\ -Kl» K«» II’KXT BIRNS ADVERTI« tiz-d in Jorian- 1« »« impr«*»ilX I.BGAI. fur Jorian to hare immereed the Wol-li™. » c « J .hn’s Baptim was the Chris- Tart mc 'iitti lii that were laptiz-d s»_- X. i*O • lat. ApplicM tian baptism: t,- ¿/m. la+iJ -s John wa* a priest roo/ rorreetly n»*4 «a* oeaee i »«•••*•••*- lion. r-anjC«.-i J Randall wh> ha* OF CWAR “„i h D. «»“«• 1st. Because it wa* rex in 1he act.ug under toe law of Moses, Cl " 2d. Acopyol been ««xifined to Lis re*iden"e in •F CBABOB, >y narue of tbe Holy Tnnity—fur which required Liiu to sprinkle tbe thi* city f»r several week* past i* Last Thursday the citizens of P abxem ’ Institute held at P.ore- now much Letter, although nut yet Christ lia l r:-X yet died; and tbe peopi in order to purify them— Burr • were startled at sight of Dr H ly Ohoit was net yet given: see Kt Heb. 9: 19-25. Lurg 10th and 11 in»t.. wa* well at­ well en«rugh to get oat of do rs. H rton ,f Biitzen driving into town Queatioa. Was not John proper­ with a large coffin (apparently oc­ tended aad much interesting mat- H - con:- mplate* »pending the »um- Matt 3-11. J- bn say» "I indeed baptize you with water unto re- ly a Gospri minieter. and did he cupied), in hi* twobrse light ter under diaeussi-xi. mer at tbe M-a»Lore. notick n H p-r.tan*-. but be that cometh after not open a Dew dispensation, wag n. Inquiry disclosed a* sad SoGdter «renrral Jenk*. of tbe me is mightier than I. whose sh»«e« which ha 1 no connec-tiou wim the an affair as we have chruniclea in W«j.. arel what about that Har- Departnx.:.t of Justice, who ten­ I which we are to k«.-k rears. y Coar.tr Fair* M ,rt- talk dered Li* rerig- alion at the begin­ am not worthy to Lear; be shall ,aw ac.j H D. White, hrAber-in-law of Laptiz-:-v-u with tbe II :y Ghost f«>r a new and different mode of Il M Hod ^3*. Brov^ ne»-»l'-«l o» that suhj***. ning of tb- y.re«er.t adtoini-tration. -' : 'A ■ od- worship. :’.,1J. and wa* b- rd- has Leer« notifie 1 of it* a«-eeptaD« ani with fire.” - - Acts 1-— also chap 19-3-5. Apollos knew I aikswer no. tor Christ said " He Leading Merchant ci Harr^ I r tbe name of the author cou Id by the Pre«: bn’ to take effect on only tbe baptism of John when he ' Harr ■ v. in tii*. e^dy part of this that • tbe 15th. ir.-" Mr J-r k* will «mn- I* riven, a decided in" rem-nt in . :• 1 . < . ."ch i- greater than month with tinoe in th- r- rvi«re of th-- Gov.-rn- came to Epbeso*. but he met with (tbe g tbe interest of LLitairene." a G. rg- ou Kiger eampei in t I RY SO IDS, < lothing . ha - A a-. 1 Pr - ilia, wbo instruct ­ Lre- he. ” John was. however, the >HOES I,RO which is to app.-ar in Harper's ment a* «txunsel in the telepbuoe ed him in the way of tbe Lord creek in the Steen Mountains, and runner f Christ, th- herzli thit oa t m ii’ght of th»- 15th a -• >TOVES. TINWARE Magazine for Jun' , would 1» créât. a.e - until they are disp.-sri of mote perfectly. And l«e said unto d his coming, and was full ' f a -.at two f ct to k plac To PAINTS. ««ILS -- . pro. «d—!Sp<-cíally in jouma’ - r* cir- This pocition wm the lone of et»n- ti. ' Unto what then were ye bap sent to prepare SULTANA S AND 1 X ' th-peopL i.-r L - prut tect tb<: .? ivr- f.-. i;. the rigor- pm. t'-nti -n which Lremght on the r- . ; . kin lied a fit«of cl«ar- < IG A 1H - A”IM-g-l.._ c'-r.t Litter wrangle btwe n -• na- tiled?’ arxl they sai«l "Unto John’s recep:. - - . is I have already sh wn GO* I in eo.omo 1 st >v- k' tt. The coai T >’> N U M EROI - TO h*ptisr.i. ” Then sai«l Paul "John means tree tha- the but it i tors.Sbrman •rrnan aixi and Quay, Quay. It was ti,h‘. and li.: 11 T-’.T A threatened strike in o-.