« E ast O regon H erald ♦ I.—No. 4B. IE HERALD BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1889. $2.30 a HAKNEY VALLEY Year, dead man? Was he killed or did leading from Canyon City through LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENT. he die from a natural cause?—were the town of Burns. Wheehedied MBD BVRRY THURSDAY Harney Valley is a beautiful val­ the questions that rapidly followed in Salt Lake City, he wa a very ley in Eastern Oregon in Harney each other while gazing upon the wealthy man, whom lio.poor man I .L.&N. GRACE, remains of a part of the envied, since he had always been I county, between 118 anti 120 de­ evident known as the poor man’s friend. grees West Longitude from Green­ past history of Harney valley. -41 SHERS AMD PROPRI El ‘ >H“. THE HOPKINS HOUSE Point Wright towering high — wich and between 43 and 44 de­ 1865—John.T'raven, a native of grees North Latitude, about 3,500 above the surrounding country like Ray county, Missouri, etune to Or­ JB8CRIPTION BATES: M. D. 1101’KINS, P roprietor . .r ................... ....t. F-oo feet above the level of the sea, with the sphinx that grimly guards the egon in 1864, enlisted in’Eugene ba. 1 the secrets of the Nile, stood an area of about 2500 square miles, City, jn 1864-65, in the 1st Oregon >ntha ................. ........ f (in advsaes)................. 2.M EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. containing 1,600,000 acres of land. mute and untouched by anv appeals Volunteer Infantry, Co. “H,” Capt. •.tip---------------- im ------ This valley is nestled in a broken made by inquirers of 1889. Some L L Williams in command; and chain of mountains on the i rth- one remembered that one of the in August, 1865. came with his Thia Hotel la new (Houle, Rooma. end Furniture) and offerì eourteoui aervlca to leery Geeet. enst. south and west with the high­ soldiers of Camp Wright had come Company, to Camp Wright, at the est peaks of the blue mountains on into the country a couple of months age of seventeen years. Mr. C. is the north and the Steen mountains since. not only the only Camp Wright sol­ Upon returning to Burns, we dier in Harney edmiy, but the old- on the south, towering up into the IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. realms of perpetual snow. This interviewed the old soldier and ent resident of the Haraey country. gleaned a reply to nearly every valley has 1867—A man named Walker car­ question, to which we have added ried the first niail, on horseback, AN ABUNDANCE information hitherto obtained from of water supplied by the Silvies from Canyon City to Cilnip Harney, « and Blitzen rivers and their tribu­ Mrs. Stenger, Mr. McGowan, Mrs. taking lots of chancehis life General Blacksmith & Waeon-maker. taries, and other smaller streams, Whiting, Mr. Fitzgerald and sever­ j 1872—Stille Riddle, John Boone, i all of which have their outlets i >n al others: H. R. SCHLAGE! L akeview , O regon . General Harney in 1853 while and the Smyth family, now of Hap­ the Malheur and Harney lakes. Absolutely Pure. The Malheur and Harney lakes escorting emigrants through this py valley, and John Chapman, came Th’« powder never varies. A marvel of puri have no outlets. These two lakes valley had a brush with the In­ in with stock. strength, and wholeBomei efiB. More eco­ 1873— J.8. Miller, J. Cooksey, T. ty. dians, and the valley was named nomical than the ordinary kits and cannot are connected by an artificial chan ­ Prepared to do all Kinde of Work in the Blacksmith line. Horae Shoeing at Oll.Mper heed ? be sold in competition with the multitude of Prather and the Venators brought in his honor — by whom we have nel and are on a level with each low tc«i, short weight, alum or phosphate pow­ i cattle and horses into the valley. ders. Sold onlv in cans. R oyal B aking P ow ­ other, to the contrary notwithstand- not yet learned. z—B U G G I E S, WAGONS, ET C.,-> der Co., 106 Wall st., New York. ■________________________ In the spring of 1865 Gen. Wright Frank McLeod (a former subscriber , ing. as yon will observe by the maps MADKTO ORDER WITH NEATNESS, AND OF QOOD QUALITY. 