NI 1* LEGAL >!'\ i 1 '¡/I : L EGA I. A I)V E RTI8E M ENTS. - BRTTLXil> TA KE NOTICE, lab Application of Nolice to make Tina! ’roof correctly ||ji|de out for \ou u. this otlice, KKK OF ( MAROK. I.EGAI. ADVERTISEMENTS. E-ISAI. PROOF. QESERT LAND FINAL PROOF. U nited S tates L and O ffice ,) Lakeview, Oregon, April 24 1889.i NOTICE IS HEREBY l.IVF.N Ihut Milton Davis of Harnev county, Oregon, has file I uo- t lice of his iuteniioii to make tinai proof on his ' desert land claim Nt», ltd, for the NW qr of NE : qr. .-e- a 8W qrof 8K qr, Sec 15, Tp - u I 3«:*a E, be*fore County Clerk of Hurney county. Oregon, at Harnev City. . J. Darst. Isaac Elevens, Geo McDoweJ, and Joe Sturtevaut, all of Dtewsey, Harney county, or. Aly 9-24 A. F. SNELLING, Register. U kitbd S tat «» I. asd O fficb . j Lakeview, Oregon, May 2, 1889 | NOTH E IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­ ing-named settler has filed notice of his inten­ tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver at Lukev’ew, Oregon, on July loth, 1889, viz: Martin Brenton, H. E. 94’. for the N’, of bE*4. SW* 4 of SE’ 4. A SE‘. of 8W‘,. >e( 24. Ip: 1. S. R 32 E. He nututs the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivniion of said land viz: Prim ortago, William Stewart, 8am’l Bailey, und Ilario Pastor, nil of Diumond, Harue) county, Oregon. Any person who desires to protest against the allowanee of such proof, or wbo knows of any substantial rearon, under the law .md the rvgu- latioi s of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, w ¡11 be given an opportunity at the ahoye mentioned time and place to cruts examine tire witnesses of said < laiuiant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submilled bv clnhnnut. Mylb-2-i A. F. bNELLING, Register. THE HERALD THI RSIIAV, MAY M 1HS9. Official County Paper. CIUCI ITCOl ttT IX HAllXEY COI X TY. [Report continued from last issue.] LAW DOCKET. THE SECOND YEAR OK EAST OREGON HERALD » No. 1. Action on account. W. F. Began on Thursday, November 29, 1888. Mofl'et vs. Jas. T. Mofl'et. Parish it Cozad for plaintiff. Local News, Sweek and Williams for defend­ 'INAL PBOOT. ant. Now is the Time to Subscribe H MSM'.Y VAI.IJ’.V ITEMS. Verdict of jury for plaintiff for . \ - \ i- / Lake\ lew, ‘ >re_'.H!. A pril I. Dv I $369.61, and judgment for that j NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN that the follov —Memorial services in honor of amount with costs. AND TO RENEW EXPIRING SUBSCRIPTIONS. "''I «gg-namsd settle«him filed n. ti< *• of his inten- Aon to make fine« proof in supj <> h <-f hb claim. General Harney at Burns’ church that said proof will he Hill le before the No. 2. Usurpation of office. State next Sunday. __ ounty Clerk, of O h aril rv county, Oregon, nt (aruey Cft,y,Or..OL May 30th, 1889, viz: —SPRING GOODS—at the N. of Oregon ex rel W. W. Johnson __ Simeon AV. IIainilt«.n, Brown Store. Fine display of fresh plaintiff vs. J. C. Parker defendant TTVfi 8. No. 2253, for the N’, .d NF.qr. ami N . <.f M. 1). Clifford and Parish it Co­ ^'W qr.ofSee. 14 Tp. 20, s, of R ; E lie Groceries; latest styles in spring p-INAI. PROOF. ames the following witnets-s to prove his zad for plaintiff and J. Nat. Hud­ ! mtlBtlousreeidente upon, und culii\atioi. of ami summer dry goods, Cordial U nited S tater L and O ffice . ) land, viz: I. M. Bh-. ii k a . .*, wr:.:u V. m. son and C. A. Sweek for defendant. Will be the representative, at all times, of the Interests of the Peoj I ukeview, Oregon, April 22, 1889.1 invitation extended to all. - eeker, and R. A- Miller, ah of Lieu i-«.Har:.v> NOTICE IS HEREBY (¿1 VEN that tiie follow­ Cause dismissed with judgment At all times advocating measures that look to the "greatest good >uuty, Oregon. —The Gage Sisters arc erecting for defendant against the State for the greatest number,” in accordance with the principles of Democr* ing-named 6i*ttlcr h&6 filed notice of his inten­ — Any person who desires to protest against tion commute anti muke Aral proof in sup­ p*!NAL PROOF. lealfowanee oftuch proof, or who knov.sof port to a business house in Harney, where costs and disbursements. of his t lai nt, and that said proof will be HAT; iy substantial reason, under the law and the made before County ClerK of Harney co., (Jr., (hey will place a fine assortment of • gulations of the Interior Dcp.