E ast O regon H erald n ~ ‘ z'. ___________________ :J ? * . r- . BURNS, GRANT COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER //, 1888. I ‘ • t— r Vol. 1—No. 46. THE HERALD, I FROM WASHINGTON, D. C. CANYON CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. -* ---------------------------------------- ------ W ashington C ity , D. C.l September 25. 1888. j OltBGON NFWA LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lake County Exnminsr. $2.BO a Year, BURNS AVERTISEMENTS. FOR BARGAINS O. C. Whorton, general land of­ CHAS. A. COUSWZU, ». A. TOUIWELL, Linkville. E d . H erald : Yesterday the long- fice inspector, ia expected here thia Lakeview. -------- GO TO--------- PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY COGSWELL & COGSWELL. looked-for senate tariff bill was laid week. CANYON CITY, OREGON. before the finance committee. It D. L. GRACE, In the case where Grant county LAKEVIEW AND LINKVILLE, Or. is fairly in accord with the Chica­ P ublisher and P roprietor . sued Lake county for 44,200, Judge go platform. The tariff on wool Webster has just given a decieion ----- DKAI.EH in ---- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: and woolen goods is increased, and in favor of Graut for <483. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAP8, the internal tax on tobacco, cigars One Year Six Mouths. ................ BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, W. O. Stone, of Summer Lake, and cigarettes is entirely abolished. Three Months One Year (in advance) STOVES, TINWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Attorney, Notary Public & has ripe fruit in hi# orchard, fruit The cigarmakers are kicking so PAINTS, OILS, GLAS8, PUTTY, THE CELEBRATED vigorously against free tobacco that half-grown and treeslin blossom. Collector. HERALD CLUB LIST: SULTANA RAZORS AND “I X L” CUTLERY, WINES AND the senators will probably be com­ How's that for Lake county? Herald and The Centare, on« year •CIGARS; AND A THOUSAND OTHER ARTICLES Herald and St. Nlehulea, " pelled to retain a light tax on ci­ Ochoco Review: Herald and Demvreat M«Ka»lne. one year , TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. 3.75 Parties who caiue across the Herald and Peleiauo Meicerlue “ gars. The cut on tobacco amounts A. C. BR0DER8EN,... LaUview. 3.75 Herald and Oodey’» lady'« Book “ 4.00 Has also a fine assortment of Barbadine w a re ­ Herald and »'«( shore ' to 430,000,(XX). The tax on fruit Cascades iaatwee^«^ that there Any business «n trust ed fo me, wìll reeelve CHEAPEST HOUSE in Eastern Oregon FOR CASH. Herald aud LeaUe'e lllultrated New«paper . 5.75 sume thin g new, which for beaùty of daaigu and .. 4.75 M«mH and LeflUe'i popular Monthly .......... moit rarefili and prompt attentton. Land mat­ fi ulab is hard Io asnal A Un» («nd in all i brandies ia abolished, making a re­ are 500 men workiug on the Oregon terà and Collection a specialty. Correspond- ■hades), of duction of $1,500,000. The tax is Pacific railroad just north of Fish euce Bolleited in Euglish and German. additional volume after Vul/1, 56 cents; LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 10 cents extra per volume, p« stage. removed from alcohol used in the lake. «^“1‘iiblisherB of periodica a are solicited MOSAIC WARE. to send clubbing rates, a copv of tbeir work for arts and sciences — a reduction of We heartily commend the action our Free Reading Room—We file, and bind the THE TOWN OF LAKEVIEW latter at close of every half-volume, and pay for $10,000,000. Rice and sugar are of the citizens cf Prineville in copies by advertisement. Attoray-at-Law I Lake Co., Oregon. reduced 50 per cent. The duty on promptly donating to the fund for AS IT IS VOICED BY ITS LOCAL NEWSPAPER & THE HERALD. M. A. KELTON. Beautiful Glass Ware I borax, china, glass, and many other i the prosecution and corfviction of ADVERTISING JIATES: articles, is increased. A number of the porty or parties who fired the araci wk 2 Wk mo 3 mo 6 mo - yr. Lakeview, Or. BUSINESS MEN abroad see that LAKEVIEW, Lake co., Or., contains: 1 newspaper; 2 hotels; WATCHES AND JEWELRY. articles, including flax seed, lin­ new brewery building. 