E asi TU 28. ■ O regon H erald BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 6. 1889. 1 $2.BO a Year. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS Corporal punishment be abolished Dialogue “On the Road to in our schools” was favored for the School,” by Arch McGowan, Madge « evening and the disputants elected Byrd, Frances Hewitt and Hester fcY T1IÜ1WDAY NEW were Dr. Embree, nffirmative with Johnson. Miss Young assistant; Mr. Newell, , “Her Big Sister’s Beau,” by Bes­ D. L. GRACE. .I8JIER AND b negative with Miss Roberts assist­ sie llarkev, closed the unique, very On Main street,.Burns, Harney county, Oregon. Proceedings in Full Given for the prettily delivcied exhibition of Mr. ant. Benefit ol‘ < itizens 1'nable to be P roprietress . MRS. C. M. CALDWELL 8UB8CIU PTION Present During its Session. EVVNING SESSION. . Newell's pupils’ progress in elocu­ rsar ............. . T.. luths. .................. The audience was a large and in­ tion. Mouth« ............... The first Teachers’ Institute for r (In advance) Mr. Ritterbusch then delivered This Old and Reliable House telligent one, as attested by their the new county of Harney met at a lecture on “Orthography, Read­ Has been refurnished and put in condition to accommodate the Traveling Pub­ presence, attentive, demeanor and newspan B >. aws . Burns. Wednesday, May 27th, 1889, ing, and The New Education,” that’ id to give notice by lie, Guest; from the Country, Transient and Regular Day Boarders and appresiation of good points made. d.ifB not answer the Lodgers. Meals served promptly. Charges reasonable. The far« in pursuance to official call of Coun­ ?s not take his paper Miss Maggie Welcome, of Burns, was listened to with much atten­ is u for its Ui>t bein-: «nd service the best the country affords. Wants of Pas­ ty School Superintendent L. B. s > mukit the p. s sengers by Stage promptly met. Time-Tables and Mrs. Gawne, of Cow creek, tion, there being a number of new iblisber for payment Baker, in order to carry out his ideas dwelt upon that evidenced and Dully Newspapers in the Orrtca. 8 h's paper discon- sang a duet with much effect, Miss renrages. or the Pnb- published thought anil research on the part 1 it until pavment is Welcome’s voice being particularly e uinount whether it I of the speaker. not. Tliero «an l.e clear and telling. it C laims to be a first - class country hotel 11 payment is made MONDAY FORENOON. Miss Roberts, and Dr. Embree’ Dr. Embree followed with prtiyer. les a paper from the Only, und offers 1* courtesies to «11 visiting Burns, the Trade-Center of Harney country. Organizing, and electing officers. li to his name or au- M- Gawne sang a ii>lo quite returned to Boat Ford on account sut.h- i ibvl <>r not. is Xk'rEUNOON. of the closing of the first session of pleasingly. I i I h paper stopped 1 to 2— Discussion: Subject, “Or- it tiisher coiitiiun s Miss Roberts rendered the reci­ the former’s school in the latter’s ganizing a School.” un i to pay for it if Absolutely Pure. 9 to 3— 1< c This proceecB Jno. (lithography: led by tation “Whistling in Heaven” with district on Friday. list pay for what he Mrs. Allphin arrived from near This powder never varies. A marvel of puri­ Doran of Drewsey. good voice and gesture, and in an led that refusing to ty, s.renglh, und whoicsumencN. More eco­ 3 to 4— Geography: Drewsey, where she is engaged as of 'Method nomical ilian the until-arc 1 int > mid rannet lieu s iron) the pi st- eulied for, without be sold in compe i’ion v ith the tauliiiudc of Teaching: led by Charles arch manner that was in keeping teacher of the Pine creek school in na facia evidence of low lest, short weight, s um or ph. P] ' ac pow­ with the subject. district 5. Mrs. A’s intention was ders. Sold only in cn f R oyal B aking P ow ­ Newell, of Burns. der Co., 10o Wall st., New York. “The Fall of Moscow” as recited to be present on Monday, but was 1 TUESDAY FORENOON. by Mr. Ilayes was a good rendition prevented by change in the stage DEALER IN HERALD CLUE LIST 10 — Reading: Method of teach of a standard piece. 9 to time. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. *5.73 ing: led by Jno. Manly, of THIRD DAY—FORENOON. 