■* THE HERALD. TUl'K»DAY. MARCH S«. 1«" D. H.RK B. . - - Editor. Kan.ar has now a law which pro­ vides th it «it arrangement», con­ tracts. agreetuents, trust« or com­ binations which tend to prevent wmpetition or advance cost to cun- •umers, are de<1ared to' be agait.st public policy, unlawful ami void. "Grant County News: Grace of Bums will have to close his stone or get some one to run it for him. By tbe grace of his "wayback dem- mocracy” tbe Governor appointed be and hi* clerk to the only two paying office* in Hamev county. "Appointed he and his clerk to the only two paying offices in Har­ ney county.” Bro. Asbury! What slaughter you can make of the King’s En­ glish! Either get Pinneo’s Primary and go to school or go home and play with the cats and quit news­ paper work. azine will be repaid, but by numer­ ous other attractions, not the least of which are the beautifully illus­ trated article on "Birds."by Olive Thorne Miller; " Young Japan at Play," which will give many hints to children for new games; "Homes with Two Servants,” which con­ tains suggestions for the manage­ ment of servants; and there are nu­ merous other equally interesting subjects. "P eterson ” for April is a superb number. It op-ns with a fine por­ trait of Mrs. President Harrison. The steel-engraving is lovely, and the numerous other illustrations are all good. "Bessie's Interference” is an excellent story and admirably illustrated. Mrs. Hooper’s new se­ rial. "B.-yond Th?«.- Voic -s.” opens in an intensely dramatic fashion; and Mrs Wilson’s novelette. “ A Modern Petruchio,” grows better with every number. The short sto ri«s ar«- exceptionally good; and Minna Irving's poetn. “ The Robin’s Rain->ong.” is < ne of her sweetest lyrics. Ladies want the spring styles, and " Pet r-on's” double col- ore«! fashion-plate and numerous wood-illustrations off r examples of all the latest varieties of c .stumes for home and street wear. Terms: Two Dollars a year- Bt'RXS ADVEKTlstMENlS. Harter’s Yeung Pecnle mzi-ti««, «»« AX IU.fiTR.lTED WEEKLY. J. MAT. HI DUON Harney. Or. WILSHIRE 4 HUDSON. H abpeb ’ s Y ocmc P boplx begins it» tenth vol­ ume w ith the first Nam !%-r in November. Dur­ ing the year it will ron’aiu five serial stories, in« !u«liug "borjiu»:«» ” by Kirk Monroe; ■'Trie Red Mustang*’ by o. rtoddani; and a “A LAKEVIEW AND HARNEY. OR. bay ia Waxland* b> K K MunkittrRk; “Nels fburlow’s rrial’’J. r. Tr<«wtridge; "The Three TV,., firm T. rari ices in tbrcuurts of the Mate. u;t*bes’’ by F Anstey and Brandvr Matthews • Tf*. . i.’îSr; I- laoí? senes of fairytales writ’en and illustrated bv t u»m< » entrusted tu them will Howard Pjle; “Hume etudies in Natural Hia- turv by Dr. Felix L Oswald: “Idttte Expert rerrfve prompt attention. . I • IT E D tnents” by Sophia B. Herrick: “’jlimjsc» of < hi id-life from Dickri »” by Margaret h rang # er; articles on various ► ports and j*Mimts. short B’ories by the best urt’ers. and humorous papers and puems. with many hundred» ui U- lustratiunacf excellent quality. Every line in the paper is subjr« ted to the in. st rigid cdltu- geo S. SIZEMORE - - i rx b riiii S' rutiny, in order that nothing harmful Criminal law a specialty. may enter iis culuthns. An epitome of everything that is attractive and desirable in juvenile literature.—bnal»le term» settler wiahing to located, van have plat» furniche kota; Cornelius H. Hanford, of bards. They do not know and foci frh of charge. Harper ’ s Weekly. Washington Territory, to be Chief the word of God themselves in its ILLUSTRATED. Justice of the Supreme Court of present living p>wer. and how can they proclaim it to others? They H akfeb s W b « i A' ha» a well be United tioq, of poverty, of toils which come ’s on current j««liu » hz» earned for it the Portland World: Harney county meu Bl UNS. OKEGOX. respe*t of a 1 impartial rracer». an«! the varietv States Marshal for )fontana: Geo. upon those who consecrate them­ is happy now. and Burns ditto. at;arentsor friends lurt* «>f the W eekly for I ans They camped out two days and HARPERS PERIODICALS. to be United States Attorney for der of soul and spirit, and of the OREGON WOOL EXCHANGE. joints and marrow, and is a disecr- nights in the rain, when they were Indiana. - , TER YEAH: POBTLAND - ----- OREGON overhauled by Frank Bulger, who ner of the thoughts and interests of L ■ 1 I was employed by their parents to HARBER WEEKLY 4 ••• the heart. ” What men need is the H arper ' s publications are all M AGAZINE 4 to bring them back, several miles east EARPER> ARPER > BAZAR. 