THE HERALD. mend “Peterson.” It stand« high [ —Wm. Harvey, our efficient road BURNS AVERTI8EMENTS EASTERN ADVERTISEMENT. among the f first-class literary ■ supervisor, on Monday received two monthlies; and, as a fashion-period­ loads of timber for the bridges he ical, uone can equal it. hfvery lady is constructing across the Blitzen O. X. OSACI, . . . Editor. should take “Peterson.” The terms Blough. Dodson and Moore were The Rapubllcau Tart* Rill. are only Two Dollars per year, with in charge of the Stenger teams that Ador. yssr Hom«., yoar T»w, The "Republican Senate tariff bill greatly reduced rates when taken brought the timber through town. Democratic Ticket Your Kuirbe,. Your Farm«, y.ur makes kindling wood of their Chi­ in clubs, and with unusually fine -------- GO TO--------- PIMM, with tree« «nd «hrubb.ry — Mr- and Mrs. S. II. Porter of por President, premiums to those getting up clubs, cago platform. Butted to the climate of Kaat the Diamond country went home Oregon. And bay only ft enlarges the free list by the ad­ viz: Three copies for 14.60, with Tuesday, after spending a few days from a known GROVER CLEVELAND, the beautifully illustrated book of dition of nearlv a hundred articles, r among friends in Burns, accompa- Of New York. several of them produced in this poems, “Buds and Blossoms,” or a -----IHCAIJCR IN----- utl „ Inied by one of the most amiable Responsible House. country, and it cuts down nearly large engraving, yice-President: . young ladies of our town, Miss DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, one-half the duty heretofore consid­ Greeting.” for premium; four copies ¿ora'llarris' That BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, will feud ered essential to sugar and rice| for $6.40, or six copies for 19.00, ALLEN G. THURMAN. STOVES, TINWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, you what you — Ochoco Review: The ranchmen growing. with an extra copy free for one Of Ohio. pay th* money for: PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, THE CELEBRATED This is certainly “surrendering year; or five copies for $8.00, or of Beaver are becoming concerned Latest Varieties trua SULTANA RAZORS AND “I X L” CUTLERY, WINES AND PRESIDENTIAL electors . about the future of the range in to tho name; Hegltlpr, some part of the protective system,” seven copies for $10.50, with both CIGARS; AND A THOUSAND OTHER ARTICLES Vigorous plants; and Jud|- W. H. EFFINGER, of Multnomah. which the Republican platform de­ an extra copy qf the magazine and that section, and several of them eious packiug.or all is loot — Labor TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. clared that it would rather do than either “Buds and Blossoms” or the talk of moving to other localities W. R. BILYEU, of Linn. and Time and Money. Therefore, do next year. This week George No ­ CHEAPEST HOUSE in Eastern Oregon FOR CASH. engraving as premiums. For lar­ Save by bearing in mind that the great E. R. SKIPWORTH, of Umatilla, j make whisky free. If the Mills bill is a “free trade ger clubs still greater inducements. ble and J. W, Stewart left for Wash­ V ote for C leveland & T hurman ! measure,” so is the Republican Sen­ Any lady can, with a little effort, ington Territory to look for range. ate bill. If the Mills bill is “a blow secure one or more of these pre­ —Lige Sparks of Squaw creek T he election of Cleveland and I at American industries,” so is the miums. Specimen sent freo to reports range very short in that Thurman next Tuesday assures the ! Republican Senate bill. If the those who desire to get up clubs. section. LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mills bill would “reduce American Address P ktekson ’ b M agazine , 300 prosperity of the whole country. wnges to the European level,” so Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Islet of Letters THE TOWN OF LAKEVIEW T he Portland World says it is! would the Republican Senate bill. Remaining 1^ tbt^fAmey ¿Poatofllce uncalled T he New York Herald says, this for, Nov. 1, 1888: lathe Largest in the World, having Lake Co., Oregon. rumored that a Republican job is The Republican bill cuts off about country belongs to business men Hall. J. W. Riky, A. B. in actual cultivation not less than AS IT IS VOICED BY ITS LOCAL NEWSPAPER A THE HERALD. on foot to rob parentsand guardian. I tbe* '^¡t' Ilall, John, Schoer, T. U. Smith. 