E ast H erald \ — BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, THURSÒ a Y, AUGUST 29, 1889. THE JIERA LD. / $2.80 a Year. i with and abreast of the advance of BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. Harney county. Only $2.50 a year. T THI K s D a 'Y A h Tol.l V« by an Ohl S 1.1 prof 1HO3, N. Brown began the erection of To Which is Alitivi! Iritcretuin# Data ('oncerr.in^; the the first Grist and Merchantile Mill) GRACE, Early Settlers in in the valley. P kopkietoks . 1889—The creation of Harney THE tlAKNF.Y CCVNTKY. ADDITIONAL NOTES. e4lJHSCKlpriO> i: \ n - County was obtained with follow­ Several weeks since while visit­ The winter of 67-68 the Indians Yaar ................. |. ... I ing officials: Judge, T. J. Shields; Jouiha. ............ i _.u ing The Devine ranch at Wright’s surrendered to Gen. Crook on the Clerk, W, E. Grace; Treasurer. T. Point we were shown the remains site of the old Malheur agency. H. Roberts; Commissioners, Lytle ~"!^^4(|ijglllWll’lKB LAWS. of old Camp Wright, the grave of a Mace McCoy, a cousin to Win. i Howard. T. B. James; Surveyor, i. A p rmtPUirlarequir. i gi.e in.’i <• i.\ ml a. ’’ re.urniRf ihU pGper it.x-s n.a a k wr ihe soldier before it pointed out, and M. Page late of this county, went Programme: W. R. Gradon; Sheriff', A. A. ('ow­ ^kwhenatuht rihBU«.<•« Ii.n tuke IL h paper f th« oil« «. MU ilbe reus II fur i h n.»i beitK the tall grease-wood grown all over from here to Arizona with Gen. ing; Assessor, W. E. - Alberson; FIRST DA Y—MON DA Y, SEPT. 2 d . - ----- --- 2 AW. neg.«cturd»> * • makes he p. s ^^SrreGp^mlbiGtul»« publisher fur pa. inent the grounds told us many years Crook and came back in 1873. He1 School Superintendent L. B. Ba­ IflSBBr Biers h b paper disruu- had passed since the soldiers threw Q vartek -M ile D ash —Free for Ail................................... Purse $150.00 now resides in Waitsburg, Wash. ku Rrrearugi b . .»r the Pub- ker. it seii i i. mi ii pa inetu ik up the embankments, and the 1863 to 1873—C. M. Lockwood Wh* leaiiioiiiu whe herit P. F. Stenger obtained the first SECOND DAY—TUESDAY, SEPT. 3 d pr ii.»t. There • nil be American colors floated above the L‘ from Michigan, located in Jackson daily mail, and erected the first till pa inetu is made F ive -E igiitii -M ii . e D asii —For 2-and-3-year-old Culls Purse $150.00 takes a paper from the surrounding swamps. 'county, Or., a government con- i cosely and elegant family residence [te«i io his uh me or ati- Who commanded at Camp tr.v.tor for military posts on the suis riuedur not. ifi Who named it? How k fiontier, and said to i»e a fine-looking the county. THIRD DAY—WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 4 th . is his paper shipped Wright? • Pu.iiisher (uiiiiniub it?, liberal, noble-hearted man. Js the I The United States in Land Office H alf -M ile H eats —2 in 3—Free for All.......................... Purse $150.00 Doll II 1 Io pH for it ii many companies garrisoned fur Harkey DistrivVwas established »«fftn e This pr«M «•««;« k hi Ub. 'pay fur a hat he How long: ago since Soldiers weSe prgt man |jla( (ji(J lll0re t]lan nlert. in Burns with J. P Huntington, there? Why were they there? To1 ly pass through the country. He FOURTH DAY—THURSDAY, SEPT. 5 th . •filed that refus’ng t«. register, and Ilarris.m Kelly, re­ iouii a n from the p. bi fight Indians? What Indians? GOO yards — Free f, r All Harney Co. Saddle Horses........Purse $100.00 uiKH.H'ii for, »Villi.ill ; it was that built the present road rimu fu< ¡u eviueuc e oi Why fight them? Who was the leading from Canyon City through ceived. 