HERALD JI ahpfk - I’»•. it, illustrated, bv Jlari-cr j !»:'. a « hi?ra vr. 1 b i «t teru »-hrrt anpple neuis. aed i^shion t-.. - f alone uhi fui ». : s r a■ !»•• ■► f sul acriptiun, aud ite erti.1 • m »>n d'*;-j”ft»ive «ri. f ». ini rtiipD.-ttc, -K.-vpinx, co« k-,ry, < t«*.. nicke it indjspeusftble toevery h. cst hoid. 1 k bri«;.: tbort Uvrivr. atei tin.-. i . t. . among Ih« ■ tf pubiteì..d: aud in»’ aliis a•» mirteo tu iiscvluxm a tt a » <»uld efieud thè un si fu«ud'. r.a iole. Amoiig lue u rra» tiui s uf thè * ■ lICLo aa by Ueltor.1 Clark A Sew Y"il.*-Ci a number, 2.éo a «Ih Ho G>» N Bur.N’TT. Mus. ALZKANIEP.. \\ lUax » l vi k . a; .«! T homas H akdy . u..d r. a > i ;,r. or v.i li tbii i .i|*r i nly f t. k rits wf tMjete «.:. t. . r \ ia-n < : ye:.r. A I'omple e Novel in each I itum- MRS. ». Ulti: Ti.’.E 1 ¿BKUN’J HZ Isr t-y a |.o|,ui.:r wriier. , l'.kl’IClt J; — WITH — COGSWELL A COGSWELL. THZ SAL’ F. ALSECJ I..'.REVIEW AND LINKVII.LE. Or. It is too funny! April 6 gives a ’ rich, rare, and racy number: “The, April Fool,” “Bill Snort in the ( White House,” “Mr. Rusk Pro- nounrcs'M irriage a failure,” "The General is in a Hurry,” and thirty other equally ns good, mak' s this a ik-sireable acquisition to the fami­ ly's selection of good reading mat­ ter. WEEKLY CALL I'rlee. Gt.ï" MOROG CALL ' , ; The May No. is fr< h and l right as a spring m. ruing. Its steel and wo.sl engruwings r.re capital and copious, and its literary contents deserve great praise. There is no }>oor story within its covi rs; most nre al eve the average, and several arc bright gem». I.ndies wishing to keep thoroughly posted in matt, r of dress, fancy-work, and hoiisi hold allairs, can find few guides so competent and r. liable as this ad­ mirable monthly. This ix-nc con tains an article on Home Mtlli'ieri so clearly written that by its ai I a new beginner inny make a lo:i:.< t to suit each costume, us stylish a- if sent otl for. and have the entire iiiiinlier nt less exp. nee than sh could J urchase a singl one from a milliner tur Wr*.r >110.1 it.... ra.ot. 1.-. I -.iiiiiltl. 171 I,».-. . :,,t -t . < , \’ahi liill Poritanil, Oregon. 2- m - n oiantx-r. f.n ve.ir. er *eti our psjx-r. Si a year. 12 han.l-ouie pi. o.rr«, .uitul.tr tor truiuing., vines «iih it. No Oreg itan should think fur a moment ■ f il. ing without this ex­ cellent home monthly. Th-- March No gave a lovely color»d | ; -ti:r ■ . f the I inis of Oregon. The April No. contains engraving- of Olym­ pia, capital of the lx w State of W:,.«lii:: 'ton, at. 1 the s|>eciai art supplement is the great snow peak near the ititcrnatienaJ lilt»'. Mount . R0YAL;Jio*J T| eV'* from Attorney, Notary Public A Collector. A. C. BRODERSEN,... Lakeview Any bur'm-ss entrusted tome, will receive , . : < i: ■ ,i!‘ u:nl prompt »: >«?nt¡on. Lami umt- :tTB and ( . lb.