Our Book Coupon No. 2 presents ' diseases, physical, moral and spir­ Th<- Wicked«-»» .Men In the World. another remarkable result of Al­ Who are the wickedest men in itual. Evil communications cor- den’s Literary Revolution. A copy I rupt good morals. Family as well the world? Upon whom fits this TIIl'KHIMY, M a V 1W9. as public relationships prove this. fearful stigma? Upon the poor of the book is to be seen at this of­ I». L. CHACE, Editor. By infection children contract evil slave of vice, from whoso hands fice, which Mr. Alden sells at : j 0 c , disorder. Spiritual disorder is some and feet, and souls, dangle chains is printed in large type, on good pa per, excellent printing, and tasteful T he Seventh annual convention times slow and insidious, but it is of slavery and despair, forged in cloth binding, and is every way su­ the fires of sinful passions, from of the Woman’s Christian Temper­ remarkably sure. perior to the edition formerly pub­ sin-deforim d habit, and vitiated Mr. J. C. Roseburg Plaindealer: ance Union of Oregon, will he held in Salem, May Sth, 9th, and 10th. Bovd expects to leave for Portland appetites? Are such weak and lished at the price of $1.50, Few readers of books have not tonight to look after the immigra- pitiable passion-slaves responsible heard of The Lamplighter; which east; and for the leprous condition of society the T he law passed by the last legisla­ tion coming in from with two or three exceptions, is the Douglas to which they are adding their per ­ for to secure a portion ture requires that all physicians sonal contagion; are such moral most |K>pular and widely circulated register in the county clerk’s office ■ county. imbeciles competent to mash all novel ever published by an Ameri­ There is a case of of the county in which they practice. the dark legions of iniquity, and to can author. The time allowed by law for regis­ Looking Glass. Mr. Wholly free from any attempt at tration expired Saturday, the 20th is down with that dread disease. carry on the soul destructive work sensationalism, it is intensely inter­ of the devil? Popular opinion says, Dr. Power the attending physician, lilt, aud those who failed to get esting, and though not a theologi­ their names down before that date reports doing well with good pros­ yes, ignorantly, passionately, yes. cal novel is thoroughly Christian in We sav, no; decidedly,emphatically will have to pass an examination pects of speedy recovery. its tone. We congratulate our read­ before the state board of exami­ The names of persons in whose no; these are not the wickedest men. ers on our ability to oiler them a honor trees were planted by the They bear the same relation to the ners. Roseburg school children on Ar­ wickedest men, that the hired sen­ book so every way excellent, on such surprisingly easy terms. On­ T he H erald with pleasure ac­ bor Day. were: Gen. Joseph Lane, tinels, who shot down innocent ly those who have paid up their Union soldiers, in Andersonville die first governor of Oregon; Syl ­ knowledges receipt of invitation to subscription to our paper for 1889, attend the formal opening of the vester I’ennoyor, the present gov­ prison, bore to Friend Wirz, the or who come and pay up subscrip­ North Pacific Industrial Asjocia- ernor of Oregon; E, B. McElroy, same relation that private soldiers tion for said year before May 11th. in the rebel army bore to Jeff. Da ­ state superintendent of public in ­ tion Fair Building, at Portland, on can avail thej,*-.- Ives of this offer. Tuesday evening, April 30, 1839, struction; G. W. Jones, Dr. Hamil­ vis. If the work of the devil were on occasion of the celebration of ton and 8. C. Flint’ directors; B. L. to depend upon those rotten props, I must confess that I have a the inauguration of George Wash­ Arnold, president State Agricultu­ it would soon tum'ole into utter de­ theory which will peril ips be rid­ ington rh lirst President of the ral College; Aaron Rose, proprietor cay and insignificance. By these iculed but which has governed United States. The grand military of Roseburg. nu7. pear. and that the smallest stars i to pass, and it is never going to re­ Those who not only connive at whose existence escapes us obey the turn. It is apparent, from the in­ the wickedness of the people, but fixed law which governs the uni­ flux of immigrants by every train who actualy stand in the way of Portland Rural