—--------------- THE HERALD HAKNEY COUNTY COURT. THE DICKEN«! Bedell and Shelton married No. 3. Value 20 Ceuta. sisters and lived near Star. Some Compared with the coat of for­ family affair caused Bedell and HF“ Io reply to all settlers who have ap Our Book Coupon, mer,even The first regular term of the Har­ THURSDAY. APRIL 4. 1889. recent, day«, it is amazing wife to separate, but they became I plied to thia office to have their place for prov­ ney County Court convened at the reconciled and lived together until how the prices of standard books Any subscriber to the E ast O r ­ UBrvBD S vatss land Or fit a J ing up changed iu their Notice« ut Publication- I county «eat on Monday, April 1st, two weeks ago. when they again sep­ egon H erald , who has paid there­ are now reduced. This is especial­ tview, Oregon. February 20, 166b. I from Canyon City to Harney: We are instruct- ; Local News. HEREBY GMEN that the follow- 1889, there being present, Thomas arated, the wife going to Shelton’s for in advance, who will cut out ly true of the works of Charles rtler haa fiWLB«>ti< e of hi« iuten- ed to ««} that claiman:« must go to th« place as ] finaz proof in «upfiurt of hi« claim, first published in Notice, and in uuiaaecauthe J. Shields County Judge. Thos. B. to reside. Bedell swapped a stove and present this coupon, personal­ Dicken», and the most marvelously I proof Will b« made before th« HARNEY VALLEY ITEMS. for a pistol and announced his in­ ly- or by mail, at any store of J no. cheap edition of his works ever pub­ & of Grant «uui iv, Oregon, at parties appear before any officer that is not James Commissioner, W. E. Grace Or., on Aprtlltwh, 1^9, via: tention of doing up Shelton. They B. Alden. Publisher, 393 Pearl st., lished is unquestionably the "Bos” | named in the Final Proof Notices. k J. W. 1 met last Saturday near Star, Shel­ New York; 242 Wabash av., Chi­ edition, now issued by John B. Al­ —Great Reduction in DressGoods Clerk, and A. A. Cowing Sheriff. ’OUhllf, for th« 8U of NE qr and Lots The followings proceeding 'were I ton was accompanied by a man cago; 13 S. 9th st., Philadelphia; den, the "Literary Revolution” pub­ at N. Brown’s. - »e. 2, Tp. 4K 8, of K3.‘ j E. He named Barnes. He said; blowing wBBeMi' t> to prove hie piNAL PROOF, 6 Whitehall st.. Atlanta, Ga.: or lisher, New York, Chicago, and else- •IdeoM neo, nhd cultivation of —E. A. King requests us to state [ then had: “ See here. Bedell, I understand 30 Adelaide st., East Toronto, will woere. It is printed in good, clear, «: G. W. *n»ompt><>ii, s. G<>oospeed, l-'MITKt. STlTK« L»MT, Orrt?S.f d, and T. M. CBrson ail of Harney, that his saw-mill is now in readi­ The County Clerk having already you arc carrying a gun for me” la* credited with T wenty C ents large-faced norkpareil type (from the I a Grau de, t/regvii. March 8, lfcMhi NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th« fol- ness to accommodate the public (20c.) toward the regular price of same plates as Appleton's Popular p A. F. BMI.I.ISG. Rreirer. been qualified according to law, the Bedell replied by firing three lowing-named «vUler lua reticle nt-e upon and cultiva­ —Final proof notices of Messrs opening of the County Court. P Rid HEREBY GIVEN that the fol tion of «aid land, viz: Benjamin F. carter, Wai the sheriff organized pursuit in all ence, naming not less than F ive •• settler ha« filed notice of her in- ter D. < Jefc»e Dav.i«, and 8. F. Jenkin«, j G. H. Brown of Riley and I. M ke final pcoof iu.support .