O regon H erald ast BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1889. $2.30 a Year. THE HISTORY OF CAMP WRIGHT with John Mulkey bore the dead School Superintendent L. B. Ba-1 BURNS A D V ERTISE M E NTS. soldier three days on pack mules to ker. Aa Toltl V® by an Old «»hlicr of 1M05, with John Mulkey bore the dead I’. F. Stenger obtained the first To Which in Added Interesting ' soldier three days on pack mules to daily mail, and erected the first Data Concerning the Early Settlers in bury him at Camp Wright, where lie coselv and elegant family residence has lain undisturbed the past 23 the county. I years, his loss of life and his grave HAKNEY COUNTRY. The United States in Land Ofiieo; for Harney District was established unknown to friends and relations GENERAL IUEERCHANDISINC Several weeks since while visit in Burns with J. B. Huntington, “ back East. ” ing the Devine ranch at Wright’s additional notes . register, and Harrison Kelly, re­ Point we were shown the remains ceived. The winter of 67-68 the Indians of old Camp Wright, the grave of a 18??—Abner Robbins now of ! soldier before it pointed out, and surrendered to Gen. Crook oil the 1889 COME ALLI! Drewsey, used to ride on puck COME ONE!! site of the old Malheur agency. anawar’the the tall grease-wood grown all over horses among the Indians, long be­ Mace McCoy, a cousin to Wm. i. 1,11!1 !"* ,’.Vr the grounds told us many vears a nut being fore any white men lived here. I i he p. sr- hiyl passed since the soldiers threw M. Page late of this county, went fur payment ORIGIN OF NAMES. from here to Arizona with Gen. up the embankments and the Iper uiacon- “ Diamond ” valley was named' Crook and came back in 1873. He , ur the 1’ub- American colors floated above the 1 pa.me lit is from the diamond-brand of McCoy i now resides in Waitsburg, Wash. surrounding swamps. It whether it here < an lie 1863 to 1873—C. M. I.ockwood ifc Ruby’s stock. Who commanded at Camp nt is made “Silvies” river in Iwnor of a Ca-1 I from Michigan, located in Jackson per from I hr Wright? Who named it? How nadian trapper, killed in »a ear-! name or uu- : county, Or., a government con ­ WE have THE LARGETS 6TOCK OF it? tractor for military posts on the ly day. ed ur uut. is many companies garrisoned IIow long ago since soldiers were! , frontier,and “Blitzen” or Donner-und-BJitzen,' said to he a fine-looking iper stopped ¿•“GROCERIES, g^CLOTIIING, Why were they there? To! liberal, noble-hearted man, is the from the exclamation of a Dutch fW* DRY-GOODS, •r CulUilUKB there? pay for it if fight £•* BOOTS, SHOES, ÄST-FANCY GOODS, (¿•“HARDWARE, ETC. Indians? What Indians? [This proceeds first man that did more than mere­ soldier in Gen Crook’s command, | Mv fur what he i Why fight them? Who was the ly while standing guard over the Ever brought into pass through the country. He Was he killed or did it was ■ft refusing tc •dead man? that built the present road pack-mules during a vivid thunder flr«>ni the post YCK» he die from a natural cause? — were |d[for, wit hull leading from Canyon City through storm. Ing Ulvis ■cia evidence ol the questions that rapidly followed IV same, to I “Steen” Mountain after Major the town of Burns. When he died ' * - iud. each other while gazing upon the! Steen who escorted emigrants un­ in Salt Lake City, he was a very evident remains of a part of the wealthy man, whom no poor man der Fremont, in an early day. UALD CLUB LIST past history of Harney valley. I! 11 e Century, oue year “Catlow” valley after John Cat- ».-..75 envied, since hp had always been 4.75 Nicholas. “ Point Wright towering high known as the poor man’s friend. low, the first cattle man that Look 3.75 tnonat Msgasine,om- . Look" Look 8.75 above the surrounding country like tereon Magarino 1865—John Craven, a native of orought stock into that section. 3.75 de>’a Lady a Book the sphinx that grimly guards the 4.00 Camp Alvord on cast side of the | /eat Shore I Ray county. Missouri, came to Or­ —Just received Three Tons of Sugar, which we sell very cheap. 