—M. Dustin of Canyon City will (.IIEEX 8HEI.TOX Ml lll>EKEl> BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. make his home in Hurney. —All who know themselves in- In reply to nil settlers who have ap T^INAL PROOF, ilebtetl to N. Brown will please come 1T LAND, FIK a : I’K< h . e . plied to th.'s office to have their place for pro) ■ THE TOWN OF BURNS Illg uixhuui«! In IlKlr Xolice. of Publication m" i forward at once and settled up. - ► UMITB» K t ATI'S I.ANIiOKFIiKJ GRANT CO. OREGON. from < «.»on < Ity to Harney We «re ln.truct NOTI( K Ilt | IEK EBV »¡VEN that the follow | hLaieriew.Oftr u, February »., I«*« » ZWni. Miller and family of Cun- Klllr.l for I'rotrctlui; a Drrrnarleaa AH IT IM VOICRIÌ IIY THK HERALD. mg named Ituttiv.i settlei H»-iiivr has filed notice of his inten­ 18 1IERIHY GIVEN thut Jnmm ed to say that claimants must go t«> the place as jng Wife nml Child from the Hrutnt yon City will take up their residence of ms his « claim, proof in support or rlsoa, of Grau* county, Oregon, hits fiist published in Notice, and iu no < use can the tion ■ to make final Treatment of a Heckles» , e ...til «... ,r«i .aim, til»» u-f.-n ...y ..ffieer that >. nut Lnko kw.’*'On'K-’'.’ in Harney. ce of his intention to make pr.nif <»n Husband and Father. BU8INEK.M MEN ABROAD BY LOOKING OVER ITS COLUMNS WILL REE THAT t laud claim Ko. 273, for the E‘-, of bW named ill the Final Proof Notices. * ----- * on •• May 4th, 1889, - viz: Alt» 2 A 3, see 18. Tp JU, H K M E, before —Ten Dress Patterns—at AUC» Burns contains atjr Clerk •f’Grant couuty. Oregon, ut Andrew E. I.ucas, TION — at Stenger's — Saturday. 1 newspaper; I hotel: lbrcwory: 1 undertaker: 1 meat market: 2 lawyer»: 3 physiclaaa ’ity, Oregon,on Thursday, the 4th day THE Ml KDEIIEU rAPTI'RF.». D. 8. No. 2512. for the E‘«2 of SW qr, SW qr of SE A.., UM). He MM jk n the following wit - 1 surveyor: 1 land agent: I drugstore; I jeweler: 1 blacksmith; 1 livery »table: 2 general mrr O'!NAL PROOF. qr Sec 29, NW qr NE qr. Sec 32, Tl> 29, S, R :-3 E. —Judge Shields came from Cur­ News reached here this week that chandise stores; 1 hardware store; 1 saw-mill; VU| prove the eonii' Cic irrigation and re lie names the following witnesses to prove his 1 carpenter; 1 saddled harness shop; 1 gro­ u of said land: James Sturdevant, o. J. ' continuous residence upon and cultivation oi ry last Thursday, and will be at his U nited S tates L and O ffice , * . C. Keeton, and Samuel Ovvrlander, ¡Green Shelton well-known in this cery store. Als>. 1 Odd Fellow» lodge; 1 reading room; 1 school; I church. said land, viz- T. M. Seaward, A. S. Rowland. Lakeview. Oregon, February 27, lxx9| ewaey, Uranico., Or. Grant < < jf^vMail a copy of T iie H erald to Advertise your town, tn the East. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fol- L. M. seaward, and ( . D. Richan’son, h !1 of Din post next week. county three years ago when driv­ I A. F. SNELLING. l:cgib cr. lowing-nuincd settler has filed notice of his in- *»ond, Oregon, —Chas. Newell from Kansas, but ing the Ontario stage for his father, tention to muke linai proof in support of his Any person who desires to protest against the lately from Wallowa, this State, claim, and that said proof will be made before who owned the line, was murdered the Register and Receiver ai Lakeview, Oregon, allowance of such proof, or who knows of any called in and looked over the sam­ E. hiibstttiitinl reason, under the law and the regu­ on 15th inst. near his home in Ida­ May 11, 1889, viz: «T. PROOF. lations of the Interior Department, why such .John McNulty, . •— , proof should not be allowed, will be given an ples of Harnev valley’s products ho, by his brother-in-law, Wm. Be­ r UlrtTB» S tates L and O ffice , ‘ D. S. No. 2.360, NF.1 >860. for the NE 1 , of Sec 19, Tp 24, S opportunity at the above mentioned time and now on exhibit in this office; he dell, who was well-known to early *•> Lakeview, Oregon, February 7, 1889. j R 31 F. He names the following witnesses to place to en ts examine the witnesses of said Ip.BB HEREBY GIVEN that the folio«- prow his continuous residence upon, ami culti- c laimant, ami to « fier evidence iu rebuttal of likes this section of country not ¡settlers here. Both men were sons- \ Hl .