4.73 id Demurest M acazh I’rof. Baker delivered an excel­ Rock Creek. GrENERAL 1XÆERCHANDISE, id Peterson Committee on Resolutions: Messrs ni Gode >■ Latori Bek 10to 12—General Discussion: Men­ lent lecture, full of sound points on Roberts, Ritterbusch, and Newell, nd West dhore tal Arithmetic for Beginners. “The Dismissal of teachers.” T. V. B. EMBREE. M. D. id Leslie's Illustrât- I ; ---------HAVE OPENED- appointed. id Leslie's Popular Office at hie r< science on the east side of Sil- Id ¡Agile's t»uñ<Í«y Mugazine A duet “Come Where the Lillies vics River, leu miles below Bun s. AFTERNOON. hi Belford's MSSSzi: “Grammar: Cultivation of the idWseKlyCaJl . to 2— Discussion: Use and Abuse Bloom” by Miss Welcome’s rich Intellect,” was intelligently expa­ of Emulation. soprano and Chas. Bvrd’s full bass ä |d Wwsir brk World to 3— Language Lessons; led by was beautifully rendered, the voices ; tiated upon by Prof. Grace. S. B. McPheeters, M. D. »ling id Detroit Free rr- t “Method of teaching History,” Miss Ida Roberts of Boat PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. nd Harper’s Magazine showing culture and harmonious In Burns, Oregon Ford. was illustrated by Mr. Newell, and Office at W. E. Grace’s Drug Store. 1-ly nd Ilurper’s Weeniv Rinm action together. r 4 — Phvsiology and Hygiene: 3 to ! commented upon at length by nd Harper’s ®f>ung People led l y T. V. B. Embree, of Miss Young of Cow creek gave BEyrnnim id Alden’s Manifohi 1 yelopediu, Messrs. Hayes, Roberts, and Ritter­ r IPncml ldl( fonai volume Sie i V. I. i. -o tcius; Boai Ford. . to !«. 1 extra ver volume, p« Kluge. ; the recitation “TJie Maniac” in Practical Surveyor ¿SF"\Vc respectfully solicit the trade of Stockmen and Rancher». busch. fDEAL r? character, with tragic effect. WEDNESDAY FORENOON. Critic ’ s report was submitted, and Scrii »pies of all the above works - an be ex J. DURKIIEIMER & CO. T. A. McKINNON, . leisure iu the*Reading Koum. “The Mariner’s Dream” by Mr. not more than a half-dozen errors ‘J to 10—Discussion: .School Reci­ r. F. STENGER * OLD »TAND. My' 1C-25 Any and all kinds of surveying done on shot tation. notice and reasonable terms. Se.tier Roberts was a recitation that gave had been reCordcd. wishing to be located, can have plats furnishe 10 to 11—Grammar; Cultivation of of perkxllea’s are solicited free of charge. q'|ie Query ]?ox was opened and ^ [1 i’-. S 11 Publishers the Intellect: led by D. L. lull scope to the speaker s ability ubbiug rates, a Cops' of ihvir work for for word-painting, and the scene t ] ie following extracted and duly Grace, of Burns. U < tea<4lift Room—We tile, and bin»i the »of every bal^Volumc. and pay f«-r was faithfully depicted. of 11 to 12 — Arithmetic: Methods | answered : .«XT advertisement. x‘*' Sadäle and Harness Shon- Teaching: led by Jno. E. «»• iryur Miss Welcome, Miss Roberts and 1st. AV hen is the proper time to J. c. WELCOME - P mo ^ kibtob Roberts of Harney. r Bê.t Mr. Byrd sang “Peace be Still,” with begin teaching grammar? ADVERTISXNO I: ' BURNS, OREGON. .y ?. •» 2wk Imo ,8 nio a mo I yr. good expression. AFTERNOON. 2d. Enlizemcnt? What is it? ■ » ettt uaiM ir rrr.-. --¡J.50 12.50 15 00 ¡77- fll ou ♦15 00 1 to 2—Beginners in Grammar; Discussion of the question on 3d. What were the original 28.00 ex .» BOO 4.UÜ 6 50 12 «M 1- DO led by Geo. W. Hayes, of abolishment of Corporal punish­ Seven Wonders of the World? 4«) 00 » 6^00 8.00 -15 00 24 tk» W-A-T-C-H-M-A-K-E-R r.- rr 6.00 10 00 ao 1 " 32.00 50 00 Harney. -AND- 4th. How many Vice-Presidents «.00 9.00 15 00 UN 0) 4M. 00 54 00 , ment in our schools was taken up re. 00 Ï8.00 4S. OREGON. the pastor, Rev. Wm. Bartholomew, All the teachers and members of the opposite party? position S2 extra charge per in- was accepted, and the Institute * 1 '__ nil of p ’Sition i: eian.iiug rca«ler 7th Which was discovered first, iw»» k. emi^ntoad.each ih run iu wiih was organized by election of follow­ being in full attendance the exer­ the St. Lawrence, or Mississippi GEO. POPE à CO. H ruvtr- Bnattcr free. Wonr acivertlsementR ing officers: Prof. L. B. Baker, of cises of the day began by opening river? Mlblivutiur.B, $1 each, i n tkeSwC Harney, chairman, Geo \V. Hayes, the Query Box and a lively and in­ The discussion of the 5th. was ■Loinin up, 10c a line. rta; uiiWC pn»l «hath announcc- ■ Mi.sdTt of Harney, secretary, Chas. Newell structive discussion of the questions entered into with so much zeal as twr l~c»*S ______________ ^■cite«! as news. W O O L G R A D E R S , »Ktaeto to take up the time allowed for i to religious, social. • of Burns, critic, and the following found therein took place: WOOL PACKERS, s-i I’lta A*1 ¡ionol bodies. 