THUIU EASTERN ADVERTISEMENT. Z-Snowed »lowly in and around BURNS AVE1TISENEXT8. T he Oehoco Review say« “People íííh^ss over on the other sjdc evidently Burns during the patt 36 hour« i have faith ii) the future of th» O. P. The temperature hae stood at about Editor. Home oflK 1er, f— railroad, a« all land that is availa­ 32 deg. F. NOVEMBRE 15, D4«. —Thanksgiving is once more th» ble along the line is being settled. I day of observance by the American pOR DIVISION or GRA*AT COUNTY. T he London Times advises the people. Adorn your Homes, your Town I a >1 s , HARNEY CCbUNTY. Your Ranches, Your Farms, your British Government to select a suc­ —“Bone,” the crazy man belong­ ------ GO TO-------- Places, with trres and sbrubbery poll TBUrogABY COUN-lry-HEAT: cessor to Lord Sackville, instead of' ing to troop “F,” 2d cavalry, it is Suited to the climate of East BURNS. . discussing the adoption of retalia-1 said )ost his mind about a woman Oregon. Aud buy only —OR LOCATION OF THU UÍARkKY LAND tory measures towards Minister in Texas that loved him till he had from a known The Leading Merchant of Crant Countv r^FU,t BURNS./ Phelps. uo money; he took the loss so much —DEALER IM----- Responsible House. to heart that when abandoned he I DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, T he H erald failed to get its T he “West Shore” makes a! went into hermitage, and has been That BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, daily San Francisco Examiner by specialty of giving just such infer-' known as “Bone, the cra»y soldier,” will »end STOVES, TINWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Tuesday night’s stage. mation about the great Pacific lever since. This is the romance you what you PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, THE CELEBRATED pay th’ money for: Northwest a» tluisu who are inter­ that comes from Bidwell in connec- SULTANA RAZORS AND “I X I.” CUTLERY, WINES AND N ine days after the «lection, and | latest Varieties true ested in that region desire to have. nection with him. Poor human to the name; Healthy, CIGARS; AND A THOUSAND OTHER ARTICLES the latest paper revived by us is ANSWER TO INQUIRIES, $1.0® It is neither an immigration nature! Vigorous plants; and Judi­ TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. the East Oregonian dated Nov. 6 ! gIPOBT ON ENTBUS, CONTESTS, Ac., $3.00 cious packing,or all islost — Laboj pamphlet, nor a subsidized railroad Procuring land Patents, Filin, Arguments, —Advertise in T he H erald if Later: Wednesdiy night’s mail and Time and Money. Therefore, do .nd Conducting Contests, on Moderate CHEAPEST HOUSE in Eastern Oregon TOR CASH. Terms. Send for ciroular to ____ Save by bearing in mind that the great brings advices as late as 10th inst., publication, but a genuine maga­ you want to sell anything. - )ur success .again dependent on zine, now in its 15th year. It de­ HENRY N. COPP, Now York. Needless to assure our votes its attention especially to Or­ —For all kinds of Stationery go WASHINGTON, D. C. - Brer, Settler eko.ld bare Copp's Settler'» Glide. readers we rill give all th? reliable1 egon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, to W. E. Grace’s drug store. ¿M pKOe; pricloilr JowoU ltwetaie »tempo). BLOOMINGTON newwiy<'-an obtain, —See in this issue notice of final Bptish Columbia, and Alaska. proof of E. K. Meader, T. J. Morri ­ P olitical news of the latest date ' It gives reliable descriptions and son, and Louis Perry in this issue. LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ¿-received in Burns, brought in by beautiful eugravingB of the mines, agricultural districts, stock inter ­ notes frpin friends in Canyon City l*re>4•; I finì.I Hunting f»iot 19,030 4 R. I. . 12,391 Two First-Class Billiard Tables. r.