«HI «• of,said I, MIIU IUUU. lami, viz: » 40 . j J. . C. ' . I Foley, «»ivy , .«I..', M.S. Riggs ' 1 that mu bii submitted run . by claimant. Ml settler hue filed notice of his inten vation alone for such evidences of agricul­ in-law of Silas McMurphy of Sage- •ke final proof in support of his claim, Crawford Gilham, Hnd Th.>. McCormic k, all of said proof will be made before the tural worth, as for its healthy loea 5 hen. IN HERALD OFFICE, _ _ _ BUBNR, OREGON. Iand Receiver at Lakeiiew, Oregon, on tion. Mr. N. is a teacher by pro­ As near ns we can learn, the fol­ i, UW, via: fession. and is thinking of settling * R. Carpenter, THE HERALD Open every day except Sunday, from 9 a in to 5 p hi . lowing is correct: Burts P. O., Grant county, Oregou. 3147, for the WH of »W qr, Sec 35. Tp down here with his little family. Whert Bedell and his wife sepa­ t E, and Lot mo . 4 Sec 2, l p :.9, s, R Any person who desires to protest ayainst j ♦ Another gentleman is with him, al­ rated, he left her nt her father’s at amea the following witness« s to prove the allowane of such proof, or who knows of THURSDAY. MARITI 2s. But). quod » residence upon, and cultivation | any siiHs’antial rvtison, under Ihe laiv and the so "spyingout the land,” with good Sagehen, and when Shelton was land, via: Thomas Ashmore, It. H. ' regulatioi.s of the Interior Department, why ' rank Wintera.and 1.. <:. Chamberlain, | such proof should not Le allowed, will be given [ intentions. visiting there last fall, he took Mrs. Every Lady and Gentlemen a welcome Visitor to this Free Read­ ^^41 McDermitt, P. O., Nevada. an opportunity at the above nienti«med time ' Local News. I and plaeetocrora-exntnine rhe witnesses of said The pleasant effect and the per­ Bedell home with him, 15 mile wc-st A. F. BNE1.1.1NG. Register ing Room. claimant, and to < tier evidence in rebuttal of 1 fect safety with which ladies may of Boise City, to stay with her that submitted by ( laimant. pINAL use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup sister, his wife. Feb 14-15 PROOF. A. F. SNELLING, Register. PROOF. Week before last the two men of Figs, under all conditions, make U nited S tates L and O ffice ,/ —County court convenes in Har­ it their favorite remedy. It is pleas­ I met near his place, and Bedell, so U nite » S tates L ank O ffice .} Lakeview, Oregon, March 1st. 1889.| Lakeview, Oregon, February 6, 1889.1 NOTICE IK HEREBY GIVEN that the folio« ney next Monday, and will proba­ ing to the eye and to the taste, gen­ a witness states, accused Shelton of Ing-named settler has filed notice of his inten­ S 18 HIBIBY' i ’ ■ XÌ Settle? ha» filed notice of his inten- tion to make final proof in support of his claim, bly *iot complete its work under a tle, yet effectual in acting on the ¡having talked about him; after a and that sai«l proof will be made before the tivo-week’s session. ake final denial and some words on the part kidneys, liver and bowels. the Register and Receiver, nt Lakeview, Oregon on April 25th, 1889, viz: —Justices of the Pence and the Z-A party of hunters, including of Shelton brought out the name of Henderson Flliott, constables of the several precincts Messrs. Stansell and Cozad of Can­ Bedell’s informant, and Shelton at D. 8. No. 2493, for the SW',;, Kec 11, Tp J’, 8 R 28. 1 Fnrleigli, E. He names the following witnesses to prove in Harney county may not be aware yon City, and our local sportsmen, once proposed they go together and his continuous residence upon, and cultiva­ 1ÜR0, for the KV\ , qrefMW;et.lec 19, Ti»20. s, R ;.4, E tion of, said .hind, viz: J. (’. ('rensman, John that it is obligatory upon them to P. F. Stenger, J. T. Sillman, Jno. face him; calling out for Bedell to AT P. F. STENGER’S, BURNS, OR. ie» the following wiino'scs toprove Jenkins, A W. Hurlburt, and R. N Miller, all give new bonds to serve in the new W. Sayer, and others, have been come on, he turned to go off when ■^Muoua residence upon, and < ulfivation of Riley, Grant county, Oregon. county. They are advised to ap- creating quite a havoc among