National Committee propose to aid which the settlers are the defend- COMMUNICATION* BY OfR BEADJ.HS' their party with money ami speak­ a its .«ml John Devine is plaintiff. I A rvrdl.l Invliail n I» ers. I cannot name the democrat­ ,h.i.“"a. Rea.ler .1 mt: "f" lL ’ , ic nominee, but. who« ver lie is he Recent improvements made by ,-ver «., ihla «a pai ori-iii . I I««' I “I : • alte >er. I i.enar We lai ■> rl- will I e the next Governor ol ' irg'- the farmers: Besides new farm Ilei» or reje ■ a par . r be » ' M . *0«. haive the I «'>«<• ,u ie nia.” p. ot It ..uiiding, etc., the attempt made i .Her the wrier’, -■ i ai ' 11 n|i-. ‘ ’’ . ■>/ >«o Senator Hampton has just re- ! nre a • t »'»• " •’ , i ji . ui , y within the past few years to raise i p u 1 th *' s reap.) Rib v h>r «htf P11 * ■ » u‘ I turned from an extensive Canadian Leadine: Merchant of Harne n— fruit was e.-peciully noticed, Sev- ■ b. wri ets u ,«.vr tbe ii 'iAC t HpiLH’. tour. He says the people there ercek on Mill <-ral ol the ranches ----- 1)1X1.EK is----- I'ltOM WASHINGTON, l> <’• R0->F. are very seriously considering the ouve young trees growing that 1 id WMHtxnTOS, 1‘- I DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. H ats U nits I 'annexation question, mid he thinks fair within a few years to became JUlt -o 1 » • POOTS, SHOES. GROCERIES HARl iv »bevies ____ a large majority arc opposed to it productive orchards, in fact they The Pension Bureau is enjoying STOVES. TINWARE, CROCKERY (il are now beginning to bear some sensation of the biggest kind. at the present time. NTS. OILS. GLASS. BITTY, Bl TH . PAINTS, 11______________ fruit. SULTANA RAZORS AND 1 x X i- l ” bbtlery < I ri | i « i Certain newspape's h tve been mak­ PutoiilM (inmtvsl CIGARS; AND A THOUSAND OTHER l i i . ’ cC.i' cC..' Seat ­ ing charges of more or less impor Vale Atlas: C. A. Frye, of l.icltls- » 4'hel ‘ a ill • -* n ••• form , rosTLisli R< |>«iblii »• » th. nhl le »al »fle I EROUS TO TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTiov MENTION 11 ‘ J*»- '" i r.-».. r.«l mr ihf I- «»r uiiK.m.v H eavy forest fires in the mount­ \'i’h having the iwo >a ««is R'itl a w he tie, was here yesterday, en route to tance against almost every branch : ,1. uevU . I, «4 ’he Sa»*. » .• t'irn • 're ;<• ilarney to buy cattle. Ed Murray of that office ever since Commis­ cut lii.M'.s . |»|> l..-. Butent Olili e.Wushltut gO“The CHEAPEST HOUSE in Eastern Ore, gOn r gh fullv < lain s ’he muifha ship, anti a 1 ins I. ti. Ii. < lions of dollars damages. tice shi.u'd he sho . i . if vnti.ieutu any let i, HU i 4* sioner Tanner took charge. And .vent to Beulah with him. (I. W. Ensley, Medical Lake, ugultiun a a I.—Hural bpiri . u rvrt I Sworts & Miller aredriving three now the action of Secretary Noble1 Wash., rotary or disk harrow. A >n v. hu Nonsense. What earthly differ- 4 SU'ii T he Oregon Times comes to us i enee can it make to Eastern Or.-gon thousand sheep to the railroad. ttt.«.»., in appointing a committee to in­ Mecklem. Colfax, Wash., Reparatur. I the mil I in an enlarged form, being a seven-1 as to where the marshal comes a ».ol R E. Lock w ood, a disciple of the vestigate the re-rating of all pen­ J. 1). Burkhart, Davto-i, Wash, Stage X j i nC( at th« i column quarto, filled to the brim. ; from? If justice was considered at ait preservative of Grant county, is sions during the past twelve months, thrasher adjuster. L. P. Garcin, :r eviu«l ItthnHUi and the charges of favoritism in I San Francisco, Cab, bullet former. all, Eastern Oregon woubl be ac- in town this week. WJ T he Columbia, Or., and Sacra- a Senftt((I.