----- -—-———• BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. He says be goes most on | —Rev. Win Bartholomew will LkOAir probably remain all next week and good water now. B urns , April 8, 1889. —The horse ride commenced on E d . H erald : Now that the new assist the church people in their county of Harney is an accom­ work of establishing a living church the 10th at Wagontire mountain. plished fact, it may not be deemed in Burns. He is stopping at the —Sheep-shearing is undr way. inappropriate to say a few words to residence of W. C. Byrd, and has —We are needing rain very bad. those whose duty it is to administer been accorded a warm welcome by A R eader . all who have met him. Mr. B. has aey Land Office—J. B. Huntington Eugene Guard: Last Monday its affairs. They should see to it of ¡Baker City, register, Harrison morning Dr. Sterling Welch of Ore- that the burthens of taxation and called on Tut H erald and left the Silver State: F. M. Hard ex­ Kelly of Jacksonville, receiver. gon City, who formerly attended the law’s protection should fall, impression tjat he is an earnest, county commissioner, brought the ----- DEALER IN----- La Grande Land Office—Dr. Lou the State University, fell from the like ‘the dews of heaven,” upon the conscientious, capable worker in first wool of the season to town rich and poor alike. That, while the cause he has espoused. He dry goods , clothing , hats . ( APS Cleaver, of Baker City, register; A. rear coach of the Eugene local be- yesterday. It was a part of the BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDW ar » C. McClellan, receiver. low Oregon City. He was endeav- the poor devil of a malefactor started from Long Creek with his clip from his flocks which were should be punished for his crimes, .own team, but when he reached STOVES, TINWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSW ad ^L» Lakeriew Land Offici ■Warren oring to get a glimpse of a tramp shorn nearly two weeks ago. Mr. PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, THE CELEBL^-iriSi Truitt, of Polk co. register; Nathan­ who was taking a brake passage, wealthy deepots should not go un­ Canyon City one of his horses be­ Ward is going to Oregon with his came sick, and he took the stage SULTANA RAZORS AND “I X L” CUTLERY, WlspHfj iel Langell, of Jacksonville, receiv­ and it is supposed a sudden jerk of whipped of justice. It is well known flocks. He says he does not want so as to not miss the Saturday ’ s ap ­ CIGARS; AND A THOUSAND OTHER ARTll er. . the cars threw him off. He fell on much of onr lar d matters are in a de­ to run the risk of being prosecuted pointment at this place. Services TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. his head on a pile of stones, mak­ plorable condition; and especially under the Trespass Act, when he EXCHANGE clippings have been held regularly ever since ing a long gash on right side of the so in the southern portion of the can find as good, if not better pas­ Bedrock Democrat: The name head rendering him unconscious. county, where a rich corporation, and were well-attended by interest­ turage for his sheep in Oregon or ed hearers, who begin to believe the of the postoffice at Bully. Malhuer Ths train took him to Oregon City, not satisfied with one hundred and Idaho. _ ________ ____ church people can see their way to county; has been changed to West and he died the evening of the same forty thousand acres of land, but secure the church and a pastor, by a system of bulldozing and petty —Sheep-shearing ia taking place Fall. day at 7 o'clock. He was only 26 When we look at the young men years old, a young man of unas- persecutions are endeavoring to through the practical efforts of Mr. in the Stenger camps this week. LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. in thia town on the downward road (uuijng manners and fine qualities keep out honest settlers as well as Bartholomew —A timely religious article will —Julian Byrd is clerking for the appear in our next issue. to ruin we feel that we cannot have The same day an insane woman to "freeze out” those who have lived THE TOWN OF LAKEVIEW too much temperance work, and jumped from the northbound Cal- upon their lands for years. Teach N. Brown store in place of Ben Report of School Lake Co., Oregon. every true man ought to come to ifornia express, while it was going the vile incendiary as well as the Lloyd. prettiest young —To one of f t^e t] In District Mo. 38. for the month AS IT IS VOICED BY ITS LOCAL NEWSPAPER 4 T the rescue. at rate of 20 miles an hour near rich ruffian that the law is capable The commissiqner of the general Shedd. She was badly bruised but of redressing their wrongs, and that ladies in’Rut _ Miss Lula Har- ending March 22. 