O regon H erald IE ast -No. 21 RALD BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, HARNEY VALLEY. APRIL 18, 1889. $2.BO a Year. I cral gardeners here, who will an­ east and runs very nearly stMight BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. F. W. R itterbvsch : near Saddle swer in detail all inquiries on that to the water, a distance of j mile Buttes; July 20; Barley 41 inches THE TOWN OF BURNS subject; the white, or Irish potato is i from its mouth. It will a.wage 50 high; a small piece put in to test KD BVERY THURSDAY GRANT CO. OREGON. grown with little cultivation, and is i feet wide and 20 feet high and is agricultural value of bottom of the Some of its Natural Advantages- Wa­ superior to that grown in Ohio, 111- very uniform in its structure, the slough on swamped lands. AS IT IS VOICED BY THE HERALD. ter, Soil. Climate, and Produc- : ions—Thousands of I inois, Missouri, Tennessee, or Kan­ walls running up about 6 feet on | S imon L ewis , Silver creek, July BRACE. Arres Open lor sas, we personally know as regards i either side, and then commenue to 30, wheat 40 inches, with full heads BUSINESS MEN ABROAD BY LOOKING OVER ITS COLUMNS WILL SEE THAT LI8HER and P roprietor . Settlement. Burns contains size, “mealiness,” and flavor. arch over, and certainly form the of fine large grains. 1 newspaper; 1 hotel: 1 brewery; 1 undertaker; 1 meat market. 2 lawyer«: 3 physicians SMALL FRUITS, finest arch in the whole family of Bariev 58 inches high. cane ÜB8CHIPTI0N RATES: CHEAP HOMES. 1 surveyor; 1 land agent; 1 drugstore; 1 Jeweler; 1 blacksmith; 1 livery stable: 2 general mer such as stTawberries, currants, caves that were ever discovered. M rs . S imon L ewis , July 30, 13 chandise stores; 1 hardware store; 1 saw-mill; 1 carpenter; 1 saddle <& harness shop; 1 gro­ •r FOO I h» I o blackberries, gooseberries, grapes, It is grand almost beyond de ­ arge yellows beets, the largest one cery store. Also, lOdd Fellows lodge; 1 reading room; 1 school; 1 church. tomb« Thousand* of Families can Secure Val­ COpr I «r (lu «dv.no«) . 2.50 etc., will, from what evidence we scription, and rivals the great Mam­ being 9 inches in length and 14 a copy of T he H erald to Advertise your town, in the East. uable Home* in this Great Val­ ley ata .Mere Nominal Cost. have been able to gather the past moth eave in its smoothness of 1 inches in circumference; the flavor Real Estate will In­ LAWS. crease Ten "fold year, be a success, as the native character and uniformity. The excellent. red to give notice by j in 5 Years. r does not answer the THE SECOND YEAR OF plants are hardy and good bearers. first 250 yards the bottom is as M rs . T. J. S hields , Silver creek, ues not take hi* papev FRUIT TREES smooth as a floor, then are found July 30, cucumbers of good Bize, a*uu for its not being A Railroad, County-Seat, and Land- > so makes the post- and ornamental shrubs were plant­ piles of rubbish or debris that have ' crisp and tender. Office. Ipublisher for payment | ed freely by farmers in the spring; accumulated by falling from the ■ averaging 5 inches in length, full rs his paper discon- rearuges, or the Pub- d it until payment is Visit the Ilerald Office to See Sample* the settings last fall survived the ceiling above, 100 yards dr so apart, of large grains; 6 acrees in; he is le amount whether it 1 severest winter (1888), that Har­ the last one being soniethnig over raising it for seed. colle« of Product*. not There can be •tn A. H ills , of Poison Creek, Aug. 11 payment is made. . ¡The two large editions of T he H erald con­ ney valley, in fact, that East Ore- i 100 yards from water. Began on Thursday, November 29, 1888. Hies a paper from il»v taining thCiHarnev Valley advertisement being gqu has ever known. As an There is r.o difficulty .^reaching 11th, Chili Club wheat, 48 inches M t<» his name or au-. exhausted» th meet the demand we republish iu AGRICULTURAL . the water, it runs back on either long, with large full heads; 14 acres subscribed or not. is j our regular edition, and hope each reader will mark the article and mail his copy to a region it w’ill be readily seen that side in a trough from the main pool in; not irrigated. for th« pay. er stopped friend in the East.] Sut»«eriberora«i» ’ ‘ the Valley offers inducements rare­ the distance of 100 feet, settling Red clover, 42 inches high; very '**1 Intime, «nd tile Hiilui.li.