-tiou a spedahv. Correspond* etui .- n curi t-nt ; .»li i > ia f cn-i. I f.,i It ih ­ re»-;■•«•ft «o* tt.; bnp»ir’.;:ii i< .■.tie, tt.al lite it ! ■ > and execllciH e oi i>.8 litera?,.- .i Tuen’F. ni.i l. int 1u:;e seti;d and s’.ior'F’.»ricr< I»', the i ts: tu : in.« p..pn tir writ. s. fn it L t ihe pett sti -f peaj.l«' « I lh.* widibi "iiDur of .t s’. k i.m; j nr b>ii ». .* np’etnvnteftre freqimnt:y pr.»v: « r<'er of art’.S'ic ability Bi ’ enr r.i uti the illusi rm ion • history, a uva v. .-tk - f flcii.in tn>m ;i W illiam D evs lb» a ells , and one C harles K in ..will I •• runoti; the lea tuns of the W eekly for I snj Th ' remir," v<-ar promte» 1» with Btirrkg events. In the F’tiit I states the »tt s ic-r into the palpi* al arena ___ ■ -i: < we e.-oiviutie quCF'ioa on which! turned ;• n ill unsettled, andi'H if :• . ♦© «( O’JgreFF ¡tiituFi . . . betv.eeu the t wo great parties • F.un.pe is« vast « arap. Arayi fnouiers, und rnilUor.s of men- L.r the m at. s o i ag This depr.r mec.t v. iL c »ntr Fi.'TSof .OMding ti.pj.-R .if 1 itF. on ¡.nrdif ’s and farnierti Lio- a .'lINFR’s (.'vnimeral pi v - l y i-xp. rie'.t ed me:1 whirl Ike producer'll intercs in u 11 b «I ( Rm ,-r- Grant and Malheur r-cuntim. T. O. AdsitFF. Burr.fi. Grant co., Oregon. I will pay Tivc Hundred Dollars for the arr< r. and con vit tion of any per- or vers u s, killing or s ea’ing any «if the k of the above brand er L. longing thereto. THE WEEKLY EX o:i I eft side; < in le- (Pv Mail, I’. F $1.50 PEI Daily, per year . . Sunday, per year. range—Grant county, Oregon. I', u.—liurrs. Grunt i ouuiy. < THS LADluS FAVORITE. KETER OUT CF ORDZR. PACIFIC D. M. FERRY «♦ CO am Bcknowloc^^d to t» tbj Largest Seedsmen • \ Painting. tn the world. PD M. F frrt JrCc’3 IBnstntMJpeaerp- tire ano Priced SECO ANNUAL 4 S KV ___ _ tn . c U uccj I Howard Offered Th * . .J v. fll pay Reward to at.'.t.e furniPliii'ic inf.»r: Dari-it leading tu the inptiire nf a i r.i.in i:»!«i-Fafvd Horse. Loir .'.it: ,’rand i»O D.-uble-u ■, on Right btiik !•> a-itirerFiijg a: Riley, Haroev co.. Or.. I»'. F. AWHREY. P.swari Orfcred. |j „„4 fr, „ a ,Hin». Dctrcit. Miet'. D. n. FERRY a ce. C . I.'Ni,. • . ¡.! s. rr.l, with .Irinin the ” y ■, ' " '* -V .«I II .lueh iron vn tac A -TAII.mx.c-vesrold : he fa e. Branded *roc> on l.cft Shvuider. F!' .y,’,' ■ 11 "“V "■|:h ’’ri»' in the f»ee. . ; bf '... ril. l;r»n.iMrue !• oil *K-. •. •a surf ed (.eldit.g. Adi.nfs.r.o. H liAYEs. Harney. Or. :...« ¡..mid vTu v i nt «•« r»i;ng to ¡a w. »tP ‘"F.nr «»I»!, f i rht Pav; gumr mllar ’■‘V"*'” iront ,r<- s. J ‘ rt»h< »L.-ulder. u v«yn. about k ¿0 R b . f <• y.-, •. F rj,- - trt rv„OTcr B»J0Te « .