-riment, wli> at Harney City. Oregon, on June 17th, 1889, viz U nited S tates L and ofek e , > ich proof should not be allowed, m ill bv given AS A LOCAL NEWSPAPER, Lakeview, Oregon, May j , 188'J \ '•illinny Goods, and full line of No. 4. Replevin and damages. .John II. Ward, >Y r?l opportunity at the above mentioned tim< NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN that the follow k Jjd pi'aeetocrocs-exainine the witness* a of «.aid of Kiley. Graut county, Oregon. W. J. Snodgrass plaintiff vs. Ida Silver Ware. They respectfully so- inii-numed settler has tiled notice of his inten­ Tpr-'mmant, and Former evideme m rcbuual «-f 11. E. No. lüt'3, for the NE*4 of SE’2, of Sec, 5, tion to make final proof in support of his claim, Leasv and Jas. neasy Leasy ueienuants. defendants. . at submitted by claimant. N’2 of SW* t »k NW* j. of SE1.,. fee 4. Tp 20, S R 34 auii that said proof will t»c made before the j licit the custom of the ladies of Leasy E. He names the follow irig witnesses to prove Register or Receiver at Lukeview, Oregon, on j Harney valley. 1 TL A pl 18-21 A. F. >.NEI I^N',. lb . — Thornton Williams for plaintiff, j T he H erald acknowledges no superior in Eastern Oregon. It poi. his contlnu. us residence upon, ami cultiva­ July 11th, lt'8J, viz;. —------------ — tion of, said laud, viz: George McDowell, A. A. Sweek and J. Nat. Hudson for , with pride to its well-filled columns the past year, and to its eviil. liiario raster, —Charles Bauman—everybody J. Alphin, Janie f F. Morrit on, ami Janies Mc­ II. E. 1139, for the SE'4 of NW?4, and Lot 3, knows “Carpenter Charley”—does defendants. progressive influence upon the prosperity of the great Harney vails Dowell, all of Drewsey, Hurney co., Oregon. See 7, Tp i .,R : '-'-j E. He names the follow­ . -INAL PBOO» Judgment of non-suit against ■ As in the past bo in the future it will strive to make prominent n< Any pers-- who desires to protxfit against the ing wiu.iH sio prove his < ominuous residente all kinds of carpentry at fair prices. p.Uowame .G such proof, or v.ho knows of any upon ami culivic.iou of said land, viz; Martin CilTED UTA ri> I kND <»I FI- E. I subslantial leasoti, uuder the laws ami regula Brenton, Prim Ortago, William Stewart, anti ) If you want a house built, furniture plaintiff on motion of defendant i of every enterprise calculated to benefit the people; to record eve. ’Imtomriev-• Oregon, April 11. lKv-. i tiuii6 of the Interior Department, why e>ui li Alexander Monte}« s, u 11 of Diamond, Harney ,c in showing up the resources of the Valley; to advoci j made, or aay kind of carpenter or Jas. Leasv, and for his costs and | advance made IE BY GIVEN til’ll the fol proof should not be allowed, will be gl en an Cvun i.», Oregon. NOTICE 18 HER! disbursements against plaintitl. ' Law and Order under all circumstances; to frown upon all attemj filed'notice of his in- opportunity at the above mentioned li"ie ami vlng-na med Bettie jrhtiB . Any peisoii who desires to protest against the !joiner work done in a neat and place to er« as examine the wltmbsea of said fal proof in support oí his itiou to make fimi aliowaio c i i sa< h proof, or who knov. s ot an.» Verdict of jury for plaintiff against : to foment discord among the people in the interest of any individui Jjn-oof V. ill 1 e made before claimant, ami t<> offer evidence in rebuttui of sul s.uutial reutlon* under the taw and the regu­ workmanlike manner, send in your defendant Ida Leasy. and judgment clique or faction; to give the news of the day impartially and t Blarney county. Oregon, at tlint Eubmilted by claimant. lations ot lite ln.erior Depuriament, wIn sut h orders to Chas. Baumim. - V, on June ;.