yet we forgive her and ten-' th<- past week. -John M. Knox vs. Wm. W'yllie, SULTANA RAZORS, AND “I X L”’ CUTtn^ ] giving is full of entertainment for all the talk otherwise. A Bidwell der our congrntulatiions. and may! —A. Allen sent off for a set of Promissory Ncte; at issue. CIGARS—AND A THOUSAND OTlIPu I the ladies, from cover to cover. soldier, on his way home Sunday, this worthy couple have a long and Dickens’ works under T he H ar - TOO TEDIOUS TO MENTION M Only $3.60 this year (instead $3.75, James Owens ve. Van Curtis, Re­ happy life. We have known the i as last year) for T he H erald and said that the military telegraph bride from childhood. She was ald ’ s low rates. «^“Nothing but First-Grade Goods in Stock 1 plevin; at issue. soon, line was advertised to be sold —Ira Wakefield, Presiding Elder, Hudson for Plff., Williams for Dft. once a pupil in our school, and her the Magazine. ¿W“ Full Weight Guaranteed a which will end the matter as soon sunny kind heart made friends of is expected to arrive in Burns, to­ I as the corporal’s guard there now, all, old ami young. She was also I day or tomorow. equity docket . W e have been reading the Tole­ one of our best teachers and we are -Suit for Injunction, E. C. Sin­ —Mr. Hale and grand-daughter, do Blade the past year, and find it is moved. sorrv to lose her, but our loss is Or­ ---------------- ----- a good, well written, entertaining I egon’s gain.-Journal, Hedrick,Iowa. Jim Moore’s eldest child, returned gletary, et. al., vs. Harney Valley to Prineville, Tuesday morning. Dam, Ditch & Irrigation Company. A. Closing* Out§ Prineville News: It is often said weekly visitor that we gladly recom­ Canyon-Baker Stage Bobbery. —T he H erald will offer the Motion to dissolve injunction. mend to our readers. H erald that “murder will out,” but it docs Great Bargains in Hardware As promised, we give our readers ladies of Harney valley, a hand­ Parrish and Williams for l’lffs. and Blade, both one year each, for seem this old saying is sometimes some Directoire jacket pattern, in a the account of the stage robbery so Hudson for lifts. slow in being verified. In Crook only >3.25. AT Lier soon as obtained. The following is short while. county within the past few years a from the Grant County News: -Same vs. Clinton Duncan. Mo­ —Goods, merchandise goods of tion to dissolve injunction and for T he ladies of Harney valley will number of crimes have been com­ Last Friday morning, 18th inst., ceo c owans every kind, are on the road and ar­ be glad to know they can get their mitted which arc shrouded in mvs- about day-light, the stage which rivals daily for the popular store of judgment. old favorite, Petersen’s Magazine terv and seem liable so to remain. left Canyon City the morning be­ N. Brown. -In the Divorce suit of Jennie L. for 1890, on even l etter term.- than For instance, not 1<»S’ than a half fore, was stopped by a masked Amis vs. 8. B. Amis, testimony not highwayman and robbed of all the —The generad «opini041 regard­ last year, only <3.GO. The Thanks­ dozen fires have occurred in the registered mail matter, at the iden­ ing the Shirk trial, is the jury will all taken. giving number is in our Reading county the past two years, which tical spot in which the robbery of fail to agree, or “not guilty,” will Hudson for Plff. Room, and is beautifully gotten up were undoubtedly incendiary, yet three vears ago was committed. be the verdict. -In the Divorce suit of Eva Whit­ there has not been a single instance W. R. Piper, recently from the in every direction. — L. M. Brown, Ed. Joy, Jas. tle vs. Thos. Whittle, motion for East, was driving, and the follow ­ in which the person that kindled ing interview by the reporter of the Copshall, W. II. Culp and" C. E. default. F. E. B each . President, I W’ m . McF.ut the fire has been convicted, and in A ldridge , ofthe Prineville News, Daily Democrat, of Baker City, de­ Gilham, are among the names on E. H ughes , Vice-President, | W. F. Hudson for Plff. most cases it has been impossible fwr. gets n>ad at T he H erald , when it I scribes the situation in the driver’s the Shirk jury -S. J. Griswold vs. G. Griswold in occasionally, refutes his misrepre­ to even guess