EGAL ADVERTISBMWTS. proof . U nited S tates L and O ffice , ) lakeview, Oregon, November 13, 1888. i «S IS HEREBY GIVEN that th«' fol lauredwttler hn Hte’I ”<*4™ of hi; In- ¡U make tinal proof in aupport »■ hla nd that said proof will be made before later or Receiver at Lake view, Oregon, try 16th 1889. vix: Albert Vestal , 2797. for the WJ3 at NE qr A E’, of Ice 30, Tp 28, 8, R 88 E. He names t he fol- ritnesses to prove his continuous resi­ gn, and cultivation of said lami, viz: rham, David Lambert, Sylvester Smith . Coruutt, all of Diamond, Grant coun- BLACKSMITH. P. 8. EAKLY------- B chns , O r . —GENERAL REPAIRING— J ob work . THE HERALD. THl IUiDAY. JAXVABY 3. 1**» Local News. HARXEV VALLEY ITEMS. At Cost. LAN» «»FFK E BVI.1.1:T1N J. E. McKINMON now offers his LAKEVKW DISTRICT. goods AT COST, consisting of Our Washington correspondent C anned G oods and many articles sends us the following information: Cash patents issued: too numerous to mention. Nos. 315, 337, and 328. Now is the time to get the value Avtronomirul Observation 11 of the Great of your money. Come and see. ErlipMe of 1X8«. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. THE TOWN OF BURNS GRANT CO. OREGON. AN IT IS VOICED BY THE BEBALD. BUSINESS MEN ABROAD UY LOOKING OVER ITS COLUMNS WILL 8EF. THAT Burns contains 1 newxp&per; 1 hotel: 1 brewery; 1 undertaker: 1 meat market: 2 lawyers: 3 phyxiciana J anuary 1st, 1889. 1 surveyor; 1 land awent; 1 drugstore: 1 jeweler; 1 blacksmith; 1 livery stable: 2 general mer It would seetu that policy, in the Mrs. Thos. Dodson and Mrs. 1 E d . H erald : A s vour correspon­ chandise store«; 1 hardware store; 1 saw-mill; 1 caqienter: 1 saddle i harness shop; 1 gro­ absence of ndigious sentiment, Jno. Morrell spent the holidays on cery store. A)s«>, 1 Odd Fellows lodge; 1 reading room: 1 school; 1 church. dent thought a report of the eclipse £NF*Mail a copy ufTux H erald to Advertise your town, in the East. would suggest the advisability of a Silver creek. town opening a free Sabbath enter­ —The Burns Brass Band parade as seen from this point might be of Restaurant. tainment, such as a church and I took place according to programme interest to your readers and to sci­ A. F. SNELLING, Register. ence generally, due preparations Sunday school afford, for the mor­ ! on Monday afterdav. THOS. GIANINI---- Proprietor. al and law-abiding people, whose /— Mr. and Mrs. Chas. G. Frye were made to observe it. The eclipse began at 24$ minutes BURNS, OREGON. patronage, also, helps build up and and Miss Ollie attended the Boat PROOF. past 12 o’clock by the observer’s Tables wept well-supplied with the beat in sustain the town. Citizens should he market. Service prompt and efficient, Ford Christmas eve entertainment.! chronometer, local stage time; tem­ U nited S tates L and O ffice , I Meals fuwished at all hours.4-1 not delay a good movement till k ?view, Oregon, November, 18 1888. I —Ladies in delicate health, and | perature 32 deg. At 1:44 o’clock E B HEREBY GIVEN that the follow­ too late to effect a practical bene­ ed settler has filed notice of his inten- all who suffer from habitual consti­ was the time of greatest totality. 1 lu' e final proof in support of hi* duini, Contractor & Builder. fit to the place. ind th* it suiti proof will be made before the Evening star quite plainly visible I pation, will find the pleasant Cali- légiste r and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon,on near the meridian. lau nary [17th, ISM*, vix: 1 fornia liquid fruit remedy, Syrup —Hay is selling as low as $5 a *. 