1889: No. enrolled, 16; average attend-, BV81NK8S MEN abroad set that LAKEVIEW, I^ke co.. Or., contains I any attempt to usurp the law’s ris. T he HERALbis indebted for a land office has approved a patent to !not seriously. 1 grocer: 2 aalouna; 1 brewery; 1 undertaker; 2 laundries: 2 furniture store; 1 ance, 14. boquet of lovely, sweet scented wild functions or restrict its enforcement market; 3 lawyers. 8 physicians: 1 surveyor; 1 land agent: 1 dentist; u the state of Oregon for 11,962 acres Tfae OntarirAd^ give» the fol- Roll of Honor — Nellie Page, Oli ­ biaikami.ha; 2 harness ah. j.«; 1 livery stable, 1 bakery; 3 general inerchaai» of Swamp land» in the Lakeview )owjng a8 Bedell’s side of the story: will be met with a firm and deter­ flowers. house 1 milliner shop, 1 real estate agent; 1 sau mill. Also, 2 Masonic lud^ via Clark, Olive McKensie, Alice — U ’ m Bartholomew the Long land district, embraced in approved Wm E who killed Green mined hand. Unless this course is plar lodge; 3 Odd Fellows’ lodges; 1 United Working Men's lodge. Embree. I da R oberts , list No. 5- Shelton, the account of which ap- pursued, you^riminal docket will Creek M. E. pastor arrived in Burns Will not Move. The land office has issued instruc- p^d Iot week. give, his side of be crowded at every session of your on Friday evening, ahead instead IS A tions to Special Agents Elliott and tfae affair; and k out The At. courts—taxes will be multiplied in- of behind the time announced for his B urns , Or., April 8, 1889. i Armington to re-examine some 1>g jn ga„ing he wag undoubtedlv definitely—bankruptcy will stare coming. The undersigned herewith re­ M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . — Mrs. W. C Byrd is putting in spectfully announces to the public 58,000 acres of land in Harney Vai- jugtified. Hig migtake wa8 in try. you in the face, and the bright pros­ a garden on their lot this spring. L PROOF. that notwithstanding the rumor that ley, Oregon, alleged to be not swamp jng w egcgpe by the mountaing. if pects of your county will be blight­ the Poison Creek Sablath School T he H erald lot promises to blos ­ ed for years. Uw included within approved list No. 5. be had crogg^ thfi Snake and ' EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS Lakeview, intends removing to Burns, it will I am reliably informed that som as a rose this season. • "J‘.d!!h_ro.ugh re«ched hii folk# in Har,ie-v valle-v' :r. is heri by the helpof the Good Mast-, r con- I cd —Mrs. J €'. Parker is putting i.. only recently a young man—Geo. the columns of the Democrat a n*l : toop-rat- in Tetherix's dwell he probably never would be appre­ r . f. a-J i'-jrnr an 2 Ter« eour’etiua service :• rat , a garden on her eon ’ s ranch. Smith—while making some im­ large and enthusiastic gathering of .oust, the place of its birth, in • oi hended. th. —Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Coving Lav. - boo! District No 48, Hat provements upon his piece of school Baker City's enterprising citzcns He says that he and Shelton c .unt , 0 -gon W II.CbLP. land in Diamond valley was brutal­ moved from their ranch tri il :: was had at the court house last eve­ > 743 for I> married sisters three years ago in . 