18??—Abner Robbins now of dead man? Was he killed or did the town of Rums. When he died FIFTH DAY—FRIDAY, SEPT. 6 th Drewsey, used to ride on pack HELIA O ne -M ile D ash —Free for All............................................. Purse $200.00 I he die from a natural cause?—were in Salt Lake City, he was a very horses among the Indians, long be­ the questions that rapidly followed wealthy man, whom no poor man ..... . . Vaud Si. d and aziiie each other while gazing uj»on the envied, since he had always been fore any white men lived here. -iuai s hook “ 1 “"1 origin of names . evident remains of a part of the known as the poor man’s friend. i and Entrance Fee, Ten Per Cent of Purse. rated Nev. spa per «„ ¡r.iu,, 4 and “ Diamond ” valley was named Jand lur Munihiy pi.-! history of Harney valley. Blood Horse Association Rules to govern all Races. ... . 1Ma a <4_ a Magazine 18G5—John Craven, a native of from the diamond-brand of McCoy tizi lie Point Wright towering high No Money will be given for a Walk-Over. Ray county, Missouri, came to Or- A Ruby’s stock. ■»er. r 1 “Purses Hung on the Wire.” above the surrounding country like . 1 . , . aaúSMBRi 1 egon in 1864, enlisted in Eugene “Silvies” river in honor of a Ca­ Address >« rums B the sphinx that grimly guards the ■ City, in 1864-65, in the 1st Oregon nadian trapper, killed in an ear­ the secrets of the Nile, stood as P. F. STENCER, Burns, Or. Volunteer Infantry, Co. “H,” Capt. ly day. mute and untouched by any appeal L. L Williams in command; and I “Blitzen” or Donner-und-Blitzcn, ' lana ltar-vcr’.-* r by the ignorance of 1889. Some Itu-t»a 4 Hur »er’.-* Young I’eoj le 3.75 in August, 1865, came with his from the exclamation of a Dutch I and Alden’s Manifolli i \ < l<»pevin. . not only the only Camp Wright sol­ pack-mules during a vivid thunder; since. On returning *o Burns, we CS-ENERAL JXÆERCHANDISINC rdHkVig, ■■ dier in Harney county, but the old­ storm. interviewed the old soldier and est resident of the Harney country. “ Steen Mountain ” after Major ■TPublishers of peri. jdi< n s are solicited iclubbiug ra <&. a i^p' *'* Hiuir work fur gleaned a reply to nearly every I 1870—John S. Devine came to Steen who escorted emigrants un­ nd'hat .(»MJ Kvauiug Kouin—Vi e ti.c, unit r.ind : he it eiusew e.er> ha.i . i. • * i question, to which we have added the valley; is still a resident. der Fremont, in an early day. .toe,,, bv advertiseoieui. COME ONE!! 1889 information hitherto o tained from H rkal tl COME ALLI! 1872—The Smvth family, of Hap; “Catlow” valley after John Cat- ■¿nlcrniil Mrs. Stenger. Mr. McGowan, Mrs. . * .».¡«J py valley, and John Chapman, came low, the first cattle man that > F I p il ADVERTfMNi. : - Whiti g, Mr. Fitzgerald and sever­ * !.. it 1 in with stock. orought stock into that section. 1 r. ! C Elf L j 1 wk al o'hers: 1> 41.i>U i I 1873—Stille Riddle, John Boone, “Camp Harnev” was established 1 Ì..IX» '■i.uitl Vib ! Get ral Harnev in 1853 while . 1 ; I . 5.00 1 b.’ r I tfWCLOTHING, to T he II eiiald , in Livingstone, and went from here to Arizona i ^F-BOOTS, SHOES, 4« rhnrged eurn, » it.»et lean.ci. fW FANCY GOODS. 1WHARDWARE, ETC Montana) Jas. .Sheppard, and the where the Apaches captured his In thespring r hv in the fall of 1865, ¡ette ,i pv Bit i'll u B'iiibiitig rviKler Jonathan, and rrçu L it »u«-..««i h neek b mu in with still a citizen of the valley. Capt. L. L. Williams of Co. “H” .