n* I 8 1 i I t » BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. as a "Story of the Klamath;" the LtTF.ItllAY NOTES. any one time, and such settler so poems also, good; and the "North ­ THE HERALD I EG A I. ADA WaxHlxnTull, I>. I granted leave of absence shall for- TaxI.«Mri.iuiiT»iiI’«' MuriaS. I’uuii'»«1'. April ». 181». 1 John 1’.. Allien. |.ubli»her. II. iik I«»»'' western News and Information, is cloth hiiuling ano gold let'.erine. Oiu> Everything is dead in Washing- fr it no rights by reason of said ab- of peculiar interest in Harney val-1 Till RSPAY. APRIL *25. I*». * tn reply to »11 4.5c and lie for po-tage. — | ton, for, as Max O’Rell said, when genee. Provided, That the time BO thia oflice to h» ■' There is no prettier novel among lev, as the editor loses no opportu-, I changed In their ' congress is in session Washington of such actual absence »hall not be standard work's than The Lamp­ nity to liberally advertise our coun­ Editor. 1». !.. guace ___ . .. ■ „ , _ „ - __ . anyon City to H“r —-: is delirious, but as soon ns it ad- deducted from the actual residence lighter—pure in sentiment, excel­ ty—we are continually receiving JL* Jfcdt .«¿IL. J. Gr J]V»iay that elalaMitt» > required by law. journs everything dies. The death T iie H i : h \ i . i > acknowledges re­ lent in moral: suitable for the home letters of inquiry growing out of the -------- GO TO--------- ^'„.Hah^tnNWi". ceipt of the Governor’» proclama­ this year was prolonged by the host S ec . 4. That the price of al] sec­ circle, and Alden’s edition is an or­ article L. Samuel, its public-spir­ < appear ba^B a tion declaring April ¡10 a legal holi­ of office-seekers, who came early, tions and parts of sections of the nament to the library: a copy is in ited editor so kindly gave the Har­ JXT. day. for the purpose of celebrating are still here and are hanging on public lands within the portions of our Reading Room, ('all and see ney country, in his December num­ kL PROOF. u *‘BOorW- tiie liHlth anniversary of Washing­ with a bull-dog like tenacity that the several grants of land to aid in it, or send for a copy for yourself. tier. Such courtesy deserves a re­ The Leading Merchant of Grant c .fl surprises everyone except them- t|K, construction of railroads which llmruBs B«z«a. lllu-trnte.l. In lli;r)«‘r turn, worthy home readers. IN’----- ----- DEAIiElt IN' ----- ton’s inauguration. Lakeview, A Brother’s Fraiudin Square. New A orK. selves. I he Lord has been good jiave been heretofore and which DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS. ’ UAH ¡3 med Battler K Price 10c a copy: $1 « year, or with the B elf hi > M agazine , Belford Clark kaa by - ti> , East Oregon Herald $«>.20a year. (’o.. \rw York* W a nilHiber, 2..5O a A pril 10th tlic oflice, a threc- and tempered the wind to these ,nay iicrcafter be forfeited, which BOOTS, SHOES, G R()( ’ ER IES, H AltDWARp " ,llke Bn “ 1 1 year, or with this raocr only WL7 ‘ a This is by all odds the one thing story building ot the East Orego- ileeced laiubs and gi\en them the bv the act making such grants, year. A Complex in each num­ »eceivi SToVES, TINWARE. 1 I!'11 Ivl-.R’i »uteraiLiju^ ber by it popu-ar wii.c r. nian, Pendleton, Or., burned, but most beautiful spring weather, sea- bavc since been increased to the needful in this section of the conn- PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, THE CELF1}; The complete novel f.i- this month that spirited, never-say-die paper soned by an occasional shower to jouble minimum price, and, also, try, and should head every lady’s SULTANA RAZORS AND “I X L” CUTLERY, WiyLmei^'L'h . .line out in good shape, and its make them grow, .of all lands within the limits of any list. The Easter No. came last is by Coave-s Atwood "An Eccen­ CIGARS; AND A THOUSAND OTHER AllTR ' patrons will like it better than ever. The base ball season has just gucb railroad grant, but not em- week, and is supurb, indeed. 