-r continues Harney Valiev in Grant county, ly excelled. The farmers who have down on either side, leaving the ! fine. _____ pay fur it if :te «ubacrllmr M bon nd to . pa This proceeds Oregon, embraces an area of 2,400 - Mid tout of ilwaar. toffice. AND TO RENEW EXPIRING SUBSCRIPTIONS. I must pay fur what he ■owed grain this year will be able floor crowning. square miles, or 1,536,000 square The water is remarkably clear; tided that refusing to acres of land, bounded on every side to dispose of it at home, as a good BURNS ADVE11TISEMENTS. icals from the pvst- ' MILL one can see the sand in the bottom ucalled fur, without by mountain ranges, and lofty ele­ has been erected at considerable at the depth of 4 feet, and it ap­ the same, is primti l’m irt if vations, and is an almost entirely J. NAT. HUDSON j expense in the Valley, near Burns, pears to have no outlet, as it is per­ W. A. WILSHIRE, sin»»®"* ' J ______ Lakeview, Or. Harney, Or. i level plain, plentifully watered by by N. Brown. A new merchant and fectly still and quiet; it is good JIE11ALD CLUB LIST; the grist mill is a guarantee that the drinking water. WILSHIRE à HUDSON. d The Century, one year |5.7o SILVIES AND BLITZEN RIVERS I industrious farmer will be able to This wonderful curiosity has to d St. Nicholas, “ 4.75 d Demurest Magazine, one year 3.75 and their tributaries. The former dispose of surplus grain. And as a be seen to be fully appreciated. It ». d Peterson Magazine “ 3.75 Will be the representative, at all times, of the Interests of the People. STOCK-RAISING Godoy’s Lady’s Book “ 8.75 has its source in the spurs of the Attorneys-at-Law 1 is truly of basalt formation and is West Shore “ 4.0U At all times advocating measures that look to the "greatest good to LAKEVIEW AND HARNEY, OR. Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper 5.75 Blue mountains, south of the John country it cannot be surpassed, ■ quartenary, the walls are honey­ Leslie’* Popular Monthly 4.75 Day river, Hows a general southerly since its water, grass, and salubri­ combed in many places; the wall on Leslie’* Sunday Magazine 3.75 This firm practices in the courts of the State, i the greatest number,” in accordance with the principles of Democracy Belford’s Magazine .3.75 course, passing down the cen er of ous climate takes horses, cattle, the south side sets on a horizontal and before the U. S. Land Office. Any land i -I Weexiy Call 3 (M) Harney valley, and empties into sheep and hogs throughout the year Office or other business entrusted to them will basement of eruptive rocks. ti Daily Call 6 00 receive prompt attention. AS A LOCAL NEWSPAPER, «1 Weekly Examiner 3.00 Lakes Harney and Malheur. It is (from January 1 to December 31), This magnificent cave has evi ­ INLAND CASES SOLICITED. Daily Examiner 6.00 Weekly New York World 3 00 a rapidly flowing stream, about 80 without grain or any other than dently been used in time by tlie In­ . t -> x T tz " v T he H erald acknowledges no superior in Eastern Oregon.. It points Detroit FrflB Press 3.00 Harper’s Magazine . 5.00 miles long, and contains every kind wild grass feeding, and when the dians as a fortification; the en­ ATTORNEY, with pride to its well-filled columns the past year, and to its evident of fish, including the salmon trout, Harper’s 5._" winter is milder than common, stock trance has been walled up with d Harper’s B.t and other varieties of game fish. looks better in early spring than in stone, and there are, also, two walls GEO. S. SIZEMORE--B urns , O r . progressive influence upon the prosperity of the great Harney valley. d Harper’s Young People 3.75 Criminal law a ■neci.ity. As in the past so in the future it will strive to make prominent note The Dunder-and-"Blitzen river, or Eastern localities where they are or breastworks on the inside, run­ Aldteni Mftnifuld Cyclopedia, 2.90 of every enterprise calculated to benefit the people; to record every JiaJ volume after Vol. 1. 