30, & Lot < beaten over the head with a re where they expect to rtsid . . é ning to devise wavs and means to Oregon. Bedell and his wife lived ly h« foliowin ' residence 1 vol ver by Peter French merely be­ Mr. Cowing term of office properly advertise to the world the M bs A: n -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- together until June, 1888, at wh;ch —Jno. E Roberts is engag d t‘> airea ictr.hir. cause he had to pasB through resources of Baker county and the Oregon. l.e Ot -V I e time she left him and came to S ar United t i.t’j French’s gate to reach his home, teach in the Terrell . district. , ,, advantages offered by the “Queen postoffice, where Shelton lived, and . —The head line tor the Huriiev vests wi’L a the bridge on the usual route hav- prtg8 not baving arrived jg th’v u;* iuo ht r City” of the inland empire for the made her home with him. About . '- of C------- been torn up by French’s order. cauBe of delay in issue of the first I Ti.Ct investment of capital and as a place December last she wrote to her hus- ing ' » lieve ‘.L.2- he chilli •J v - vn- .ery .»r.d diarrh'XM. H. R. SCHLÄGEL - ■ By many people it is believed that numder of that paper. of residence. The sentiment of band, informing him that she was ( '•VHlù-Coiic. by to the the killing of Isaacs by David L —Miss Ida Roberts pur -hiseda i i r .Lt i.. many of those present was freely 5 cents almost destitute and needed cloth­ u 2 r expressed and it was plainly indi­ ing for herself and child; also that Shirk is directly traceable to the ef- new house and housekeeping outfit Prepare ‘ b ah ?.. ’’ti f Work in !he Tin ksirith line. iterar ¿EveisrrU» forts of French to "freeze out” the for her raneh l’ » i the.life she was living. Bedell I hereby respectfully tender my homes when surrounded by hostile letters of inquiry from people de­ MALE TO Oki-ER WITH NEATNESS, AND OF GOOD QUALITY. towns in the race for supremacy.! 1 came on in December, made up Indians will not tamely submit to »¡rous of emigrating from various services as a Practical Painter to A LL WORK W A R RANT E I). A general unity of feeling was man­ with his wife, furnished a house the citizens jf Ht.-oey Valley. be driven out by arrogant wealth, states. Citizens of Harney county ifest and they seemed to feel alive I Give a Trial, as Seeing is Believing. A flrs:-ciaaa Smith works in ••onnectian House Pai..ting a specialty. Sr and began life anew. Whenever he Even the vilest worm we tread upon can assist u= ... t' k of reply­ ¡«faction guaranteed. to the importance of immediate left home Shelton would visit the i will sting the foot that crushes it. ing b.v "rirtirg u letter now and action. Wx. H. CULP. house and stay until he got back'. Then, “let justice reign, though the then to the names and addresses as Burrs Or There seems to be a misunder­ Finally Bedell found out that Shel-. H arney . we may publish them from time to standing regarding the action of had again persuaded his wife to heavens fall.” ~ ' time. congress upon the lands laws, . A leave him. and even assisted her in ________ more hahney valley items . —Canyon City News: Crime ap- bill wstt introduced in* the last < con- packing berthings forthat purpose. I desire to rent my ranch con-' —Friday, April 12th, (the second Pears to increa6e rather than to di­ gress having for its object, the Bedell remonstrated with and even taining 160 acres, to somes resjion- minish in Grant county, and no changing of the desert land i acts got her to promise to leave the Friday in APril) ia Arb"r Day sible party, who wants to make i and to annul the pre-emption and country with him so that he would OreKonJhe afternoon a legal holi- man’s life is safe from“ the bullets money, and who will work. Will: timber land acta Upon the recom­ not tie annoved any longer. Shel- dav tar teacher8 and P0!”1* and or knife of an enemy. Heretofore furnish grain to sow from 10 to 501 For 188?, and »ecure a full volume of number«. It ia the mendation of the senate a joint com­ ton became highly incensed, and ’hould ** -’b»ar'ad «‘nctly by re- there has been a premium placed acres. Have about 15 acres of CHEAPEST ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE IN THE mittee was appointed which form­ hearing that Bedell had a revolver <>ulnn8 each child to Pla,lt a tr«* on the crime of murder’ and we land in a good state of cultivation, i Place all fenced. Plenty good pas­ have in our midst persons who at ulated a bill that passed the house, i in his pocket, followed him around on the school ground. This act of ture. and about 30 tons of good hay Twelve Art Supplements, but never passed the senate. So stating that he could whip him if the legislature was specially intend- least ought to be serving life sen- can be cut. Dwelling-house 12x14. fences in the penitentiary, The The nue of lnfon»e:ion ft eonteln, cover, the entire PaciSe