5.75 the secrets of the Nile, stood! egon in 1864, enlisted in Eugene Steen mountain, was named in iiie'a Illustrated Nevvrt i'i ■ : 4.75 —We have 500 bi.Is. of Lest Roller Flour, which we will sell at $7.50 per bbl. b.75 mute and untouched by any appeals a dee Popular Moliti. I City, in 1864-65, in the 1st Oregon ho .or of Gen. Alvord, who left the! 3 75 Bile's Sunday Maaasii.. — Come and see our Large Stock of Calico, Gingham, Muslin, and all kinde of Dry-Goods. i made l y inquirers of 1889. Some 8.00 Voiunteer Infantry, Co. "II,” Capt. coast in 1865. IL.ru's Maguioe 6 00 ■one remembered that one of the | realy Call ■. a S ■ “ Camp Harney ” was esta' lis'ted — "e sell bleached and I libleached Muslin for 8 cents; Calico. 6 cents; Ginghams, 10 cents; Chev­ L L Williams in command; and I 8.0J , ily Call .................. GOO soldiers of Camp Wright had come : in 1867, and named after the Har­ iots, 12.) cents; and all Other Goods ot Every Description and Quality, and Style, in like proportion, but ' SKly Examiner .. in August, 1865, came with his 3 00 ___ ily Examiner 8.00 into the country a couple of months Company, to Camp Wright, at the ney country by Capt. Kelly of Co. texly Now York World . 5.00 since. t troll Free Presa age of seventeen years. Mr. C. is i “A,” 1st U. S. Cavalry. Capt. Kelly .. 5.20 di. Lìtirper'n Mugliatile Upon returning to Burns, we! not only the only Camp Wright sol­ . was formerly from Fort Klamath, . 5.20 | .uriwr’s Weekly . GIVE US A CALL AND BE CONVINCED , iuritor’s Buxnr......... de . 3.75 interviewed the old soldier and' dier in Harney county, but the old­ and went from here to Arizona St?' Uir|>er'a Yóung Pe<>i le ‘la, 2.90 1 where the Apaches captured his J, 55 cents; gleaned a reply to nearly every • est resident of the Harney country. “'’“••ten's Maulfold t'yelo|.idii ,. nal volume after Vol. I. question, to which we have added 1867—A man named Walker car-1 daughter and he had to give 100 ■ THAT WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK AND ASSORTMENT OF GOODS IN THE VALLEY. 11 i uer volume, p< stage. information hitherto obtained from ried the first mail, on horseback, head of horses to get her from them Bl’S of all the above works mn t.e ex Aug 8-37 Mrs. Stenger, Mr. McGowan, Mrs. from Canyon City to Camp Harney, —he died in Arizona. ire in the Reading kootu Whiting, Mr. Fitzgerald and sever-11 taking lots of chances of his life. XT ■ ______ THE DETKOIT FKEE 1‘KESS 1872— Stille Riddle, John Boone, «her« of periodicals are «.»]i<-ite l of parts of three companies sta-' still a citizen of the valley. Prepared to do ail Kinds of Work in the Rla< kamith line. Horse Shoeing at 9?.fc0 jer head of excellence to the mass of stale arged extra, according t<. «pa< • , tinned on the grounds since August base aamitted. and flat “syndicate” productions nCy. medicinal ads. at no price. ! of that year, near the present site o- 1874—P. F. Stenger and Tims, i found in the average weekly paper. Attorney-at-Law, v ments at lcsa than 10 coni* per jofj. S. Devine's residence, named j yearly, or ¿0 cent«, trauKh ui, , Whiting brought stock in from; Ont of the determination to satisfy ¡the camp in honor of the deceased | Douglas county, Oregon. P. F. this demand grew our unparalleled M. A. KELTON. i.sition 12 extra charge per in <-B U G G I E 8, W A GONS, E T C.,-> Lakeview, Or. nyOD ,i uf pavilion a standing reader I soldier, also, the point or head-land i Stenger establishing his camp at: offer of 43,000 in Cash Prizes for MADE TO ORDER WITH NEATNESS, AND OF GOOD QUALITY. ti to au. eat h ueek to run in a it It he called, "Point Wright ” Practices in the cour tween Camp Wright and Harney j | Rock Point the present site ofi! and comment will be readily under-! it, d Dodies. | lake, wounding a soldier named I Burns. stood. The competition is ended;: FOREIGN ADVKRTIt-ER- | Smith in the foot, and another i Mail route from Canyon City via the hundreds of manuscripts are I'f. fully aolieltiwg your I'.'