; STATE OF OIUSGON vs. D. L. SHIIIK. Mnid there the latter part of winter of (10-70, MRS. D. L. SHIRK, I’M New llomesteBd Law—Glad Tldiags I * Wife of Defendant, wui sworn and testi­ I fur Homeiosj ThuuaMtda. [ . D. L. GttACE, - Editor. fied: Was at hotnr September i^tb; learned —Advertise in T he H erald if A new laild bm of grcat -m | D eeeotb .-J concluded ]. of thc hoiuocidc in the morning 1 went up yant L t>> ,<< 11 a »y^ “ n « - “ I a nee to persona who have heretofore Tr.ua^i-R.rta.a'ui »«,. war. on top of the house with a spy-glass. 1 aaw THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, la»». ! two men get on horses at the cubin, and one A t the FBDE1.-A1I «port, are i ^bal^d tbc‘r 1 «*• ..... « t. ».a. i. »i» a* i ■ mm sept 14tb on the way iroin ww. > after getting on leaned over and picked up ! to the effect that work on the Ore-: bonicstead and Pre-e,nPtion laWB, He «id sin,« >,«d inured him to t»ke • dtfak I something from near the cabin. They rode <■> a .. ♦ -1 m . ■ A t- î _ . luì a ahuuk tx.w .1» k.»«. ■ « H ■III 1 th >i t .w 11 1 c hi hw W . baud« ». with him; that Zhirk | down the fence opposite the plowed fcjoulid ! gon Pacific road is living vigorously | has P8””*1 the Li 8 .. ,e ». natc - and with iw* il and there wm no show to win that caae and ; ’ got off their horses, crawled under the pushed at the front. Employment. ^rta"‘ u has been now wanted to make up with hU»; that be waa fence—one had on a red shirt. He walked onto ohiza a racket. Baid 8hira had whipped is given to every man that comes 1 c e ouse o epresen- him, buthe had never had but one opportunity over and into the plowed ground several along, at the rate of »2.25 per day. !tatlve* aud relur,,ed to tbe Seilate to get ewu with him. and that waa at Vaaa i | steps, stopped and leaned down. I called GROVER CLEVELAND, apringa and he had allowed the boja to j i to Shirk “They are going to move the Of New York. The fine weather up to the present I concurrence in the amendments, creek take him out of it oh account of Shirx’a fam i body,” then I said ’‘No, they are leaving has been Very favorable to the con-I Thc b,U as Pai8ed b? the Senate Up being present. That when he called Hhirs it.” I was watching to see what they did. tractors, and should it continue for ' aH P^r8ons who,bave filed out and aaked him to throw him in the creek It was not very long that they stooped he calculated if Shira came nearhiui U> touch under pre-emption or homestead him, to kill him, and give him no show at all. over the body; they went to the fence ALLEN G. THURMAN. another month most of the season’s crawled under it, got on their horses, leaned That he had men behind him that had more Of Ohio. work will be finished, with the ex­ law, but who for any reason have money »ad friend a than Shira had, and I | over as if picKing up something from the ception of a tunnel and perhaps failed to acquire t’tle to lands, to ¡f av#r he ahnuld do Shira any injury he bad wire fence, and rode on down the fence to ^RESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. thiuga fixed ao that Bbira’a brothers would Dunlap's cabin. This was near noon, be­ some heavy rock work which may again file under the homestead law never get a hold of him. But if they ahould pet fore dinner. It might have been a little be­ j and acquire titje to not more than W. H. EFFINGER, of Multnomah. be continued through the winter. a hold of him he eonaidered himself aa g^od a fore or after 11 o’clock. man aa either one of them, and he wound it up Trains will soon be running to Mills | one quarter section of public land. by aaylng that he couldn't get over the whip­ In the afternoon I was up on the house W. B. BILYEU, of Linn. again and saw two iuen riding down the ■ The first amendment added by ping that Shira gave him the winter that he City.