E ast O regon H erald o. 20. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, ORE THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1889. $2.00 a Year. f ERALD eral gardeners here, who will an-. east and runs very m arlv>stiaight F. W R ittebbi sch : near Saddle BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. swer in detail all .11 inquiries : — on that ik.ilto the water, a distun » of j milelftuttes; July 20; Barley 41 inches subject; the white, or Irish potato is from its mouth. _ft will average 50 high; a small piece put in to test THE TOWN OF BURNS VE K Y THURSDAY grown with little cultivation, and is feet wide and 20^feet Ugh and is fagricultural value of bottom of the GRANT CO. OREGON. BY Some of its Natural Advantage*- Wa­ superior to that grown in Ohio, Ill­ very unifoi-mjn jtB structure, the slough on swamped lands ter, Soil, Climate, and Produc­ AH IT IH VOICED BY THE HKKAI.D. tion* Thousand* of inois, Missouri, Tennessee, or Kan­ walls . running ......... "* about » 6 - feet ■ on i gIM0N L ewis , Silver creek, July - up Acre* Open for sas, we personally know as regards either side, and then commence to 30, wheat 40 inches, with full heads and P roprietor . Settlement. BUSINESS MEN ABROAD BY LOOKING OVER ITS COLUMNS WILL SEE THAT ' size, “mealiness,” and flavor. arch over, and certainly form the of fine large grains. Burns oontains SMALL FRI TTS, finest arch in the whole family of, ION KATES 1 newspaper: 1 hotel: 1 brewery: 1 undertaker; 1 meat market: t lawyers: S physicians Barlev 58 inches high. CHEAP HOMES. I such as strawberries, currants, eaves that were ever discovered. 1 surveyor; 1 land agent; 1 drugstore; 1 Jeweler; 1 blacksmith; 1 livery stable: i general in er Mas. S imon L ewis , July 30, 13 I blacklierriee, gooseberries, grapes, It is grand almost beyond, de-1 arge yellows beets, the largest one ch a u disc stores; 1 hardware store; 1 saw-mill; 1 carpenter; 1 saddle 4 harness shop: 1 gro­ cery store. Also, 1 Odd Fellows lodge; 1 reading room; 1 school; 1‘church. etc , will, from what evidence we scription, _ and rivals the _ great _______ Mum-• being 9 inches in length and 14 Mail a copy of Tn a H erald to Advertise your town, in the East ney*; have lieen able to gather the past; moth cave in its amoothness of inches in circumference; the flavor PER LAWS. year, be a success, as the native character and unii'irmity. . The excellent. •y, w quired to give notice by l»er does not ai.awer tlie plants are hardy and good bearers, first 250 yards the bottom is as M rs . T. J. 'S hields , Silver creek, THE SECOND YEAR OF r dots not take hie paper FKl'IT TREES " ‘___ _ July 30, cucumbers of good size, ¡the reason for i:s not being smooth as a floor, then are found Railroad, County-Seat, and la&nd- A do so makes the p«.si- and ornamental shrubs were plant- pileB of rubbish or debris that have Ottice. crisp and tender, thv publisher for payment ed freely by farmers in the spring; accumulated by falfing from the averaging 5 inches in length, full orders his pay»er discon- all arrearages, or the Pub­ the settings last fall survived the ceiling above, lOQ^ardr or so npart, of large grains; 6 acrees in; he is scud it until pavinetit is Ofllee to Mee Samples whole amount whether it Visit the Herald severest winter (1888), that Har- 'the last one being- acmctiii ig over i raising it for seed. of Products. ! or not. There cun l»e e till payment- is made A. H ills , of Poison Creek, Aug. ’.The two large editions of T he H erald con­ ney valley, in fact, that East Ore- 100 yards from water. takes a paper from the taining the Harnev Valley advertisement being gon has ever known. As an Bcgan on Thursday, November 29, 1888. There is no diffle;/' in reaching 11th, Chili Club wheat, 48 inchey cted to his uh