E A HT E RN A 1»V KIITISKM KNT8. THE HERALD. THVK8DAY, HAItN’EY VALLEY THS HARPER’S BAZAR, IxM'AlioM. fieiM»urecH, «'limate, Boil, and Needed Development«. herald reading room . Adorn your Home«, your Town Lots, Your Ranches, Your Karma, your Places, with trees and shrubbery Suited to the climate of East Oregon. And buy only from a known H orses branded ILLUSTRATED. IN HERALD OFFICE, - - - ,,l,E p m. Every Lady and Gentlemen a welcome \ isitor to this Free Read­ ing Room. Either Right stifle: OIL H arper ' s B azir will continue to maintain its reputation as an unequalled family journal. A. Hcportctl I»»- n I.ate Visitor Her«- Its art Illustration« are of ihv highest order, Us literature is of the choices’ kind, audits hash Range— Grant county, Oregon. in »he It. Keburic Bevlew. ion and Household departments are of the in. st practical nnd economical character. Its pat Harney Valley ia a beautiful val­ tern sheer supplements and fashion plates 1*. O.—Burns, Grant county, Oregon. alone will save i's readers ten times the < < st of ley in Eastern Oregon in Harney But scription, ami ils articks on decorative art, RILEY A- HARDIN. social etiquette, house Keeping, cookery, etc., .county, between 118 and 120 de­ make* if indispei sable to ever) household. Its Addrcbb ISAAC FOSTER. bright short stories, and timely osn.a are green West Longitude from Green- among the last published' ai.d not aline ¡sad milted to its columns that could offend them» st ■rich and between 43 and 44 de- fastidious taste. Among the aura. Hot s of the new volume will be serial s orks b\ M rs . F r kN grees North Latitude, about 3,500 cis Ho. G'os Bi KNErr, M rs . alkxanokk , H orses branded on W illiam K lick , and T homas H ardy , and a feet above the level of the sea, with serits of papers on nursery management by Left Stifle: Horizontal an area of about 2500 square miles, M rs . C hristine T erhune H erbk k . Double JI HARPER’S PERIODICALS containing l,GlX>,000 acres of land. Per Year This valley is nestled in a broken I L I. U 8 chain of moutains on the north­ HARDER'S bazar T RATED. MAGAZINE east, south and west with the high- HARBER'S HARBER’S WEEKLY .cat peaks of the Blue mountains on HARBER’S YOL’N’G PEOPLE Hostage Free to all sul scribers in the United the north and the Steen mountains States, ( añada, or Mexico. .on the south, towering up into the The volumes of the Bazar begin with the first for January of each year. When no realms of perpetual snow. This is number time is mentioned, suls *rip.ion will begin with Hie Number current ul thetiite of receipt valley has of order. AN RES PON SI RLE ELDRfi HOUSE That will send you whut you pay th’ money for: Latest Varieties true to the name; Healthy, Vigorous plants; and Judi­ cious packing,or all is loit—Labor and Time and Money. Therefore, do Save by bearing in mind that the great T1IE SECOND YEAR OF THE EAST OREGON HERALD THE «Lr-tJ In it nr* com. bitted the tin. e»t mechanic, al skill, the I most useful and practical element», nnd nil known nd- vnnfiig*» that make a sew. in? machine desirable to sell or use. t Began on Thursday, November 29, 1888. C attlf . branded on Left Side- V. Un- dcr-blt in Right ear, cluse up. Left ear: NEAR THE CENTER of the valley. Thiir shores ar low, but they have never been known to overflow. The low shores of these lakes accounts for the shal­ lowness of the wells in this valley,' which are from eight to twenty feet deep. Irrigation is ELDREDGE Now is the Time to Subscribe ” J / AND TO RENEW EXPIRING SUBSCRIPTIONS. >■9 M. J. O’C onnor , Agent. ' smooth crop. Range: Grant, Ur.M-k, and Lake counties. 1’. O.—Riley, Grant county, Oreg» n. M AGAZINE WEEKLY HAZ tit YOUNG 1’EOl’LI >4.00 4.OB . 2.00 1.00 Postage Free to all Subscriber.