«1, 1881), viz: My t:-24 A. F. SNEI.LING, Register. rney Ci;y, Ore^or proof should not lie allowed, will be given an on same for costs and disburse- fully as industrious effort and the aid of friends may enable us opi'ortuni'.y at the above mentioned time and llolebas, —Miss Mary Haley is assisting ments against her.' ¡obtain it; to give all the Local and Personal gossip of our sectic puice to trots examine the witnesses «.f said V.. of SE «ir, NE qr of SW qr S. No rswt, forW\ ciaiment, anti to öfter e viuente in rebuttal of Mrs. Cowing of Harney, in house­ J* T, . !.. qrof NKqr.Mlll Tp ! I . . >■ R - ■■■ 1 1 E. Be .. - . suitable for publication, with all else of interest in this departmeu that submitted by claimant ines ths follow!ug i v iv it nessi H !«» prove hiß e«>n- fTIXAL PROOF. keeping. No. o. Replevin. | * My lu-Lb A. F. SN ELLING, Register. Lpil. Mild < U.iliVH' bill' uoug raddtMS Spu U nited S tates L\ nd O ffice ,) G. \V. Smelser plaintiff vs. G. W. J. A. B. Mark -. Jes>e Davis, id, viz: Fre<1 BNss. — Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Heekethorn Lakcvietv, Oregon, April 1N89.| 1 J. H. Anderson, [all a of Drew scy I’. O., Bur IT WILL BE AN EPITOMIZED HISTORY OF TIIE VALLE .. are to be congratulated on the birth Young defendant. NOTICE IS Hr RUBY GIVEN that ihc follow­ P"INAL PROOF. county, Oregon. Sweek and Hudson for plaintiff. perstHi who*desires to protest nonius’ O h ing-named settier hi.s filed nvlice of his inten­ of a daughter, last week. *r -Vx,jyra entfoned time and >ortunity at ths * 8. 1). WelMlell, to make tit al proot m support of his claim, - cress err ’l*6 " illu-‘FbCB oi sai I D. S. No. ?2.r>8, for the W>< of NE qr J SE qrof tion cs - to aud that Eaid proof will be made before the Who know that in the rapid growth and wide proclamation of tb Tiyn ' "it imant.and imant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal < f NW qr. of See. ’J.». Tp. ’_0, S.. R. —Harney hotels are well patron­ and costs by stipulation. E. or Receiver at Luke.iew, Oregon, on B ■ ■ B . . . J — cMimaut. - t submitted by A.1F. advantages of Harney Valley lies their own best road to prospcrit He names the following witnoses to prove July lull, 18«», \ iz: ized. J| J j . 25-22 sx;:i.i.r;u. . r. No. 6. Same. Same attorneys. his c < it iuuoi s residence niihtl «uliivution U iiliu.m Ste wart, <»i . .i.u uaul, viz; o J. Du ■, L. ( Bradfield. H —M. D. Clifford, deputy prosecu­ Verdict of Jury for defendant for S. * uriexant, and I. M. Davis, all of Drew st” . II. E. 790, for 1he SL; of N1J4, See 23, SW qr of N W qr, and N W qr of sW qr. Sec 21, ip ’J.i, S, It Harney co., Oregou. ¿2 K. He nanus the following VritniEses to ting attorney, visited Burns Sunday. the property or for $200 with costs INTEST NOTICE. Any person who desires to protest against the prove bin residence upon anti cultivation of and judgment on the verdict. Should Subscribe for the Herald Themselve* allowau< e of such proof, or who knows of uuv said land: Marlin Brenton, i'rim Ortago, J. M. —W. Alberson, county assessor, -stii Biamial reason, under the law and the iesti­ r itzgvrald, and Alexander Moutcjo, ail of Dia­ • U nit «* S t . it > Orri< t:. ‘ vations of the. luiioL.r Department, why such mond, Harney county , Oregon, No. 7. G. W. Young plaintiff vs. Lakeview!Or<».e>. April ‘ > and M. M. Brierley, newly appoint ­ proof should not be allowed, w 111 t e given un ' l'"«l OMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTI.llED in opportunity Any peison w ho desires to protest against the ed postmaster for Harney, were in G. W. Smelser and H. -- C. - Levins) - at ihc above menlh ued time un«i General Land Oftit c of the United States by place to cn sB-exantine AND SEND EXTRA COPIES TO EASTERN FRIENDS. the wilucfsts of said allowant e oi tut h pi'i.of, or v. ho know s ot any defendants. hen* Venator agajus F. Vn. derhoof deny- claimant, s’.i! stant ial reason, under the law and the regu­ town Saturday. and to offer evidence in rebuttal of ■^hia taaid Vaudernooi’a■ rights to the tracts hat subtni tted by claimant. lations of the luierior Department, why such Same attorneys. Same parties, and embraced in liir; Timber-Culture Entry proof should m l be allowed, will be given an — P. F. Stenger returned on Fri­ Cause dismissed by stipulation A. F. SNELLING Register. 