1st. What is the capital of Ari ­ other subjects. ccmmiltees appointed: BURNS, ©RECON. re ?dactr«*| GEO. McGOVVAN. -------- AND 4 UNTO FOREIGN ADVERTISERS, Committee on Resolutions sub­ Committee on Program: Messrs. zona? Vsjatarf L- •peetfully solki ting your patronage -COMMISSION MERCIIANTS- Agent for Slaver NS IGN M ENTS SOL I (T T ED— aud reliable ftrins t < > c Diro» lateral triangle containing one acre? ft will be saved, b\ tefurriug to the which were adopted unanimously erts. Farm. JXdCetoliineiTV’. i <-ur < ir< uia —ADVANCES MADE ON WOOL. Uaaii<« »rateuaents based hi 3d. If an irrisistible force should as read: .w F ««¡»titles: Committee on Questions for Dis- ry llardwl**: WAGONS, BUGGIES & CARRIAGES, RESOLUTIONS. agents : j mission: Messrs. Manley, Roberts, strike an immovable body what JOB W Geo. McGowan - — - Burns. and Miss Y’oung? would be the result. W hereas , The Teachers’ Insti-! al with neatness V. J. Milller, gW“Agent for Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company.^ - - - Harney. 4th. What is “Pigeon English” tute of Harney county, Oregon, is j l’S. W. C. Byrd, of Burns, donated i drawing to a close, und wc, as , Pamphlets Boston Agency with DENNY, RICE & CO. his handsome parlor organ to the and what its origin? Letter Heads, ' teachers, feel that we have been 132 Federal Bt. Established 1885. Cards, Ticxeis, use of the Institute during the ses­ 5th. Where are the limits of greatly benefited thereby, Therefore Dodgers, Etc. Harney county? sion. Ge it bri y on file for re­ 6th. Which are the best text The teachers were tendered free J 1 R esolved , That we heartily con­ ll Newspaper Ad I L Now York. gratulate Prof. L. R. Baker, Sujicr- entertainment by the ladies of books for teaching Geography? BLACKSMITH. Toilet Articles, Glass, Putty, &c. H. J. Manly took up “Reading intendent of Public Schools of Har­ Burns during the three days session FOR riciAL dir : ■ TORY. E. I). GRAY - Burns, Or. of the Institute, and a choir of local and method of teaching it” in a ney County, upon the success of W. E. GRACE, P roprietor , BURNS, OREGON 2 SAN this, our first Institute, and extend —( i E N E R A L RE PA IRI NG— musicians organized to assist in the happy manner, and was followed to him our sincere thanks for his! . . ■*«<>»*> ■eniamin Harrison KLY ____________ pleasures of the evening sessions. by Misses Roberts and Young and energetic efforts in behalf of the A Large Assortment of AM) ............... .-«) ■ . Levi 1’. .Morton »tate ........ iä ■ Janos*- Blaine FIRST DAY---- AFTERNOON. Messrs Newell, Roberts, Embree, teachers in securing entertainment William Windom . John W. Noble FINE CUTLERY, NOTIONS, Etc for the them; and, also, for his zeal-! The Institute met for the after­ Hayes and W. C. Byrd. Redfield Proctor — ar • ■ a ' ■ ous and untiring labors for all who vjamin F. Tracey o i _J Navy noon with the following teachers' “ General Disctissiou of Mental i '* I < Agriculture. “remiah M. Rusk participated. Wm. H. II. Mi ier ' Xi., Arithmetic for Beginners” was next hn Wanamaker Promptly executed. The building ha® been en present: R esolved , That we tender our larged and improved and is prepared to turn \V gf¿M»TATB—UBBtX hs: L. B. Baker, Superintendent, and in order and was discussed in about thanks to the citizens of Burns for PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED out al! kino's of bla< ksmi.hing on short notice J. N. Dolph, and in the la st s->lc. Terms: Cash. 1-ly ! teacher of Harney school; Chas. all its bearings by Messrs. Newell, their generous hospitality. J. H. MitclieU, Ex ami" ......................*■ liter i Hermann, Newell, in charge of Burns school; Ritterbuach, Roberts and Misses Iler runnujer, R esolved , That the thanks of Everything guaranteed pure and of the very beat quality. sc-.R,1uV _ W. McBride, y i iper F this Institute are due Dr. T. V. B. Jno. E. Roberts, of the Terrell Gage, Harkey and Roberts. J u. W.Wcbb, ' States ® iMtrwtfoa ... f J. B. RcElrov, Embree. and Prof. D. L. Grace for Red Front Livery Feed school; Miss Ida Roberts, of school a l i akn •< K- : AFTERNOON. i or as CT-H •............. -, . .. 0 FEB The First Session of the Harney Arch McGowan. Committee on Questions sub­ M. DUSTIN. “The Bright Side,” by Mis» Cal- County Teachers’ Institute thenad- r year I Office Canyon City and Burns. mitted several and “Resolved that • lie McPheeters. ijourned sine die. N. PusUasat.r RALD POWE® ¡S S ä 7 & I®