1 inch Il 5Ü 12.50 |5 oo »H 0U »11 OU 15 oo Practices in the courts of the state, and before 1 grocer: 2 saloons; 1 brewery; 1 undertaker; 2 laundries; 2 furniture store; 1 shoe shop; 1 mea 00 I 18 00 4 00 6 50 12 00 3 UU market; 3 lawyers: 3 ph\aiciana: 1 surveyor; 1 land agent; 1 dentist; 1 drugstore; 1 Jeweler: the U. S. Land Office. 1-ly 40 00 24 00 seed oil, jute, mother-of-pearl, pe-, Last Saturday Uncle Dave Prine 5.00 8 00 15 00 3 50 blacksmiths, 2 harness shops; 1 livery stable: 1 bakery; 8 general merchandise stores; 1 bath 32 00 50 01 6 00 10 00 20 00 4 50 house: 1 milliner shop: 1 real estate agent; 1 saw-mill. Also, 2 Masonic lodges; 1 Good Tern 48 00 .54 00 y oo 15 00 28 00 troleum, etc., are added to the free i returned from Missouri, where he 6 00 80 00 120 00 Tobacco and Cigar»—Pipes, and Me< rachaum 12 00 IH 00 28 00 48 00 plar lodge; 3 Odd Fellows' lodges; 1 United Working Men's lodge. list—a reduction of $5,000,000. had been with several car-loads of 20 00 U) 00 40 00 <>0 0C 110 00 140 00 Pipes a specialty, warranted. O)aieia, oar- uinea, Crackers, all fresh. Soaps, beat Lumber, salt, tin plate and other horses for sale. He reports a very branda. Yeast Powders—everybody ¿^Liberal reduction to all yearly adver articles in daily use among the dull sale for horses in that state. tisers Call at office,*or write to Publisher. can draw a prize worth from 25c P. H. MURPHY. £gp»Cuts charged extra, according to space; to >1. Full line of School masses, remain untouched. The H. P. Belknap and son have re­ LAKEVIEW - - - - OREGON. none but metal base admitted. Rooks, and Stationery As we stereotype all our advertisements bill is intended to reduce the na­ turned from California, where they HAY & GRAIN all changes after 1st four publications, 11 each. of all descriptions. C. C. MALTBY L akeview , O r . gjjj^Advertiiing in local columns, 10c a line, Oidera from on hand, and prompt attention given tional revenue by about $70,000,000, went with a band of horses this all Always fflF»Marriage, birth, and death announce­ orders for teams and vehicles. 1-y The Country promtiy and correctly filled. 1-ly ments free. Such items Solicited as news. chiefly on tobacco and sugar. summer. They report having Liberal rates offered to religious, social, —RIDING MATERIAL A SPECIALT Y.— anaeducational bodies. The bill will hardly commend it-1 found a dull market, and were com­ Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Spurs, Latigos, Whips, Cinches, Chaperajoa. None but ths Watchmaker & Jeweler self to the people, who will quickly pelled to leave 20 head of horses in NOTICE TO FOREIGN ADVERTISERS. HARNJEY ADVERTISEMENTS. J. W. BONEBRAKE. Beat of California Leather used. Satisfaction Guaranteed, perceive that it is cleverly drawn Tulare county, which they could While respectfully* soliciting your patronage Lakeview, Oregon. as we desire to keep our readers p«.s ber, who can doubt? It can be but other residents of Prineville for the local ue»i mailer free. The Finest to be Found in the Lower Market Attomeys-at-Law A. J. BROWN. one thing: “Cleveland and Tariff capture and conviction of any per­ F. P. LANE - - LAKEVIEW, OREGON. T he H erald is kept regulariv on file for re­ Any and all kinds of surveying done on short LAKEVIEW AND BURNS, OR. son guilty of incendiarism. Reform.” ference, in the Geo. .P. R*well Newspaper Ad­ notice, and sutisiaction guaranteed. 