me or an­ exhausted, to meet the deniaud we republish in aguicu ^ tural • , the ' water, it run* jKfc< o n either as aubaoribed or not. is our reg jlar edition, and hope es<*h reader long, with large full heads; 14 acres will mark the article aua mail his copy to a region it will be readily seen that' side in a trough from the main pool i in; not irrigated. deni his paper stopped friend in the East.] the Valley offers inducements rare- ■ the distance of 100 feet, settling he Publisher coutlnues Red clover, 42 inches high; very Harney Valiev in Grant county, is br>uud to pay for it if ly excelled. The farmers who have down on either side, leaving the fine. .stoffice Tl> is proceeds an must pay for what he Oregon, embraces an area of 2.400 sowed grain thiB year will lie able . floor crowning. AND TO RENEW EXPIRING SUBSCRIPTIONS. square miles, or 1,536,000 square decided that refusing to acres of land, bounded on every side to dispose of it at home, as a good | The water is remarkably clear; BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. * * F» ^■1 periodicals from the poet- mill I one can see the sand in the bottom ni uncalled for, without by mountain ranges, and lofty ele­ «Ú0».» has been erected at considerable at the depth of 4 feet, and it ap- a prims facia evidence of vations, and is an almost entirely expense in the Valley, near Hurns, W. A. WILSHIRE, Burns, pears J. NAT. HUDSON ■ars to have no outlet, as it is per- ■ 0.0*. ----------------------- Lakeview, Or. level plain, plentifully watered by by N. Brown. A new merchant Harney, Or. IIH h, i and fectly still and quiet; it is good HERABB CLUB LIST: the grist mill is a guarantee that the drinking water. Mid The Century, one year 8ILVIES AND BI.ITZEN RIVERS WILSHIRE & HUDSON. industrious farmer will be able to This wonderful curiosity has to >nd St. Nieholas, and Demorest . Magazine, one year and their tributaries. The former dispose of surplus grain. And as a be seen to be fully appreciated. It and KtderM lemon Magazine has its source in the spurs of the " ly’s Lads s Book “ STOCK-RAISING is truly of basalt formation and is Will be the representative, at all times, of the Interests of the People. t Shore it cannot be --- surpassed, ---------- ------ -- £--------- , quartenary, -- , -..xz walls ......w are honey- J the ll and ___ _ LeaUe ___ ’a flliiBtrated Newspaper 5.75 Blue mountains, south of the John country -- At all times advocating measures that look to the “greatest good ’to LAKEVIEW AND HARNEY, OR. 11 1 ar .Monthly 4.75 I and Leslie* — ----- 3 75 Day river, flows a general southerly since its water, grass, and salubri- combed in many places; the wall on the greatest number,” in accordance with the principles of*l)eniocracy MpStaiuiidny .. Magazine This firm practices in the courts of the State, . 3.75 course, passing down the cen er of ous climate takes horses, cattle, : the south side sets on a horizontal and before the U. S. Land Office. Any land »lfurd> Magazine eegly Cal! 3.00 Office or other business entrusted to them will . 6 00 Harney valley, and empties into sheep anosi- -AND- UC* 101,111 bu .mention a natural attraction |x»s- mail-service from the four points of umn to all producers, farmers and tion, vindictive ami unscrupulous to a degree seldom equalled in stockmen, in which to give a writ­ Jeweler. I i< e to foreii . n advertisers . i sessed by lands adjacent to these the compass, there being a general country journalism; has advocated unflinchingly the rights of all ten description of all that was I respe'.'ifuiif soliciting voiir paimilage j lakes that will draw hundreds of distributing office at Burns. Ship­ CHAS. SAMPSON - - B urns , O r . the people of East Oregon generally and Harney Valley especially worthy of mention. Monstrosities in th(- ping is done at present at Baker against the machinations of all organxed petty cliques that sought . . 