< of tbe ’ -INAL PRO< privately ly promised proii;:» -i t to SL'-rman's merely baptized with the !ection with the ■Tvî- i foreign spool thread manufa to: .1 rep :«tan- -. saying unto the peo- was our *cLocl:i-as- d to« <;.p. d when law.or '•an'li'izt* Al; : » ILrt. «f Ohio, lpbOBSO establisbed near Newark. N. J., un­ COTICE . - ■ -. • ’---- 1;. discov. rd y p..n- - that w t < ut •Gm», weeks ago, I. ut from K;nr * v UB- pi . that they should believe on Him ter, to ekf ago, ui buu der the operation of th- henificent known t auve t.i? appointment was that should con;:- after him”—that 3: 25 ar. i the law was the shadow to Mr Low th-y li.i far d durli.g the snow ? ’ ru;. White was dead. ■ ar tariff is instructive just at this is <>n J -rus Christ, tbtn they were not yet publicly anr.ou: . • > ’ d I things to ' ■ come i c-. the ...... time. The tax which «-very ,r. " r the • la law r -■ Ex-S -iator RiddleLe ■er. w.-aid­ baptized over and received Chris­ G ap-it. tber ■lore An inquest was held and tire ev­ wlao uses crXton thread pay* ferth • No no». ■ • • . : e-4. ngre-Fsmaa Laughton a ed otb- tian lapti-m. We need nothing • • il-rx- as t-j caus of death f und qr of N benefit of th»-«* manufactures is plainer than this to prove that i . -,Lr.. ■ • with thea'uve. the er anti-Mahoce re pull; -ar«« coaic a shadow sustain- to its - j ! stariCi- seven cent* for each dozen sp»!« to Washing’on and chia the Pr *i- J aim's baptism wa* only for that j-vi.- r hiving made a .-tat-iner t • : -1 ■ w represer t* th tr containing” r.t m." than a 1 • of th" facts. county, O dent all they want to. but so far time and occasion, and was never Hw rep.-.scuts the Gosp.-l. A:«l y person T. remains were Iretgl.t to yards. The pri«-- p-r dozen of • }• everything giv'-n out in Virg.nahi* intended to be continued in the »°/.L th re was b - j in.mersi in th- law. 1and i:' rrel und- r the aus- MISCELLANEOUS spool* is ~a Lout thirtern cent- «■ gone to a Mahor.'.- man. church; notwithstanding which n t a single precept require«! ___ ?_____ on« ot the ‘ 1 : should that the tariff tax which *ewi tuntty at A Lig re-ramble is now taking some did continue it, as ir. tbe case •b-r- i'«r- it is not likely that John d.-rthed' -in-id was ainem'-er: ill women pay upon this material it Woodland Lodge, Cal .„ant. and place daily at tbe Government :’ Apeii —kr.owing no better—an«l immersed the people. t submitted absent 54 pe r cent. That is. th .ea­ H i>. W;.:«.' was 'd years oil; some still continue it. knowing 'ike Printing office. Palmur. the new ;2&-a .• Did not Phiihp immerse the : rr« i < -. la I ut r -¡¿ent a num- pay rather more than half a* n>o ch : j Apollv«, only the baptism of John. j ic’n. Th«- - -,h w .-.t down in­ - r of years in California, wh.-re hi* again as they ought to pay. The 2d. John administered his bap to tb. water, be th Phillip ar.d th-'. fath- r and mother are «till living. - - - )NT£ST NL IN HERALD OFFICE, of the off«..- Monday, since which Mills bill prop.s- J to -< j ce thi- ry day except Sunday. from9it^^^^M time he has hardly b-en allowed an listn under the Jewish law (ceremo­ -. :.i«.h. and he lap: - 1 hi:.,—d« II- I- _v - al-o. a wifi-ar.d infant excess:tax to 40 jx r cent; bet child.______ »j.pr.rt’inity t«, at r sl«-ef> «■ » great nial) and r.ot ut. lerthe Gospel dis­ y- u deny this is imn.- Every Lady and Gentlemen a welcome Visitoru1 this was oppow-ej by th«. English­ I.--" Friday the m-mbe-rs of Har­ i* the rush. He has made but few pensation: see Acts 10—37—3’: also A. It either does not mean im­ ing Room. men and Iteotchmen established at R m. 5-14 — 15. ney L -• N • 77. I. O. O. F. were appointment* yet. But one of those mersion, or it proves too much. If Newark, whs» laid great str«.-»- up n r to I -t «v the burial 3d. J< hn was never a member of th-ir going down into the wat r ... 1 t _• f'-w—< h'-if tim«- ki- per—was re- i. • ■ r- ■ f th- ir ' rd-r on a faithful the necessity of electing «»-neral vir'.