the Bedell shot him*taking shelter be­ ttld. Via: Wtauel Uverlandvr, J. F. O. J. DarstT^nd W. C. Keeton, all of Any perron who desires to protest against the ' npnr :n allowuiue of suih proof, or whoknov.s of any ' H* i Harney at as early a day feathered tribes on the hikes and hind his horse he cried out to not Grant county, Oreg. n. substantial reason, nuder*lhe law and the regu next week, as possible, and attend shoot him; another shot was the A. F. SNELLING, Register. swamps. huions of ihe Interior Department, why such! reply; lie then turned to run, when proof should not be allowed, will be given an to this matter, during the first ses- — Paul Locher planted grape opportunity at the above menticued time and A FURTHER DISCOUNT¿OF one of two more shots brought him place to i r.fS examine the witnesses of said i sion of the new county court. PROOF. vines on his grounds last week in down. claimant, and to otter eviileuce in rebuttal of — Remember the dance at the that submitted by clain.aut. order to obtain facts as to adapta­ U nited S tates L and O ffice , ) ADDITIONAL FACTS. Island school house conies off next bility of the grape to this section of Meh 21-17 A. F. SNELLING. Register. Akeviuw, Oregon. February 6, 1889.i Since the above was in type 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the fbllow- Tuesday evening. country; they are from the Blom- I settler has filed notic e of his inten* ko final proof in support of his claim, —Great Reduction in Dress Goods ington Nursery, therefore of the these additional facts have been learned: said proof will be made before the pTNAL PROOF. j at N. Brown’s. - best stock. .0,^ffrkof Grant county, Oregon, at Can- Bedell had gone to Idaho nnd On All Goods'Now'Held in Stock. Jr.pon April 4th, 1889, viz: U nited S tater L and O ffice , ) — The smiling face of John Par ­ — On 21st inst. Rob ’ t McKinnon Lake view, Oregon, March 6, 1889. i persuaded his wife to live with him Samuel Ovcrlnncler, NOTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow- ker was seen on our streets on took J. Demaris' hack and went af­ again, which she did. but was com­ 3257, for the Nl - of SE qr and Lots 8 Tp 21, 8, R 3« E. ‘ He nanus the tol- ing-nametl settler has filed notice of I i . k inten­ i Tuesday. ter Jos. Baird, who was taken to pelled a few weeks since to leave lussea to prove his continuous rcsi- tion to make flnul proof in support of ILs claim and that said proof will Le made before the •n, and cultivation of said land, viz: —A I'CTION—at Stenger’s every Canyon City some time since for him again because of brutal treat- ioriison, O. J. Dai st, G. W. Farleigh, ¡County ClerK of Mulhtur county, Oregon, at inflammation of the bowels. ___ urdevaut, all of Drev.sey,Grant coun j Vule, Oregon, on May 1st, 1889, viz: ■ Saturday. i I ment, he having struck and driven .J usef Strcher, —The people on the Island are her from the house. — Applications for final proof ! D. S. No. roil, for the SW'., of SE ’ .. Ser 34. Tp A. F* SNELLING, Regis er. | 19. b. R :.7. E. w W’a of N E' „ >E>, of NE qr, bee ' made out free at T he H erald ofiice. getting up a dance for the boys be­ Shelton’s death wound was from i I:, Tp 20, S, R ri. He iiamcs the following —Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gianini fore they start to work on the spring a ball entering the right side below i witiii'Hws to prove his continuous residence i upon and cultiviiiiwii of. said land. \iz: Jackson moved from here last week to make ; round-up. Next Tuesday night. , the short ribs and ranging upward, •ROOF. A. Bartlett, Muriin Willis, Jesse Thompson, I April 2d, is the time, and everybody coming out below the left collar .mid Richard II. Dvurmond, a.l of Dreusev, their home in Harney. U nited S tates L and O ffice J j Grant co, Oregon. —Two cases choice Pie Fruit— is invited. bone. T, Ok’ Lakeview, Or., February ci, lxg’jJ i Any person who desires to protest agairst the 18 HEREBY G1V EN that the foll.»w- , allowaiu e of such proof, or «ho knows of any at AUCTION—at Stenger’s—Satur­ —Go to the stable of Roussel The actu.1l cause of the shooting settler hns filed noti, e of his