—Newport News, Oct. 11. fence. They rode down to opposite the E. R. SKIl’WORTH, of Umatilla, | tho House of Representatives au­ settled. He bad in a scabbard on a belt by his side a plowed ground, and turned round, and ’ _ T he Bchponer Twilight from San thorizes registers and receivers to 45-callbre Colt's six shooter—1 don’t know if a rode buck towurds the cabin. About 1 or 2 ' I)Eifni*rnt Knonki rpsnlnfp-1 ' „ . . , , n i E very Dtitocrat should resolute- or single action. A re hey and Josh Jor­ ! o'clock I went up again and they rode I r raneiBCO arrived here on Sunday grant leaves of absences to those double dan were riding behind ua and both of them down opposite the plowed ground und ly arrange his business affairs so who have made entries and who with a cargo of 380 tons of steel had pistols swung to them. turned round und rode buck, and again in os to be sure and vote Nov. 6th. I told Mr. Shira what Isaacs had said. On the the evening I went up with lhe field-glasses rails for the O. P. extension. She “by reason of drouth, whole or par­ day before Isaacs was killed I told hi in. tial destruction of crops, sickness, I waa at Sweitzer’s cabin the morning of the and they, the two men, were on the plowed As this is the last issue of T he is now discharging cargo.—Ibid. or other unavoidable casualty,” are 8th; un4aaff«8. but could feel none, could aee used to live at Valley, Plumas co., Califor­ while in session, appointed a com- deparfed or shall depart therefrom entry no . , •it. . 1 uo'blng of Andy Sblrx yet. I the- then looked tunlap r ’, -------------- cabin and as aa I : — u a ____ looked man nia. IIC hud n very bad character. I was ------------ mittec to petition the Legislature to and ghdl not have returned before new entry will be required but pat-. toward came out of it and walked cast toward the fence told he stole jewelry from a blind man. ents may issue. abolish the law allowing each coun- jbe pagsage of this act, to return or This will be glorious news to thou- ’“J.“;*’I/?; • I could not eee any pistol but ho I heard he was in prison for stealing. , e •*"« had on a belt DCK nearly full « of a . voFtraugcw. cartridges. L?IU Did not ty to impose a license tax on sheep I rem;in in“thc United States. D.H l SHIRK sands of persons anxious to acquire notice any farther than that they were a Ion. pasturing in the county. I Was sworn and said: I am acquainted with pistol cartridge, but I could not testify to their S ec 2. That no certificates of homes but debarred from doing so calibre; the scabbard laid on hia right with Jacl*. Dunlap. On September 17th he was at my house T he bailee Sun of the 10th »aye: identity provided for in the fourth under existing laws. There is little the belt ruu through it; he had no c«»at on. tracks loading towards the body from and I did not say, as he states, that “I “Col. Elliott and C. 8. Richmond or fifth sections of the act to which doubt that the bill will pass the thc I saw southwesterly direction and back the same would kill those s—sof b—s.” returned on Wednesday from a four this is a supplement shall hereafter Senate as amended. way, and also tracks arouDd the body; some of I asked Dunlap once if he knew any of were right close up to the body, aa near as the circumstances of the killing. He said months’ trip examining swamp-be issued; and every certificate Copies of the bill can be had by them could be without stepping onto the body. No. I said “Will you tell the truth if lands;” arid on thc 17th adds: ' heretofore issued in pursuance addressing members of Congress. I went away from the body in a northwester­ called on to testify?” He said that he ly direction toward! my horse and then towards “Col. Elliott left Tuesday morning : thereof is hereby declared void H enry N. C opp . would. I did not offer hin an Apulousa Shirx’a house. for Lakeview to finish the final i and of no effect: and the Chinese It waa not overS minutes after I saw Dunlap horse or anything else. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. I know' Frank Burns since a year ago going south before I heard the shot fired. examinatioo of swamp lands in ■ laborer claiming admission by vir- I saw a difficulty between Shim and Isaacs last March or April. I did not in Lakeview — Yearly advertisers of stock that section. The trip is required tue thereof shall not be permitted sometime last winter. 