943, dated Sept. p. I sxk . upon the N12 of SE M.v P-24 opportunity a< the above mentioned time ami f-Sec 7, Tp27. S ft E. in Harney county, place to erooss examine the witnesses of said day’s stage with his two daughters, at plaintiff’s cost. gon, with a view to the cam ellution of said The East Oegon Herald claimant, amt to vfter evidence in rebuttal of Misses Clara and Bessie, from Se­ y- that submitted by claimant. , »nteafant allege« that ever since Nov. 17, p-iNAi. proof . M) 1.-.5 A. F. h NELLJXG, Register. No. 8. Promissory note. attle; the evident progress made by , and up tot lie perse m. tunc he has resided Flcckeustcin si* n, ímproveti improved ana and cu cul'irated aieu me the sam said ira'tp tramp them in their studies, speaks well U nited S tates L and O ffice ,) tion, vindictive and unscrupulous to a degree seldom equalled in O md and has harvested valuable < ro] h there vs. G. W. Smelser defendant. Lakeview, Oregon, April 11, 1889. j for the Academy of the Sacred JJUXAL PROOF. NOT.GE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow Thornton Williams for plaintiff. country journalism; has advocated unilinehingly the rights of all Names as an educational institu ­ ing-numed settler has filed not it e of his inten ­ pursuance of internet ions enntaim -i in ............ , J 889 U nited S tates L amp O ffice , ) the people of East Oregon generally and Harney Valley especially i.Commissioner ’s hereby, I.etii r “U ” of moneti April t Io , is.v.i tion. All the little school-girls in lartics Mini up- tion to conimute and make 111:al proof in sup­ Lakeview, Oregon, -May 2, 1889. | Dismissed without prejudice ami against the machinations of all organzed petty cliques that sought eaid punies are ,hcrc»-v n. tip- port of his claim, und that said pr«mf will be ................. ,......... NOTICE IS HEREBY (.IVEN thut tin- follow­ town called on and welcomed their ~r. before the t* j County clerk rl: «•!* . Harn y coun­ " f at this oflice at j O o ’< lot k a. m., June -, ’ ¡ made at plaintiff’s cost. Remanded to by fraudulent misrepresentation to advance the private interests of a ty, Or, al Harney City, Or,on June 12th, to-9, viz: ing-named settler has filed notice of his inten­ id it appearing from the affidavit of Al- tion to make final proof in support of his ciuim, return. Grant county. Charles C. Hill, few at the expense of the many. Believing that “The sober second oflice alleging hut AGEST. ns na Venator filed filed/ in - this *’ v * and that said proof will De made bef« re the /•—The thermometer registered ___ "21. for Lot 5 of Sec G, & Lois '» & 9 of claimant hHS left the State. mid after um- din- j............ IL I • >*'. _ seurch ____ 1. 1-.. — i. been — . . . of .• his I SeP "«...... .< " V ’■> of NW ’‘1»'• ’:s rtsukiKC upon, ami < uitivnib.n of UVBllIV.l Ml publication pulii!1 Il IMll «U I). S. 3290, for the W’2 of WL,. Sec 8, Tp 30, S, R *•------................ lami, viz: J. J. Liegg, Ldwar«! Berry, John —All who know themselves in­ siah Sawyer defendant. lowed the right , and the people have given it a moral and material a and r: f «-- he E ast « O — regon H erai .’ ( ’, u newspaper i 3;» E. He namts the following witntist.8 to Adams, anu Harvey Dixon, all.of Burns B. <>., ted at Burrs, Oregon prose his continuous residence upon anti culti­ debted to N. Brown will please come Harney county, Oregon. a . r. sne : i.i'o, c . . • Thornton Williams for plaintiffs. supjuirt that renders its permanency beyond question. As it has vation of saidland, viz: Ilario I a st or, Marlin Any peison who desires to protect against the Brenton, Prim Ortajo, and William Slewart, forward at once and settled up. - worked indefatigably and unselfishly in the interest of the people, it and -------------------- allowau« J. Nat. Hudson for defendant. e of such proof, or w ho knows of any all of Diamond, Harney county, Oregon. now asks for patronage that will yield something, more than a bare sit’ s'antial reason, under the law and the regu- ys. ani-: Dismissed without prejudice at Any person who desires to pr.jtest against the laii.ii s of the Interior Department, why su< h —The French hotel is entertain­ existence. It has become valuable to all as a general newspaper, and KAL PROOF. paintiffs ’ cost with leave to docket I proof should not be allowed, will be given an allowamceof such proof, or who know s of any [ opportunity at the above mentioned tin e and sut $ anliai ri asOF. northern Harney county, he has H. A. «ilhert. Motion to strike out parts of an­ I T H i: E ast O regon H e r a i . i > | gUMMONS. found about 700 acres sown in swer. . No. 2986, for the SE qr of sE qr Sec 27, ami U nited S tates L and Ornfi,» ir of NEqr,8ec£4. ami W’., NW qr. Sec ;-7. Lakeview, Oregon, May id, 1889. | wheat, rye, and barley; and all is I" 8, ft 38 E. He names the lollo-.vii.g In the Circuit Court of tin* Stale of Oregon, No. 11. Appeal from Justice ’ s NOifCE I ' HEREBY GIVEN tha; tin- follow ­ i r rL-LlSMes to prove his contiiiuors resi'lemc ing named ’tattler has filed notice of his inten­ in fine, growing condition. The court. for the County of Hartley. ~ i and cultivation of, said land, viz: Boyal tion to moke final proof in support of his claim, S. J. Griswold, I'biiniifb, i out-look for the grain and garden enter, E. K. Meader, J. I’. Smith. Jeff Bill and that s.iid proof will be made before the vs. J SS Wm. Riley plaintiff vs. M. II. Has, from the initial number to the present, persistently and impres­ ____ cy, all of (P. O..address) Fort McDermitt, ■Register or Ret river at Lakeview, Oregon, on product in Harney valley, is more Drake Geo. Griswold, Defendant.) bolt co., Nevada. defendant sively maintained that the Harney country was one of the finest Juiy 8th, 18>;9, viz: To Gc.i. Griswold, the ubov»* named defen d- promising than ever before. v person who desfrf b to protee’ agnirst the Aim on M. Fields, ant: In the name 7 of W«._,. f Sec 27, S. —Judge Shields was in Burns,) Dismissed at appellant’s cost trious farmers to develop its wonderful resources. To prove the truth is"of the Interior Department, why su< h Tp 27. B ;.i, E. He names the following wit- named court und aimwcr Hie complaint filed allowed, will be given an niFsvs to prove his continuot s rtstdence upon, against you in the above entitled suit, on <»r be­ Sunday, accompanied by a son of| without prejudice and with leave to of the strong language in its columns, the proprietor gave up a part fore Momluv, the 14th day of O( t.»uer, 1889, the tunity at the above mentioned time and and cultivation <»f, said land, viz: Casper W. being the Hist day of the regular October of his oflice room to the exhibition of the products of the Valley, ♦rhetor trt «rors-examine the witncKtws of said Ha's. William IIa\s, W. H. Rader, and Albert same F. Crowley of Harney. Tin- Judge withdraw transcript. >nir«CWH. anfj fO ofrer evidence in rebutta’. oi ' happcll, ail of Diutnoud, Harney co.. Oregon. term 1889. of said court, and if y. n fail soloap and urgently asked for specimens cf actual growth and for everybody ami «it swer, the plaintiff* will apply to the has sold a herd of cows and is now ubmltted bv claimunt. Any person v. ho desires to protest againct the pear court for the relief prayed fur in the corn plaint, to call and inspect them. Attached to each specimen was the nanie •; it appearing from the