«an u. «o», appljinwM th-.s office. i - t » ? rincón, r. er» vias Tn xE’- . £ ., <, n e«, h '-ve bas cen tekcn «in . uteri« rottenndaRl he dulv b»'e! a cor-i’ ”« u> iBw. • 7 H ? A «narue-f. ‘ F’’wn 1 '«'•’* 1 l Iu.p.;rv at ’b;s TULIPS, WEE PING WILLOWS. RED-BUD, SHADE TREES AC Take 1’:::::’ Tj A nrvk'y fet« . f »hinya »o the tir » ia « • *. r> tas: i A P vim « — tir.»» ki It ia w.»r,.-.ertili i” • « w a -t» pb . rr aiel l’.itru» < hria ian V ASH. LINDEN, CHESTNUT. Tay. with star in « with a l’j inch X tt .?'f; ’¿■'e«1'' ’■! I'.' k B«v. Co’Urmarks «TÙM^irtJLÏ’'ic4x"on uft Th,eh- i-1’.. ORNAMENTAL CYPRESS. . BIRCH, SPRUCE, ELDER. 11.'- •>»■: > .ffex-d for Inf,.rmiiHon left »tor c ”■ lb:»-.G.H v that vvii■ ¡cud to the recovery of I tf.v («•! ..wiru «ivseri- c I Lors. e. which were on 1 ‘ ' - ■ ■ !"•"> i..H" ■■ I »A A I hi r. ■> In Win. Ba?'.’ vf iicrdeu, when las; 6een: For 1889 Wil) MmaJed FftEt U» al’ f-pplk’-o s. and to bit year’s easterner*» ithoot antenne it. To W V»'î X bectr.« N. .»•rater»«, *sV. ;*»«< '.un u ('. j»v rent o-.. re»r:yT of a «:atnp *!r-«'e n':;>»b« *« Pive «-etite ea«-h. Rrmir an.tr »hMld t<> made bv IV«: Offi< e Mi'bíi, or Draft, to amid »-hanre of k rr V art« to rx>py tbit advertir« •»«*«»» ui'h»«ui lL<- eiprv»« urite r vi H vai ta ai W. H. HE DEPARTMENT. General \ ’» .7-'». Market et., IIhu. -v Pnild- inm '. lith i i tm h. 45 M.»rr *->n f .. Portlar. I or Io< a’ A ki -: i > a-ited f..r Harney county, r . j arcss i»s ab».v«'. I ’ ' Y. ¿er Ail PosîmaBter» are AP NUTS, FRUITS.. . Editor» If you desire to purchase a sowing ran? h in«\ ask our agent u. your place for term? ami | prices. 1 f you cannot f.nd our agent. write .. i: ■ \ r tou-Sarcstaibirccstoyou'ieio’y nan:, i l ' r WeWit Rlaht *b.H»l b iWi< W. B. TODHUNTER. horses are branded A wi ll “S-wrench” on the Left thigh. $2. 4 Uniteti Stat”* «á much or as greatw good reading matt) TIIE WEEKLY Hl TREES, SHRUBS,.... < ittle branded with s Wrench”on Left Hip. Far marks- Cl» se­ er. p. ft the Right car; Emler-slope in the Left tar. ' I m Í1 ^flTOWeS.kIy|f ■Pl.JU examine»® PINES, CEDARS .. T iie II ehald . Bnrr.s. Or. ,\r<7 Œsœ GÆArasî i «.H.-C.3O - g» lwon squáRE,’;.'.:- . allas . ling of e Double-H Prizes i r‘he three I kb • v;AZINE II KRPEK’s h \ZAIL H Alii’Li; > V;»l I’L » ’Ll' lb a age free to ail fu ! M-ribers in the •”.a*is, ( anadtt, vr Me IDEAL MF'G COBtXU» >:•' !:> - | ----------------------------------- ®?eigu; Add«:» ISAAC FOSTER. Not Over Five Cents a Week. tlkvs I West, SEND TOIK of Sights, Bta 1 nd Addrea, nd vr». i Either Right .Ve .vi. f ml, for one year, to any aftdreFF, the Thr. 1I arp » h ’«Y( urne « I: it i »I th«:» ih" • r( I-«» *«d«l Ret Mt h U’.-r' i r» o pr*,’i at w a ihe , ,u • ru |e .•< d «, Iter in V nx'ar • t i» I mir!«».' S T * alt in rar». R ovài . iìak IM u P oadf . h < o„ ìóó « Fht a •» » iMrtWi.f fairv llvwar! * torr bv l»r Fc’l« mente ' by pi.; < h.i'l If V fr. DI I !. 