1 Temperature fallen to 16 deg. Charles V. Durham, A. C. WORTHINGTON’. AT P. F. STENGER’S, BURNS, OR. of Figs, more easily taken anc. 12 chickens gone to roost, and ' ton. Burns. Oregon, M2, iortlK S>, of NE’.. & W>, olSK>. —Coal Oil at W. E. Grace’s drug more beneficial in effect than any ‘ three hens and a rooster standing Tp. 28 S, R. 83 E. He names the fol- witneMc6 to prove liiscontinuous rea­ store — son, and cultivation of said laud, viz: other remedy. It acts promptly ! on one leg in a fence corner. —I). Miller of Riley was in town estal, David Lambert, Sylvester Smith =Estimates Made yet gently on tiie bowels, kidneys. | By 1:57 o’clock the temperature I. Coruult, all of Diamond, Grant co. Monday. had risen to 17 deg. At 2:05 the A. F. SMELLING, Register. ==And Plans Furnished. —Miss Cora Harris is attending liver, and stomach, and does not mercury showed 18 deg. A FURTHER DISCOUNT OF sicken or debilitate. For sale by Those having work ia niv Hue will find it to school this term. At this point of the observations, heir advantage to give me a call Will contract —George Hays of Summer Lake all druggists. - the calf walked up and blowed its ’ furn ah all bufldiuga complete, including /airillug, ana Papering. Tern e. As reasonal» c was in I'urns last week. —We are sorry to» learn that breath on the instruments, raising i ¡s any respe .-¿iole run« me tor. PROOF­ —See advertiseuu^t of the Tole-. Chas, M. -¿Jollier of Austin h-ys been the temperature 6 degs. causing' Office: 1st D*x»rS< u h of H krax .» IhUlding. if UNITED STATES '.AND OHi.5: do "lade on 4th page. Pool’s chemical barometer to show Review, Oregon. November 14. E la HEREBY Gl\ EN 'ha. ho —J. IV. Johnson returned from quite seriously sick since his visit indications of a storm accompanied L*d se*> .er Jias filed notice oi h< Bl RXc ADVElll LSEMENT». Prineville last week, and is in Har­ to Burns last fall. His paper has by fog and high winds, and almost take proof iuanpp.>rl oi h« ■ iai • On All Goods Now Held in Stock. t said proof will be nis-ie before the has been mailed ' regularly from destroying the value of the observa­ ney for the winter. and Receiver of lart»«Bt keview, Oregon, November 19, 1888. j PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. onrs ‘ —A minstrel concert is on the II. McClure, and Mrs. Moss, that Ilarney valley was no country :uw E IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow tapis for St. Valentine’s Day, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Caldwell, fly. It d settler has filed notice of his inten- for a white man to live in, but I was utt uke final proof in support of his claim Office at W. E. Grace’s Drug Store. 1-lv a masquerade ball for Washington's Win. Wooley, Miss Susie Dizon, told said proof will be made before the bound to come and see for myself Em or Receiver ut Lakeview, Oregon, on Birth Day. I P. S Early, Miss Grace Canfield, W 21 st, 1889, viz: what kind of a country it is, for I A nekica . — Mrs. Dr. Einbree and children ¡Thos. Stevens and Mrs. Copshall, K I.. Dusenbury, Practical Surveyor spent Saturday and the Sabbath in Geo. S. Sizemore Miss Alta McGee, knew that such cattle as Riley & L it the NE qr, of Sec 15, Tp T. A. McKINNON, Burns visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Hotchkiss, Miss Lena Harkey, Hardin drive to the Diamond range, He names the following wit- Y»roAschib continuous residence upon Any and all kinds of surveying done on shot Thos. II. Roberto. Mr. Young and Miss Elsie Harkey, Tehama county, Cal., must be ivation of, said land, viz: Simon Lewis notice and reasonable terms. Seiller lliams, Peter M. M al lor j, David Miller, .vishing to be located, ran have plats furnishe Will Wilson, Miss Lillie McKinnon raised on good pasture, so I — A reception was tendered Dr. Iley, Grant co, Osegon. got free of change. IN HERALD OFFICE, Horton and h’s bride last Friday, Jasper McKinnon, Miss Ettie Dixon _ _ _ BURNS, OREGON. A. F. SNELLING, Register. at. Diamond by the bridegroom’s Mr. and Mrs. Frye. Mis»Ollie Frve here in September