\ LAKEVIEW ADVERT»^ A defender of California ogninst mission, in order to show the public the charge of "grossness, and a (( MM I N ¡CATIONS BY olii KEA!’I Corvallis Times: the best sign THE HERALD that the d'smissal is deserved. As­ witness that "withal! the wonder. • hat winter is approaching :: the the I A c«rt’i«l it.vitiiil h is extended each nod sistant Commissioner Smith isact- ,,f the great and th.’ grand resumption of work on the (>. P ( mt - K< uf ia.. H erald to contribu’e TUrRHPAY, SEPTEMBER MW •State can show also “ the »J 1 ' “'' ing-eommistdoner of jiensions, and 1.« thib ilvparinieni ct the | apcr. on an\ subject I They always start in together, l et ofk? rallif ro' V»e« ;idm the right to ac- iUlJ the delicately beautiful, will t ep! or rojei i anv part *>r the wh.)!e, but not to Tann« r has not bwn to the office winter is the only thing that stays ( i.nn/e till' j.lvnb »flit. I. We prefer ariieliB n. L. oilier, i editors. shook ' contribute to Harpers Magazine MKLLI1C (¡RACE, J the urt'er'A own tirât urv, but notn de sine.’ Tuesday, when he ” " I...... for October u paper upon the I’or- with it for three months at a time. over p.un » a ure ad»:-ikdlb’e. We do no* h.dd our- t 8 reanot sibie t»»r .he ».piui.u k advanced hands with orw of the enip' >y«es, ests of the California ( oast Range, Portland Times: The duty ofthe tn wri era unuvrlhe above caption. EVEBVT.nS.l NEW ASD P|R,_ £• T he H erald Î2.50 a year. and told him that lie (Tanner) ! ¡tec unpanied with confirmatory tes­ Democracy of Oregon, this very to come into the, timony the shape of numerous illus­ V» iMien frutu <• * m 1 never expected minute, is to I .-gin a campaign at trations drawn by .Julian Rix. ___ S iddle lit T ye , Or., Sept. 18,’89. building again. A ny subscriber who fails to rt once aggressive to the end that it Tb:, II..I.-I :• II- ’ . I’.' ”"-l I'.................... ,,| , IL Pl Eos. IlDtALD: i*i unit me a few I General Rosecrans, the demo­ AtUlltlooal llarney Comity Hem». ceive T he H erald on time will may be effective. There is no way cratic vet. ran. v. ho Ims been regis­ lint .; in the columns of your valua ­ — Louis Schuedllehol Blanton, is to begin the campaign better than please notify us at once by mail. ter of the Treasury since the early at work in Baker City for :i short IN CONNECTION WITH THE " to unite, bury all little jealousies ble paper. days of t'level. i - administration time. I wrote an article to T he H er ­ y that may hav? existed, and forget­ ................................ - — at'1’»*? S ociety should be awakened to —Circuit court commences its\ ______ ■ , wtiBremoved by rumor this we« k t > -^.eror S ting aninif : iti- s of any and all na­ ald sometime ago on what I would venti'r.tion of the evil-doing in Har­ the necessity of self-protection. Ed­ tures, fix th eye only outlie result call “Justice anti Reason" and with- ' to make place for 'I aimer. Gen. ney county, 2d Monday in October. ucation, as a protective measure, Ro.-ecrans has not leen removed desired: Victory tor the people. out any selfish mot c whatever, i — Mr. Porter, sheepman from the should be more thorough and more TH3 HER AID READING ¿g The Democratic party owes its de­ but it seems that there is a class and 1 have it from good republican Steen mountain country is in town be dis- practical. The wealth of the coun­ to-day t ying to find a house to rent. feat in this State more to it ; man­ ready to make remarks, not know­ authority that he will not try should be more heavily assessed - - _ IN HERALD OFFICE, tur’ cd during Harrison s ad aiin- —Mrs. J. C. Parker received this ner of pulling and hauling apart ing my object in writing. to sustain a broader and better ed­ two week from Bloomington Nursery a istratien. My informant gave Open every day except Sunday, from». XiV My motives are due the readers than to any other one