( and if Eastern Black leg is affecting the stock ! making the applications ot a prom-i I A. R. Wells, San Francisco, Cnl , FROM PRINEVILLE To BURN’S ~ mento, Cal, rivers will be restocked j ()regon»g lc.ircgPntiltives were not a in the mightorhoed oi Ontario. inent pension attorney of this city , hoop clamp. G. IL Right, ban ------ ROOF. with salmon, so U. S. Fish Com- J(|t of Il)achilie.111(,villg llUlnb.gklllib George Brinnon has lost thirteen I [ special, has opened the eves ot Francisco, Cal, cable railway cross­ Usi C. B BAKER, Sub-Contractor. urissioner McDonald says. {they would combine and elect an calves. a good ii ^2.’L; people to the fact that I jikk Y i ing signal. lea’«« Brlt'cvil’«» m'a ut • a m. Arii'.ii at >vriiU..(ir , IH HK C. B. DeWitJ, <>f Ilarnev valley, there ii«. .n* some basis tor these '' I Eastern Oregon Senator. But giv- l ea . hurt s Thutsdu ■ s ai « u in. Arrhis at Fmivul.e ' 1er fea» .ml pt- T he latest industry in The Dalles j jng thift up f()r thc paltry marshal ai.d family have returned faun charges, file committee investi­ W j - pr.-- Ke ell is a watering cart pi ddling drinking , Hhjp is gelling a birlhright for a Ohio, and started to Burns yester­ gating holds daily sittings in the Passenger Hate« from Prineville <• Hui iin , |7.ß0. HoundTrip,$j|- , ‘O'*. ’ water—well, that suggests dry in mess of pottage.—East Oregonian. day. Mr. DeWitt I ought a fine Pension Oiliee. The session are Je» 02», ter Wasco in the strongest terms. I secret but enough h is leaked out Tp U. i Norman stallion while East. leu«.» C The Latast. (.'bailie Sneed, the boss krone •ho I to make it certain that they have I T here is no danger of a war Gately’s Universal Educator and buster, struck the town with xoO diseoverd a very loose way of doing with England oyt.r. the seizure of Business Guide is a sol'd, carefully ami goes out with—the hic-coughs. business in the matter of re-rating her sealers in the Behring sea. It prepar« d and thoroughly useful rut.Soii Silver State: Yesterday a ser­ pensions; it has been learned to a he mil will only be a war of words, if any­ book. It gives in a clear and brief geant ami private from Fort Bid- certainty that many clerks in the iU Uvl at the thing. rs-exa form everything which a person well ariivcd at Cane Springs, on office have been benefit« d ly get tuu «U ; tea by would ordinarily care to know and the Idaho road, in pursuit of a de­ ting their pensions re-rated, some ■ hand :i • •.,■ * , > WJ H enry G eorge the single-tax re­ for which they wotthl generally serter from that I’o. t. who took his of them getting an a-e of It ! former returned from Europe July consult an enclyclopedia, a form j horse ami accoutr. ments with him much as 10 a mo th. It is ; e ROOF. 28th. He addressed 80 large peo­ l ook, or some technical work on > i’liey found that . al. MatliC Wb h.ll livVed that m: >' ■i , .-« b C wil I'NITIU ples meetings during his absence of special science. It is a book of pmclmsed tiie hor.-e th .t th« f l'o.v th«- inve.-lig 'ion m le."- fit Combines the juice of the Bine Figs of l.hkvVH California, so laxative and nutritious, !.-» HEÜ five months. .liing is hushetl up is . ot r< ft-reiice, a dictionary, a text look saddle had i ecu solei to somelodi with tl.e medicinal virtues of plants tiri trier .e niitt. all / a I« ’ Hew known to be most beneli« i d to th-: and a business guide all in one an«l in Quin river valh-v. The serg am human system, forming the ON 1 V Pl R- C orrespondents are discussing its 1200 pages are profusely illus told Johnny Nip, a Piute, that he te«- should mak • i-ECT REMEDY’ to act c«iuly I®’- the labor question in the Wasco trated with colored maps and good would give him , 5j if he epoit there will promptly on tiie . 2 t..r i KID15EYS, LIVES AND BOWEL" Sun. Open discussion of the live engravings. It consist of three vol- the deserter. Tne Indi i i went ,1 i ive.-tigition as . .b“’ .! i > < Uiiu questions of the day in the local | limes bound in one. Vol. I cor.