THE HERALD P. F. STENGER THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER «. IW- TH2 herald reading room 1889, lIllt.NEY X XI.LI : Y HARPER'S BAZAR. KcMHirccs, Climate, Soil, and Needed Developments. IN HERALD OFFICE, H orses branded ou I Either Right ILLUSTRATED. AN HARPER’S PERIODICALS Per Year I L L U S T R A T E D . of water supplied by the Silvios and Blitzen rivers and their tribu­ taries, and other smaller streams, all of which have their outlets in the Malheur and Harney lakes. The Malheur and Harney lakes have no outlets. The.«** two lakes are connected by an artificial chan­ nel ami are on a level with each other, to the contrary notwithstand­ ing. as yon will observe by the maps giving the geography of this region. These two lakes cover an area of about 150 square miles and are NEAR THE CENTER l.eft Side- fo raise crops and gardens, The soil here contains all the properties necessary to make a successful grain growing country. Small fruit nnd shrubbery, and berries of near­ ly all kinds can be successfully raised here. VACANT LAND IVstage Free to all s il scribers iu the United Stutts, Canada, or Mexico. cluse up. V. W. B. TODHUNTER. cattle branded with ••s-Wrench” on Left Hip. Far marks Cl. so < r p. iT he High; ear; t’m.'er B’ope in Left ear. Range; Graut and Malheur counties. P. u. a ldrccB buri s. Grant co.. Oregon. have been made through Harney valley by th<* Oregon Pacific R. R. Co. and the N. P. R. R. Co. W ith the advent of railroad fa­ cilities this year to ILirnev valley and with the advent of the electric telegraph to our midst, we will ask for no more, for these are th<> rcc.ui-1 sites for modern civilization nnd 1889 the “evolution theory” of develop­ ment will naturally follow. 1 have received lett/ardiug Harar's Young Peonie. this region and having Lit, ly trav­ elled over a good portion of it. I s. nd AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. you the al ove as the best means of HAr.rFR’j Yorxa F k . iple begins i’t tenth vol imparting the information desirtd jintv ui h-hvtiir Nninberin November. Dur- ’.In* ' ear'i w ill ( «»niaii» fixe seriai k .»rien through the columns of y< ur valu­ iitK ii • *u<1 u : • D. r. n.n • n ” bx Ki kM. i r«.e. The able paper. Moro Anon, Kul Mt s h u’’ b\ \\ it. sn.tH’Kr.i: and a \ H. B. H. Town:;.:.-, td|>3.00, ing Ccnh-i« ö * i Mcdor Tcr<-TJ£. N. C >. CJ ETTLtrS \ND TO RENEW EXPIRING SUBSCRIPTIONS. T A. M Any »nd» k notile »,„) r.ot be deceived by ch«*ap malleabk i<< nimitatiuns often sol«l for the genuine article. Tiiev ate unre- !i ible and dangerous. The SuiTn &. wesson K k - v > lvkk 8 are stamped upon the barrel« with firm's name, addreaa auddates «.f patents, and arc guar­ anteed perfect. Insist upon having them, and if j- >ur dealer cannot supply you, an order sent tn <’ress below will receive prompt attention. Descriu- tbu catalogue and prle« Hup<»u applleatiuL. IS.U1TU & WESSON. Spriuufield. Mass- M. J. O’C onnor , Agent. THE Dn\ i.1 WMX'hml” by R K ’ri k. “Nels I hurl..« ’« Tr al" J. L. Tr«»a britu bx the l«o wri era. and huiiu>r«»UB | apriB amt p, vn a. v I:h mam bumlie« a .»f ii- Ina iat.«*i a of ex. e 'vt*. quality. Everx line in th«- paper la a . jc tv i.. the in« a rir«’er that nuihtng harmful ma' enter i a <*oiu:ni a. A: epitome of «xerv'hinir that is attractive ami dvtirab.v in juxenile ii:er«ture.— b. a.un lutinvr A »x^klvfrra «>f R.v«d ’hint« ,»the bo- a and Kiria ii. ever» au.ixttxia .a. n l'ni«»it h ia won« er;u; ht iia at.*« h . f pi. tuna iu furinali n. and tntrrva —< hi is ian A«h«a a v TERMS i’«»>TAGF. PRb PAID. PER YEAR. V«»l x begins November t , I- sn *. Specimen t upx pent on re< rip: of a . ct.stamp sing e numbers Fixe < eu a cat h. Remittarcift ah.mid l«e ma«ir hv T a -Oflhe M«»t ex. ur ¡irafi, to avoi t < ham e «if I. as r ? i t f f Nov papvr’ .re no' to copy .