cause. In ucation. It is to its own interest to men small collection of fine house phint-, ------------------ Many G. A. R. reasons why: of Tin: H erald , I ut perhaps they IbL'Jd unitv there is always strength. have the masses educated; and hav­ and including 2 roses, a noisette, "Mare- Every Lady and Gentlemen a welcome VuitM Division, l.o matter how small, may be a little hard for some to had asked for his retention, chal Neil;” a tea ’ Cornelia Cook;” ing done all that should be done Depews ’ relative by ing Room. as ho is Chaunev thoroughly understand at present. leads only in the dir. etion of disas­ 1 fuchsia, the beautiful “Storm to educate everybody, men should marriage. Self-interest prompts every intel ­ King;“ and mixed varieties of ge- ter. be held strictly responsible fortheir The Republicans are at work. ligent individual to look as deep: The sudden and unexpected r nium. crimes, and the foolish, soft-headed.! They arc leaving no stone un­ down into the great and grave! death of Rcprcs -ntative S. S. Cox ilpri —Dude Cavin will havo served soft-hearted sentiment that plead turned to carry this State at ths pro! k in of human de.-tiny as his in New York ear ;ed great grief in ' out his sentence for aiding escape u for mercy for the red-handed crim­ next election. Wnsbingtrai Hi loss will I e felt 'of a prisoner from custody, to- ZESO/iSCJtio power of mind will admit of his go­ WashingtUL Coiaÿ’jS inals and chronic depredates up­ Tho Democratic party is the par­ ing, though not altogether from by the«-codb.'v especially and by ■ day. — Hon. Thomas B. Reed of Maine, on the rights of others should ct on to 1 ty of the people. It enters into its s.-lfii-h motives, for we work and tl: - Democrat party, and it will be and t» BAKER, CITY, OREGON. «Uteri ¡campaigns in the interest ot the think s; riouslv in 1 : lu)lf of the cn- difficult, if not imp.■.-•.-»ii>le, to fill the Repul liean leader, will have | an article in the October “Bel­ i people, and it relies on the people tire human race, ai.d espeeially his place. His was a rare nature: ford's” on “The Prot< ctionists’ View Have the Largest Establishment in Eastern O m BH I to come forward und give their in­ our friendsand fellow-citizens, for scarcely duplicated in a century. of It.” This will be followed later The Lfttetit Size In Cheek. T he H erald being a de. irai le dorsement as men, not "s paid evidently that or.o common fate lYr.-onally there was never a more on by other articles f-om the same p ipular man in Congress. Nearly pen. advertising medium to outsiders. hirelings. The Democratic party awaits us all. —Drawing n ;nics for jurors to I have motives for writing to th* every person one meets hero has serve at next t- rm of circuit court Ims had many “cheeky” oilers, but I has no sack. Corruption in any last Tuesday's mail brought us the I form sliould not and does not enter readers of T he H erald , but not some personal anecdote to tell of begins to-day, 26th ¡list. I.ini. The clerk of the House ap­ it is not my o! ji ct “cap sheaf.” After asking us to into i‘- transactions during elec­ selfish < BUOGTSS & BUCKBOAEDS AM iL rn — Judge Shields returned Friday give them :i 26 worth of space. •’¡•2.50 tions. Its r eord will bear the bafile the mi mb.« of ar -.y true-hearted pointed the following R-.-prcsenta- from Canyon City where he has SPORTING GOODS, & Cutlery, L.S worth of subscription, choice cf po­ most searching investigation. citizen of Harney v Iley, nor is my tiv. s to take charge of his funeral, I e?n conferring with Judge Maxey ICE 18 In the coming campaign, the De- object tocrcate animosity in any one which to k place in New York to­ • .Raiding settlement of pecuniary JSUorv-o» «fe? TlaiO« sition, for the sum of $8 a year "pay­ int. rert to both Harney and Grant able quarterly,” J. II. Zeilin & Co. niceraey will have a hard struggle. degree, l ilt I aim to make it my ob­ day: Me.