1,5 n i'-Triustoibe Dear future: Standing in the door- City, Huntington, and Ontario. All should be classed as such, and not ^TlstfXg s t’.'cineuiB baaed upou our c iriuiu- c , . as samples. This elicited the fol­ | OREGON WOOL EXCHANGE, by fraudulent misrepresentation to advance the private interests of a his «c t adjoining cvuniiia: wavs ot tarm houses about sunrise, the family supplies, necessaries, and lowing response: iPORTLAND -------- OREGON few at the expense of the many. Believing that “The sober 'second iwnnrt tortirt..... „da. at no price. distant objects, towns, farms, moun- luxuries, common to Eastern towns. I thought of the people is always right and always effective,” and that M rs . I one W hiting .—Near Burns .ooXvertI«emen*g at oca than 10 ceuia per1 tain peaks, and l ands <»f cattle and are abundantly furnished by the I “Truth is mighty and will prevail,” T he H erald has steadfastly fol­ June 20: Barley, six acres, sown on I htS**** ***,*i'°rlrUhBI11'' l,r'ri:es (,!l ll,e ranges, are general merchandise ‘stores at rea­ lowed the right , and the people have given it a moral and material ground under cultivation the past WOOL GRADERS, ■JOjt»1. «-xtrn char« ,-r j i'Hired on f..- atim .-phere and sonable rates. support that renders its permanency beyond question. As it has 13 years; stalks '(exclusive of roots) WOOL PACKERS, ur Agiti. u a « anniug :u r ri-e up from ti t ground likt niogic; BI HNS AND IIARNEY worked indefatigably and unselfishly in the interest of the people, it 42 inches in length, heads well AND iiigE •u.tl thes< while lepresentatious are are the two principal towns of Har­ now asks for patronage that will yield something more than a bare filled, grain fine and large; planted ¡ . ti truly drawn that a member of a ney valley, where, as will be seen 1 -COM MISSION M E RCIIA NTS- existence. It has become valuable to nil ns a general newspaper, and in April. job . work family living several miles away by our advertising columns, about iMr- CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED— Barley planted late, in April, on descrìvi ioti il”,'»'J."ith nc“ ueM from home, can distinguish the per­ all lines of business are near equal »atch, at re Ml —ADVANCES MADE ON WOOL. Is Now a fixed Institution of the Valley. new ground, 12 inches high. sons of the family as they walk to the present demand—teachers, I I\ sl M M rs . A lmeda S tenger .—Burns, AGENTS: kJ*, al out the yard: as Ino her from fa­ lawyers, doctors, printers, druggists, a< h , ■li 8, . Burns ther, or mother front sister. merchants, carpenters, surveyors, i June 22: Barley, sowed last year, Geo. McGowan - - - c move? «nd 8, invìi tilth. Harney. Hoe»-— THE soil. AND CLIMATE blacksmiths, butchers, saddlers, j on cultivated ground f 36 inches V. J. Milller, - - - Al-ce t-LHALU is hMH regularly on fi’e for re- high; stalk bulky, grain well filled. Beaton Agency with DENNY, RICE de CO. a hc?t cf-Ju thè Ge»». P. RMweii I Newspaper Ad­ of Harney valley are an exact coun­ grocers, builders, jewelers, etc. 132 Federal st. Established 1835. Alfalfa, cut above the ground; . Bureau. 16 Sprn ln e at.. New yort. Each of these two towns is the terpart of that of Umatilla county. fine, strong, in blossom, 2" inches Oregon, the best wheat-growing center of the section of the valley high. BLACKSMITH. r-rlH « OFFICI AL |l)lHE< TORY. county in the state. Very little has contiguous, and each has its local, A. J. B rown .