-d by « ■ ' ■ r “Billy” Chan- the Christian «lepartrnent of tb- pr vt— immersion, then it proves b: r, and. though the remains Harrison in order to pr'?te»t th« church: see Mai. 4—5; al«o. Matt. : .-r.e who had passed wages > f the workingmen. Presi­ dlcr, cf New Hampshire, who is 11-7-11. John was the last proph that toth, Philip and the eunuch, w-.: th away ni: - ■. ys lefore. The cerc-- one of Palmer ’ s bondsmen, f. r his were immersed together, for they dent Harrison has been ju-t one et before the new dispensation. He i. -..»1 w. ieautiful and impres­ month in offiice, an«l the working private «•«• -retary. " J.illy’s” friends stoxl right on the dividing line of both went down into the water, sive. pursuant i. Com m its I people of th<- threa«i factory whc~< are- also likely to l.e heard from the old and new dispensations. He But. as before stated, going down B - Bartao' mew opened the i HAS. E BOSWELL owners are protected by the tariff of wlxn the contract* for tbe year’s came as a friend to introduce Christ into the water is not baptism—and - rv. - by singinc and prayer and suppli.-« for the offi«re arc made ti. O: •-r t ok charge of the funeral, h -re the Scriptures make a clear •'»I per rent, have had th' ir w - - who was to* open the new gospel: J. C. PARKER. BURN?. AGENT ar.d marked distinction. L says by : j : hir._' in advance of the cut down from 15 t > 17 j p r < nt next month. see Matt. 3: 1-3: also. Mark 1: 1-4. search he hearse. CLeif Justice Fuller has gone to they L- th went d jwn int the r ent where« Six hundred of them propose to re- At the grave the pastor sang be fierved From w hom did John get his au ­ he K akt L- - VALE on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fn^_ si.-t this reduction by striking Norfolk, and from there he will pre»- thority to baptise’ John’s laptism —toth Philip and the ennuch. ' Nearer My God to Thee” and at buri c«.-ed to > uth Carolina cn his dis ­ Arrives? ’ BURNS on Tuesdays. Thursdays.in J4is W< 11, they are now loth down into I, ie r.n appropriate prayer M« s-r« against the blessing of a prz •• was instituted by God, the Father: trict tour. Leav« - BURNS -«n Mondays. Wednesday and F-^ m the water, but L- is r. : yet bapti.-e-d. F nick an«l Fisk then conducted tariff — P. -n. P< • Arrivi * at VALE on Tuesday*, Tlmr-da-. s. ao4J^H_^ a.c-ordai •- with the Harrison’s first negro appoint­ sec John 1:33. "He that sent me Therefore, going down int > th : the sc- ’ ______ KAL PROC ment—Rev. J. me» Townsend of In­ to bep’szc with water, the same water is not baptism. Ar.d he bap impr-.-s.-iive rites of the Order £4F~Ci - • onnc< tion at VAI.E with stage foi'A’ diana. to be r«-c< -d«-r of the Gener­ «aid unto me Upon whom thou tisc-d him. Now lie is baptised. —Mrs. Steng-r. Mrs. Grace. Mrs. «halt F-.e the Spirit descending and Vaughn. Mrs. Witzel. Mrs. Parker al Laud Office — h ■« created quite ::t h has not yet • .me up out of The Superintendent, Prof. Baker, remaining on him. the same is He and Mrs. Cop-hall arc- offering the with l.is teachers. < has N«-w»-ll, a commotion in the Laixl oilice. that baptizeth with the Holy the water; tl;er f re. coming up out i_. vitalities of their bums to the Jno. E I'ob-rts. Auguste Ritter- In tb- division cf which Town­ Ghost,” therefore. John could r. t of th wat* r is no part of baptism t- ;■•!.• r? attending the institu-..-, was an a-’ perf r r- Friday, with an V!. uninat.« n were promptly on tim«- on Monday escape the negro. As one of the i the commission to his disciples to in this case is not stated, but it is basket dinn- r. morning pursuant to published lad « - puts it: We naturally have go out and teach, and baptize, see FROM PRINEVILLE TO BUWi to par a certain .iin -int of court call. as plain as words < an make it that —The Burns hotel is entertain­ Matt. 2’: LI-2V, the Lord Jeiu* in- and d«-f-renc.