-srs. Carlisle, Randall ii.i, an counties. of Philadelphia adds the “following And any Pemoerat who is loyal to ject to create peace and friendship Holman, Felix, Campbell, Sency, Tinwarr Glass. Paints and Oils.fl^Al!sloc^b — Dr. Alex Gibson does not in­ conditions” for the publisher to : himself and his party will at once between the good people cf Har- Ilc-aid. Muckier, Kelley, McKinL-y. cline to the opinion that ours is a cli­ Deering Binder. Ac ¿ffST'Uommunications ansrc-1 1 ; go earnestly to work with a deter­ noy valley, where there seems to bo I Cantion, Recd Barrows, and O'Neil mate unhealthy enough to warrant sign: Orders with this House if you want to Iuvr ’’That tho T’ubliiher will not knowhjpJy H mination to carry this State for the a young physician, desirous of de­ an existing prejudice, and I do of I’cnn: ylvania. iert any ? Bui fire of every em? in place of encour- ICIH We don't know what he takes ut Let Eastern Oregon have a Uni­ aging cumify, to encourage peace wires to succeed Morrill, of Vermont gent, well-educated, honorable gen­ med * tleman, a physician and surgeon moke for, unless it’s the (¡rant County ted States Senator to look after her whose term expires in 1891, and fri. i.dsl.ip in . v- rv instance. xul sal regularly admitted to practice. He NEAR llCRN.s, OREGON. er and News man. We think it’s high particular interests. :t >r Edmunds is doing all he returned to Alturas Tuesday morn­ Wlmt would we give for some , Or.. < time for Oregon editors to kick if L t W.rt’ i'n Oregon have a Uni­ demmstrntion of the fact that our can to assist him. ing, accompanied asfaras Lakeview <0. 404, SAYER tn 1 & 1 There is trouble in tho ofliee of by J no. E. Roberts of Harney. nes th« ' particular interests. them. uovo n f . t ’ the Coast Survey. Four years ago Orcjjcn Swamp I.amis. Keep» constfintly ou hand n large aleck, j Then let them work i:t harmony Wlmt would we not give to know Mr. Cleveland removed the super­ Telegram of Sept. 17th, states -41 for tl:t! go.-d of all the State and that we .-hall le pcirnittal to meet intendent of the office, and several that Secretary Noble, on a motion I ..U liAMii: NOTES. ¡you will find rings and cliques a th'm ::nd to recognize t'm m as cur clerks for crookedness, and now for a review made by the State of IL PR it is ;'.l leged that the assistants at Oregon regarding the swamp-land- Present strength of the Grand thing of the past, and a government friend < to.'eVei ? list reviewed by Secretary Vilas on by the people ¡.nd for the people Army of the Republic is 413. 1,328, I These and eimiitir remarks may present in charge of theoliice makes December 27th, ISSS, has denied I increase of b'J.itCKj during the pres­ will be here! pred'.tee a wl>ol< f- mc effect on the a practice of obtaining money in a the motion. The amount of land ; ivi aiding» Yo i Imre hundreds of good men mind.« ofthe |> >o[>le, we should also dishonorable wa.v. Secretary Win­ involved, originally, was 91,000: ent year. in Eastere Oregon v. ho w ill make !:o (f light to I'l Cm.' more tolerant, dom will probably order an inves­ acres. Of this amount 12,000acres Corvallis Gazette: Win.'L Iloag, by former decisions were patented tip-top Senator.-'. They are men ■ and to xcrcise more charity to­ tigation. general manager of the Oregon Pa­ to the State. Under a decision of whose homes are with you, whose ! ward the opinions ent. rtair.cd by Ex-Senator Riddlcl t ig. r of Vir- cific railroad company, went to the January ’ 18, 1.889, 20,(KM) acres ofj •opm'tyl property intere.-t.- r.i'.