4—5—ly vertising bureau, 1 < Spruce st., New York. This firm practices in the courts of the State, The sundry civil bill has again Oregon Register. Yamhill county: and before the U. S. Land Office. Any land Office or other business entrusted to them will been rejected by the House on ac-. A second crop of strawberries receive prompt attention. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. count of the senate’s measure rela- near Turner’s station is so plentiful 1WLAND CASES SOLICITED. tive to the library building. that a few boxe8 have been sblPP«d national : Representative Matson is again to ‘ or^antl' ATTORNEY, Grover Cleveland President . the .« House. u tt • • j 1 Vancancv Vice- Preaident. in He is in good . The annouYicement . that .. two . or . GEO. S. SIZEMORE - - B urns , O r . Thus. F Lav a rd JASPER DAVIS P roprietor . seen Eecreiar» uf Stale M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . i ... » a * t r r three new cases of smallpox had Chas. S. Fairchild Secretary of Treasury health: has just returned from In- . . , . ... , Criminal law a specialty. W. T. Vims Secretary uf Interior .. ... - . developed in McMinnville caused Wm. C. Endicott J EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. Secretary of War diana; wears a smiling face, and ex-; .... . . , -DEALER IN— W. C. Whitney I Secretary of Navy ------ o------ .. r ... i considerable excitement here «Mon­ Don M. Dicki s<>n Pvatniua er Goueral presses entire satisfaction with the . A. II. Garland i Attorney General , ai i day. ♦ ♦ * If proper precautions T. V. B. EMBREE, M. D. This Hotel is new (House, Rooms. and Furniture) and offers courteous service to every Guest. in which the campaign has J , , r . . r . .. Groceries and Merchandise manner STATE—OREGON: . ixi are used by our citizens the small Office at his residence on the east side of Sil­ vie» River, teu miles below burns. been conducted. ....... « A . I J. N. Dolph, (R) I « ... . .. . . pox will not likely get a start here. U. 8. Senators I J. II. Mitchell, Kj Congress will prooably remain in £ . . . . « Ringer Hermann, (K) Congressman .... . . - The doctors have vacinated a good Sylvester Pen noyer, (D) Governor session during the greater part of . . . Geo. W. McBride, (R; Secretary of State October ■ man^’ anc* ^ose who have not been Dr. S. B. McPheeters. G. W. Webb, (D) Treasurer J. b. McElroy, (R) Supt. Public Instruction rru L- • IA C T I. U ! should be immediately—an ounce PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Frank Bakei State Printer The Knights of Labor here are „ . . . «. • « 8. Strahan, (D) . . . n 1.* . 4i ; of prevention is a good thing. Be- I ; R. Wm. P. lx>rd, (R) Supreme Judges making a strong fight against the . / , , w w. > W. W. Tha>er, (D) 1-ly - . - ... sides the three cases m McMinn, Office at W. E. Grace’s Drug Store. use of steam presses for printing VAN. S. CURTIS, P rop ’ r . sixth judicial district : Ville a Mr. Morgareidge, on Dayton money in the bureau of printing .... ... . .. District Judge ................. J. A. F ee , (R) j »p. i • ai a prairie, is down with this disease, District Attorney ... ....... J. L, R and , (R j and engraving. They claim that i 1 ’ J. G. Welch, M. D. All kinds of Blacksmithing the steam presses are throwing Astorean: COUNTY—giant : at residence South of T he H erald Build­ many people out of work in that We °ut here in Ore8on have Ut* Office G. W. GlLHAM.iR