.1', ii... ! named Griffin, who in after years ! Camp Harney to Fort McDcrmit, now in the hands of the judges an. . t > <<• •■ That same evening the In­ mail carried by Doc. Anderson, an prize winners and begin the publi­ ,A “ *w ,"nents based '."nejtto baaed upuu lymu our tin • 11 u ok h injury. Collector. t. AS! adjuiniaa evaailm: dians set fire to the tall grass [a old Kentuckian, still with us. A. C. BRODERSEN,. . . Lakeview cation of the stories on or about I 1 man named Keiger describes the P roprietors . DICKSON A SULLIVAN 1878—The Smyths, father and j September 1st. Look out for a “•" OB WORK grass of the valley “high enough for son, were killed by Indians, at the i literary sensation. '■>' " pt Ion exetuled with ii. a'ti. m me to reach up and tie over my mwiw nekaablc mu Lou. J. Bosenberg, Mixologist. The reading public is on a qui- Livery 1 Feed Stable. I . head as I ride through it on horse- ' close of the trouble with the Piut.es r.vfe oarers, Pamphlet, I vive for the stories, hundreds hav­ and Bannocs. The Bannoc warfare .ill Heat’s, loiter lit r. P. II. MURPHY. back] and Capt. Williams and his ! ceased. The first merchandise ing already sent in their subscrip­ Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandies, ------- -ate Dea.a, Cana, Ti< k <- . ivit aliens, ns, Etc. men had to take reftigj on a grease store and saloon put by a man tion. The time is particularly au­ LAKEVIEW - - - - OREGON Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when HAY  (¡RAIN wood knoll—somewhere about the | named Josephson, and kept where spicious for our friends and agents 1 yon call on “Uncle Dick,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. Alwavaon hand, und prompt attention given Buccaroo house of the Devine ranch | I the Burns hotel now stands. to make a move all along the line, all orders for trama and vehicle«. of to-day. En passant, two olden I 1879—Wm. Curry bought and as everyone will be interested in time shot guns were found in the! moved Josephson stock to where reading these masterly serials. In willows in that vicinity, a couple of theLevens Bros, ranch is located. order that none may be deterred on years since. KAT1ONAL: Daniel Wheeler was the first Jus- account of the price we have con-1 ...BeaJ—lln Harriot» At about the same time Lieut. Ap ' I tice of the Peace. . eluded to offer The Weekly Press ............ Leri I’. Morton ........ JMUMG Blaine piegate of Co. “II”, in command of t four months for 25 cents, thus plac­ I I MAGAZINE I IS 12.50 1 II 1779-80 — The military Post at . William Wm.t. i.i □PATENTS ing the paper within reach of all. It A year. Send 26cto Belford, Clarke 4 Co., New ............ Jvhll U Noble a part of Cr.pt. Williams’ force, Camp Harney was abandoned. ........ Redfield i’r<>< t<>r was returning from Camp Curry, ! will be seen from the Premium Large stocknren began buying York, for u sample copy. f ‘.’. . Beniamin F. Tun WASHINGTON, D. C. C. A. SNOW à CO. \j uultnre. .. Jeremiah M. Kupk (where W. C. Cecil's place now is), out the smaller dealers. List that we offer a number of nov­ . .. Wm. X. H. Mi.ii-r to Camp Wright, were that evening elties and some articles of great in ­ 1881 — I’ . M. Curry, now of Lake- . . John Wa namakcr R5 ______________ Patents obtained, and all patent buBlncM attend«! to promptly and for moderate free. attacked by the Indians at some I view, Or. came here. PETERSON’S MAGAZINE trinsic value for dubs. These Four ¿TE—OBEUOIT. Our bin. e 1« opp. nite the U. S. Patent ttfllt e. and we ran obtain In leaa time than thoae fortifications thrown up on what is Months subscription will be accept ­ B I J. N. I'olpll Egan Postoffice was established. Is $2 remote from Washington Send Model or Drawing. We ad vise aa to patentability free R I J. H. Milrh.-ll now the Widow McGee’s ranch and ed until December 1st. 1882—Geo. McGowan, the Mar- ..R...BiQlter Hermann of rhnrre: and we make no charge unless patent i* secured. I. DJlylFCBter Penm>> er called for fun after one of the com­ ‘ tins and A. O. Bedell located. We refer here to the P«.«lmaa*er, the Superintendent of Money Order Division, and to We make this offer thus early Mehrifie And again, offi< la’s of the U. M. Patent Office. For « In nlar, advhe, terms, and references to actual W. Webb pany, Fort Drellenger. 