O regon H erald E ast (No. 13. BURNS, GRANT COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1889. oral gardeners here, who will an- fast and runs very nearly ’straight ly 16; Grass, red-top, <"0 in. bight, BHKNS ADVERTISEMENTS. I swer in detail all inquiries on that J to the water, a distance of 4 mile 150 spears to single root, or from- ..... ' £ subject; the white, or Irish potato is from its mouth. It will average 50 one seed; 30 acres in. b EVERY THURSDAY •/■V feet wide and 20 feet high and is i grown with little cultivation, and is F. IV. R itterbusch : near Saddle BY av all arrearages, or the Pub- ceiling above, 100 yards or soapart, i the settings last fall survived the uè to send it until payment is Visit the Herald Office to sec Samples inches in circumference; the flavor ¡the whole amount whether it severest winter (1888), that Har-. ■the last one being sq^uething over excellent. of Products. ofliceor uot. There can be nance till payment is made. (The twto large editions of T he H erald con­ ney valley, in fact, that EaBt Ore­ loO yards from water. M rs . T. J. S hields , Silver creek, who takes a paper from the taining the Harnev Valley advertisement being gon .has ever known. There is no difficulty in(R.-acliing As an f * • «0)*' I directed to his name ofHii- exhausted, to meet the demand we republish in 30, cucumbcrti cf gooj size, the water,’ it runs back oh either , July ) agricultural ®e. has subscribed or uot. is our regular edition, and h->r. £, a copy of their work for »in—We file, and bind the ' within the county, and the lakes ! firms that hold all available ranges, the cave there are considerable fine last year’s subscription, you can clique or faction; to give the news of the day impartially and as ry half-volume, and pay for having no outlet, serve to furnish ; fully as industrious effort and the aid of friends may enable us to Eent. but the stock such as is commonly ehippings where the aborigines have subterranean irrigation to the whole raised by farmert, will do well. The sharpened their stone implements pay $2.70, which settles your bill obtain it; io give all the Local and Personal gossip of our section, for 1888 and gives you the 20 books. [SIN’( RATES: valley. suitable for publication, with all else of interest in this department; INCREASE in population which were made out of obsidian, 111) <5 3 ino 1 6 mo 2d. If you have already paid ... LAKES HAllNEY AND MALHEUR during the past two years has been or volcanic glass. your subscription in advance, then K» ou ».sou <11 00 115.00 cover an area of more than 150* rapid, and is of that most desirable (i.5U 12.00 18 00 28 0U I think that the water is in the get us a new subscriber at $2.50, IT WILL BE AN EPITOMIZED HISTORY OF THE VALLEY. « OU r» ou 24.00 40 00 squa e miles, and are connected by class in an agricultural region, viz: end of the cave, but can not tell cash paid, and you shall have the 10.00 20.00 32.00 .->o oo 15.00 28 00 48.00 54 00 a channel about 20 yards wide and the small farmer whose industry without further exploring. 20 books. 28 00 48.00 80.00 l.o.ou 200 yards long. They receive the produces the best of grain, stock, , I was informed by two parties 40.00 (¡0.00 110.00 140.00 3d. If you have already paid waters of both Silvies and Blitzen and living. The houses and barns : that fish have been caught in the your action to all yearly adver­ rivers, but have no outlet and never are generally frame; corrals and , , subscription , for x. the ■ past year „ Who know that in the rapid growth and wide proclamation of the i cave that were of blue color and se, or write to Publisher. and for the present, then pay $L..»0 i ft(|vantageg oj uarncy Valley lies their own best road to prosperity overflow. Being situated on a level other enclosures, are rail and wire eyeless. d extra, according to space; in advance for 1890 and you can * r r v plain, and having low shores, these fencing; abundant water supplies get the 20 hooka. j PRODUCTS EXHIBITED THIS SEASON. »type all our advertisements lakes have not such picturesque from wells of living water, which is 4th. If you owe $3.00 on last I Should Subscribe for the Herald Themselves, I four publications, $1 each, ; scenery as Crater Lake, to reeom- reached at a uniform depth of six i As no fair is held in this valley [in local columns, 10c a line. I mend them to tourists, but their AND SEND EXTRA COPIES TO EASTERN FRIENDS. year ’s subscription and have not ' to fifteen feet. for the public exhibition of the Irth, and death announce­ value to farmers is inestimable. settled for this year’s, then come j MAIL AND RAILROAD FACILITIES. ments suliciied us news. growth and excellence of its pro ­ Right here, however, permit us to in at once and by paying $5.00 you Harney valley has a tri-weekly | ■offered to religious, social, mention a natural attraction