» Al East BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. Races—Program. One man is found at last to take pity on the furnitureless people of KTTLRBS TAKE WOT:'E. -KI gTX’i: INSPECTOR'S NOTH E. THE Bt’ItNH JOCKEY CLl II I have added to my Stock of this isolated country, and give] llrailona ol Notice to tn.ke liiinl —For fruit Nothe is hereby given that 1 have appointed them, the ladies especially a chance At its meeting Saturday made out eilY ma le oal Ur ' > the toiiovii.g Depuiks: —Set out fruit trees. it .aaa. to be happier than they now are. the following program to take effect p. of Ibia paper to nmHe.I y..u i io: ■: David Miller, —Order now, ami set o..t this fall. , oy perm salon ot ihe C. s. I’ r of- J. D. Shaw, is ordering an exten­ Monday, September 2d: o. V. Molle,- .neut, «hue >oar Meiice > I'Uliariu-1 W D. li«- ih k —M. J. O’Connor is Fruit Agent. sive outfiit for opening a furniture A FULL LINE OF t . M. Fiel« F, ■« atl.nv) 1st Day—Quarter mile dash, free 1 h. b. G. Do R. II ---------------------------- —Mr. OT’. will deliver the fruit store in Burt s, the center of the for all, purse........................H50.00 trees this fall, tell you how to plant trade of Harney valley. A car 2d Day—Five-eighth-mile dash, ROUF. them to advantage, and will replace load is now ut Ontario, and will for 2-and-3-year-old colts $150.00 I soon arrive. ... U mitaq S tatuì L»sn Orni nJ all stock found damaged on arrival. N ot . ce . And School Supplies of all Kinds, Stationery, Etc. ’ J ike vie a . Oreituu. J« .■ - i ' We are glad to know Mr. Shaw 3d Day—H.'ilf-mile heat, 2 in 3. IV U.Ì , UEKKHY GIV BN i ti lie Ui;,.u- —Fine roast at the Byrd meat has taken ho.d of this branch of bu- U nited S tates I. a nd O ffice . t .... ' idilu wilier bai baa nitMi Sled ii.i.i. m>. i v ■ ..i me u.ien. • free fur all, purse ......... $150.00 i ur- a, orvg. ii, July 1.», Ib69. f shop. - ti dm » iu bUp|i<)!T . f k «ti • lui in. CANDIES AND INTOTIONS isness, and have no doubt, lie Will L'Ii prouf Wl.l L'l i diU A1U pr.A.1 wi.l •• IDUi.e l.vl. ir titv I NOTICE IS II t REi Y GIVEN I hat I he United 4th Day-Six-hundred-yards, free r /‘ | •‘ ! li» • itoti... a. La Lak itivi e a , oiegoit, .n S ult g , umi Otth l L-r (he Harne» 1 umt Dis ri< t, rteiel.*’» «i —The Fr\ livery stable is discon­ be agreeably surprised to see how Oirg.oi. whl he «.petivtl L-r the tru bid non .4 11’1. vii: for all Harney County saddle] £W*A11 of which will be sold at greatly reduced prices. puoTk bualiitaa ihe ‘.d <.a,» > t scp.ember. A. tinued. rapid will be the sales. *‘ Chmlra H. Smith. horses, purse...................... $ 100.00 j 1»., 1-M», ut 1 «»’cluck. u in, at i uri.s, Harney 0b>. lor Ibe WJf ot SE', . r Sei' '.0. A Cvunl), Oregon. —The Rudolph meat market is 2-32 GEO. McGOWAN. N. I : ur, »€•«• ‘.II, Tu fe, R . , I- . H- J. 1<. HI NT SGT JN. Re -Ja er, Sth Day—Onc-mile, free for all. I mi lo * iiiff W itili E* B t..|ir..\r hit« Tie Durkheliner Store. liAliRiriuN KELLY, Ke civ er discontinued. rtaii.eiice upou, m «« u • u i.. u. *.n . i. J y purse....................................$200.00 FOl! >iz. H. U. Jubia, h.'i'ii i vi.