^f her -art of Drew«ey, Graut cuuutj, Oregon. See our Book Coupon offer, oppo­ It appearing to the Court that direction, and the result was that V olumes , as only a limited num­ At said proof will be made before Blevins of Drewsey, Oregon, are in erk Graut county. Oregon, at Can­ Bedell was captured Tuesday near ber of sets will be broken. The site this, for the extraordinary re­ Any person who desire« to protest against the Jas. F. Morrison refuses to accept or non, on April 18th !"■' viz allowance of such proof, or who knows of any this issue. Placcrv;lle. remainder of the price must be duction in cost to subscribers to substantial reason, under the laws and regula­ «ten Amaia Ward, qualify as Commissioner, the Court . for NU of NE qr, A E’a of NW>4, tions of the Interior Department, why such paid in cash, and the order given this paper. —W. M. Townsend, the staunch- as^^, R34E. Shenainerthe following proof should not be allowed, will be given an appointed Lytle Howard to fill the — Ochoco Review: Our old friend opportunity tir - J ity at the above mentioned time and . r .. . ___ ____ on or before the first day of May, ’"'"^Srove her continuous residence up Call and see the work at this of­ the ..2. witncR«e« of __ «aid place to t er<>««examine _______ 2______ _______ ___ _ > < <- the County clerk: ol Gr.nt co.. Or.. gjve out to the public. 3 < Tale of Two Cities. - __ ---------- at Canyon City, Or., on May 2oth, 1869 viz: n * April 2.—Liquor licenses' were der to promote good health and give ,«h» H. rarleigh. ’ .Oregon. i Dombey and Son. things an air of neatness.—N. B. ( Uncommercial Traveler. —V. J. Miller, week before last, granted to J. C. Buckland and Coats- Burns would be more attractive to for Lot« 1 ait, »nd NE qr. of NW [ John Wright, 7 < Old Curiosity Shop. ( American Notes. ¿wiii'JvS^l'o^rovihi.^ón' 11 e El»«•*>»■ V. NJ* sent in a written description of the worth & Tregaskis to sell in Harney strangers passing through so T he hi witton Í '!'■ Bee-Jtuod NW qr of SW qr. SecW.Tp 20, s. | . . H . . Pickwick Papers. Inilnï Wrïfev 3Í’ K He ■'«»><• the foltowlnn nìtneMie» great VRHetV of grain groWtllSCol- for one year from April 1st. H erald thinks, were the streets Reprinted Pieces. » 1 Little Dorrit. and backyards not the receptacle j vntion of said land, viz: Thomas Howard, Geo. • lected by him, and it will appear in Great Expectations. ( Oliver Twist. James C. Parker was appointed of all manner of refuse. • McDowell, Wesley C. Keeton, and S. T. Giles, A. F. 8NMLLING. Register. ( all of Drewsey, Oregon. these columns shortly. PRICE PER VOLUME 45c — PER 8ET »3.00 Justice of the Peace for Burns pre­ —Catholic Sentinel: Father Hil­ | Any person that desires to protest against the — Go to the stable of Roussel cinct, and filed his oflicial bond and allowance of such proof, or who knows of any debrand recently visited ths catho­ j sul stantial reason, under the law and the regu- t | lotions of the Interior Department, why such j I Bros, for horse feed and livery ac- oath. lics of George precinct, Clackamas proof should not be allowed, will be given an 1 ] or.'. county, and said mass at the resi­ I opportunity at the above mentioned time and vOIlimouailOIlB. Suicide of C. K. Croolcahank. place to cross examine witnesses of said claim ­ ■",’",tV»IT«»aTAT«».LAND Owiri, I ant,' and to offer evidence iu rebuttal of that dence of Mr. F. Rath, and baptized .’lew. Oregon, February 27, submitted by claimant. ■'—A very large wild cat was kill­ IN HERALD OFFICE, - _ _ BURNS, OREGON. In 1884 Mrs. M. A. Fry bought two children of the neighborhood. HEREBY GIVEN that the fol­ Meh 28-13 A. F. SNELLING, Register. settler has filed notice of b.i« in- ed last week in the hen-house on Open