East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, October 25, 1888, Image 4

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J ■
The Fallacies of
*1 .
“Lon« ere now. had not the Demo­
cratic Party with Its character la tic pig-
headness, persisted in its attacks on the
settlements of the war, there would hare
been a reckoning on the subject of tariff
plunder, the navigation laws, dishonest
money and the entire scheme of quack­
eries sustained by greed, ignorance and
demagugery In combination—and now, if
the Democratic party is done with its fol-
les, the reckoning will not be very
much longer delayed."
From the Standpoint of
One of the Lame Arguments
of Protection.
[Dally Oregcnl.r.. January 11,1881.1
M r. Thon. 8. Lang, of the Tlatles, is an
occasional contributor to several journals
of tlte .State in -defehse df the ’ policy of
'•proWtion.’*» His latest essay is an at-
icmpt to disprove what the Oregonian
recently «aid concerning high prices as
an effect of the protective system. It is
imagines it exactly the thing for a peo­
ple situated as we are here to have the
tariff maintained at prohibitory rates, so
that we can buy none of the cheap goods
which Great Britain has to sell, ana take
the little money we get for our wheat,
which must be sold at a low price
(because, as we will not trade with our
customer, we cannot get ships enough to
carry it away) and buy of our "protected”
eastern manufacturers the goods which
we must have at the high prices Which
the tariff enables them to exact. This
is a good policy to pile up the profits of
the protected monopolist, but a tied one
for us out of whom these profits are
drawn. It compels us to part with our
products at a low price and buy what we
must have at high prices. And this is
just what is the matter with Oregofi at
this moment. Every item which enters
into the production of wheat is taxed for
the lienefit of eastern monopolists, even
to the farmer’s harness leather, harrow
teeth, the very bags he puta his wheat in.
•• Thtlalk ,.f prolertlag ta.rlwa la
io us of th- Pacific coast than cheap
b«»r la* Juggle and a force since the sys­
whisky or tobacco without price.
Circular, of this sort aliow that thrr.- tem the» net protect, but, on the con­
is to lie a concerted effort on the part of trary, Actually oppr iie« the larger part
the protectionists to eave their advan­ •♦f thelaborof the country."
tage« by making war on tbe internal
revenue system. To meet It the pre -s of ABtrdan on Agriculture.
[Dib Oregonian. November 14, INI ]
the country ought to be vigilant and out­ ,
spoken. They who have been accus­
Tlieffew York Time» in a series hf
tomed to the benefits of class h-glslaiion ■ • artici
article i ou the exaction. and oppres­
will employ every ruse to hold Jliem. .
,sioo«i sor tariff lass, is taking up the
lie item hy item for illustrations,
lu a cent tssne it shows how the agri-
Mischievous Methods.
culmal '■‘ ‘J '-■
‘Tresfa of the country are at-
[Daily Oregonian, July 27,188?. j
fecled most
_ by the
__ ____
------ jrijuriously
V ''i* ' *
and am oat prohibitory duty on railway,
The inspiration of this bill (to create a steel. On first cost of railway building
tariff commission) is a plan of the ox this »mien is fully $3000 smile, and on
renerals it is a constant and heavy tax.
treme protectionists to reduce the taxes Ther,«ir« justly protests against the
on whisky, beer and tobacco in order wrote and injury of loading our Ameri-
that there may be excuse for continuing can train w ith such a burden in conipe-
of the government, we favor f/rr en­ the burden of tlie “protective” system tittti with foreign grain, “ft may lie
sad.” the Timer remarks, “that the
tire rejieal nf the internal taxe»
liuve revenue and .rallier than the surrender of any in favor of mono|H>lists. Though every­ t/itl secures to American farmers the
thing else be taxed we must have free lame market, but it ikarn not. The price
i grain here is iiltinialelvJuM^^teMg^—
Thus our labor suffer., l ie kepobli. an party noilld el-
cl .11 l.ccdol reduction of tile
from a system of robbery, Xtdjoii.il revenue by repealing the
disguised under forms of tax. a on toll .ci u. uhicli tire an an'
iloyniiee mill n burden to Hgricul-
quackery for pretended tuie.
ami tlie tax upon spirits used
protection of American in the arts and for mechanical pur­
; and by such revision of the
labor. The stupidity that poses
tariff as will tend to check imports
doesn’t see it, particularly of sttcli articles as are produced by
on this coast, where the utir people, the production of which
employment to our labor, and
producing classes are so ■'gives
release from import duties those
plainly the • victims of it, articles of foreign production (ex­
luxuries) the like of which
is phenominkl aid perhaps cept
>annot Im produced at home. If
hopelesS.— Oregonian, there shall still remain a larger reve­
nue than is requisite for the wants
Oct. 21, 1881.