55 cents; “Blitzen,” as it is shortened by com­ grain-fed during the winter; and the ning from each corner of the en­ xtra ner volume, postage. i advance made in showing up the resources of the Valley; to advocate mon usage, is about 50 miles in texture and flavor of the meats trance diagonally near the center les of all theabove works < un be ex length, flows in a northerly direc­ compare favorably with the best in some 50 feet long; this Was for a Office at his residence on the east side of 811- Law and Order under all circumstances; to frown upon all attempt» ensure iu the Reading Room. to foment discord among the people in the interest oi any individual, tion and also empties into the lakes. the market. There is no room for second defense in case they were vies River, ten miles below Burns. 'clique or faction; to give the news of the day impartially and as These rivers and their numerous j I large stock-raisers, as the territory driven back from the mouth. fully as industrious effort and the aid of friends may enable us to 1889 Publishers of periodica’« are solicited tributaries have their water sheds' ' is fully taken up by three or four Around and above the mouth of lb bi ng rates, a copy of their work for S. B. McPheeters, M. D. obtain it; ro give all the Local and Personal gossip of our section, ending Room—W e file, and bind the within the county, and the lakes• firms that hold all available ranges, the cave there are considerable fine suitable for publication, with all else of interest in this department; RUGON o®« of every half volume, and pay for having no outlet, serve to furnish but the stock such as is commonly chippings where the aborigineshave PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. advertisement. 1-ly subterranean irrigation to the whole raised by farmert, will do well. The sharpened their stone implements Office at W. E. Grace’s Drug Store. >■ ADVERTISING RATES: IT WILL BE AN EPITOMIZED HISTORY OF THE VALLEY. valley. INCREASE IN POPULATION which were made out of obsidian, 2 wk Imi. 3 ino 6 ino 1 yr. ; nthly LAKES HARNEY AND MALIIEl’R during the past two years has been or volcanic glass. Practical Surveyor >11 00 >15.00 ------- 1.50 12.50 15.00 I think that the water is in the L PtHLtS.00 4.00 6.50 12.00 13 00 23 00 cover an area of more than 150 j rapid, and is of that most desirable T. a . M c K innon , 15.00 24 00 40 00 aqua e miles, and are connected by class in an agricultural region, viz: end of the cave, but can not tell ------- iso 5.00 10 8.00 Who know that in the rapid growth and wide proclamation of the 00 20 00 ;»2 oo 50 00 ORESTsf» 6 00 15.00 2M 00 4S 00 .'»4 00 a channel about 20 yards wide and the small farmer whose industry without further exploring. of Harney Valley lies their own best road to prosperity c. TbbiM.’frW 9.00 28.00 notic- __ _________ ____ ____ 16.00 IS. 00 30.00 120 00 produces the best of grain, stock, I was informed by two parties wishing to be located, can have plats furuishe * I7'«!c thclrH p"! lS 80 00 40.00 60.00 no oo 140.00 200 yards long. They receive the free of ehargo. waters of both Silvies and Blitzen and living. The houses and barns that fish have been caught in the :iut greattHci" Should Subscribe for the Herald Themselves, > that ndl ra reduction to ail yearly adver­ rivers, but have no outlet and never are generally frame; corrals and cave that were of blue color and i'«!f. hfi se Office, or write to Publisher. 1.1 one,cd charged ■ ra, according to space; overflow. Being situated on a level other enclosures, are rail and wire ‘ eyeless. AND SEND EXTRA COPIES TO EASTERN FRIENDS. Saddle and Harness Shop.: r i he whwii Jetted. i plaiu, and having low shores, these fencing; abundant water supplies Lei lific.andM _________ all our advertisements lakes have not such picturesque from wells of living water, which is ' ■ products exhibited this season . J. 0. 'WELCOME - P roprietor . original S l .vfiBrSHMr publication*, $1 each. As no fair is held in this valley BURNS. OREGON. anii ' scenery as Crater Lake, to recom­ reached at a uniform depth of six Ivertislng in local columns, 10c a line. ’ for the public exhibition of the mend them to tourists, but their i to fifteen feet. fl 1 ’ ATTUX growth and excellence of its pro­ iftheN»?