>rc, X-D. Jamiion got in from Baker We were taken through tbep-em- l.aui «ùthli Pulivi,Mil oi iliiriiv,. t <>., Entrance fee 10 per cent of purse. |u rvrt MrDvrinii, Ne\ ii - ìh . City Tuesday. ises on Monday to view tl. .ew THE HERALD. >n v/hu dea’rei lo prwt cb h _'ni s i I h * stock now being placed u i the Bleo.l Horse Association Rules Í ¿faa< ii provi, or ubo k». ' k h n:ty —W. II. Culp is painting the new 'rvue.i», uuuer thè ìma hh <. .De remi shelves as it is Leing received dai ­ to govern ail races, and no money be Stenger residence. ibe ¿inerivi Dvpur«ni• u . i.h h i. li ly. Goods, as advertised, fresh given for a walk-over. 4 DO* Dtt aUuWtfu, Mi ili "C gite., n u has largest circulation of any “Purse - ut thè abuve na:ue«i . i • u«• hhh piu' r —Judge Shields was registered from the market, no shelf-worn, no; ne ihu wiiueMti vi et io < ¡un: imi NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. C, imi Occpltetl hunn on the wire. ” Address at the Burns, Sunday. :r vvLiente iu rauu.tui .4 ihu. b J>- old style articles to be found ia this ittlmuni. I ’ . F. S tenger , new invoice. — D. L. Grace made a call on WAKREN TRl'lTT. Uedtrpr THURSDAY, AUGUST », tssfl. Burns, Or. Harney friends Saturday. The ranchman and the stockman F. E. B each . President, Wki. M c F all , Treasurer, who are accustomed to send off for E. H ughes , Vice-President, W. F. B rownton , Secretary. — Porter house steaks at 10 cent supplies have no longer need so to ROOF. VAQUEliOS’ HACE Paper. a pound at Byrd ’ s meat shop. ÜNITBD bTATiH L and O ffk e J do since they will find all they need, Laxtmew, uregvi*, june . l , i ( •‘For C l w-H<:rsrs Only.** —Mrs. J. C. Parker is home and at as go d rates as al road. U HEREBY GIVEN ihm Hie Lo­ Local News. dar hua tiled violile vi i¡;a :i!.ei..i. ii Call and s.e if this stiiten;Ai^is not again and the Judge is happy. Ono Finely Finished Saddle. ' tl'iri. dai pi i in iuppori .4 hie ciuiin. iW'List of Directors and Stockholders at the office of the Agent: correct. da provi Bill n.u e neo ne ihc One Silver-Mounted Bit. — Dr. Embree ordered $20 worth Ke eher ai Lalie.ie.., oregvi., vu HAKNEY tOl.XTY ITEMS. Everbody without exception is , AMb, vii: One Pair Silver-Mounted Spurs. of fruits of the Bloomington nurse­ J. D. Shaw, Uoaejh Velare. invited to call at.d see these new ry. One Riatta. —to^.02»*, fur ihe ej^ uf NE qr. ami l.o r. goods, as the corps of gentlemanly 2-30tf BURNS. OREGON. —To keep posted Tp..4, Ó» H.U iLt ile l'Um* 8 .lo- D . One Carona. —Mrs. W. D. Buchannan was in clerks say it is no trouble to show teMvi tu prove bitt < i , i ¡ s . s —Read T he H erald . rd V MMU « Uhi.ulvDf vi Filo mim \ .Z Saturday with a supply of fresh goods. One Mecarte. 2toJ.il, H. U Juutl, H|r. »Ut.HI. iT'.er —Costs only ¡¡2.59 a year. .u vi Hanie. euUui;. «negoii, u.iu (.utter. Much good taste, experience and tu it, Nev MG M. Entrance $12. — Harney: Preaching Sunday. >n rt ho uiBiici l.ifpr- t a- tuai b ib.c —Mrs. Dickinson from the Is­ practical ility is exhibited in the v-fi'i.ii provi, *»r ».h.» k:iv\\8 .4’any —Plums selling at 50c a gallon. land is dressmaking this week for selection of so large a display of Eight to enter and Six to start. rcuivii under ihl.u.v u. «. ...c .egli- he liHtriur Depuri in cut, uhi 8 i< h Distance GOO yards. —For local news read T he H er Mrs. Stenger. goods such as are included in the ni noi Le Miiowcu, v, i.i i e >.i < m< Un Main s reet, Burns, Harney county, Oregon. p u ihc uu*»ve iueu«i*>. «•>. ir. \LD. words general merchandise. “For cow horses onlv.” <«. ra uAUiuiiiM ibe’wi; iKiHc fr r • : — The Cushing team brought in P roprietress . MRS. C. M. CALDWELL ♦nu «u vffer eviueiKc- i.. rv:m. —For county news read T he H er the door and window sash lor the This is said to be the largest in­ leu by ciahuaut. The saddle will be on exhibit for AID. stallment of merchandise ever be ­ WAHREN TBUiTr. UegÌBcr. bte ger t uiiding. fore put upon the Harney market. 