1 came to Shirk’s and any threat against Isaacs. brands in T he H erald get inser­ put my horses In tho barn, and Shim told mo make Had no conversation with Burns in Lake­ to determine the character of some to enter the United States. to take them out of the south side of the baru tions of stolen and strays free. - as he wanted to put his work horses there. I view after the conversation with him and lands that could not be correctly S ec . 3. That all the duties pre­ turned the horses out and gave them hay and Chapel!. settled in the spring owing to thc scribed, liabilities, penalties and —P. 8. Early the prince of skill­ Isaacs came loading a little buckskin horse and Burns was not present when I treated to open the door in thc south side, say- Isaacs in Lakeview. quantity of surface water." forfeitures imposed, and the powers ful blacksmiths having laid aside | started ing he was going to put him in there and feed Hud no conversation with Burns wherein confirmed by the second, tenth, all frivolity has gone into the fall 1 him bay. 1 told him Sliim had just made me I said “I’ll kill that s— of a b— T he H erald , during the cam­ ; take my horses out saying he needed the south eleventh and twelfth sections of the work of hie shop with a vim that side for hia work horses. He said hedidn’t paign now closing, has presented —Boom your country by voting act to which this is a supplement will do up all the repairing neces­ ; care he was going to put him in there sny- column after column of logically as he bad to ride him next day. He put for Cleveland and Thurman. are hereby extended and made ap­ sary to put your implements, wa­ i I how, him in and went off towards tho house, and 1 unassailable argument", derived —Boom your county by reducing plicable to the provisions of this gons, and horses in good shape to staid at the corral carrying in hay to bed the not only from the ablest Democrat­ Loises ss Shim had told me to. its unwieldy size. act. go through the winter. - While I v as doiug that Shim came around ic sources but from the truthful ut­ — Boom your town by inducing | and seeing the horse io there asked me whose S ec . 4. That all such part or terances of a large number of the horse that was; I told him Isaacs* and he had good citizens to locate therein. . — Reward paid finder of a small put him in there. Shirs said he would have to j loading lights of Republicanism— parts of the act to which this is a pocket-book lost by J. M. Bridges stay iu the corral tonight, then turned him out, I —Boom the paper that works for , all showing that every vote cast for supplement as are inconsistent here­ went away. Isaacs came and asked who] all the citizens by subscribing for I in Prineville about 1st of the month, and turned the horse out; I told* him Shim did it. ! Cleveland and Thurman is on the with are hereby repealed. containing some money, postage­ He put him back saying “1*11 put the horse | T he H erald . THE HERALD. T welve days only to the day of, election. ! MXOXEWM. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. WINCHESTER Democratic Ticket por President, yice-President; side of the best interests of all the ▲ New Use for a Cyclopedia. lu there and pay him for his G— d— hay” —We learn a certain individual' stamps, and papers. Apply at this back He started towards the barn with him when I not a hundred miles away is in the i people of the entire country. It A customer of Alden’s “Manifold offico. — Shirs came into tho corral—I was just going but has not tried to muddle any ques-;c j dia write8 to tho publiehcr of the gate towards the house as became in, | habit of roundly abusing us for im-! — Paints and Oils of the best and heard him ask Isaacs what he was going aginary offenses spoken or written, i Uon but ha» presented square is- a8 fouowg. to do with the horse. He said he was going to quality always on hand at W. E. sues and thc facts to sustain them, j j havc eihibiting the uMan. put him in the barn and give him some hay. as I Thc root of his garrulity we have ! he had to ride him 50 miles tomorrow. 