- >Triage, birth, and death annouuce- value to farmers is inestimable. MAIL AND RAILROAD FACILITIES. overbuc’i items solicited ub new*. W-A-T-C-H-M-A-K-E-R ductions, T he H erald opened a col­ Harney valley has a tri-weekly j Right here, however, permit us to Has successfully maintained itself through an ordeal of local opposi­ ..... beral n :e« oROred to religlou«, -AND- ,n „ . rtte«21 lloual bodies umn to all producers, farmers and mail-service from the four points of [ tion, vindictive and unscrupulous to a degree seldom equalled in mention a natural attraction pos­ i cuits. r stockmen, in whieh to give a writ-! Jeweler. country journalism; has advocated unflinchingly the rights of ALL sessed by lands adjacent to these the compass, there being a general Nr.W>E TO FOREIGN ADVERTISERS, ten description of all that was, CHAS. SAMPSON----- B urns , O r . the people of East Oregon generally and Harney Valley especially soliciting your patrouage lakes that will draw hundreds of distributing office at Burns. Ship­ worthy of mention. Monstrosities re to keep our readers p< sted ds to the against the machinations of all organzed petty cliques that sought i aud reliable firms to deal with, cor excursionists from the East in the ping is done at present at Baker! —c.e Will be aavt-d by referring to the near future: Standing in the door­ City, Huntington, and Ontario. All should be classed as such, and not by fraudulent misrepresentation to advance the private interests of a OREGON WOOL EXCHANGE. statements bas< 1 upou our circula- as samples. This elicited the fol-1 few at the expense of the many. Believing that "The sober second _ |^s and adjoining count its: ways of farm houses about sunrise, the family supplies, necessaries, and PORTLAND - -- -- -- - OREGON lowing response: thought of the people is always right and always effective,” and that distant objects, towns, farms, moun­ luxuries, common to Eastern towns, i »oral medicinal ads. at no price. M rs . I one W hiting .—Near Burns “Truth is mighty and will prevail,” T he H erald has steadfastly fol­ tit* at lesH than 10 cent* per tain peaks, and bauds of cattle and are abundantly furnished by the yearly, or 20 cent*, transient, horses grazing on the ranges, are general merchandise stores at rea­ June 20: Barley, six acres, sown on WOOL G R A DE R S , lowed the right , and the people have given it a moral and material ground under cultivation the past support that renders its permanency beyond question. As it has extra charge per in pictured on the atmosphere and sonable rates. WOOL PACKERS, 13 years; stalks (exclusive of roots) HBKnfltlun a standing reader i rise up from the ground like magic; BURNS AND HARNEY worked ir.defatigably and unselfishly in the interest of the jieople, it ution to ud. er, and so truly drawn that a member of a ney valley, where, as will be seen in April. T.-rC J0BWl ORK family living several miles away by our advertising columns, about g*F“ CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED— Barley planted late, in April, on lecuted with neatness from home, can distinguish the per­ all lines of business are near equal --- ADVANCES MADE ON WOOL. Is Now a fixed Institution of the Valley. >lc rates new ground, 12 inches high. sons of the family as they walk to the present demand—teachers, r > il., Po«t«r«, Posters, Pamphlet* agents : M rs . A lmeiia S tenger . — Burns, Bill Hew:» HesKs. Letter Heads, y h . uni about the yard: as brother from fa­ lawyers, doctors, printers, druggists, Ilss Act«, Nute Note HfSt He«. H » Cari.e, TicKctB, Geo. McGowan - - - Burns merchants, carpenters, surveyors, June 22: Barley, sowed last year, ther, or mother from sister. »nd a M'i ' af , Invitations. Invitation» Dodgers, Etc. V. J. Milller, - - - Harney. on cultivated ground; 36 inches stoiies. . blacksmiths, butchers, saddlers, THE SOIL AND CLIMATE high; stalk bulky, grain well filled. Boston Agency with DENNY, RICE de CO. Ftcfl rnd *BALD is kept reguiarix on file for re- 132 Federal st. Established 1885. n Ulen. i the Geo. PI Rowell Newspuper A<1 of Harney valley are an exact coun­ i grocers, builders, jewelers, etc. Alfalfa, cut above the ground; r r bureau, 10Bpru< e Kt., New York. Each of these two towns is the terpart of that of Umatilla county- fine, strong, in blossom, 27 inches < OLC1U , Oregon, the best wheat-growing center of the section of the valley high. BLACKSMITH. G/.rnn K ficial jhke < T ory . county in the state. Very little has contiguous, and each has its local; A. J. B rown .—Near Harney, June ■ k ir.’.