who the incendiaries own words, and the initiation of —J. B. Keeney, mail contractor sentations of facts about the people were. And again, the disappear­ I the “tender-foot” into the waysofthe from Heppner to Burns, and other suit for Divorce, divorce granted. gWI.ist of Directors and Stockholders attheullw, settler HER Hudson for Plff. mail routes, arrived in Burns, 21st of Harney valley, and replies in a ance last May of Geo. Nutting, gen­ wild and wooly West: “The stage had just crossed Un­ inst.,from Pendleton. -Injunction suit of J. C. Wooley J. D.S strain such as only a man whose erally conceded to have been the ion creek and was approaching a 2-30tf BURNS work of an assassin, is still a mys ­ vs. Marshal Hughes, et. al., settled society has been rejected by gentle­ —In the Shirk trial prosecution hill with the horses in a slow trot, * for tl men, can write—our mistake lay tery, the parties who are most inter­ when suddenly a man stepped out rested its case on Tuesday, and de­ and dismissed at Pill’s cost. M. William’s for defendant. in believing it possible his paper I ested in discovering his murderer j from behind a huge rock and level­ fense began taking testimony. As witnesses summoned pistol, A. I uuppvov suppose a earn six o.xwwvsc. shooter there were 38 41- A 1 A might have an influence among its i j have abandoned the search entirely, ing a pictvi, -No. 13 to No. 32 on docket, in­ from its size, at me, said, “ hold on! h V defense, trial is expected to run i When such crimes as these can be readers in Crook county. clusive, all Red-S Injunction suits ^is week, BAKER, CITY, OREGON. ' committed and thecloscest investi- hold on!!” I instantly took in the ■ standing on demurrer where ser­ situation, and the stories I had read OF. i gation fail to discover the perpe ­ — We had the pleasure of meet ­ Mr. C. M. Caldwell, one of the vice has been had. about highwaymen flashed through Have the Largest Establishment in Eastern Oregon TBD 8' ing Mr. and Mrs. Julius Durkhei- trators, it seems there is little pro- prominent men of Burns, tarried my mind and I pulled up rein and imii (| —C. F. McKinney vs. Harry 1BRBI here to-day on his way home from I tcction to life or property. But stopped the horses. The robber mer at the Burns, Monday, where the Portland Exposition. He is an ! there seems to be no remedy, since then commanded me to turn my they are stopping for a few weeks; Bressler, et. al., Foreclosure of Me­ enthusiastic Burns man; says his ! men do not call in witnesses when head away from him and lo»k up, the young couple are housekeeping chanic’s Lien, amended complaint town will be the county seat; that and then coining to the stage said: in Canyon City, and appear to boas filed. happy as the newly married ought next year’s political battle will be ¡they committ crime, and if thev >r the! “Have you any mail bags in the ever to be. They have T he H er ­ Hudson for Plff Swamp Land vs. Settler, and that have sense enough to keep their wagon?” ald ’ s best wishes for a pleasant and -E. B. Hanley vs. E. D. Weaver, SPORTING GOODS, & Cutlery, || .^2 the latter will win; that theofllccrs ■ mouths shut after it is done they “Yes,” I answered. prosperous future. of the land oilice are giving gener­ are usually safe from detection. in suit for Foreclosure of Mortgage ms, o “Have you any express pack­ al satisfaction and that Mr. Harbi­ service not completed nj. b A report was circulated on the ages?” he again asked. CIKCV1T COl'KT PKOl'EEIHNGS. son, the special agent, talked just Tinware, Glass, Paints and Oils, iW “ All Kin'k Hudson for Plff r right when he said to give the set­ streets Thursday morning that “No.” ■>g ind.tr, .Ve/iV'.’iimn iimications answcri'd.