Representative and wagon work. ing. ly N. R. M axey ,(it County Judge bureau; that hand work is far supe- tie idea of the tumult and the fe- J. T. M ail , (D Clerk Treasurer ................. N. H. B oley , (R | ¿g^-Horseshoelng S5.OO a span. « rior to the more rapid method of’ ver of political excitement in some H. M c H alxy , (R) 25 M h . es S outh or L akeview . Practical Surveyor Commissioners I. H. D avis , (D) steam, and poor work is easily of the states. Take Indiana for in­ J. H. N eal . (R) Surveyor ...................... MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. T. A. McKINNON, W. 1!. G may (R) counterfeited. A congressional stance. It is not half the area of Sheriff L akeview , O reoom . A. SNIDER C. H. T imms , (R) Assessor E. H ayes , (R) School Superintendent committee is investigating the mat- Oregon. There are now 4,000 pub- Any and all kinds of surveying done on shot T. H. CURL(D) Stock Inspector notice and reasonable terms. Settler ter, and testimony for and against lie speakers stumping that state, wishing LAKEVIKW U. 8. LAND OFFICE: to be located, can have plats furnlshe Register, A. F. S nelling , (D) free of charge. steam presses is being heard. , If the Hoosiers don t vote intelli- AZRO J. CORY, Receiver, W. M. T oansknd , (D) PAYS HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR GRAIN. In the present state of feeling be- gently it will not be for want of in­ tween the United States and Cana- formation. Tbia Mill ia in fine condition for turning out Superior Work. Ia in charge of a Firat-rlaaa Miller U. 8. MAILS. A ttorney - at -L aw and S olicitor da, fresh causes for friction are Con­ The Wawo Sun: Saddle and Hamess Shop. ; tinually arising. The valuable1 Mr. H. Herbing arrived home or A merican and F oreign WE GUARANTEE OUR FLOUR._Of BURNS—VALX: Arrives Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 p m. gold field» now being worked on the from New York and Philadelphia J. C. WELCOME - P roprietor . P atents . Leaves Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30 a m. The Highest Price« will be paid for Wheat. Highest Ratea will be paid io exchange for BURNS. OREGON. Yukon river, Alaska, are claimed last Sunday. He describes the po­ BUBNS—CANYON CITY: Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 4 pm. I by the Canadian governmen a» lo­ litical campaign in the East as be­ OATS, WHEAT, AND BARLEY. Leaves Tuesdays, Thu rad a.-a and Saturdays. MECHANICAL EXPERT. cated on it» territory, and Ameri­ ing at fever heat and the democrat­ W-A-T-C-H-M-A-K-E-R luiws—r bin stilli : cans dispute the claim. So the ic enthusiasm. -*»»- 'C all a » d Sit roí Y ovmslv » nroit TiAOita ELatwaiil Arrives Thursday ■ at 6 a m. WAANltaTOK, D. C onice. «1» F «t., X. W. The electric lights will soon be boundary question adds to the dis­ Leaves Thursdays at 6 a m. Jeweler. completed, and we wish to remark BUBNS—LAKEVIEW: Opinions given as to value and validity of cord raised by the fisheries ques­ CHAS. SAMPSON - - B urns , O r . Arrives Wednesdai b it 9 pm. that it is time we began to put on a Patents. Attention paid to Infringement i tion. Leaves Thursdays at 6 a m. and Interferences. Patents for Designs, J. C. PARKER, Postmaster. The President has been notified few citified airs. Trade-MarKs, and Labels obtained. Copy- i Seufert Bros yesterday sent a of the rejection of the treaty by the i rights registered. —AMD- Chinese government*. The exclu­ watermelon weighing 50 pounds, SOCIETIES. Red Front Liverv & Feed ---------------------------------------------------------------- | sion bill, introduced in the House a squash weighing 75 pounds, a HARNEY LODGE. NO. 77. I. O. O. F. by