1 «ter: ar.i !■!»« •i »«ri. »■» Fp. » a rt an ri-. the t »«« .. ri.e vlpe;« a r a. wf*h man hom it ay i x i kn u»:ra*a. » x< •h • imp­ la ilai r< ru ma» vaie \n vr ' • nd «’»■«! in Illustrated Catalogue «ent FREE on application. Address Wachmaker & Jeweler, RILEY X- HARDIN. $.3,000 IM CASH NEWS Our Goods Livery 1 Feed Stable The volumes of the ' L. \ i.e the Niiiiiltti' for Jui.e an.I De--, mbtr enei 1 year. When r.o li if-i -» > -¡Leti, ub- • rent at '.inn- ■•'. fet-vi»»: ».f or*\ r. Bonn I volumes o; Jlarj-fr’- « . ¡iine.n r V.'rhTeu cxp-cftely f. r The Free Tress by the !* ?.'"». ri; aii tnd English authors. three ye -r ■ ba :., in »•’.<.lh hindiD).', \viii be sent by mail, po •I. on i\- vi:». ... y; Tf v : i > c 6een. therefore, that bv ni’-Rfribing per volume. Cloh ( a «e-, òr Din-.?:g •f.-Tlli: IiERAI 1» liL.l THE FREE PRE—tne cents each—by mail, |-»-t-; a i. I ’• pj* i< I wi h a • New a Index to Harper'.- 5rt/::zi:.u. Alphabu’.i Kii'l with the !-. -■! vf turrent Literature for a •■al, Aitai. ’'.cal, ami Ci.” i. ■<:.♦ < r \ ■»h.iue- . ear, at a c-vst of 1 to 70, indù ive. ir iu Jun • 1 i . » ,!u:.< . IKS,”», OD- ’,’<»'. < 'lo ll, $i?-0 ■ HE FREE PR! in a large cittlit ] age, seveu- Berni.ti.-iii tiki ì»e i'i’i j 1 'V I’ t -’' . . '¡mn paper, .liar would l.c < heap ar i hree Money Order, or-Draft, to avoid d.;t:..«». - lo;s. i . an tia.e The ’’rt-e Press and your favorite New-paper- ; r - not to ropy tbi .■ !v r : I d me pap< i ut » for one year. Sample copies iisemeiii without the exj re-- i/rderuf Har­ it': be seen at th . office. pe r •?; Bro.her . We 11» ye that • ftiemfs v, i’l chow their ap- Addr.- - HAIll’EB £ BROTHERS Now , r■!*•'< ia ion of oi'.i ■ ilbriB iu tlicir hehajf, by ina- ki'i.- up (heir l.iinJfi to lake u .vantage of this York. T hu . Hi.i:\i.i a:. 1 31.5.00. plcmiid .-tier -r i M R!HE At ONCE. ."c:..l a’l Kuhb - .prim s to Absolutely Pur© prizes at Target Shooting than all other makes of Titles put to­ gether. ¡•■■•I ;.t- ranioUR Familv Wceklv, r«) !t:>'C I ree to all Sub < ribcr Fniitti (.'itnittLi. « i AN ILLFíTRATFD V BALLARD and Judi­ stifte: OIL Ferry’s SeeJs M DUSTIN. That E^UAL TO To our ScbscrihrrR. TH:: HLRALD 'p plvhsed to annotim'e the c.iini <•’. . ' s.'Of iai arraiigeme'ilfi wlicrebv i? is « • i n> . Iter iiB . u : f TWO .’f the List ííinJL. j. urna g fur the price of one. II AV IT. 1rs MAf AZINE HARPER'S WEI RIA 11 \iHTl; S i ‘ .ZAR HARPER’.-« YOUNG l’EoPl.I lie best itgj will send Praetb te !;»the e*,u . « of the state, and before the I’. S. Land Office. Hop.ss« cf tho large, t anj utust reliable house, ami tn. y u*o Attorney-at-Law, 1 II O U S E Save bv bearing in mind that the great We have r™«. 8,000,000 i«t known M. A. KELTON. Lakeview, Or. TIE. i i.TROIT FREE PRESS. I V.ftuTnfB »>f H a ick in mat c!o P» slnia* i Mi'l.. r\ \ iùe I the » \ ¡ •) fur 7 p?r velu: esc« L»r ca» I» v.