inten­ sui s nniia! reus. n. under the law i«nu ihe regu­ I Bros, for horse feed and livery ac- of Shelton was for giving his sister- te final proof in support of ii.se laim, lations of the interior 1'«. j ar'.mi nt, m 1 i \ such day, 16th. BURNS, OREGON. itijl uroòf .will be made bviorc the proof sliouldjiot I e allowed, will le pivtu an I commodations. - —T he H erald premises were set in-law the protection of his home. t&iri-k oi Grnirt county, Oregon, at Can- opportunity at the above mtnti« tied lime and »r., on April 6th, IWl, viz: —C. C'. Vanarsdol, civil engineer About two and a half years ago the place to (n ts examine the witmsEis of said out last week in ornamental trees David M iik i. claimant, mid to oiler evidence inrebuttulof 18, for the HE qrof NW qr, and lot that and shrubbery bought of the Bloom­ in charge of the Union Pacific sur­ two young girls, Misses Ida and submilted by claimant. J2U, 8 R 34 E, and EL. of s-E qr, See 1, vey force now in the Harney coun­ Belle McMurphy, were married at A. F. SNELLING, Register. ington Nursery last Fall. 4.J4 E. He names the following wit- Meh 21-17 ' rove his continuous residence upon, —W’e understand from outside try, was in Burns Thursday, and their father's home on the same day tion of. said land, viz: A. J. Alpnin, . M. Blcvips, and G. W. Farlcigli, all rumor that efforts are being made ¡inspected the Harney Fair exhibits to Messrs. Green Shelton and Wm. , Grant c ounty, Oregon. piNAL PROOF. to open the Burns church, and that with sn intelligent comprehension , Bedell, and have each a son born A. F. SNELLI NG, Register. IWXh--- ____________ ___________________ U nited S tates L and O ffice ./ a pastor has been appointed to take ■of its worth to capital seeking in­ I within a month of each other. Lak •. le a , Oregon, Man h »’■, 1889 ) vestment. j charge of it this spring. Shelton was a good citizen and I NOTH F. IS HEREBY GIVEN thut the f.ill.iw- ^^ROOF. —Monday evening. 25th inst., husband, while Bedell was the re­ ing-named settler bus ti'.e l notice of his inten­ —E. A. King requests us to state tion to make final proof in supp.?rt of his claim, Silas McMurphy of Sagehen went verse in every relation. U nited S tates L and O ffice J and that said pru.if will be mude before the that his saw-mill is now in readi­ Lakeview, Or., h«'l':uitry 7t li. 1>.<' t Register mid Receiver, at Lakeview, Oregon, ness to accommodate the public j out to the barn, when he became Bedell was captured on the 21 st IS HERKBY GIVEN that the follow- on M»j ; <1, UN9. viz: ■ with lumber of every description aware of the presence of a man in inst. and is now in jail at Starr, settler bee file«I nm 1« <■ «.t his inim Frank Winters, ,e final proof in support of lus c laim, D. S. No. 2D22, •for Ihe NW qr of Sec 14, Tp 37, 17. i s. ’, on demand; and will not be under- the sage-brush near by whose, figure Ida co., Idaho. aid proof will be ii¡mie Wore the R:BK. lie names tlie Lillowing witnesses to ^^WMMlMraFT-c.keview, Oregon, on prove Orders and actions reminded hini' of his The sympathy of a host of friends his coiitinuouB rcsideni c upon and cull i |sold by any lumber firm. »89, vii; son-in-law, Wm. Bedell, who some: in this county is tendered the fami­ vatiwii of said land, viz: R. B. Frcani, J. R. Wil- solicited. 50-tf | Thoxnaa Asli in ore, E. ui, Th< s. Ashnior«', and John Smith, ail Of —T he H erald has been most time since threatened to take his J ly of Mr. McMurphy in their hour nt, for the 8£ qr. bee 11, Tp 37 S R 36 Fort McDermitt, Nevada. Toilet Articles, Glass, Putty, &c. , .ci the following witnesse s to prove life. He retreated toward the house, J of great affliction. Any person who dua 'US I-- —— f viy: Tho Shmore. Frank Win- Has just been Received. —Miss Roberts closed her school I —Messrs. Stansell and Cozad home on 19th inst. and tind the Brnjniniii F. Carter, rpenter, all of P. O. . . .