records of this of, allowance of such proof, or who kiK.u s of any to wit; For a decree ef said court dissolving the i delivering them. EQUITY DOCKET. u rnnev»Ltmut saif matrimony existing between said —County court convenes next ! No. 2. Suit for injunction against of the prod lie-r, often with the mode of cultivation. This was a oinas N. BlethenLumler D. S. No. : 470, aud lations of the Intenot Department, w h v su< h plaintiff*and defendant, and for the costs ami tangible, practical presentation of the matter, which any one could tereby cited to be present at said time nud proof should not be allowed, w ill be given an diverting water. • (-..and submit any reasons he tnay luve opportunity ai the above named time nr.d place disbursements of said suit, and for such otter Monday. verifv. How successful this movement has been, hundreds can testify- flnnj proof h . S. Gilbert should not to er« is-cxiirni'.ic the wittiefises of st-id claimant relief as to the court inequity may seem proper — The temporary county jail is Hayes A Brooks Singletary, and jus 1 . and to «»A ir evidence in rebuttal of that sub­ »roved. mitted by claimant. plaintiffi, vs. Clinton Duncan de- All T he H ehai . ii asks in return for itsefforts to serve the people, is 2» A. SNELLING. Regis'er You will furher take notice Hint this sum­ ready for occupancy. an increase of public putronagc—a modest request when it is consid­ mons is published by order of the Hon. James My 1C-25 A. F. SNELLING. Register. —Two wagon loads of goods for fendant. A. Fee, Judge of s»iid Court, which order was made aud is dated the eth cuy of May, 1889. C. M. Caldwell & Son got in Mon­ i Parrish it Cozad and Williams ered that it returns to each patron more than bis money’s worth. J. N at . H udson , AL PROOF. for plaintiffs. Clifford, Olmstead. If each resident of the Harney country will subscribe or renew for My 1 Attorney for Plaintiff. day. pTINAL PROOF. himself and take one or more copies to send abroad, it will so extend —A load of goods for the French Bari c< and Site k for defendant. U nit «!» S tates L and O ffice J T he H erald ’ s sphere of usefulness as to enable all to claim that it Lake view. Or- , U nited S tates L and O ffice .) hotel and for the J. Durkhcimcr A' Defendant appears on process for ICE IS HE|| fY GIVEN tliat the fol- I.aKevicw’, Oregon. Muy 2, 188» \ 'J-IMBER-Cl’i.Trr.D. Co. store, got in from the railroad contempt'for violation of injunction '-named settle! nr. filed nothe of his iti NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fol­ j> to make fin Fproof in support of his lowing settler has filed notice «.-f his intention Monday. and is fimd $50 and costs with U nited S tates I.\ nd O ffice ,) ---------- and that saM i ■of will be made before lo make filial proof in support «;f his claim, •Is a true Advocate of the Harney Country Lakeview, or.. May *EEN J NTEKKP at absence, lhel__ founty ( lerk. at Hartley Register or Recei ver at Lukeview, Oregon, ou i re gon, on Jm>414th, ismj , viz: this offib’ by .fainew <’. I’nrkrr, Hgniust A. saloon painted, and re-fitted this ages and costs. ' Juiy 8th, 1WJ, v z. V. e.enucr. f<-r fttiurc to comply with law us to ■< <• >------------ M. F. ftnn.bei t, W. H. Rader, uiiiirc Entry No'.’.'. h . «iaic'l Ootobertth week. Mr. L. last spring made a lologist. ?»o. 657 for the NJ? of SW qr, SE qr < i SW ' IT. E. No. 910, for the F.’2 of SE qr, See 20. and TimbcM lss|, upon the n W qr, Sec L, 'ip ’Ji, S, K :,1 E, qt, of SE SE or, grJrE It : :: E. W’, of SW qr. Sec 21, Tp 28. S. R 1.1 E. lie in Burney county, Oregon, with a view Io the 'not-bed in which he sowed lettuce qr, s e ■ 14. i p CRIMINAL IHM KET. .met the folio* i ¡ng wi’mFF- s >o prove 1 names the following witnesses to prove hit ' uricebu.¡»in <-f bhdi entry; conieaiant alleging seed: be had the earliest lettuce MEDIUM OF ADVERTISING, No. 1. Larceny. upon and cultivation I tiuuous resid« m e upon and cultivation <■’ mi itttiRMK rr, .. that A. We ei.i'cr lies Got broke, nor cauced to hishinati. F. M. Drake. I land viz: Almon M. Fields. William .