1882—McGowan & Martin open­ because it is desirable that as many McElroy the next morning, about eight miles clients In your own State or county, write to above address. ed a general merchandizing store names as possible be placed on our r.k i ukei . Htrahun south of the present town of Burns, in Egan and the next year I’. F. mailing list before the piize stories . F. Lord W. Th«} er the Indians shooting from the point Stenger 1 ought out Martin’s inter­ legin. as it involves some troul le of the rimrock west of the cove. JUST PUBLISHED. est and moved the store to the site ami is sometimes difficult to sup­ I» IL I son The Piutes of Harney valley of the present town of Burns. L L. R and ply back num! ers. Houses and Cottages The rrv Ht lute » eating;, intensely fnmcln- were under command of a chief Canvassing for The Press is l>e- ating 1883—Geo. McGowan named the nneal ar ia a ami engra erg un Grand Rapids, Mich. L M eeker 1885 — The first newspaper, a 6- the two Coniinent«. etnbelliah i a pHgea and and died years ago at Steen moun­ ceiving generous compensation for add excitement to wonder. t HO VARD In a*i«.i«lon to 1 hie colunin, patent-outside, was cstab- tain. The Malheur chief Egan was int oinpa. able fea'nre ia a ipplemeute.l manv b. J ane -« Will furn'gh D< »Ign» of Houici. Cottagr», anti Margiona coating from Lt'tO on upto My your labor. Don’t wait until route- grami ai’«i beau iftii r I’LL-FA«»E « <»L«)luu a purtfo- also in command of the turbulent by Horace D.llard. on«- else has canvassed your terri­ GKil ’H iLiTK-. The nine brìi,ianl < o'ota uaed | lio.>f.» tuaigniuf UAel.hika, like theme ..n file In E ast O regon II kha LD uffi< ♦, with 1887—T he E ast O regon H er ­ tory. reds. The d»functtown south of in the pi< urt b pr,Mtn« e an aim. bi «lazzling ef­ full via.i mi ea< n, iti.i size de.ai-a. complete *pecifi< atiui.*. and bid of materia.*, all very fect. making hem perfect gema of ari. a.xl exe- j fuii a.. (hang«» ,.u draire made, and I will a< < .»tnmo<’ate you. Or leave Ordera with Till newspaper plant was established by memory. H rrald . You will ii aa < heap t«» erect a han*’«.»me houat aa to wa te inaleiial on au un- blanks whenever you need them. Agents Wanted A” aighio building. Wiljaid jMu hi re cvna.rucrug jour present lx tiding. «Ml Regarding the lone grave now in D. L. Grace. markable bu«>k. Ol«l e<|pene. < < d ajen a g«F “ Don ’ t send postage stamps 18M8—In May T he H erai d was in payment for subscriptions, we grn«p it a’ aighi, for the realize here ib mg front of the remains of old Camp mone) it it. In realty it fan marvel .,f bouk- Wright the man’s name is forgot­ enlarged to an “all-at-home-print,” cannot use them. makii gart. If uant io make Buine money, here ia a golden «>p|»-,r.unity for >«*u. An agen­ ten, but he was known among the making it the first and only news­ Io F. cy f r this work a worth The Free Press Co., Detroit Mich.' ■Murday at Soldiers as “Reddy” (on account of paper ever printed complete in the ÍÑ. N. G. From $5 to $25 oer day his hair), was from the state of Harney country. It spends the It 1« a< Knowledge 1 bv all j-u’«l'«bera and ag- Tn Stage >ew York, and was noted among money it makes, in keeping up Agents Entirely ema to tie ihe han< a«>rn< a . f*a.iB se.ling, and «heap« at bo. k ever ptibi.aheu. Nend Immeol Nell with ami ahead of the advance of his comrades as a great singer. ately f«1 for a complete while in campon the Blitzen "Red­ ar.xL v»i.t r atol gvgKV mv <’»• i"f '''' P»"Ple c tnv«a»i ig outfit and same choke of ferri ory. N. Brown began the erection of e\»*r pnb.iahed on*ib< glob«*. A makvf . lof dy” was called up for his turn to the first Grist ami Merci entile Mill NONSY-8AV1NG «nariit low and we give «»ur agent«30 «'a a^ time in whi« h leaves Prineville Mom'.,, it • I m. Arrives at Ipur, • J, J ’’ ”’ arm, and a second in the heart. Clerk. W. E. «»race; Treasurer, T. fri . a. ah. nid nriie Mr de^ rfp’.o" ’«». to driver and cull« t before paying ua. Add re«« Leave« Burna Thur«dai«af o a in. Arrive« at Prineville . ) F on the m- af reu «rkahle a« hie.erneut io bvok- Mace McCoy, said to be the finest makfng ab re’he world bexnn. THE HISTORY COMPANY, H. Roberts; Commissioners, Lytle mountaineer in the country, and Howard; T. B. James; Surveyor, SCAM MEL A CO.. Box >003, Pas-rncer Rat«» from Prineville to J am». »710 R< andTrip.il I -with W dsp» delay. the first settler in Diamond valley, W. icatrr. St. Louia or Philadelphia. 723 Market st., San Francisco, Cal. R. Gradon; Sheriff, A. A. Cow­ ing, Assessor. W. E. Alberson; ______ AND SEE THE NEW GOODS WE ARE RECEIVING DAILY. 6 ■ T he D rewsey S aloon . BELFORD'S f f fl THE LIVING WORLD.