Northtrw matters stood at the ending of the | he carried a dozen guns and would ed for the treele8a land< Stable 12x16. >he party will be £afl^n only way to stop murder and at- required to reside on the place. No and dea’g with all subject« of interest to tho«e setKing information of this 50th congress of tbs United States, run him out of the country. After Oregon. currant year THE U EST SHORE will surpass in excellence the volume just ck«USOk I®/1 —W. E. Dalton left Independ­ tempted murder is to enforce the money demanded from responsible be a comple’e exponent of the resources of. and a careful chronicler of all Dev^fiSSlnxI and in this condition it will remain ! standing his abuse and threats as of lmoprtanre in. the entire region embraced within the limits of Oregon. WssbxQSjhM parties; will rent for share of Hay until next December unless Presi­ > long as possible, Bedell took out his ence, Or., yesterday, for Burns with law where there is the least Lit of and Grain. For further informa­ tat.a. Idaho. British (.o.umbia, aud Alaska, together with a multitude of supsrt « a h of scenery, cities, industries, etc of the countries described Grant c< evidence to convict. dent Harrison calls a special session. gun and fired three shots; the first a large s lipment of Bacon, Lard, in rt‘,cri or tints, will he issued, one with each number tion. address piements are 17x13 iuches in size, and represent some object of general interestlu<"| Boat Ford Items. Flour, Dried Fruits and Sugars, The land laws stand to-day as they ture of the Magnifleent scenerv of the West, ano will alone Ke worth the maga»» * I B. B rown , Burns, Or. ■ two missed, but the last proved Yo« r.nnot do wlth.-ui THF WEST SlluRE for 1MM OnlvR 50 : 50 ct,«tnk __ which will be placed on sale. - have been for some tfrne in the past —Scarlet rash very prevalent in if «n. bvyond the limit, of the t nned St,tn. Mexico, or Canada: aln(le pie»S , i fatal. Pre-emptions, timber-cultures and —Mrs Rose Cushing is board­ this locality at present. L. SAMUEL, P ublisher , PORTLAND, OREGOJ Bedell is 31 years of age, about ixS! desert lands were not changed in ing little Miss Lelia McGee to en­ —School began again in District 5 ft. 7 in. tall and weighs about 140. the last congress. If ths next con­ able her to attend the Bums school. 44 on Monday, Sth inst., John E. The deceased was 25, weighed about gress wants to do anything towards —Henry Campbell, son of J. M. Roberts teacher. 1180, and noted for his quarrelsome a revision of these laws, they will —Gardening epidemic. disposition. Neighbors all speak . Campbell of Polk couuty, Oregon, have to be re-introduced as if no ac­ —Mr. and Mrs. McKensie aid ! in the highest terms of Bedell, and arrived in Burns 7th inst., and went tion had been taken at ail. Mrs. Boreland went on a three-davs’ he has the sympathy of the entire out to Bent. Embree’s ranch at East Oregonian: The London community. Boat Ford on the Sth. The young Ashing trip to the Sod House last Times severely denounces two mem­ It is Mid it is not the first time gentleman will doubtless take up Saturday. —John and Mark Embree have bers of Parliament for attending a Shelton has separated man and land. FROM PRINEVILLE TO BURNS. g >ne to the Willamette on a short reception given to Henry George wife. He took his half-brother's —John and Mark Embree start­ visit. B ee . This is SMB* evidence—to be taken 1 wife away from him once, and ed the first of the month for their C. B BAKER, Sub-Contractor. OMITI ART. for what .it is worth—that Mr after living with her for a year dis- late home on a visit that may ter­ Leave« PrtneviBe Monda?« at < a m. Arrive« at Rami Wednesday» »< Ojaji W. S. Higgins. M. D.. died George is really advocating meas­ ! carded her. His reputation was minate in their return with a num­ Leaves Burn« Tbs radar« at 6 am. Arrives at PrinaTiUt fl«r«rriayf MOnK&j March 31, 1889. aged ure« of advantage to the people. V » I not of the beet, and the friends of ber of settlers from Polk and ad­ Sunday, years and 6 days. both parties seem to agree that Fassenger Rales from rrineville to Born«, Round Trip. fH-’i'k® day Dalles Time Mountaineer: At The joining counties this fall. He was born in Conway county, Dalles stock yards the following Bedell was justified. —We learn the directors of the Florida; rose from private to major stock was rocaived and shipped A Real H kw i K t Bums school visited the teacher in the Union army during the war; during the put week. And nine We presume there is hardly a and pupils on Friday and found had two brothers,in the Confederate «'Ar loads of cattle, averaging 20 to lady to be found in our broad land everything in the best condition, army; was an ordained Meth■ NEAR M'RN\ OREGON. was a high Mason and Odd Felloi; *• o than 'he .r.lnar, kin , ar*'.an>v ..aid mules and borons he r.k.