¡a.-r, ( as- i e broken. >n..rv than five arrta of land on F,ai«1 for table use. in consequence, of any State of Oregon vs. John Ander- j >. H. Smyth, all of Dia per W. Haj a, and W. 11. Gass, all < f Diamond, tract, and has failed and liegleeteii to plant or 1 w . í VSG Harney ? T he H ehai . ii present! unusual advantages. It is crntrully located in bn. I Harney county. Oregon, ( ause to I e p.tniicil tret f , f, or who knows-r any a« this otfi< e < n ihc 11 th «lay of August, 1>M9, at are needed. We will soon have direct railroad communication with Jr 'he la a - and the re.;': i sm-siamta! reason under the l.iw ami the reg’t- io o’clock, a m. tv r< spond and furnish testimo­ freshing. «Hal reason I Mondant discharged. of the int .Depart ment, why such i latioiis of the interior l>epnr went.-why sm h ny coin c: ning raid alleged failure. Portland and the East. Live business men of both sections should I.iwed, will be given an ' proof sit. uld m t be allowed, will be given an My:C-_7 y—not W. M. TOWNSEND, Receiver. —Chas. Sampson who owns the No. 2. Aiding and asmating an use T iie H erai .I i ’ s columns to secure this great and growing trade. *• * '^»nityst the fe mentioned time and ! .-pp. rtunitj at the above rnentioitc • time ami fthe witnesses of Mid ‘ p a« e to cr. fs examine the witnesses of saiii south half of the block on which eacapn. Its rates, proportioned to its circulation, are reasonable. jridene in rebuttal of l < laii.'iant. a.iu io offer evidence in ic-buttai of - lme .\ t ;,";X xu ant bsatusdbye I that submitted by < lainiant. —It is reported King it Bolton Lis jewelry and watchmaking estab­ State of Oregon va. Ambers Cav­ SNELLING, Regster. ■ My l(»-25 i A A. F. SNELLING, Register. are dividing their stock, Mr. K. lishment is situated, is enclosing in. E\iEU . I M. I). Clifford and C. \V. I’ariah having sold out his interest in the the whole of it with a plank fence. < o >• h . for plaintiff. M. Duatin for de­ land on Silver creek. —T he H erald office is receiv- fendant. -PAiTIo. L proof . piXAL PROOF. TERMS. IN ADVANCE: z—Ras Garrett is improving slow­ a fresh coating of paint this week. On trial. T ates L and O ffìc «,/ U nited S tates L and O ffice , ) ¡ bw . Or.. April is, 1 nv i.» ly from a skin disease of an erysip­ I that makes it look as bright and Lakeview, Oregon. May 2. I»JJ | Or.. ■ •. . contala« r-o. a. - * ¡(HVEN that the follow NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV’-N that the follow elas nature, on the face. Suit for injunction: Singletary, ' O|K. cf,.)V one VPfir. 12.50 neat as any private residence. JRfi.e : .-’ — it e .............. hit i -- —........ ___ 2___ '______ 7.1.2 . 1. c of his inten- ....... .V 1>_. 1...... ...... . **. nt; 1 denti*-1 ILiyes Brooks vs. II Harney Valley ....... Two copies, I pro« ■' lu make final proof ir: capport of his claim, one year....................................................................... 4.50 S ge eral be made before the —A very pleasant gentleman ’.z? . __i *. proof will be mode before the —While at Harney last Monday Dam and Ditch Co., Wm. Miller ap­ Three copies, one year...................... • 6.00 ^jHaric - county. < r- go» . or tn Register or Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on I tec. Dr. D. Y. K. Deering of Union, Or. we were approached, in, what we pointed referee. ( ’vrx. a Har. ■ "r.. Juiy 9th, 1839, viz: Five coiiies, one year . • ..................................................... 10.00 c Uth, 18», viz < nsp.rr W. Haj s, was in Burn.», Sunday. thought a very threatening man­ Same vs. Clinton Dunean, Wm. • Levi C«shn».-»r.. T he H erald with any Periodical or Magazine at clubbing rates. D S. No. 3170 for the SW'v of Fee .2. Tp 27. S. R <•>«•. ^HS»«-" T| 31. E. He names the following wi titrs’f. t.