—Near Harney. Juno D1:E1> 1------------- —— value, that will serve in the future been done towards wheat-raising E. I). GRAY - Burns, Or Has, from the initial number to the present, persistently and impres­ W» a l : to render ah ealthy degree of com-' 23: Alfalfa, in blossom, average JTX.rs Benjamin Harrison here, as vet. but those have been sively maintained that the Harney country was one of the finest stand 38 inches high. inai tot*1. . • ........ ■ìueut............ Levi P. .Morton successful that tried it. Wheat petition between them. agricultural regions in the Union, needing only the presence of indus- D r . T. V. B. E miiree .—Near voi State .. ainrsG Blaine The expectations of the ambi ­ — GENERAL REPAIRING — finds a ready home market at 5 Wi iiam Wir.dom trious farmers to develop its wonderful resources, To prove the truth . o;in W. N«.b!e cents a pound—$3 per bushel. Oats tious advocates of the natural ad­ Harney; June 23: Lettuce, Oak AND of the strong language in its columns, the proprietor gave up a pai •art Retifie d Proctor Leaf variety; root 4 inches around; ,EAR.POÌW,i’ vantages offered the people by Har- : ■“ yofNavy^ Benjamin F. Tracey and barley grow equally well, and slier, of his office roo-n to the exhibition of the products of the Valle; leaves green and brown variegated; - p hrey of AgricuMAre 1. Jeremiah M. Rusk ! tbe cte* General....... Wm. H H. Miller bring 3 to 4j cents per pound. Al­ ney valley will be realized in less and urgently asked for specimens cf actual growth and for everybody ter General. ,4. John Wanninaktr falfa and red clover grow luxuri-1 than twelvemonths by the estab­ stalks white, crisp and tender; to call and inspect them. Attached to each specimen was the name measured 20 inches straight across •’•P* STA*«*-. iregon : ’ lishment of a antly; timothy and red-top thrive ( J. N. Dolph, of the producer, often with the mode of cultivation. This was a the face of the head from tip to tip nators>.,.w I J. II. Mitchell, NEW LAND OFFICE finely. Pasturage is excellent; nat­ n,„l thè F — Promptly executed. The building has been en tangible, practical presentation of the matter, which any one could of outside leaves (exclusive of Binger Hermann, larged and improved and ifi urepared to turn r . Y.'.'■?5' .Sylvester !’• nnoyer. ural grass abundant, and is cut for in Harney valley, where there are out >n kindxii biBrksmiihins <>n abort notice verify. How successful this movement has been, hundreds can testify, ground leaves.) Geo. W. McBride. 1-ly «r 8U,e hay that sells at $12 and $18 per I lands of the public domain as fine i-iy ^|| T he H erald asks in return for its efforts to serve the people, is G. W. Webb, T hob . H askell .—One mile of and in the beat atrie. Tern»: caah. J. B. McElr«»y, ton in the winter. All cereal crops as those already taken up by the Burns; June ‘26: Alfalfa, in blos­ an increase of public patronage—a modest request when it is consid­ Frank Baket ,ZINE*» first-comers, sufficient to furnish thrive j R 8. Sirahan, ered that it returns to each patron more than his money’s worth. z Win P. Lord, thousands of families with homes. som, 42 inches high. WITHOUT IRRIGATION. J W W Thayer, If each resident of the Harney country will subscribe or renew for M bs . T hos . H askell .—June 26; In winter the weather is cold but Also, a county-seat for himself and take one or more copies to send abroad, it will so extend I AL DISTRICT-: Gooseberries on a single branch; HARNEY COUNTY J. A. F be . pleasant, the usual effects of alti­ T he H erald ' s sphere of usefulness as to enable all to claim that it the large English variety; branch L. R and , tude being checked by the gentle which will bring the administra­ 8 inclies long; 5 bearing twigs to tion of affairs pertaining to this chinook, or west wind. The snow­ great valley within easy access of the branch, containing 151 very Is a true Advocate of the Harney Country. P ropri etob . . W. G ilham fall is sufficient to preserve wheat large berries; weight