4 <»• WOOL GRADERS, iwitv laid before opr reader* for se­ word of God; not some small por­ of the John Day. and brought them H HARPER > Y0VNG PEOPLE 2.'O tions of it. such as are indorsed and WOOL PACKERS, lection. and froth’ personal acquain­ allowed by certain denominations, back. Undoubtedly that sort of lit­ P< » axe free to all sstscribers in thrl’nired S’.ati», Canada, or Mexico. AND tance with them for years, we can evangelical or otherwise, not such erature that would lead them to emulate the example of "Wild Bill ” -COMMISSION MERCHANTS- The Volume» of ’ he W eekly Legir.S with the parts as are fashionable and accept ­ commend them to the ¡»erusal of for January vf ea< h year When no "Buffalo Bill” or some other char­ 1st Number gfiF’ CONSIGNMENT» solicited — i» mentioned, sulacriptior■ will begin • very mem! er of the most refined able: not such department- of the acter highly color«d, had been in­ rime with the number current at time of receipt of as may be preached without —ADVANCES MADE ON WOOL. order. families we have among us. The truth Bound Volumea of H arpep . « W eekly , for 3 giving offense, provoking criticism dulged in. ivarr » a« k in mu e’uJi binding, will be sent agents : Young People's weekly we will be or incurring blame: but the plain, peat age paid, or by exj ret-a. fret, of ex­ Heppner Gazette: "On last Sat­ y mail, provided — - — Burns the expo »e dv<» nut exceed fl G?o. McGowan glad to see in the hands of all the unequivocal, unalterable words of urday, two men who have tbe ap­ pense a volume> for 7 per v«*luu>e. young readers of T he H erald , as the living God, which shall endure pearance of being fair specimens of Cloth creefi fur t a« h volume suitable f. r bin«! V. J. Millier, - - - Harni’y. B* ston Agency with DENNY. RICE A CO. will be eent by mail, post paid, on receipt it is a feather—an agreeable,friend­ when the grass withereth and the the tie-striking fraternity, went ing. 132 Federal ht Established 1!C5. or |1 each. flowers fadeth — "when the heavens Kemittancefi should be made by P«Rf-office ly. kindly teacher—of the many through the resilience of Mr. C. Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance ef k rs. Newspapers are not to copy this adverdse- thousands of things that will have and the earth shall pass away.” Jackson near Echo, while he was ment BLACKSMITH without tbe exprvte order of Harper s a magazine for the masses. A to some church are the friends of hood of his premises, he came to Jesus. Even during the day of the magazine that fearlessly tells the apostles there were those who pro­ Heppner, where they were arrested. II arpfr ' h M agazine i< the most useful, Promptly executed. The building ha» been en On their persons he found his prop­ entertaining, and l<*autiiui j eri*di< al in the large«! and improve«! and is vrepared to turn truth upon all subjects it touches fessed to be disciples of Christ, but erty. an«l at the examination before woihl. Among the attractions for I«», will out ail kind» of iiiacksmithing on phort n«>ti«e 1-ly a new novel—an American >tory entitled and in the best style. Terms; Cash. —which believes that free trade in were not. An apostle writes of such Gov. Rea on Monday afternoon be •Jupiter Light- ’—by Constance F." Woolson in this strain: "For many walk of commerce would be as beneficial to they were bound over in the sum of illustrati« n** of £hake.wj by E. A. Al»l«vy; a Series of i.r:icle< on Russia, each