-W- ____ - Burns, Or Has, from the initial number to the present, persistently and impres­ been done towards wheat-raising value, that will serve in the future 23: Alfalfa, in blossom, average' E. D. GRAY ’ I 1 »ATI l : to render ah ealthy degree of com­ sively maintained that the Harney country was one of the finest JP CL®, ... EenjamiD Darr sod here, as yet. but those have been petition between them. stand 38 inches high. agricultural regions in the Union, needing only the presence of iixlui- ....... Le»! P. Morton successful that it. Win at D r . T. V. B. E mbree . — Near I a ar.-t-st» Elaine —GENERAL REPAIRING— The expectations of the ambi­ trious farmers to develop its wonderful resources. To prove the truth finds a ready hmin marke t at 5 Wi :iani Wi: duln ■v. ’ «• ■ ..'ohi. M. Noble cents a pound—O: per bushel Oats tious advocates of the natural ad­ Harney; June 23: Lettuce, Oak of the strong language in its columns, the proprietor gave up a part AHI» Ret.fie d Proctor Leaf variety; rdbt 4 inches around; of his office roo’n to the exhibition of the products of the Valley, Ed jai. il P.liuie and I arli \ grow i-rially well, and vantages offered the people by Har­ LS.Î3 in ? ¡r Navy leaves green and brown variegated; Jertiniul» . . Kusk of Agricultnie 1 and urgently asked for specimens of actual growth and for everybody cents per pound, Al- ney valley will be realized in less stalks white, crisp and tender; I \\ nr. H. it. Miller bring 3 to General. John Vi ai.aii.akt r fulfa and r< d clover grow luxuri­ than twelve months by the estab-, r iffinuMth* *r Geueral to call and inspect them. Attached to each specimen was the name measured 20 inches straight across ORBÖOK: I of the producer, often with the mode of cultivation. This was a lishiucnt of a antly; timothy and red-top thrive I J. N. Dolph, the face of the head from tip to tip Promptly executed. The building ha* bean en NEW LAND OFFICE | J. H. Mitrhcll, finely. Pasturage is excellent; nat­ tangible, practical presentation of the matter, which any one could of outside leaves (exclusive of larged and improved and I* prepared to turn f Binger Hurrnai.ii, / . How successful this movement has been, hundreds can testify. out all kinds of blacksmithing on short notice VCTHy. Sylvester Punnuyer, ural gra's al undant, and is cut for in Harney valley, where there are ground leaves.) and in the bent style. Term*: (.'ash. 1-ly > All • •• T — he H erald asks in return for its efforts to serve the people, is Geo. W. Me bride, lands of the public domain as fine hay that sells at 112 ana tls per G. W. Webb. T iios . H askell .—One mile of I as thc,se already taken up by the J. B. McElroy, an increase of public patronage—a modest request when it is consid- ¿ion ton in the winter. All ce-eal crops Frank Enkci first-comers, sufficient to furnish Burns; June 26: Alfalfa, in blos­ o Fppd ered that it returns to each patron more than his money’s worth. R 8, Strahan, thrive - I sr». Red Front Liverv U, I’, ¡.ord, each resident of the Harney country will subscribe or renew for thousands of families with homes. som, 42 inches high. WITH »FT IRRIGATION. 5 W. W lhajer, M rs . T hos . H askell .—June 26; 'himself and take one or more copies to send abroad, it will so extend In winter the weather is cold but Also, a county-seat for IICIAL DISTRICT: Gooseberries on a single branch; HARNEY COUNTY T he H erald ’ s sphere of usefulness as to enable ail to claim that it J. A. F rr , pleasant, the usual effects of alti­ the large English variety; branch Stable J. L. R and , tude living cheeked by the gentle which will bring the administra­ 8 inches long; .5 bearing twigs to tion of affairs pertaining to this — 1IAKSF.T : chinook, or west wind. The snow­ Is a true Advocate of the Harney Country. great valley within easy access of the branch, containing 151 very II. CALDWELL. (R> G W. G ii . ham fall is sufficient to preserve wheat every citizen of this section; and the large berries; weight of whole, one- (D) J, T. SHIELD* and supply moisture that is not half pound. W. E. GRA< E (D) OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD L (K) V. J. M iller furnished by rains. In summer Flowers: A boquet of cut flowers, A CASH BUSINESS AT BED- now in course of construction will L ytle H oward i i • T. B. James there is a pleasant breeze constant­ pass directly through Harney val­ from Sweet Williams grown from A W. R. IjRAbON ly blowing, which tends to keep ley, and after that what more is last year’s seedlings; 4 colors, ma­ . (R) ROCK PRICES. \ k. Cowiwe agreeable weather, no matter how r (Di roon, 2 shades, magenta, and pink l .