4 days before the race at Tex. Sill­ —For Land Oilice news read T he — Mrs. Stenger made a fine or­ man’s. H erald . ROOF. der for roses to adorn the grounds —T he H erald ¡¡2.50 a year. Fatal Acciilent. of Iler new home. I xiTiD S tates I and O fh < e , / This Old and Reliable House l.bkwiew, ’* ■ . ,»■• i Last Friday, Aug. 2d. while Win. —J. W. Kelso was in Burns one !» HEREBY GIVEN i.n he L. 11.».v net Her nua fixed noli’ e .4 II. 8 I. e li­ Meadows and Mac Hunter were an, .« blitt. pivwi is. iUppol • «4 18 — Mrs mid Miss Iluston spent day last week and honored T' he Hai been refiirnt«hed anil putin condition to accommodate the Traveling Pub­ ! .U'U prvwj wild bv M»U -V : I. 1 H ekai . d with a few minutes call. E ds . H erald : T o aid your en­ taking a swim in the North Fork of h ridîiy in Hurns. die-ether ut J.ukevic.., .neri. lic, fluents from the Country, Transient and Regular Day Boarders und I, ldc., \ iz terprise in trying to futni.-h good the Malheur, after the stock they —J. T. Sillman is digging a sec­ I Lodgers. Meals served promptly. Charges reasonable. The fare t ?. .¿«»-¿i 1>. littelly, news to your many reader*, 1 write ond well o;i his premises, this time were driving had crossed, Meadows ..2 L r Jiv of NW ■ and former county-seat of your now I ■ UUU li.d .(iHMU.t i 6U.ll and Dally Newspapers in the Orrtcx. — Fresh beef 10 cents a pound door. bed and when found and taken out i, i ivph be..He, 111u. J«.i "new county” which may be of a.!< nt W. C. Byrd s meat shop. II. . V1 titti i-m - —( harks Carroll returned to some interest to a few of your an hour or two afterward, needless udt, Ne«U ur Burns from his California trip Tues­ friends. m who diiirva pltuU 8 u .iti. R he to say he was dead. — Peach- s sell here at 75c cash IT CLAIMS TO BE A FIRST-CLASS COUNTRY HOTEL .4 b . k h pr..vi.who k it. « ILUB. ... U -t.vr ihw .11.. H.J.I ,DI ic.il and the supply nowhere i. ar the day and is registered at the Burns The body was taken to Drewsey Only, und offers its courtesies to ail vidking Burns. th« Trude-Center of Harney country —John Day is a garden spot, i;-.L-ii.r AA*|.ai .iKci t, w h. Sil ii hotel. UivHu i.e lUmteBu, »1 I LV givei. Ui. demand. ¡and the folks that ate here may re­ where the inquest revealed above • u. lie a.A.'VV latli 1 >DcH nine ti .<< —The little son of Mr. and Mrs. M .\u;.ut.e Hie ». i.itif. t; .1 h.*iu “Long John” Craven has been Jolm Morrell is quite sick, Mrs M. joice in living here. Peaches tire facts. The remains were then con­ uv tv urter tviuciitu i.. iv..n .u.c4 ata < ih I d am. taking in Burns the past week at a A. Fry having Leen seid for, on ripe and in the market. Plums are veyed to his late home, Prairie WARREN TRUITT, Keg a er. also ripe and I see at a glance in City, for interment. We are indebi­ lively rate. ------------------------- Monday to nurse him. the hotel here kept by the genial —The Stenger haying force h iv- —Geo McGowan made the larg­ Mr. Groth, that cucmnbers. also, ed to the courtesy of W. C. Moore roof , i g I ecu paid oft' Friday, a jollili- est order for nursery stock ot any other vegetables, are now in the for the above statement. _ 1 Uviir. status L ami . O uk it, i ealio i ensued. BAKER, CITY, OREGON. man in town and his place will Le market as well. j.eke. few, i >ri*guuv Jui«. ... ì ( F.’iterprisc School Report one of the most ornamental ■6 ilEKEHY 'uVEN lini: '.¡te í.< !..