pos- mail-service from the four points of, auctions, T he H erald opened a col­ will get receipts for 1888 and 1889 | todivK umn to all producers, farmers and j scssed by lauds adjacent to these the compass, there being a general' stockmen, in which to give a writ­ and get the 20 books besides. EIGN ADVERTISERS. i lakes that will draw hundreds of distributing office at Burns. Ship­ ten description The East Oregon Herald Good literature is good company of all that was I soliciting your patrounge excursionists from the East in the ping is done at present at Baker worthy of mention. Monstrosities in the household, and T he H erald [ bur reader«posted as to the ■e firms to Heal with, cor near future: Standing in the door­ ' City, Huntington, and Ontario. All oi leal of local opposi ­ should be classed as such, and not aa 6oon as the late political cam-1 Has successfully maintained itself through an ordeal j saved by referring to the pilijZll closed Set to work to secure I tion, vinrlinfivn Lairu fr* I based upon our circula ways of farm houses about sunrise, the family supplies, necessaries, and as samples. vindictive anrl and nnuortinn unscrupulous to . n a /Lirrrnn degree unldnm seldom minnll equalled in This elicited the fol ­ ■ling counties: distant objects, towns, farms, moun- j luxuries, common to Eastern towns, lowing response: from all the leading publications in j country journalism; has advocated unflinchingly the rights of ALL dual nds. at.aw.price. lain peaks, and bands of cattle and ; are abundantly furnished by the the country, East and West, advan­ he people of East Oregon generally and Harney Valley esjiecially M rs . I one W hiting .—Near Burns | at less than 10 cents per horses grazing on the ranges, are general merchandise stores at rea­ tages for its readers. Having done | against the machinations of all organzed [>etty cliques that sought fay, or 20 cents, transient, June 20: Barley, six acres,-sown on pictured on the atmosphere and sonable rates. part, it only remains for them by fraudulent misrepresentation to advance the private interests of a ground under cultivation the past our ■ttlon ■2 extra charge per in- rise up from the ground like magic; HUHN'S AND HARNEY to help themselves from what is , few at the expense of the many. Believing that “The Holier second of positi "it a Btandiug reader 13 years; stalks (exclusive of roots) offered now, as the subscription sea­ thought of the people is always right and always effective,” and that tu ad. each week is ruu in w ith and these white representations are are the two principal towns of Har­ Iso truly drawn that a member of a ney valley, where, as will be seen 42 inches in length, heads well son will soon close. “Truth is mighty and will prevail,” T he H erald has steadfastly fol­ family living several miles away by our advertising columns, about filled, grain fine and large; planted It ia not every country paper that lowed the right , and the |>eople have given it a moral and material K ork in April. 1 from home, can distinguish the per- all lines of business are near equal ^Kceuteil with neatness is favored by leading publishing support that renders its permanency beyond question. As it has , sons of the family as they walk to the present demand—teachers,; Barley planted late, in April, on houses as T he H erald has been, worked indefatigably and unselfishly in the interest of the people, it lotta!'.< rates. new ground, 12 inches high- about the yard: as brother from fa- lawyers, doctors, printers, druggists, r«, Pamphlets and it ia so favored because it is re­ now asks for patronage that will yield something more than a bare MdB, 1 etter Leads, M rs . A i . meda S tenger .—Burns, cognize i merchants, carpenters, surveyors, H m U'B, ( arda, TiuKcts, i ther, or mother from sister. d ns a vigorous worker for existence. It has become valuable to all as a general newspajier, and «kioub. Dodgers, Etc. June 22: Barley, sowed last year, THE SOIL AND CLIMATE blacksmiths, butchers, saddlers, its local interests, political, religious on cultivated ground; 36 inches and moral. Is now a fixed Institution of the Valley. regularly on fila for re­ of Harney valley are an exact coun­ grocers, builders, jewelers, etc. Rowell Newspaper Ad­ terpart of that of Umatilla county- Each of these two towns is the high; stalk bulky, grain well filled. ieu st., New York. Alfalfa, ent above the ground; Oregon, the best wheat-growing center of the section of the valley A Blrd’seye View of the World. i county in the state. Ver" little has contiguous, and each has its local fine, strong, in blossom, 27 inches There is a wide «¡»read demand by nil reader« I RECTORY. high. . been done towards wheat-raising value, that will serve in the future | and students for a work that shall furnish com­ and attractively, nil the essential facts I here, as yet. but 'hose have been to render ah calthy degree of com- A. J. B rown .