every day except Sunday, from 9 a m to 5 p m. out the drug business of C. E. —Corvallis Gazette: One of the ke final proof in support of his t said proof will be made before the Devine ranch, by John Morrell, Crookshanks, in Burns, and some measures passed by the last Oregon id Receiver al Lakeview, Oregon, Every Lady and Gentlemen a welcome Visitor to this Fres Read­ a: but not before it had killed a turkey time after he left this section of legislature is the Layman high li­ ing Room. yiNAL PROOF. — i MeN«|lty, cense law. It requires all saloon and several hens. country. U nited F tates L and O ffice ,/ proprietors in towns not incorporat­ Laxeview, Or., March 6, 1889.1 After leaving here he married a ed to first secure the signatures of _ , nuons residence upon, and cult!- —Applications for final proof NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN that the follow infi-named settler ha« filed notice of hi« inten­ made out free at T he H erald office. Mcrmon lady, moved to Clackamas, an actual majority of the whole ant county, Oregon tion to make final proof in support of hi« claim, i where they lived unhappily, he number of voters in the precinct and that said proof will be made before the who deairCB to protest against > Register and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, C. W. Jones has a good start j finally becoming demented. Ilis where he wishes to conduct such , OkL,of such pr«MW-or whp knows of 1 on May 4th, 1889, viz: 1 reason, under the’law and the 1 Andrew E. Lucan, Ior uivcu ui for ail an exuviicuv excellent breed of vnivaciio, chickens, father, J. R. Crookshank, gave him business; he must pay $400 for a the Interior Department, why i licence annually, and must keep his l j r a j aid not be allowed, will be gi\<-n D. 8. No. 2512, for the Eli of SW qr, 8W qr of SE . qr ne qr. 8«c 32. Tn 29, s, r ns e . 1 in a pure bred Leghorn rooster and money so he could travel. In Red­ place of business closed on Sunday. qr. Sec 29, NW < ? " , . ' L, _______________ a f at the above mentioned time witnesaes to prove hia his : i . , rMjr^a-examinellw witnesM.'« of sold i He nainea the following witnessea ding, California, he was found dead, It requires the grand jury to in­ to offer evidence in rebuttal of I continuouB resilience upon aud cultivatiiin of ‘ TWO nenS. , «aid land, viz- T. M. Seaward, A. 8. Rowland, by claimant. i L. M. Seaward, and C. D. Richardson, all of Dia- quire into all matters when there is A. F. SNELLING, Register. | mond, Oregon. —Two single men, Messrs. J. and there being evidence of his dying the least violations of the act, and one or two days before from the ef ­ A nV desires to against the ■* »/■' ' 2* u » person pvinoii who wuu uvbitvb iu piotest piuivst Rgniuii me • W • Williams, left Potter valley, [ return bills of indictment against any] I : allowance of such proof, or^ or who knows of any . z, it t fects of morphia. ■ subsi antial reason, under the law and the regu- I Mendocino COUnty, CftlllOmia, J RD. ■ the same, and also requires the ! latiui.s latioi.st of the Interior Department, why «uch such ' j . . sheriffs, constables and justices of IF. nroof should not be allowed, will be proof lie given an 25th, and arrived in Harney valley I opportunity at the above mentioned time and I a i i a ~ i /-From Mr. Pratt we learn that the peace to enforce the law to its with i;Axn- OvYltlE, / y.