* in the United States, Canada, or Mexico. Ha« Il s-n I t! # entIrefi, AS A LOCAL NEWSPAPER, horses are branded with “S-wrenc h” on the ¡.eft thigh. T he H erald acknowledges no superior in Eastern Oregon. It points 800 ACRES, with pride to its well-filled columns the past year, and to its cm lent progressive influence upon the prosperity of the great Harney a alley. As in the past so in the future it will strive to make prominc t note of every enterprise calculated to benefit the people; to recoiu every advance made in showing up the resources ot the \ alley; to advocate Law and Order under all circumstances; to frown upon all attempts IS THE OLDEST, to foment discord among the people in the interest ot any individual, IS TIIE LARGEST, clique or faction; to give the news of the day impartially and as I MOST RELIABLE fully as industrious effort and the aid of friends may enable us to N U R S E R Y obtain it; to give all the Local and Personal gossip of our section, GROWING STOCK suitable for publication, with all else of interest in this department; FOR THE WEST IT WILL BE AN EPITOMIZED HISTORY OF THE VALLEY Reward Offered. IMMENSE TEKRITOKY H arper ’ s W eekly has a well established place as the leading iliUBlrated ne».spi per in America. The fairness of its editorial coin- menis on current poliii< s has vained f.,r it the respect of all impartial reaoeiB. and the varieiv ami excellent c oi its literary (oiuems. which include serial and shorJ e ories by the l es: and tn» st popular wrlteis, fit it for the perusal »»f pc.'ple < f the widest range ».f tcscsandpur suits. Supleinen sare frequent I v pr.»vide»i. nnd no expei se is spared to bring the bights .>r< rr of artistic ability to bear up.»n the iilus.ia ioi of the changeful phasib .4 home ami foreign history. A new work <>f fiction from the pen ot W illiam D ean H o • ells an»i one bv i apt C harles K ing , will be among the leading fea­ tures of ihe W eekly for lssy. THE LEDGER LIBRARY ‘‘Her Double Life,” b Harriet lew's. Ledger Library N«». 1: l’uber c«)ver 50c; bound Volume. “Unknown,” by Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth, Ledger l ibrary Nu. 2: Paper, 50c; Pound, 11.00. “(lUimuikcr *>f M< sc»>w,'' b\ S,. hanim (’»»bb. Jr. Ledger Library Nu. I ttvcr 2o<; Bound, fl.00. Any of the foregoing or. s will be supplied by Bo» kRellers tn.d N s- t era, will be sent pvStage paid, un the ret eij T the prP e, by ROBERT BONNER’S SONS, L ei ger P u l 2YX1 n.TXSitXej'S, Who know that in the rapid growth and wide proclamation of the advantages of Harney Valley lies their own best road to prosperity Hit» . estiiig lehe: ipi 1, hit, „,, >IIS lieiisiH. I.if iw, ifpiUea. IUI•»lfci 1, IHlttlli: Imlt I , t. N" 222 M i a.... . J a ? s ie Maiwu« hutCMf» OHeif W11II F Piwvr«. AX t. '1 h» Mcr» liui.i’.(ri^. >***.» <- 1 » mi‘I|»‘*erf. AeeKll A Noni. lUaìiV 1 W«t«l T1i<- MI-iid»ciitnrviof^$HM No. 2: . Novel. No 214. A mo KI bhcf . a M ot ' i . ) Happ liiorne.” No. 206. Brcud l putì thè Wtlm Hurp Urt.oi K. N ». 2u4. B at . A Vnffubon 212. Ciuud» und unnhhe. q K e a mt. No. 209. The -bciini Wain««. J «di .1 surv U» —™™ i1 J oi .LINK. llnr. Should Subscribe for the Herald, Themselves ira APRICOTS.. .. N<> 200. (Ictirgc Nullifichi'» J«, U i . i M ; in « i . i ...» No. 203 Alury Hardwick's Ulù I mam i Wuuy. Has successfully maintained itself through an ordeal of local opposi­ CHERRIES,.. tion, vindictive and ui.scrupulous to a degree seldom equalled in country journalism; has advocated unJinchingly the rights of all the people of East Oregon generally and liamey Valley especially against the machinations of all organzed petty cliques that sought by fraudulent misrepresentation to advance the private interests of a PEARS, PLUMS,.... few at the expense of the many. Believing that ‘ The sober second thought of the people is always right and always effective,” and that “Truth is mighty and will prevail, ’ T he H erald has steadfastly fol­ lowed the right , and the people have given it a moral and material P’NES, CEDARS. .. support that renders its permanency Lejond question. As it lias worked indefatigably and unselfishly in the interest of the people, it now asks for patronage that will yield something more than a bare existence. It has become valuable to all as a general newspaper, and TREES, SHRUBS,.. .. chlie: Bear in mind that «e cntire lisi of Twcnty \aliia: v.ipl»a4 by inail, p. si paid, to e.er ’ T n e E a t r • • li i. g <. n II e it a L’> !. • w ho remi s thè regtiliir »tUinBMT ami ai < ciub extra, i;i sul s ri ber u Ibi pn n tip all V EH. nev. s for one \tur in advine ,rS!S ™ «»1 tinse bo, ke muj Le8eenintb| Is Now a fixed Institution of the Valley. < o > APPLES. PLANTS, IF YQJ WISH A COOO REVOLVER SMITH & WESSON'S Finest small /CX . . . . arms ever_ r. 1?nufact tt cd g- nMWi . and the lli'at cq.utceuf. 