> —Harry Bressler, late of Baker ner, by one M. M. Brierley putting Miller referee. names the prove his continuous rcsulence upon and U nited S tite « L and O ffice . / country. For I’we. and «um re a lull volume of numl>era It la the but-ne is a little giant in business. w. or. April 19. l'*9. Lakcvfew, Oregon; May 2. P*).l I GIVEN that the ftillow- Noti'-c. NOTICE 1 HF.KEBY’.IVEN that Ihr foiIow iletl notice of h s inten- — E. A. King requests us to state CHEAPEST ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE IN THE WORLD. —H. B. Hendrick« of whom w<- All who are indebted to me for in suppt rt of bi« claim, itig-i.«im •! Bettler bas riled notice of bis inten loC.-E. IB lx- made )-vi./rc the tion to makefinal prvof in suppen of h-s Claim that his sr.w-mill is now in readi- «poke on 16th inst., special agent service of inv horse “Cap," are here­ müde bcf«>re tlo lev con ut v. Oregon, at and thst s.ii 1 pr >of will accommodate! the public Jbr the State Ineurnnce Company, by notified to pay right off and save Registeror Receiver at l.akevie*. Oregon, or i.'»s to accommodate Ui. J •>'.* viz Twelve Art Supplements, Juiy lwh, IS-'». Viz: with luml er of t verv description has been transacting a good insur­ trouble and expense. Settle with H. Drake, J'rim Ortsgn, on demand; and will not be under ­ W’T of SW qr. SW qrof M E N. . ance business in behalf of the W R. G radon nt Durkhcimcr A for the i*E’4 ot »*rr ¿5. Tp Sl, 8. F r.Hec j.. Tn.* K . ’ E. J2, k He nanas the foiiowlFg witncrses t« sold by any lumber firm. £*■ The tr ami <»f inf«»rma’lon ft rontalna roveri thè entlre Pacific Northwt at complete!? Orders “State” in Harney valley. The Co's, store in Burns. Wago I Besses to prove his iis residente upon aau and dea'« with all atibjeria <>f Intert at fo th< iw M-eKlrg Information of »h»a »wfioa For thè atri coiti vat ion of 50-tf of sai-i land, viz Marti;« t;ren»« r., Wil- solicited. people her.- appear to realize the Tiios. M ai pin . « urraut >ear TflF M l.sT rtlÌORE wlll aurpara in e*«cllei.. euart. Ilario Pastor, an«I sam’i E art.a-»n. all of Dia- Burns, Or.. 5-23-89. 26-2 b». • i omu » hi » t of thè reaour« es of and a rareful «hronfrlrr <>f all new eaterprttea loinond. Harne) evanty, Oregon. —There was another demand on importance of patronizing a relia­ nf imopr’aiw e in. thr »-ntlre refrfon rmbraee«! wffhln thè limita «>f Oregon, vtaahinrton Mon n a ho «!, EriHaii • 'olumhia. sud \laakn. togrther wlth a mulfitude ot aupurb vngravinga —Dr. Horton the dentist will fai irwho know s of any •f su« h proof, or » h«> know s of of r < enerv. • -itit a IndiiatrHa. rie of ih« con otri re de arri bed _ E. Alberson on Sunday evening names of a number of our citizens have the la r and the revu reason, under the law and the r All elegant • nera«, h e. In « oh ra or ’ima. wlll I « Jaoord. «me with rm h Theae atij his office supplied with all the on the list of assured, which are P», ps—i u •. %» : ■ . plemeiii« are |7 x 3 in« bea in etae, and reprearnt «»bjrrt «»f **,’,**r"’ PILIT* 26th inst: a nine-pound daughter. wed. will 1 • »Iven s.n lat< »t appliances for doing dental tare of (he« ent h« mery of thè W« a ’ , ano wlll aD»i.e he worth thè magantir a pri e those of Mosrs. A. J. Wilson, Ma ­ mentioned time and Y.mrantwrt do wlthouf THE WF.KT Mllolte tot !*• (fnlyftì Itneescs -*f «aid --lai.ri­ —Six wagDn-loads of goods for rion Bunyard, Lonis Racine, school work speedily nod with as little lf Reni beyowd thè limi’a «d’he l'nlted Mflteo. Meal««». or ’ anada. aingle roplea A rresa ce fu re? aitai «»f that possible. Will be in Har­ J. Diftkbeimer A Co. were deliv­ houses in Burns and Harney, arid pain N S, ETC L SAMUEL, pi bi isiier , PORTLAND, OREGON. ney after May VHh - orftjoo «r*1 many others. CELLING. Retire- ered in Burns this week. 2d. A copy paper is mailed you ire : »F CHARGE, by ■toftnlssi«»” of tile * S. 1*. si <>f- iee PopartqnwÇ wh le » Olli Nul k ■■ is jm’■!ishe.l " ft- w no' ■MB SAL00F1 anted