—Near Harney, June pactly and statistics of the different regions of the , world «nd the races Inhabiting it All this In- j fietition between them. successful that tried it. Wheat 23: Alfalfa, in blossom, average Grover Cleveland ! formation hns beeu industriously sought, care­ Vancancy finds a ready home market at 5 The expectations of the ambi- - r _______ — __ ____ stand 38 inches high. fully tested and proved, and is brilliniitly told . Thus. F. Bayard I in one handy and handsome volume by Ones- Chas. S. Fairchild cents a pound—$3 per bushel. Oats tious advocates of the natural ad- ■ I D r . T. V B. E mbree .—Near ime Reclus, the fainou« French geographer and Has, from the initial number to the present, persistently and impres* W. T. Vila« and barley grow equally well, and vantages offered the people by Har­ Win. C. Endicott Harney; June 23: Lettuce, Oak jsavant author hns really succeeded to n surpris­ sively maintained that the Harney country was one of the finest agricultural regions in the Union, needing only the presence of indus­ W. C. Whitney bring 3 to 4^ cents per pound. Al­ ney valley will be realized in less Leaf variety; root 4 inches around; ing The degree in accomplishing bin purtwisv it is Don M. Dickiuaon To prove the truth A. II. Garland falfa and red clover grow luxuri­ than twelve months by the estab­ leaves green and brown variegated; a wonderful book and there is n.1. If. D avis , pass directly through Harney val­ large berries; weight of whole, one- full find ou every page something, the importance ly blowing, which tends to keep J. H. N kal of which he never fully realized until a geo­ ley. and after that what more is W. H. G ray agreeable weather, no matter how- graphical exftert presents it with ««irntifle ef­ half pound. C. II T imms desirable? fect in attractive phraseology. The man who E. H ayek hot the sun's rays, and the nights Flowers: A boquet of cut flowers, prepared this work is a geniui In such effort. Under these conditions it is not from Sweet Williams grown from There T. II. CT RL cool enough to make covering de­ are tio weak spots In it. The publishers have •«. Fridays. 6 s nt. growth of willows. But the adja ­ Vcrnell, by Mr«. Number ilaydao. Saturdays 10 45p m Aug. 11, garden beans, 7 inches Vella Bonnie Jean, by Mr«. K. Burke Collins.' GREAT natural curiosity . cent mountains are heavily tim­ Brünett«- and Blonde. Mr«. Alex. McVeigh Miller in length; crisp and tender. TERMI), IM ADVANCE: VILLE: r. »VSCAS A Stormy Wedding, by Mary E. Bryan rXPLOKED BY O. C. bered with fir, pine, juniper, moun- Gratia'« Trials, by Ln« y Randall <*omfort. M rs . T. A. M< K innon . — Near : tain-mahogany, etc. Saw-mills are Will she Win* by Ernma Garrison Jones. One copy one year ......................................... $2.50 Malheur Cave is located on a sage­ Widow's Wager, by Rosa Aahleigh. located in the pineries, and the lum­ brush plain about 1 mile from the Burns, June 27: Boquet of Carna­ The VIEW; Two copies, one year......................................................................* 4.50 Octavia's Pride, by < hsrltsT Manners. Bsdlv Matched, by Helen Corwin Pierce. ber, which is of the beat quality, head of the south fork of the Mai tions, raised from last year’s seed­ The Three copies, one year...................................................................... 4-00 Phantom Wife, by Mrs. M A. Victor. lings. Very large and very fine. sells much cheaper than in the hour river. The Bride Elect, by Annie Ashmore Five copies, one year. . .................................................... 10.00 KER. Pn«tmsafer. Florence Falkland, by Bnrke Brentford T. A. M< K innon .—Burns; June The Virginia Heiress, by .May Agnew Fleming. ♦ T he H erald with any Periodical or Magazine at clubbing rates. East. There is a small basin at* its 29; Barley 52 inches high. Hlbyl's Influence. by George Mheldon. garden vegetables mouth. Howe of Her rets. by Mrs. Harriet Lewis. '»Oct«. ■XF*< all on or address produced in the Harriey country July 30, wheat 43 inches; and WefMftond, by Mrs. Alex, McVeigh Miller The cave is 20 feet wide and 6 The price of the above boox« la 25 cents each, are large, finely flavored, abundant feet high at its entrante, and has timothy with heads measuring from unless otherwise Sperlfled, and will went by D. L. GRACE, rvery Saturday at and easily raised. mall, p< atsge free, on receipt of price. Men­ We will on ap­ an incline downward for the first 8 to 10 inches in length. kin N qn , X. «. tion tme H ebai . d when ordering above L ooks . plication givethe addresses of Bev-1 200 feet, and then turns to the north T hos . S tephens : near Burn*: Jo­ editor and proprietor •TRFFT ♦ FWrHI Publisher. New Vor« HERALD. HARNEY VALLEY. THE EAST OREGON HERALD _A.11 FtU-stler» ------- < o >-------