8birs ’ not yet discovered, unless it be we ' The deciaion is now with the peo-1 ifold” among my friends and ac- Grace's drug store. told him there waa plenty hay in tbe corral for ple—that sovereignty in whose quaintances, and expatiating on its —Isaac Winters desires to inform the horse and to put him in there. Isaacs re­ | unthoughtedly recommended him ! hand» the fathers placed the con- ' excellence and cheapness. There the citizens of Burns and vicinity plied that his horse wouldn’t eat the hay that ' to the position he now occupies; if ‘ in the corral, shirs said that the hay was trolling power of this government is no reason why every young man that ho will keep Fresh Beef on was good enough for his horses and it was good I this surmise is correct, we will i ’ in the land who has occasion to re­ which has conducted it safely thro’ fer to a cyclopedia should not pos­ hand ail the time for their accom­ 1 enough for that horse. Isaacs replied “Well, ! most cheerfully withdraw our stock ; | G— d— you, I’ll pay you for your bay.” all perils, and which we rejoice to sess it. The laying by of but five modation. -tf. The next I heard sounded like two men had in him. Mr. Verdot gave us the | ; hold of each other scuffling. I heard Isaacs locals relating to hay crops on thc i believe will continue its prosperity cents a day for six months will put »-Fred. Perkins of John Day- • say “No» you don’t throw me in that mud hole!” by proudly indorsing Cleveland*» him in possession of a work that ; Island and we have confidence in ' brought to the Burns market this ' Shirs replied "I could if I wanted to!” I be­ will be of lasting benefit. Among lieve that’s about all 1 heard. That night Isaacs ’ the correctness of his statements. honest Democratic administration. those to whom I have shown the week a fine assortment of apples, ■ staid on Shim's ranch in the buccaro-house. ’ I slept with him. Isaacs seemed to be very Our experience teaches us that a volumes I have found but one T he Rural Spirit and Farmer young man who did not need the tomatoes and other vegetables, all excited about tbe occurrence. At the time of poor man speaks the truth, outside 1 tbe scuffle it was just getting dark. Isaacs had (Republican.) says: “A scheme, “M~anifold.” He has a cyclopedia^ of the finest quality. ; been working for Shirs, and that night I heard i a horse trade, as readily as a rich the proportions of which at once a number of large volumes, he did —Wm. Levens informs us that him say Hhirs bad settled with him, aud he | man.—It is too late in the day to stamp it as nothing more or less not know how many, nor did he quite an accident happened to would be off next day. * Cross-examination.—Know Shirk aiuce yaup your old stereotyped words: i than a gigantic wheat trust pos­ know the name of the editor or Frank Davis, living three miles . Aug. 10th, last. Know Isaacs since lust ‘‘swamp-land monopoly!" “John publisher; but they are very large, sessing almost unlimited money, is heavy volumes. Believing he did above Prairie City, who got severe­ fall. Saw Dtin^p go down the fence about Devine organ!” The Harney valley gradually being brought to light. not frequently consult them, I asked ly kicked hy a vicious horre, from ' S o’clock. It was a % or % of a mile from readers are not so short of common where I saw Dunlap to Swan’s where I The plan of this combine is to buy if he ever used them. | which he waa not expected to re-; heard the shot. Was at my place 10 min­ sense as you think to be caught by . such chaff. “ Certainly, ” said he, “ I use them as cheaply as possible all the wheat utes. Talked to Andy Shirk about 4 or 5 cover. every day." min«r while Using tbe stove out. Went delivered for storage at any eleva­ —A better selection for constable from my cabin to Shirk's ranch; sUid there /-We are informed Messrs. Geo. "What can you possiblv do with tor on thc northern railroads. The them?” for this precinct could not have been over 15 minute«*; then went towards Isaacs’ McGowan and Jas. Copshall have • organization is said to comprise “Why, I press my trousers with made, in our opinion, than Henry body. Met Ed Lyons while going from my opened a meat shop at the old place to Shirk’s; ■ M mile from Shirk's; stand. Both are clever, accommo- ( some of the heaviest moneyed men them.” near Oo’ctocs; waa at Shirk's 15 minutes. "My dear sir,” said I, “you do not Cheatham, present incumbent. in Duluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul, men, and will I rode down to where