-eim, »ud • - lttt, Hnm icount.v, Ne vada. D. S. No. 8589, for the Lots No. 2, 3 ' A. Sagehen is our first camp. We Canyon City after having killed a the following witnesses to prove*his continuous of ill health. tgke cold water with« a fine bit of residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz number of wild — no tame — geese, —Mrs. M. A. Fry’s restaurant is Alfred Whealdon, Walter D. Capj», Jesse Davis, OOF. venison. E. T. Haley is a good and S. F. Jenkins, all of Drewsej, Grant county being largely patronized by an ap­ we know as the present of one from shot at long range. s L and O ffice , I Oregou. U nited Mr. Stansell testifies. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY C0MP0U preciative public ceview, O I, February 7, 1889 | Our party consists of two, with Any person who desires to protest against the Married, at the residence of the rEN that the follow- allownnceof such proof, or who knows of any IHERKB —A Sunday school is progressing buckboard and team, Messrs. E. ettler has bride's sister, Mrs. Wm. Waters, notiee of hie inten* substantial reason, under the law and the regu final p upport oi his claim, latioi s of the Interior Department, why such encouragingly in the upper school T. Haley, and J. Boreland, both of TR d proc be made before the j proof should not been allowed, wiil be given an house in the Dr. Embree district, of near Burns, Monday evening, March Liai JUce the Island. The former goes to | Lake view, Oregon, oppoituuity at theabovc mentioned time and 25, 1889, by J. C. Parker, J. I*.. Mr. ®W“Evcrything guaranteed pure and of the very best quality. which Mrs. Embree is treasurer and place to ci\ ss-examiiie the witr.esnrs «if said Portland, anil the latter to Yaquina J. 1). Moore, of Prineville and Miss claimant, and to oiler evidence in rebuttal of K. B. Frerani, Miss Roberts is secretary. School that submitted by eluimant. bay. T temizer . for the Wqr Sec 10. Tp : 7, S. R supplies will be sent for this week. Ray Thompson, late of Manitoba, HENRY RINEHART, Register. améa tha iMlowmg witnesses to Meh 21-17 riti nuoti» rasten« e Upon, and cui* —The West Shore for March in B. A. The fruits of peace, content —Ontario Atlas: Chas. E. Bos­ aaid 'land, w Th.-mtu« Ashtrorc, addition to being’in itself one of the and prosperity attend them. , Frank Wintere and !.. ( . Chain well will move his family down here — Rumor says Geo. McGowan, ».Fort McDermitt. Humboldt co.. '.a .dsomest and best made up shortly. PINAL PROOF, A. F.SMELI.ING, Register monthlies that reaches our desk, director for Burns school district, —George Ledne pilt in tho week has sent to the Willamette for a ---------------- s_. presents its readers with a very U nited S tates L and O fficej teacher; also, that Mr. Newell's ap­ fishing on Bully creek. »'••I ••».*.-3« La Gramie, Oregon. March 8, 1889.1 I handsome, large picture entitled NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tliot the fol-I a.^OOF. • plication is now under considera­ lowing-natned settler has tiled ««»tice of his in- i “Oregon’s Feathered Immigrants” —Canyon City News: T. II. Curl The school should lie kept U nited I tes L and O ffice ,) I tention to muke final proof in support of his ’ in colors; there are fifteen named tion. was re-appointed stock inspector claim and that said pnwf will be made before' ', O February *0, 1S88.J open ten months in the year, as it I the County Clerk of Grunt county, at Canyon species of birds. Come in and see for Grant county for the year ¡889. EN that the folhiw City, Oregon, on May 2d, 1W9, viz: [notice of his inten it, or better still send two-bits and and an open church arc among the Alfred Whealdon, —Ochoco [Prineville] Review: bupport of his claim, best advertisements Burns can offer Lc made before* the D. S. No. 8W0. for the 1 o s 1 n, under the laws an«l regula until the clerkship should be legal­ ¡county. lions of the Interior Department, why su'-h ly assumed. Returned by Tuesday's all kinds of carpentry nt fair prices. A. F. SHELLING. Register. proof should not lie allowed, will Ve given an If you want a house built, furniture —Prineville News: Riley Ham- opportunity at the n’mve mentioned Hine and made, or any kind of carpenter or mersley, a deputized sheriff of Lake place to on aa examine the witnesses of Rabi 1 ' — •^Born to Mr. and Mrs. Win. claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of | joiner work