1 lie tric Revenge,” a story that holds TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. J; Loss, $7000. opened and very soon the hard braced in such grant lying adjacent articles on “Cradle and Nursery. the readers’ attention from the first ffSSi <£ ...... working man will go down and blow to and coterminu» with the portions Neiv York Fashions, “Seasonable to the lest page. ’ \ Princess of CHEAPEST HOUSE in Eastern Oregon w ’ Of the Interior T he Times-Mountaineer is issu- ¡n |iard earned cash, and the <.f the lines of any such railroad Gifts,” contain what we should all Sheba,” a story; “Condemned,” a should not be ul luity at the abo\ Ing a very neat, good morning howl of the young American will be which shall not be completed at desire to know; the stories "Easter pi.'in; "Mutual Admiration Socie­ o cr< bb examine nt, and to Lift i daily. As it comes from the old- heard on every vacant lot. This date of this act, is hereby fixed at Violet»,” “WhiteTulip»,” "A Crook­ ty,” an -’gate 160 acres “Easter Flowers,” must be seen to ocratic and repu' iican. there would blut ksnii 1:»; -luii ectb sh«j F; 1 .iver\ B’ub!c. 1 bakery; gebe.al inerchaiais K. & W’£ of without proof of residence upon and lie enjoyed. Cjome to our Reading .ua ..-mill. Also, - Maa ’i.ic a Pullman between Philadelphia anti giJcrable attention at present. be a degree of intelligent voting plar lodge; Odd Felhjus real ’lo \.is; 1 Culte»! Working .Men's lodge. dcultivationol cultivation of the original entry, New York. Flags were at half- The action of the meeting held at Room, or send 20c for a copy. do.’.e in ”J2, that would cause the ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 'Mr’n-i mast and great excitement pre­ Willard’s last week in the interest i when the additional entry is made, Trx.«« SirTixo. illustrated, by Texa« Sif - average p diti '.'.l m m.igers to fear A Oregon, i croon who ings I'ubli-bing , 1 i 'aisiin Square. New M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . nity at the York. 20c :t iiumbtr,$l a year 0.1 with > cr< fi s- he. ns the People’s President, is be opened in 1802, shows that benefit of any person who, at the rich, rare, and racy number: “The t, and to the Herald, $.5 a year. mitted by cl valued. while the labors of the board of date of m iking applicati on for ex- April Fool.” “Bill Snort in the For April it is useless to enum­ try hereunder, does not own and oc ­ EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS.* ’ ' F White House,” “Mr. Rusk Pro­ erate the titl« s t.f the contents, as promotion have not, in all respects, “I t takes but a short experience,” received the attention at the hands cupy the lands covered by his orig­ nounces Marriage a failure.” "The it would alone fiil a column of T ie j says tin' Prineville News editor, "in of congress that was anticipated, a inal entry. And provided, That General is in a Hurrv,” and thirty H erai . ii . so we will say it is a lit­ This Hotel ¡ r new (House, Rooms, and Furniture) and offers courteous servicePROOF. local newspaper work to ascer­ determination so much the greater if the original shall fail for any rea­ other equally' as good, makes this a _______ *’ UXlTX tain who compose the generous por­ has been aroused to crown the laud­ son prior to patent or should ap­ desireable acquisition to the fami­ I erary treat to the man or woman HE REB pear to be illegel or fraudulent, the ' ly’s selection of good reading mat­ who aspires to keep up with the tion of communities. The men able undertakings with success. settler H mb choicest mental food of the day IN CONNECTION WITH THE Hoi SE. ake tlnal pro who take the greatest number of The failure of congress to provide additional entry shall not be per­ ter. said pr«»>f * and Receivl newspapers and read them, are the for the centennial of th;; constitu­ mitted, or, if having already been . H arper .« W keki .Y. illustrated, by Harper The Gibl r -Channing portrait of our ------------------- lie . »■W|. 'lx: Washington in engraving, A Brother's, New York, with this pa great Frsuk most prosperous and intelligent, tion. as originally projected, is thus initiated, shall be canceled. per $5.20 a year. z> “'. (or the opens the centennial of Washing­ and are sure to give the publisher supplemented, ami in a way that S ec . G. That every person en­ There is scarcely a ranch that has 0!! hearty encouragement. Whenever will effect the same object quite as titled, under the provisions of the not at some time had a copy of this ton’s Inauguration; stories, short, Genera! Blacksmith & Wa^onNSS f . .'