•. iwiiivr lui fixed üutit e .4' d ¡ e i. iu.. —Everybody who can spare the ic-fii H« provi i'¡ iu|»p. rt .4’ i-.. k • iií . e , Miss R oberts , Teacher. Have the Largest Establishment in Eastern Oregon stocked with —A petition with over 40 signa­ time to go away to enjoy l he ai « provi v\i;> ¿.‘Cài. u c i « ..-.«• .m tures, in favor of Mr. Canfield tor “balmy breeze of the mountains, >» For the month ending August 10: i\c Vsl. .... - h» postmaster at Sadille butte City, are gone or intend going to the 95 Carrie Cawlficld.. . . Iteur> <». >f< lira, was in circulation Wednesday even­ same on a fish, hunt, or huckleber- John Ragon........... 93 »41/, fur the WH «i N E’ i. NW qr . f ' NEqtuf .7. Tj> • , li ing. Albert (iawlfield. . . . .85 rinu trip, and without a doubt all uaiuci -hv ivuvuing v.m.irt' s 1 uUui-8 í* cicfíuív ii..*. * 11. i . . .80 Laura Pierce ........ —What’s become of J. W. Slv-un? wilt have a nice time. , gid »it.u, «i». Juhuemi.ii. N. I . V\h - BUGGIES & BUCKBOARDS AND UHpAMQ . l*.i: i-B e. , ttlirt KdWMI'u 5 , H l ..I . .80 Forest Boiser......... We never see him any more since SPORTING GOODS, & Cutlery, VVAUUlNö J XiiLl', uregoli, ano Fori *\i* i-ermii, Harney’s elevation to the dignity of —The farmers here are industri­ u a. Roll of Honor: un whodi airea to protest aeni’ g* 'lie temporary county-seat. Come and ' ously at work in hay fields, and I Carrie Cawlfield, Laura and Mag­ elliUtllpluul, or bib. k b . i Hill from report it seems to your corres­ gie Pierce. Ivy and Floyd Buch­ see us, J. W. * 'icLBoii, uiiJerihe lao uii'l ne h riu hr iii.eiivr Departine.it. uh. b.i< ii pondent that “John Dav” is behind i«i i ul tv alluwcu, will he give., an —To F. Gibl lin’s enterprise the | •'Harney valley” in this respect, for anan. t ut t he UDvV w mem io’< i urne n <1 .a exaji.ii.e the wiiins s ..i s.it* citizens of Burns and Harney are! I am given to understand haying Tinware, Glass, Paints and Oils.fWAll Kinds of Mowers, the —Count.' Court convened Mon­ ¡'riíi'iviá’*4 ,v utter vvideine ... re. u ¡ai .4 indebted for a smell or taste of in your valley is well nigh over. Deering Binder, drc.jfW“Communicnt!ons answered.¿WPlace your r,u . ..eu in Claimant. day moruii.g, and, as there is a 1 Satins' wahren W itt . i .. . o er. ripe peaches, and at a price not Orders with this House if you want to buy what you need. Enti.________ ______________________ unreasona. le. either, distance and —The mountains here as else-' good deal of work to be done, will 1 Saw carriage considered. where are ablaze from fires set out not adjourn before the close of the ROOF. —Geo. W. Farleigh paid for and t»y camping outfits, in consequence week. OXT.L UstTxnS tati » I.ASi'OrFK r.,' renewid liis sin scription to T he the average one you meet on the i —The Saddle Butte City is not Lakeview, Apiil il, isM.I IS HEKivoY ilia; ht- foil.»..- H erai d before going to his new street complains of heat and smoke. I so far advanced as reported to U8 rvKweAaeti .er hai fl .ed hut < < e o ï h. s i u t c n- ' e th Hi piovi in iU) p. rt ol ii.s viveral Lakev'ew, uregvii, on it is the Lest medium through meeting the very “geniai host,” following: The people in the vicin­ .a », viz: it which to learn neatly all the local Frank Me Bean and he says that ity of Saddle Butte met last Sun­ Alin u M. Field, news. his iii'.nkey crop is us complete a day at Mr. Canfield’s, ni.tl arranged h.r the W«i u£ WJt. *'cc SI, Tp .7. S. .he folio.»ing wi.iars s ... JSE a . U • axis success at Soda as was anticipated to survey and lay off the town of TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, PUTTY, Ac. .tlu i reline, ee Up.Hl aiiutu .i —Mrs. McGee 1 rotight a speci­ hl and, vil. « Mfer .