‘H< £ to rr< f>s examine the witnesses of said I March 2<)th, to look OUt a good fullest extent. claimant, and to offer evidence iu rebuttal of ! Oregon, March 1st. ¡669.1 i farming site on which to perma­ Rev. Bartholomew of Long Creek, ^^^ERESY GIVEN Ih.Yllie follow that submitted by claimant. will arrive in Burns next Friday, Meh 28-18 A. F. SNELLING, Register. Portland World: Senator C. A. ler h«a filed not ice of his inten- nently locate; they had heard of lal proof in BBpport of hi« claim, Cogswell of Lakeview, is in the city, and commence a series of religious roof will be made before the Harney Valley Fair Exhibition and d Receiver, at Lakeview, Oregon on business. NEW TO-DAY. iWi», vic called at once in the office to exam­ services in the new church, on Sat­ - mdertow £111 i tt. «¿f '. urday evening. He expects to re ­ G. Rader, a prominent citizen of ine the specimens of whent, oats, .. _ X or »bo 8Wt0»<-11, Tp r R 3, 0ESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF. el he following witnesse« to prove- rye, barley, clover, alfalfa, timothy, main ten days, and T he H erald Long Creek, is in the city on an ex­ reaidenc« upon, and cultivu- hopes the gentleman will receive so tended visit. U nited 8 t \ trs L and O fficb J .nd. via: J. Cl Creasinan, John millet, etc., and records of potatoes, Iasevew Oregon. March 20, 1889 I Hurlburt, and R N. Miller, all cordial a reception in a regular, full NOTICE IS HF REBY GIVEN that George county, Oregon. G. Conn, a prominent citizen of If. Itrown, of Kile- Harney county, Oregon, beans, peas, roots, etc.; the expres­ has filed notice of his in'ention to make proof ho desire« toprot es * azain«: the on his desert land claim No. 167, for the KE qr sion in favor of the valley was un­ attendance of attentive, intelligent Paisley, Lake county, is here on a 2, hearers, that he will wish to fome business trip. k>n, under the law and tlurregu Tp 24, S R 23 E, before the Regia’er or Receiver qualified. aterior Depurtmeut, why such at lake view. Oregon, on Wedesday, the nth again. .....«•rt be allowediwill be rt of hi« claim County Clerk of Harney county, Oregon, at i hibit of proficiency on the part of lation of Oregon will have doubled ^-It is reported that the Poison ra for ityrouf will ade before the Harney, Oregon, May bl«t, 1889, vis: i 2Se Malheur nty, Oregon, at I. M. Blevrna, teachers and pupil, and the samples creek Sabbath sch'xil intends re- I in eighteen months. via: D. 8, No. 13’0 for the Lots 1, 2, £ 3, Rec 8, Tp JN. 20, 8, R E He names the h llowlng wit­ of penmanship, fancy work and moving to Burns so soon as the There was a lively shooting I om T ■ nesses to prove his continuuvs resilience upon, scrape at the Holton House last Sat­ W. E. GRACE, P roprietor , fortb« I____ RSEU, SeeS», Tj> i and cultivation of, said land, vis: R. A. Miller, painting are very beautiful, fully - BURNS, ORS01ÖN new church is opened. TJ , of NE qr, Sec A. J. Alphin, 8. W. Hamilton, and Wm. Mteeker ----------- urday evening, in which Joe Morin, lea the following all of Drewsey, Oregon up to the grading. ore hl. co, muons residence a porter, fired five shots at Al. Cody, ition of, Midi tnd, vis: Jackaou Any person v. ho desires to protest against the Kxchangr Not««. a hotel runner, one of which struck rtin Willis. ease Thompson, allowance of such proof, or who knows of any —Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Winters - Dearmood all of Drewsey, subs’antial reason, under the law and the regu­ —Prineville News; Mr. W E. F. J. Goodenough, the night clerk, >n. lations of the Interior Department, why such have moved into the house lately proof should not be allowed, will be given an Grace, who has many friends in inflicting a slight chest wound. A Large Assortment of irotest againat the opportunity at the above named time and place vacated by