> inMc L r I iru. uj : 11. i ;»> i. „i p,n « ;,u, uu rvv Il VI h. Ker. ¡nares s’i if ! le r» n ic hr Pre»-'» e» ♦ »r-: K,«a: ets are rut to v.-p 3.»» n,h erl ■ : wi r. • t the ex; . . . • Ha uer .< Hr. 4 hcr». A>. : : I hereby n spi ctfnlly tend« r my »■•rviers in a l’r leticai Pointer to the citizen« of lLirn.'V Wiley. Hotwe Painting n sp.i ialty. Sat­ isfaction gu.’.runh e • fcr < |>.--tnut ;«t. I’hiLideli Ldu. Pn. 2fk- a nnmbvr, $2’ ii yvur, or with T hk H i kali », $3.73 a yti.r. Your Ranches, Your Farms, your’ Places, with trees and shrubbery Att o r n ey s -at-Law V.ar. THE S’.’S FFlViCISCO M \ . ’. zine . iibi-tr.'ite'■ .<■ \ e r. .vorhl. Ainoug thè a-.n-.e-iiou* lor l'-9. vili Le a ne’.v m»vcl—an A meri an Uory < •Jupit« r Ligh • ì.y Constarn e ! . \V< g : ì thè Dominion of Camitla. ami : eh; r.n-.er- f rald bo i■ ..il .. - ! eli:-, and Charles Dudley Warner. For April it i.-: usi let- to enum- rate the titles of the contents, as ' it would al m ■ fiil a column of T II . , we will say it is a lit­ erary treat to the man or woman who aspires to keep up with the choicest mental food of the day The Gibbs-Channing portrait of our great Washington in engraving, ll x -KU- Wr.’-Ki.y. illu.iruti’ I, bv IInr|>cr opens the c< ntenn’al of Washing- ,k Brother’New York, with thi ■ ] a ton’a inauguration; stories, short, jwr $5.20 a year. There is sc ire dy a ranch that has and continue d; poems; historic..1 not at some time bail a copy of this sketches; scientific essays; Editor’s princely weekly, and yet not over a Easy Chair, Study, Drawer, and dozen copies eo n s into’this county . Ren,rd of Current Events, only The April 13 No. is one of the best, give an idea of what is served the Illustrations nre “The Frontier reader for pleasurable and profita­ Tro iper’s Thanntopsis,” “Oklohoma ble rending. If this is saying too Sketch •»," “C'nii'n r •; on th ; Gre it little for so good a book, let the Lakes,’, “Going to a Fire in St. Pe­ reader send 20c for the April No. tersburg,” (double ] age), etc , and and enjoy it as we have. the articles <>:i the topics of the D etroit I' kke I’ re .«is, illustrate 1, bv the Dctroi; Free 1‘rcss Co., Detroit, Mich, day, are s u h as may l.c ixpeetul. be a copy, $i a year, or with this paper fon the p-ns of talented writers. $3 a year. II > v 1 ’» ‘llaza d of Few Fortunes,’ For April 11 I’he Press is full of continues in interest. No man’s M. Quad’s and Luke Sharp’s lest ist of periodicals is complete with­ « Herts, and this observation prom­ out Tlx' Weekly. ises as much for one week as is D emokfuf M\<; az : ne . i’llustra'c«!. by W. I.