Spirit: The press and from the scarcity of houses, the only meansofameliorating the verse. Under various names, in quite generally has been heralding that Salem will soon be called up- condition of society, the conversion changing circumstances, by succes­ sive and co-ordinate evolutions, the the news that Al Farrow, an Ore­ 1 on to make such provisions as are of the people. groat geniuses known to the world, gon-bred horse, had, on the 6th made in Roseburg for their tempo­ Who opposed Christ in his great iust., at San Jose, Cal., lowered the rary shelter while selecting homes. work of saving mankind? The those whose names have escaped mile record made in a race. While i The strangers must be provided for, Seri! es and Pharisees—The reli- olbivon, reappear. Moses is reflect­ ed in Confucius, Mohammed in Al Farrow's race is a great one, it is well taken care of and encouraged. ' gious demagogues of the day. John Huss, Cyrus lives ag in in not the best time, nor the best race. The common people heard him Prineville News: Jim Moore, who The time, 1:40, equals the time of some years ago married Miss Alice gladly. Who prejudiced the pjople Ciesar, in Napoleon, Attila is re­ Stuyvesant, at Sheepshead Bay, Hale, and who is pretty well known in the time of the early Christain peated in Peter the Great, and September 7. 188". But when we here, went out to the Harney coun­ Church against the truth? The Frederick II. in Bismark. Louis le reason that this horse was but a try where lie lately took unto him­ Jewish Sanhedrim the highest hu­ Debonnairc in Philip VII., and 3-year-old, and carried 111 J lbs., self another wife. Jim’s last mar­ manly recognized church authority Catilina in Boulanger. Charle­ magne and Joan of Are alone have and that Al Farrow is a 4-year-old, riage was illegal, as he has never then upon the earth. not yet reappeared, the one to re­ and earriel but 63 lbs., it will been divorced from his first wife, Who hindered the Apostle Paul hardly bo called as good a perform­ lie was subsequently placed under in his earnest missionary labors? vive authority and the other la pudeur. Everything moves by a ance as that of Stuyvesant. arrest for his bigamous conduct, False teachers with whom he Al Earrow was bred and raised but by some means escaped from fought at Ephesus, as with wild fixed law, and man is master of his in Lake county, Oregon, and his the otlicer w ho had him in charge, 1 ' easts. Who made Luther’s work own destiny only because he can owner has refused $20,000 for him. since which time he has been too difficult? The thenexistingchurch thwart or promote by his own in­ tervention and action the place he hiarr.chv. Who blindfolds the Lakeview Examiner: Col. Elliott, scarce to be found. should fill, and the path traced out Roseburg Review : Mrs. Harrison members of the Roman Church to ex-special agent of the land depart­ for him by the general decree which ment, left for the eaxt Tuesday, is said to have made an is arrangi- day? Her priests. regulates the movements of every He says it took him four hours to incnt with the manager of a New What is to b’am; for the strong creature.—Mr.de Blowitz, in Harp­ get into office, and four weeks to York news bureau by which she is and popular prejudice against e.irn- er’« Magazine for May. to pay $100 a month to know w hat est religion in many Protestant com­ get out. With many, religion never gets Silver State: Frankie Sweetser, all the newspapers of the country munities to day? The answer is above the knees. say about the Harrison family. clear: Not the priests! What would the five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. The boss of a gambling saloon F. D. Sweetser, was riding a tri­ Russell Harrison, son of the be the result if all the true ehrist tins cycle a few days ago, when the ma­ President, was arrested last week and all the preachers (who ought mav be termed a vice-president. Sense goes a great way in a polit­ chine broke' and inflicted a severe in New York charged with crimi­ all to be true christains) of such a ical argument, but yet we have no­ nal libel o:i ex-Governor Crosby of community would east all denom ­ wound on the child’s thigh. Dr. ticed that cents take a back seat Montana. — Daily Call. inational difference« and prefer­ Hanson, who attended the little when dollars have the floor. Long Creek Eagle: This section ments to the winds, and cordially fellow, took a few stitches in the It is a little singular, but of country is now without any minis ­ strike hands to save the unsaved? wound, which will lay the child true all the same, that if Dr. ter of the gospel Rev. Bartholomew, Would they not thereby remove jip for some weeks, as it is quite mage were to quit the pulpit he it seems has deserted his post and every hindering cause to a general deep taken up his abode in Burns, where revival of the religion as it is in would be an ex-pounder of the Bi­ Rev. J. W. Pendleton, of Para­ lie will remain until the meeting of the Christ the son of the living ble.