1 experts. In caaures 8., 83 and 44-1 >0. Si.iglo or double action. Safety Ham- rtcrless an i Target models. Best quality wrought FJovI, careinlly inspected fjr workmanship and stock. Uuri- alcd for Lu Uli« <’iirii.l)i I .ty and accuracy. Do 1 >c be deueive.i by »■!’< • •> malleable ieon iin.tatiei s eftou sold lor the genuine article. Tiiev are uarc- 1. .bio and dangerous. The S mith A W kss < n Hr- v - lve .3 are sunn: e I upon the bnrrt b with Hint's L:i"ie, address anddatesof patents, and are guar« r Hived perfect. Insist upon having them.ui.d if y ur dealer cannot supply you, an order sent t * ad- < rrss below will receive prompt tittentb n Dv-c.; j - live catalogue and pries upon appllratiun. to.UlTU WESSON. ^prluGficld» 31ass* I I1 fcMACW lug: SvU’h Urani h. M. . e> i »: BrUandOr, n.iRPF.R’s Y oung P eople begin» i’n tenth vcl- Lot al Agen » wanted for llnri.ev county ad ume ^iihtlie fltRt Nnmi vr in November. Dur. dress as a'>»»\ v. in« the jear it will contain five serial • urk-s IncluiiiuR “Dorymatca ” by Kirk Monro» . - The Red Muaiang * bv W. o. Stoddard; amt a \ Day in Waxland” by R. K. Mvnkittri- k; “Nv b fhurlou's Trial * J r. Trowbridav; -The Three w Bhcft” bv F. Ansley and Brander Matthews, a aentaof fairv tale* written and illustrated bv Howard Pyle: -11» me Mudit• In Natural H « torr br Dr. Felix i . ( swahi: “Little Experi­ ments” bv Sophia F hirii-k; “Giin.ts « of Child-life from Dicker»” by Margaret E. sang s er; artick’B on various »p«>r s and pastimtB ahori stories b\ the b< st w riters, and hi. moron» papers an«t pen'ms wi h main hundred s of il- Ina rativnB of exeelleut quality. Even line in the paper is subjected to the m. a rigid edito­ Report rial avrutiny. in order that noilnng harmful may sutvr iis eoium » Scri[>téca¿>A Tcwniites, &ci An epitome of everything that is attractive ami desirable in juvcr.ik literature.—B« b : ou Courier A weekly fen» of good things to the bov« and Kir a in every family it % iaitB - Hrooklvn Union It is wonderful in ns wealth of ptcturi». in LiPiuatloi). and interest.—Christian Advocate. i EU AI Tie Cor. William and Spruce s s., Ne.. York. :* TERMS: POSTAGE PREPAID. PFIl YEAR. Vol. X begins Novembers, ¡*>- Specimen Copy sent on receipt of a - ct stamp Mnglc uumbere. Five ].«M iMirlK I h ,?J thè iif > i .: vf ul f h<- l>. «t B.n i» : v. ’ "U— N" • C-t-lli» ■.•r\ l .¡mi,. wì * »1 l^-IUU. I itili,,hK Itniid.i:,! w<> < * 'AMen'ì BERRIES, QUINCES, Has, from the initial number to the present, persistently and impres­ sively maintained that the Harney country was one of the tinest agricultural regions in the Union, needing only tiie presence of indus­ trious farmers to develop its wonderful resources. Io prove the truth ot the strong language in its columns, the proprietor gave up a part ot his office room to tiie exhibition of the products of tin Valley, and urgently asked for specimens cf actual growth and for evcryl Uy to call and inspect them. Attached to each specimen was the name ot the producer, often with the mode of cultivation. This was a tangible, practical presentation of tiie matter, which any one could verity. How successful this movement hits been, hundreds can testify All T iie H erald asks in return for itsetforts to serve the people, is an increase oi public patronage—a modest request when it is consid­ ered that it returns to each patron more than his money’s wortii. | if each resident of the Harney country will subscribe or