«nr of the ahov.' x.iv.r i«enien'- wi bout' t’.c'cM rc-- order ot Harprr .t Pro'hcr ty , Saddle and J- c. welcome '. Wil! be the representative, at all times, of the Interests of the People. ___ _____ At all times advocating measures that look to the "greatest good to In the Largest in the World,having in actual cultivation not lean than CHAS. SAMPSON. the greatest number,” in accordance with the principles ot Democracy W-A-T-C- h J •AIK j Tut: H erald acknowledges no superior in Eastern Oregon. It points Jewelg with pride to its well-filled columns the past year, and to its evident progressive influence tpon the prosperity of the great Harney valley. As in the past so in the future it will strive to make prominent note of every enterprise calculated to benefit the people; to record every E. I). GRAY . . advance made in showing up the resources ot th \ alley; to advocate Law and Order under all circumstances; to frown upon all attempts IS THE OLDEST, to foment discord among the people in the interest oi any individual, —GENERAL RE’ IS THE LARGEST, clique or faction; to give the news of the day impartially and as MOST RELIABLE M» fullv as industrious effort and the aid of friends may enable us to N U R S E R Y obtain it; to give all the Local ai.d Personal gossip of our section, GROWING STOCK w( suitable for publication, with all else of interest in this department; FOR THE WEST. Promptly executed. Th,» Th,« na IT WILL BE AN EPITOMIZED HISTORY OF THE VALLEY m. W< larged and lieprottd Improved in.l. J ob ïi out all klnda.d Warkind M lltlii I.. .a t ul «. I.. *r a • and ill In till. the beet il>le, .ALLI ^.xxiSt3.OT’OB : TtNZÍÍ jVfJJDV/QRK -- ' A-riACti;':;!^! .d H dH APRICOTS Stalk r. ie‘*a II. CALDWELL, A CASH RUSISaB ROCK PRîÎïï The East Oregon Herald CHERRIES, •d' Has successfully maintained itself through an ordeal of local oppo.-i- tion, vindictive and unscrupulous to a degree seldom equalled in country journalism; has advocated un.'inchingly the rights of all the people of East Oregon generally anil Harney Valley especially PEARS, PLUMS. against the machinations of all organz d petty cliques that sought by fraudulent misrepresentation to advance the private interests of a few at the expense of the many. Believing that ' The sober second thought of the people is always right and always effective,” a nd that; "Truth is mighty and will prevail,” T iie H erald has steadfastly fol­ lowed the right , and the people have given it a moral nnd material i support that renders its permanency beyond question. As it has worked indefatigably and ui..-e!fi.-hly in th" interest of the people, it , now asks for patronage that will yield something in ■:< than .. bale existence. It has Licoii.v valuable to all as a general newspaper, and Is Now a fixed Institution of the Valley. Ju our motto. Gcmd saddle loiBes Furnislu.niikDVl ami Parli« u ar Attention jiuwv 1 mid Gruomiuguf Transie..__ on hand. 50 00 i .50 ( A NYON CITY Al • .00 <’. a . swflijgg ATTORNEY-II um I I AN VI) t cm ﻫh» Allorney-ai- M. DUST!' Oflicc: Canyon Ci APPLES. PLANTS. .. )IAI:\n ADVE3 »•rtta -----... — " *55 IRKIES, QUINCES, .lion« XV. X. WtSiHKF, I tike vic a , Or lias, from the initial number to the present, persirtmtlv and impres­ sively maintain'd that ........ y country was on« of the finest igricultural n giot. in the I nioti, needing only th« pn sence of ind . 1’E.v Hr • FLOWERS,. trious tarmers to d. v. iop its wonderful resources. To prov.- the truth of the strong iaegiiage ¡c. its columns, th ■ proprietor a »«', up a part of his oflicc room to the exhibition of the prodm s < f 11?. Valiev, anti asked cf f pctu actual growth, anti mid urgently ask< d I fi r fq ecimens ■ cimens < .1 gr< and I dy Attorneys- LAKEVIEW AND Dii This firm pi aHi« es in u:'<: i't-iuiv '• l.v '• :|1?