—Texas Siftings. disc, w ho nt expectedly arrived next M. E. Conference. Bro. Pratt God. And would not the people, Bankrupt's Wife. “Well, at any here late Saturday, occupied the is out exercising his muscle in a divested of prejudice, come crowd­ rate, the Thompson failure was pulpit at the M. E. Church last shearing pen. trying to earn enough ing th" altars of the church, earn­ worse than ours.” night, and the congregation listened Sympathizing Friend. "Why, I money to support himself and estly inquiring for salvation? must to the sermon, preached from the family while he In' or- for the sal­ n >t every conscientious persons an­ thought it was just the other way.” text, "One Sinner Destroyeth Much Bankrupt’s Wife. "No. indeed: vation of souls. While Bro. Pratt swer this question affirmatively? Good,” Eeelesiastieles, IN Chapter, cannot but be admired for the in- Then are not these unfaithful guides Edward only failed for ten cents on 18th verse, which the Reverend h.is who prejudice the people against the dollar, while Mr. Thompson gentleman elucidated to the evi- dependent way in which he failed f fifty!"—Hanley II. Pike, aeted.it does appear as though the the truth as it is in Jesus: these in Editors Drawer if Hnrpr’s Mag­ dent satisfaction of his hearers jH’ople of Long Creek ar.d adjacent who have the key to the kingdom, azine for Mav. Among other things, the preacher country are rather backward about who enter not in themselves, neither said: "We are apt to take a toonar­ contributing to the support of permit others to enter; these, the row and unphilosophie view of sav­ preachers. oljeet of whose otl.ee seems to be ing souls". (The text is startling Prineville Review: D. E and because of it« novelty and its con­ Marion Templeton returned last to keep the people in ignorance of tingent truths. Comparisons were week from Harney county. They the saving power of the blood of Je­ here made to pure air; to clear were well pleased with the country, sus—are not these "whited se] ■pul- st "cams of water, and to w hite sur­ and think there is a brilliant future ehers” the wickedest men world ? faces. all of which may la* impure.) in store for it. "Sin is the only cm my to purity Prineville News: fountV » Jude.- Andiii« Chaapcst and gowiness. Sin, of which the Sumner left on Tuesday of this sinner is agent, is a disease. It is week for the Hartley country, His the *ame as n physical disease, a trip is strictly a business one, and — FUBU3HED.— spiritual malady or a moral disor­ he will be absent about two we ■eks der. But the spiritual disease is An exchange says "The rush of T he S ax F hancim - o W eekly C ali . one thousand times more active immigration to south-eastern Ore­ la a hain’a.imc cigl.t page paper. issued every OP ROCKFORD. ILLINOIS. Thursday, and rontairs all af the imj«»riant j T « Mt. It i«*«. $n colaina«, than all <»f the other*. They are gon not only continues, but seems new a of the week, cleared fmm everv quarter witiu«vrrt «•«•»»>♦ nt*. I anpar- of the tlobe. romptrrv up to day of publication. «'«•»n. I nt r-»rn-«i f»r tuth *n I »tint*-, te*clnnr all propagated anil dissi-minated to be increasing The iqs-ning up It rontait a intvrts’iug special corn spoudence flirt»:. nt with th** hmn rh«ri H»w » clrwn m r»nr inmily. It ha» bol-Vi«-* t-r to settlement of vast tracts of valu­ from nil tho fbrtm pal cities of the werld and a rehaie.»« - t • • ' :!»♦ place at through the runic channel. Phys­ able land that has been fraudulent- vast amount of the beat aekicted and orijrit a! t«*H< hx thal • l.icb ia who «wnire and tra*, er neral literatart It furnishes the 1st« stand it Net .