Mr. Scott, a democratic member peerless watermelon weighing 25 Stable Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, everv Saturday at pounds, and a box of assorted ap­ 7:30 pm. J. E. McKINNON, N. G. from Pennsylvania, and passed by B en B rown . Sect’y. LAKEVIEW, OREGON. both houses, has been presented to ples and pears, to Billings, Mon­ H. SCHMINCK the President for his signature, tana, to be exhibited there on the Fiorii ito i EDUCATIONAL. W. C. BYRD 29th. Patents, Caveats and Trade-Marks procured* which it is very likely to obtain. —MANUFACTURER OF TINWARE.— Rejected Applications Revived aud Prosecuted , Supreme Justice Mathews is re­ I f the war tariff doe« not enable All business before the U. 8. Patent Office at­ Farmers need not incur the expense and delay of sending off for G. tended to promptly for moderate fees, and no ported dangerously ill. A METHODIST CHURCH Agricultural Implements, as this House keeps a full stock at Fair manufacturer« to charge more for charge made unless Patent is secured. Bend for Prices. Citizens will find here as complete a line of Hardware and Organization exist« in Burr.», and a com- .•INVKNTOK’S GUIDE.” their good» than they would with ­ M orton loves a pacific policy- A CASH BUSINESS AT BED- molioeM hou.<«e is in course of erection. Crockery as in any other establishment in this section of Country. FRANKLIN H HOUGH, Washington, D. C. . out it, why do they put out barrel« , ROCK PRICES. Canadian Pacific policy. ^• tinwarxof all df . h < riptionh madk to order , call and her goods .^ of money to prevent a reduction? Is onr motto. Good Bnggy Teams, and Nice Saddle llorscs Furnished at Reasonable Chargea.< I>et workingmen think of an an ­ “E llerslie R hinecliff ” is the and Particular Attention paid to the Boarding THE BURNS SCHOOL and Grooming of Tranateut stock. Hay A. Grain * name given by Morton, the republi­ swer for this — E*- on hand. Is a large, white building, conveniently ar­ ranged for the accomm«Miation of birth sexes STATE INSURANCE CO. can candidate for the Vice-Presi- Io out of town 1 tits Mrs. Canfield, teat her. W hy is it that nine-tenths of the L akeview , O bkoon . dency, to his country residence. H. R. SCHLÄGEL A gent . W. E. GRACE pauper laborers landed on the free It is so Hinglish hand haristocrat- -e> FRENCH A NEWSPAPER shores of America come from those ' ic, you know.—Ex. high tariff countries, Russia, Aus ­ Carefollv edited and eoedurted in the interests B urns , O regon . of all is established in Burns, and ciu ulatiw in every part ..f Harney Vauey—Tax E ast Unx- T he Portland News says that tria, Italy and Germany? And why gon hibald . The ssttsfsctcry manner in which the State President Cleveland “is the sole are the poorest snd most ignorant Insurance Company, of Salem, Oregon, has con­ BUGGIES, WAGONS, ET C.,-> of them from the countries of high Mrs. Louis Racine, - * Proprietress. ducted its business, and paid its looses, is proven and soulless embodiment of the by the fact that for the past four years IT HAS great American hog. ’ This is the tariff, the Hungarians, Poles and READING ROOM RECEIVED MORE PREMIUMS. INSURED A limited numberot gntttx ran >«ciir« th« A A«» hM bm Sited II» In Tat Rn.m MORE Ho MEH. and different pn »pert ies. IWU. ■_ way the republican organs have of Italians? Will some of the war tax montromfortaM. lodging room, in the town O«ce. where all th« leadiag perl.dlraM mana Efc MORE PGLIUK8. and TAIL MORE LO8M» advocates answer these questions? the Uriff question OH I at thin home. Tattle, »upplied with ail Rind» Mun. week >1«. and ore».« n.w«aper, are , • r» <>l eatable. the maret afford. 1-1» Gir. I Trit!. t'a