the body was; my dating business need the ‘ Manifold. ’ Mr. Alden — The San Francisco Examiner, Brainerd, and other smaller towns publishes books for the purpose of that chief of democratic dailies, is hor-e got scared and stampeded northwes­ doubtless serve the public well in terly. I Mopped him and turned him that line. in Minnesota, and Fargo, Grand developing and improving the intel-' Forks, Jamestown, Devil’s Lake, lect, and not to give shape to the on file on our reading desk. Come around and ht stampeded again off the plowed ground; I rode him across and tied —W’e have received several let­ - Lake, and other points in Dakota. legs. Do you stick to your ponder­ and read it. him to the fence near the north edge of ters the past week asking us to en­ — J. Nat. Hudson is storing his ous, unwieldy volumes; they are the plowed ground. I wnlsed from there Altogether over thirty capitalists well adapted to the purpose for to the body, on the plowed ground. gage hay. also rent houses in town are said to be in the pool for indi­ which you use a cyclopedia; but the | new cellar with every good thing for directly After I got to the body I stood and loosed to accommodate families for the I "tabic comfort. ” vidual amounts ranging from »10,- dainty volumes of the ‘Manifold’—I al it. then pwswd around and knelt down Salary of U. 8. Commissioner of and picsed up his hand, and felt Lis pulse. winter. 000 to »1,500,000. Thc prices paid how delightful to handle and bow and holster exhibited) This looks •—Quit« a heavy windatorm for are a slight advance on the market beautiful to behold—are made with Agriculture has been increased from (Belt lixe the belt, and thi< like the holster. for present or future delivery when a view to ease of reference and con­ »»(MX) to »5000, and the sum of Was bom in Calhoun co.,Texas and Maid thia rection prevailed Tuesday eve­ necessary to secure the desired pur­ venience of consultation, and can­ »500,000 set aside in the agricul­ there until I was 17 or 18 years old. Born ning and night, enveloping the val­ not be successfully converted into chase. This field of operations is a substitute for trousers' stretcher«.” tural appropriation bill for use of Nov. 7, IMS. Went to Montana the fall of ley in elouda.of dust. A shower li*»; left there 1*1» in the spring, to Eagle confined to the wheat producing E dward E berback , Washington. Bureau of Animal Industry during Rocs, Idaho; thence in fall of 18fiB, for a of rain layed the latter. Clear and I regions of thc Northwest. D. C. • current fiscal year. plaee farther down on ?nase ritrr/and criol yesterday. NANI'FACTVRED by WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO,, arJS-W CQXT^T. MENTION THIS PAPER, — Every word we say ve iüuj J S ir i Do you vant to see th* n*V wp*« 8 ANSWER T0- S35 Single Hames reduced to »25. Th« finest Hamesa MADE for the money. Handsome nickel or imitation rubber gold finish mountings. HAND made from oak stock, unsurpaaaed for •Ybrand durability. If you will aUnw itou to show yon what progress we ¿an made by making a SPECIALTY and get­ ting out over Soo setts each month. Yon can keep the sample at only $ao, Jess than price here or return at OUR EX­ PENSE. Can we make a more liberal offer? We shall expect to hear from you at once saying YES send on your HaracM. Folded or single strap style. N ational H arness C o ., Wholesale Manufacturers« A. ANDERSON, Kin* of Harness Manufacturers. Manager of tho NATION al H awm «8> O o .; Wholesale Mfrs.. litoH Wells St. BuffcdeJf.T. Collar and Hames, $2 Extra, No Breast Doublo Stylo for two horses. Prie«, M.OO, THE BLOOMINGTON NURSERY! Remember that it is not too late to order now from this old and well-established Nursery. Your home is here. Set out an orchard this fall. shade trees about your premises. Plant shade The industrious men and women among you have proved your soil and climate equal to the best. Small fruits do well here—sec samples in this office. This is tbe home of small fruits, and here also the market. Don t depend any longer on other sections for small fruit supplies. None were brought to market this year—There’s money in being first. Address GFO. W CRANE. Bloomington. Til., Box 1216.