|^:’>i October Term—18H9. tler the benefitofthe doubt in every the driver, on the line between ■ ird'-rs with this House if von want to buy «bits Well then,” said he, “throw out■ CRIMIN’ V Dl.CKE. MONDAY — OCT. 14. TBO S' case. Mr. Caldwell has a gold The Dalles and Bake Oven, upset mail bags.” - --------------------- ------------- .. ■ ................................. c medal of which lie is very proud -I : Sednetiou e ■ ¡v Circuit court convened this a. m I immediately complied with the, his stage, last Thursday, and was showing him to be a veteran of Co. reek, 'Lite v- Kmg request, picked up one sack in the I F., California cavalry, that did killed. Jim Delevan, the driver boot and one behind me, and threw with Judge Ison and Prosecuti motion for continu nice f th e Attorney Rand promptly on time. good service in the Mexican war. who came in here Thursday night, them out on the left hand side of | -Murder case from allow v T O I L F T ARTICLES, G L ASS, Pl'K says the stage was found turned T he Vale Atlas contains the the stage, where the robber was, all | Lawyers in attendance: Geo. W. ,■ above editorial notice, which con­ over and the driver was dead— the time having my head turned ' Barnes, M. R. Biggs, Prineville; State vs. I). L. Shirk, on trial from him. He cut the straps on ' C. W. Parrish, M. Dustin, M. I). Friday. tains a hint that in the coming' 1 drunk. ■V the sacks and dumped the mail out! Harney county election party lines -In case State vs. Isaac Winters, on the ground, and after assorting i Clifford, Canyon City; J. Nat. will be ignored for the purpose of To keep posted A Large Assortment of out the registered packages put the I Hudson, Thornton Williams, C. A. trial had; found guilty of Break exciting a struggle between Stock­ ing Fence; fined $50 and cents. Read T he H erald . balance of the mail in the sacks and ; Swcek, Harney; and W. W. Card- men and Settlers, that can directly j deposited them in the stage with | well, and Capt. Kelley, of Burns. ^^'7 3’JT lOTIOW MHl ” -Larceny case of State vs. W’m. the remark: I enefit only a few land attorneys, .Ore« Black, Job Mahon, Wm. 11. Mahon “Peterson’s” Thanksgiving num- “Go on, drive fast, and don’t I Day occupied in empanneling defendants filed “Not Guilty.” while the result will be to retard the Has just been Received. is among the handsomest of the No­ look back.” Grand Jurors, with following result: _______________ - — >al ^r. settlement of the county for years, -Obstructing Highway, in State vember magazines. The numerous “I whipped up the horses, and i John Beatty, Riley, and bring bloodshed (which has illustrations are excellent, from the you bet, I didn’t look back. 1 was : A. W. Hurlburt, vs. N. II. A. Mahon, defendant PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY WB been successfully averted to date), L. B. Hayes, Harney. beautiful steel-engraving to the only too glad to get out of the way | plead “Guilty,” was fined $50 and /W Everything guaranteed pure and of thevtn.vm. Price Withers, into a conflict that otherwise can be of that dangerous looking pistol. ” I double fashion-plate. The literary costs. Thos. Giles, Drewsey, quietly and amicably decided in Burns, “Can you describe the highway­ J. H. Pratt, contents are exceptionally strong, -In Polygamy case of State vs. the interest of the complete settle­ man, Mr. Piper?” asked the repor­ A. C. Worthlugton, “ —Foreman. The Beat Frank Lee Benedict’s serial is one ter. J. D. Moore, defendant plead “Guil­ ment of the Harney country. of his best, and Alice Maud Ewell’s ty;” sentenced to one year in the “I can somewhat accurately, but LAW DOCKET. “Wycham’s Ordinary,” is the finest I did not see him any length of penitentiary. I’ortland Rural Spirit: Mr. F. A. W« will narantM the“Wntr'Rr. and most dramatic of her produc­ time He was about 5 feet 6 inch­ -Verdict and judgment in favor and do Tt easier and In 1«. t»®' -Obstructing Road, State vs. Horning, of Corvallis, has this year tions. Howard Seely lias a capi­ es in height; weight about 135 the world. Warranted five ■ of Koontz & Lame in suit on I’rom- Adna Robbins; bail $150. clothes clean without rubbing,( had two trees of almonds bearing, pounds; medium well dressed with tal sketch, “A Thanksgiving in the ! ■ issory Note against Josiah Sawyer. AGENTS WANT» and local judges pronounce them that apenta are maklrg fromF# Southwest,” to which anillustrated black suit, and I think his hat was I Williams, attorney for plaintiff, make |200 to |500 duriaf tbewgj- R eaders , if you would combat black; bad a harsh strong voice; excellent. aellin« this Washer. toaiiwta.