8. F. in Oregon of $10,000 or more by)the Mjllg bu, ftbftteH But, instead and workingmen. What the work­ Byron, Hatch (2) BUSINESS MEN Abroad foe that LAKEVIEW, I.r.k»* co., Or., contains: 1 newspaper; 2 hotels; Sawyer, Josiah ingman wants is fair wages, steady Gibson, Alice making another change in school | 1 grocer: 2 saloons: 1 brewery; 1 undertaker; 2 laundries; 2 furniture store; 1 shot shop; 1 me a Gibson, Lucy Steel. Alex. of ..................... making the reduction of taxes market; 8 lawyers: 3 physicians: 1 surveyor: 1 Jnnd agent; 1 dentist; J drugstore; 1 jeweler: work, and cheap blankets to keep Falconer, J. F. (3) Stewart, Jas. E. books. mean relief to the people and en- blacksmiths; 2 harness shops; 1 livery stable: 1 bakery; general merchandise stores; 1 bath Smith, Chaa. H. out the winter’s cold; these he de­ Lens, Carl house: 1 milliner shop: 1 real estate agent; 1 saw-mill. Also, 2 Masonic lodges; ’ Good Tern Varten, Miss Beile P hil . D wyer , owner of big racing couragemeut to manufactures, the serves and ought to have. What Perkins, 8. A. plar lodge; 3 Odd Fellows' lodges; 1 United Working Men's lodge. Porter, George F. Martin, Wilber stables in New York, has withdrawn i Republican Senate bill actually Wilson, C. the business mpn wants is the right Rice, Johu Mahon, Wm. H. Proeaaco, Wm. C. all his funds from horse pools and ' proposes to make clothing dearer, to sell his goods wherever he can Please say when calling for the above “ad­ « « 1 1 VT nn/1 colt mwlcs wne* placed them ou Cleveland. He leaves lumber and salt under war find a market. What all want is vertised.” W m . L essing , P. M. IS THE OLDEST, Bays he thinks it is safer and surer burdens, fastens the handicap of fair, untrammeled competition. An­ Letter from Ed. Bland. IS THE LARGEST, taxed material on the manufactu­ than any horse race he ever saw. other four years of such honest ad­ MOST RELIABLE S alem , Ore., Oct. 23,1888. rers, and confines the substantial C. C. MALTBY L akeview , O r . ministration as Cleveland has giv­ NURSERY En. H erald : A b the Webfoot A t Democratic headquarters in reduction to the luxuries of tobacco GROWING STOCK en the country will go far towards rain is in full blast to-day, I will Washington it is said there is en­ and whisky, and to two Southern —RIDING MATERIAL A SPECIALT Y — FOR THE WEST. achieving these results. couraging hope of Cleveland and products, Bugar and rice, as a pun­ drop you a line. Vote for Cleveland and Thurman. Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Spurs, Latlgos, Whips, Cinches, Chaperajos. None bat the I have just returned from Port­ Thurman gaining the vote of Ore­ ishment to that section for remain­ gon. It seems like a forlorn hope, ing Democratic. Best of California Leather used. Satisfaction Guaranteed. E very principle or measure ad­ land; was at the Mechanics’ Fair. but the young Democracy of the The Republican Senate bill was vocated or advanced by Republi­ While there I met a man on the State has beep making a gallant made for buncombe, The Senators cans, really intended to benefit the street who exactly answers the de­ 1-ly PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. fight; local speakers have done and their party organs confess that country, Cleveland haH promptly scription of A. W. Waters’ last good work; and if Democrats all there is no intention of passing it. adopted without reference to its or­ printer—Ben. Franklin. He did do their duty next Tuesday, the It vindicates the Democratic posi­ igin. Republican leaders, on the not appear to be coming from, go­ hope may be realized. BUY OF THIS HOUSE: tion without affecting the Demo­ contrary, have virulently denounced ing to, or stopping at any particular cratic principle.—N. Y. World. everything Cleveland favored, even place, but juBt drifting around. 1 had the pleasure of meeting B kn . C. T ruman , a California those they had originated; thus re­ Chas. 8. Iaeger of Burns. Charles railroad man, a howling Republican The Finest to be Found in the Lower Market —The San Francisco Examiner, ducing Republicanism to the de­ protectionist, publishes a lengthy that chief of democratic dailies, is grading position of a mere party of is working steadily and doing very APRIC0T8, well. LAKEVIEW, OREGON. F. P. LANE article in a New York paper in de­ on file on our reading desk. Come opposition._____________ As for myself, I am slowly im- CHERRIES, fense of Chinese pauper labor, and and read it. - ADDITIONAL LOCALS. proving. Yours truly, says that on the success of Repub­ * - E d . B land . licanism depends the repeal of PEARS, PLUMS, N umber of Presidential Electors T he H erald acknowledges a vis­ Cleveland’s Chinese Exclusion Bill. each state is entitled to by con- it from Chas. Ziegler and son last —We have just learned of the Democrats, stand by your brave gressional appointment between Saturday. Mr. Ziegler, the son, is i arrival from Chalmers, Wood coun- PINES, CEDARS, President, who dares to do right 1883 and 1893: an intelligent young gentleman ty> Ohio of F pgWitt, brother of every, time. Vote for Cleveland' | Alabama............................ 10 now on a visit to his parents. TREES, SHRUBS, M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . C. H. DeWitt of Burns. r? and Thurman. T , 4 Arkansas............................ — To Mrs. Thos. Haskell belongs -------- — A heavy snow storm seemed to 8 D emocrats , let not your own j California.......................... the credit of raising and manufac- be raging in the mountains around, APPLES, PLANTS, EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. 3 Colorado ............................ doubts nor the tricks of disguised turing |he first sorghum in Harney yesterday as we went to press, tho' 6 Connecticut ...................... foes induce you to believe it will I valley. Wc now have a head of the fall was but slight so far in the 3 BERRIES, QUINCES, Thi« Hotel is new (House, Rooms, and Furniture) and offers courteous service to every Guest make no difference in Oregon whe­ | Delaware........................... ( j sugar cane seed, the white kind, valley. 4i ther you cast your vote or not. Re- > Florida................................ 1 among our exhibits, and a small 12 —Mr. Sam. King brought in member Pennover’s unexpected tri-i Georgia................... !......... i glass of the syrup. 22 I Illinois ................................ some fine pork yesterday, and pre­ PEACHES, FLOWERS,. uniph! “Ye know not what the —W. E. Grace’s new lot of drug- 1 Indiana.............................. 15 sented T he H erald folks with a day may bring fbrth!”—nor of how ' 13 gist goods arrived Tuesday. An- sample of what Harney valley can Iowa .............................. .... much value your vote may be! Vote NECTARINES, p ' other fine large show case has been | Kansan.............................. produce in that line. for Cleveland and Thurman I 13 j added to the already elegantly ap- j Kentucky.......................... g 1 pointed drug Btore. I Louisiana.......................... EVERGREENS, “1 he Oregonian is still busy. BLOOMINGTON NURSERY. 6 1 —John H. Embree, of Polk coun- hunting up old pioneers who voted i ‘ ••••••...................... 8 1 ty, Oregon, to whom his brother, for Harrison’s grandfather."—Ex. Maryland............ ARBOR VITÆ,. 14 I Bent Embree, has sent T he H er ­ There is an old pioneer printer in | ■" »ssRchusetts.................. Small Fruits are a necessity on / Burns who occasionally assists in j Michigan............................ ... 13 ald since its initial number, came 25 M iles S outh or L akeview . the mechanical work of T he H er - , Minnesota.......................... ... 7 on a Visit the 24th to his brothers, FIRS, BALSAM, farm. Stock vours this year. a 9 the Doctor and Bent. Embree, with L akeview , O regon . ald , who cast his first vote for Pres- ........................ A. SNIDER ... 16 intention of locating in case he was ident in 1836 and hi« Beeond in M’8R0Ur* .......................... is The Time for Ordering Fruits ... 5 satisfied of the truth of T hr H er - 1840, both against Harrison’s grand-' Nebraska........................... NUTS, FRUITS 3 ald ’ s Harney Valley Fair represen- PAYS HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR GRAIN. father, and, if permitted, will vote *^cva,!a ...................... . . . Now. We have given Every ...4 tations. He examined ' .......................... the exhibits for Cloveland against Harrison the ^ew Hampshire, Thi« Mill i, in fine condition for turninc out Superior Work. 1« In chirge of a Fir«t-cl«M Mill»» 9 and records in this office with great Evidence that any Reasonable ORNAMENTAL CYPRESS grandson next Tuesday. How ¡g New Jersey. .................... • 36 I interest, ’ and seemed convinced that that for old pioneers? i ' or't.......................... gior-WE GUARANTEE OUR FLOUR. I ■ ! , North Carolina. .............. • •• 11 3he Harney country has a bright Man or Woman can ask for, that BIRCH, SPRUCE, ELDER,.... Tbe IlichMt Price, will be paid for Wheat. Bl,hr,t Rate, will be paid la exebaufe for 23 : future before it. Later: Mr. E. has To our Republican friends, and ‘ Ohio.................................... • 31 located a claim near Boat Ford. this Valley will Produce all that wo are pleased to say that T he H er - (Oregon............................. OATS, WHEAT, AND BARLEY. . .. 30 ald scores quite a number of them— 1 Pennsylvania.................... ASH, LINDEN, CHESTNUT, —Sam. King, of Harney valley, is claimed it will grow. < last Saturday brought in five car­ fair-minded men who exercise the Rhode Island . ... 9 elective franchise from principle— South Carolina, Come to T he H erald Office and rots that weigh 14J lbs; the weight *Î.I. and S ee fob Y oumelves before T rading E lsewhere .' TULIPS, WEEPING WILLOWS,. . ... 12 of one was to «11 such we commend the follow- Tennessee.......................... lbs., tops trimmed . ... 13 off close. These carrots are the see Samples of the growth of the ing high-toned language of that true Texas ......................... American citizen, Calvin Edgerton, Vermont............................ ... 4 product of seed sown on the ground | Harney Country. You have never RED-BUD, 8HADE TREES AC. .... 