to await investigation of our race jig ffec speech or religion, whom I have told you often, and rated by T. -le Thulstrup: ; aj«er^ on now tell you. even weeping, that their eases 1 y next granil jury. iilu* the Dominion of < anada^and a character­ and that non-interference of Gov­ they are the enemies of the cross istic *er. It has in each number a. tori« .d play by the a tth< r of •Ben-IIur,“ il II. CALDWELL. their haul is about 15.00. but as th«* lu-trated by j. R. Weguelin, etc. The edi­ complete, long novel hy one of our church to-day. They can be found things were taken out of a dwelling, torial department* are conducted by all the wav from the pulpit to the ng Creek Eagle: Probably this and Particular Attention paid to the Boarding bring disgrace and ruin upon the is the latest news we have of Big Lancey Pierson, ami others. SIX«'» and G rooming of Tranaient Stock. Haj A Grain on hand. church. Have they not done so in Nose Frisk, the chap who got into 40.0 ■Lun many places, anil will they not do a little difficulty in this locality Kalirord New«. 2.0) so again? about a saddle, some two years "Now comes the Wabash A Pa­ FRENCH Oh. Church of the living God! ago. and boarded a few weeks in cific railroad company's engineers, Arise and shake off these human the Canyon jail on account thereof. The volume* c»f the Mnzaxine begin with twenty-five of them,” says the Ore­ vultures, that you may live and —Pori land World: W. E. Grace the Number* for June and Decub- of Burns, was in Portland Tuesday v;uh - rij ti«»ii* will begin with the Number cur­ Mrs. Louis Racine. - - Proprietress. A St'BSCRIDER. mountain pass where the celebrat- on his way home, from a visit to rent at time of revvipt of order . A Jimite«! niimlxrof guests can secure the Bound v< lume* ot !IarjK-r‘> Magazine, for •d Oregon Pacific road expects to Burns school opens next Monday relatives and friends in Southern three years buck, in neat cloth binding, will ni«>m* in the town at thi*< home. Tank*«« -t’.’>nlien. Mr. Grace has been appoint ­ work through, and they tell a con­ with Mr. Newell for teacher. be sent by mail, |>o.st-paid, on receipt of $3 1-lv ed Clerk of the new county of Har­ I Washington to use his lo**. influence in having the new lan;e to every bouse hold, lit« passes making ph«« above story ference to our advertising columns diately. Aiidress bright short stories, and timely tK»a>» are rseshoeing ¥5.00 a »pan. among the best published; and nut aline is ad iioMible. That paper says: This that they too are kept clean. We P. F S tenger . Burns. muted to itscuiumr s thatruuld offend the m«-»t pape< probably gives an explana­ are adding very rapidly to our cir­ fastidivns taste Among the attest tiot a of the ne* xvlume will be aerial storks by Man. F bam tory clue to the movements of other culation in every State in the Un­ < 1* Bl KJCRTT, M b * alexamdkb . Painting. < ANY<>.\ CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. " ILLiAM H lu B. m : d 1HDMA* H a BDY. and a ion through yearly subscriber», and serie« of papers < n nursery rnar agemcni by railroad engineers said to have realize more than ever our responsi­ To W hom it M at C oncern : M bs .« ubi * ti 5 b T ekhvmk H brbi « k been op-rating in thmountain » re­ bility to make S iftin «»» a home I hereby respectfully tender my c. swr.Eh. HARPERS "PERIODICALS cently. and if the statements of the paper, hoping to win for it a wel­ »artiiieiit are absolutely cflrtt*« t. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Hous- Painting a »(«eeialtv. Sat­ then* may 1« a strife among differ­ irreproachable vehicle of umkfilcd I L L f S T RATED. < A NYON CITY. OREGON. isfaction guaranteed. ent eonipinies for the possession of wit and humor. harpers bazar 400 W m . II. CULP. IIAKlIi. - M ai . v XIXE I® the most desirable route over tlie IVwtk Noth*«-«. IIAKPIK - WEI KI.Y « W Burr«. Or. ivtf Il A KP» i. I* Y0 NG PEOPLE Z •> I'aacades. Then* are places along iJov* it twin possible that only one P« »’ace Free to ail sut scriber* in the United th«- fine upon which the O. P. is hundred years ago. when Washing­ ¡»•aka. « auatia. or Mexico. building, where it is almost impai- ton was inaugurated in New York The coinages of the Basar begin with the fl st I desire to rent mv ranch con­ number for January of each year. B hen n.i sible to build another road, cer­ the First President of the United States, that the city was lin n a ia time :» mtn’ivued. sutx riy’h u will begin taining 160 acres, to ««-me» respon ­ tainly not practicable, ami so co»t- with the Number < urrvnt at the time of receipt ly as to be almost .out of question; small place, sixty times smaller sible party, wh«» wants to make of order. than at the present day. or having Ron nd volunits •»( Hwryer » Faiar for three money, ami who will work. Will year hence any company desiring to in nee cloth .eding. wdl l>e seat by mail al out thirty thousand inhabit­ furnish grain to sow from 10 to 50 pratafle paid- > r s* rxprto. free <*< expense. reach deep water from the Fast ob­ only .provide«! the lrerghtckn» nut exceed on« dol ants'* How New York City looked acres. Have about 15 acres of lai per volume h«r |7 a v»»lumr tains an immense advantage in ae- cases f r <-vh volume.n.i able for htnd ■ uring the first right of way. Here at that time, ami tlie customs and lan«l in a good state of cultivation. Ing t loth will be seal by mail p» s|«a>>! on re«n-ipt of in lay one of the grvat elements of «»Ullin* of th«* residents, aregrajili- Place all fenced. Plenty good |ui- 91 r«i h i.emirtanrv* sb. nld be made by P* st ORke value in the O. P. line, ami now it ically told and Iwautifully illustrat­ ture. an«l al out 30 tons of g*«l hav M»»no «»rder •*'1 -»ft, to av«*:d cbat»r Tp 21. B. ] lussea to >n, and c lorrison, urdevaul EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. GEQ. POPE à CO. 1889. Harper’s Magazine, Grant ■ —o--------- This Hotel is new (House, Rooms, and Furniture and offers courteous service IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. A General Blacksmith & Waeon Mali •ROOF. II. R. SCHLAGE! L akeview , O s IS IIKHE ______n______ pettier h| °_________________________________ MADE TO ORDER WITH NEATJCES3, AND OF GOOD QÜALITY. A L L W O R K W A R RANT E D. Give a Trial, as Seeing ia Believing. A firat-eiaM smith works hi connection with Rei Front Liverv & Feed Stahle HARPER’S BAZAR. ^ JI 5Hop For 1SW. and ficcure a full volume of number» It ifi the CHEAPEST ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE IN THE w---- - HOOF. Twelve Art Supplements. The mH»» of in forma’ ion ft contairs cover» the entire Pacific Northwest <1 and dea’s with ail subject» «if interest to these seeking information of this «vgks curraut \ear THE WEST SHORE u ¡11 »urpn»» in excellence the volume just be a comp’ete exponent of the n.»ources of. and a careful chronicler of all new«i of imoprtan« e in. the entire region embraced a ithiti ihc limits of Oregon. Washi tar,a. I«Iaho. British Columbia, and Alzska. together with a multitude of »upurb of »tenery, < tiies. indvstrit». etc of the countri« » described « hh All elegant engravings, in < olors or tints, will !e issued, one with each number ?/#.for t plements are 17x in< hrs in size, am! represent some object of general interest ortft the lure of the Magnificent b< euery of the West, anu will alone vr worth the magssim ’u* res Yuurann.it do without THE WEST SI1ORE for Only|2 50: 50 nd the limi » «d the Unite«! Stales. Mexico, or Canada: single copit» 2* I.. SAMUEL. Pt BLisiiEB. PORTLAND, OREGON. " 9 - FROM PRINEVILLE TO BURNS. C. B BAKER. Sub-Contractor. I.carrp Prineville M*«n«1a^g at 6 a in. Leave* Burna Thura.lara at u a m. Arrivi« at Euri» Wedncn4a>fiM ArrivtB at Prineville Saturila}»«HOOF* ra-'cnger Rates from Prineville to Burn«. |7„W. RoumlTrip |14—with 00 All kinds of Blacksmithing and Wagon work o NEAR BURNS. OREGON. SAYER A- DORE »OF Keeps constantly on hand a large stock of RANCH TO RENT. A. »OF.