29. > KRALD CLUB LIST to T iie H erald , in Livingstone, went down before Crescent City, giving the geography of this region. I J » F>.75 Th. Ceatury, one year A L L W O R K W A R R A N T E D. Montana) Jas. Sheppard, and the with the ill-fated Brother 4.75 These two lakes cover an area of Cal., St. Nicholas, •• Demurest MasaxtM, one rear :>.75 Currvs brought in stock; and Mau­ Jonathan, and in the fall of 1865, about 150 square miles and arc ' Fetereon Mssaslne 3.75 Capt. L. L. Williams of Co. “H” rice Fitzgerald, one of the U. 8. sol­ 3.75 Godoy's Lady's Book NEAR THE CENTER , West Shore 4.00 valley. Their shores ar- 1st Oregon Infantry, in command diers stationed at Camp Harney; J11 he.Leslie's Illustrated Xewtpupi 5.75 of the DREWSEY ADVERTISEMENT. ,uUslLeolle’e Popular MdUthh 4.75 of parts of three companies sta­ still a citizen of the valley. 3.75 low, but they have never been S B. McPHEETERS, M. D. . 3 75 known to overflow. 1874— P. F. Stenger and Thos. “ The low shores tioned on the grounds since August 3 00 brought stock in from 6.00 of these lakes accounts for the shal- of that year, near the present site Whiting PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. 3 00 Weesly Examiner of J. S. Devine’s residence, named Douglas county, Oregon. P. F. Office at W. E. Grace’s Drugstore. 1-ly 6.00 lowness of the wells in this valley, Daily Examiner 8 00 which are from eight to twenty feet the camp in honor of the deceased Stenger establishing his camp at -------- Weexly New York Wori.l ... 8.00 Detroit Free Press soldier, also, the point or head-land what is known as the Sod house on Irrigation is . .. 5.(10 deep. I Hurper’h Magasinc PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. 5.20 I Hairier's Weekly he ealled, “Point Wright ” the Blitzen, afterward moving to NOT NECESSARY 5.20 ly T IIur|>er’s Basar... t . a . M c K innon , The In September, 1865, there was a the present Peter Clemens ranch, DICKSON & SULLIVAN □LXl Harper's Young l’eoi'le 3.75 to raise crops and gardens. P roprietor ». Any and all kinds of surveying done on shot 2.90 soil here contains all the properties fight between the Indians, Harney where Riddle it Boone had camped Alden’s Manifold Cyeloi l>eer volume, postage. Lou. J. Bosenberg, Mixologist. grain growing country. Small fruit force under Capt. Williams, be­ Rock Point the present site of free of charge. riimm the above works can be ex rilb uiure in the Reading Room Burns. and shrubbery, and berries of near­ tween Camp Wright and Ilarney Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandies, Mail route from Canyon City via SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP. ly all kinds can be successfully lake, wounding a soldier named \\ ines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when I raised here. Smith in the foot, and another Camp Harney to Fort .McDermit, i I you call on “Uncle Dick,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. bliahera of periodicals are k .> 1 i<• i t1 Nevada., was established and the VACANT LAND i named Grillin, who in after years , r, , bin« rates, • copy of then a . h U r. r I (| Kiiug Room—We file, and i-in'l ihe as level as your floor in bodies of years died from the effects of the mail carried by Doe. Anderson, an Pqr e of every half-volume, m.i i-w <_, thousands of acres, is here to be ta­ injury. That same evening the In­ old Kentuckian, still with us. “ivertiaement. • gM ______________________ ______________ ken and is just as good as any that dians set fire to the tall grass [a 1878— The Smyths, father and FEED AND LIVERY STABLE. i luak ■ is occupied. Home 6eekers in Ore- man named Keiger describes the son, were killed by Indians, at the KOI)!- »VERTI8INO RATES: gon cannot do better elsewhere. grass of the valley “high enough for close of the trouble with the Piutes II. CALDWELL, - - - - P roprietor . heVi|’- 2 ’ wk ----------------------------- Imo 3 mo 6 mo C. A. SNOW A CO. _ _ _ WASHINGTON, D. C. 1 yr. 