renew for tiimself and take one or more copies to send abroad, it will so extend T he H erald ’ s sphere of usefulness as to enable all to claim that tliat it Is a true Advocate of the Harney Country. rnitrs j;» MAJljjjJ4* EASIHlP F01 ci full' AllsilHl«. keep tolii fella —u ill l> All ¡remen ,,d «aje PEACHES, FLOWERS, BALLARD NECTARINES,. . EVERGREENS. hna won more prizes at Target shooting than all other makes of rifles put to­ gether. W3 guarantee Our Goods EQUAL TO ARBOR VITÆ, I Anything Prodncel IN THAT LINE. Ask your dealer to show our rilles. Illustrated Catalogue scui PRUE on uppiiuution. Address j for railroads tlcdott." h • 1'11» ttijali Ih nnpoli’» Adt-J rtv thè ttm ... • . • I M ìitiliy ■■tiiiit.m.s, biiiglmUc |U(.|lklJM A gr»-Ht HIHI|. l..m. N». 217 !• rr.. t Hlqartm J 1 ■'• g , adjacent, adapted to both farming and stock-raising. The town of Burns has two creditable newspa- pers viz: E ast O regon H ehai . d and Harney Items, the former by his honor 1). L. Grace, and the lat­ l^ÑING. ter by J. M. Vaughn, Esq. The principal stock men of this valley are MesB. Peter French, J. S. Devine j HARPER’S PERIODICALS. and the L. F. Co. These parties PER year : are all said to be millionaires and HAR?ERWEEKLY 4.00 EAlfPEK’s MAGAZINE 4. GG their wealth is variously estimated HARPERS BAZAR. 4.GO HARPER ’ S YOI NG PE'H'LI' 2,00 from one to fifty millions. I*, » age free to all sill bc ‘ tin the United The L. F. Company have lately Staus, < anudu. or Mexico. consolidated their stock and land ‘ The Volumes of the W eek begins with the l»r Number f»r Jsnuary ».fca. h year. When m. t interests here with Mr. Jno. Devine, I I time is mentioned, sul Bcripd.n s will l egin and are partners as “Lux, Miller, '.Yiei-’1”5 uumlJvr l’urt,!‘" »' dm* vf ref>,r 7p«r volume. ! . Cloth cloth crbcr rabvR for fur each voluti volume suitable fi r bind ing. wi.l be bjui by mail, p. s: paid, on reteip! Btrongvst on this coast if not the or $1 each. Remittances should be male bv F » <>fllcv strongest in the world. Their do­ Money (inter or Draft, to nv. i«l < han< c ef b rs. minions extend from Grant county, Newspapers are n»>t to e pv thia adver. ;»e ment wi.n^ut the express »>riu..e « i er lur thè .11 niUit.on lo thè regniti «L;1» |,H, .neh mie u, wh^-h am.i or ... v . < l(> ”r' I " I -• HI 13 ......... H’.l.lHble t’ |>.) ,,u ‘*3 ■ he Un >t wo, Ks »•». 1 in I inost po H ara it bacii uuu i.- v.«».i,| Irte iu '. ir it ■ AND SEND EXTRA COPIES TO EASTERN FRIENDS. The Undersigned will pnv $'»,oo Reward to The volumes of the Magazine begin with anv.me furnishing information leading to the capture of a Brown Bald-Face 1 Horse, four * r_. __ ___ : :. ...: . . i of I the Numbers for June ami Decemlsr of years old; Brand <»<> (D-uhle-oj, on Right Stifle nen nn i-i «ttw<*inp the greatest good to Is the Largest in the World,having the greatest number,” in accordance with the principles of Democracy in actual cultivation not less than 2. A Split in each ear. ¡’er Year: ■ — W. B. TODHUNTER. l>e a new novel—an American story ei .»it ed Range: Hrant and Malheur count ir». ’’.Jupiter Lights”—by Constance F. \Vooi>on 1*. u. address: buri s. Grant co., Oregon. illustrations of Shakespeare’s Coniedie> by E. A. Abbev; a Series of ar.ide-, on llus.'ia, illustrated by T. de Thulstrup; puperson [ "’*11 Pnv 1 iv<‘ h’B’dred Dollars for the Dominion of Canada, and a character­ 0 V V theatres ami eon vi< i ion of any per- istic serial by Charles Dudley Warner; three p, »a or pets- i s, killing or s.ealing any of the “Norwegian Studies” by Bjorn-iisjerne stock oi the above I rand or belonging there!