-, ¡thy for the digestive apparatus J 'lining's l)(*ni'ir<*4, 15 E 1 Uh M., New Yorx. 20c a < t»nyf $2 a year, or with ' of any mental being—too much titi pa|K*r. $3.75 a yfar. s[>iee, pepper, mustard, etc., is not For May opens with a beautiful conducive to perfect enjuymi nt, so water-color, "View i f the Hudson after th >e witty writ: rr coin's Mr.-^ River from West Point,” that is fol­ Ih wsor’s domestic v >es, then n lowed by the engravings "In a Ka­ thrilling story of tl. sea and a lt o,” “On a Pai k Horse,” “An Afri­ desert island, and a fund ef anec­ can Village Attacked by Slave- dote, tales, and good editorials. Hunters," and 113 other illustra­ KE. a weekly niaparii.e, illui- tions. Stories by well-known wri­ 1 'TFUATI ti itcd. bv John I’». Alden. 3!>3 i’eari ■t.. ters: “The Alpine Fay,” (contin­ New York. 3u a copy, fMk* a year, <-r with Tin; H erald $/.?'» a year.’ ued), "Ten Women Poets” (this is This bright little weekly maga­ fine), "Day Drcams,” "Mohs of zine is as go. d as it is cheap. Ev­ Trav 1,” “A Ghost Story,” "May erybody can see a copy by calling Backet Party." Household. Mirror nt I lie oilici*. of Fashions, Home Art and Home Conif rt—we b ive enjoy, 1 the m. / nzitie since 1’ 32, and never jH-rii-ed a num! er lx tier than thi.- one all through. 1 ’ Adorn your Homes, your Town THE HERALD. 1 uri f . Or. II A DV E UT IS E M ENT. ¡H CyTIlXS This is by all odds tlx; one thing The< *mpletc novel for this month i i a hnndaon. HARPER’S 1 1 RIODICALS £.1 d e very 7:. ,r needful in this section of the coun­ is by Cunver» Atwood "An Eccen­ Per Year the impertan: ■. try, and should head every lady’s tric Ileveng is i_i every qu.. a story that holds I I. L U S T It A T E D . up to du: : of p list. The Easter No. came last the l eaders’ attention from the first HARPERS CAZAR 4 ro terestiu^ rp-*!. ’- < MAGAZINE 4 week, anil is stipurb, Indeed. 'I he to the last page. “A Princess of HARPER'S B A Rl'FK'S WEEKLY 4 no (.:? principa! 11 •t oi Lc world and a va:t HARPER'S Yut'NG PEOPLE . -O. amount of th L< < : ckii.d anil or’.símil articles on “Cradle und Nursery,’’ Sheba,” a story; “Condemned.” a i :kc laU-t ■: ral hiera’. 3 It f.:i i New York Fashions,’ “Seasonabh poem; "Mutual Admiration Socie­ n id ma»: rehab e . flaaaekti uewn aud uar- ui . u.ci ‘ jKCial attenti, u 1. tquf.tuFon Gifts,” contain what we should all ty,” an epigram, etc., are all excel­ Uhor.kuitLr.:: d - ' ; u. uu.l n* v; u I The volume« of the Paz-.r I cgin with the firs» Lior.ícultiir. desire to know; the stories “Easter lent. But the editorial depart­ nunnier f.»r January cf each y« ar. When n.i i iu every re ; <•r Draft, to avoi«l cha: <-,f 1. yg. “Easter Gowns,” exhibit the v ry Could this valuable monthly be in 'ii.r.ev N tpupe'! «.