.Fitm<>re. and continued; poems; historical Derniitr, Nev a man is found who is a tyrant to satisfactorily and more, perhaps’ to homestead laws, to enter a home­ princely weekly, and yet not over a his family, or an oppressor of hired the interest» of all parties con­ stead, who has heretofore complied dozen copies comes into this county. sketches; scientific essays; Editor’s H. R. SCHLAGEL ------ L akevib nt reason, ui Easy Chair, Study, Drawer, and help, a fleecer of renters, or a snarl­ cerned. fthe Inter!« with or who shall hereafter comply The April 13 No. is one of the best. Record of Current Events, only • mid n.it be ing fault finder, newspaper men „ .. dty at the cl Last week’s meeting is destined with the conditions of said laws. Illustrations are “The Frontier Horse . hoeinga ■ crGt s-exami. Prepared to do all Kinde of Work in the Blacksmith line. can stand aside, for such men al­ to mark an epoch in this matter, and who shall have made his final Trooper’s Thanatopsis,” “Oklohoma give an idea of what is served the . and lu of! ----------o------- — nitted by ell ways idiiim to be taking a large It means an earnest and vigorous proof thereunder for a quantity of Sketches,” “Commerce on the Great reader for pleasurable and profita­ number qf papers and have no time campaign all along the lines for the land less than 160 acres and re­ Lakes,’, “Going to a Fire in St. Pe- ble reading. If this is saying too -BUGGIES, WAGONS, ETC.,-« little for so good a book, let the to read any more.” MADE TO ORDER WITH NE I TN ESA, AND OF GOOD QUALITY. » consummation of the grandest en­ ceive the receiver’s final receipt tersburg,” (double-page), etc , and reader send 20c for the April No. A I. L W O R K W A R R A N TED. terprise in the history of this or thereto, shall be entitled under the articles on the topics of the and enjoy it as we have. _________________________ PROOF. EX< H ANGE «'1.11‘I'INGS Give i T lai, as Seeing in B<- irving. A firs’ H ubb Smith works in connection any other country; and before the sail! laws to enter as a personal day. are such ns may be expected Lakeview Examiner: The secre­ meeting of tiie next congress it is right and not assignable, by legal from the pens of talented writer». D etroit F ree P ress , illustrate«l, l>v the Detroit Free Press ('<>., Detroit, Mi< h. tary of the interior has appointed hoped to bring such a pressure of subdivisions of the public lands of Howell’s "Hazard of Few Fortunes,’ 5c a copy. $1 a year, or with this paper $3 a year. T. L. Roe of this state as inspector pul l:c sentiment to bear upon that the United States subject to home- continues in interest. No man’s '.‘lala'mS! For April 11 The Press is full of •lork of Gru of Swinnp lands in Oregon, in place body as will insure the necessary stead entry, so much additional list of periodicals is complete with­ luv ul. lws. M. Quad’s and Luke Sharp's l est UMUaa of Colonel Elliott who has resigned. legislation without further delay. 1’’ i land as added to the quantity pre« Now I f the time to sulBcribe for the out The Weekly. AM, (or lb efforts, and this ol servation prom­ The “celebrated” DeMoss outfit qr. See 1», 1 viously so entered by him shall not IiFMoursT M agazine , i’hisfrntcfl. by W. ises as much for one week as is wlug wihiei are on the road again with their LATE LAND NEWS, e nP|”1 nn<*1 Jenning’F Deniorest, 15 E 14th st.. New exceed 160 acres. Provided, That YorK. 20c a copy. $2 n year, or with healthy for the digestive apparatus Jenkins’, n tired songs and bad smelling feet. So many inquiries are made in no ease shall pitent issue for the this paper, $3.75 a year. of any mental being—too much < >ur people may soon hate the pleas­ about the land laws enacted by the i land covered by such additional For M89, and secure a full volume of numbers. It is the rs«>n who d For May opens with a beautiful ure!?) of listening to “Oregon, recent congress that we give it en­ entry until the person making such water-color, “View of the Hudson . spice, pepper, mustard, etc., is not CHEAPEST ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE IN THE I conducive to perfect enjoyment, so Sweet Oregon” again. uld not he tire, viz: i additional entry shall haveaetually River from West Point,” that is fol­ t after these witty writers corm s Mrs. ity nt the« Roseburg Review: The DeMoss i and in conformity with th" home­ lowed by the engravings "In a Ka- 1 Bowser’s domestic woes, then a An act to withdraw certain pub- Twelve Art Supplements, , and to oft family were unable to secure th«1 stead laws resided upon and culti- go,” “On a Pack Horse,” “An Afri­ ^4^- The mnFB of tiforma'ion ft contaira covcre the entire Pat ifit ?'orthwtf j HEXF ■ity ballon last Monday night, and lie lands from private entry, and | vated the land so additionally en­ can Village Attacked by Slave- thrilling story of the sea and a and doa b with ail mihjeo 6 of ir.iercBt t. th. •<• ivck I- inf. nr at lor. ci ih'i'v.l desert island, and a fund of anec­ turraut therefore did not show here at that other purposes. year THE WEST SHORE will surprfiB in ei'eute 'he volume Jwt(« tered and otherwise fully complied Hunters.” and 113 other illustra­ dote, tales, and good < ditorials. Be it enacted, etc. S ec 1. That • l e a romp’efc exponent • f the rcfi.-ur'i B of. and n careful < hrot.it 'er of n]]ri^| time. They paid their advertising with suqh laws. Provided also, tions. Stories by well-known wri­ inn pr am e in. he ent’re i e^i. n er? I rtu cd u i bin th< lijni’Bvt Oreg«u.»n PROOF, bill as though nothing had hap- from and after the passage of this that this section shall not be con­ ters: “The Alpine Fay,” (contin­ L iterature , a weekly magazine. itiu<- «•f tat ft. Idaho, 1 ri ish < «.hirnbiu. nnd Alaska. t< gr’her with a multi:Ute of <>f »;• enerv, < i‘ies. iU'iuetrit fi. t-:< • ’h< <■• uniri* f ■ < f < ril ed tia ed. by John B. Alt ’ . en. 3B3 Pear: -*... net no public lands of the United )wnel ,e< i oi gem ia h .’ c ~ — 1 with T he H erald $2.7.5 a year Silver Stale: It is learned her«' States, except those in the state of th«' location of soldier’s certificates fine), “Day Dreams,” “Modes of r lie Miuu fccni xeuvr' of the W ('h»*" nut 1 'oust. of public land subject to such entry, forbid the taking of testimony for st. Philadeiphin. Pa. 20<- a number. $2 Grant County News: John De­ a year, or with T he II; kali », $3/ such previous filing or entry to the final proof within ten days follow­ er.« ex year. vine is said to have sold out hi» . and to contrary notwithstanding; but this ing th«' day advertised as upon nitted bj The May No i f.esh a >1 r o---------- vast possessions in Harney county right shall not apply to perfect which final proof shall be made in 1 Hi to th<‘ Armour-Hwift packing estab­ title to lands under the pre-emp­ eases where accident or unavoid­ as a spring morning. Its steel ai.d o’ 4r: ctor wood engrawings a ■ capital and lishment of Chicago. If the pi'o- tion or homestead laws already in­ able delays have prevented th«’ ap­ '. ft i . < e n- ’ r f We *1 Prbr i V. T \rri « f u Prine, - e .-uur Firn«. £7.50. llounilTrip.Iti- »O poor story within its covers; most John Devine they will think differ­ have been initiated prior to the S ec . 8. That nothing in that act ently when this syndicate controls passage of this act may change shall be construed ns suspending, are above the average, and several repealing, or in any way rendering are bright gems Ladies wishing to bis lands and stock range. such entries to homestead entries Prineville New«: Mr. Palmer has nnd proceed to perfect their titles inoperative th«' provisions of the act keep thoroughly p >-t ’d i: matters entitled “an act to provide for the rifcived the appointment of post­ to their respective claims under disposal of abandoned nnd useless of dress, fancy-work, and house­ hold affairs, can find few guides so master of th.' Prineville otlleo. the homestead law. notwithstand­ military r. servutions,” approved comp tent ami reliable as this ad­ Portland Times: Kansas farms ing they may have heretofore had July f». 