last. I pre-empted land and am im- Open every day except Sunday, from 9 a m to 5 p m. parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Horton. I Mrs. A. I). Cavin and Mrs. A. Ber- Saddle and Harness Shop. —We have just been informed nison, Mrs. C. M. Caldwelland Mrs. proving it ns fast as possible, for I that Uncle Dow Montgomery was A. A. Cowing, Miss Maud Jamison believe there is a great future in . PROOF. Every Lady and Gentlemen a welcome Visitor to this Free Read­ J. C. WELCOME - P roprietor . thrown from the stage Monday,and and Miss Laura Goodman, Mcs- store for the settlers of Harney val­ ing Ijoom. U nited S tates L and O ffice , ) daines T. D. Harris, M. A. Fry, and is lying now at Drewsey with two akevicw. Oregon, November 28, 1888.) BURNS, OREGON. ley. ' II. Dixon. !E IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fob ribs broken. amed settler has filed notice of hi6 in­ Here I bought as fine barley as to make final proof in support of his —Dr and Mrs. II M. Horton, ' Why Buccaroos nre Boycotting Burns. ever grew in California, also, wheat id that said proof will I m * made before W-A-T-C-H-M-A-K-E-R Miss Laura Stanclift, Mrs. 8. H. :y Judge of Grant county Oregon, or in and oats, and Harney valley can’t ice before the County Clerk of Grant co. Porter, Miss Dora Cummins, and E ditor E ast O regon H erald : -AUD- «r City, Oregon January 24th, 1889, viz: Please allow me a short space in be beat for fine mealy potatoes and Wm. Buffington, of Diamond left DRUC STORE John Morrell, Jeweler. other garden products. your paper to ask a few important Burns the 27th ult. Now, sir, those drones that are j. 78 L, for the SW qr of See SB, Tp 24 S. CHAS. SAMPSON - - B urns , Oft. He rrtmes the following witnesses to —J. E. Joice of Spring creek questions which are of interest to satisfied nowhere told me it was so b continuous residence upon, and culti- brought in one of the finest spec- you, and which should l>c of inter­ cold here that the mercury froze up if, said land, viz: James Brandon, Wm re. Ed. Duncan, und Milton Modle, all mens of oats we have on exhibit. It est to many of your subscribers. —I have watched the thermometer W. E. GRACE, PuorniETOR, P. O. Grant co., Oregon. BURNS, OREGON A. F. SNELLING, Register. Red Front Liverv &, Feed is 37 inches in bight with large full In the first place I will state I am every morning since coming here, i grain heads. and the lowest it reached was Oct. Stable —One copy of the E ast O regon a citizen, resident of Burns; have Sth, 8 deg., Fah.; since then it has VV. C. BYRD ----- P roprietor H erald , done up in a wrapper rea­ resided here five years, and long stood from 40 to 23 deg. Fah. So FKOOF. dy for mailing to friends abroad before any newspaper was estab­ this ¡ b not a cold country. Harney U nited S tates L and O ffice ,} valley is a pleasanter country than A CASH BUSINESS AT BED­ 10 cents, 3 copies 25 cents. Adver­ lished. eview, Oregon, November 24. 1888.) Shasta county, California, and tise the Harney country with the Before there was any paper in E IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow- Dealer in ROCK PRICES. gives more bushels per acre, better d settler has filed notice of bis inten- truth, not with speculators ’ exagge ­ Harney valley called the “ Harney ake final proof in support of hie claim, Is our motto. Good Buggy Teams, and Nice beef, better mutton, better potatoes, said proof will be made before the Saddle Horses Furnished at Reasonable Charges rations. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PROPRIE­ Items,” Burns was a thriving little and better land. ter or Receiver, at Lakeview, Oregun- and Particular Attenti« n paid to the Boarding — E. A. King requests us to state ry 24th. 1889, viz: and Grooming of Transient Stock. Hay Grain TARY ARTICLES, PATENT MEDI­ village with a good prospect for a In Harney valley needs no arti ­ Thomas II. Smith, on hand. that his saw-mill is now in readi­ 3188. for the NU of NE .,. & E’» of NW ficial irrigation, because it is well- CINES, FLAVORING EX­ bright future, but since the organi ­ ness to accommodate the public , Tp35’^8, RBz^E. He names the fol- subirrigated, as the water in all the itneaaes to prove his continuous resi- with lumber of every description zation of the “ Harney Items ” by TRACTS, DIAMOND n. and cultivation ol, said land, viz: FRENCH on demand; and will not be under­ the present organizers, the little well so far as I have seen, does not rtune, W. H. Gass, J. Berdugo. and R. DYES AND FINE TOILET SOAPS. exceed 12 feet from the surface, and I, all of Burns, Grant county,'Oregon sold by any lumber firm. Orders town of Burns got a bad reputation. A. F. SNELLING, Register. most of them only 8 feet, and the -------- ¿ -o- -------- ¡solicited. 50-tf Why? Will that question be an­ water is cold and pure. HAly AND TOOTH BRUSHES, COMBS, SHOUL --What advertising does: John I would advise those farmers of Mrs. Louis Racine, - - Proprietress. B. Embree bought a copy of the swered honestly?—as I do not think Harney valley who intend to sow DER BRACES. FANCY T LAND FINAL PROOF. H erald , and mailed it to a friend it will be, I shall squarely state the grain this coming spring to give ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, BOOKS AND U nited S tates IxAvn O ffvt ,, ) A limited nunibeTof jruests can secure the in Polk county; a letter from him reasons why Burns has fallen from Review, Oregon, November 24. 1888.1 their grain a good dose of blue inost comfortable lodging rooms in the town STATIONERY. E IS HEREBY GIVEN that Robert J al this home. Tables suppliedwith all Kinds assures Mr. Embree that he will the position of one of the living stone, say 1 lb. of vitriol to 700 lbs. f Grant county. Oregon, has filed no- i-lv move here with his family next and thriving towns of Eastern of grain—wheat, oats, and barley tention to make final proof on hie dec­ of ex able* the mancet a flords. laim, Ao. 2»>0, for a tract beginning Ht spring. Oregon. of Ser 31. Tp 33 8, R 3. E; theme need blue stone to kill the smut of a mile: north of n mile: thence —W e think it speaks well for the — Darwin ’ s theory of the “ survi ­ That paper, the “Harney Items,” germ. F lorence C rowley . li’.c; thence s< uth , mile to the point I P hysicians ’ P re -/ ning. tie fore the Register or Receiver, val of the fittest” is simply that the resources and energy of T he H er ­ makes it a point to slur, at any ew. Oregon, on Friday, ihe 25th day of HCRII-TIONS IAKE-Í 188Q. He names the following wit- weakly die, while the robust and ald establishment that neither the chance, some of the hardest work­ prove the complete irrigation and r<— Christmas and New Years festivities FULLY COMI’OI ND-' n of said land: Chai les Stearis, W. H. hardy thrive and live. How true nor the great eclipse interfered in ing men in Oregon, including boys ed , by Experienc-f Berdugo, and T. H. Smith, all of Burrg., poses, constantly / nt co, Uregen. ; this is of seed growth, and how nec- the least with the prompt and regu­ bred and born in Harney valley, || ed Pharmacist. on hand. A. F. SNELLING. Register | essary to sow only that which is lar issue or well-filled columns of just because they work for J. S. ■ suited by nature to live and develop. the people’s favorite paper. Devine. What have the hoys or X r’-------- P- F. Stenger, we learn, has men who work for Devine done to | D. M. Ferry & Co., the great Seed T LAND, FIXAI. PROOF. purchased of Chas E. Boswell that GLASS, PUTTY, Growers Seed Dealers of Detroit, part of the Burns-Vale stage line the “Harney Items”? U nited states L and O ffice .) Review. Oregon, November 24, 1888 i I Michigan, supply only the best and KALSOMINE, PAINTS PAINT BRUSHES, I was talking to a young man in lying between Beulah and Drewsey IS HEREBY GIVEN that William VARNISHES, COAL OIL. f Grant county, Oregon, has filed no- purest, raising tbeir own seeds by and Drewsey and Burns, and made the employ of Devirte and asked intentlon to make proof on hie desert George him in plain language the reason n No. 17". for the >E qr of Sec 18, 8W the most improved methods and his first drive Monday. RAZORS and ALL KINDS of POCKET CUTLERY NE qr Sec 19. NW qr Sec 20. Tp 14. S. Moore takeB the swing or night »fore the Register and Receiver, at with the greatest care, bringing to drive between Beulah and Drewsey, why the boys were throwing off on i ^Oregon, on Wedn«*sdav, the 23d day 4 z* 1.889. He names the following wit- their business the invaluable aid of Tom Howard the Burns drive, arid Burns, and he told me this: “The ore the rompieic irrigation and re- more than thirty years ’ experience. AGENT FOR Di< HORNE ’S ELEC­ -i.f Mid land J. Berdu r.». T. II. smith. ‘ Harney Items ’ takes it in hand to we have not learned who has the 3 _____ >ti. hud R. I». Cooper, all of burns. P. Their Seed Annual for 1889 is a drive from Vale to Beulah, proba­ call us robbers, thieves and land­ ‘uuty, reg*>n. TRIC BELTS A- TRUSSES. - A- F. 8XKLUXO, Kcrti-.r real help to the gardener, and bly Mr. Boswell who drove it list grabbers, just became we try to ob­ A Pleasing Sense o. health FINE ASSORTMENT OF THE should be in the hands of ail who winter. tain a livelihixxi by honest labor, BEST SPECTAt LES AND EYE-GLASSES, and Strength Renewed and desire to purchase pure and true / —Paul Locher, the Burns Brew­ and find a chance to do so with BEST QUALITY OF TOBACCO AND CIGARS. ery man, is one of the most indus ­ of Jiasc and Comfort LAND. FINAL PROOF. seeds. Send your name to D. M. trious citizens in Burns, as will be stockmen.” «. W-FRESH NUTS and !HOLCE CANDIES F- uowx the use of Syrup of Figs, as it Ferry A Co., Detroit. Michigan, and seen by an inspection of his prem­ U nited S tates L and O ffice , / Perhaps the editor of the “Items” acai gently on th© --------------------------- fcrvtew. Oregon. November 24. iwa.f they will forward you a copy. may think this is written by one of ises, where improvement is seen on IS HEREBY GIVRN that Joaquin K idxf . ys , I.rvr.n B owels r Grant county. Oregon. has filed n»> PRICEB AH REASONABLE AH THOSE OFFERED BY ANY every hand. A labyrinthine cellar “the boys,” but it is not; I make Eflectuxlly < lean ing the Syst<*ni when intenti» n to make proof on hie dwoet — Yearly advertisers of stock OTHER LINE OF BUSINESS IN THIS SECTION. within which are two wells of pure this defense in behalf of my own i No 175. for the Lots 3 and 4. E’_ of CMliv© or h.i.oUA, IHspeilmg I ftE qr of Nee 7. Lota 1 and .». E», of brands in T he H erald get inser­ cold water, and vaults for the stor­ pocket, and not merely for grum­ S E qr. *ee la. Tp <4 R >2 F_ hrfirrr r and Receiver, at I akevicw, «»reg* »tv tions of stolen and strays free. - age of grain, beer kegs, bottles, etc.: bling or argument. I ask all gruEgl«ts. —Wood is ♦ < to 15 a cord. in the past, and I well know that the only proper way to merit the con­ VAirvpA n a*® ©ww »nr ths dious. is nearing completion this others? *>n4 Dye» for sal« at W —For all kinds of Stationery go week, to take the place of the frame Yours for consideration, tinued patronage an«l good will of the entire public is by fair and itnpar* CALIFORIIA fig syrup 00 ’• drug More. - to W. E. Grace's drug store. - F suoko . CM., brewery erected a year ago. C itizen or B urvs . tial dealings with all classes. J/wTarrLMulCv. Test K T. 1 Promptly executed. The building has been en larged und improved and bt»repare