|flg&. story, “At Cross-Cut Farm,” makes I was masked with a black nubia or Hudson for defendant. desiring an agency Ji. AaSM the evil tendencies association with BINOEIiS a. msnulacturen' 1««. strictest Investigation. SendyK'“w_ Albany Democrat: I)r. Busey an admirable contrast. “Out of the ! scarf.” -In suit of Trespass and Dam­ the world at large develops in your turth.r particnlars. - “Did the highwayman appear! ages brought against D. H. Smyth, children, give them a bountiful sup­ says that children should sing an Night,” by Elizabeth Phipps Train, LOVELL WASH much excited while doing the i hour a day, as a preventive of con­ is a beautiful tale ofthe Hallowe’en. by Peter French, the verdict was in ply of good literature; ordinary, work?” asked the reporter. itioua sumption. \ oeal music is gymnas­ Minna Irving contributes one of the “Not at all,” said Mr. Piper. favor of French; judgment for $21 “cheap” reading matter ¡8 like tic exercises of the lui.gs by devel­ loveliest lyrics we have read from “From his actions I should suppose and costs. “cheap clothing,” not worth the THS HERALD READING J. B. her pen, and Mrs. Marion E. Pick­ opment of the lung tissue itself. Williams and Parrish for Ptff. he was an old hand at the business. purchase money. ering’s poem, "Thanksgiving Day,” He held that pistol on me without IN HERALD OFFICE, - - - Bl'Pi—r T he H erald has made it a point -W. F. MofTet filed answer in Geo Corvallis Gazette: Col. Hogg and | is a gem. Miss Elisabeth Scovil, a quiver.” to not only furnish its readers with Open every day except Sunday, from 9 a111 ! "Was you much excited, Mr. Pi-; Hulse vs. W. F. MofTet, Action on pure rending throughout the year party left. Oct. 17th, for New York, j 'the Newport Hospital superinten­ ------ O--- et> Account. They went by cast side overland ; dent, gives a valuable paper on the per.” Every and I Al y Gentlemen a welcome Visitor 1 (even refusing a line of paying ad­ "Well I must confess I was. It route to San Francisco, thence! treatment of burns. The nccdle- -J. C. Wooley’s suit against Mar­ vertising commonly exhibited in ing Room. ¡ work department offers any num­ was a bard position for anyone to shal Hughes, ct. al., for Recovery of East. j church periodicals) in its own col- be plaeee in. When his shrill voice It is learned that Col. Hogg be- ' ber of charming designs for holi­ rang out on the morning air, it Money, was dismissed at Wooley’s j urns, but to secure for them and its fore his departure for the East, pur- day-presents. “Peterson” has a made my blood run cold, and I cost. > Reading Room, the choicest litera­ Williams for Dft. chased ofthe syndicate, who owns wonderful hold on its subscribers. could feel my hat raise from my ture put on the market, on terms head. 1 thought one time I’d look : West Yaquina, one half of all the! Once taken, always taken, seems to I . around lower than can be obtained from -Suit on Promissory Note bro ’ t and take a parting glance at be the rule in regard to it. And land owned by them. no wonder! for it is in every respect I him, but perhaps, my better judg­ against L. Harkey by Wm. Coats- the publishers, post masters or agent. ment prevailed and Idid not, at any ; In this way the publishers of T he Silver State: A match race, three- a thoroughly first-class periodical. rate 1 am satisfied with the result, worth. was settled and dismissed at the iatter’s cost. H erald have the past two years eighth of a mils, for $100 between The prospectus for next year prom­ i as I am alive and well.” furnished some of the most intelli­ Williams for Plff. A $4 Paper, 800 Pag»*, 1300 Illuetratioc», :<*nip"r Ed. William's horse, “Jew," and J ises new contributors, new and Mr. Piper on his arrival in Baker, gent and refined families in East W. Dowell's "Dew Drop,’’ came off larger type, and various other at­ notified tlie officers, and prepara- I -In Henry Miller’s suit for Eject­ o'er the \\ innemucea course on tractions, which cannot fail to keep i tions were at once instituted to ap­ ment against Fred Ritterbusch, Oregon with enough reading to do them the entire years of 1888 and 21st. The horses lapped on the “Peterson” far in advance of all the prehend the daring higwayman. answer filed. biking ii this ap »f Cbeip Litrratare cr