A. Cavin. Prineville, has been appointed clerk Morin surrendered himself to the fho knows of any to cross-examine the witnesses of st id claimant Jaw and 'he regu- and to vff»r evidence in rebuttal of that sub­ police ofllcers, and Cody was arrest ­ of Harney county. —To dispel colds, headaches and unent, why aucli mitted by claimant ed charged with mayhem, he hav­ Will be given an Apl 4-19 A. F. SMELLING. Register fevers, to cleanse the system effect­ ■tinned time and T. B. James, who used to live ing bit off Morin’s lower lip in a fist RituerafB of aaid ually, yet gently, when costive or near here, is one of the commis­ fight which resulted in the shoot­ hue in rebuttal of Has just been Received. bilious or when the blood is impure sioners of Harney county, by ap­ ing. ING. Register. pointment. or sluggish, to permanently cure PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUMDKD. —All who know themselves in­ habitual constipation, to awaken Harney City, the county seat of lull1 debted to N. Brown will please come new vuuiiij county, io is to have <1 a JILwO' news- i the kidneys and liver to a healthy the nvn W IluYu 1 1 J gSF* Every thing guaranteed pure and of the very best quality. paper, material, even'to the editor, forward at once and settled up. — UwtTB» S tatbs L and O ffici , i activity, without irritating or weak ­ I desire to rent my ranch con­ eVi«W.OrtW«^ Muri-h , having been furnished for the enter-1 _______________________________ I) d»P' KKKÉY GIYKN that the follow- taining 160 acres, to somes respon­ ening them. use Syrup of Figs. prise, Harney will now boom, no! ce of his inten- o4 hisrlaim. sible party, who wants to make doubt. Good luck to her. — Last week J. C. Parker per ­ F St made before the ' money, and who will work. Will ■feftakeview, Oregon, i furnish grain to sow from 10 to 50 formed the marriage ceremony for The friends and acquaintance«' ■acres. Have about ... 15 acres of •- J. D. Moore «..iu and <- a jvuug young i.ngiiBii English oi of oir. Mr. a A. . a A. . Lowing, Cowing, who went to; to ‘ fberl4»Tp 37, R, Burns, and this ' Harney in 1885, will be pleased to f Ing .witnesses to land in a good state of cultivation, lady living near e upon and culti- Place all fenced. Plenty good pas- week her brother in.law ha(1 a waf , hear of his being appointed sheriff i Fream, J. R Wil ohn Smith, all of ture, and about .>0 tons of good hay . , , .. p-.v„- of Harney county, our new sister can be cut. Dwelling-house 12x14. rant b? M^Parker for Ins ar- the >fr c ,g io GEO. McGOWAN. - BURNS, «RBOOJL oteat against the Stable 12x16. The party will be ™t on charge of b.gamy, he having , every wav quaHfied and deserving, ho know s of any * undivorced wife and several law and the regu- required to reside on the place. No an ent, why such I It . is currently .. reported ..... , will ne given an ' money demanded from responsible children in Prineville. that a 1 Ag«nt for Starar A Walk««, wh«l««al« g«al«r« te tinned time and ‘parties; will rent for share of Hay ! ¡Chinese leper is in town A boy, itaeseca of said For further informa­ , —Messrs. Miller, Sweek, and from the Celestial Empire, now at uce in rebuttal of and Grain. tion. address Williams, were in town last week. work for Ah Doong in the Cary LISO Krn.trr. B. B rowx , Bums, Or. ; House, is said to be the subject.' —Mrs. Jennie Bailey received the We know nothing of the facts in the WAGONS, BUGGIES & CARRIAGES, 1 announcement last week of the ma“eri. understand that the Painting. .. r . , ... case will be medicallv investigated Combine« th« juke of the Blue Fig« of deaths of two near relatives