-yottr pr< others, and not to be tc > liartv t-. vi -i.: hrs returned to thodemocrat­ this alleged swamp land was decid­ front on Tuesday last on a special 'interests, and who, if elected I. will ' impeach tl.e lmfiiv. :< of oHierswhen 1C party. lie will :tuinp Virginia; ed to be hilly and mountainous. Re­ train, returning in the evening to I serve you faithfully d well. garding the 58,000 acres remaming. they express v.hat- they claim as in (»position to 21 a Lone. this city. His trip was for the pur­ This is what you want, and tifi’- I their honest convictions. Secretary Noble decides he will not I President Harrison Jias settled a pose of completing arrangements entertain a motion fora review. i- what you must Lave ¡¡'your por­ IL PR. 1 hope that the few observations long wrangle by making the rest of for the active resumption of work An4 all kincN ufsuriace luinhrr tborouslily BCNaonedforlvi^H tion of the is to grow and prosper. already’ mentioned will he carefully the Federal appointments for New all along the line. Mr. Hoag says Malheur Cave. REDI <’ED PRICE. 8. C. read and identified as true and York City. ICEM the company is organizing its en­ Several persons, ladies and gen ­ tnedte Dr. XV. XV. Keen, the cistin- ■ I make moral remarks and not I e such a tire force of men to push the grad tlemen, who have visited the above ---------------- xat «ai guished Philadelphia surgeon, will I problem to the people as those of a ing and track laying, and will keep "I’« ter. on” for Octo! er comes to cave, which “Uncle George’’ Dun­ contribute to ii:;r; ■ Magazine' few weeks ago. the track up with the grading, and us with a handsome new cover, can first introduced to the public for 0-t iber a p-:ip. r t.pon "Recent j in the columns of T he H erald , I Il A. II endrd :; s . push the road to completion, as fast which the publisher announces to say the trip to this natural curiosi­ KTew 2VZo,olli Progress in Surgery." in which be' as men and means eaa accompli-hit. ’ o the i.i t of a number of improve ­ ty is well worth the taking, and, a c.t ;; w -, t :.:;'.-i:x I v.vrr.n. points out the astoni “ling advance : N. B. A Good road all the wav. “Part of the f.-rre," h. said, "went ! ments about to be made in his ad- ride in the boat on its subterranean waters is sure to be remembered. out on \\ edn: day morning's train Irro.n onr rorrili.r co.rcrp n er-'c;.t I .; miral-lo p; riodieal. Those changes and we are now getting the! carding “Corporal Tanner is gone.” The and additions cannot fail to greatly lit UNS ADVERTISEMENTS. ears ready for steady v.ork on th - Pension Odiec will know him r.o increase "Peterson's” circulation, road." Frank J. Miller, the bridge i !:.<>r ’, at least not as its chief, lie which has long been far beyond ICC. W, W. Cardwell, superintendent, states the bridge will of course, contint: ■ to draw his that of any other lsdy's-magazine men have received orders to go to Where -v< : ihm;- - x< i ptioni’d! v pension. The long wrangle be­ in the country. Tl.e ¡Lustrations A T T O R N E Y -AT- L A W. v.ork at once. They will be engaged good, it is difficult to medie a elec­ tween the ‘’Corpored” and Secreta­ excclicnt, the stories capital, end B urns , O p .. at work on the I ridges from the eml tion of tl ic very I ; and this i ry le reached its culminating the fashion and household depart­ Pr:ir ‘ i?c« in cour; o lie Slate. '1 thetrack to the summit, and will tl.e dilemma we find ourselves con- point this v.e. k when tli Seer, t .rv ments are models in their complete­ Al t», bei ore »lie u’ I l ’. ihc 8. Lana wince. CHAS. E. BOSWELL _____ - -,rncv , al ly stay in the field all winter fronted wiih cacu month when our stii],-ended Tanner from ofliee, ness. T ¡e lists of premiums for J. C. PARKER, BURNS, AC»? j L and M \ tters a S pe < iai . ty . J. S. Anton, lb-, the contractor, who periodical 1 ‘cniorcst’s Mor.thly p- tiding the rei'ult . f the investiga­ 1:-00 present a tempting array of Leaves V ALE on Mondays. Wednesdays andIvHH has been at work with a force of Magazine, arrives. The October tion new g.d: gon. Tanner refused attractions to getter.; up cf clubs CH AS. SAMPSON - - B erns , Oi: Ariivesat BI RNS on Tues a point tif'v naturally in s. queue ; for is not a order to h.