done in a neat aud K)F that submitted by claimant. Skinner.of Burns, a daughter, Mon­ workmanlike manner, send in your county, arrived here on Monday of WAGONS, BUGGIES & CARRIAGES, this week, after a very hard ride, Meh 21-17 HENRY RINEHART. Register. kTE-< L and O ffice . < day, March 18, 1889. orders to Chas. Bauman. - k Fcbrnary 20. I hxx . ( making one of the quickest horse ­ —J no. E. Rot erts returned home T. A. Crump, the Bidwell- back trips on record, in search of the fol- i ig A g BBT Ff»B E i RFMAM' s Et 5!» iNHt'RARCK CoMFABY. NE V TO-DAY. fher in­ from Silver Creek last Saturday, Burns stage »‘ontractor re|»orts an one support of her Billy Jackson, alias Al Merritt, l»e made before end went to Raddle Buttes Sunday. effort was made to prevent the pas­ who is accused of stealing a horse i < »regon, at ( an 1**. vit: —J. F. Barr, of Del Norte, Har­ sage of the stage over the usual belonging to Hon. S. P. Moss, of p-iXAL PROOF. ney county, cal! d in .and sub­ road in fallow valley. Pistols that county, Mr. Moss arrived lat­ U nited S tate ’ L and office / scribed for the Weekly Examiner, wore thought of hut not used, for­ er and recognized his property. J.aKcvtrw, Or. March 13, PS®. a paper he has been reading for tunately. It is generally asserted Th»- two gentlemen left yesterday NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow 1-3 i.amrd settler has filed notice of I: x inten years, and pronounces it the best by those who discussed the ques­ morning with their prisoner. tlo . to make final proof in BUpp« rt *f h a rjaim, '•rantcounty. Or. tion, that the U R. mail cannot be and thut said pruwf will be made I'ei.-re H h weekly on the f Grant cemntjr, oreg.m, cr in —Any length over 10 yards, in —We pul li-h with pleasure in debarred the use of a neighborhood his at sent e the (\’ur.ty Clerk of Grant co., or., this issue of T he H erald a contri­ road, until the opening of a county Flannels, at AUCTION—at Steng­ at Canyon City. or., on May 2.3th, 1889 xiz: Oregou. er's—on Sntunlays. bution of a religious character, the r.,ad >OF. John Wright. first that ha* heen offered us since /—Paul I/s-her has completed the II. E. No. 3W for the F ’ t of NF. qr. NE or of SE ter L and O ffice , < February 28, 1*>*R. | qr. See 2» and NW qr of MW qr. *er 27. Tp 20. N, th«- paper's establishment, and re stone brewery building he has l>een C1IAS. E BOSWELL ------- VALI, OREGON. R 35 E. He names the f.tllowing witneanea to EN that the fol low- prove hia cufitinuoue resi lenie upon and « ultl- solicit another from th«' same pub­ erecting on his Jot, an»i is now mrficrof hia inten- taHon of said land. a I z Thomas Howard. Geo. AT J. C. PAKKFR, BI'RNH, AOERT. The presence of mounting a pump. Burn»1 has in npjx.rt of hia claim. Mrimwell. Wetley < Keeton, and S. T. Giles, lic spirited writer. U* made before tl.c all of Drew sey, Oregon. Mr. L., one of the most imhistrious such men in any community is a Island School House, k»*view. Oregon, on power in it»elf to aid in the work of men in th»' country. Any per»-m tba* desire* to protest agairat the Ix-aves VALE on Momlays, Wednesdays an»i Fridays at 4:30. a. m. TUESDAY, APRIL 2 d , 1M0. AUCTION—Tinware nml Lampg, allowance of aurh pr.iof. or who knows of any building up a public sentiment in snlstanttel reason, under the law and the regu Arrives at BURNS on Tiwmlays, Thursdays, ami Saturdays at 6 p. in. Cartridge«. Axes, Saws. Arc., at favor of morality, now at too low H/M>R COMMITTEE: lai iota of the Interior Ixpartmcnt. why au« h Leaves BURNS on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays at (:!Wl. ni. proof sh«»uld r «X br a’lowed. wi'1 be jrhen an an ebb to insure prosperity in the Rtenger’s AUCTION on Saturdays. J awe ’ B randon . H enry M eadow r opportunffjr at the above mentioned time and Arrives at VALE on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 6 p tu Heat of Mu. ’ ir on thin Occasion. labors of the people to make this plat r to c r- »* examine witnesses «»f said claim —V. T. Coxad of Canyon City ant. and to « ffer rvid.-nte iu n burial of that a desirable location for home called on T iie H erald last Thun- TH KETH -