-in 8. Wi Hum Saddle Butte, when 12 or 15 of the men of wheat, oats, and barley, of am Frank is truly happy. r.A.td Alberv Champe!, a.i »4'»Hi zen, number agreed to build houses ui), UrrguJi. — F. Gibl.lin brought in a load which she has in about twenty —The next time von hear from A Mr. Emerson of Doug­ W. E. GRACE, P roprietor , BURNS, OREGON •n who dcairec leprott i’ agni: s‘ the of peaches and plums from John acres, last Thursday, as her part to­ me it will lie on my return up the thereon. >R. f RU* h pfuot, vf W h«. kilo.. 8 .4 HtiV las county talks of putting up a Day Friday and sold out at 75c a ward advertit-ing the valley al ryad. reason, unuer the law amt i lie regti- John Day river, when 1 expect to bc in.vrUr to. rtmeut, win s.i< ii gal on for the former and 50c for 'I he grain was irrigated and is ex­ give you plenty of information; un­ store and M. M. Brierly of Harnev A Large Assortment of ’ fl ailuueu. VX ili l egivvt. an ’ ar the anu>e met.ii./i.eu time nuu I he latter. cellent, notwithstanding the pro­ til then allow me to say adieu to proposes moving his blacksmith Oil examine the vine,» bib - < iaiir.au'. —We notice that every ranch­ friends and subsonic myself. eonMtr.’ WAKKKN’WllT. Reis er. FINE CUTLERY, NOTIONS, Etc. an abundance of clear, cold, pure man who sowed timothy in this val­ S— M. Cushing returned from a M uch A do . freighting trip Tuesday, from llun- water to be had there. ley, succeeded in raising a good NEW 1O-DAV Has just been Received. crop, and our young friend Stone­ ington, for J. Durkheimer & Co., --------------«------- in the shortest time on record for a Bible of American Citizenship. will stands at the head. six-horse team, 1G days. His N FOR LIQUOR LI< i: The history of our country hna been called | E ds . H erald : I will send you the I.ible «»f Anieric an I'itizei ahip If ihia be j PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED —Mrs. T. D. Harris writes her horses, too, looked as fine as when Tint CBV xtv ' ... i-r OF true, and no one denies it, then the His ory of I daughter, Mrs. G. L. Moore, of her they started out. he having driven few items from Silver creek. COVMTY, b T a TB or <>: : G iv . ji by Hubert Howe Bancroft should be safe arrival at her new home eight them at night, or in Ute c< ol only. Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best quality. —Warm, dry, and hills full of p at cd besi '.c the 1 iblc on every family altar 1 ate vf Oregon petti. . u.- iLm. r miles from Baker City, and ex­ in Oregon, atvi ihr«aif.h«.ut the uhoie l*i.i;e that no one individual hus ' rif ili Deien Dau h. ever da!u. He I iitrotti.d attending to his ministerial ously injurious. i Perr , up a little but getting along very then in a m. sr cor.a ientlot.s and erudi e man­ To N. Rrown, Mrs. C. M th 8 pe:iti..n will duties. LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ner arranged his materia! and wrote h l incom­ a mve UCU v .4111 ..li C Caldwell, Dr. Em ree, and one or well at last accounts. — Ti.e-I ’ . urns-Summt r-Resort is parable history. 