of whole, one- J. T. S hield * and supply moisture that is not every citizen of this section; and the half pound. w. E. grace OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD V. J. M iller furnished by rains. In summer < O >----------- Flowers: A boquet of cut flowers, L ytle H oward there is a pleasant breeze constant­ now in course of construction will from Sweet Williams grown from A CASH BUSINESS AT BED- T. B. James pass directly through Harney val ­ W. R. GRADOM ly blowing, which tends to keep ley. and after that what more is last year’s seedlings: 4 colors, ma­ ROCK PRICES. A. A. cowing agreeable weather, no matter how- roon. 2 shades, magenta, and pink W. E. A lberson hot the sun's rays, and the nights desirable? L. B. B aker Is our motto. Good Buzgv Teams, and Nice and white variegated Under these conditions it is not Hora>*a Furnished at Reasonable <'haricra T he H erald presents unusual advantages. It is centrally located in cool enough to make covering de­ M rs . T. A. M< K innon .—Near Saddle and Particular Attention paid to the Boarding necessary to say that the first to lis» orrtcr: sirable—in fact, one can sleep un­ and Groomlngof Transient stock. Hay A Grain a new and rapidly growing country, where manufactures of all kinds A. F. S nelling der cover comfortably the year procure homes will be the first to Burns, June 27: Boquet of Carna­ on hand. are needed. We will soon have direct railroad communication with W M. T ownsend reap the harvest of the forehanded, tions, raised from last year’s seed­ Portland an.-l the East. Live business men of l»oth sections should round. lings. Very large and very fine. for the fact is self-evident. The use T he H erald ’ s columns to secure this great and growing trade. TIMBER.—SAW-MILLS. MATES. T. A. M< K innon . — Burns; June FRENCH Its rates, proportioned to its circulation, are reasonable. There is no timber in the valley invitation to come among us and < 29; Barley 52 inches high. - vale : except along the water course, settle is particularly extended to July 30, wheat 43 inches; and Bdays, 8afnrdays.< p m. the industrious of all classes of Ndaja, Fridays. 4.30ain where there is a light growth of ^o>. timothy with heads measuring from birch and an unusually large, heavy farmers and stock-raisers. 8 to 10 inches in length. HVON rfTY: P8’1a\a. Friday a. *»am. growth of willows. But the adja­ T hob . S tefhems : near Burna; Ju­ Mrs. Ixiuis Rncine, - - Proprietress is 4 baturda>810:4.»p in. TERMS, IN ADVANCE: GREAT NATURAL CURIOSITY. cent mountains are heavily tim­ ly 16; Grass, red-top. 81 in. hight, A limited number of jpicstN ran secure the i 11 NEVILLE: rxrutsKD st n. <-. hrsew bered with fir. pine, juniper, moun­ ffiO spears to single root, or from most comfortable lodffinpr room« in the Wun I ...................................................... W.50 at thi« home. T md I cs supplied with all Kind« One copy one year. k m. tain-mahogany. etc. Saw-mills are Malheur Cave is located on a sage­ one seed; 30 acres in. of eatable« the marxet a no rd«. 1-lv Two copies, one year .................................................................. located in the pineries, and the lum­ brush plain about 1 mile from the AKEVIEW: M aupin B ros ., one mile north of • pM Three copies, one year .................................................................. ber, which is of the l fret, and then turns to the north wheat. 53 inches high, with heads CANYON CITY, OltBGOM. Lj ays t GRACE, THE EAST OREGON HERAL, Now Is the Time to. Subscribe Attorneys-at-Law T. V.B. EMBREE, M. D. S. B. McFheeters, M. D. Practical Surveyor All Rnstlera Saddle and Harness Shop- The East Oregon Herald GEO. POPE & CO. ISE1.. JOB WORK. Red Front Liverv &, Feed Stable MEDIUM OF ADVERTISING, uau** Çe TF!f*