-ar the parties to thi.'- ,;f.er "Pct' r.-on ’ will always be a —G EN ERA L R EPA I RING— thre-.' ii.il- I.evond Gatesville, yachting party often a f rtr :::iner dispute AND l;.-pnte. Uxaetlv v. I -e w:>s said nec»":ity in the household, Ad nineiy-two mill . I vend Albanv. of a wedding trip? I In addition wl-.cn Tanni ■; r and No! ¡e met in the dr.:- Peterson's Magazine, 306 rin- will tuke th« r ad to the sum­ 'there nearly 1 15') other illustra- Preside: it 's private oti'ee where ( is strut Street. Philadelphia, Pa. mit graded bv Hunt. The pres, nt tiotjs, ir.' Iv.dit'g a v« rv ¡nt< n . ting they Lati '. 1. on summon, d will prob mplly ex it'.;at:nn is about like this: The road Cories sl’.owit-ir various kii-ds «>f al le nevi t i io knowti. ns the onlv •ramento Record-Union: J. J. « iti c:,l kii '.fc .¡I blu> kF'iii hing o: short n. ti> v Bini in the lus s le. Tert s ( ash. i« ?r.obd. including A ntoiv ib s con­ •‘Human Ha! it;-.1 .t:o:.s," Among thè v. itnessc ■* V were the President and Mar . Justice < f the I’eaec cf Altu- T» , it is under- tract, t-A< uty-tour m.lcs levend ; stories are o:ic ! y Eli i V.’h. -lcr Mi r hal Ri nd’ '1 AHI Dot ras, Modoc county, has written to HAU X : Y ADVERTISEMENTS. •..«I• .-»v¡lie, which is t)drtv-nin< \\ il> ox. : nd cm ("The Little lù’’ - stood t hr.t Seerctrrv :: r v Noble t. Id Atto: y-Getier;:l Johnson forinfor- n ib * < ¡ist of AU any. That leave- el") a!. •:! Al ral kam Li..« ohi. m.d the Pr . •ide: ai ibe i' vos igation motion as to whether or no jo . l-,e lias V». A. V. 4 J,s*| J. s.ir. nr uses ll.iity-onc mil. < of grading to le one for "Our (iir ri ." atout "A But- n.»w go'.i ;g o i.nkt \ lev., ur th? P liuri.ey, ur. : >:i Office the power to try tl he Superior Judge don. to reach the Hunt grading on tertly in Harms -s. ’ Chi: t;;:e Ter- had < <.;.vìr him that Tminer «' t hat county for I eing intoxicated. WILSHIRE .i.< .'-Gcn-‘ in.»fe. pm. Ü,in tin-eoun. of the sino-. 7 Y '1”,’ ‘e. An, lana ‘•■d ot the track this winter r.r.d to gi’.le lnticu.'.ge: nnd ‘'Miliari:.: ita r; stilt w olili pie to demand < ral replied: “I think you are right rettnv ■ <->.trH».il> I'ASE- MH.Il lTEI). r.’r.'.im;. right along to Boi-e City. le suggestions alw.it : t’nt f il di- tl?.::. d to c nt ci cither.jui¡s-iietion tn try the ■ Superior One •hota .-rd or more men will l-c sense so prevale: r.t at th’s e. ■ wrong (loi or indiscreet : wfs . -Ind ,:e of your county, 1 ur.d.r th. ELITE SALOON. w inted, ns t. ir'.y ns we can learn, 11. sides, there i -. ■ a Supph nici.t lo I'- Î', P P V. » i t in r. gard to the intoxication of e-ident <11 I has HARNEY, -------------- OREGON l he Oregon Pacific may I e slow in the Fashion I*, partu'.ent, f ni! od ■ ti 1 vet ’«*tr ! • ■ public, but Tan- ( rs. COAT-WORTH * TREGASKIP, ing lots of ideas getting st.-uted, but it is getting n r’« - ■ 1 in the hands of PtoplURT'iftR. .along just the sum.», and will in r.o ¡is--:, tanee in pi lant ii-.g th- wi;,t r the j’n '< jlìf hoble is known Lucy L.trcon. will contribute great length cf time le a part < fa o_ttit. Gut eve •ry o.te n -1« io to have ì iit1 ■¡-.-«'d to allow ¡ng Harper's Magazine for October great transcontinental fine. The l.a.e ti;i- coin] p-eh. tisi ve F imi ìv T uircr to i: he think-« h- p > m entitled Liuoverv,” which probability is that it will reach M. g zine every r.-onth. It is pub- should be • i. and onlv is appropriate, if ne.t by inspiration -'1 rs . M. 1HBBLER, Poise City ahead of the Chicago l.-hcd y W. J Ltmings Demorcrt, V .u.ts to IV:. ’ to th ” prc.H r.t turning r f the I!ARNEY. OR. 15 1-la ' ': !.!■ ■ ai d Nortbwi stern. ict. New York. cial r.-p It C ,T'-.e-’v Y« r, rxpt-i.ee?. Kcn-nnaWc wvrld’a mind to the h of 1192. ccarifi-,. 2 THE HOPKIKS H0^2 if ■ l! a iGPJCULTURAl