-- .er the man, and '■ lought him tl. ill-. tS, til :t >vil'. —AND T9 — *. *^T O «I K.» Ml newspapers shows an intelligent i tains an account «if the plants ar.d nay with a revolver, t«,ok him to Cleanse System Effsetua!!/, mil, N — ,O THAT — class of readers. {animals of the earth, its surround Cane Springs and delivered him to Tanner is said to h iv • r ceiee.l e ■ >i. wtw ELOC3, ; s.i h i ings, its information, and its princi­ the sergeant. As the man had H r eral letters from Gov Foraker tn PURE iXteS.-U REFRESHING SLEEP, ‘•c .;•«■ N ews had of the seizure of a pal minerals and metals; a history money lie received for the horse h .);» «> urging hi.ii i t to cli ing- h.s iu IU. I. HEALTH and STRENCTH f U li« ,i « policy toward the Vi terans Naturally follow. Every one is using it I British schooner Black Diamond j of its people and a popular treatise paid it back to Mr. Mathews. A nd a’’ ki u* v sur « . ‘•¡Jíonxiss -. Nil uu to li : sn 1 all are «leliglited with it. Ask you. at least not during the gu i-r .a in Behring sea, by Capt. Rush of upon law. Vol. II includes a treat­ deb Öy Wash O’Neil learned at Willow druggist for SYKUP Ob FIGS. Manu­ W the American revenue cutter, which ise on the science of numbers; in­ Point yesterday that th • w< 11 at to:ial campaign. From can' factured only by the « » - has orders to seize any schooner struction in all kind of drawing; mi Stewart’s ranch was down about be learned o.t th; outside almost CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. , S F rancisco , C . article upon agricultural chemistr,» '40 feet and in clay, through which every pensioner employed in th found taking seal in Behring sea. Lonisvfi.i r . F Nsw Y , and the plainest and most practical they were sinking at the rate of 85 I Pension Bureau has had his pension t U » i r-rati d and increased «luring th - R umor from London says tie treatise of physics and mechanics I feet a day. s . i .< :■ •oilier N. B. A Good road all tiie wav. Prince of Wales thinks the old la­ ever issued; and an article on fam-i Tiie H arney V alley H erald is last twelve months. It is said it ie Hi 1 n all pr. dy is hanging on to the British j ily medicine, covering more ground | pm lishing a continued story on was the amount of money spent by { ue< eh ___ h, iôM.» throne u little too long. He had . than any other single Look. Vol. i tiie “Mode of Water Baptism” by certain pension officials that 1 k. net I HI relates principally to business, first aroused the suspicion of a ; Hl. , f his eldest daughter married last 1 5l l*J William Bartholomew, In this vi­ r»i <1 t the ’ rmei.t week, and wants to be King before social and domestic suljects; C'.«m-i cinity this year there can be but j wide a wake newsp iper man as to Irr< in thv vnili<-s1 l j liter. U" fl.4HU plete instructions are given in pen he becomes grandfather. EY HUBERT HoWE BiX-'KOIT. one method of water baptism— where it came from. j ii.i., manship, phonography, look-keep- I Smith the colored democrat, wl.o Just pui lished, cen.p! te in p*. T he salt trust is a failure; the ing. dress-making and millinery. spiinahng—and th re is scaieely was dismissed from the Sixth Audi­ volumes, with in k x. A ::i.ig .,!> -vh. enough water even for that. . I »1» I sugar trust a success, and a rail­ :ih »1 >h workingman’s trust in the probity ous receipt’s is sure to interest every . » i-xi peal his ease to the civil servie ing’s place adjoining the reserva- are proud of of the ollieials he elects to serve his housewife. Leaves VALE on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridsy^'^'jj, commission and demaml reinstate-; their record. tion. Mr. bowling holds a com­ Arrives nt BURNS on Tuesdays. Thu:sd.iys,and &iturÿ w interests is now thinner, than ever, It is sold only upon the su! scrip­ mission as Postmaster, and A household necessity; a national as the inentonthe ground that he was Leaves BURNS on Mo: days, Wednesday and Frit RiMM. f. 8 