12 of Los Angeles, one of the most Virginia............................ in the Harney foothills about the —AND— ... 6 1st of May, and have had no culti­ prominent men of California, and a . West Virginia seen a Bettef Average. ...11 life-long Republican: Wisconsin......................... JUNIPERS, RHODODENDRONS. vation except weeding and a litlc “I bad hoped that the Republican' irrigation. As a table vegetable .401 party in 1888 would rise equal to' 0 ............................ Don’t put Worthless Stock in the they are not surpassed in sweetness ground and then say “It don’t Pay EACH THE BEST OF ITS KIND the occasion and vindicate the high and flavor. LAKEVIEW, OREGON. H. 8CHMINCK “C heapest and B est " is a com- to Plant Here.” trust reposed in it by the people; — For indoor flowering plants go jet when 1888 came and tho Re-1 bination ns difficult as it is desira­ to Mrs. Haskell, whose charges arc publican party was made the mere ble; but "Peterson’s Magazine" has reasonable. Buy fhe Best Nursery Stock in - —MANUFACTURER OF TINWARE — the Market, and set out an Orchard agent and tool of monopolies, trusts certainly accomplished it. The I Send for a Catalogue, and make —Boom the paper that works for Farmers need not incur the expense and delay of sending off for and combines to cheat and defraud November number is a gciu in eve-1 all the citizens by subscribing for this Fall, and not wait till next Agricultural Implements, as this House keeps a full stock at Fair Spring. your selections in time for the fal ry respect. In addition to a lovely ! the people, and when I found the T he H erald . Prices. Citizens will find here as complete a line of Hardware and Democratic party upon the hights steel engraving, there are three full-1 delivery, if you want to plant none Crockery as in any other establishment in this section of country. —Diamond Dyes for sale at W. occupying tbe place that the Re­ page wood illustrations. One of E. Grace's drug store. T he H erald will make out your but the Best, and that is always the a^-TlNWAREOF ALL DESCRimOSS MADS TO ORDER. CAU. AND SEE GOODS. - publican party ought to have occu­ these is an admirable portrait of —We just learn that two weeks Cheapest. Last spring, alone, mare pied, and advocating principles tbe Bismarck, who forms the subject of ago Mr. McDonald of Crane creek, Order Free of Charge for anything Republican party had supported the opening article, which is capi-' than » while on hie return from the valley, and ought still to support; and tally illustrated and gives various suited to thia soil and climate— had hie team run away on the San- $1,000 worth was Shipped interesting incidents of his life, uew when the convention of the Demo­ cratic party put forth those grand to American readers. The stories ' ' tiam road weet side of the Cascades, Why Free of Charge, since every j TO L akeview , O regon . H. R. SCHLÄGEL representatives of the people's rights are by popular authors, and are up right or ten miles below the Moun­ tain House, off a steep down grade, Man should be Worthy his Hire? to the usual high standard of ex ­ and their champions, Grover Cleve­ seriously injuring the whole party; HUNTINGTON, OR land and AllenG.Thurman: I could cellence. In the Fashion Depart­ Mr. McD.'s head was badly bruised, I Because we would be glad to do­ no longer resist the right, and will I ment, besides the handsome dou- Mrs. Carey was much hurt, and a Call at this Office and order, or do what I can by vote and by word ' ble fashion-plate, there are scores nate $1.000 in that way just to see address the following-named young man considerably injured. of dainty drees patterns and de ­ to promote the election of these /-BUGGIES, WAGONS, ET C.,- —Many and gross will be the po­ signs for the work table, etc., many men.” litical lies told by the various small Harney Valley blossom and glow GEO. W. CRANE, To our Republican friends we say, of them suggeetive qf very prettj- fry among newspapers dependent ■ ADB TO OBDBB WITH NBATNBBB, AND OF «OOD QUALITY. “Go thou and do likewise!"—“iso Christmas presents. It is time to upon misrepresentation instead of like a Rose in the Wilderness with ALLWOBK WARRANTED. longer «rars.* the bight !”—Vote think of a magazine for next year, fact, and vllift-lng abuse in place of BOX tata. MwmiMeMi.IU. ' and we cannot too heartily rvcom- Beautiful and Comfortable Homes. argument. for Cleveland and Thurman! C leveland and T hurman are ----- representative men of all that is great and good and pure and clean THCBSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 18SS. in politics’ Vote for them! ! ! ! FOR BARGAINS The Leading Merchant of Grant County. BLOOMINGTON 80,0000 ACRES SADDLE & HARNESS MAKER Two First-Class Gilliard Tables. THE HOPKINS HOUSE. WILLOW BRANCH FLOURING MILL, HARDWARE. CROCKERY General Blacksmith & Wagon Maker.