-to o :r Chief. an«l it • ing two teach , rs and an applicant, The church was accepte«l in going down into the water and stituted th«.1 Christian baptism af­ C. B BAKER. Sub-Contractor preferenee to the school hous-- as a will le very disagrevabb for me to coining up out of the water are no Mr. Roberts and Misses Roberts ter hi* rcsurectinn from the dead, at.d ’Young. more available building l«-cau*e of treat a n»-gr«> a« my superior, I part of the n. Je of baptism. !rfi .rg r- ev?"p V«»r •■*»'» »! fi a m. Arrive» at Purr* and just before hi» ascension home. Lea ii • -ir-. • Ttu-»’a b a am. Arrives a. PnneviEt — In answer to a petition signed it* nearness to the center of the I “hall get into sum«- other division if You will also remember that the 4th. John's baptism taught the I «an; if not I s«ippore- I -hall have town. pas-.-.ge cf Scripture from which I y prominent citizens of Burns to pe»'pl«. ‘to rec .vc- and a«« pt a Sa­ th«- Presiding Ei 1« r Rev. Ira Wake- Tri?. The usual preliminari - wi re en­ ■to stand it. : s mv bread and butter Philip preached to the eunuvh fi'-id. of the M. E. Church. Rev. vior to come, saying "Repent, for depends upon it." had no immersion in it. Indeed Wm. r..,rtli Ion«'. >v was chang« d acted witn the following result: Oklahoma «1- .« not prop sr- get­ the Kingd'um < f Heaven is at the passage th eurmch was read­ from Long Creek to Harney circuit, Pruf. Baker chairman; tie-« W hand"—see Matt. 3: 2. Thus John ing and from which Philip prea< he«4 ar.d wiii hold Biectiuga in th* val­ Hayes s»-»-r«-tary: committee on ting left in th- great -«ramble for uhi have stood full in ley as follows: being judge «ays l.imself that Christ tahini program, Chas. Newell, A. lti.ter- office. Corporal Tanner ha* a|e ha<] not yet estabHshed • the new Philip’s way had he u:.d rteken to 1-t Sabbath in each ino ith. busch and Mfs* Rolx-rts; commit­ I«»i:itcd a boa-d of pension exami- gosp 1 or ch.-.rch. hut it prove t<> th eunuch that he ought was just to i e immersed, for hi was r< ading Burn*, at 11 a in; aid at t! tee uii <|ue*tion* for discuMien. n«-r- for Guthrie, and the < ivil Ser Island seh o’ Lou.-« -t 3 p m at band, but not quite. S«z this "So shall he t iiarn. v. at i. M 8 Jr«o. E li .1 -rt.“. 11. J Manley and vi<- t'..mtnissioners hav«.- recei d statement of John agrees with the from Isaiah 52. 15- -- •ns. Till- rprinkle many natie ■ in. t 7 Mies Aoung; coiuinitt" on r1 -olu- ■i letter asking how soon examina >. 7 . ; statement of Christ in Matt. 1G: lb all th- text h- had aid od S j sVLLIVAN tion«. A Rittcrbif.il Jno. E Rob tions ar-to lx* licbi in Oklahoma where He says ‘"Ti.ou art Peter, and Philip make him -i v îhtî , L»|- « Î- j ’ Di- J. L Itoseli! erg. Mixologist- i-rt ■ and Mis* Young mcrsioti w:-.s right: ít T.vHil i ’ ive One man hes appeared here as uj«on this rock I will luild mv required a miracle to in k the In the afternoon the program wa* a candidate for cilice that every re­ church, ar.'l the gates of hell sh-li eunuch I eiiev that t a >pri k* o ti : -’. I.iqnor*—Wh fill««! r.ith tin- «-xception of one spectable man in the country should » g not prevail against it. Thus you prophecy could <• I fuh.il 1 y . ¡ :n- 1- ■» -i ■■ f-i-.ks etc . cigars, etc., always! ^h ill in. Method« of T«-n< Ling Orthog­ rejoice to see disappoint! d I refer Fi-k. travel ­ - can s«e Christ had not built his mersion. I cannot therefore 1 e- ing . g< .«I Compan raphy, caused by tb' absence of to W E. Haskell, editor of the church at the time of John the lievc that Philip immersed th«- eu­ wlioicsah H iruw rc Mr. Doran of Dret' sey The work Minneapolis Tribune, who want* to nuch. E< sides, no stress can « twJX.