r ’ u if > experieme pr. p i t . pr. Rcmr.i .he w. rk saloon, who would not otherwise ■tracts of land in Olympia LumI —------------------------------------- - he 1 h ■’ h U- vc- g,‘e • ur '-en B :Dda R’ In answer to a petition signed them the patronage they claim, is mm-in whi< li t.nleiiver ai d < olle< I na EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CUM he tempted to enter. They appeal I Districts, Washington. The land y prominent citizens of Burns to already going to pieces. Repri sent- ing ns. A 1 ns ei strongly to the social instinct, was in odd-numbered sections and the Presiding Elder. Rev. Ira Wake­ ative Ewart, of North Carolina, I THE HISTORY COMPANY, ■u iu —<»--------- ted t which-every man will gratify, in within the limits of land granted field, of the M. E. Church, Rev. having announced Lis intention of 123 Market st., San Francisco, Cal. Thl»«l l> new (Hunte. Room«, »ml Furniture) »nd offer» c. nrtr.mne.1 ;■ to the Northern Pacific Railroad. one way or another. Win. Bartholomew was changed voting for McKinley for Speaker, _____ _____ JI The Secretary also affirmed the from Long Creek to Harney circuit, and in the event of his witlnlrawal -Zlu — | decision of the same officer in re­ W ork is again reported stopped nd will hold meetings in the ral­ for Burroug'a’s or Cannon. N FO is CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. on the O. P. IL IL owing to finan­ jecting the application of George L. lev as follows: The Chief of the Secret Service /*•»« C mi cial trouble, such “as attachments j | McClure to enter under the home- 1st Sabbath in each month, in of the treasury department is a I lie a4wa large amount of r ,end ,IUV a 'l U:irt, r " ‘ ’ ‘ tion 1 f land banging over a L. o ______ . Burns, at 11 a in; and at the very important position in more 111 A at« « r«- YOU *L > Vancouver Land District. Island school house at 3 p m. BLOOMINGTON NURSERY F:7 property and ftipplies which belong W iieralp i **| ways than one. and consideral le Washington. The rejection is based A complete ar.d thilling nc- to ci ntractors ” 2d Sabbath at Harney, nt 11 a talk has f illo.ved the sudden with­ LIX E. RELL’^l;;,' J. O’CONNOR, Agent. .. count of the awful floods and their This is discouraging news to us on the ground that it would con- in, at 7 p m. drawal of the eppotition «f appalling ruin, containing graphic '>■"7 on the east side of the Cascades flict with the grant of the Northern,1 3d Sabbath at Burns, at 11 a m. Grand Master I’uwdirly and i th er descriptions of the ter.iije ru-h of buying the poorest quality of half-1 Pacific Railroad. < p m. labor leaders to the appointment of water, the great destruction of ripe peaches at 75c a gallon, and 4th Sabbath at Evergreen sch< ol Thomas Furlong, a St. Louis rail­ houses, factories, churches, towns. I XI IIAMIE NOTES. peaches of the finest quality on the house on Silver creek nt 11 ami 7 road dctcitivc, to the position. west side being dumped for want of o Furlong's piincip.d I acker is Rus­ Thousands of Human Lives Prineville News: Wurm Spring ’clock. r»’!v <••■•’inc F’tn of ax nv. disruption . f a market. We are putting in fruit staudan sell Harrison, so.t of th Pre.-: lent, h i i 8 F.H nr>. i n |„vv , , (ll j Fjri, K JSifO 00 ! rise. Indian women ¡a-ddhtl hu-eklel er- • •’ ■ ’*■ » »• < » a heir frau i< . fT. t:> t.> < trees over here, but would like to it «1 s generally e i v< . n w t a ■ I <■ a h.itii.i v e «»ge hvr v* j h hrii i g in « riee on our streets this week. • ■ Tl.e \ i rn < r.t Micr<>Fcop:cal As- ■*» :.•> ,*» 8 uuri-.;. t n| ( • r- in il.v i»»,it buy from our neighbors during t he Y- the labor upp.isit.o i is removed « - ’ : ■ n. <’i! i ..i« li; i f vc ’.i.l. nil LtlVot l>> tilf, t.TtH. fu Ftii- soeintion has just announc'd that Mountnin hucklelx ries are worth •T| F trt-.ix. M r.»'