-. .;:h n.nl'i tide ;«w . ¡day to become the owner of one. as it should be since there is no in­ had just settled on Buck creek and • Izl» a nm ..rph. I s., ,i Dispatches from Samoa state that ' S*\* •‘■‘S’’» F“ DCS < But after the mind has been fully stitution in any town that has a was building a house there when SAYER A- POKE the American tnen-of-war Trenton, made up to purchase one of the«« more salutary effect on the commu­ taken with typhoid ptH-uu onia, nd Vanda and Nipsic. and the German indispensable articles, the question nity than a good school. Il IKNEY ADVERTISEMENTS. was sick onl. about two weeks; was A- * . rii. ir er t» • men-of-war Aole, Olga and Eber1 arises as to what kind of a machine about to open a store and p<*t office — Ed. Hanley ’ s smiling phiz were driven on a serf during a ter­ to buy. on Buckcreik, was a skillful phy­ rific gals and'totally wrecked. Of I It should be so simply construct­ beamed on Bums from Tuesday's sician. a progressive citizen, ..nd a the Amencen crews four officers stage, after a lengthy visit in Jack- and forty-sir men were drowned ed that the most inexperienced can son county, this state. a valuable acquisition to the coun­ l-lf successfully operate it The other The news is authentic, ths Slate try; almost a stranger in the coun­ department being in possession of pointe mainly to be considered, and —Wm Reed returned with his try, yet be is sadly mounted by a R la CKSMIT^ the full particulars. which are the most desirable, are family and household goods to wide circle of friends; was buried In the supreme eonrt to-day the durability, rapidity, capacity for Burns, on Tuesday, from Baker VAN 8 CURTIS. PROF’* on Silver creek; has :io known n a- cares of Grant county, appellant, work, ease of operation, regularity City, where he passed last winter ' lives living. A F kiend . vs. Laks county, respondent and ' 3’acksziithing Grant county, respondent. vs Lake of motion, uniformity of tension, —M Dustin arrived in Burns on aad 77 agon work Ihm Silver Orek. and silence while in operation county, appellant, on appeal from Tuesday evening. 14 Horersb. et.;gf 35 0» a rran. K In math, were argued and sub­ The "Light-Running New Home” — Everything is lovely in this —A. W Waters arrived in Har­ mitted. C A. Cogswell is attor­ fill« the above requirements, and is section Grass is good, und even ney valley on Tuesday ’ s stage ney far Lake, ZeraSnow is attorney said to combine the good pointe of one is about through seedii g Gar- for Grant all sewing machines, with the addi —Wm. Miller returned to Can­ dei.tng and is- mug ;«P at. reive A eorrooeoodent m the East Ore­ lion of many new improve! > nts yon City on Monday after a k s in this Till, gonian thinks that Judges of the Su­ and labor-saving devices. v.d a.1 kiwdaof enríat e ;«n ber »1. rtnighh stay iu the in w ■ iwrity. wb -e he preme Court should don silk gowns The price is r o higher than th«t RKuicED rein (l ni.inv frw u- •or im ext, < tl .1 M • da government and imagines that may n«ta«"ur> I -} '. 1 wigeand tinsel« give dignity to tnuure. out two ««aka. N. B. A Good road all the way. Judges, and clothe an upstart the herald Lord or Duke with majesty. Maybe it does, where he came from, THCM ìà Y. aprii , u. ime. but in this section of the globe hon­ esty and uprightness and true man­ 0. a. ssaci . ... uitor hood are sufficient to clothe a Judge P roposxd appointments. Drew- with dignity, and command respect enforce the laws . place. The Leading Merchant of Grant Cr* 2 — CHEAPEST HOUSE in Eastern Oregon tyju THE HOPKINS HOUSE. General Biacksmith & Wagon M;’ 1 5255 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Trie £3a,'’cv-ÂÆill< Flooring, Moldings dVcw Machine