« 141 a Ui frtv. Saptember 2d Burns races—fine i 1874—P. F. Stenger and Thos. A b ve B ercut pe «Il utir u ’ er. iRetnen'B horses on the track now. All the lest aii|‘ «■«.: o. he call« d, ‘ Point W right ” book. It gives in a clear and brief ¿jlfli- aven«*« (■>»•" u ..u. ■ i. u Burns. Mail route from Canyon form everything which a person add aad awKaMIlM ' ■ In Scptciio er, k65, there was a gi;-------- 3-------------------- City via Camp Harney to Fort would ordinarily care to know and fight between the Indians, Harney I Bidwell, Nev., was estadlished and for which they would generally h ii ed with nca tu ts Valley I’iutes, and a part of the GIVE US A CALL AND BE CONVINCED consult an enclyclopedia, a form ¡te i a . i s mail canied by Doc. Anderson. force under Capt. Williams, be­ Pamphlets book, or some technical work on 1 .el 1er hem s, 1878—Th.; Smyths, father and special science. It is a book of tween Camp Wright mid Harney ( an-s, Ti< he s, THAT WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK AND ASSORTMENT OF GOODS IN THE VALLEY. D m CR^S, i.ll. sen, were killed by Indians, at the reference, a dictionary, a text ook lake. And about the same time •gulariv on fi’e for re- Lieut. Applegate of Co. “II”, in close of the trouble with the 1‘iutes and a business guide all in on and *»,eii Newspaper Ad­ its 1200 pages are profusely illus­ ii st., New Ù wit. command of a part of Capt. Wil-, and Bannocs. The Bannoc warfare trated with colored maps and good [ ceased. The first merchandise liatns’ men was returning from | engravings. It consist of three vol- j Camp Curry, where W. C. Cecil’s store and saloon put by a man ■ umes bound in one. Vol. I con-' KEt Toll Y. place now is, to Camp Wright, were named Josephson, and kept where tains an account of the plants and b* al : the Burns hotel now stands. animals of the earth, its surround­ 7.. Bei jainin Dai r:s. n that evening attacked by the In­ ings, its information, and its princi- ’REVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS, 1.879 — Wm. Curry bought and i.e» i P. Mvr on JanitR». i.iai! e dians at some fortifications thrown pal minerals and metals; a history moved Josephson stock to where \\ i.. ìhih WihUvin Cenerai Blacksmith <&, Wason-maker. of its people anda |mpu lar treatise CHAH. A. COGSWELL. Svilii W. Svine up on what is now the Widow Mc­ the Levons Bros, ranch is located. i upon law. Vol. II includes a treat­ Lakeview Re» ficai PrvCtur H. R. SCHLÄGEL ------ L akeview , O regon . Gee ’ s ranch ami called for fun after Pcnjan in i. Tia< ey Daniel Wheeler was the first Jus­ ise on the science of numbers; in­ Jervniiah M. Rnsk of the company, Fort Drellen- one O Win. H. 11. Mi.ier COGSWELL A COGSWELL. struction in all kind of drawing; an • •li Uanumaker ger. Next morning about eight tice of the Peace. LAKEVIEW ANI» LINK VILLE. Or. 1779-80—The military Post at article upon agricultural chemistry N : miles south of the present town of Prepared to do all Kindaof Work In lire Itlai kemith line. lfoeee Shoeing at |?.M per head / J. N. Dolph and the plainest and most practical •| J. IL M icheli Burns, the Indians shot from the Camp Harney was abandoned. treatise of physics and mechanics Attcrneys-at-Law !. Ihtiger Hermann Large stockmen began buying , ever issued; and an article on fam­ 1-ly .ftjlvis ei Pci.iiojer rim-rock near the cove and wound­ i e. . W. Mdsride t . K. Hebb ed a soldier named Griffin who in out the smaller dealers. ily medicine, covering more ground .1. J'. MvEiioy Fra k I akei after years died of the effects of the 1881— P. M. Curry, now of Lake­ than any other cingle book. Vol. Attorney-at-Law, -B U G G I E S, WAGONS, ET C,,-^ K î*. S ruliau Ill relates prncipally to 1 usiness,; W ii . 