(D). W. E. ALBEP.-ON hot the sun’s rays, and the nights desirable? Is our motto. Good Buggy Teams, and Nice It (D) L. B. B aker Saddle Horses Furnished at Reasonable J 'hsrgea T he H erald present» uniifmal advantage». It in centrally located in Under these conditions it is not and white variegated. cool enough to make covering de­ and Particular Attention paid to the Boarding M rs . T. A. M c K innon . — Near necessary to say that the first to IKKTIKW * LAND OFFICE: and Gmomlngof Transient Mtock. Hay A Grain a new and rapidly growing country, where manufacture» of all kinds sirable—in fact, one can sleep un­ procure homes will be the first to Burns, June 27: Boquet of Carna­ on band. are needed. We will soon have direct railroad communication with * W M t < ■ * r> der cover comfortably the year reap the harvest of the forehanded, tions, raised from last year’s seed­ Portland and the East. Live business men of both sections should round. for the fact is self-evident. The lings. Very large and very fine. use T he H erald ’ s columns to »ecur»» this great and growing trade. TIMBER.—SAW-MILLS. & V ‘ MAILS, T. A. M< K innon . — Burns; June invitation to come among us and nui—~ - Its rates, proportioned to its circulation, arc reasonable. There is no timber in the valley 29; Barley 52 inches high. settle is particularly extended to except along the water course, July 30, wheat 43 inches; and , . t« .fk'nesdsysjlter^ ‘ i\s. yaturdavF.6 pm . the industrious of all classes of fiO'«» ‘ N Fritlnt» i • * i; where there is a light growth of timothy with heads measuring from farmers and stock-raisers. birch and an unusually large, heavy 8 to 10 inched in length. ¡•▼os C ITV : lay*. Fridays, 8 * tn. growth of willows. But the adja­ T hos . S tephens : near Burns; Ju­ Mrs. Louis Ratine, - - Proprie tre«» J* A Saturday*¡0:45p in GREAT XATl RAI. CURIOSITY. cent myuntains arc heavily tim­ ly 16; Grass, red-top, 31 in. hight. A liniitwl numberof gue*t* can secure thè i I*EVILLE KXrtX»RKl> BT C. C. I»t'XCAM. comfortabie lodging rooniN in thè Uiwn bered with fir, pine juniper, moun­ 1.50 spears to tingle root, or from mo**t m. at thi,< lumie. Table* *uppli?«lwith all xind* One copy one year........................................ .. .................................... 12.50 tain-mahogany. etc. Saw-mills are MallieurCave i» loc«ted on a aage- one seed; 30 acres in. of eatabie* thè niarxet a nord*. 1-1 v Two copies, one year ........... .................................................. • located in the pineries, and the lum­ bniah plain alxnit 1 mile from the iKKVIRW: M aupin B ro » , one mile north of Three copies, one year ................................................................ ■ • • 6.00 • pm. ber. whieh is of the best quality, head of the south fork of the Mai Burns. Aug. 2d, barley 14 inches, 10.00 Five copies, one year ............................... ........................ UANYON CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. sells much cheaper than in the hour river. AK KF. R. p. »«t master with fine h< ad of grain; 18 acres in. T he H erald with any Periodical or Magazine at clubbing rates. 8. J. MorilERSHEAD — Aug. 4, East. There 1» a «mail basiu at its GARDEN VEGETABLES timothy 43 inches long, and appar­ nà mouth. Call on or addreM <’. A. MW EEK. > th* F»’ The cave is feet wide and 6 ently not nearly grown. produced in the Harney country C ha «. Z iegler .—Logon creek. D. L. GRACE, are large, finely flavored, abundant feet high at its entrance, and ha» A TTOR N E Y-A T-L A W. R> 7T. I. o. o. r 4 Hall, everv Saturday at and easily raised. We will on ap­ an incline downward for the firat Aug. 8, White Sheaf Anatralian CANYON CITT. OREGON. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. i. M» kin N on . n . g . plication give the addresses of sev- 2< "• feet, and then turn» to the north wheat, 53 inches high with heads L. THE EAST OREGON HERAL, Now is the Time to Subscribe T. V. B. EMBREE, M. D. II 21-11 Rustlers The East Oregon Herald GEO. POPE a co. JOB WORK. MEDIUM OF ADVERTISING,