1384. Approved March 4. 1889. miral le monthly. This issue con­ are mortgaged for i2N<"),000,000, at the benefit of such law, but such SAYER A DORE tains an article on Home Millinery, «'ight per cent, exclusive of the ex­ Baker City Reveille: John Bu- settlers who perfect title to cbnms so clearly written that by its aid a tra cost of ol tuining the loans. It under the bom. st< ad law shall riot gler. of Burns, is in the city. Kerp, constantly on han<; a large atoek of takes ♦23,000,000 a year to pay the Judge Ison’s arrival in San Fran­ new beginner may make a bonnet thereafter be entitled to enter other Absolutely Pure. to suit each costume, as stylish as cisco last Monday is. reported. interest on these mortgage». This lands under the pre-emption or if sent off for, and have the entire Tli ia powder never varie*. A ma\elof nnrftv. is ♦•'>..i with ,*, the • 'nrt wtithr U . 1 dit tt .1 .inn i.... orph< .. . k apliato __ pow. ... ’ 1 e; b . S.bi . Î S ec 3. That whenever it shall be who, if she d.i. s not already possess could purchase a single one from a abort that State,, it would take the work Wan Nt »" y * H ' B111X0 V o ., 1« of 230,000 men at one dollar a day, made to appear to the register and a sewing machine, expects some milliner. one hundred days, to pay this trib- receiver of any public land otlice, day to become the owner of one. T he W fst S hobk , ilhi.*«.rated, by L. 171-,Sc-ond Bt.. cor. Yam­ But after the mind has been fully llt«' t«> usury, cadi year. To this under such regulations as the sec­ hill |\Tihind. Oregon. 2.5c a number, mailt* up to purchase one of these Painting. a year, or with our pajer. $1 a sum of ♦2S5,OtlO,OOt) of individual retary of the interior may presents', vewr. )2 handsome piciures Miitubk- indispensable articles, the question iur framing i ob W' with It. indebtedness of the farmer« of Kan- that any settler upon the public do­ arises as to what kind of a machine No On g>>nian should think for a Io W hom it M ay C oncern -; >«» alone, add about $11.’»,000.000 main under the existing law is un­ to buy. for th«' indebtedness of those who able by reasons of a total or partial It should be so simply construct­ moment of doing without this ex­ I In rebv respectfully tender mv •nd th. 11 «re not farmers, «nd then add the destruction of failure of crops, sick­ ed that the most inexperienced can cellent home monthly. The March S' rvie.-s as a Practical Painter to th«' citizens of Harney Valley. successfully operate it The other ness or other unavoidable casualty, No. gave a lovelf colored picture of t..wn. county an«l Stat«' debts, and points mainly to be c onsidered, and llous ' Painting a s|w‘cialtv. Sat­ the pro rata share of the National to secure u support for himself, which aiv the most desirable, are the bird* of Omon. The April isfaction guarantees). debt, nn.i it requirrs almost super- herself, or these dependent upon durability, rapidity, eapm ity for No. contains • njraving« of Olym­ W m . H CULP human bravery to bear up under him or her upon the lands settled work, ease «>f oj»eration, regularity pia. • npit.il .fthe new State of R u - f » Or And all kindrof surface lumber thcr.ughh aeaBWT.cd for bv.iMlni such a load Th«' p»»>pleof the Unit­ upon, then such register and re- of motion, uniformity of tension, Washington, util th«' special art KF.nVCEL» I’RIi FL and silenc«' while in operation. ed Statts, ns individuals, corpora- reiver tuny grant to such settler a supplement is th' great snow peak The "Light Running Now Home” <>- —— Attorney-at-Law. lions and government, owe more in leave of absence from the claim up fills the above requirements, xml is near the int< rniaional line. Mount M DUSTIN. pn»portion to populatioii than do on w hich he or she lias fill'd, for a said to combine th«' g«x»l points of Baker. T-hc stcries we find are all an« «tier i« oph In th< world -b«l imt > xcc.-ding on«' year at and I il»>r saving device«. ?■>•■•! and i mv if th« l«x?fll. « 9 Ji4' C > 9 L' i A. F"in.e__________ 1889! WEST SHORE MAGAZINE I J IVIoldings. .silo, Sliingl6? Mew Machine