1*. i.vrd injury, and another named Smith view, Or. came here. MADK TO ORDER WITH NEATNESS, AND OF GOOD QUALITY. social and domestic su'jects; com­ W. Vx. liia. er M. A. KELTON. Egan Postoilice was established. plete instructions are given in pen­ L I ISTRICI . was shot in the foot. A L L W O R K W A R RANT E D. Lakeview, Or. R L B. I ron 1882— Geo. McGowan, the Mar­ manship. phonography, book-keep­ Practices in the court of the state, and before The I’iutes of Harney valley .k J.. I.. K ami |-ly ing, dress-making and millinery, V» d. I « 1 û O e. were under command of a chief tins and A. O. Bed. ll located. Bl ARM Y ; and the household department with T 1882— McGowan & Martin open* Í . W. GlL'IAM whose name is pronounced much HR DREWSEY ADVERTISEMENT. its praeticle cook I ook and numer­ J. 1. .•'11! EL ■ J ib . V. . t . (RACE like Wahweveh, who burned Camp ed a general merchandizing store ous reccipes is sure to interest every ___ B (D, Wachmaker & Jew.31er T. li. Ko E TB W . Ab. (iB.t ON Wright some time afterward, and in Egan and the next year P. F. housewife. A. A. ( O ING J. XV. BONEBRAKE. U. h. ALI Bft>uN diid years ago at Steen mountain. .Stenger I ought out Martin’s inter- It is sold only upon the subscrip­ Lakeview« Oregon. I . I . I AKER est and moved the store to the site tion plan by the J. Dewing Com ­ W M. M eeker Regarding the lone grave now in pany, 813 Market st.. San Francis­ Attorney, Notary Public & L ytle H o and front of the remains of old Camp of the present town of Burns. 1. u. J am «' co, Cal., who offer lilternl terms to 1883 — Geo. McGowan named the Wright the man's name is forgot­ - - - - P roprietors . agents and nre now receiving appli­ Collector. . . . Lakeview DICKSON A SULLIVAN O»FI< I . IPS sj ten, but hr was known among the new oostollice to be in the McGow­ cations for territory. Lou. J. Bosenberg, Mixologist. A. C. BRODERSEN. J. 11. II l’NTIN'GT«»N ,11 ARhlMtN tv. ELL Y soldi, rs as "Reddy” (on account of an ' A Stenger store “Burns,” in honor I Preaching Appointments. Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandies, of his h..ir), was from the state of ' the famous poet of his native Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when land, Bobert Burns, Scotland ’ s fa ­ In answer to a petition signed Livery I Feed Stable hew York, and was noted among you call on “Uncle Dick,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. vorite bard. by prominent citizens of Burns to P. II. MURPHY. his comrades as a great singer. the Presiding Elder. Rev. Ira Wake­ LAKCVIRW - - - - OREGON 1885 — The first newspaper, a 6- L O. F. One dark night in Fvl ruary, 1866. Ii, ewr« .-a nr« « Ht patent-outeide, was estab- field, of the M. E. Church, Rev. A GRAIN while in campon the Blitzen “Red- column, ' M M.\.\ Wm. Bartholomew was changed Aiwa'non HAY hand, and prompt attention given established by Horace D.llard. dy ’was called up for his turn to ' from Long Creek to Harney circuit, all ordetB for lean.a and veni< lea. 1887— T he E ast O regom H er ­ and will hold meetings in the val- guard the pack mules in charge of P ck Master Mace McCoy, and ald , a 7-c<»lumn, patent-inside, ley as follows: FATENTS. 1st Sabbath in each month, in newspaper plant was established by had not mounted guard five min- ' \« et tv«:. Burns, at 11 a in: and at the WASHINGTON, D. C. C. A. SNOW A CO. trs »lien la received a shot in the D. L. Grace. Island school house nt 3 p m. 1888 — In May T he H eraid was and a second in the In 1 art. 2d Sabbath at Harney, at 11a I IM 7U2IN!IS!$2.50l I l*aten*» obtained. anrn