■‘galli Ol»4 and harmonious action taken by and it is to the interest of every i S. C.. 69,764 > Oth and -.r.i/to’sl.'*» 21,733 9 I wlilt ani» of them; and not permit it to be pre­ citizen, merchant, stockman, and Tenn.. 133,270 12 124,090 ii »»lue oste z-r.n»ox- PINES, CEDARS, ich locality can #ait»re on» EE. How U tuf» pussiblaf 91,701 maturely manipulated by a petty farmer, alike, to encourage them Texas. 223,679 13 mmver—we waul out fer­ io enei» incal'ty, V Ue*| lb THE HOPKiNS HOUSE 39,514 4 i call, a er. Hur <»i :>nr clique whose only aim is to parcel to settle here, by showing them Vt.. . . 17,332 ÍIIOI.O N »-Ni- TREES, SHRU I I . ! 139,356 12 Va. 145,497 i we « nd freo wó allei roa out among themselves the expected where to find vacai;t lands ui>on _ __ ___________ ,_____________ e mobil. • sud anua -i ti atu 63,096 6 W. Va. 67, il7 M. D. HOPKINß, P roprietor . •oUkoe« who may have called,they become your own pro, rrty; It la poMlbie to make thia great .»>< r. s> nding the KLl.iJ new offices. “Let there be light.” they can make a good living which 1 Wis .. 146,459 161,157 11 COI !) wii li.ndt osrv tatui»: tr. e, as toe showinguf tba »ample» In any looall'y. always resulta In a Urg- for APPLES, PLANTS, is all they desire. They do not, tu; alter nur sample« have been In a locality fur a Biolith or two we usually get from to JG ' lu tra k 'roía the Tn« E ast O kkoon H erald again surrounding couirtry. This, tua moat won ¡orlili offer «»or EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. want to spend time and money in ’ Totals.4,911,017 219 4,848,334 182 known.Is inada In order oar samples may be placed at once askB in the name of common-sense, wliere they can be eren, all orur America. Writ» al once, and contesting the titles of other men | leaks aure of the chanca. Reader it will be hardly any trouble BERRIES, QUINCES, for you to show the sample« t»> those wlm may call at your home why did the agent of the Interior and your reward will bo meet eatlsfaecory. A posisi card on The following table gives the plu- to land. They want to enter good which to write iw costs but 1 cent and after you kuuw cil.'f you to every Guest. This Hotel is new (House, Rooms, and Furniiure) and offers courteous service department recommend the loca­ tillable land. do not care to go further, why no barm la doue. But if you to . I ralities by States on the popular eend your addrvxe at once, you can »«cure FREE one ot tue beet solid gold watches in lt.e world and our lares line of tion of the Harney Land Office at COSTLY SAMPLES. We pav all fxnr-M. freight. etc. These men have prospected for a , VOt^,te8> cierel.nd. PEACHES, FLOWERS, AddreMUiCa8TlN8O3 * CO., Bui 812, PUU1LAKD, iLMNK Blaine. Drewsey, n town in name only, hav­ location every day since their arri-1 Alabama........ 33,830 ing but three or four houses? IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. val, and have been informed “all Arkansas......... 22,032 Did Major Brockenbrough select 13,128 NECTARINES, the land about Burns is taken up’ I California Drewsey simply because it is the 8,563 r It. •C all and H er for Y ourselves before T rading E lsewhere . the geographical center for all prac-1 good citiicn8 by aome kind of or- Oregon............. CANTON PAINT & OIL CO., | Pennsylvania tical purposes, is on the line of the i ganization. The explanation ap- Melrose, Mass. , Rhode Island military, county, and post roads, in peared satisfactory. RED-BUD, SHADE TREES AC South Carolina. 48,031 other words the centre of trade and 9,180 And T he H erald herewith takes i Tennessee ................. N • *....... *......................... 131,978 travel; is surrounded on all sides by an opportunity to assert that the , Texas HARDWARE. CROCKERY WEBSTER’S 22,183 Vermont ........ I vacant lands, and is easy of access people of the Harney country is a JUNIPERS, RHODODENDRONS. —AND— 6,141 1 Virginia UNABRIDGED. to ali claimants from every section. peaceable, law-abiding people; that • West Virginia 4,221 STANDARD AND BEST. Wo will emphasize that the mail n'k'e7n "othei pl7c«',"a resdess ■ Wisconsin.. 11,698 facilities of Burns are unsurpassed ,uent anlong them ia brought totho within the bounds of the new Land surface by designing men, which Contractor & Builder. EACH THE BEST OF ITS KIND District, it being the main distrib­ gives a false impression to strangers LAKEVIEW, OREGON. H. SCHMINCK A C. WORTHINGTON. uting point. Why were those facts regarding the social condition of i Burn.«, Oregon, 3000 more Words and nearly tOOO more Illus­ ignored by Major B? trations than any other American Dictionary. | the resident citizens. Farmers in­ —MANUFACTURER OF TINWARE.— Send for * Catalogue, and mako - Estimates Made Among the supplementary feature«, original with tending to loente homes in the Har ­ As will be seen on our local page Webster's Unabridged and unoqnaied for Farmers need not incur the expense and delay of' •J«™’*"« concise and trustworthy information, are another man in our county has ney country have no more reason ——And Plans Furnished. your selections in time for the fal Agricultural Implements, as this House keep« a fuiL stock at Fair I Those having work la my Hue will And it to A Biographical Dictionary let the too ready pistol settle a dif- to fear interference from this source their advantage to alve me a rail Wil) contract delivery, if you want to plant none Prices. Citizens «ill find hen- as complete a line of and furnish ali buildinjrs rwapiete. inchbliug tlfulty that was within reach of the than an uprising of the fifty poor io Containing newly 10,000 names of Noteworthy Crockery as in any other esui lishmenl in this section of country. Fainting, and Papering Terms Ao reasonable but the Beet, and that is always the Persons, with their nationality, station, profrs- better and easier settlement by law I Indians that frequent the valley, as any responsible contractor. MOB or oecopetion. date of birth and death, T!NW IRKor ALL DE.M RIETIO» MAP« 1U.O«DIIB. CALL AND SWGOODS. -W> Office 1st l>o»»r South of H khild building, tf provided. (if deceased), etc., Cheapest. Kist spring, clone, more who, while having the will, doubt ­ The habit of carrying a pistol is A 6azettecr of tht. BLACKSMITH. than a as dangerous to the man who uses less, to injure, are too limited as to Of over «,000 Titles, loratlp 1 teg the Countries, Ci it as to the victim of its use, as it number to do more than scare the P. 8. EARLY ------- B urns , O k . $1.000 worth was Shipped Features of every General 3/acksmith Ä, Waeon Maker The Explanatory^and places him in a false attitude to­ timid, to whom fifty camped on a ward his fellow-man, for in this hunting seems five hundred on the —GENERAL REPAIRING— brief notice of a wide-spread evil, Noted Fictrtio I a AKK vikw , Onwv Tn H. K. Qcnr AGEL we refer to the two-thirds who “tote” the warpalh, and is so reported. the deadly juapon “because others do” aidNept nlo)nt*'nt to murder. Fromnilv ex*cute»1. Th« huiMIng hu I*c«n en HUNTINGTON, OR. Prrra.«“.’ o do »K ¡linde oí Work in ike Blactomi-b M m B. Static« et J rvr bene -Uf where then- ** have lark'd and improved and is nrrparrd to lurn out all kinds of Narkatnhhinit <>n short noUc« Vv birch and an untf*lwo months 1-ljr —J. G. Robesson is in Burns and in the best ante Terms (ash Call at this Office and order, or growth of willows? handy, » taken. looking around for a location in address the follow.! g-D»iu*I KjHERALD. Brown, Mursery S top T hat C ough BR. JftgKSBH cat woiích ü jû Fin© JBCLIT WILLOW BRANCH FLOURING MILL, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. JOB WORK. Restaurant. "4.„JjIANISI---- Proprietor.; » GECz LCRA i iJWMPIRE ; MBLACK