'I’his Eden will not long remain me to reach up and tie over my and Bannocs. The Bannoc warfare A CASH BUSINESS AT BED- Patents obtained, and all patent business attended to promptly and for moderate fee«. wn 5 9 ti.50 »SOO I3UU 111 OU 115.00 in an unsettled state, but in a few head as I ride through it on horse­ ceased. The first merchandise Our Office is . ppoRite the U. 8. Patent Office, and we can obtain in les« time than thoee 4.00 6.50 12 00 1« (X) 2« 00 ROCK PRICES. remote from Washington. Send Model or Drawing. We advise as to patentability froo 5.00 8 00 15.00 '■ 24 00 40 00 short years this land will be all ta­ back] and Capt. Williams and his store and saloon put by a man 6.00 10.00 ■ 32.00 50.00 -J) 00 IV ini “ of charge; and we make no charge unless patent is secured. Is our motto. Good Buggy Teams, and Nice ¿1- "S 9 00 15.00 ■a oo 48.00 51 00 ken, the golden opportunities now men had to take refuge on a grease named Josephson, and kept where We refer here to the Postmaster, the Superintendent of Money Order Division, and te saddle Horses Furnished at Reasonable Charge« 16 00 26.00 48.00 «0.00 1.0 (XJ offered will be improved. wood knoll — somewhere about the the Burns hotel now stands. and Particular Attention paid to the Boarding official« of the U. 8. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and references to actual ,uii:| 80 00 40.00 60.00 110.00 140.00 and Groom in of Transient Stock. Hay ;: : column, patent-outside, was estab- ■ Their do­ I Camp Wright some time afterward, . ’ t Geo. P. Rewell New «¡paper Au strongest in the world. 11 g tu, lu spruce St..MS Y < ; k Liken Printing Press it produces sharp, clean, legible manuscript. Two to ten copies minions extend from Grant county, and died years ago at Steen moun- ' by Horace D.llard. cun lie made at one writings. Editors, lawyers, ministers, bunkers, merchants, eneral Or., to the southern confines of Cal­ tain. The Malheur chief Egan was | 1887— :T iie E ast O regon H er ­ munufact’irers, business men, etc., cannot make a better investment for *15. ald , a 7-column, patent-inside, ‘ Promptly executed. The building hns been on Au intelligent person in a week can beeonte a Good operator, or a rapidone in 2 months. ifornia. They can travel hundreds I also in command of the turbulent ICI AL DIRECTORY larged and improved and is prepared to turn of miles from here in a southerly ¡reds. The d< fund town south of, newspaper plant was established by I out all kinds of blacksmithing on short notice •F1 ,(>00 offered any operator who can do better work with a Type- the and in the beet style. Terms: ( ash. 1-ly national : direction and camp every night on Burns was named in honor of his! D. L. Grace. Writer than that produced by the Odell, Reliable Agents ..Behiamin Harrison I 1888— In May T he H erald was their free-holds. Peter French Esq. memory. and Salesmen wanted. Special inducements to Dealers. ................ I............Levi P. Morion . .. James G Blaine is administrator to the Dr. Glenn For Pamphlets, giving endorsements, Ac., address the IIA RN E Y A I) V ERTI SEM ENTS. Regarding the lone grave now in enlarged to an “all-at-home-print,” - ... William W indoin ............ John W . Subic estate of California, Mr. French’s front of the remains of old Camp making it the first and only news­ ; d U titeriur . 45 ODELL TYPE WRITER CO., T he R ookery , C hicago , III. 11 ¿Jar ............ ]......Wdfield Proctor wife being heiress of that estate. Wright the man’s name is forgot­ paper ever printed complete in the —— I- -»ba. ith { K t B. J AM ER bury him at Camp Wright, where he the county. II. B. IL The United States in Land Office •ney _ M rr . M. KIBBLER, has lain undisturbed the past 23 C. S. LAND orrt< F years, his loss of life and his grave fur Harney District was established HARNEY, OR. B R E W E R Y . H untington THE HISTOKYOF CAMP WIIIGHT unknown to friends and relations in Burns with J. B. Huntington, Twenty Years experience. Reasonable 1805 K elly register, and Harrison Kelly, re ­ charges. 2- 2 “back East.” PROPRIETOR. PAUL LOCHER ceived. ADDITIONAL NOTES. Several weeks since while visit­ 18?? — Abner Robbins now of CANYON CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. ing the Devine ranch at Wright’s The winter of 67-68 the Indians Drewsey, used to ride on pack » BURN 8, OREGON Point we were shown the remains surrendered to Gen. Crook on the H . j horses among the Indians, long be­ of old Camp Wright, the grave of a site of the ol