in Bar- wjthout de]av «^■A uzst m. Pr»e l.irimi tearaST l-l, California, laxative and nutritions, srm I UsnOrnci,/ To W hom it M ay C oncern : raw«. with the medicinal virtue« of plant» , March 8, 1M».I I hereby respectfully tender my nevcld. Wit, that deeply afflicted N that the follow- T’racticai Painter to her—Mrs E. C. Simpson, her bro- Ontario Atls: Saturday evening' known to be most beneficial to the tee of hi« inten- services as a I'__ 2__ nystem, forming the ON LY PER­ tlier’a wife, died Feb. 16th. aged 30 Rutherford received a human rt of hl« claim, the citizens of Harney Valley. FECT REMEDY to act gently yet made l>efore the . . . , . , telegram from Rube Robbins, sheriff promptly on the < House Painting a specialty. Sat­ years, leaving at Canyon City, a husband and four Bt £,iw. City, to arrest E W, Be- isfaction guaranteed. ¡children, the two youngest being , dell, for the murder of Green Shelton W r . H. CULP. 1, 3 A 4. and SE —awn to — twin hoys but a few hours old; Mrs. a few hours before. Dick watched X E He numi-n Bum., Or MM CHAS E BOSWELL ------- VALI. OREHON. « hi« continúen« Mary Simpson, her mother, aged the trains and ferry Sunday and nf «aid laud, rii: Adv Ire to Wnthers. — THAT — PT*. Jr»“ ItTh. i 75 years, died March 6th, leaving Monday, but didn’t catch him. A y, ‘¿rant county /. C. PASKER, BURS», AOBBT, Ma* WiMafoow’s S ootwino 9% rif for ch 11 standing reward of 9900 had in the PURE BLOOD, dren teething, is the pre-«.-ripti«»n o( one o five sons and two daughters, the lat­ REFRESHING SLEEP, meantime grown to 2.001). «nd the the be^t female nurses aa«« of any L'lilted State-«, »nd has been ti-ed for forty ter being Mrs. Bailey, book keeper whole town went on the watch. law and the reim years with never-failing sucres* by miil.ons for the Todhunter ranch, and Mrs particules of the affair were ob­ Leaves VALE on Munday», Wednesdays and Fridays at 4:30, a sa Naturally follow. Every oae in using it ment, whv «neh of metier* for their children, [hiring the and all are delighted with it. Ask youi Arrives at BURNS on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at • p wiil be rive»i an nroce-s of teething its value i incalculable. M A. Vance, resident at Fort Mc­ tained until Monday evening, when loned »Ime and It relieves the child mm pain, cures dysen­ druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Mans« leaves BURNS on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays at 4 30a. ■ in •«««■« of sai t Mrs. B *g many Si. Morrow and Frank Huntington, ' facturcd only by the ind di rrliLM, griping in the bnv d« Dermitt, Nevada. in rebuttal «4 tery Arrives at VALE on Tuesdays, Thursdays, snd Saturdays at ft p.a deputy sheriffs of Ada cousty, ar- I ‘■"«1-vin'i-colk Bv ei.ing he.Uth to the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. child r rest« the mother I’ii U5 cent« friends here deeply sympathize with rived from a circuit that ctsbraeed ART. Rrglr'rr. S am Faawcitco, C al . a bottle. j it her in this sad loes. O^^CI om connection at VALE with stage for ONTARIO. 1-ly the Owyhee river. l^mvnt«. Kr. NiwYoti, If/ ADVlRTtSEMENTK. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Dickens’ Works J J THE HERALD READING ROOM. IO Per Cent Disoount AT P. F.STENGBR’S, BUSES, OR. A FURTHER DISCOUNT OF T en P er C ent on F ormer R educed P rices . On All Goods NowilHeld In Stock. Goods T K.» ZFL. FxdLoeai DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, BRUSHES, FINE CUTLERY, NOTIONS, Etc. RANCH TO RENT. HARDWARE, TINWARE, WAGON MATERIAL, KIDIETS, LIVER AND BOVEU Cleanse tm System Effectually, VALE AND BURNS STAGE LINE