“• t :•» copy ’h:r a.lvcr isr.cn’ v. b will send i-o ti ai HARPER de BBOTHEJU. : ? the ecu. .natica: “The Walk to Emmaus,” Wash­ ocratic and republican, there would Adrets: ington Family,” (d<>ublc-page), and be a d grec of intelligent voting II raid awl Weekly Call 1 yr $3.00 “Easter Flowers,” must be .-ee:i to- done in ’82, that would cause the Herald .and Daily Lail. 1 year •'i O.) Th'r umtMlly ■■•», ! .-tier- a s >u •! Pmu- I e'enjoyed. Come to our Rea ling average o'iti cal managers to fear, orrftt’t io«-al ; ;-per. and an equally r und Re* p-hi«->itage. nity to liberally advertise our coun­ There is no prettier novel among ty—we ar' continually reeiiving standard works than The Lamp­ , letters of inquiry growing out of the lighter—pure in sentiment, excel­ article L. Samuel, its public-spir­ lent in moral: suitable for the home ited editor so kindly gave the Har­ circle, and Alden’s edition is an or­ ney country, in his Deccml.er num­ nament to the library: n copy is in ber. Such courtesy deserves a re­ our Reading Room. Call and see turn, worthy home readers. it. or send for a copy for yourself. THE JUNIPERS, RHODODENDRONS EACH THE BEST OF ITS KIND. Send for a Catalogue, and make your selections in time for the fall delivery, if you want to plant none but the Best, arid that is alwavs the ( hcapest. Last spring, alone, more than a (.all at this Office and order, rr address the following-named • IEORGE IV. CRANE BOX 1210, Blooming* IU, P e w.’.l »mJ the entire LT «4T* «numerate ! j . e <1 descr:l*ed behiW.JR .hie par»«‘r for the enauing year. n add.tion to u-e renter « ¡bw1 i-ookR, ( ach one ui which conut»»" lovel or < t:ier wo:k by a wiJB« luthor, are pubi: - l.e-ì la neat p®»£¡ Tom co..J teauauie typt* on them han iscniely illusi»ated. .he finest . - . • - •b w L. Y u. The Aunt Mn»»lrr ... tatet».” , K R(Jah I’.« rnp. !. '« T Tinny s •••■it- is'igtiniic i:> A créai :.tiiu. n.»« l>-..k. N .17 I’erfeet ' ’ I !KTT. A -le ris i ■» *-< ■ the co,. o.-t r it-» i»i depornurtit .‘or ad • the «¡Sweet o' tl-o best »oclety. X xil. GuIHvcr't Trure!«. ■ ’ M Mniiel Un.tirer nnMmg » - *-'W* •tin ; : w ■ k—i . . . . • • •■'P'-’—L s> rhe I'eeple-. Tterrst widrs iH «.».»■ • ». :n» tonerà, Mt is. rrpti r«. »•* «* afo-BiUÌj» recar li»_- t. - !r !. raB«“JS N -.u Modern Meritai to»* J •no«t populwr r-niatk'»m. >u wi* *«“ iva»! j ornti.-nlets »nd .-n»«i«ur». M* «7.. AlMTwu’e koenc* > H a ««»lip. . MOST Wall Flower*. ’ No »I. The" • —«-«-a—•.* Ateca. Ja. Ro. l-js. Iran So. 197. »le «crei. By ?! T. _No »7. The «urei. Ey 1. W» ÎU. Tn. rtorue.’* M« r*. Brea Srma. I’ag, ■at. R«. SU A Ì 4« t < iw » i.W asim «. Mo. ata. < load« anti *un—•* *' N . . Co-ryr Cuu«Se<4*i* Jo*1*] «!•• M. ,N Da. I - - . .J ' Mery tlsrdule* » KJ«^' las», woo,». . entire list of Twenty vaiuat* hr n ail. p. a* paid. to ever* T he Evsr • * rr > iow HnHh.kg who remi s the regv. ar f " ! _t . - . V a. t.'.7 •. •»“, sit scriber who pays up nc