THE HERALD in populan.»;» ha# been very rapid, and the new «Muera are >4 the u..*4 de»'rabie ciaae. being far­ THVKst'AY mkrchu mer» with fa tut lies n en win» bv energy ar.i gwd ettiaenahip build up the country and dvwfop its lat­ MAKXKY »H.IH ent |x»wera. They are erecting cent Aria Me K'.nww arJ Sama ehietly frame auwti'.n-*. and are using rail« and wye Aw fencing Well# id Six. -g water are made in » any jwxtti.m < m the valley by dig­ ging to a depth ot femi mx tv tit­ teen feet, and the water :# exevlbr.l Uv« VS < * «st 'V'-Y for drink, r and «km-vatc nw Ex­ Itarinf it* U*t iXM'fWb* cept ah'»- g the water «Mraea, which ««»■xi a MU oiAbhshr.'.j; * t\ew are fri \cvd with a light growth «xf i Jmrkt in bin-h ar.d a dewne grew th of wi iv «n4 bv d«iciwiiK^n u‘ the >v’v'(*- k'»a the be th.*>.t*a * w he are wewhtng awk a Orn.T. a hctóflt Hartar» »the mt jet. Tbrrr waare» are »war-'.« f..a»x ' :s .» fa., wv«.* tvhavT a w.»-: hu» It * .'. n-t he fortg bwfecx the pi-- rfe xal effort npwm the aw! e* the rwd nd trahdian frena the wwrid * .a»-> r - a " » < - ■ ;»» » ■ -•■-.« xa-t - w he fe • • s. • ■ • - x th- ¿ - y 3* lbw g' -d ewv- •.» ,w cvrrsttwwtx-ni cd a ra..-*n»s 14J gh « —„ . nia»v«r.«. and lh"xv. wK w t; iwa-t .v th.' valbey The One- »'■ ■ - - w. ;x'.r.‘ with a «... a« g .r Fa. :L .* a.-nad» pesah^ig vaM- . . »'M t fc T' 4. r -va: a* t al . ' :.»—•• i 4 » "> ward t?-.. ih tia- t amcaa * S «t v._—.»-» i—-.y - r the per- A hany and w-.t> -i rwv ywara. at - . .. . - - - ed the nng'.-i* hMdeewng w .1 he be-vd m Warr»' » Vahey x . nm the ak •* » the T~i\¿>»-' . y M twa th« day a-rt^e-s. the valeey and ¿'.if-..-*»<•* cd the •• .rac-» • ' .vu «< la be "Tr ;a ti» p. . . -- . . . - - • ■»**•*• N< c - ■■ ;.y ' ■ '•■ i t : t< r y .-A' a-d hr’ler tncwr* ed I hr eem* >g e^ha. > .•want tr.-xa 1 -x-v. j JLT’A i’C* wAi’Ütf'Äl ÍUL??S:T . st MISCELLANEOUS AVERTISEMENTS, MK.KUXXKCH« AnVEBTIiKMEN»' vxrrrvx ontrnum FOR 1389. • Î • • • a TEE SAN FRANCISCO important to Our Read THE MONARCH XVÇEKLY. T ' Keep F- - >'d ’ $*<• vf ,be ■ - -» for the \Ve»W ? ' - ■ y \\ e.r-try- \ Examiner ’•'* _______ - No wcc Hv pap*'» published in the State* Unike ____ containing aa u.uch or a* great var- ty of g.xd reading matt r a* THE WEEKLY EXAMINER POWDER ar .*■.# T* 4>t crew :<•! A Paper, SOO Pagm, 1-500 Illustrai. oe % 3000 CaJ, ALMOST CIVEN AW a I 5+iijr a rs IT d ftai Laman tr h uy khr ap ta «^ulei | EXTRAORDINARY OFp£ To every person who (within 60 days the date of this paper) will subscribe Absolutely Pure. THE EAST OREGON HERALD ' .: í - pt: n price *3 * year • 12.50 in sdTanee), An-J piT in advance #*7-5 we shall send them for oaeyt* -3C copy of T hs H kkald 41 alm for oee ye*» «* expy *'¿W 4 .. l«f * ... »r. “:X '<*r< » *» •.r> I WdC • :Se la-r—t '-«th» ■ al X ■*-■ • * a - ; 4 THE CELEBRATED ILLUSTRATED HUMOROUS P -S;.» ia xirf 1 r-v? -« 800 ACRES u ■» ». • 1t « £• . -Jif *T.’ s- Tlrt »TSdüt • TI |a-!4ir".i'tu aurs.-r. IT.—». S •' i .» - in - u»i‘: * : 'JV' », í . tt- ■ i *, ..- ■ ♦ 1 ' • : X K k i ..«Y î tX7*“v 1»! ir.-.'iK*r» THE LARU. VOTE'- ». GROW FOR :O TT > £U * :unrx teth n TCf i«v. w : S L Uk « Ox < •-M». ra iu.-» an W alia W’*J tjna unL id> >iig ruBud *♦ tax'd that li a'dtTT.' I £3 JOaZ-k'kl. Uui 1» ra» ra snraÀh -4 r. r»“s rw-*• T**«Ü' : ' is- t?n.»caa : aì -S lxm i««n«n sbr < V7*t* < t.hzw < W ht • *t ’»HK li* »«•Rt^r. 1H? 9 $♦£■*•< •tbi’l t WWW TW M’/tUTjJ y*»* *w • •»<'< w»^ »>• ’ ’ hf •* ' ■** ■*-•' t Ihf't T ìtb» : ^nnt. tane ' ne _ï 7 i ’ ~ rrr.'s. arran or x Sr raw í tlx.-* x^;/ V e«HR 7' riXI.TS reti: tw l Tf*dkjiiu. « í W »'U«M U.» ■ t>t V j . . r ; ÂôXK wtMDi* 'U. a » il un T ...' w» few- » < A . K Jv ÌW- rzz.z-- : t :-r~s^TL?T • - • w~rT5 Jk* w Puri' i h-ui * kT|t u. > P'iltltlll TnHurtK*“ FA* TW 1 be U U» ten» t w W** MhV* >"tvu 1" -V W-KJ