. irg hr ii. ti W. next six years. that he wdl get th? place. Way *■ ’ •’ I ’ ■’ ••» h »rr. ir .*».* .-vioiv ui:- al out fifty cents a gallon in this a prize of ’ 250, given by the Well - »f ■ i.t., t or. e. , nt.d <1.j. .> in th.iF- •'•■' , ie R into e’.eri.i v v.iUi, ut a m..- A- Richardson Co, the well known they w.tadn w llnir opjontion is a “ me. t a .ar i S ociety is absorbed in the de- market. SOO'i rm re Word» conundrum that is too much for irr» rrere won.« W«_ trillions tails of the wedding of Princess It is said that timber land hunt­ chemist, will I e paid to the first mid-summer weather. Fully Illustrated with Among theminnl I \ i v i d Scenes of the Louise Victoria Alexandra Dag- ers are locating claims of that kind discoverer of a new disease germ. Webutrr't Vws Senator Barbour of Virginia who Tr.e wonderful diseoverv by Prof conciso and t Great Caln m i t y. mar of Wales to Alexander Wil- along the Oregon Pacific almost everybody wants the book . Koch of the comma bacillus, ns the is also chairman of the «kmocratic A Dionrap liam George Duff, Earl of Fife nnd every day. State committee has l.«-en inter­ A B' NXNZA FOR AOI NTS. cause of Cholera, stimulated great Containing nrnr’f. Strike •• hl c -he ir. n Is hot. Th:» !■ the icDuff. It is in the viewed on the politic..] situation of « .1. e »oil n . , K11 he,.th e. i I. .. |.nl.ii,l„,| Persona, if A compilin' of Gipsy f. rtUHo tel­ I’ornons, with a th« «.•<« sioa cr occorn,-;oB*.^.M bounds of human possibility that lers wire in Piineville several days research throughout the world and that State. He says “Virginia is >< »rn 5 ii ,.,i_, , Arre', are »<■ ilnK ir. ni ,0 .. ( f tec«*® •> ■ ■ p.< f u »ml|n11)K ,, e, Al |n„ » it is I elieved this liberal prize, of ­ • r r > Ir V n » » o ere • irei. . r to »... the gentleman become Prince-con this week. Their calling was not A Gazoti« I •« h o .-■» . U S' n I naii-e < hoi« e o! . er: It. r .. sort. “The only American lady profitable to them here. early to outline the issue on which will greatly assist in the detecti.ei Ing the Countr»-»^- present was Lady Churchill,” say The History Company the battle will be fought, but I pre­ So- hire’ofcTOTIJ, Oehoco Review: John Nutting, of micro organisms that arc the di­ the society papers; where then were The T.3 Market » re«. San Fr»m ia o. Cal. sume Mahone will make the high our lovely snobbesres, our own dear brother of George Nutting, arrived rect cause of ninny diseases. Anv protective tariff his rallying crv. Noted Fi Al aristocrats who annually go abroad Thursday, and with A Roberts and information upon this sulject will I do not know how much of a fig­ rl rinces be cheerfully furnished by C. Smith and Bob Harrington, will make a to sit on the fence and see the blue­ ure Langston, the negro Would-be- bloods go by, then come home and thorough search for the missing I o rest 1 ecause the Republican rubli,bed by c. * G-jj; tending to duties ofhisoffice. The THE HERALD. citizens of Prineville and vicinity formed themselves into a party for THURSDAY. AUGUST ». is»«. search, and after several «lays dili­ gent endeavor to find the missing n. L- GRACK. ( • - Editors NELLIE GRACE, 1 I man, returned to their homes. A | new in»|iector will be i ppointed. H L'» !• the Be«* Advertising Medium in Harne» CuUtH' , Oregon, 1 e< «u«u it blit to date no candidate put.- in at. Ba8 a LargerCircula'Ion within the «•. unit than the Comhiued Uircu s-i.»n of all ■> her ue. epa ■ application. The last Review says pv.-F published In the CuUuty. John Nutting, brother of the late S outhern Pacific railroad is re­ I inspector, arrived Thursday, week ducing expenses by discharging ago, and with two others will begin the search anew. employees. ixr. srown, b sra ii hkh vh a ii ----- < o >----- r in *.n tte roof al am orx v nit hi VÁLWB) srui j lf k fc f f d ii uuhfr UftABR b f f hi f k f tv wk h