- Baptist, therefore. Jul.n could not a lift laid upon the pr. p sitions, ••¡«.to «t r .t Raker < wa* conducted and rendered in a i>c minister to Denmark. Haskell ni: d nis sp:rit d team to ti i have been in the new church—those and ‘out of.” as th y fr. us' ludgt-»; 1 Called Working Men'a '.udjre. e«i much attention. which have been in the cu«t< dy of u til af er John’s death—He.w any «i • - the spirit of the Lord caught "some tali peak of the Apennines, aw iy Philip. In the evening the institute met the Treasury department ev« r since bold, grand and majestic:” a g.»«d one can conceive from the Holy an«| entertained the citizens in re­ the war. ild be turned over to Scripture* that John ever adminis­ W1HTIOXAE UM IL WITTERS. sutjc-t inspirational.nicht wahr? —Judge Is. ti made his first visit turn for their reception and hos­ Mr Myer«, th- executor of theG< n- THE HOPKSNS HO tered Christian baptism ie a mys­ to Harney county last week, an«) pitality with music and recitation*, eral Trigg*' estate. —Mr. anr|a«ral punishment in ■pend* Li* time in New York, but to Burn* Sunday to attend the i M D HOPKINS, P roprietor . Judge n«-«ds no cointucndation baptiz' d with water, lut never in Institute. school*. from «is: his alility as a dispenser lor political purposes, claims a resi­ water: see Mark 1:8, Matt. 3:11. Teachers______ y---- :ol. King cx-shcriff of Penton of justice, bis character as a high- Proceeding* on Tuetuiay wore in dence in Titas, says that Harrison EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-4T John 1: 2o. Acts 1:5. 11: 16. county, Oregon, and father of W. minded citizen is well and favora- accordance with the program a* ha* given him control r bilious ]■ r sale in 50c. and 81.00 Magg ie \V clronie, Mr* Gawne, Mir* been presented with handsome gh• lice,pt require«! it: see Num- here since that early day. 1 otti s by ■>’ - , ling druggi-’s. 8: 6-7. — I r. and Mrs. Emt rec. Mrs. General Blacksmith <5¿ Wago”* Young and ('line Byrd. gold Is aded canes by the clerical ^ocitnng i*jrr*p. <* b-J nnf I..«».*;»« in J “-a. Cl.a«. Gawne and sister Miss II R. SCHLÄGEL ------ I. aí B1 Wednesday’» work is «till in force of that office. Young, of Cow creek. Mrs. Alphin WiN-L'« « >«»- thing S yrup L r ehi! dan? pr««gr<■« s and proim«. s fair re- 'hiriR i- tl.K i re-vripti’Mn . Í une «4 of I’:ne creek. Miss Gage and Mr. —Yes. a desire to celebrate the i«-i . v:,,aie i.ur>e« ;u«ci ¡»hy-it ian-in the suits as hitlxrto. Prof Baker's A Suppose he did. that only de­ Geo W. Hayes of Harner. Mr. ar.d Th« I * ’*ate> ai.U has t«een ii«rd for fortv Prriwd to do alt Kind« of Work 'n the Mar health line. H«r»e SS* aucces* in hi* first institute in Har­ Glorious Fourth is developing in termines tbe place, nut the mode. M ■ Robert.' ar.d Mr. Kitt, r .usch yew wi«k never- »ihny -uree-, by million, el n. --h. r ■ for ih. ir . hi? rv>. ! urine «he ney county is equal to th«- most fa­ Burn*.and should it blossom forth «■f the Island. Mr. and Mrs. Newell. I » tee.hinr ?• value i- i;.-wlenLKe. vorable expectations, ami is afford­ into anything it will fe worth com­ Many p rsons have bo-n baptised M » Ilarkev ar.d Miss H -inhree of « It r>re~ ttiievre the « hit.; -.rom nain. «Tire- dy-ei- ing to see. for Burns is able to fur ­ in rivers that were never immersed, ing pleasure to Bt m* and vieinitr -B U G G I E S. W A G O N S. L - Burns, and Mr. Manly cf Elitzeti. terv r«l durrha-a. eri; u . r in the hovel, ■ ASST* OB..KA AITI SKATSSM. AM* **•**• *r— ■a well a* prof, »«l' lial iwtrnctioQ nish amusement for aji when she then fere, it dexs not follow that sre in regular attendance on the ar ; Win.i-.olt tiv firing beatih to «he ■! ' ’ I ' n.c her F«i 2.-, n -« put* up a program fo teacb«"' .1»hn immctwd lecstnse F«- lap- A 1.1. W O R K WARR A N T E P- • n THE HERALD 1B9M WUUltoTOV I». C ; s -«Mi :» k !