- c»fiu e ur i.tlir.- -o 'W re< vile prompt ailenti"*. ew .'.MJ ase » n ' ELITE SA l coat . i W okth t rr.or«in»l‘ -‘t M idwife ii I M rs . M. MEDIUM OF ADVERTISING, T he H erald presents unusual advantages. It is centrally located in NUTS, FRUITS........ a new and rapidly growing country, where manufactures of all kinds are needed. W e will soon have direct railroad communication with I ortland and the East. Live business men of both sections should use l he H eralds columns to secure this great and growing trade. ORNAMENTAL CYPRESS... Its rates, proportioned to its circulation, are reasonable. --------------- <> >------------------- terms , in advance : One copy one vear............................................... 12.50 Two copies, one year.................................. ......... 4.50 BIRCH, SPRUCE, ELDER,... Three copies, one y«'«r ............................................... 6.00 Four copies, one year ............................................... .............. ........ 10.00 H erai . il with any Periodical or Magazine at clubb •ing rates. fr tur the enMiaiff y»*r' J u RdUition to the rvc'iiar ««' I »ch one uf winch sorel or other wo k by » xuthor. »re puMi>he.l io n¡ rom gond r«-»«laule typ«’ (,n, 1’2”- .hem )n»n’sonu-ly Hlu>trnii» i»**! r. rn-«-1 nh-',r: N.. I T U LI PS, XV E E PI NG WILLOWS. MgM Lemuel (luiiiver »nu i'C ,!'r ' .oW«® it»ndar.t w«.rfc—thia the «»••'• • gmw«? fe.M TtelW.'-.'*” rtr.estiiig 4e«cri|>t •«'•«•. » ' Now is the time to sul acrile for the J___ <• nlll« er*» T-' -’L M So na West Shore For ISSU, and »entre n full volume of number» CHEAPEST illustrated magazine RED-BUD, SHADE TREES AC 1 . Jo.M in the Wovtl. WORLD. •J UN Ì PERS R HO DO DEN L‘ RONS mjVEn 6*000.000 belter» that n of lha larjett and m«vt re’iibic h«»Se!»nd tJ Vuso Ferry’s Seeds D M. FERRY > TO a- »cknuxx io« tged to to (be Largest Seedsmen In the world. D M F fcrt IC o ’S Unftrited fkeenp. tire and Priced StED ANNUAL For 10R0 Will be II"lied Fltcc h- all.- pulivanta. and ia*tye r*< cnstocner« ut rnlerir.» >t. I*" ' □.FERRY6 CO.. Detroit. Twelve Ait Supplements EACH THE BEST OF ITS KIND e** The hm t »..lunna'i >n n ooOMPi .wem h« entire !■,. fl- X„nh„..». rOn,„>..,rlT ar.J 'ca> iih e .......................... ' Hh-.. vtbr • ii:» <1. M I. nu.l m’l be a «N»mp e r exp. e of rhv rt «.»urt iff ,»f. »•»- Mnn. la: a I tab.. i ri - iah . otambla. and x laika, h gm her id npurb engravings. • |«h« .t’Frfai» rfc of the r*.n*«t:Lr ' F- rj A-- elegant e igra i r in « - tH 8, i FSHv’, p ement« are I7<.. j ,♦ hew n sila» a reprvi»*iit b one h ture of the Maga fl s< euery uf the W si. an i ' n • r h You (inn t du with, at THE WEPT ML kt fir 1*»». If Scot be. ou i li ni a ,»f he Cuite iaa ei. Mexi u, ur anada; mut pica L SAMUEL. PvBtt«HFR. K«»RTI IND. ORFGON I Send for a Catalogue, and make v< ur election« in tinu for the fall • ' livery. if you want to plant noire none ' nt tli. Best and that is always the < Last spring, alone, n ore than a 1 all at th .. Oflicc and ord'-r, or "bln st the following-named GEORGE V» CRANE f2to. ln ( .dHBH H..W|'*L yî Wn«t |H.|,u)nr rerin»tl«>i-. 1:1 l’,,w ■o»*l U„rU('ta and . M" tt-x. Malwa'» Kc»e»<* U a no »au. * Kull FUwer»; A Latta, j*. ¡■•'M. l,»atkrSvrr. S". l»a HNBvrtal It I« ¡he , nett JocitTT. A complete pta'i"«1 ' ibe correct ru’«*a of d"p. i imm- ** tlie iiangre of the twat e<>< irU DEPARTMENT. General U**nrv. ". .. Marker st . Hirv Building ing: >outh Brane h. I Morr r . n st Portland 1 >r l.»CH Agents WNuirti i»»r Harney County. a«i- drvis as above. I Twenty X'ears MI*’’'»’«., uforniutfon rrgar-ling tl.rh 11 Ç _ PAUFK ■Ml HARNEY,-------- Is a true Advocate of the Harney Country FIRS, BALSAM ITO WILSHIRE to call and inspect them Attae I ’ d (1 ' to each sja■ it i ten v.’ U8 the • liara»- NECTARINES, . of th. producer, often with th>- mu tie of cal! :.. t ion. Tl i'S V/.’i? :t tangible, practical present; tion cf t he inaili i, „ 1 ( ■ ; ■ i, 0!K CG ¡lid verify. How sticce-sful this m;r.. offered will be improved. D. F. AWi.R.-.Y. rem at time of receipt of order. The climate is salubrious Bound volumes ot IIarper’> Magazine, for three years baeic, in neat cloth binding, will will compare favorably with i be sent by mail. p June, leg Not been see:. Bi n e Mart h. PleuBc send iu one vol. Cloth. $1.00 formation to i I ek . il • oifi E. will Bal- towns are about fifteen miles apart j ; 1885, Remittances should lie made by Podoflice isib iiuder f. r iruub e. AU.4. 1..-I in the northern portion of the val­ Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chance oi I loss. ley. Both towns have an I Adtlres« IIARPKR A BROTHERS, N’exv IMMENSE TERRITORY STRAY—REWARD. York. T he H erald and Magazine, $5.00. 1 BAY HORSE: 7-xcar-old: branuedT* un the adjacent, adapted to both farming X Left >h-ui'.er. A iu I. f i r.l«i fa« e:X Lei’ and stock-raising. The town of f<,ot White; ¡L pe irarks round Left Ankle. Strayed from rnt'ersigned last Bpring. Any Burns has two newspapers. The 1889 person who u ill deliver, ur eonve informn i. 11 principal stock men of this valley ihut will lead to ret «»very of ubove dc6crii.e«1 animal, wi I be iibcra'l* rewarded App. a are Mess. Peter French. J. S. Devine Harper’s Weekly. H Eli al > uilice, or to nnd th" L. F. Co. These parties W T WHITWORTH. Aug 22-S9* Lun.«, Or. are all said to he millionaires and I L L U S T R A TED. their wealth is variously estimated I H arpfr ’ i W e -. kly has a well established I place hr the lending illuatratcd newspaper in from one to fifty millions. THE ledger Lil rary Ainerit«. The fairnc-KS «.f iis editurial com« “Her Double l ife,” by Harriet ' ew:F, on current poliii< b has earned fiir it the The L. F. Company have lately . ineniB recpcet of a'.l iinpuriial reatlerB, ami the vnrieiv Ledger Library No. 1: Paver Cover .»Oc; bound consolidated their stock and land and exeellentc «»i itn literary ( «»nteniR. x\hi«ii Volume, |0. lude serial find shun K orieti l»\ the bes. and “Unknown,” by Mm. F. o. 1.. N. s. u hw- r h. interests here with .Mr. Jno. Devine, I j in« m« b pop ilnr xvritera, fit it f..r ihe pvru»al of I edger I ibrarv N.-. 2: Paper, . «•; B. uml, $i.u. . «it ihe xx’idvB. range <>f line up mm pur “(•uutnakcr «»f M. fc «> w .” b. SxlvanvR <*, *r. nnd are partners as "Lux. Miller. ' people mute. Suplrinen Bare fre piently pr.»x i- i orical play by die author of “Ben-Hur,“ ii I lu- rated by j. R. Weguelin, e.c. The edi- i ................... < rial (lepariments are eonduc.eil .... b\ ........................................................... r " ■ George William Curtí -, . William Dean How- | I ell.-», and Charles Dudley Warner. C attle branded ¿2 HARPER'S PERIODICALS; II O U S Left ear: Smooth crop. Range: Grant, Crook, ami 1 ake eouniies. 1*. o.—Riley, Grau; i vuutx, Oregon. 1889» Harar’s Magazine. I k Í1:*;® U nd M att ,. W Cn- Per Year: FOR RAILROADS K»S P 0 N S I B I. E M 1 in 1( l'nt. n Thursday, November ‘29, löbb dor-bit in Right ear, of the valley. Their shores ar- ILLUSTRATED. low, but they have never been H arper ’« M agazine i the mod u-e ul. known to overflow. The low shores en ertaining, and beautiful peri•.di«,al in the of these lakes accounts for the shal­ world. Among rhe attrat lions for 1889, will a new novel—an American story emit co lowness of the wells in this valley, . be ‘•Juj ltcr Light-«"—by Constance I . Wool-on which are from eight to twenty feet I iliu-drations of ishake-pearc’> ComediO' by ■ E. A. Abbev; a »Serie-of ar.iele> on Ru< in, deep. Irrigation is I iilus rated by T. de ThuKru ; papers on NOT NECESSARY >d.»ra ' uur Home«, your Town Lul>, Your Ranch««, Yuur I arm«, your plH* • ». will) I revs nnd shrubbery Suited to the climate ef Eust Oregon. And buy only from a known 1,1 RN^’ 0RE(,0X- That will send you what you pav th’ money for: Latest Varieties true to the name; Healthy, \ i:,or-iiB p'aiiis; nnd Judi- « 1. u.s |x kiuge-r nil is - s’ I gbor ami Time and . Tht refure, do save b- besri gin mlid that the gieat C attle branded un HARDER'S BAZAR M AG AZINE HARDER'S ....................... HARDER'S WEEKLY ................ HARTER'S YOUNG PEOPLE The volumes of the Bazar begin with the first number for January of ea< h >ear. When no. is time is men.lulled, sut s< rip: Lai ill begin with the Number current at the time of receipt I of order. Bouud volumes of Harper s Bazar for three year in neat cloih bimiiug, will be sent bv mail p. stage paid4 or by expt< be , free of expense, .provide«» the freight dots mH exceed one ciul- lai per volume) for $7 u volume. chulh « us«.s for eu< h volume,suitable for fund Ing will be sent by mail p. spuid un receipt uf 4>i eu< h. Remittance s should be made by I‘. s’ Of!i< e j Mone*. order or Draft, to avoid < hum e of I. sb . Newijiapeis are not. to c upv ibis adver-is.nent , wilhoui the express ..rder of Harper.v BrotliciR Adrets HARPER *k BROTHERS. I " Range—tirant county, u regoli. literature ib of I he choices kind, and its i-usl>- P. O.—Burns. Grant county. Oregon. ion and Household depart inents are of lhe in. st practical ami economical character. Its pat­ tern sheet supplements and fashion plutei alone will save i s readeis ten tiim s . he v. si of RILEY A- HARDEN. Bui script ion, and its artich-s on decorative art, Sot iul etiquette, h.-us • Keeping, coukerv, etc., Address ISAAC FOSTER. make it imiispv sable toever» household. Im bright shor. stories, and timely vbbu 'R are among the best published- and nut u line is ad- milted to i'F< olumt.B that could offend the must fastidi.»us taste. Ain.ntg the attra« tioi.s of the Holtass branded new volume will be serial storks by M rs . I- han «is Ho: g . son B urnett , M rs . A lexander , W illiam B lack , ami T homas H aiidv , ami a Lett Stifle Horizontal to. iuB of papers on nursery mauagemeni by M rs . C hristine T erhune H errick . Double-H ABUNDANCE - Every Ladv and Gentlemen a welcome Visitor to this Free Read- ing Booiu- H arpbr ' b B asar will continue to maintain Harney Valley is a beautiful val­ ley in Eastern Oregon in Harney county, between 118 and 1*20 de­ grees West Longitude from Green­ wich and between 43 and 44 de­ grees North Latitude*, about 3,500 feet above the level of the sea. with an area of about ?500 square miles, containing 1,600,t.*00 acres of land. This valley is nestled in a broken chain of mountains on the north­ east. south and west with the high­ est peaks of the Blue mountains on the north and the Steen mountains on the south, towering up into the realms of perpetual snow, This valley has - Open every day except Sunday, from « a m to .» p m. or itiflo: CH. As Reported bv a Late Visitor Here i'u reputation as un unequalled familv journal. 1 ik art illUBi rat ions ure uf the highest order, 1 b in the Roseburg Review. EASTERN ADVERTISEMENTS. burns advertisements STOCK RHANDS. HARPER BROS.’ COLUMN. I. C ai .DO» Ko n- The M Mord. By KoRKkT I -t i- By M , l-e«M ^afFeML 1 Mott«. Tw. klMe* * !*° J rhume.’» ■aU'* S" llrr.d <>.> I«« ,SJ «VLOCM. K«» : ®*T- 1 . !•■«. Maety-l«» - s—— Me. fil A Va«wbw«4 Wer»'"’ Awvi» Ruwaanw ».i^ M" >1»- 1,1—*• 1 ______ « i»»- l:««rls ml».* 1>«' . ■itlrv ii«: .»I TwentJ '• , ■ mai;, p. a pai«L *>'er fif «4 Tllk > k BI’IREGON H e ■' l ■ • who remi « :hv rrgHitr and .0 « e -s extra f..'1’« ' suibt .««! ,»h pa • J’P ■ revs future )tar i* 8 th«»«* bork« teaw"19 4MB s