« . Bjorn-on, illustrated; “(’oinniodua his­ torical play by (he author ui “Ben-lltir,” il lustrated by j. IL Wegueiin, e c. The edi­ torial departments are conducted by George William Curtis William Dean How­ C attle branded w ells, and Charles Dudley Warner. HARPER’S PERIODICALS: I il *0 Brutta NOT NECESSARY to raise crops and gardens. The soil here contains all the properties necessary to make a successful grain growing country. Small fruit and shrubbery, and berries of near­ ly all kinds can be successfully raised here. E Factory sai liouud volumes of Harper s Bazar for three year in ueat cloth binding, will be sent by mail ABVNDANCE Stage paid* .»r by express, free of expense, of water supplied by the Silvios p. i, provided the freight does n«4 exceed one dol- lai per volume) for >7 u volume. and Blitzen rivers and their tribu­ Cloth for each volume.suitable for bind I Ing will cases taries, and other smaller streams, fi each. be scut by mail p^spui i on receipt of Remittances should be made by P» sr Office all of which have their outlets in Money order or Draft, to avoid chance of ». fb . Newspapers are not to copy this adver wiic'it the Malheur and Harney lakes. without the express order of Harpers ¡ i...hv:s Adrvss: HARPER A BROTHERS. The Malheur and Harney lakes have no outlets. These two lakes are connected by an artificial chan­ 1889. nel and are on a level with each other, to the contrary notwithstand­ Harner’s Magazine. ing. as yon will observe by the maps giving the geography of this region. ILLUSTRATED. H arper ’ s M agazine i- the most ineTul, These two lakes cover an area of entertaining, and beautiful peri-dical in the will about 150 square miles and are world. Among the attrariionsioi VACANT LAND ASK FOfj P. F. STENGER 1889. AUGVbTt,lMB. KA8TF.B.N STOCK BRANDS. HARPERS PUBLICATIONS. MEDIUM OF ADVERTISING, T iie H erald presents unusual advantages. It is centrally located in a new and rapidly growing country, where manufactures of all kinds are needed. We will soon have direct railroad communication with NUTS, FRUITS Portland and the East. Live business men of both sections should use T he H erald ' s columns to secure this great and growing trade. Its rates, proportioned to its circulation, are reasonable. ------------o >-------------- OBNAMENTAL CYPRESS MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO. . O. Box 20 Ef NZW EAVEN, Lyman’s Patent Com I TERMS, IN ADVANCE: One copy one year........................................................................... $2.50 Two copies, one year................... 4 59 Three copies, one year............................ g qq Four copies, one year......................................................................... 10.00 BIRCH, SPRUCE, ELDER,... H erald with any Periodical or Magazine at clubbing rates. Call on or address D. L. GRACE, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. SENT) M of gif ht». I»1 AddreM ASH, LINDEN, CHESTNUT, fob *•* RIFLES, J«* nnume ItZTCl ..d wm be . complete exponent of 111* repturcc. of. .nd . c.refW chronicler of .11 new »nterprlm. of imonrtance in. the entire regi«»n embrace 1 within the limi’B »>f o p r n w . i t.n. I.i.ho, BrltM Columbia .nd A1„k., to„ ,h.r with irnknitu?*’oll'.npurbXVnn' of wen*r>, cltfe*. Industries, etc of the Countries described k’ All ele,»nt enrr.vlnn. in color, or tin-,, will b, lM,red. one with e-ieh number These sup­ p . ments .re 17x2» Inches In iire. .nd rrpreaent p.m* object ofnncral Interest er some fea- ture Of the M.*n Bent Scenery of th* W*,t. .nd will M • Yon cannot do without THE WF8T SHORE tor l»it Onh 11 wor 0; h :0 the ... magazine’ b price. " ....... ,cr I* stage. If,ent Uyoul 11ml'. ot th* Vulted St.-*,. Mexico, or C.n.d.; .ingle copies 25c AddrCM L SAMUEL, P ublisher , RORTLAND, OREGON. EACH THE BEST OF ITS KIND Send for a Catalogue, and make your selections in time for the fall delivery, if you want to plant none but the Best, and that is always the Cheapest. Last spring, alone, more than a Ca'l at this Office and order, or address ¡he foilowing-namcd GEORGE W. CRANE BOX 1210, Bieotuin(ton, IU. OF ROCKFORD, E« itblishM Twnty j ’vithn'it a l v i t i-« ’' • n’** ri-»n. Lut tarnest f r ¡ru!» . ' lirist, ut with th- bn-« jii# ■ M r»-ligi<>>iw pipe.- in »,»ti- f,nl t er»»* I»i tn, but F-pk« 10 iml’-.M radins M that " It pi'--»- • the < » .1 iren Sn Û!«v s. h«»>| i.ffci.'i* M’’ , c BEMHUT’iJ “Tht KW’