1.1 su< h noble effort rs this Allg -4>7. two ollies, the pis o- and his little where the Lest liquors are kept on Livery I Feed Stable» — R J. Bakerand Harry Elliott In- hss spent his life and over a milllou of dol : r. A. u n h».R aho* k illness. prove ui gratefu!. but show that we can appre­ 11. <1 ih* V.FH i a . i HAY A GRAIN Fancy drinks a specialty. The —Mr. Foster why not give a ciate su< h work. Prior to the publication <4 j LAKEVIEW ANI» I.INKVII.LE. Or. » i ’»’B.4 pr lertv Always on hand, and prompt attention fl van —We have just learned of the “Sf.ng of the Sample Saloon” (have dance after haying and let the boys the second Volume «4 O rsgon , Mr. Bancroft’s •atto i • tu ►•■«■ d all urdeta for trama and vehicle!. 1-y v i as .4 li ,»• h d whereabouts of a much-esteemed, I works could unh be procured in complete seis ! you heard it?) begins: get in and take their perdners? Attorn eys-at-Law in 1 <• ir aur of .9 vos. Tiis p e.en.el many from pur-I L 8 -m iin e . T •* u former pupil of ours in Callaway “I drii k tnei«H>d whiakv. I drink me £.»*>d bee*. graph!'-, it «1 n< - ’he ’ <-at uf all urinkin*, i'm drit.king right —We have a very nice school on chaaing ibe His or,, of Oregon, and who great I) My ’ta tn «a r. p' e co., Mo., Mrs. Annie McMurtrey, Fur here ” jj - to d«> s> In ais verto innumerable1 Meat Market. Ih a - a iwü, ..r ht nee Berry, and send her a sample Silver creek now with 11 scholars «haired requissihe publisher finally ronaented to la 1* i y « *«>|. nny JOS. RUDOLPH ... Fsorairro.. — “ Uncle Tom ” Whitworth an Attorney-at-Law, in attendance and there will be Site the H siory of Oregon separate from the | h ha > c jtisl copy of our paper, as a pleasing re-! Beef, Mutton, and RetiMn M from i to 12^ • t • ’i it t r of ho old-timer of Josephine county, Or., several more when the rush of work full sei. thus conferring a great benefit on the puuua. rate i end cou - mindir of her happy school days. M. A. KELTON. • couniry. I Ait every true aon and daughter of is in this county visiting his two is over. i De i«.», k wi I I m » -Mtf Neer Restaurant. , t h crher r. i- Lakeview, Or. t ■ Oregon, let every American remember this, and — Distribution of mail matter in sons, and, notwithstanding he is to,« » 1b rat c me a PrarUrea In the erara of the «tato, .nd helor. show gratitude in more than mere words. — Irffok out for a wedding on Sil ­ postoffiees in this pirt of East Ore­ over 80years old. and has I een four u. ». .til > it ■>■ i-*r Chia. Bou»wL It is need!« rs to epeek further of the magnifi gon, is dirty, dis igreea'd • work up­ times a bridegroom, he very frank­ ver creek soon. ccnce of the work or meh s of ihe anthor No to th -jlt>ow. and the salary of the ly avows he is in the Harney coun­ —There arc more lietter looking ration in the world lies a more full and truth­ Wachmaker&Jewele r P. M. ought tube pr.ip.irionatelv in­ try to fit.d himself a home and a young ladies on Silver creek than ful re< < rd • f Its earl) afluiis; and by an author S yrup for chib of the ver> fiist ability and repuie. than Oregon _ it ti a o . ne ot creased. In the sum tier the mat­ wife, and, unselfishly adds he’d any other place of its size, or at J. W. BONEBRAKE. •*H< si s w i ha mas er hand,” saa ihe Br.tiab L h 1 i : si- he ter is irr..»ii|odltlc» foi tba -Times arc rather ‘lull here. Sec advertisement In another column for Collector. nub'lr »-Rimtmter that BuatnvM B«»b Tike X"> ccuu . anythtng, ’ as it is mud or water riotis business of every-day life as a So er «.lit bu«lii*«a will b« J.-c« A S tranqkk . 1 Ageuta, to whom m.,s: Ubaral terms are offered A. C. BRODERSEN,... Lakeview CMb ! then. I home and a wife. 1 2 17 LEGAL A DV E FT 18 E M E NTS. Tlic fine*« of fruit tree* yon ever