« : 1 iMrrn and the «-M ; an » furti' D-liara. ^anipie copte» free aperi a fir»« < laar family paper, arqx'alint to the tion to .f’oth r. Children inherit i a grand ru h t<> that place Internet of every m*'*whrr of th. b. » p. ft.d,» ••BEIW 1 “TUE WORST F0E"«sram THE HERALD. F amily P aper Çoldep Çepsçr LEGAL ADA SETTLERS ppllcatioBa rroctly mad. • CBABOB. . JH Brown’s The Leading Merchant of Grant ''’„iivv. ----- DEALE1C IN----- Combines the juice of the Biue Figs of California, so laxative »nd nutritious with the medicinal virtues of plains known to be most bene*’cial to the human system, forming the ON I. > 1 I K FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, IIATS, CAIS “u”ci{?.or BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE STOVES. TINWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWtri *1£S>« PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, THE I’ELEIffi SULTANA RAZORS AND “I X L” CUTLERY, \VN ’"»*“0« CIGARS; AND A THOUSAND OTHER ART1, TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS Cleansed System Effectually, —AND TO — CH2AFEST HOUSE in Eastern Oregon FGj — SO THAT — PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SY RUF OE FIGS. Manu­ factured only by the ó PROOF. LAKEVIEW CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ADVERTISEMENTS. S an F rancisco , C al . L ouisville , K v . N ew Y ork , N WSBSTEB’S UNABRIDGED. . J. , '3 iee the BUSINESS MEN abroad see that LAKEVIEW, Lake co., Or., eontalt s: 1 nown« J 1 grocer: 2 saloons; 1 brewery; 1 undertaker; 2 laundries; 2 furniture store; lgtz market; 8 lawyers: 3 physlciaus: 1 surveyor; I land agent; 1 deullel; 1 druy^ fblac'ksmitl.s: - harness shops; 1 livery stable: 1 bakery; 3 general merchaui^ »ergon wr i house: 1 milliner shop; 1 real estate agent: 1 saw-mill. Also, 2 .M; s -niu lulgl ice of ¿SS [>lar lodge; 3 Odd Fellows’lodges: 1 United Working Men's lodge. 3000 more Words and nearly 2009 moro Illus­ trations than anyothc r American Dictionary. THE HOPKINS HOUSE. Among the sunpleinentary features, original with Webster’s 1 nabridged and unequal» d fur concise and trustworthy information, aru M. I). HOPKINS, P roprietor . it, and jmitted -18 RT LAN! h Biographical Dictionary Containing nearly l'L. » names of Noteworthy Persons, with t! ■ :r nationality.station, profes­ sion or occupation, date of birth and death, (if deceased), etc., A Gazetteer cf the World Of over 2".''‘0 Titles,locating and b; ;< fly describ­ ing the Countries, cities, Town", and’Natural Features of eve 13’ part of the Globe, ami The Explanatory and Pronouncing Vocabulary c f the names of Noted Fietiticus Persons U1 _ LaKev EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS, I d notice U G G I E S, smith Hue. Horse Shoeing at WAGONS, ET C,^ MADE TO ORDER WITH NEATNESS, AND OF GOOD QUALITY. A L L W O R K W A R R A N T E D. j. 1870, I R .H’y E to prove ltivativii lphin, 8. > re w sey, person v. nee of su dial reaa of the hould ■ initv at I paxamU A first-eiass Smith works in connectionw « Laud ft rtenilj. FHíngAréumcnts, and acting CcitieBiS q^Mcder Terms. .'iMdCîr ’ For 1889, and secure a full volume of numbers Atlqbie» uVCaS . 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The mass of information ft contains covers the entire Pae ifle Northwest 5ial°re and deals with all fubjects of interest to tlu se seeKing information of this renii.rIjffM curraut Year Till' WEST SHORE will surpnrs in excellence the volume just c 1< iii M|H| be a complete exponent of the resources of. and a careful < hronicler of all Ler<» of imoprtaib e in. ihe entire region embraced within the limits of (»regen. Wpfh.-fSt, and tara. I-hiho, British Columbia, aud Alaska, together with a multitude of supurt ftJMaM of kcenery, cittes. indugiries, etc of the couni riee deer rilled. ., q , All elegant engraviiiFS, in colors or tints, will t e issued. < i.e nilh cadi rnmlr plements are I7x.:’ iii< lies in size, and represent some object of general iniercHus^V^ ture of Hi- Mt.uuitii ent >< vi.ery of ihe \V< s’. anest and biggest Keep» constantly on band a large atock of N E W S P A P E R Moldings On the North American Continent. 12 large pages and 84 long columns. £<* POPULAR NOVEL JSJ Published in and given with each issue of the weekly edition. SvBSCRIBE AT ONCE. f And all kinder»! anr'arelumber thoroughly .rr. -«I f.:r building F« REDUCEI» PRICE. One v< rr (.»2numbers.) $1 00 Six months. ,26 numbers.) 50 Three months. (13 numbers.) 25 THE WORLD. N ew Y ork . ------- Q------- N Mew Machine B. A Good road all the way.