ia any ilbtr age bi’i^j but it will probably turn out as the , start and were neck and neck at the lady's-magazines. Terms: $2.00 a subsequent robberies, without effect­ Williams and Parrish for Miller; 1889, at the price of one city daily; finish, “Jew" having been declared year. Club rates: Two copies for ing a capture. Still the reward Hudson and Barnes for Ritterbush. and our zeal in this work has in­ EXTRAORDINARY 0 the winner by six inches; time 361 $3.50; three copies for $4.50 with of if 1000 recently offered by the gov­ -Same vs. Edward Ritterbusch, duced publishers to offer us better rates for 1890 than hitherto. To every person who (within 60 seconds. Another race between a handsome premium to the getter­ ernment for the capture of stage same attorneys, answer filed. robbers ought to l.e an incentive the same horses is arranged for to­ lip of the club: four copies, $6.50; the date of thin v.pnpr) will su for active work in this ease, and we -Same vs. Mary Miller, same morrow. six copies. $9.00, with an extra copy confidently believe if good detective THE CELEBRATED ILLUSTRATED HU attorneys, answer tiled. ofthe magazine to the getter-up of work is performed, the culprit will Ashland Record: A. J. Colvin, the club. For larger club*, still l*e brought to justice, and itisabout Ditto for G. W. Vordot, W. H who is now a resident of Summer greater inducements arc offend. I time. This is the fourth robbery Howard. Emil Fischer, August Tho nibscriptian price of SIFTINGS a je«r- ’!.l NG9 ia is $4 a year, E ‘-j™ Lake. Lake county, has lieen in the Address Peterson's Magazine, 306 of this stage line within three vears. Will be given by illustrated by the leading urtista L and caricatnriai» oj , Ritterbuseh, T. E. Manlv, Simon of original humor, it is acknowledged to 1 >Utn.l stand at theM" 1 J.'.*“ “ ', "» „ (} F* valley for several days in company Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, Pa. and the robber on each occasion Shoeffner, Henry Page. Geo. Heck- has eluded capture. tho country, aud hao bcenw. il named “ The Willy Wo“X- with fiveorsix of his neighbors af­ A sample copy will l e sent to any­ publ ahad in New York and han a National reputation, 'q., , ethorn. ter supplies. are eo w< il known that we do not d**.-m it neceeoary to ri’f*r one desiring to get up a club. A Amali Library flip MS .VI •-jth new anbacribcra and those who renew their t— In the ease of Carl Riley, also. Al hi« Residence kt the Head of Brone !«lan ! . n privilege A largo numlier of cattle are be­ of thia off. r. ou can get the local newspaper, J E. McKinnon, Robt. Ivors, and Fri' ay Eve, N KEMEMHF.R that TEXAS SIFTINGS is offered at ing shipped from Eastern Oregon, A. C Worthington, housebuilder ’89 •nbacribo with .1 tlie n< xt BO dare. TINGS No such offer a’ thi" H erald , the' l'est J. B, Tudor, continued for the term via 1 ho Dalles to points in Califor­ and carpenter of Burns, some time offer the two papers for less than the I hop ice of TEXAS floor M anager - 1 lie iJctrvjt Free for service. No one but our sul acribera cun g't t S1ITI5GS for le«IN» »tw nia. A car load of horaes passed since left town with a marriage li­ J*r. McKisxox. W ill Kixa, If B. Ihvu each, and là vol- rhe regular price of that paj>er ia now, , u,» -......... - suJ will continue through this week enroute for Kan­ cense. Shortly afterwards he re­ pubh4i«ci— Mv.lc „m fumlehed. *n.I a Of Chas. Rilev, amended answer The Beat a special a d extraordinary reduction to ns for a lim te.1 per** pl w' era. uimm Time MiurvH. sas. which was also shipped from turned with quite a pretty lady, filed. 1 he amount for both papers should be «ent Arrcl W T;CKET- - - (Including Supper) - - |_.00 The Dalles. Nou, or otherwise, and wo «hall order tho publishers to m*“ ’ whom he introduced ns Mrs. Worth- York to you for one year. i»fffT1Fverythi“< Firr-ciaw aud a Genera! Peter French, et. a|, yr Thos. i imi aUon cvende.» to All Call, er write to this office, and you will get a uatapls I I . M C , TEE PACIFIC FIRE INSIJM Capital: 8300^ safe «ft? ï’elielf’KS Basolie «fo Oompsä A gricultural I ments . BUGGIES & BUCKBOARDS AND important to Our R Was ALMOST OIVO A GRAND BALL Marion Bunyard TEXAS SIFT s